I use the front side mouse button for lethal, back side button for tactical. Mouse wheel scroll up is armor plates, scroll down is reload, mouse wheel press is ping. I like to have all of my weapon stuff on my mouse so it’s close… change weapons is caps lock, interact is e, q is slide, f is dive (if you press this when not running you’ll drop shot very fast), 1 is kill streaks, tab is backpack, the button above tab is map, h is fire rate change, t is mount, g is melee, and I can’t remember what else.
what about this monitor distance thing that everyone keeps saying it should be 1.78 and not 1.33 when using 16:9 monitor...any info about this pls? u are using 1.33 in the video..which some ppl would kill to claim its wrong that way.
hey bro, thanks for the video. I just wanted to say I've changed my setting like this video but my vision in comparison with yours, has some differences. your vision is more colorful and visible. do you use any color filter or something else? or just this setting.
try using the colourblind section. I found out I was colourblind and see reds and greens as the same sometimes. it's in accessibility or graphics I think.
Bread my boy, why you set Dynamic Resolution ON? don't want to bother you but that things set to ON potentially ruin your image quality to hit the refresh rate you put in. Thanks if you reply, bye from Italy
Great advice on the sens. Im on 4.5 800 dpi and and been thinking about trying out the ads multiplier but i cant bring my self to have to different senses
Everything I do, aggressive, passive, cautious all I can ever do is 5 kills max. Most of the time 2-3. Any tips to help? I try to keep high ground, stay ahead of the gas. But any close encounters/1v1 I’m done for.
Use the Bas B + Katt AMR builds (join my twitch tomorrow and tell me you’re Drew from YT and i’ll hook you up with builds if you need). Drive around in an LTV all game and take engagements as needed, play on the LTV as a mobile cover and not just a car. Make it to end zone, rack up 2-3 early game then 2-5 more in the endgame and you could end with 8-10 kill wins pretty easily with practice. You got this! (pop UAVs when you can)
@@Top10VidsforYou yes that’s pretty normal for mouse players. You need to have a large mousepad so you can have a large range of motion. But this game is completely broken for mouse players it’s not even worth playing. I just switched to controller and am doing way better
Makes the Game more sharper and When i use any other nvidia settings my game looks bad or hard to see enemies or also lot of texture popping i got a RTX 3080 ti and Cas setting is the best but also you need to change some Confil file settings
Not sure if anyone's mentioned this already but you shouldn't put dynamic resolution on like you have because this lowers the render resolution depending on the fps you're getting in certain areas of the game which will lower the image quality some what compared to your native resolution.
how is everyone playing with sensivity of 3 to 4 and dpi 800. if I do this I can't even do a 360 without accidently punching my neighboor living 3 doors away. I don'T get it. please tell me what is your windows setting for your mouse!!!
@@Frog0005 He knows hes using 800 dpi... He made that clear in his comment bro. Your response answered nothing. Point is, 3-4 sens on 800 dpi is as slow as molasses ona freezing day. Makes no sense anyone can play with those settings.
@@Silversteele13 that 3-4 sensitivity on 800 dpi is very close to the exact average most lads play on, that’s why we have large mouse mats. Then most also play with an ADS multiplier of 0.85ish to make the ADS speed even slower.
@toast Idk anyone that plays on those settings and I know a handful of people who play this game. Way too slow for me. COD is a fast paced game. You need to be able to make quick adjustments and movements on the fly. I play at 1600 DPI with a 5.5 sens and .85 ADS. Works great for me. I understand to each their own but ill never understand how people play on settings so low like that.
@@Silversteele13 with those settings you are predominantly aiming with your wrist.. with low sensitivity you will be aiming with your arm and making smaller adjustments with your wrist. There aren’t any (as far as I know) pro players that have a sensitivity higher than 2000 dpi & 3 in game.. with the average of competitive/pro players being at about 1600 dpi 2 in game, or 800 dpi 4 in game (which is the same effective sensitivity).
Anyone know why i might not have some of the same setting options as Bbread? He's got his Terrain memory setting set on MAX and i dont even have that. I've got the same GPU as the beast we know as Bbreadman
yoooo Bread.... hey bro has Isaac had the baby yet, i havent seem him around in ages....???? lovin the content my brother..... respect from Australia.....
@@bbreadman at 10:08 into the video you talk about having slide cancel sprint on. That option isn't listed for me in my menu. On my screen it goes; Parachute auto-deploy than to movement advanced settings.
My FPS went from 129 to 87 after these settings, not even kidding. Im running a 3090 and my fps always sucks on cod but these settings unfortunately made it much worse.
Are you playing in 4k or something cuz I get around 140 in 1440p with a 3080. I get like 120 while I’m streaming btw. The only thing I can think of is either you play in 4k which is horrible for fps games, or you don’t have a good enough cpu to actually run a 3090 and it’s bottlenecking it. At any rate for graphics settings jgod has a really good video on it explaining everything.
bevor you give us the best setting can you tell us how did you lvl uped your guns with out playing multiplayer or any other modes ? can you tell us how you started the game with lvl 55?
Cheater in MW3 III he is using an unlock tool has unlocked all the weapons look at his rank when he first started playing the game level 55 lmao aimbotting/walling as usual.
Attention viewers you are watching a cheater scam you with a bunch of BS. Stop supporting cheaters and go support real players. He hit lvl 55 with max weapons and all camos unlocked but yet has never played???? yeah boosted account!! Been playing cod for for 14 years now and this is the reason why are community is going down hill......
do i really need to explain myself? He just started playing it and theres even a video of him go check BBB or Call Of Shame hes a cheater no question about it even the comments under me say so.... Ill let you figure it out you little fan boy!@@cha0ss0ldier-4
I'm about to drop at MINIMUM 2 kills a match after using these settings
This is legitimately exactly the video I needed. Thanks man
Got you!
what dpi is it i use 1600 and it fast
He uses 800 the sens would be 1.94 at 1600 dpi
I use the front side mouse button for lethal, back side button for tactical. Mouse wheel scroll up is armor plates, scroll down is reload, mouse wheel press is ping. I like to have all of my weapon stuff on my mouse so it’s close… change weapons is caps lock, interact is e, q is slide, f is dive (if you press this when not running you’ll drop shot very fast), 1 is kill streaks, tab is backpack, the button above tab is map, h is fire rate change, t is mount, g is melee, and I can’t remember what else.
Do you use 800 or 1600 dpi
THANK YOU SIR for going into explanations of the settings!
Awesome - never heard of that way to gauge mouse sensitivity - thanks for sharing. :p Now to test the bbreadman tweeks on my pewpew. Happy Easter.
love this!!! Thank you!
How come I don't have the "Slide Cancel Sprint" option under Gameplay?
So you play on an 800 dpi?
what about this monitor distance thing that everyone keeps saying it should be 1.78 and not 1.33 when using 16:9 monitor...any info about this pls? u are using 1.33 in the video..which some ppl would kill to claim its wrong that way.
1.33 is not wrong, the devs have it this way because the majority of your aiming is done inside 4:3 box
hey bro, thanks for the video. I just wanted to say I've changed my setting like this video but my vision in comparison with yours, has some differences. your vision is more colorful and visible. do you use any color filter or something else? or just this setting.
try using the colourblind section. I found out I was colourblind and see reds and greens as the same sometimes. it's in accessibility or graphics I think.
great video breadman!
With the default game settings I cannot dropshot in ads will I be able to with these gameplay settings?
If you use a keyboard and mouse on Xbox x/s series, will push to talk work?
Great video! One question: Do you use gradual for ADS sensitivity transition timing?
Hey Bro, great video. Sub earned.. Question for you, not sure you mentioned the ADS Sensitivity transition timing. Should that be Instant?
Static cursor keeps it centered but its not where the actual bullets will shoot, right?
yes exactly =) I think set it to static help to maintain you attention to one thing, less movement on your screen more forcus you are
Maybe too late but I have a question: can you mod sens on cfg file like in Apex?
Huge thanks bread!
Bread my boy, why you set Dynamic Resolution ON? don't want to bother you but that things set to ON potentially ruin your image quality to hit the refresh rate you put in. Thanks if you reply, bye from Italy
its an error, its should be diseable you are right =)
My boy!!!! Best player on WZ all around for the last 3 years. Thnks bro. Literally cause of you i switch to MnK and im in the best on Puerto Rico.
beautiful video bread
beautiful video thanks bread
Great advice on the sens. Im on 4.5 800 dpi and and been thinking about trying out the ads multiplier but i cant bring my self to have to different senses
thanks breadman
How were you level 55 when you didn’t play mW3 at all?
Everything I do, aggressive, passive, cautious all I can ever do is 5 kills max. Most of the time 2-3. Any tips to help? I try to keep high ground, stay ahead of the gas. But any close encounters/1v1 I’m done for.
I’m on M&K
Use the Bas B + Katt AMR builds (join my twitch tomorrow and tell me you’re Drew from YT and i’ll hook you up with builds if you need). Drive around in an LTV all game and take engagements as needed, play on the LTV as a mobile cover and not just a car. Make it to end zone, rack up 2-3 early game then 2-5 more in the endgame and you could end with 8-10 kill wins pretty easily with practice. You got this! (pop UAVs when you can)
You need a controller..
@@bbreadman thanks! Sorry I’m just seeing this now! I’ll tune into twitch and talk in the chat thanks for the advice!
Avoid close encounters because controller has such a huge advantage.
Thanks for this video Bread really appreciate it super helpful
bro a question.when i put my sensitivity on 3 or 8 or even 10 or 15 my mouse literally wont move like baaarly it will move how tou guys are so fast??
Large arm movements, moving the mouse 5-10 cm for those movements.
Its okay to copy on my laptop 15.6inch?
Hey we got the same monitor! May I have your monitor settings please? atleast the brigthness and contrast.
hello i dont see the fullscreen exclusive option idk why
Change "MAP" binding, remove CAPS just leave it on M. If you accidently hit CAPS while in a fight that's pretty much a death sentence.
how much dpi do you use?
He said 800
@@Embrace_Pain800 and 3 mouse sensitivity?? wtf
@@Top10VidsforYou yes that’s pretty normal for mouse players. You need to have a large mousepad so you can have a large range of motion. But this game is completely broken for mouse players it’s not even worth playing. I just switched to controller and am doing way better
My mouse dont have dpi
Some mouse calibration?❤
The Best out there!
Thank you, Glizz master GlizzyBbread! This definitely improved my game 🤘😽🤘
i'm suprised you're using fideltyfx cas on an nvidia card. Any explanation for this? i find i get less frames..
Makes the Game more sharper and When i use any other nvidia settings my game looks bad or hard to see enemies or also lot of texture popping i got a RTX 3080 ti and Cas setting is the best but also you need to change some Confil file settings
thank you sir Loaf
Not sure if anyone's mentioned this already but you shouldn't put dynamic resolution on like you have because this lowers the render resolution depending on the fps you're getting in certain areas of the game which will lower the image quality some what compared to your native resolution.
ads sense type is relative, change it for better responsiveness
which mouse dps use?
thank you:-)
Love it !
how is everyone playing with sensivity of 3 to 4 and dpi 800. if I do this I can't even do a 360 without accidently punching my neighboor living 3 doors away. I don'T get it. please tell me what is your windows setting for your mouse!!!
He runs 800 dpi.. this is probably about 40-45cm per 360.
@@Frog0005 He knows hes using 800 dpi... He made that clear in his comment bro. Your response answered nothing. Point is, 3-4 sens on 800 dpi is as slow as molasses ona freezing day. Makes no sense anyone can play with those settings.
@@Silversteele13 that 3-4 sensitivity on 800 dpi is very close to the exact average most lads play on, that’s why we have large mouse mats.
Then most also play with an ADS multiplier of 0.85ish to make the ADS speed even slower.
@toast Idk anyone that plays on those settings and I know a handful of people who play this game. Way too slow for me. COD is a fast paced game. You need to be able to make quick adjustments and movements on the fly. I play at 1600 DPI with a 5.5 sens and .85 ADS. Works great for me. I understand to each their own but ill never understand how people play on settings so low like that.
@@Silversteele13 with those settings you are predominantly aiming with your wrist.. with low sensitivity you will be aiming with your arm and making smaller adjustments with your wrist.
There aren’t any (as far as I know) pro players that have a sensitivity higher than 2000 dpi & 3 in game.. with the average of competitive/pro players being at about 1600 dpi 2 in game, or 800 dpi 4 in game (which is the same effective sensitivity).
Can someone tell me please why the game is not keeping the settings and I need always to do it again after I long out ones?
prob read only at config
i dont have terrain memory Quality in my settings
Hi master, in a video also show us your nvidia control panel ?
If you put a book or pad under your left hand about 1 or 2 inch high, your hand won't hurt anymore... I can't play without it. :)
Big W.
Anyone know why i might not have some of the same setting options as Bbread? He's got his Terrain memory setting set on MAX and i dont even have that. I've got the same GPU as the beast we know as Bbreadman
Same weird
yoooo Bread.... hey bro has Isaac had the baby yet, i havent seem him around in ages....???? lovin the content my brother..... respect from Australia.....
You save me bro...thx
than kyou bred
thanks broski! switched it up. Lets see how it works for me. Appreciate your vid and your energy! much love homie. keep grinding! liked and subbed
Your monitor coefficient might not be 1.33. Take two minutes measure your monitor and change if necessary. I had to change mine to 1.78 I think
Ayeee Bread, do you have mouse filtering on 2 or 0 ? There was rumors that this settings would fix some things with mnk input! Thx and see ya around!
I do not! I tried it but didn’t feel anything crazy with it
@@bbreadman thanks alot bud. Have a great one and nice holidays! Love from germany
@@tigo96 i think mouse filtering on 2 works only for "legacy" settings. "relative" users wont notice any difference.
Dpi ??
Wow. Look at this fantastic video to make you the best MnK player.
my Kd is going to be + now
You play on a pretty low sensitivity it’s nice to know that I wouldn’t be the only one
Anyone else missing the slide cancel sprint option?
Which one is this one? I can see if I can help!
@@bbreadman at 10:08 into the video you talk about having slide cancel sprint on. That option isn't listed for me in my menu. On my screen it goes; Parachute auto-deploy than to movement advanced settings.
what if this is an extra option for cheaters?
@@SaberousIt’s there.
Change the weapon field of view to wide… this makes your gun look smaller and gives more open space to kill villains
Let's go bread
The bakery abides
have you tried 800dpi with less than 4 sensitivity? snail status compared to breadman's supposed gameplay using these settings.
My FPS went from 129 to 87 after these settings, not even kidding. Im running a 3090 and my fps always sucks on cod but these settings unfortunately made it much worse.
Are you playing in 4k or something cuz I get around 140 in 1440p with a 3080. I get like 120 while I’m streaming btw.
The only thing I can think of is either you play in 4k which is horrible for fps games, or you don’t have a good enough cpu to actually run a 3090 and it’s bottlenecking it.
At any rate for graphics settings jgod has a really good video on it explaining everything.
I have top of the line everything, no other games have issues getting insane FPS but COD I've always just chalked it up as a cod issue. @@zPrideful
bevor you give us the best setting can you tell us how did you lvl uped your guns with out playing multiplayer or any other modes ? can you tell us how you started the game with lvl 55?
Relative is so bad now
is warzone 3 for free?
warzone is free
Cheater in MW3 III he is using an unlock tool has unlocked all the weapons look at his rank when he first started playing the game level 55 lmao aimbotting/walling as usual.
mmm bread
mmm man
The best settings is just to cheat like this dude.
Attention viewers you are watching a cheater scam you with a bunch of BS. Stop supporting cheaters and go support real players. He hit lvl 55 with max weapons and all camos unlocked but yet has never played???? yeah boosted account!! Been playing cod for for 14 years now and this is the reason why are community is going down hill......
Tf are you talking about? Mw3 was out a month before the new Warzone. That’s how everyone leveled up and leveled weapons.
do i really need to explain myself? He just started playing it and theres even a video of him go check BBB or Call Of Shame hes a cheater no question about it even the comments under me say so.... Ill let you figure it out you little fan boy!@@cha0ss0ldier-4
what dpi
What dpi