大家又猜錯啦,稿是我自己寫,Superteam 沒提供內容或方向,只是說他們的輪圈很高性價比,也沒有要求我拍獨立評測,但知道我的,我會把事做到盡頭。 superteamwheels.com/ Coupon code 優惠碼: bikeguy 5% discount. Please understand we already sell them at very competitive prices. instagram.com/superteamwheels?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
3 Possible problems: 1. The material may not match with, adhere and lock your bike frames properly. It may slip. So, this is weak. 2. The locking range is very limited, if your fork is slightly larger, it's very difficult to push the fork, even if you screw it in by force. But after all, it's the fork's fault. 3. The end parts jiggle a bit. You have to lock it just extremely perfectly. It's more difficult to adjust the resistance. In some cases, no matter how your adjust them, the wheel will move side to side, which is not a good thing But, i have a bike which is perfectly fine with these skewers. So, after all, it depends on the bike's quality and material. I have 3 pairs of these. Each pair perform differently on different bikes.
Hi dear, on that website, there is a general note indicating 2 years warranty for the classic series, however under wheel specification, it says 3 years. Also, it does not state that the brake pads are included in the package. And the coupon code given is NOT applicable !!! There is no info on rim brake line of any model. The website seems very brief !!!! I doubt if there is another website, but there is not.
I tried the code: bikeguy, it worked. there may be some discrepancy, but they will improve. It didn't say brake pads are included but I asked them, they confirmed brake pads are included.
calm down, no need to use so many exclamation marks. it's just a box of wheels. if accessories are confusing, just ask. Info on the website may be missing here and there, but at least, I am surprised with the quality. You know, they just started this site, even the English description on the front page was written by me... so give them some time to improve, I will tell them. The hub also come with a spacer so 8 to 10 speed cassettes can be used. It's also not written on the site.
the rim brake line info is also missing for sure. i will tell them. i know it's confusing and causing some troubles, but. you know, i am only a content creator who made the review for them. I'm sure there's more they can improve. Thanks for your understanding
I am hesitant and not using any carbon parts is due to the quality, a high quality carbon part build process is very tedious and take a long time thus the high cost, most people buying cheap carbon parts don't understand this and blame carbon part when it crack and break.
besides, superteam makes OEM products for renowned global brands, so quality is assured. but surely we cannot tell which one. Expensive stuff also cracks. Cheap stuff doesn't necessarily have to be dangerous....according to my experience.
更正:那並不是無內胎氣嘴🙏🏼🙏🏼,是 氣嘴延長器。
大家又猜錯啦,稿是我自己寫,Superteam 沒提供內容或方向,只是說他們的輪圈很高性價比,也沒有要求我拍獨立評測,但知道我的,我會把事做到盡頭。
Coupon code 優惠碼: bikeguy
5% discount. Please understand we already sell them at very competitive prices.
過獎了🙏🏼,山寨式製作, 拍這些東西也是有代價,心情並不是太好。 希望拍多啲自己想拍嘅原創題材。
@@bikeguyhk 我知道好多厂做轮组的,都好垃圾,虽然是价格便宜,但是真的容易裂,花鼓也是假的DTswiss。所以那么多年我都在superT*** 工厂拿货。
因為我太想知道佢會唔會爛😅👨🏻🔧 再次多謝師兄入嚟睇片
@@Thomas-Ho 如果我自己出錢買嘅話一定唔會咁做 🤣。 我都叫佢寄啲最低成本嘅舊貨,無謂浪費錢。
@@bikeguyhk 一個字,爽🤣
winspace hyper lun😁😁 佢係喺隔離,友好合作關係
@@bikeguyhk 我後輪又係入銀坑渠花咗兩撻,心痛!😂
請問係邊個系列? Rim / disc?
The video is very good. The introduction is very detailed in all aspects, recommended
thanks. i just casually came up with the script. 😅
多謝測試分享, 令到我呢啲新手唔洗盲摸摸亂買野
如果你追求輕量,同埋極致嘅運動表現, 都有其他牌子選擇嘅。
🙇🏻♂️SuperTeam 網站,因為剛剛開始, 資訊我都覺得有些不夠齊全, 新的剎車邊資料,和圖片沒有。
的確會送快拆桿,和剎車皮,而且有花鼓圈墊可以裝回8至10速飛輪 ,但是網站沒有寫。 希望大家體諒一下給他們多點時間改善, 我認識他們兩個月,他們是有能力的人,會努力改善的。 大家請體諒🙏🏼🙏🏼
有埋花鼓圈墊真好,可以解決上番隻Sram 飛輪,唔洗TB一隻返來時,運費貴過個圈。hehe....
@@dereksiu645 如果冇咗可以問我呀,我會俾一個你。🙌🏽
@@bikeguyhk 有呀... 依家換埋電變12T,不用需圈墊了。 用了3個月感覺良好,剩係吸震的效果已經👍👍👍。
@@dereksiu645 2023 Ultra 隱藏式輻條,無胎墊系列, 就快推出,不過呢,我哋一般用家,入門classic /S Leopard 已經好開心。
@@dereksiu645 電變12😁👏🏻👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼, 師兄已經一步跳到化境。 小心俾路上嘅 ‘’左搖右擺auto-drifting新手‘’,撞到你舊變速器😅🙏🏼🙏🏼
獨立評測 暫時清曬啦,可以專心拍自己嘅嘢
S系列係貴過雜牌少少, 但起碼我虐待完佢之後真係冇穿冇爛冇搖
有無師兄玩緊classic rim 版?有無評價?
佢寄緊落嚟,請稍等。 評測10月或前,會出。classic 外國評分為4.6/5.0。 我一樣會做爆胎測試。 至於點解有人話會好快爛,可能有其他原因,我唔知道。 可能係氣壓打太高,同埋踩得太激烈,爛路, 又或者調節不當。
起步加速大概有四成嘅改善,但運行 感覺,係天同地。
我已經唔係最頂級型號,頂級型號可能更加 明顯,因為輕多200g。
@@michaelng873 極速,如果有腳力嘅人嚟講,係冇分別, 但係因為密度高咗,又用咗破風條,會更加容易去到。
我本身唔鍾意踩快車,我鍾意欣賞風景🤣, 同鐘意安安全全, 完完整整 返屋企。 但係路感 真係返唔到轉頭
看晒全片雖然是廣告,但因為你是用廣東話。我已很久沒有添新器材了。不過知道有新產品都是好事。我現時還是用緊有近二十年的九速Durace:) 希望可以看到更多新產品介紹。謝謝。
我也不會追求新款,或名車的😅 公路車也是拍攝用途才隨便買
🙇🏻♂️🙇🏻♂️S Leopard 基本型號我是很滿意的,其他我沒有試過。 非常感謝師兄的信任, 祝你的貨品品質也是一樣🙏🏼。 我已主動推介另外一位影片創作者拍攝此品牌,因為我覺得可以分擔壓力,和可以推廣到更加多人手中。
@@bikeguyhk 收貨後,試驗了!再跟你分享一下感受。
@@bendomlam 太好了👍🏼我也會試 其他系列產品
@@bikeguyhk 留言等用後感,我都考慮購買對用
N.G 片段, 好滑稽。😄
Free hub body: which one is suitable for Dahon K3 plus 349?
i) Sram SXR
ii) Shimano 11/12s
if you're running shimano cassettes, go for shimano,. there's a spacer so it fits 8 to 10 speed cassettes.
@@bikeguyhkI'm using Dahon original 9s
正呀 我愛你😂 準備買😂
唔使一定買我哋㗎,😁 追求輕量就買第二啲牌子 ,不過休閒用家,其實superteam 最平嗰對都夠用。
Hi,你下面提到外買406車建議用RT或litepro,我都想幫部陳年dahon sp18換對litepro,想問下淘邊間比較穩陣?可以比個連結嗎?謝!
呢間網店信譽超卓,唔使睇其他, 有師兄用緊呢隻, 虐待咗佢幾個月都冇事 ,記得揀間啱尺寸,唔係冇仇報
【淘宝】m.tb.cn/h.fBMXzTx?tk=79Z82ruwjUv CZ3457 「LP Litepro折叠车20寸轮组406/451碟/V刹小轮5培林120响超轻轮毂」
@@samsonwong8756 嗰啲係花鼓闊度,要自己量度,rim brake通常前74後130, 也可能係前100後130, 碟刹係前100後135。thru axle 桶軸花鼓係更另外一隻濶度。
@@bikeguyhk Tks, 尋日都度過同上網查過下,sp18前後hubs闊度應該就係74/130。
你乜嘢車? 唔熟嘅舖頭 收手工費㗎, 不如我同你整啦,你Instagram聯絡我,免費👨🏻🔧🙋🏻。
@@bikeguyhk RB呀,你肯免費我都唔好意思啦
451 folding bike can use it?
sorry, we currently only have 406. 451 will be available later.
We have 451 wheelset, which will be put on the site soon.
@@superteamwheels9821 我都對 451 有興趣
你好,厦门的相关产业很发达,很多家国际大牌都是出自厦门或者由厦门工厂代工(我们的工厂给数家大牌代工,轮组价格由1000-3000一组不等) 大陆的代工厂水平有好有坏,我们不敢说质量是第一,只能说凭着良心做嘢😁
Can you tell me what the problem was with the light quick release skewers? The ones you mentioned from taobao.
3 Possible problems:
1. The material may not match with, adhere and lock your bike frames properly. It may slip. So, this is weak.
2. The locking range is very limited, if your fork is slightly larger, it's very difficult to push the fork, even if you screw it in by force. But after all, it's the fork's fault.
3. The end parts jiggle a bit. You have to lock it just extremely perfectly. It's more difficult to adjust the resistance. In some cases, no matter how your adjust them, the wheel will move side to side, which is not a good thing
But, i have a bike which is perfectly fine with these skewers.
So, after all, it depends on the bike's quality and material.
I have 3 pairs of these. Each pair perform differently on different bikes.
and one more thing... one pair of mine was very noisy....i swapped back to the original with nothing else changed, the noise was gone...
Thanks for the info.
Did you try the ones supplied by superteam.. are they any good? Did they have same problems as the light ones from taobao?
@@victortan5362 They're good. But let me abuse them longer and report to you😄
Hi dear, on that website, there is a general note indicating 2 years warranty for the classic series, however under wheel specification, it says 3 years. Also, it does not state that the brake pads are included in the package. And the coupon code given is NOT applicable !!! There is no info on rim brake line of any model. The website seems very brief !!!! I doubt if there is another website, but there is not.
I tried the code: bikeguy, it worked. there may be some discrepancy, but they will improve. It didn't say brake pads are included but I asked them, they confirmed brake pads are included.
calm down, no need to use so many exclamation marks. it's just a box of wheels. if accessories are confusing, just ask.
Info on the website may be missing here and there, but at least, I am surprised with the quality.
You know, they just started this site, even the English description on the front page was written by me... so give them some time to improve, I will tell them.
The hub also come with a spacer so 8 to 10 speed cassettes can be used. It's also not written on the site.
FYI, I tried the code bikeguy on PC, Windows 11, Chrome browser, the code bikeguy worked.
i also tried code bikeguy on mobile, it also worked.
the rim brake line info is also missing for sure. i will tell them.
i know it's confusing and causing some troubles, but. you know, i am only a content creator who made the review for them. I'm sure there's more they can improve.
Thanks for your understanding
碟406,前100後135mm,花鼓濶度。,9至11速都有啱用, 8到10速用飛輪圈墊,有送。
有呀,佢哋更新咗已經有, 但都要睇 小心睇尺寸,同disc。
5% discount
都係鳩試🤣 呢條樓梯冇難度, 太高嗰啲我哋又唔夠膽,驚炒車。
咁你放心啦,有啲人話踩咗呢個牌子幾年都冇問題, 我哋亦都有做歐美牌子嘅代工。
java 呢個牌子啲嘢,送畀我真係唔要, 唔係呢度有雜聲,就係嗰度壞。
@@clarkpang2480 落樓梯個下,其實冇乜信心, ng咗4次,竟然乜事都冇,直,圓。入銀又係大力扭,真心勁。
@@clarkpang2480 有時唔係睇個牌子喺邊度, 係睇工廠員工👨🏻🔧,有冇心機去調校機器,同埋手勢。
單車零件,可大可小,可搞出人命, 所以搵到有良心公司,好緊要。 我同佢哋合作兩個月以來,睇到superteam 佢地人品,真係幾好,又聰明。
406有,圈剎碟剎都有,bmx系列就係, 7到11速飛輪都啱用。
如果我外賣406,我建議你上淘寶買RT 或litepro 。 我自己同個friend都用過,真係唔錯,又超輕, 最緊要係幾百蚊就有得玩。
失誤片段成廿幾分鐘㗎, 呢度係最精彩嘅🤣
比賽練習用SuperTeam, 唔駛下下駛幾皮貴到癲
349 好貴. 哈哈. 細GE 反而貴. 估計同工艺, 及少人用有關.
@@johnlong9862 冇計啦, 土地問題, 搵面牆來掛都冇位。😆
Hubs sound 如何?
dt350 我係, 片中有試,聲音中等, 其他型號未試過。 對我嚟講冇影響,因為, 越大聲嘅通常阻力越大。 小心啲踩就可以。
@@bikeguyhk 阻力越大代表冇咁好嗎?
有305,35mm depth, 25mm width,clincher,需要的话很快上架✌
@@superteamwheels9821 放毒品上架了😄。
@@bikeguyhk 小心滴,等下引来差人
@@superteamwheels9821 太好了,如有資訊請再告知
有香港師兄買咗佢話ok嘅,冇問題, 等我清埋佢2023新產品條片,下年應該全部拍, 包括其他限纖維產品, 如水壺架
@@bikeguyhk 比心機👍💪🤳🙏
未必會了, 咁樣拍好辛苦, 同埋我講咩嘢都有人話唔好啦, 我有諗過放棄唔會再拍片。
@@bikeguyhk 吓,唔好呀,你啲介紹同教學真係好有用,由其你啲教學片,我睇左好多條調變速器嘅片,係睇你嘅教學先明,同埋你介紹嘅配件性價比係好高。其實你唔好加入嗰d戲劇元素已經好精彩,因為你講野好精景。(同埋你啲演技係好生硬)期待你下一條,如果介紹多啲如何挑選平靚正配件同測試更正(我覺得係你強項同你有嘅風格)。一定有人會挑剔架啦,同佢講聲多謝哂咪算囉,真心咁多意見,佢自己拍嘛。
@@lhy1002 好生硬?
@@bikeguyhk 我老婆睇完話,啲戲假左啲喎'.........不過你講野好抵死,佢又幾鍾意睇,佢唔係單車友,純我睇時佢偷睇到,而家係自己搵嚟睇(可能你靚仔掛......)。我本身都係在網上買配件多,所以你啲配件介紹係好幫到我。加油呀!你啲片係好有風格。我最喜歡係你跑馬地送外賣經驗分享條片。幾有意思。🙂
@@lhy1002 我係特登㗎。
嗰個係中學生嚟㗎, 我只係普通運動衫😅
@@mr.on9 😄😄😄
@@mr.on9 superteam's exclusive model
仲去咗元朗南生圍, 大坑東
@@bikeguyhk 果然認真測試,去晒港九新界😂
@@edgarYKL 片,由頭到而家,都係蝕錢嘅。 但係要做就做好佢。
入銀嚇到我飆尿, 更得人驚嘅係佢哋輪組真係堅。
@@堅奇 猜錯了,SuperTeam 叫我自由發揮, 內容稿子,他們一個字有沒有提供。
我是了解完產品,和觀看了 世界各地用家 的評價, 加上自己的使用感受,才去寫稿的。
他們也沒有叫我拍獨立評測, 只是說有流量,在片頭就好了。
為咗感受到碳分別, 我又轉返鋁合金啦😁
@@bikeguyhk 想問下java原裝刀鈴同碳鈴有幾大分別?
@@wenye8170 我未用過,但係有樓下有師兄話,原廠無論係碳,定鋁合金,質量都好差。
唔洗屎忽開花嘅🚽,降低少少氣壓🎚。 車胎打太硬, 乜嘢路都屎忽開花。。。😅
碳纖維嘅好處就係遇到凹凸嘅時候,佢有緩衝作用, 車胎打太硬另計。
友人新買了super team走了幾轉大冷一個月內,個hubs報銷了...
如果你喺其他地方買,保證唔到發生乜嘢事, 例如係咪正貨。
另外有情況是師父斷錯症, 快拆桿 ,或他部件出現問題, 我試玩一個星期後都以為壞咗,原來係支快拆桿。 用返原廠就冇事。 我虐待完車輪,而家仲玩緊。
我唔知你壞,報銷,嘅定義係乜嘢? 我身邊有好多踩單車嘅,都以為為各種零件壞,其實就冇壞嘅,係需要調整一下啫。
如果係官網正貨,遇到技術上問題,應該係聯絡返廠家,去提供售後服務, 會最幫到你個朋友, 喺呢度講冇乜用。
馬牌一濕小心,跣到仆街,我4000sii 受害者,隻手做左一年物理治療,以後都唔用呢個牌子
我相信未必關某一隻牌子,或某一個型號事, 而家一般啲人鍾意打到好硬如 100psi以上,其實我唔鍾意,我28mm胎打75psi。 打得太硬,任何車胎都會跣。 最後希望師兄出入平安。
@@bikeguyhk 當時微陣雨,25mm胎,我體重79kg 85-90psi左右胎氣,合理的 胎印字係95-120psi
我朋友都試過呢個牌子跣低所以唔敢再用,而家用Pirelli 暫時覺得咬地一點,兩對鈴, P-Zero 25c 行靚路 / Cinturato 28c 真空行冇咁靚路
@@Kwok-ks7hd 收到,Pirelli 口碑唔錯,下次試下先👍🏼。 不過馬牌,真係太貴喇, 休閒用家冇必要用到呢隻。
@@Kwok-ks7hd 我試過畀樹上嘅爆漿果實跣到攤攤腰,Schwalbe 406 road crusier.. 🤣
廣告必須LIKE 我都有D 屎忽痕換對60刀玩下 睇下先 唔該BIKE 人
真係唔買都嚟睇下,如果行得走得就冇必要買啦,除非真係, 有錢冇掟洗🤣🤣
I am hesitant and not using any carbon parts is due to the quality, a high quality carbon part build process is very tedious and take a long time thus the high cost, most people buying cheap carbon parts don't understand this and blame carbon part when it crack and break.
since i got them free. i abused them, so far so good. no injuries.
besides, superteam makes OEM products for renowned global brands, so quality is assured. but surely we cannot tell which one.
Expensive stuff also cracks.
Cheap stuff doesn't necessarily have to be dangerous....according to my experience.
@@bikeguyhk that's good to know! 😊
Nice video and review
thanks as always bro