M. Marais - La Folia (Suzuki book 6)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 10

  • @tomviles3895
    @tomviles3895 3 года назад +5

    Your Expressivo makes me want to take my instrument out of its case and play now. Neighbors would not be happy. Your bowing is an absolute fifth force of nature. Your left hand is calm and exact. If I keep playing, I will play like you in my next life. Well, I'm 14 months in at 60...But I love listening to you play, and it makes me want to study more as a student. Thank you.

  • @caylanelson4083
    @caylanelson4083 Год назад +5

    0:03 - theme
    0:54 - variation i (dolce)
    1:49 - variation ii (risoluto)
    2:18 - variation iii (energico)
    2:48 - variation iv (expressivo)
    3:38 - variation v
    4:24 - variation vi
    4:52 - coda

  • @May-v4z
    @May-v4z 11 месяцев назад

    Thank you! I am doing this piece for Solo & Ensemble and this is exactly what I needed 💕

  • @alziraabreu9746
    @alziraabreu9746 9 месяцев назад


  • @nahuelvargas6883
    @nahuelvargas6883 2 года назад


  • @arielboyce6737
    @arielboyce6737 2 года назад

    Wow! Great job!

  • @tomviles3895
    @tomviles3895 3 года назад +2

    The only reason I'm recovering my stupid password and posting a like for you is that I'm sick of wading through stuff I don't want to hear when I try to hear you again. Maybe if I contribute, you will be easier to find when I want to hear your Marais. It's rather lovely.

  • @陈吟-m2g
    @陈吟-m2g 4 года назад


  • @RonaldoSouza-uk9yp
    @RonaldoSouza-uk9yp 2 года назад

    Você tem o método Suzuki para viola classica pode me arrumar em pdf. Grato

  • @bcjohnson3
    @bcjohnson3 Год назад

    Inconsistent tempo in the slower sections, especially the main theme. Overall good intonation (careful with the sixths in the double stops!) and articulations though, keep practicing!