Mikwens Last Game of Halo

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at / lvthalo

Комментарии • 30

  • @its-andrew-y
    @its-andrew-y 2 месяца назад +12

    wow 🤯 that really sucks he is legit top tier i hate to see people trash him he seems like a legit good dude and great competitor

    • @nunya2321
      @nunya2321 2 месяца назад +2

      Bruh he’s washed he never should have in retired

    • @supernice_auto
      @supernice_auto 2 месяца назад

      @@nunya2321 no one knows who you are loser

    • @PSYCHOV3N0M
      @PSYCHOV3N0M 2 месяца назад

      ​@@nunya2321 Speak English.

  • @26bboycat
    @26bboycat 2 месяца назад +6

    It's sad that he's stopping, but that's just how it is. He should rather stop smoking. But everyone has to know for themselves. I'm 44 and still play competitively occasionally. It's all a question of health. The game is just too awesome to stop playing completely, I mean Halo in general.

      @EA_SP0RTCENTER 2 месяца назад

      smoking what?

    • @26bboycat
      @26bboycat 2 месяца назад

      @@EA_SP0RTCENTER Cigarettes 🤷🏽‍♂️

      @EA_SP0RTCENTER 2 месяца назад

      @@26bboycat damn, mikwen needs to get with the times and vape like the cool kids do these days.
      just saw that he's 30. which makes sense, i'm 28 and smoking a cig as i type this.
      i'm glad that he was able to compete for so long. i've always had thoughts about professional gamers and cigarette smoking. specifically if there's a potential impact on performance. i've noticed that some years ago, before the advent of vapes, there were very few pro gamers who were nicotine addicts afaik.
      i've asked a pro Smash Melee player if he thought that cigs had a negative impact on gameplay (n0ne, he smoked cigs), and he said "nah"

    • @26bboycat
      @26bboycat 2 месяца назад +2

      @@EA_SP0RTCENTER It has an impact. If you are an experienced player you won't notice this. But a non-smoker who used to smoke will tell you certain advantages

  • @RadioFlyer117
    @RadioFlyer117 2 месяца назад +3

    Bro ragequit💀

  • @realtalk3567
    @realtalk3567 2 месяца назад +5

    Why would you quit right now when a guy like Sparty is dying to still play again? smh Count your blessings.

    • @CA-or9ix
      @CA-or9ix 2 месяца назад +3

      Yeah there are starving children in Africa geez

  • @killout18
    @killout18 2 месяца назад +5

    To all you young people thinking your cutting edge for getting your own rall/vanse prescription: Everyone has done it before you and 10 years goes by in a short 3650 days. Don't give your youth to these horrible game devs and don't give your mind to big pharma.

      @EA_SP0RTCENTER 2 месяца назад

      gaming is lame these days. If people arent using cheater hardware (which has become a problem even in IRL fighting game tournaments) then people are geeked out of their mind. The playing field will never be even again.
      at least Gxdzpeed has good drugs of choice. Sadly fent and bars will make you terrible at video games. Addy is lame.

    • @nellanellaperched6767
      @nellanellaperched6767 2 месяца назад

      ​@EA_SP0RTCENTER drugs in general are an awful choice my brother.

  • @segmu4376
    @segmu4376 2 месяца назад

    If Mikwen wants to run some Halo 3, let's go brother. I remember since back in the '07 days. Let's run it. I usually pull 27-31 kills in Team Slayer. I ran Halo 3 with Neighbor, Ghostayame, T2, et al. I would love to sit and chat with Mikwen. He's the legend you never hear about.

    • @killout18
      @killout18 2 месяца назад

      He's done because after 10 years the ADHD meds are a net negative and you have to stop in your 30s

  • @cweb1988
    @cweb1988 2 месяца назад

    Huh? Where does it say he's quitting?

    • @segmu4376
      @segmu4376 2 месяца назад +5

      His tweet. The thumbnail?

  • @segmu4376
    @segmu4376 2 месяца назад +1

    I respect it. Halo is dead, unfortunately. When you have a LAN Grand Final and pulling 4,000 views. The games dead. All top games get 120,000+ viewers from a Grand Final. Halo is pulling in about 5,000.

    • @realtalk3567
      @realtalk3567 2 месяца назад +2

      True, but like it's ok at the same time. Some things are just for the specific people that are into it. All Halo players including myself wonder every day why we still play the game, but when you have your addiction you just have it. You don't see drug addicts or smokers quitting because it's ruining their health. You don't see heterosexual people stop being that way. It is what it is and exists for a reason. Have a great day brother.

    • @Narrcand
      @Narrcand 2 месяца назад +6

      Time zones were a factor. Worlds last year had 140k viewers. It was 7 am when winners semi finals in London 6 hours ahead

    • @reveredrobin9457
      @reveredrobin9457 2 месяца назад +3

      ​@@realtalk3567Dude what are you on about. People smoke and do drugs because they enjoy the effects and you do see people quitting If they actually value their health.
      If you generally don't enjoy playing the game, move onto something more worthy of your time. There's loads of other games out there. People being heterosexual is a normal biological thing and in no way can you compare that to why you compulsively play a game you don't enjoy.

    • @realtalk3567
      @realtalk3567 2 месяца назад +1

      @@reveredrobin9457 Every smoker I've met said they wish they didn't do it. I mean heck man, if you need an extreme example then look at homeless drug addicts who wish they could quit or casino addicts. Point is even if something doesn't make sense to you, there are people who are addicted to it. I've seen and asked tons of players who play Halo if they'd recommend it and they all say no but play it anyway. People are always going to be into things that never make sense to you and you just got to understand and respect that. They're a different person than you. They think different. They choose, act, and make different decisions than you would that might not seem logical from your perspective. But you just got to understand it's not even for you to understand.

    • @reveredrobin9457
      @reveredrobin9457 2 месяца назад +2

      @@realtalk3567 Yeah but homeless people are doing it as a form of escapism from their current situation. There isn't really a way out for them as they're at rock bottom so they use to numb the pain which I get.
      I also understand video game addiction, I just don't think you can compare it to being heterosexual.
      Personally I know how it feels to be addicted to games. For me it's FPS that's why I choose to stay away from the genre mainly because when I get into them I consume too much time playing them. I totally get what you're saying. Just remember you do have the power to change your habits, it takes some time and ain't always easy but if you want it enough you can do this. 👍
      Ps I used to smoke for like 9 years too and stopped because i finally decided my health is more important.