Qin Immortal Life 秦·長生不老

  • Опубликовано: 24 ноя 2021
  • In 211 BC, after Qin Shihuang eliminated the six rivaling kingdoms to dominate the world, he began to yearn for an immortal body in order to rule his empire forever.
    Qin Shihuang appointed Xu Fu to take the thousands of boys and girls to find the elixir of life. In the historical books, Xu Fu never returned.
    However, as a historian, you have another thought. You think that Xu Fu had obtained the elixir of life and offered it to Emperor Qin. The Emperor also rewarded Xu Fu with the elixir of life. The construction of the Qin Mausoleum was a distraction, creating the illusion of Qin Shihuang’s death, and hiding the elixir of life in the depths of the Qin Mausoleum. Qin Shihuang also sent the loyal Xu Fu to guard the Qin Ling and protect the elixir of life.
    Today you formed a team elite for an expedition, ready to enter the depths of the dusty Qin Ling tomb that was untouched for more than two thousand years. Will you be able to find the elixir of life? Has Qin Shihuang actually achieved immortality?
    There is only one chance to enter the depths of the Qin Mausoleum. After many calculations, it is estimated that the structure of the cave can only maintain it’s structural integrity for 45 minutes after being blasted open. As the leader of the expedition team, you need to decide if you really want to venture into the Qin Mausoleum to explore this ancient wonder and possibly meet your demise!
    秦始皇委派徐福帶同金童玉女到仙山尋找長生不老藥, 為歷史上記載,徐福一去不返。
    但,身為歷史學家的你,卻有另一個想法 ,認為當年徐福已取得長生不老藥,並獻給秦始皇,秦始皇亦獎賞長生不老藥給徐福,二人同時擁有了長生不老之身! 而興建秦陵只是掩飾,製造秦始皇已死去的假象,並將長生不老藥藏於秦陵深處。而秦始皇亦委派忠心耿耿的徐福,看守秦陵,保護長生不老藥。
    今天你組成了一隊精銳的探險隊,準備進入塵封兩千年多的秦陵深處尋找長生不老藥!到底你的想法是否屬實,秦始皇是否已得到永生,陵墓內只是掩飾並藏有長生不老藥? 你能否解破徐福設下的機關,取得長生不老藥?

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