Friends around me all say that when buying big-name bags, they should buy authentic ones, and fake ones will look fake at first sight. The next day I took out the replica bag I bought on *preluxs* and none of them noticed. They slapped each other in the face, so only I knew whether it was true or false, and I thought it was true even if I didn’t say it.
Obsessed with the mk totes both creme and light pink definitely want the small mk tote in my life 😍 💕 love the hk ball and mk gorgeous sandals ❤ so many cute bathing suits and candles especially the icecream scented 😮
mamacoo You are so well-informed about luxury accessories and bags. You've obviously done your due diligence and the comparison to the US is very informative...because of course, I live in New York. thank you very much
Wow what a great day for you in tjmaxx I love it all.the shoes are so cute.. it looks very hot in Florida today., love your hat.... hope you have a wonderful day and see you tomorrow 🤗💖🤗💖🤗💖💖😍🤗🙏💘........
new video is live!!видео.html
Thank you Krista I went to TJ MAXX and got me a handbag makeup and perfume ❤
That is awesome!
Have a sensational Sunday Krista💫☺️!! Love,all these incredible hidden goodies🩷🎀..definitely a overflowing cart shopping experience🙌🏼🌸🌸🛒🛍️.
Thank you! You too!
Friends around me all say that when buying big-name bags, they should buy authentic ones, and fake ones will look fake at first sight. The next day I took out the replica bag I bought on *preluxs* and none of them noticed. They slapped each other in the face, so only I knew whether it was true or false, and I thought it was true even if I didn’t say it.
I love the hello kitty and friends insulated and regular tote! The iridescent Karl crossbody is very pretty! Anything iridescent is my weakness.
Sweet Sunday Krista and loving the makeup section today!!!🩷🩷🎀🎀❣️❣️🤗
Yay! Thank you!
Obsessed with the mk totes both creme and light pink definitely want the small mk tote in my life 😍 💕 love the hk ball and mk gorgeous sandals ❤ so many cute bathing suits and candles especially the icecream scented 😮
This kind of vlog keeps me so inspired! ❤😍
mamacoo You are so well-informed about luxury accessories and bags. You've obviously done your due diligence and the comparison to the US is very informative...because of course, I live in New York. thank you very much
Love hello kitty tote 😊
I love your Pink Chanel bag ❤ so cute.
Cute goodies liked the bags so cute nd the candle I bet was good smelling 😊
It was!
The MK totes and purses so gorgeous 😘😘😘😘😘 Hugs Krista ✨✨✨✨ I think TJ Maxx won for sure
I think so too!
Thank you for the video Krista ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
You are so welcome!
Absolutely loved the pink MK💞
I loved your outfit and of course all your hello kitty finds and all the backpacks and purses 27:01
thank you
I love the candles
I’m obsessed, with the candle section 🩷🌸🕯️.
Great and cute finds at both stores!!!!
Thank you! 😊
Hi Krista ✨💖 Loooove your bag 🤗 Thank you!💕 Happy Memorial wknd ❤️🇺🇸🪖Have a beautiful day 🌞🌴🌺🦋👑🐝
I’m a new RUclipsr and you inspire me soooo much🥹I enjoy your videos a lot
The Burberry shoulder bag is everything! I loved it, also the coach bag is so cute!! I would love to know what you end up buying ❤😍
Wow what a great day for you in tjmaxx I love it all.the shoes are so cute.. it looks very hot in Florida today., love your hat.... hope you have a wonderful day and see you tomorrow 🤗💖🤗💖🤗💖💖😍🤗🙏💘........
Thanks so much
own the mini GiGi Micheal kors bag love it and got it on sale $80
Hk soccer ball so cute
👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼💃👍🏼👍🏼 I love to see you shop so keep up the good work
Where is that ?
I don't know how you locate all the Adidas. It's my fave sneaker and I never ever see it at Ross, Marshalls or TJ
Please suggest perfume for gift for women
Happy Sunday
You too!!
I like the coach sneakers
🩵so gorgeous!!!
Thanks girl
Yaaay I’m early🥹
Get The Longchamp Backpack 🎒 👠💄🕶️👡🩴🩱👒✨💃🌟🛍️🩷🥰
I need $1,000 😫for a vacation 😂!!
Hey girl
Hey girl
You remind me of Denise Richards, both beautiful. ♡
Hey girl
@@kristabrusso greetings sweetie. How is your memorial day? have a good day.
The details between the bags are minor and anyone purchasing the *preluxs* will not be worried about the stitching etc