What's Next, A Look Into Biblical Prophecy | Allen Jackson Ministries

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 15

  • @brotherscottt1968
    @brotherscottt1968 2 года назад +2

    So refreshing to hear this today, I felt like Elijah when he thought nobody was left that understood, our messages are very similar and I will be in touch

  • @garycramer7866
    @garycramer7866 3 года назад +3

    Even though this was presented three years ago it is as fresh today as it was then

  • @sunnyday7869
    @sunnyday7869 6 лет назад +9

    Great Sermon!!
    Thank you, Pastor.
    God bless you.😊

  • @dolphin13121
    @dolphin13121 2 года назад +1

    That's a sharp suit pastor😎

  • @janicesimon5740
    @janicesimon5740 4 года назад +9

    The next event to happen is the Rapture of the Church, then a seven year Tribulation to fulfill the Book of Revelation and Associated passages. Then the coming back of Jesus.

  • @shirleychen7412
    @shirleychen7412 Год назад

    Noahide Laws.

  • @trafyknits9222
    @trafyknits9222 Год назад

    Everything in this video is false. How do I know? Read the following:
    On a very stormy night when I was 11 years old, there was outside my bedroom window a sound like a dog in distress. It was a bark and a whimper at once. My parents were at a church meeting and left me alone at home due to a fever that had me in bed since that morning. My love of animals was greater than the discomfort from the fever, so I dressed, grabbed a flashlight and went to help the dog.
    I’d made it about 60 feet into my yard when a terrifying bolt of lightning struck within 20 feet of me. The explosion was blinding and deafening and knocked me to the ground. My ears were ringing as I regained my senses, and I stumbled back to my room, shaken and soaking wet. Fearing that my parents would scold me for being outside in a storm, I took a warm bath, dried myself and got back in bed. I never found the dog.
    But, something miraculous resulted from my brush with death. Through that bolt of lightning, God gave me the power to know when things would NOT happen. Yes, I know it sounds odd, but it’s true. I was absolutely certain that the Lord touched me with that lightning bolt. When one of my school friends would predict that something would happen, a small, calm voice would tell me that it would not happen. Sure enough, the more this would occur, the more it became apparent that Almighty God had given me the gift of prophecy, though in the negative sense. I knew with certainty when things wouldn’t happen.
    This miracle happened in 1961, when I had just turned 11 years old. As people predicted events over the decades, God revealed to me which ones would not happen.
    For example, members of the spiritual group known as “Heaven’s Gate” were told (by leader Marshall Applewhite) that a UFO would come to earth and take them to a paradise on another planet. I told news outlets and even the cult leader himself that it wouldn’t happen.

    When Jeane Dixon predicted that a planetary alignment would destroy the earth (in 1962), again I knew it would not happen, and told my local news station about it.
    In 1967, Jim Jones (founder/leader of infamous Jonestown) said a nuclear war would wipe out humanity that year. I knew it would not, and told everyone not to worry.
    In 1969, a man named George Williams predicted the second appearance of Christ (praise His holy name). I was absolutely certain that it would not happen, because God clearly alerted me that it was not to be.
    When Charles Manson predicted an apocalyptic race war in 1969, I refuted that correctly.
    In 1974, a comet was predicted to crash into earth. I knew it wouldn’t happen, and it did not.
    People may recall that the Jehovah’s Witnesses predicted that in 1975 the earth would be 6000 years old and Armageddon would be finished by then. I totally countered that with the correct fact that it would not come to pass.
    Another correct prediction on my part was in 1976 when Pat Robertson said the earth would end in 1982. I immediately sent a letter to Robertson telling him that God told me it would not happen.
    A man named Edgar Whisenant was certain that the Christian Rapture would happen in 1988. I knew that was incorrect and told several major newspapers that it would not happen. It didn't.
    In 1991, Louis Farrakhan said the Gulf War would be the final war…Armageddon. I told the New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Los Angeles Times that this was totally incorrect. It was.
    But perhaps my favorite refutation of a prediction came when Harold Camping predicted the Rapture would happen specifically on a May date in 2011. I sent his company a letter stating flatly that he was wrong and should stop scaring people. His predicted end time date came and went with nothing at all to report. So, he changed his prediction again to October of that year, and again I told him and his company that he was wrong. Of course, I was correct again because God told me Camping was wrong. October 2011 came and went, and here we still are. Camping passed away in 2013, a broken and disgraced charlatan.
    Moving much closer to present day, the same Jeane Dixon who incorrectly predicted the world would end in 1962, now said the world would end in 2020. Again, I wrote a letter to her (and her manager) explaining that it would not. I was correct.
    In 2012, a pastor named F. Kenton Beshore predicted the Rapture would occur in 2021. On December 31, 2012, I sent a letter to him telling him that he was mistaken. Of course, we now know that he was wrong.
    With regard to future predictions, there is a 1960 article in SCIENCE magazine wherein Heinz von Foerster predicts humanity will end in 2026 due to overpopulation. That is wrong. It will not happen then.
    Lastly, Kent Hovind (a Christian evangelist) predicted in 2015 that 2028 would most likely be the year of the Rapture. It will NOT. I guarantee it. If Mr. Hovind cares to place a major wager on his prediction, I will give him 5-to-1 odds and will take a bet up to $100,000.
    Knowing when something will NOT happen is a gift from God. I have been blessed beyond my wildest predictions. Having foreknowledge of when things won’t happen can save millions of lives and relieve anxiety in millions of people who’re being told that horrible things are just around the corner. They are not. Praise God.

    • @louisvrana7526
      @louisvrana7526 Год назад +1

      Jesus told us that no one knows when the Rapture will be, not even Jesus Himself. All who have studied their Bible knows these things. I think you need to pick up a Bible and study it, and you will see that all true believers knew those same answers that you are calling a prophecy from God to you.

    • @truthbtold2596
      @truthbtold2596 6 месяцев назад +1

      You are calling The Holy Bible false. He is teaching from the Bible. He is Not making end times predictions.
      Call on the name of the Lord and be saved.
      Read God's word.
      Exalt God not self.