Coolest thing is that Trisha always throws random ideas at Ethan and 95% of the time he is just down, and he gives no fucks and isn’t embarrassed at all, and you can see how happy she gets, I fucking love this podcast, this duo, and this content.
Never thought we would need four frenemies episodes in 2 weeks but... Can't wait for the next emergency video. Trisha was mentioned by name bruh, it's gonna be a LOT
okay when trisha was like “ill speak for moses and not hila” i thought it really showed how she has grown and gotten closer to hila and taken ethans feelings into consideration after that episode where ethan said not to talk about hila i just love seeing that
I’m so happy for her. I have a family member with similar mental illnesses, and I my self struggle with OCD, paranoia, etc. and it really does take being around the right people to grow.
seriously, all that talk in general about Trisha meeting Moses & Hila's mum made me so happy about how much for the better Trisha has changed. Even the way Ethan and Trisha interact now is much for healthy for all parties involved. This is all proof that it's the realest healthiest thing Trisha has experienced for a long time, they're like a little family already, I love it!
what david group did was bad but trisha is a snicth and betrayed her best friends if u think about it shes a snake her face makes me pissed imagine having a great friend then them exposing ur ass she did something right becasue david and the vlog squad where doing something super illegal but trisha is fucking mean
@@JERRY-oh6jd the whole snitch idea is dumb and choosing to not snitch over doing the better work is just plain dumb. how would you feel if your best friends drove you into a mental spiral and ended up ditching you when you needed them the most? Why would trisha keep all their dirty secrets for the sake of their non exsistent friendship. Dont forget they ignored her and did the most to her. Learn to have care for YOUR SAKE and not for the sake of others, especially those who clearly didnt bat an eye for you. They didnt have a great friendship, she was a prop for the sake of content and it worked. The way you speak makes me think youre young, if you are i hope youll understand this situation when you get older and if youre not then forget what i just said.
Jeff bringing up Trishas unalive atttempt to try to trigger her and then saying he doesn't want to talk about health stuff when it came to himself MADE MY BLOOD BOIL
it is funny but it also makes me sad bc i love jack and i feel like she’s just doubling down bc she doesn’t have a legitimate reason to hate him so much
@@elleixer she probably understands but just doesn't find it funny. I totally agree with her, memes are like 2005 internet vibes, most people have moved on
@@princejellyfish3945 idk I feel like these days memes are mostly for suburban wine moms and corporations who only recently joined social media. just my experience
Best thing about the "trisha flashing" thing jeff brought up is that he prob didn't want to do it but felt he had to bc of david and is now taking it out on trish.... you mean you didn't really want to consent to this? how IRONIC
Yeah cuz he does honestly look a bit uncomfortable there, and his reaction aligns with that. But yeah, hes misdirecting his anger all toward the ither people around him, instead of the sociopath that set him up.
Omg yes , this is so spot on ! It was All David’s idea for the views but he doesn’t wanna put the blame on his homeboy David ...directs the blame towards Trisha, classic Jeff 😒
@@agtaylor2863 nah, he still tried ti trigger trish and assassinate her character, he still blatantly lied about the story that night and is 100% covering for one of the guys. But yes he's also an idiot so he got massacred hahaha
the fact that jeff agreed to the interview knowing he didn't even read the full article just proves he thought he would charm and talk his way out of it and as soon as he realized it wasn't working, he tried to shame trisha for traumatic experiences from her past. the cherry on top of the jerk cake was bringing up the fact that the girls agreed to come there, like that proved anything other than they were fans who were excited to hang out with someone they admired and that person COMPLETELY let them down
It betrays how they all truly see this situation/and consent in general. "They responded to a story asking who was up for a threesome, so they can't really be mad that they got drugged and r*ped when they resinded consent". This is similar logic scott uses in seths situation, and its disgusting. Jeff "taking it back when he realises how ethan and trush reacted says everything. Thats how he really sees this situation, but he knows he can't say that. I think the rest of the VS also shares this opinion, the notion that consent can't be rescinded or taken back, and that because they were promised a fivesome, theyre allowed to take it either way.
@@jessiei6911 exactly! And they could agree to do stuff first and then change their mind once they’re there!! It’s gross that he thought he should bring that up
Listening to them talking about how their kids are gonna be besties breaks my heart. I hope they will reconcile, not for themselves but mainly for moses hila and the kids 😥
I have a theory that the kids have been hanging out. I mean c'mon, how could they not. Recently on Just Trish, Moses mentioned a detail from a recent convo he had with hila
No cause I say this to my bf weekly lol. It’s so sad to know there’s currently 3 (about to be 5!!!!) cousins & they live relatively close to one another, their parents are wealthy and they don’t see eachother!! They would have so much fun together 😩
I pray they do reconnect soon even if it’s off the internet. Every time I rewatch or stumble upon something like that that’s been dormant for years it always starts back up when I revisit. I started rewatching this week and then Ethan mentions it this week on the pod and a few other weird things. Idk but I just hope something positive happens soon
Trish has never had a friend who is like OPENLY her friend and openly sticks up for her. I love this friendship and how she is surrounded by such good people now
@@madisonk2397 yes!!! They are all so good with her. They are so healing for her and you can just see her being so much herself. I feel like she has always played this character but now you get to really just see her as a person without all the hyper sexual/bimbo/trolling
True. Now that she has real friends it's so easy to see how fake her old friends were around her. So happy to see that she's surrounded by people who actually care about her now
I love when she said she thinks she didn’t get triggered because Ethan was there & he is her protector & safe space 😭 This is the power of having good friends in your corner
The fact Trisha is cringing and can’t watch ethans vape nation video is hilarious after we just watched her sing a song about biblical Moses in Half Hebrew, full on music video and spent 80 grand on it lmaooo
"do you think david is gay?" "I don't know, I wouldn't out him if he was" the respect Trisha still has to not do that is really showing, Trisha still cares about their privacy, and they don't do the same for her. that shows a lot.
the irony of the watermark on jeff's video saying to watch the whole thing and not to take it out of context, despite the fact that he didn't read most of the article lol
David peaked in high school. That explains his hobbies and obsession with his reputation. And also this theme of “dodgeball shows” and “anti-bullying tours.” That sounds literally like high school assemblies.
i feel like trish took some meds before the podcast that's why she was so chill (which is good) jeff is such an asshole for trying to trigger someone emotionally vulnerable but i am so glad trisha took it like a boss He really just wants to be out if this situation, so desperate now he just comes off wrong
He’s so immature. He also sent his audience after kat for no reason, knowing perfectly well it would only result in people harassing her for something she didn’t do
Can we talk about someone FINALLY talking about David Dobrik and the animal abuse?? It's sick how they used animals for their pranks and how they traumatized them. I'm glad Trisha mentioned that.
@anonymous Oh please, go look up Lovely Peaches who posted videos about her abusing her dog. Do you know how many people reported it without any success? Social media turns a blind eye to these types of things. Animals mean nothing to them.
I saw comments that said Jeff only had the slightest respect for Trisha because Ethan was there and I 10000% agree. He tried to discredit all the victims, Trisha, Kat etc but because Ethan isn't taking any shit, he felt the need to be charming and persuasive. Really upsetting but I'm glad how protected Trisha feels in Ethans presence !!
Really shows how for a man to truly understand listen and respect a woman she have to have another man behind her, like on her own she's not valued enough
Such iconic examples of actual internet history. This was lightning in a bottle with these two, truly. We didn’t even make it to the merch rollout but god this was a great few months.
So just to recap: David doesn’t drink or have sex, but he encourages everyone around him to. I’m convinced he’s a psycho. (Edit: clearly I shouldn’t have used the word psycho, manipulative or dangerous would’ve been better & just to clarify bc ppl seem to be confused - I’m not saying he’s bad for choosing not to drink (I don’t drink either) or choosing not to have sex, it’s the encouraging his so called friends to partake in damaging behavior for his videos. It’s standing across from a girl who may need medical attention like it’s nothing - all while sober. This is also just an opinion. I apologize for flippantly making a short comment that has been misconstrued)
@@CherryDiMilo I disagree. Pretty clear he orchestrates all this & makes sure he’s not vulnerable bc he’s manipulative & a compete sicko. Why would someone who made a career off pranks be adverse to being pranked if it’s all in good fun? What he does isn’t - he narrates the video & says that he convinced them with alcohol into the threesome, he lured girls over with his fame, he was pictured fine standing across from a girl who couldn’t stand up & later said in that interview “ yeah we had to look bc he didn’t have sex with them unless I saw it with my own eyes”. That’s not normal friendship, that’s controlling & down right gross. What would be exposed if he drank or had sex with his gf or any woman of age? He’s an adult it’s not illegal like what he did, therefore it’s not being “exposed”. What would the headline be? Man of legal age drinks? Man has consensual sex? Doubt it.
@@CalamityJenJones Yeah on the surface level, sure but think about it... he might be sooo ashamed about kinks and fetishes he has which might come to light if he lets his guard down ? why not ? it could a little bit of everything.... Edit: ..maybe he is fighting with himself, one side saying I want to be this party, sex animal, but I also don't want to get into shit, let others do the dirty work .. and making his friends do everything is the easiest way out of this internal dilemma.... who knows...maybe more will come to light ?
trisha sitting there in full joaquin phoenix joker cosplay while ethan explains the state of healthcare in the US and how costly it is for people to get access to the medication or surgeries they need is so funny. that is quite LITERALLY one of the problems faced by the character of arthur fleck in that movie. god i love frenemies
My heart actually exploded when Trisha was talking about how Moses SWEARS that all her songs are bops and he's like "no seriously this is gonna be a hit, this is gonna be big" and then doubling down on his belief that "I Love You Moses" is gonna be huge in Israel. Trisha's biggest hype man is her fiancé and that👏🏼 is 👏🏼 how 👏🏼 it 👏🏼 should 👏🏼 be!
I absolutely love this!!!!!! 😍😍😍I’ve commented this before on other episodes but I’m truly so happy that Trisha is in a healthy loving relationship and has supportive and protective friends like Ethan. And hearing that she’s trying so hard with Moses family 🥺🥺🥺 I’m rooting for you Trish!! 💕💯💕💯
@@ladyslick121 Not really. Partners can be supportive of one another without being that enthusiastic and energetic about it. In fact, most people don't do that kind of stuff. He REALLY believes the stuff he's saying because that's how much he loves her and that's how amazing he thinks her content is. Most partners aren't going to be that much of a hype man (or woman) about their significant other's hobbies/career.
This is why I need the comments section. I always miss the small one off jokes. Ethan has great little one liners. And sometimes Trisha surprises me with her funny comments, the sneak attack ones lol.
@@KittenKat1313 did you catch when a Ethan said “Daddy!!” And he looked at Trisha to see how she would react and she didn’t catch the joke from a previous video they made. Ethan was smiling and waiting for her to remember 🤣
I know there’s a billion comments talking about how amazing this podcast was AND STILL IS and how we miss it but I cannot stress how comforting and funny and sweet this whole thing was…every single thing about this podcast was absolute perfection. Another thing I loved and makes my eyes create some tears is the fact that we could see their friendship grow throughout UGH …sorry everything had to end the way It did
David’s apology video is a prime example of influencers only apologizing when they are losing sponsors. He could have made a video before the situation blew up if he sincerely felt remorse.
STFU!!!! YOURE BEING SO STUPID!!! WHAT ELSE DO YOU FUCKING WANT! Would love to see you handle this if you were in thus position. Please get a life!!! Stop being so hateful
I want them to do an episode where they kind of “discover each other” because I don’t feel like they really know each other’s RUclips history. They could watch each other’s most popular or iconic videos. It would be fun plus a nice stroll down memory lane for each fan base.
Please! Because her watching vape nation not getting it and some of Trishas history sometimes doesn’t mesh. They need to have a history episode for sure
She makes them money, people Stan her and excuse her foolishment, they lose no money if she's cancelled because it's a niche market but they make money from her ads, if they weren't so niche they would have dropped her ages ago because she would sully their business
Yes! It's so nice seeing her seem more relaxed and happy. It's amazing what can happen when you have good people in your life rather than toxic people like the vlog squad.
“Jason was always so miserable around me” yet he didn’t break up with you until David *told* him to. That’s telling. Why date someone you are miserable around, it just gives the person mixed signals.
I love how Ethan encouraged the possibility of pregnancy instead of being negative toward the idea because of what she said. He recognized it was her projecting and saying she doesn't want kids because she thinks she can't, not because she really doesn't want them. Such a great friendship!
Trisha talking about needing redemption for not wearing makeup yesterday - girl that was such a power move, to not be worried about your appearance while you murdered that guy lol
Trisha reacting to Ethans Vape Nation is like when your boyfriend does something super unattractive for the first time and you rethink your entire relationship
I just hate that she’s made a bunch of cringe, crying videos and she thinks Ethan’s videos are cringe and embarrassing lol can’t throw rocks in glass houses
@@CommanderWaddles everyone needs to stop idolizing Trisha. It’s crazy how she’s done so many bad things and y’all will hold her on a pedestal now. I agree she’s grown a lot, but she is still partaking in negative behavior. When she fucks up, it’s ok to call her out. Everyone needs to stop acting like everything and anything she does is amazing and “growth”. I like her but I am still being realistic and I know she’s still a human and it’s important to hold her accountable.
trisha: "i think the only reason i wasn't too sensitive/triggered by jeff is because of ..... you!" ethan: "awww" trisha: "yeah, you're like my ... protector
does anyone else think david timed his new apology after he thought their episode was filmed for the week, only for them to go live right after they seen it 💀
I love Trisha and I agree, out of all the men that she has dated, that have abused her, (they r lowlifes), and any celebs she made out with. All gross. I don't look at Moses and think he's a pervert, that has class, tact, mastery over his emotions, and now undying love for his Queen. And he is very very attractive. I am married, but I have eyes that perceive beauty. He was made beautiful, and watching his interaction with her has made me think his personality has blown him outta the park! The plastic surgery industry will see an ethnic look, let's Ken of Ken and Barbie him up. The I Love You Moses song and video is adorablexmillion.
Im just hoping that trish and ethan saw the tiktok clip of David from a podcast talking about how all he needs is a gay guy for his vlogs and then some Asians for his blogs because minorities are just human props for him
Hey guys this episode was recorded yesterday before David’s new apology. We will be addressing that in an upcoming video. Peace & Love!
Thanks baby girls
I love you guyssss
I'm down for more emergency Frenemies episodes / streams!
We love you guys so much! 💕💗
i would die for an episode of ethan showing trisha his classic videos & trisha showing hers to ethan
Love this idea!!!
Dan if you're reading, make this happen!!
Ez react content and clips Dan, make it happen!
Omg that would be so funny !
Jeff’s video is gone. He just now deleted it. He really does watch all the episodes. Probably the only truth he told the other day
Holy shiiiit they got em baaaaad 😂
n he just deleted it bc i checked ab 20 min ago n it was up but now it’s gone !
If he watches all the episodes he should have seen the full article though edit: they didn't cover it on frenemies my bad
I just finished watching it and now it’s gone lol
this was filmed before Davids "apologies" so they didnt know about Davids video. until after. They are having an emergency podcast today.
trish is dressed as the joker, ethan is dressed as a guy who stans the joker
My thoughts exactly!
off brand jared leto
edit: fight club version
James Holmes. The theater shooter.
Will NEVER stop rewatching these.
neither, it helps me sleep 🥺
@@FVTUREDYL yes! It helps me too.
fr!! these were my comfort videos during quarantine and i rewatch :(
I’ve found my people
Props to Ethan yesterday for noticing Jeff trying to charm them
exactly with his humor
And how quickly he began to attack them when he realized it didn't work
i think that’s just jeff’s personality
Yes I’m glad he shut it down because not gonna lie it was kinda working on my easily manipulated ass
Coolest thing is that Trisha always throws random ideas at Ethan and 95% of the time he is just down, and he gives no fucks and isn’t embarrassed at all, and you can see how happy she gets, I fucking love this podcast, this duo, and this content.
A. Greed.
Ethan is a healthy friend if that make sense!! Especially that Trisha does need someone like him in her life
Literally !! The vibes are amazing. Constant conversation even if it’s about the most random things
Yes! Ethan supports her no matter what now and I love to see it! They get along so well and seem like they have a healthy relationship
Never thought we would need four frenemies episodes in 2 weeks but... Can't wait for the next emergency video. Trisha was mentioned by name bruh, it's gonna be a LOT
Hi D’angelo😳, also yeah, Trisha is for sure gonna go off. Also can’t wait for the inevitable 2 hour video about this that I’m gonna for sure watch
David is gonna get chewed up and spit out on the dinner plate next to shane
I really hope you’re doing video about David Dobrik and the VlogSquad
Hi dangelooo
Respond to SNEAKO
Ethan: *Explaining the domino effect*
Trish: I wish we had a Domino's pizza
Ethan: *GASP* Should We???!!!
the fact that she was like “well i only had” and then listed like 5 things, i relate 💔💔💔💔
“and it was only an appetizer”
@@Susushi03 it’s like that scene from the Office when they go on the work retreat and Phyllis is like “I only had...” and goes on forever lmao
For real LMAO
where in the video is this? i can't find it anywhere and don't feel like watching the whole thing
@@champagnedrew its at 30:29 :))
the H3 team hasn’t slept all week
Literally every day they get called in lol
omg hi queen i love your tik toks
i cant believe #29 is in like an hour lol
@@breannacave wait wdym?
@@Lifeishard237 they going live baby!
Trisha: “I wish I had a Domino’s Pizza”
Ethan: *gasp* “should we?”
This is literally me every time my boyfriend suggests we break our diet for “just one meal” 😂
@@sarahjohnson4114 LITERALLY SAME💀
LMFAO I love that Trisha has a fat friend 😂
😂 this was funny!
Me asf
okay when trisha was like “ill speak for moses and not hila” i thought it really showed how she has grown and gotten closer to hila and taken ethans feelings into consideration after that episode where ethan said not to talk about hila i just love seeing that
I was just about to post a comment that was nearly a word-for-word match to this!
I’m so happy for her. I have a family member with similar mental illnesses, and I my self struggle with OCD, paranoia, etc. and it really does take being around the right people to grow.
my exact thoughts!!
seriously, all that talk in general about Trisha meeting Moses & Hila's mum made me so happy about how much for the better Trisha has changed. Even the way Ethan and Trisha interact now is much for healthy for all parties involved. This is all proof that it's the realest healthiest thing Trisha has experienced for a long time, they're like a little family already, I love it!
@@susannashai8965 im so proud of her i hope everyone sees these videos and her growth it makes me so happy
I love when trisha just giggles and says stupid quietly lol
HAHAH Same I literally say stupid all the time now when I laugh
Same here! It somehow adds more depth to whatever bit Ethan is doing lol
still to this day i say “stupid” ALL the time 😭
Trish: “ I want dominos”
I love these two together sm
what david group did was bad but trisha is a snicth and betrayed her best friends if u think about it shes a snake her face makes me pissed imagine having a great friend then them exposing ur ass she did something right becasue david and the vlog squad where doing something super illegal but trisha is fucking mean
@@JERRY-oh6jd they drove her to try to commit suicide
@@JERRY-oh6jd the whole snitch idea is dumb and choosing to not snitch over doing the better work is just plain dumb. how would you feel if your best friends drove you into a mental spiral and ended up ditching you when you needed them the most? Why would trisha keep all their dirty secrets for the sake of their non exsistent friendship. Dont forget they ignored her and did the most to her. Learn to have care for YOUR SAKE and not for the sake of others, especially those who clearly didnt bat an eye for you. They didnt have a great friendship, she was a prop for the sake of content and it worked. The way you speak makes me think youre young, if you are i hope youll understand this situation when you get older and if youre not then forget what i just said.
@@allisoncastro2907 shit fr didnt know that man im dumb asf im srry bro didnt know
The fact that Jeff said “watch the entire video” yet didn’t “read the entire article” before making assumptions.
You would think someone who has so much at stake would do some due diligence
*tells people not to take his statements out of context while taking the journalist's statements out of context*
How dare you say something so brave.
I love that Moses swears Trisha’s Hebrew love song will be a hit in is Israel. Truly supportive fiancé lmao
I hope it’s very good. I want Trisha to become very successful and shove a boot up vlog squad.
It’s so sweet lol
Dude in comparison to eurovision songs, anything is possible
@@FaustinaFinnerty id never know.
We Stan a supportive fiancé and the video is sooo good Trisha is a queen
Trisha: “cancel Epstein”
Ethan: “he’s... well yeah.. he’s dead”
time stamp ?
@@stephaniecaraballo4343 2:04:17
@anonymous and charles dickins
Jeff bringing up Trishas unalive atttempt to try to trigger her and then saying he doesn't want to talk about health stuff when it came to himself MADE MY BLOOD BOIL
Right? And trish took the hint and didnt keep pressuring him to say anything about his eye. Jeff is so dumb
It was so frustrating. That was his final attempt to save his image by projecting and it just showed he's kinda terrible
I agree ... but all the coded language these days like “unalive attempt” is kinda orwellian
I KNOW RIGHT!!! Trisha kept her cool and I’m proud that she maintained herself
How iconic is it that Honey cancelled their sponsorship with David and now sponsors Frenemies?!
It actually happened after the Shane and ryland thing. They literally stole Shane’s sponsor lmao
@@Leannbby honey has been sponsoring H3 for years.
@@mandymaurier5084 not frenemies. That only happened after the Shane ordeal.
Trisha even made a joke about it in a previous episode.
@@DanSwerdlove-wb5jl omg do you think I meant literally stole it. Jfc.
The fact that Jack’s Films is still Trisha’s end boss main villian is like the funniest thing to me lmfaooo
it is funny but it also makes me sad bc i love jack and i feel like she’s just doubling down bc she doesn’t have a legitimate reason to hate him so much
@@SuggestiveHappyFace i think its a bit like when ethan says yes to any guest
Can someone tell me what happend?
And I still have absolutely no idea why
they should invite jack onto the show and have them resolve the beef lol
continuing the frenemies legacy
Trisha: "is that the twin towers behind you?"
I was wondering if anyone else heard that
Maybe she thought they were rebuilt or something? She can’t be that dumb..... right....?
@@emsa5034 I think she’s just ignorant lol
@@emsa5034 she can. & SHE IS 🙄
its a bit, just a bad one
Trisha not understanding memes when she's literally a meme, is the most meta meme.
I suspect she does understand she just doesn't understand that she understands
Hahahaha 😂
@@elleixer she probably understands but just doesn't find it funny. I totally agree with her, memes are like 2005 internet vibes, most people have moved on
@@emrazum most people were just getting internet around 2005 lol like what? memes are more represented on the internet now than ever.
@@princejellyfish3945 idk I feel like these days memes are mostly for suburban wine moms and corporations who only recently joined social media. just my experience
Best thing about the "trisha flashing" thing jeff brought up is that he prob didn't want to do it but felt he had to bc of david and is now taking it out on trish.... you mean you didn't really want to consent to this? how IRONIC
Yeah cuz he does honestly look a bit uncomfortable there, and his reaction aligns with that.
But yeah, hes misdirecting his anger all toward the ither people around him, instead of the sociopath that set him up.
Praying that Jeff figures this out somehow 🙏💯
Jeff seems like a nice guy and he is handsome but he isn't that bright.Prefect victim for David dobrik.
Omg yes , this is so spot on ! It was All David’s idea for the views but he doesn’t wanna put the blame on his homeboy David ...directs the blame towards Trisha, classic Jeff 😒
@@agtaylor2863 nah, he still tried ti trigger trish and assassinate her character, he still blatantly lied about the story that night and is 100% covering for one of the guys.
But yes he's also an idiot so he got massacred hahaha
the fact that jeff agreed to the interview knowing he didn't even read the full article just proves he thought he would charm and talk his way out of it and as soon as he realized it wasn't working, he tried to shame trisha for traumatic experiences from her past. the cherry on top of the jerk cake was bringing up the fact that the girls agreed to come there, like that proved anything other than they were fans who were excited to hang out with someone they admired and that person COMPLETELY let them down
Sing it sister 🗣
RIGHT and even if their intention was to have sex (which it probably wasn't) they still aren't obligated to bc it's their fucking body
it looks like Jeff is going to do an interview with Keemstar? 🥴
It betrays how they all truly see this situation/and consent in general.
"They responded to a story asking who was up for a threesome, so they can't really be mad that they got drugged and r*ped when they resinded consent".
This is similar logic scott uses in seths situation, and its disgusting. Jeff "taking it back when he realises how ethan and trush reacted says everything. Thats how he really sees this situation, but he knows he can't say that.
I think the rest of the VS also shares this opinion, the notion that consent can't be rescinded or taken back, and that because they were promised a fivesome, theyre allowed to take it either way.
@@jessiei6911 exactly! And they could agree to do stuff first and then change their mind once they’re there!! It’s gross that he thought he should bring that up
Listening to them talking about how their kids are gonna be besties breaks my heart. I hope they will reconcile, not for themselves but mainly for moses hila and the kids 😥
they're not friends because of Moses and hill bruh
the kids spent halloween together i think
I have a theory that the kids have been hanging out. I mean c'mon, how could they not. Recently on Just Trish, Moses mentioned a detail from a recent convo he had with hila
No cause I say this to my bf weekly lol. It’s so sad to know there’s currently 3 (about to be 5!!!!) cousins & they live relatively close to one another, their parents are wealthy and they don’t see eachother!! They would have so much fun together 😩
I pray they do reconnect soon even if it’s off the internet. Every time I rewatch or stumble upon something like that that’s been dormant for years it always starts back up when I revisit. I started rewatching this week and then Ethan mentions it this week on the pod and a few other weird things. Idk but I just hope something positive happens soon
Trish has never had a friend who is like OPENLY her friend and openly sticks up for her. I love this friendship and how she is surrounded by such good people now
Yes. It’s so clear how much it’s benefitted her journey towards emotional stability, her defense and attack reflexes are wayyyy less severe
@@madisonk2397 yes!!! They are all so good with her. They are so healing for her and you can just see her being so much herself. I feel like she has always played this character but now you get to really just see her as a person without all the hyper sexual/bimbo/trolling
True. Now that she has real friends it's so easy to see how fake her old friends were around her. So happy to see that she's surrounded by people who actually care about her now
Hope they don't make her mad.
@@feebsz384 I wouldn't worry about it, unless you're AB
I love when she said she thinks she didn’t get triggered because Ethan was there & he is her protector & safe space 😭 This is the power of having good friends in your corner
Deadass he would shut it down so fast if he mentioned to trigger her. She knows her BIL got her back, it's very sweet.
That's one of the sweetest things ever 😭💜
Awww what time stamp was that?💕
The fact Trisha is cringing and can’t watch ethans vape nation video is hilarious after we just watched her sing a song about biblical Moses in Half Hebrew, full on music video and spent 80 grand on it lmaooo
exactly lmfao
Right!? 💀💀💀
It. Was. Awesome.
The most Trisha thing ever 😂😂
this comment had me panting. thank u jennah truly u sent me i'll be over here heavy breathing lmao
Trisha saying she has to scrape money together to buy a Birkin is probably my favorite thing she's ever said
Can't wait to hear that clip as Ethan gets a little too preachy about something only he seems to care about
Well you'd know that if you read the FUCKING article 😂😂
"do you think david is gay?"
"I don't know, I wouldn't out him if he was"
the respect Trisha still has to not do that is really showing, Trisha still cares about their privacy, and they don't do the same for her. that shows a lot.
That's what integrity is.
It would be really messed up if she did out him tbh
Tell that to Sean
@papa dinero she already said she regrets doing that ...
jeff starting his statement as " im not trying to discredit you or anyone" is equivalent to ethan saying with peace and love
Underrated comment
and "I can only speak for myself" 🤡
"If I saw me in public I'd probably cross the street" AHHAH
the irony of the watermark on jeff's video saying to watch the whole thing and not to take it out of context, despite the fact that he didn't read most of the article lol
And spelling it as CONTEX tho 🤣🤣😭😭
This is the only podcast that I don’t skip when they talk about their sponsorships
YES, it's actually so entertaining lmao. And they made me download honey and buy from adam & eve twice I get excited everytime a new code is out
never a dull moment
Threedom is good too
Omg yes SAME !
I love that Ethan doesn’t even flinch when Trisha says “my fellow Jews” he’s just accepted that she thinks she’s Jewish now
@Queen Vibes yeah I was more commenting on how upset Ethan used to get when she would call herself Jewish and now he doesn’t
@katya I agree!! I just think it’s funny that Ethan used to be so upset by it and now he isn’t fazed at all
i laughed so hard at this comment
lmao I was thinking that too
30:30 will always be my FAVOURITE clip of Ethan that GASP and "should we" kills me every damn time.
I replayed it like 5 times, so good 😂
Me too. Every time!!
Me when I’m drunk literally
some oatmeal, nothing serious - i need that tshirt
Trishas divorce analogy is spot on. Thank you for not punishing us and giving us another day with daddy
This lip color on Trishy is kind of like everything, not gon lie
Yessss, the little clown upturned corners are unironically hot AF ♥️
It must be so fun being her glam team! She has these fun creative projects each week.
right! it looks so good on her!!!
She looks incredible in this costume!!! The bra matching her hair and the blazer with her makeup ?!?! FIRE!!!
The lip and the hair together on her is absolutely definitely everything
Trisha relating the frenemies schedule to a dad seeing his kids on the weekend was fair😂
So relatable and hilarious ahaha
Honestly it’s so accurate I look forward to it every week bc dad buys me dominos and mom makes me eat keto 🤢
Right?! I was so hoping they would still do the regular episode. So glad they did.😂
So accurate 😂
@@elyseshires6314 that’s child abuse , keto is disgusting
David peaked in high school. That explains his hobbies and obsession with his reputation. And also this theme of “dodgeball shows” and “anti-bullying tours.” That sounds literally like high school assemblies.
It’s sad that a lot of upcoming content creators look up to his squad as like a basis on group dynamic. Little they know how toxic it’s actually is.
He always mentions how high school was the best time of his life!
you’re not wrong!!! he also blew up on vine around his junior-senior year so it was the highlight of his life. sad.
Is it peaking if he was still very successful after he had finished school though?
@@snoozyq9576peaked mentally
Jeff was ABSOLUTELY trying to trigger Trisha. NOT OK. I am so happy that Trisha was strong enough not to succumb. Proud of you, Trish
No he wasn't.
i feel like trish took some meds before the podcast that's why she was so chill (which is good)
jeff is such an asshole for trying to trigger someone emotionally vulnerable but i am so glad trisha took it like a boss
He really just wants to be out if this situation, so desperate now he just comes off wrong
@Alex c My guy, what???
He's a douche and was lying but relax lmao
He’s so immature. He also sent his audience after kat for no reason, knowing perfectly well it would only result in people harassing her for something she didn’t do
I can imagine Trisha wearing her bridal dress on a Frenemies episode shortly after getting married. xD
I would die
So cute omg
as Bride of Chucky would be epic!
one of her bridal dresses, with three weddings i'm sure she'll have several
Hopefully Hila's brother wont marry her. She's abusive and toxic af.
If David is *so* open to discussion now, y’all should get him on Frenemies.
I doubt he’d ever he’s be scared she’s ambush him
yes. ^^^
i would pay to watch that
he would bomb worse than jeff lmao
Can we talk about someone FINALLY talking about David Dobrik and the animal abuse?? It's sick how they used animals for their pranks and how they traumatized them. I'm glad Trisha mentioned that.
Yes especially those people that supply them the animals are horrible at taking care of them
Wait, what? What did they do to the animals? I'm sorry I'm not caught up, I've never watched these people in my life
@@iaminconstantpain9524 they take the animal and use them to scare and/or prank david's friend and it can traumatize and scare the animal
@@luckyxxi6176 no wonder Liza Koshy had had an animal abuse moment back them too. Propably stem from hanging out with David.
@anonymous Oh please, go look up Lovely Peaches who posted videos about her abusing her dog. Do you know how many people reported it without any success? Social media turns a blind eye to these types of things. Animals mean nothing to them.
I saw comments that said Jeff only had the slightest respect for Trisha because Ethan was there and I 10000% agree. He tried to discredit all the victims, Trisha, Kat etc but because Ethan isn't taking any shit, he felt the need to be charming and persuasive. Really upsetting but I'm glad how protected Trisha feels in Ethans presence !!
Exactly! And even then he tried to throw in that she's not to be trusted as she tried to commit suicide 🙄
The only way to get through a misogynist is through a man
its honestly so disturbing
Really shows how for a man to truly understand listen and respect a woman she have to have another man behind her, like on her own she's not valued enough
Jeff strikes me as a mysogynist
Does anyone else just picture Moses standing in a dark corner for the entire duration of the podcast?
can see him sitting in a chair in the dark while his phone screen lights up his face
Yeah with a full glass of water
This made me laugh so hard
i always picture him sitting on a grey bench surrounding by light fixtures 😭
Now I do 👁👄👁
ethan explaining memes to trish will forever un alive me 💀
I love your video!!!
I have a sickness for the thiccness
Stella you are here omg I love you my favorite with my favorite duo
Such iconic examples of actual internet history. This was lightning in a bottle with these two, truly. We didn’t even make it to the merch rollout but god this was a great few months.
Wym we didnt make it to the merch rollout i own the hoodie lol
Trisha being like “I feel awkward doing lives” meanwhile her RUclips videos are practically raw unedited footage
True, but also she was sooo good live. She did such a good job !
And she was so well composed in that interview. Jeff did everything to try to trigger her, and it slipped right off her
Trisha dressed as joker addressing these clowns is kind of iconic 🥰
This needs more likes
Yessss 😩👏
Joker Brain
She is the clown🤡🤡🤡
@@braedendepoint9683 I would say the sexual assaulter is the real clown but okay
One thing about Trisha is that she really sells the Adam and Eve sponsorship. She’s so professional and sells so well.
that's why through all of her cancellations adam and eve have stuck by her. they probably wouldnt even have half of their customers without her lmao
@@jessiei6911 so trueeeeeee, they need to always sponsor her because she helps them get that coin!
Agreed, I kind of get irritated whenever Ethan interrupts her sales pitch cause it's so damn fascinating to watch how well she delivers it 😁
Definitely got me thinkin bout getting some stuff from there! But like after my wisdom teeth heal cause I got them out Monday! Weehee!
@@Lara-xu3yc haha so true, I’m like ‘with peace and love Ethan please be quiet, Trisha is in her zone’
I love that trisha says she is embarrassed to do things in public but she can dress as the riddler in a mcdonalds, in full glam lol
I know, I could never
@@Apk1991cuz u are basic
James Charles better thank his lucky stars that the blog squad is going down in flames and distracting everyone from how much he deserves the same
His time will came soon hopefully
@@Himanshi.Y can’t wait for that shit show
He'll do it again cuz he's always fucking up so don't worry 😬
I’m lost. What happened with James?
@@lainey6234 he's always praying on underaged boys and using them and he gets away with his faults..
So just to recap: David doesn’t drink or have sex, but he encourages everyone around him to. I’m convinced he’s a psycho. (Edit: clearly I shouldn’t have used the word psycho, manipulative or dangerous would’ve been better & just to clarify bc ppl seem to be confused - I’m not saying he’s bad for choosing not to drink (I don’t drink either) or choosing not to have sex, it’s the encouraging his so called friends to partake in damaging behavior for his videos. It’s standing across from a girl who may need medical attention like it’s nothing - all while sober. This is also just an opinion. I apologize for flippantly making a short comment that has been misconstrued)
Maybe Dobrik is soo fearful to have flings with others and drink a. they might prank and expose him ?
@@CherryDiMilo I disagree. Pretty clear he orchestrates all this & makes sure he’s not vulnerable bc he’s manipulative & a compete sicko. Why would someone who made a career off pranks be adverse to being pranked if it’s all in good fun? What he does isn’t - he narrates the video & says that he convinced them with alcohol into the threesome, he lured girls over with his fame, he was pictured fine standing across from a girl who couldn’t stand up & later said in that interview “ yeah we had to look bc he didn’t have sex with them unless I saw it with my own eyes”. That’s not normal friendship, that’s controlling & down right gross. What would be exposed if he drank or had sex with his gf or any woman of age? He’s an adult it’s not illegal like what he did, therefore it’s not being “exposed”. What would the headline be? Man of legal age drinks? Man has consensual sex? Doubt it.
@@CalamityJenJones Yeah on the surface level, sure but think about it... he might be sooo ashamed about kinks and fetishes he has which might come to light if he lets his guard down ? why not ? it could a little bit of everything....
Edit: ..maybe he is fighting with himself, one side saying I want to be this party, sex animal, but I also don't want to get into shit, let others do the dirty work .. and making his friends do everything is the easiest way out of this internal dilemma.... who knows...maybe more will come to light ?
Imagine calling someone pathethic and then weiting a whole paragraph about something you didnt witness and then acting like its the truth
I always thought it was weird and manipulative
trisha sitting there in full joaquin phoenix joker cosplay while ethan explains the state of healthcare in the US and how costly it is for people to get access to the medication or surgeries they need is so funny. that is quite LITERALLY one of the problems faced by the character of arthur fleck in that movie. god i love frenemies
It is so iconic
My heart actually exploded when Trisha was talking about how Moses SWEARS that all her songs are bops and he's like "no seriously this is gonna be a hit, this is gonna be big" and then doubling down on his belief that "I Love You Moses" is gonna be huge in Israel. Trisha's biggest hype man is her fiancé and that👏🏼 is 👏🏼 how 👏🏼 it 👏🏼 should 👏🏼 be!
I absolutely love this!!!!!! 😍😍😍I’ve commented this before on other episodes but I’m truly so happy that Trisha is in a healthy loving relationship and has supportive and protective friends like Ethan. And hearing that she’s trying so hard with Moses family 🥺🥺🥺 I’m rooting for you Trish!! 💕💯💕💯
LOL - thats the bare minimum...
@@ladyslick121 Not really. Partners can be supportive of one another without being that enthusiastic and energetic about it. In fact, most people don't do that kind of stuff. He REALLY believes the stuff he's saying because that's how much he loves her and that's how amazing he thinks her content is. Most partners aren't going to be that much of a hype man (or woman) about their significant other's hobbies/career.
U missed a clap. Its 👏supposed👏 to 👏end 👏in👏 a 👏clap👏!
@@ladyslick121 stop abusing that phrase. It’d be the next “cancel”.
Lowkey the cutest thing when they were talking about their kids being cousins
Like 2 shows ago Trisha said she had to spend time around kids and changed her mind about wanting one
@@Xosidhe That was just a joke ❤
@@pinky1068 chill lol
@@pinky1068 why r u shouting bby
I was scared they weren’t gonna post 😭
Literally highlight of my week
Same here!!!!!! Holy shit! Lol
Ethan saying "I had oatmeal...nothing serious" is the most relatable thing I have heard in awhile lol
This is why I need the comments section. I always miss the small one off jokes. Ethan has great little one liners. And sometimes Trisha surprises me with her funny comments, the sneak attack ones lol.
I reminded that part 3 times.... I died
@@KittenKat1313 did you catch when a Ethan said “Daddy!!” And he looked at Trisha to see how she would react and she didn’t catch the joke from a previous video they made. Ethan was smiling and waiting for her to remember 🤣
that killed meeee lmao theyre so cute
Yes lol I got that too
The only podcast I don’t skip the ads for because they’re still funny lol
Clone a willy
When sponsors like Honey drops David and picks up Frienemies. The world is balanced again.
imagine seat geek picks up frenemies instead 😂
@@cailin7838 that would be hilarious cuz seat geek got David EVERYTHING.
@@rissa9118 he’s crying rn 😳
@@solm.6184 he’s obnoxious laughing through the tears 😭
Wow thanks for the likes guys! 😍😍😍.
"It's not like your whole day is ruined because I didn't buzz my hair"
"It kind of is because then it would have gone with my outfit"
It’s such a mood tho
I was shook to see this
I KNOW! I was so worried there wasn’t gonna be one since they did the live on Sunday, but yay!
I know there’s a billion comments talking about how amazing this podcast was AND STILL IS and how we miss it but I cannot stress how comforting and funny and sweet this whole thing was…every single thing about this podcast was absolute perfection. Another thing I loved and makes my eyes create some tears is the fact that we could see their friendship grow throughout UGH …sorry everything had to end the way It did
I feel the same
Trisha and Ethan are like siblings who fought all through their childhood and then realized they could be friends in adulthood
Perfect example
The irony of Jeff putting “watch all 20 min of the video....” but didn’t read the whole article
Holy fuck 🥴
Lmao 😂😂🤦♂️
he didn’t even spell context correctly 😭
David’s apology video is a prime example of influencers only apologizing when they are losing sponsors. He could have made a video before the situation blew up if he sincerely felt remorse.
STFU!!!! YOURE BEING SO STUPID!!! WHAT ELSE DO YOU FUCKING WANT! Would love to see you handle this if you were in thus position. Please get a life!!! Stop being so hateful
They only learn when there's consequences.
@@josiesmith9709 David is a horrible person 😂
“i wish we had a dominos pizza”
*LARGE GASP* “should we????”
i love how they hyped each other up with food
“Theodore already says my name, he was like, Trisha.” -Trisha Paytas 2021
LMFAO !!!!
Time stamp?
@@sophiele2104 1:51:34
This made me LOL
trisha defending the fans saying "they deserve an episode and not be punished"
The divorced parents comparison felt hella accurate lmao
i love her
I’m cackling 😂🤣
I want them to do an episode where they kind of “discover each other” because I don’t feel like they really know each other’s RUclips history. They could watch each other’s most popular or iconic videos. It would be fun plus a nice stroll down memory lane for each fan base.
Please! Because her watching vape nation not getting it and some of Trishas history sometimes doesn’t mesh. They need to have a history episode for sure
This is a great idea! Love that
omg this!!!!
Great fucking idea!
comment too boost!
Ethan mimicking David’s laugh is everything
"Yesterday was a bonus. They shouldn't be punished."
Be still, my beating heart
@@lonistalcup4321I love that sticker!😂😂
Hila could never
Ethan is so fucking sweet to Trisha, their friendship is everything
right?! they have such a brother and sister energy I love it
Can we just appreciate Adam and Eve for sponsoring Trish even through her years she was being cancelled.
Shoutout to their family ☮️♥️
Adam and Eve are more loyal than a commited monogamous couple. King shit.
She makes them money, people Stan her and excuse her foolishment, they lose no money if she's cancelled because it's a niche market but they make money from her ads, if they weren't so niche they would have dropped her ages ago because she would sully their business
dude honestly i stan adam and eve like that 50% coupon is actually so convenient
@@brittv420 Right!? AND free shipping! The best
Istg this is the only show where I don’t skip when they talk about their sponsors
What's istg?
@@ShreeNation i swear to god
Trisha saying she wants a dominos pizza and Ethan going "should weee?"
1. made me spit out my drink
2. should be a meme
3. a vibe
Serious bestie vibes
Put the minute plssssss
30:28 for everyone who needs it 😭
I need this as a gif
Another fave moment!!!
Ethan, Hila and Moses are literally healing Trisha with love.
I say this all the time! I love ethans patience and love towards her! She deserves it!
and all of them are healing my depression
Yes! It's so nice seeing her seem more relaxed and happy. It's amazing what can happen when you have good people in your life rather than toxic people like the vlog squad.
with peace and love
It’s so amazing to see her so happy
Ethan being annoyed and angry that Trisha don't understand the meme is a WHOLE fucking mood
Fr it was a perfect meme
O no me me me a mi
“Jason was always so miserable around me” yet he didn’t break up with you until David *told* him to. That’s telling. Why date someone you are miserable around, it just gives the person mixed signals.
He was def using her for money and popularity
Because he was broke
“I never got to bully anybody...I guess that’s a good thing idk” she’s so funny unintentionally 😭
I think Jason was a prick to Trish because he knows that she's funnier than him. 💀
And she doesn’t even need to try to be funny
The fact this is probably the truth 😂
She is so effortlessly funny
y'all just making shit up now.....jason is infinitely funnier than trisha
@@feetntoesenjoyer i can tell you don’t like her, but putting her aside that man isn’t funny at all.
Trisha: cancel Epstein
Ethan: he...he’s dead ☠️
Frenemies dialogue is solid gold without even trying
been looking for this comment!😂😭
time stamp?
I can’t believe it’s been almost three years since this was posted. I still watch monthly and miss it so much.
I love how Ethan encouraged the possibility of pregnancy instead of being negative toward the idea because of what she said. He recognized it was her projecting and saying she doesn't want kids because she thinks she can't, not because she really doesn't want them. Such a great friendship!
Mosses would be a great dad too! He’s so supportive
Can’t agree more. That’s such an important distinction to make. Only a great friend would recognize that 👍🏾
Trisha talking about needing redemption for not wearing makeup yesterday - girl that was such a power move, to not be worried about your appearance while you murdered that guy lol
She bodied him barefaced lol 💅🏾
Yes! I think she looks great without make up.
100% She is a natural beauty 😍
Trisha reacting to Ethans Vape Nation is like when your boyfriend does something super unattractive for the first time and you rethink your entire relationship
I just hate that she’s made a bunch of cringe, crying videos and she thinks Ethan’s videos are cringe and embarrassing lol can’t throw rocks in glass houses
@@hpsevenjuly She's aware of it though, she even tried to be supportive through the cringe & it's wonderful growth
@@CommanderWaddles everyone needs to stop idolizing Trisha. It’s crazy how she’s done so many bad things and y’all will hold her on a pedestal now. I agree she’s grown a lot, but she is still partaking in negative behavior. When she fucks up, it’s ok to call her out. Everyone needs to stop acting like everything and anything she does is amazing and “growth”. I like her but I am still being realistic and I know she’s still a human and it’s important to hold her accountable.
my daily life, except I'm him
“I just had some oatmeal, nothing serious.”
God damn it I love how they talk about food.
Why is nobody talking about how good Trisha looks with dark hair?!
That was the FIRST thing I thought when I started the video. The dark green is amazing.
That was literally my first thought when I seen the thumbnail! She looks so good!
Omgosh yes. I've always loved her with darker hair
It's probably a conspiracy!
she did black hair for her Jennifer's Body cosplay and she looked amazing!
trisha: "i think the only reason i wasn't too sensitive/triggered by jeff is because of ..... you!"
ethan: "awww"
trisha: "yeah, you're like my ... protector
25:53 :)
that was seriously so pure n cute😭😭😭
@@TheMaggiemcgrath22 you are a fucking queen for this lol i replayed the whole thing and couldn't find it
@maggie right???? 😭
Stop its so cute
Trish:”I wish I had a dominos pizza”
Ethan: “Oh 👀 should we? 👀”
This was seriously too priceless!!!
I couldn’t stop laughing 😆
This was the best part lmao so cute
that was so adorable I love this podcast🤧
Time stamp? Just cause I need a good feeling moment...shitty day at work .
I love how Trisha regularly posts hour long unedited videos but her critique of Vape Nation is “it needs to be shorter with faster cuts” 😂
does anyone else think david timed his new apology after he thought their episode was filmed for the week, only for them to go live right after they seen it 💀
My exact thoughts lol
thats the first thing i thought when I saw that he released it at midnight
exactly like the last time 😤
That’s what I though before the live went up
Oh yeah totally. I think releasing it at 2 am or whenever it was was very intentional too
Trisha: “I don’t wanna embarrass you”
Ethan: having a grown out orange mullet with an avacado stained shirt
he looks hot wdym😩
@@chey2044 so hot
@@chey2044 why is he a literal dilf
He's handsome stop 😂😂
@@K8ieC18 lolllll totally
She looks good 👍👍👍
She a clown in real life. That’s the joke
Right! The best Joker ever!
@@amyjones4056 hater headass still prolly better than u where’s your profile picture 🤣
@@amyjones4056 shut up amy
Can we take a moment to appreciate Trisha’s joker look, she looks STUNNING
Ethan imitating and mocking David’s obnoxious laugh is everything 😂
Anyone have a time stamp of this?
@@krschu00 14:42
I have headphones on but my sleeping kitty still jolted when David's laugh played 🤣
That’s always my favorite part when they show David clips🤣😂😂
Its the best bit of this video!! haha
Trisha using the black cup and Ethan using the pink one honestly just completes the yin-yang ... super wholesome 🥺
Omg I love it so much
Omgggg just noticed that!! 💗🖤
ikr it’s the cutest 😭💕
And Trisha's dressed as a super dark character and Ethan's looking all light and pink and fluffy
I love Trisha and I agree, out of all the men that she has dated, that have abused her, (they r lowlifes), and any celebs she made out with. All gross. I don't look at Moses and think he's a pervert, that has class, tact, mastery over his emotions, and now undying love for his Queen. And he is very very attractive. I am married, but I have eyes that perceive beauty. He was made beautiful, and watching his interaction with her has made me think his personality has blown him outta the park! The plastic surgery industry will see an ethnic look, let's Ken of Ken and Barbie him up. The I Love You Moses song and video is adorablexmillion.
Im just hoping that trish and ethan saw the tiktok clip of David from a podcast talking about how all he needs is a gay guy for his vlogs and then some Asians for his blogs because minorities are just human props for him
yooo i gotta see that
I literally just saw this on tiktok
And then he brought on Reggie
@@charlie2782 I cant find it again