习仲勋为何被监禁16年?习近平之母齐心有何感触?习仲勋纪录片第一集:主政广东,拨乱反正/Episode 1 of Xi Zhongxun’s documentary

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024
  • 1990年来深治牙疾,他最终决定留在深圳度过他的晚年岁月,生活12年后患病回京治疗,3个月后去世,骨灰安葬于陕西富平家乡。
    1978年至1980年习仲勋同志主政广东期间,遵循解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,大刀阔斧地拨乱反正,全力平反冤假错案,妥善解决历史遗留问题,坚决贯彻执行党中央关于把工作中心转移到经济建设上来的重大决策。习仲勋同志率先向党中央提出充分利用国内外的有利形势,发挥广东的特点和人文地缘优势,让广东在改革开放中先走一步的请求,党中央、国务院正式批准广东在改革开放中实行特殊政策、灵活措施和创办经济特区,为广东的改革开放奠定了基础,使广东成为中国改革开放的窗口、综合改革的试验区和排头兵,为国家实行对外开放政策提供了宝贵经验。 《潮起珠江》生动展现了习仲勋同志解放思想、实事求是、开拓创新的革命胆略,以及为广东的改革开放事业和经济特区建设作出的重大贡献
    In 1990, he came to treat dental disease, and finally decided to stay in Shenzhen to spend his later years. After living for 12 years, he fell ill and returned to Beijing for treatment. He died three months later and his ashes were buried in his hometown of Fuping, Shaanxi.
    Xi Jinping’s mother conspired to tell this reporter: Reporters are very busy and hard, so I disappeared. All of Comrade Zhongxun’s activities in Shenzhen are judged by the people of Shenzhen themselves.
    At the age of 13, he devoted himself to the cause of proletarian liberation, and at the age of 20, he became one of the founders of the famous Shaanxi-Gansu Border Region. After a life of ups and downs and hardships, you have achieved a healthy life;
    The founding father of the People's Republic of China and the political commissar of General Peng of the Northwest Military Region, Chairman Mao praised him as "young and promising" and "proficient". The youngest among the "Five Horses" who came to Beijing at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China;
    The Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary-General of the State Council was imprisoned for 16 years on trumped-up charges. He was not released until the Four Gangs were crushed;
    He presided over Guangdong's reform and achieved outstanding results, and single-handedly promoted the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. In his later years, in order to watch the development of Shenzhen, he decided to stay in Shenzhen for retirement and stayed there for 12 years; he is Xi Zhongxun.
    When Comrade Xi Zhongxun was in power in Guangdong from 1978 to 1980, he followed the ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, vigorously rectifying chaos, making every effort to rectify unjust, false and wrong cases, properly resolve issues left over from history, and resolutely implement the Party Central Committee's decision to shift the work center to economic construction. Big decisions coming up. Comrade Xi Zhongxun took the lead in making a request to the Party Central Committee to make full use of the favorable situation at home and abroad, give full play to Guangdong's characteristics and cultural and geographical advantages, and let Guangdong take the lead in reform and opening up. The Party Central Committee and the State Council formally approved Guangdong's implementation of special policies in reform and opening up. , flexible measures and the establishment of special economic zones have laid the foundation for Guangdong's reform and opening up, making Guangdong a window for China's reform and opening up, a pilot zone and a vanguard for comprehensive reform, and provided valuable experience for the country's implementation of the opening-up policy. "Tide Rising from the Pearl River" vividly demonstrates Comrade Xi Zhongxun's revolutionary courage to emancipate his mind, seek truth from facts, and pioneer and innovate, as well as his significant contribution to Guangdong's reform and opening up and the construction of special economic zones.
    习仲勋为何被监禁16年?习近平之母齐心有何感触?习仲勋纪录片第一集:主政广东,拨乱反正/Episode 1 of Xi Zhongxun’s documentary

Комментарии • 106