'As Above, So Below' There is a Deep Meaning hidden in this Quote

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • 'As Above, So Below' There is a Deep Meaning hidden in this Quote
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    Imagine if you could unlock a universal secret, a principle so fundamental that it bridges the gap between the microcosm and the macrocosm. This essence lies in the Hermetic principles, ancient wisdom encapsulated in seven core tenets. Today, we delve into one of these profound teachings: the principle of Correspondence, succinctly phrased as "As Above, So Below; as below, So Above." This principle provides a lens to comprehend the intricate dance of the cosmos and our place within it. It invites us to see the harmonious interconnectedness of all things and empowers us to harness this understanding for personal growth.
    The principle of Correspondence, stemming from the teachings of Hermeticism, is an ancient wisdom neatly encapsulated in the aphorism "As Above, So Below; as below, So Above." It reflects a profound recognition of the fundamental unity and mutual interrelation of all things, implying that patterns are repeated across various realms of existence, creating a rich tapestry of interconnectedness and interdependence. Historically, this metaphysical postulate found its roots in the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, a document purporting to reveal the secret of the primordial substance and its transmutations. It has since permeated various philosophical and esoteric traditions, creating bridges of understanding between disparate systems of thought, from the mystical realms of the Kabbalah to Eastern philosophies. The principle of Correspondence has been a consistent thread that weaves through the tapestry of knowledge and wisdom, enriching our understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.
    Fast forward to the present, and you'll find this ancient principle reflected in cutting-edge fields like psychology, spirituality, and even quantum physics. Depth psychologists like Carl Jung incorporated this principle into the idea of synchronicity, exploring the profound correspondences between one's internal states and external events. In spirituality, this principle underscores the notion that our external world is a mirror of our internal state. Meanwhile, in quantum physics, the concept of holography- the idea that each part of the universe contains information about the whole-parallels the principle of Correspondence, suggesting that ancient wisdom and modern science may be converging and intertwining in fascinating ways.
    The exploration of this principle continues to captivate researchers and thinkers, unveiling new insights and connections that expand our understanding of the intricate relationship between the microcosm and the macrocosm. Observing correspondence in the world, as above, so below, allows us to truly master the profound principle of Correspondence. We must first become keen observers, not just of the vast world around us, but also of the intricate world within us. Begin by marveling at the inspiring wonders of nature. Have you ever taken a moment to ponder the striking resemblance between the gracefully spiraling arms of a majestic galaxy and the intricate structure of an atom? Or perhaps you've noticed the intriguing parallels between complex human social systems and the remarkable organization of diligent ant colonies, where each individual diligently fulfills their unique role for the greater collective good? These are not mere coincidences but profound manifestations of the principle of Correspondence. They serve as a powerful testament to the axiom "As Above, So Below," a timeless phrase that beautifully encapsulates the very essence of this profound principle.
    When we meticulously examine and delve into these intricate patterns, it becomes strikingly clear that the macrocosm-the vast world we inhabit-and the microcosm-our internal universe-are intricately intertwined reflections of each other, forming a harmonious and interconnected tapestry. Take a moment to deeply contemplate your personal life. Can you identify fascinating patterns that mirror larger societal trends? Do your internal states often intricately reflect the situations you find yourself in? Ponder upon what that tells you about the profound interconnectedness of all things, about the enchanting dance between the inner world and the outer world. In the words of the late great Carl Sagan, "We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." We are both observers and active participants in this grand cosmic play, intricately woven into the patterns that pervade existence.

Комментарии • 11

  • @angelofamillionyears4599
    @angelofamillionyears4599 5 месяцев назад +2

    Interesting but vague.

  • @michaelmessenger5742
    @michaelmessenger5742 5 месяцев назад +3

    It's from the liar wanting you to believe
    That You and I are as God, that we are God
    A lie of the fallen who want us to fall.
    Only one GOD exists all else are His creation
    Created by Him and created for Him🕊
    Rebuke the lies and liars, lying vipers.

    • @johnrorer4687
      @johnrorer4687 5 месяцев назад +2

      I didn't hear anything here speaking to multiple Gods or denying the Biblical God directly. Most of what is shared here would not negate nor be in conflict with the Bible, nor vis versa. Science and the Bible are increasingly supportive of each other. Certainly, it's undeniable that all is energy, and various universal laws and physics don't conflict with the Biblical teachings.

    • @michaelmessenger5742
      @michaelmessenger5742 5 месяцев назад +2

      Then you are easily fooled & lead astray.

    • @johnrorer4687
      @johnrorer4687 5 месяцев назад +1

      Then explain to me where it spoke of multiple Gods, or where it denies God exists, or where it said "we are God". And where it is lying. And where it is in conflict with the Bible. Without giving me irrelevant passages or quotes that don't directly answer these questions. I have listened to this video, and I have read the Bible....twice. @@michaelmessenger5742

  • @jasminerosebellydancer6574
    @jasminerosebellydancer6574 5 месяцев назад +3

    Tesla died a pauper so how much did he apply energy and vibration to his desires I'm sure he didn't enjoy his life

    • @michaelmessenger5742
      @michaelmessenger5742 5 месяцев назад +4

      The weak believe what they want to believe

    • @CosmicMind2000
      @CosmicMind2000  5 месяцев назад +1

      There is a lot of information around Tesla today, which of this is true is difficult to understand. I can say for sure that the personality was interesting and not simple.

    • @johnrorer4687
      @johnrorer4687 5 месяцев назад

      Tesla wasn't chasing money, and was obsessed with science and experimentation. He was also the victim of deceit by others. His experiments had nothing to do with the modern fascination with material possessions, money, or using frequency and vibration to accumulate or possess material goods. I don't see how his dying a pauper has anything at all to do with this video.

    • @ashleywilson2072
      @ashleywilson2072 5 месяцев назад +4

      Tesla spent his final days feeding pigeons in the city park. He wasn't motivated by money. Maybe we shouldn't judge a person by the size of their bank balance

    • @kevinsweeney2979
      @kevinsweeney2979 5 месяцев назад

      The fact that your sure is ......