How China beat the US in the Aviation race in just a few years

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 558

  • @JohnnysCafe_
    @JohnnysCafe_ Год назад +361

    It is wonderful to finally have a super power that is for peace and the the the benefit of all mankind ❤️🇨🇳

    • @祖宗-e5o
      @祖宗-e5o Год назад +17

      Great CPC

    • @jxxxxx44
      @jxxxxx44 Год назад +4


    • @momcilopucar8749
      @momcilopucar8749 Год назад

      @@jxxxxx44 👈👹Who's bot you're??👹🖕🐒

    • @servanttoall4037
      @servanttoall4037 Год назад +1

      America means Gun Bomb and destruction, while China means infrastructures around the world

    • @christophresmerowski1824
      @christophresmerowski1824 Год назад +6

      There are already 6 Superpowers! out there....
      Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City and Malta

  • @anihcgno
    @anihcgno Год назад +61

    🇨🇳 Every day on the path to continuous improvement ❤️

  • @potblack243
    @potblack243 Год назад +133

    and usa wants to compete china to build infastructure in africa 😅
    what a joke

    • @branbran9129
      @branbran9129 Год назад

      US never built anything in africa only wars

    • @СергейРудой-ч6к
      @СергейРудой-ч6к Год назад +10

      У них богатый опыт, уже восстановили Ирак, Сирию, Ливию, Афганистан.

    • @ZhongDe-s6w
      @ZhongDe-s6w Год назад

      @@СергейРудой-ч6к 🤣🤣🤣

    • @JohnSmith-sm7ez
      @JohnSmith-sm7ez Год назад

      US has better infrastructure on every ranking out there, obviously. Chinese airports have the worst delays globally. All flash but pure shit.

    • @JohnSmith-sm7ez
      @JohnSmith-sm7ez Год назад +1

      US has best universities, best innovation…. Obviously. Every ranking will say this.

  • @azharidris7092
    @azharidris7092 Год назад +336

    Rafa.. not being rude.. US airport infrastructures is no just behind with China.. its very behind with some of the ASEAN countries like Singapore or Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur.. they kept harping that the US is the biggest economy yadayadayada.. so embarrassing.. US infrastructures in all fields are thirdworld and outdated.. seriously..

    • @gracelim2336
      @gracelim2336 Год назад +6

      Be Humble and then the Good Lord Almighty will Lift u UP. United Provinces of China's 800 million Chinese were Lifted UP to live Good Lives. He let the Arrogant U$ Sink.

    • @silentwatcher1455
      @silentwatcher1455 Год назад +1

      Blame your sick man of America,Biden. He used all money for war making activities and overthrowing foreign govts. He wasted taxpayers' money.

    • @陈诚-i9f
      @陈诚-i9f Год назад +44

      but they have more military bases all over the world .

    • @wongpohchan9485
      @wongpohchan9485 Год назад

      The reason is that the US focuses on its wars, military and its 800 military bases spread throughout the world and not forgetting it has appointed itself as the world's policeman. All this cost money, pronto, hundreds of billions of dollars. And each time it wages war, hundreds of billions flow out from your country. Didn't your country of the people tell you that?

    • @zerozero7843
      @zerozero7843 Год назад +41

      ​@@陈诚-i9f so who care....the only happy is military company supplier...

  • @BatCountryAdventures
    @BatCountryAdventures Год назад +152

    It's the same in UK.
    It was absolutely torture to fly out of the Manchester airport. The check-in system was out of order so there was no online check-in so there was long lines to do that. Queue for security was insane long. Ventilation was just terrible. The X-ray machines were outdated so you have to take out ALL your electronics, not just your laptop but cameras, tablets and ALL the wires! Some airports I have been to don't even ask for people to take out their laptops anymore.
    It was almost as if the designer of the airport hated people. You have to wind around through the duty-free shops before getting to the over-capacitated food court. Not only are there not enough seating in the areas next to the boarding gates, there wasn't enough even room to stand! If you are heading to a gate at the end, you will have to weave your way through all passengers waiting at the gates along the way. Forget about motorised walkways and other amenities like water and vending machines. There was barely enough room for people.
    It was insanity.

    • @JohnSmith-sm7ez
      @JohnSmith-sm7ez Год назад

      Flight delays in China are 10 times worse than UK.

  • @yongzhu8454
    @yongzhu8454 Год назад +262

    If the United States had spent the money it has spent on wars and instigating and exporting color revolutions in the past 20 years on domestic infrastructure, I believe that the prosperity, employment, and happiness brought to the people would be something that China could never catch up with.

    • @danlan3433
      @danlan3433 Год назад +42

      That’s a BIG IF!

    • @gracelim2336
      @gracelim2336 Год назад +1

      @@danlan3433 Very True
      They Never Change since the Day they Invaded Americas and killed the Red Indians who had migrated from China thousands of years ago.

    • @jpnphom5470
      @jpnphom5470 Год назад +4

      I wouldn't live if China even if you paid me..😂

    • @库拉-m1l
      @库拉-m1l Год назад +39


    • @chongkf2220
      @chongkf2220 Год назад +1

      Unfortunately majority Americans voted the politicians who are so corrupted happily receiving kickbacks and commissions from weapon suppliers.

  • @kennykhoo1689
    @kennykhoo1689 Год назад +73

    Problem with US is the government is not focusing on their own internal issue but rather on the world. Monitoring countries that might change them economically and then will use their yearly budget to increase their military rather than channeling to their people.
    To summarize, US need WARS to survive cause their economy is on military and thus US hate WORLD PEACE and will CREATE their own WARS! It's a FACT and what more showing is the WMD of Iraq and UN had closed their both eyes and thus the many other WARS followed.
    Funny thing is before Iraq US already on WAR path.
    Just search how many WARS US has involved after WWII

    • @MrThejboe3oh5
      @MrThejboe3oh5 Год назад

      Is that not the job of the government? To protect the country from outside manipulation or threats.As we have state governments and the people of which are equal in power,to create the environment of which you'd like to live in.If the people do not take care of it or create the conditions of which they'd like to live,then you live in what you made of it and the federal government does not and should not have the power to interfere with the personal life,liberties and persuit of happiness of its citizens.They are the government, not babysitters or dictators of indivduals lives.We are free individuals,the only job the government has,is it to make sure that outside interference does not happen, that will devalue what has been worked for,from the outside,of which will compromise the peoples ability to live and produce as they choose.They are only there to observe and make choices regarding foreign policy,as well as step in and help if natural disater happens,or as i stated before"outside threat ,manipulation or actions trying to manipulate the state of the country and its progress,maintain the law and govern within it(the laws protect people from other people).That is the whole point in "The United States" and checks and balances" if at any time the people decide to work together as free individuals,without being forced to do it and live within the idea of community and working together,then it would be a great place to be and it was done by free will.As well you can obtain this same environment by each individual taking care of themselves,while being good people,fair people and taking others into consideration before acting or deciding,so that there is less problems because if everyone is maintaining themselves, then good chance that others are able to do the same and there is less problems in between the lines (I will take care of myself,so that you are able to take care of yourself)your time will be free to be social, attend to family and friends or continue to work or which ever balance un your life you prefer,as long as you take responsibility/accountability for your actions without having to be worried about everyone else,trying to solve everyone elses problems while creating your own problems while doing it(mental,physica,financial l)Imagine if we have succeeded at mmm let's say 25-50%, then imagine 100%.The U.S does not act,it reacts on the foreign level and we do not create wars,but we have no problem in reacting.You cannot blame a whole country of individuals,that make individual decisions,so you will have to blame whom ever you believe took actions of aggression towards whom ever it is you say it was against,as well I'd hope it is not an assumption, based on what you are being told by someone else and has atleast evidence of which proves guilt and proves your beliefs being justified.

    • @kennykhoo1689
      @kennykhoo1689 Год назад +4

      @@MrThejboe3oh5 🤣🤣🤣

    • @MrThejboe3oh5
      @MrThejboe3oh5 Год назад

      @@kennykhoo1689 So who exactly are you blaiming? Which individual?

    • @MrThejboe3oh5
      @MrThejboe3oh5 Год назад

      @@kennykhoo1689 or since all you can do is laugh, should I assume that what you said was only a joke?Because rhen ill laugh with you.Do you live in the USA?You stated something was a "fact" but did not provide any facts.Ask Kuwait why we were in Iraq...Ask those that were trying to fight off Iraq from privatization/ take over of the entrance to the Persian gulf,ask why they would make claims of having WMD, if they did not? and then you might realize that it was a reaction.What did the U.S benefit from this?

    • @kennykhoo1689
      @kennykhoo1689 Год назад +4

      @@MrThejboe3oh5 laughing at your long written comment where the world knew what the US is which I will summarize for you "warmongering"😂

  • @xz1891
    @xz1891 Год назад +77

    To say us airports rundown is too kind, it's totally shabby

    • @MakkSon101
      @MakkSon101 Год назад

      America prefers spending billions in nonsense and useless wars than building beautiful infrastructures.

    • @stevennotthe2997
      @stevennotthe2997 Год назад

      no you cant call them shabby. They are more trash dumps than airports lmfao

  • @peterchan3889
    @peterchan3889 Год назад +52

    Problem with America, they spend all the money on WARS & MAINTENANCE OF 100'S OF MILITARY BASES AROUND THE WORLD. Helping others country on wars.

    • @god6667
      @god6667 Год назад +14

      Waging war is a traditional American culture

    • @michaelxu8987
      @michaelxu8987 Год назад +2

      almost 1000 bases lah

    • @허명준-c6e
      @허명준-c6e Год назад

      미국은 침략과 전쟁을부추켜 무기팔고 인간의 피로장사하는 나라입니다

    • @marklee8512
      @marklee8512 Год назад +10

      Helping others on wars? Helping? You must be kidding!

    • @ekayonosuwito3298
      @ekayonosuwito3298 Год назад +6

      Not 100,but 800 military bases bros. 👍👍👍

  • @so-Qai
    @so-Qai Год назад +48

    China works Hard in Development other than some others who only do harm to other countries.

    • @JohnSmith-sm7ez
      @JohnSmith-sm7ez Год назад

      How dare you. Covid from china destroyed the world for a few years. US medical innovation is way, way ahead of any other nation globally. This has saved billions of lives . Thank god they defeated the Nazis and the communists.

  • @terryediwa4892
    @terryediwa4892 Год назад +28

    What you can see is China take a few years, but what you can not see is China prepare a lot in the last few decades

  • @petruscaymus7326
    @petruscaymus7326 Год назад +66

    When it comes to infrastructure, it's more proper to compare USA to Moldova or Niger.
    USA is decidedly now a 3rd world nation when it comes to infrastructure. Did you not hear about the i-95 collapse in Philadelphia just this past week?

    • @afonsopedro7636
      @afonsopedro7636 Год назад +12

      They said it will take long time to be fixed. I was like why though, that's a major freeway nd needs to be prioritized and fixed asap 😂😂😂😂

    • @skizzurp6880
      @skizzurp6880 Год назад +2

      It's expected to be fixed in 2 weeks. a fuel truck basically exploded underneath an overpass.

    • @pohmoh3590
      @pohmoh3590 Год назад +4

      skizz Let me know when I-95 fixed in 2 months. 2 weeks? 😂

    • @blushwolf8260
      @blushwolf8260 Год назад +1

      @@pohmoh3590 Its been fixed for a few weeks now..

    • @truthsower4560
      @truthsower4560 Год назад +7

      @pohmoh3590, And these fools have the nerve to say made in China is no good! I watched a video made by an American living in China a few months ago and he showed data that revealed American bridges are collapsing at a rate of about 12 times higher than Chinese bridges! Even brand new American bridges have way more problems than Chinese bridges! Chinese bridges not only use better materials, but its engineers are actually more cutting-edge than the American engineers! Maybe made in China is #1 instead of made in the USA, eh?

  • @TAL142
    @TAL142 Год назад +121

    Most of US airports are very outdated. Be careful with your luggage, they may get lost or stuck in conveyor belt and get damaged. At least most I can remember is the circle conveyor type that they keep sending luggage out piling up the conveyor belt. Unlike foreign airport, they usually don't have anyone there to sort out the problem. Even the security to check your luggage when you leave the pick up area. It is very stressful in the US airport to pick up passengers since the security never get close enough to pick up. So you just have to drive around and hope you get lucky. Everyone just want to leave as quickly from the airport as possible. And usually you need at least 1 hour before your flight, nobody is really spending a lot of time in the US airport. I don't think US have any huge infrastructures for 20 or 30 years now other than typical freeway projects.

    • @andia968
      @andia968 Год назад +4

      US military infrastructures are top notch though

    • @TAL142
      @TAL142 Год назад +13

      @@andia968 top notch environmental hazardous I bet. China, Russia, ME, etc only need enough to defend. US can't even build a warship nowadays. Heard they are trying to get S Korea to help out. I saw the US base in Afghanistan. You have to wonder how to dispose of all the hazardous waste in their oversea bases. They certainly don't have to answer to any US laws or audit.

    • @caangngungkulanpoek1604
      @caangngungkulanpoek1604 Год назад +3

      ​@@andia968yes, agree. And built outside USA

    • @henderajoshua6745
      @henderajoshua6745 Год назад

      @@andia968 haha

    • @truthsower4560
      @truthsower4560 Год назад +6

      The worst part about the US airports to me is if you put a little lock to keep your luggage from being opened they don’t cut the lock to check the contents of your luggage to make sure everything is safe and legal, instead they cut the little zipper handle that your lock is attached to so that you can’t zip your luggage anymore because part of the zipper is messed up! That’s what happened to me at an airport in Baltimore, MD and they also stole my two brand new UV fishing shirts that I have bought at a store just a few days earlier that still had the price tags and labels on them! Those shirts cost me $40 each! Needless to say I was extremely pissed! So getting your stuff stolen is very real in American airports! Those baggage handlers often make extra money by stealing people’s stuff from their baggages!

  • @GajanandAgrawal007
    @GajanandAgrawal007 Год назад +171


    • @cristolin1619
      @cristolin1619 Год назад +21


    • @tagawarussells9891
      @tagawarussells9891 Год назад

      A brain washed Indian about cpc government

    • @Pandahuahua-w2i
      @Pandahuahua-w2i Год назад +13

      How much they give you😂. I want to know

    • @tonyp2865
      @tonyp2865 Год назад +7

      @@Pandahuahua-w2i Obviously more than you get, his house is worth tree times what yours is worth.

    • @fraccozeta
      @fraccozeta Год назад


  • @shutup51916
    @shutup51916 Год назад +149

    When you take NYC metro, watch out for the rats, though they are usually quite passenger friendly 😂

    • @xinzhanhardware
      @xinzhanhardware Год назад +38

      Rats also have right to take matro, that is democracy

    • @thomaskim3128
      @thomaskim3128 Год назад +38

      Rats are the least of your worries on NYC metro. It is the criminals and unruly passengers that should worry you.

    • @vinodkumar-xr6jm
      @vinodkumar-xr6jm Год назад

      Besides pickpocketing, smelly, rascists.😂

    • @martinanane3446
      @martinanane3446 Год назад +1

      Hahahaha! The rats are American citizens and exercising their constitutional rights and civil liberties at the metro stations.

    • @scva-socallvillainadvocate
      @scva-socallvillainadvocate Год назад +9

      Why female security can check male body when reverse taboo, unfair

  • @majorcalvary6515
    @majorcalvary6515 Год назад +30

    Sometimes I don’t understand American workers. I live in US for 40 years now. I was just at American Arlines check in counter. I’m Executive Platinum member, and you wouldn’t know that by the way they treat you at the checking counter. Total of 4 reps, 3 were helping a passenger with passport issue. Only one was actively working hard. The 3 reps were taking their time helping that passenger. While that 1 was working hard helped at least 3 passengers. Where is the supervisor that oversees the efficiencies. 1 rep was chatting, 1 was working on computer, and another was helping the computer puncher with instructions. I’m sorry that I travel overseas frequently. In this situation with long time waiting, 3 reps helping one passenger. Either their management don’t care about efficiency, or the employee unions are so strong; management can’t tell them what to do. Either way I’d never imagine that American company operate this way.

    • @JohnSmith-sm7ez
      @JohnSmith-sm7ez Год назад

      China has longest waiting times and delays ever.

  • @petercua6158
    @petercua6158 Год назад +10

    Thanks for the information.👍👏👌

  • @greyson3452
    @greyson3452 Год назад +70

    Chinese airports are really crazy, I went to Daxing airport it is so stunning. Even US airport is not that good but is changing now waiting it get better. Very nice video! Thanks a lot

    • @azharidris7092
      @azharidris7092 Год назад +1

      Greyson@.. what do you mean ''wait it get better'' it wont get better.. they try to fix one problem before that finish another two collapse.. they try to fix the other two problem another four collapse.. the US is a joke.. its bankrupt.. finish.. kaput..

    • @god6667
      @god6667 Год назад

      Americans only want democracy and freedom, not crazy airports

  • @vinodkumar-xr6jm
    @vinodkumar-xr6jm Год назад +68

    Whatever infrastructure you see in CHINA is huge,well designed, futuristic,& lastly ultra modern .
    US got all in old way,not at all well designed for future usage.
    CHINA Won the competition not becoz i love CHINA,its the fact .

    • @yongzhu8454
      @yongzhu8454 Год назад

      If the United States had spent the money it has spent on wars and instigating and exporting color revolutions in the past 20 years on domestic infrastructure, today's America would not need to go to great lengths to suppress China.

    • @tangpengyee7164
      @tangpengyee7164 Год назад +3

      Just wait another 20 years more.
      And the airports in *China* would be outdated too. Or maybe very Rundown.
      *United States of America* Airports were great 40 years ago.
      But now it's too costly to operate and Maintain it.

    • @andia968
      @andia968 Год назад

      US military infrastructures are top notch though

  • @alantan9863
    @alantan9863 Год назад +1

    3:33 double decker trains. Looks 😎.

  • @wulung5943
    @wulung5943 Год назад +60

    During my visit to Beijing in 2000 as we embarking from the plane, I overheard an American or British saying that the pace of construction was slow. How things have changed now!

    • @wangmandoo859
      @wangmandoo859 Год назад +3

      That's just envy talk from westerners.

  • @dennischen1483
    @dennischen1483 Год назад +23

    Less people in China travel by air is because the main mode of transport in China is high speed train, China has 42000 km high speed rail which accounts for 70% of the world's total. USA does not have high speed train, therefore they can only travel by air.

  • @halimh3080
    @halimh3080 Год назад +26

    My tears drop after seeing this comparison video. what a pity for America to be so left behind in the progress of its airports.

    • @truthsower4560
      @truthsower4560 Год назад +9

      The disparity is even greater if you compare the railways and subways of the two countries!

    • @塵世中一個雜種小書僮
      @塵世中一個雜種小書僮 Год назад +4

      Look at our military base more, your tears will become happy

    • @DavidLe-xw2qf
      @DavidLe-xw2qf Год назад

      there are millions of people trying to get out of Communist China to live in America, Canada, Australia and other European countries, they are happy to give up the Chinese citizenship for the new citizenship of American, Canadian, Australian and other European Countries. How many people from free and democratic countries want to give up their citizenship for the Chinese citizenship?

    • @soumi1984
      @soumi1984 Год назад +3

      ​@@塵世中一個雜種小書僮nothing to be happy about

  • @honestreviewer3615
    @honestreviewer3615 Год назад +48

    Unfortunately, building infra projects in the US is very expensive, especially labor, which is crazy. Also, in the US, architectural designs are so basic and common, nothing outside the box. A lot of Asian countries actually have better airports than the US.

    • @icemike1
      @icemike1 Год назад

      Right blame labor Richie rich

    • @malagebide
      @malagebide Год назад +1


    • @ApplePotato
      @ApplePotato Год назад

      Thats is the worst government excuse. If the idiots in Washington can spend $800 billion on the military, give a way $60 billion to Ukraine, they have enough money to spend on infrastructure. They don't do it because it does not serve the interest of megacorporations...

    • @NoLongerMadeInChina
      @NoLongerMadeInChina 10 месяцев назад

      So China who takes design from others with tofu dreg construction should be applauded lol biggest joke in the world. It’s all for show China means poor quality it might look nice but that’s it

  • @kl9518
    @kl9518 Год назад +80

    While you are in the USA, compare other infrastructures, essentially the underground or subways. Will have a good laugh.

    • @andia968
      @andia968 Год назад +6

      US military infrastructures are top notch though

    • @momcilopucar8749
      @momcilopucar8749 Год назад

      @@andia968 Troll it's time for you to🤐🤫 Have you got That??+🖕👎

    • @truthsower4560
      @truthsower4560 Год назад +8

      I’m not sure about the US nilitary is top notch at all! The US military may be the most expensive in the world, but it isn’t top notch in my opinion! For instant the US military spends $115 on a hammer that I could buy at a Harbor Freight store for $8! The US Patriot missile launcher cost nearly 4 times more than the Russian S-400 Triumf, but failed mightily in the battlefields against the Russian S-400 Triumf! Saudi Arabia used nearly two dozen Patriot missile launchers against Yemen, but couldn’t defeat a single S-400 Triumf that Yemen had because the Russian missile launcher proved to be way more manueable, accurate at hitting its targets, faster to assemble and disemble, has a much much longer range where it could reach and hit its targets accurately, and it was nearly flawless as it didn’t jam like all of the Patriot system that the Saudis used! While the Saudis were trying to get the Patriot system to work because it broke down and jammed constantly the Yemenis were able to hit them with the single S-400 that they had and able to drive the Saudis back and kept them scrambling for their lives! You see, part of the reason why the American military is so expensive is because of the tremendous costs that the American military weapon manufacturers charge for all of the weapons that they sell to the US government. Things are always way overpriced because once these companies have a contract with the US government they pretty much charge whatever they wanted because they always bribe the politicians to get the contracts and to stay in business with the US government for good.

    • @DavidLe-xw2qf
      @DavidLe-xw2qf Год назад

      there are millions of people trying to get out of Communist China to live in America, Canada, Australia and other European countries, they are happy to give up the Chinese citizenship for the new citizenship of American, Canadian, Australian and other European Countries. How many people from free and democratic countries want to give up their citizenship for the Chinese citizenship?

    • @tonyp2865
      @tonyp2865 Год назад +3

      @@andia968 Yep, they have three bathrooms now.

  • @HappyPandaBear73
    @HappyPandaBear73 11 месяцев назад +1

    Phenomenal News On Expansion On China’s Airport Infrastructures & thank you Rafael.👍🙏🙂

  • @xrc5540
    @xrc5540 Год назад +36

    No need to convince us ....we know the best airports are all in Asia. And why compare Chinese airports with US ones? The gap is too big my friend.

  • @Espaicas
    @Espaicas Год назад +33

    Buen contenido y un tema interesante, pero te veo algo tímido para decir lo que es evidente, China es muy superior a EEUU en el tema de diseño de aeropuertos, pero sobre todo en las conexiones de metro y trenes de alta velocidad China está en otra galaxia, yo añadiría incluso en el diseño de ciudades, esto se resume en que China es el futuro y USA se está convirtiendo en la decadencia, necesitaría décadas para igualar lo que ahora es China y el sistema de USA lo hace imposible.

  • @91djdj
    @91djdj Год назад +17

    I´ve been to several airports in Europe and i have to say none of them felt convenient. Most of them were clean at least and have a direct connection to public transport. But they are a huge part why i dont like flying.

  • @liamporter1137
    @liamporter1137 Год назад +29

    Thanks for sharing and surfacing the truth. 👏👍

  • @philiptan2051
    @philiptan2051 Год назад +15

    The airports in the usa are old, bad and dirty. Compared to China’s new airports the usa’s airports are like those of developing countries, way behind those in China. Soon the usa’s airports will be no more comparison to China’s. The same goes for Europe, even Germany and France are deteriorating fast in their infrastructure and modernization of their airports.

  • @GPDC100
    @GPDC100 Год назад +12

    The whole america is out of date...mentally too

  • @edwardcooper4976
    @edwardcooper4976 Год назад +15

    New York LGA's new terminals are good, but the inter-terminal shuttle is awful. It took me half an hour to get from Terminal B to Terminal C. Besides, the security check line is way too long, and many staffs keep promoting their CLEAR service.

  • @chrisck3405
    @chrisck3405 Год назад +28

    The airports in the US are worse than subway stations in a lot of Asian countries.

  • @wukongfromsky6279
    @wukongfromsky6279 Год назад +7

    They do not use the high-speed rail network. That's why airports are always busy

  • @lutztech
    @lutztech Год назад +10

    Everything in China beats the US, by a long shot.
    China's newest airport is just incredible, no one will ever have one bigger than it, other than the next one built in China.

    • @JohnSmith-sm7ez
      @JohnSmith-sm7ez Год назад

      Virtually nothing in China beats US. Residential housing in China is horrendous. US college campuses are better. Sporting arenas are better. Hospitals are better. Music venues better. Virtually all neighbourhoods are better with bigger, better homes. Obviously US ranks better than China for infrastructure. However China does have a few more futuristic buildings that look fancy. Outcome: China has the worst airport delays globally and shit ranked airlines with dreadful pilots .

  • @warrior6673
    @warrior6673 Год назад +29

    i hope USA will improve on the infra sector in everything.
    and whoever american sees this comment probably will agree with me .

    • @thisiskevin1000
      @thisiskevin1000 Год назад +10

      It needs to tackle its own ballooning debts too 😅😅😅😅😅

    • @warrior6673
      @warrior6673 Год назад +3

      @@thisiskevin1000 ah ye the debt 🤣

    • @inspector6803
      @inspector6803 Год назад +8

      Two choices: infra structure or being world police.

    • @warrior6673
      @warrior6673 Год назад +5

      @@inspector6803 the 2nd one unfortunately doesnt have a positive impact in the world and it harms the USA very badly but the US gov havent understand it yet . T T

    • @warrior6673
      @warrior6673 Год назад +2

      @@inspector6803 just my opinion tho . the US gov could improve it's infra even on the 20th century but it seems they chose not to or just they wanted to flex their military more . but recently i checked a channel named the B1M and i see in some of it's videos that usa is starting to take some steps to improve .

  • @liaojohnweechun7454
    @liaojohnweechun7454 Год назад +2

    Great Video 👏

  • @ShenzhouChina-pv8eg
    @ShenzhouChina-pv8eg Год назад +24

    America has more air travelers because they do not have the highspeed rail system. I remembered the old days I used to take Amtrack in the states. It was slow, old and crappy and I see very little change on the in the past two decades.

    • @yudwigludwig6583
      @yudwigludwig6583 Год назад +1


    • @truthsower4560
      @truthsower4560 Год назад +2

      It took me nearly 6 days to go from Baltimore to Houston on Amtrak because of slow speed and constant stops and layovers that sometimes lasted 5-6 hours!

  • @hongqingxiang3374
    @hongqingxiang3374 Год назад +4

    Thank you for your sharing🙏

  • @candrasananggala937
    @candrasananggala937 Год назад +8

    When the train speed can reach 1.000 Km per hour or more, it's the end of air passanger transport era.

    • @slavaslava8200
      @slavaslava8200 Год назад


  • @PatriciaFreddy
    @PatriciaFreddy Год назад +25

    Be careful what you say Rafa about the US when in the US cause if someone doesnt like it, you might get cancelled.

  • @taykokhuat
    @taykokhuat Год назад +7

    The tortoise had overtaken the hare in the long race.

  • @usar502.......vanish.w
    @usar502.......vanish.w Год назад +3

    Love from BANGLADESH ♥️🇧🇩 i respect all Muslim countries

  • @joneyu655
    @joneyu655 Год назад +29

    To tell a joke, Biden said he wants to collaborate with India to build a high-speed railway that goes directly to Africa.😂😂😂😂😂

    • @Mobai.
      @Mobai. Год назад +1

      Was it built by the United States or India?

  • @rumbidzaisibanda9563
    @rumbidzaisibanda9563 Год назад +33

    Somebody is about to say China 🇨🇳 copied from Americans 😂

    • @허명준-c6e
      @허명준-c6e Год назад +7

      중국의 고속철이 세계최고인데 미국에서 뭘베겼나요 중국의 무서운발전을 미국과 식민지인들은 항상그렇게 말하지요

  • @francistang8209
    @francistang8209 Год назад +4

    There's no need to make comparisons between airports. In fact, even a train station in Xinjiang appears more impressive than Kennedy Airport in New York. Have you had the opportunity to explore train stations in China?

  • @sanyu2972
    @sanyu2972 Год назад +7

    Very incredible air port

  • @user-jg2dp5wc5e
    @user-jg2dp5wc5e Год назад +8


  • @hkk347
    @hkk347 Год назад +2

    1 united country vs a divided country. The advancement speaks for itself.

  • @zhichengzhao5907
    @zhichengzhao5907 Год назад +11

    I did recognize the poor Newark airport in your video!🤣

  • @Omegaverse-s2m
    @Omegaverse-s2m Год назад +2

    China my dream country I will leave my soul to breath there

  • @alicelim3234
    @alicelim3234 Год назад

    Wow it's so great amazing Super

  • @litkfung4469
    @litkfung4469 Год назад +2

    US should focus on their own internal affair such as gun problem。homeless 。drugs etc。。。。

  • @henry-pj9zo
    @henry-pj9zo Год назад +2

    China doesn't need too many airports, because most of people are travelling by High speed train.

  • @thefreemonk6938
    @thefreemonk6938 Год назад

    Wait for Jewar Airport, Noida

  • @mytake3692
    @mytake3692 Год назад

    It would be interesting if you can compare international airline fares with comparable services.

  • @jeffcortez7576
    @jeffcortez7576 Год назад +1

    Chinese warranty is only good for 3 years after that it starts to deteriorate like a rusted bucket.

    • @RafaGoesAround
      @RafaGoesAround  Год назад

      Said the expert in Chinese infrastructure 😂

  • @张有水张
    @张有水张 Год назад +3


  • @Alonebe
    @Alonebe Год назад +9

    us : Aggressive design ! Bang it !
    bbc : No filter, No truth !

  • @tedwong7037
    @tedwong7037 Год назад +1

    Even 50 years later, china will still be developing country because it will KEEP ON DEVELOPING for its vast 1.4 billion people.

  • @jimmielin1141
    @jimmielin1141 Год назад +7

    Subways stations are better than the airports in US😂

    • @truthsower4560
      @truthsower4560 Год назад +3

      For sure! Chinese subway stations are a million times better than American airports!

  • @AhsanulHaqueSahan
    @AhsanulHaqueSahan Год назад

    There are already 7 Superpowers! Out there....
    Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta and Luxemburg

  • @guokevin1844
    @guokevin1844 Год назад

    Have a look at PKX and PVG, more people there.

  • @wangmandoo859
    @wangmandoo859 Год назад +1

    I'm American and have to say that JFK and LAX are so embarrassing!!! Looks like third world and the customer service is terrible.

  • @blue-xb1cq
    @blue-xb1cq Год назад

    @13:13 - that's the "concourse" terminal under construction. It's already opened ...видео.html ( surprisingly nice actually )

  • @38nacy
    @38nacy Год назад +8

    I love China! ❤❤❤

  • @digonzakeimbe8435
    @digonzakeimbe8435 Год назад +3

    It's A time for ChINa..

  • @1313hyme
    @1313hyme Год назад +1

    La Guardia airport is a domestic airport. Unless they changed it 🙂.

  • @jw4412
    @jw4412 Год назад

    Atlanta’s airport is probably the best in country

  • @0animalproductworld558
    @0animalproductworld558 Год назад +1

    People keep on accusing falsely to harm "Propaganda!"
    Then I tell them, the airport exists though

  • @Bonjour-vw7wb
    @Bonjour-vw7wb Год назад +2

    No comparison all, In terms of infrastructure US is third world,china is futuristic

  • @PrakashShrestha-gy2iw
    @PrakashShrestha-gy2iw Год назад +1

    China has great in infrastructure development

  • @京北-q3o
    @京北-q3o Год назад +6


  • @kuhaniresti
    @kuhaniresti Год назад +2

    the big question is, is there enough passengers to cover the expenses to run the airports?

    • @love_CMJ
      @love_CMJ Год назад +2


    • @gr33nytherevengemaster26
      @gr33nytherevengemaster26 Год назад


    • @gr33nytherevengemaster26
      @gr33nytherevengemaster26 Год назад

      and plus, the government usually runs these airports and public facilities at a loss just for the sake of welfare for the people. A concept that is foreign to american construction companies

    • @Mobai.
      @Mobai. Год назад +1


  • @OdongoFredrick
    @OdongoFredrick 6 месяцев назад

    In China you can record every were you want

  • @mytake3692
    @mytake3692 Год назад

    I've only flown on American, Peru, and Indian planes. Indian service was the worst. It delayed my flight for 3 weeks and they don't care nor compensate anything. I made the mistake of choosing Indian airline to visit India because its fare was cheaper than American airline. I did not get for what I paid for. I got worst than what I paid for.

  • @jacobwise786
    @jacobwise786 Год назад +1

    Although I haven't been in china's Airports. I work in the airport (Nashville International Airport) (BNA) i study airport expansions. You said coming from different countries is time consuming and very tedious, if you went thru what US had to go thru. I'm talking about September 11, 2001. Then you would understand why aviation and why we don't take lightly for other foreigners to come in like they do. Also we get alot of drugs thru America. Lots of drugs fly thru America's Airports. But I do agree that America's Airports are pretty crazy and terminals are pretty bad but they are slowly getting better and more efficient. I just went on vacation and I was more use to getting there 4 or 5 hours before my flight necuase the security lines were so long and it took a long time. Whereas BNA just opened up more lanes and modernized there security lanes and it took 15-20 minutes thru the lines when it use to take about 45 minutes.

    • @icemike1
      @icemike1 Год назад +1

      Why did you have to go through it

    • @jacobwise786
      @jacobwise786 Год назад

      @icemike1 what you talking about

    • @icemike1
      @icemike1 Год назад

      @@jacobwise786 meddling caused 9 11

  • @charlieshin7816
    @charlieshin7816 Год назад

    Kalimantan barat,pontianak airport is the besh

  • @中国-e8c
    @中国-e8c Год назад +5


  • @Dengdengtravel
    @Dengdengtravel Год назад

    My channel has travel different cities in China, welcome everyone

  • @wangmandoo859
    @wangmandoo859 Год назад

    And other countries DO NOT CHARGE for a luggage cart!!!

  • @MoeHein-wm2no
    @MoeHein-wm2no Год назад +2

    it the best China airport


    China is developing country but make progress everyday 🥰
    USA is First world country super rich, but looks like india 😭

  • @DeepakKumar-ce5bz
    @DeepakKumar-ce5bz Год назад +2

    very good china best

  • @ronyeap88
    @ronyeap88 Год назад +8

    Title mistake - How China BEAT.... and not How China BEAR...... 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  • @johngordon1175
    @johngordon1175 Год назад

    This mode is not a good representative of the transition being showcased.

  • @tuminahsukarno2609
    @tuminahsukarno2609 Год назад +1

    ❤ cina usa ❤❤❤ indonesia ada sejarah

  • @thomaslanders2073
    @thomaslanders2073 Год назад +1

    The US is a banana republic today 😮

  • @sardarbootasingh2708
    @sardarbootasingh2708 Год назад +1

    China is still struggling to make a jet engine.

    • @jjl4381
      @jjl4381 Год назад

      Why /how ? China's j10s, j15s, j16s, j20s , j31s yun- 20s, yun- 9s WZ-10, WZ-19 and many others are equipped with Chinese made engine lolz

  • @suntomthakuria7700
    @suntomthakuria7700 Год назад +2

    Earth 🌎 is for everyone India 🇮🇳

  • @change4better369
    @change4better369 Год назад +1


  • @g.m.8360
    @g.m.8360 Год назад +2

    What about LAX will be the best after they figure out how to fix got to be there 6 hours before your flight 😂😂👍

  • @angelnaturelover1640
    @angelnaturelover1640 Год назад +1


  • @lindayu1183
    @lindayu1183 Год назад +2

    china 🇨🇳 sooooooooo beautiful 🌷🌹💐
    china 🇨🇳 sooooooooo great 👍🏻 👍🏻👍🏻
    china 🇨🇳 sooooooooo genius 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
    china 🇨🇳 the best in the world 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
    china 🇨🇳 sooooooooo wonderful amazing 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻❤️🇨🇳♥️

  • @afonsopedro7636
    @afonsopedro7636 Год назад +3

    It's true, our airports in US need to be re-done, they are so outdated dirty nd ugly... lol it sucks

  • @namgyel6447
    @namgyel6447 Год назад +1

    It is illogical comparison, US build infrastructure long time ago and Chinese are build very recently.

    • @stevennotthe2997
      @stevennotthe2997 Год назад +1

      ok so? if you maintain something properly it could last for decades

  • @raymondpang4894
    @raymondpang4894 Год назад

    The Most visited city in the World is not Paris?

  • @rajughimire100
    @rajughimire100 Год назад +3


  • @devamkumar1260
    @devamkumar1260 Год назад +2

    India china se aage tha ab 100 saal piche ho gaya hai