I am so proud of lam ying shi doing this interview. Does wing Shi talk mandrian or fokken. send Wong Gee Liang or hui Ngai with lam ying shi send them to Washington dc USA east coast of Rockville md. i missed yin shi. she is a good friend as sister. where is lam wing shi 2017-2018? can I have her as a godsister? since I have no sisters?
曉毅做人比較放。志良性格比較內斂。努力 加油。衷心祝福志良。頴施一起開心生活 共同𡚒鬥有美好的將來
請各位班政家。前輩 編劇家給他們多些演出機會。我旅居美國夏威夷祈待。祝福。大家保
I am so proud of lam ying shi doing this interview. Does wing Shi talk mandrian or fokken. send Wong Gee Liang or hui Ngai with lam ying shi send them to Washington dc USA east coast of Rockville md. i missed yin shi. she is a good friend as sister. where is lam wing shi 2017-2018? can I have her as a godsister? since I have no sisters?
ellsa fung