추가설명: "How was your weekend?" 는 "Yes.", "No."로 대답할 수 없는 의문형입니다. 그래서 실제로 [어떻게 지냈는지]를 얘기를 해야 하는 경우이고 "Did you have a good weekend?" 라는 질문은 "Yes.", "No."로 대답할 수 있는 의문형입니다. 설명시작 - 00:29 3번 연속듣기(속도변화) - 11:45 A: 하이~ 주말 잘 보냈어? B: 괜찮았어. 별로 한건 없었어. 넌? A: 나도. 사실 이번 주를 위해 기운을 좀 아끼고 있긴 했어. B: 아, 이번 주에 할거 많아? A: 응. 긴 한 주가 될거야. 나한테는 지금이 1년 중에 가장 바쁜 시기 중 하나야.
Hey~ How was your weekend? It was OK. I didn't do much. How about you? Me neither. Actually, I was kind of saving my energy for this week. Oh, do you have a lot to do this week? Yeah. It's going to be a long week This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
Hey How was your weekend? It was OK. I didn't do much. How about you? Me neither. I was kind of saving my energy for this week. Oh do you have a lot to do this week? Yeah. It's going to be a long week. That is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me. 무한반복💡 감사합니다!! 빨모형님♥
I didn't do much last week. Me neither. I was kind of saving my energy for this week. Do you have a lot to do this week? Yeah, this is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
감사합니다☕️ hey~ how was your weekend? 주말 잘 보냈어? It was good. I went to my cousin’s farm. 좋았어. 나 사촌농장에 갔었어. really? What did you do there? 정말? 거기서 뭐했어? i didn’t do much. I just took a rest. It was a really beautiful day. There wasn’t even one cloud in the sky. 별로 한건 없어. 그냥 좀 쉬었어. 날씨가 너무 좋았어 구름 한 점이 없었거든. how about you? 넌 어땠어? i just stayed at home all day. 난 그냥 계속 집에 있었어. I was kind of saving my energy for this week. 사실 이번 주를 위해 기운을 아끼고 있었어. Oh do you have a lot to do this week? 아, 너 이번주에 할 거 많아? I have a piano recital this Wednesday. 나 이번주 수요일에 피아노 독주회가 있어. Wow that’s cool 와 멋지다. This is probably one of the happiest times of the year for me. 나한텐 지금이 아마 일년 중 가장 행복한 시기 중 하나일거야. Do you have a lot to do this week? 너 이번주 할거 많아? no, how about you? 아니, 넌? me neither. 나도 do you wanna go to the sea? 너 바다 가고싶니? Yeah, why? 응 왜? Why don’t we go to the sea? 바다 가지 않을래? i wish i could but i’m saving up for a new phone. 나도 그러고 싶은데 새 폰을 사기위해 돈 모으고 있어. Did you see her this morning? 너 아침에 걔 봤어? yes, she left home earlier than usual today. 응, 걔 오늘 평소보다 일찍 나갔어. does she have a lot to do today? 걔 오늘 할거 많니? she looked a little busy. 좀 바빠 보이더라. it’s already Sunday night. I don’t wanna go to work. 벌써 일요일 밤이라니, 일하러 가기 싫다. Me neither. 나도. let go for lunch! I like everything except for seafood. I don’t like seafood. 점심먹으러 가자! 난 해산물만 아니면 다 좋아! 난 해산물 싫어. me neither! 나도
Chapter1. 질문은 어디서 하나요 ? Chapter2. 내질문을 확인 하려면 영상강의를 처음부터 끝까지 봐야 하나요 ? Chapter3. 토틀러는 어린이 영어 인데 어린아이가 배우기는 조금 난이도가 있고 성인이 배우기에는 난이도 조금 낮습니다 😛 Chapter 4. 발음을 하면 친구들이 놀리고 발음을 안하면 외국사람이 못알아 들어요 😭
1. 수업 요약 및 예문 이번 대화가이드에서는 주말을 각자 보내고 월요일에 만난 사람끼리 나누는 대화에서 흔히 들을 수 있는 문맥, 표현 들을 배워봅니다. A: 하이~ 주말 잘 보냈어? Hi~ Did you do well on weekend? How was your weekend? B: 괜찮았어. 별로 한건 없었어. 넌? Yeap. Nothing special. How about you? It was ok. I didn't do much. How about you? A: 나도. 사실 이번 주를 위해 기운을 좀 아끼고 있긴 했어. Me too, Actually I rested last weekend for this weekend Me neither. I was king of saving my energy for this week *** me neither (부정문에서)나도 마찬가지야. 자주 쓰임 *** ~하고 있었어. was v+ing *** kind of 어떤 어감이냐면, 의미 자체는 큰 변화가 없음. 그런데 '이런 이유가 사실 있긴 했다' 라는 어감이 추가 됨 이런경우가 굉장히 많다. 앞으로 기회가 될 때마다 자주 보여드리겠다. B: 아, 이번 주에 할거 많아? Oh, Do you have a lot of work to do this week? Oh, do you have a lot to do this week? *** a lot to do 많은 할 일 I have a lot to do A: 응. 긴 한 주가 될거야. 나한테는 지금이 1년 중에 가장 바쁜 시기 중 하나야. Yeap. It's gonna be a long week. This week is the most busy season to me Yeah, It's gonna be a long week. This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me *** 진짜 긴 한 달이었다. It was a long month *** busiest [비지어스트] *** probably 아마도 *** times 시기 *** for me 를 붙인 이유 : 나한테는 / 나한테만 해당한다 등의 의미 2. 내가 한 작문 - 싫어! / 나도 싫어! No!! / Me neither! - 나 이번주에 할거 개 많아 I have a lot to do this week - 진짜 긴 하루였다 It was a long day - 1년 중에 지금이 제일 바쁘죠~ This is one of the busiest times of the year for me - 저번주에 뭐했냐? / 별로 한 거 없는뎅 How was you weekend? / I didn't do much
a. Hi, how was your weekend? b. It was OK. I didn't do much. how about you? did you go sightseeing? c. No, I stayed home all weekend. d. I was saving my energy for this week. e. Do you have a lot to do this week? f. Yeah, This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me. g. I guess It's going to be a long week for you.
Hey~How was your weekend? It was OK.I didn't do much.How about you? Me neither. I was kind of saving my energy for this week. Oh,Do you have a lot to do this week? Yeah. It's going to be a long week. This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
Hey, how was your weekend? It was OK. I didn't do much. How about you? Me neither. I was kind of saving my energy for this week. Oh, do you have a lot to do this week? Yeah, it's going to be a long week. This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
(22.12.12) A: 하이~ 주말 잘 보냈어? B: 괜찮았어, 별로 한 건 없어, 넌? A: 나도. 사실 이번 주를 위해 기운을 아끼고 있었어 B: 아, 이번주에 할 거 많아? A: 응. 긴 한주가 될거야. 나한테는 지금이 아마 1년 중 가장 바쁜 시기일 거야. A: Hey, How was your weekend? B: It was OK. I didn't do much. How about you? A: Me, neither. I was kind of saving my energy for this week. B: Oh, do you have a lot to do this week? A: Yeah. It's going to be a long week. ( * It was a long day 긴 하루였어) This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
@@densely123 당신한테 질문한 거 아니에요 실제로 많이 물어보는 질문이고 당신이 알려줄거 아니면 그냥 가만히 있어요 일년도 더 된 댓글에 대댓글 달지 마시고. 공손하게 질문했고 답을 할지 말지도 그분이 결정하는 거예요. 어디 한번도 보지못한 사람한테 생각이 있다없다 막말입니까? 당신이나 가만히 있어요. 거들먹 거리려거든 알려주고나 하시구요. 생각 없이 진짜....
A : Hey~ how was your weekend? B : Oh, i don't wanna talk about it... I had to go climbing with my parents. I really didn't do it but they were so stubborn. I couldn't help it. A: Oh man. Sorry to hear that.You must be exhausted. B : I don't really feel like working today. A : Me neither. B : We have a lot to do this week and i should've saved my energy. A: Yeah right. This is gonna be a long week. This is probably the busiest times of the month for us.
Hey, how was your today? It was okay. I didn't do much. How about you? I was very busy so I couldn't save my energy. Oh, did you have a lot to do today? Yes, it was a very long day. This is probably one of the busiest times of the month for me.
Hey, How was your weekend? It was okay. I didn't do much. How about you? Me neither. I was kind of saving my energy for this week. Do you have a lot to do this week? It's going to be a long week. This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
감사히 잘 보고있습니다 ~~ 그냥 무작정 떠올라서 질문드려봅니다.. me either 이라고 한다면 어떤느낌이되는지 또 이것을 어떻게사용할수있을지 궁금합니다 아 그리고 혹시 it was a long day와 it's been a long day 의 차이점이 있을까요? 노래가사가 생각나서 여쭤봅니당
Hey, how was your weekend? It was good. Actually I didn't do much. How about you? Me neither. I was kind of watching RUclips at home. Do you have a lot to do this week? Yeah, it;s gonna be a long month. This is one of the busiest times of the year for me.
This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me. 나한테는 지금이 아마 1년중 가장 바쁜 시기일거야. This is probably one of the hardest times of the year for me. I'm going to kind of make money through these experiences. Hey, how was your weekend? It's OK. I didn't do much. How about you? Me neither. I was kind of saving my energy for this week. Oh, do you have a lot to do this week? Yeah. It's going to be a long week. This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
강의 감사히 보고있습니다.^^ 궁금한 게 있는데요. This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me에서는 for me가 사용되었고 지난 강의 중에 It looks good to me에서는 to가 사용되었는데 to 와 for 사용상 차이점이 궁금해요.
Hey,how was your weekend? It was ok. I didn't do much. how about you? Me neither. I was kind of saving my energy for this week. Oh, do you have a lot to do this week? Yeah. It's going to be a long week. This is probably one of the busiest time of the year for me.
Hey, How was your weekend? It was OK. I didn't do much. How about you? Me neither. I was kind of saving my energy for this week. Oh, do you have a lot to do this week? Yes. It's going to be a long week. This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me..
Hey~ How was your weekend? It was bad. I didn’t really do anything. How about you? Me neither but I played the piano and I was composing an EDM song. Oh, When you finish composing, can you play it for me? Yeah of course. But I’m a little embrrassed.It’s probably one of the hardest things of the year for me
A: Hey, how have you been ? B: I'm doing great. I didn't do much. How about you? A: Me, neither. I was only at home before I met you. B: Oh, have you never met anyone before you recently met me? A: Yeah. So it was too long days. Today is one of the busiest time of the year for me.
대화문을 만들어 봤는데 괜찮은가요??;; A: How was your weeked? B: I hung out with a friend. We hadn't seem each other in a while! A: Oh? Really? So so what did you do with your friend? B: We didn't do much.. we just went out for some drinks and talked for a couple of hours. Oh. A: that's why you look happy! B: yes. Oh we went to barbecue place that you recommend! A: oh! It was good?? B: yes! It was good!! We barley find a seat! I really didn't expect to be so corwed even on sunday night! A: yes. Even they're open 24 hours, always so busy there. So next time you should go there a little late at night!
Hey How was weekend? Somehow or other. I didn’t do much for my part-time job. How about you? Me neither I was looking for a place to work Oh, you still haven’t found a job? Yeah, I thought I’d just give up Nono Don’t give up, You’ll be happire if you find a job somehow
"How was your weekend?" 는 "Yes.", "No."로 대답할 수 없는 의문형입니다. 그래서 실제로 [어떻게 지냈는지]를 얘기를 해야 하는 경우이고
"Did you have a good weekend?" 라는 질문은 "Yes.", "No."로 대답할 수 있는 의문형입니다.
설명시작 - 00:29
3번 연속듣기(속도변화) - 11:45
A: 하이~ 주말 잘 보냈어?
B: 괜찮았어. 별로 한건 없었어. 넌?
A: 나도. 사실 이번 주를 위해 기운을 좀 아끼고 있긴 했어.
B: 아, 이번 주에 할거 많아?
A: 응. 긴 한 주가 될거야. 나한테는 지금이 1년 중에 가장 바쁜 시기 중 하나야.
라이브 아카데미 토들러
질문은 어디서 받아주시나요 ?
당황스럽다 를 표현할때 Afraid 또 embarrassed, disconcerted 등 의 표현을 적절한 문장에 넣어서 알려주세용 ^^?
Hey~ How was your weekend?
It was OK. I didn't do much. How about you?
Me neither. Actually, I was kind of saving my energy for this week.
Oh, do you have a lot to do this week?
Yeah. It's going to be a long week This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
This is one of the best times of the year for me . Because I've been studying English with this channel since last year.🥰
현존 최고의 영어선생님!
선생님이라는 말이 절로 나오는 베스트 오브 베스트 티칭
내일 수업이 있는데 정말 유용하게 쓰일것 같아요. 감사 합니다. 어깨를 으쓱대도 될것 같아요. 선생님의 자세한 설명이 너무 좋아요. 마음을 놓이게 하는 부분이 너무 많아요,영어공부하는데...늘 감사드립니다.
😀 언제나 기쁘고 반갑습니다
감사합니다 선생님^^
고맙습니다 늘 건강하시고 행복하세요, 우리는 열심히 공부할게요.
오늘도 잘배우고 갑니다
좋은 강의 감사드립니다.
성실하신 선생님 덕분에 저도 성실해 집니다^^ 오늘도 감사합니다♡
실력이 나날이 좋아지고 있어요 선생님 덕분입니다
다른분들. 말씀처럼 정말 부지런하신듯
선생님 요번주도 활기찬 한주되세요~
토들러! 일상을 영어로! 정말 유용하다고 백번을 말해도 과하지 않습니다. 항상 감사합니다.
🌳오늘도 감사합니다~^^즐거운 토요일 되셔요~💚
기운없는 월욜날 선생님을 만나니,
힘나요 ㅎㅎ~~😝
언제나 반가운 쌤님 강의 !
무한 반복 학습합니다.
어쩜 이렇게 성실하세요 쌤~~♡♡♡
실력은 뭐 이미 진심최고
성실함도 진심최고!!
멤버십 강의
쌤만 따라가면 나도 원어민ㅋㅋ
우리 샘 선생님 과 모두 는 이미 언어민 들 입니다.똑똑하고 마음씨도 이쁘고 늘 배우며 살아가는 우리는 봄이오는 화창한 아름다운 날처럼 우리 마음도 감사하는 하루 입니다. 선생님 고맙습니다.
늘 올려 주시는 선생님 덕분에 분주하게 공부할께요. 바 빠 요!
덕분에 조금이라도 매일 매일 공부 하고 있답니다^^ 항상 감사 합니다~
대화 가이드 강의를 들으니 좀 더 영어가 익숙해지는 것 같아요! 항상 잘 듣고 있습니다 감사합니다:)
잘 보고있습니다 감사합니다 ^^
열성적이고 세심하고 상세한 강의 늘 감사해요
오오 늘 감사합니다. 이거 유용하게 써먹겟네요
듣기에 kind of는 '좀' 정도로 생각하면 될 것 같군요. 이번주를 위해 좀 쉬엇어. 라구요ㅎ
오늘도 배워갑니다. 감사합니다.
선생님 건강하셔야됩니다
1월 부터 정주행 중입니다. 좋은 강의 감사드려요~
좋은 영상 감사합니다. 한 영상을 여러 번 듣고 있어요.
감사합니다 ㅎㅎ
오늘도 영어공부 정말 감사합니다!!
한동안 손 놓고 있었는데... 다시 시작해보려 합니다!! 강의가 너무 좋아요.~ ^^ 감사합니다.
1:06 2:49 6:31 8:33 11:10 11:12 12:25 12:30
12:32 12:35
올려주신 영상 감사히 잘 봤습니다!!^^ 고맙습니다
오늘도 잘 배우고 갑니다!! ♡
선생님...일상영어 눈빠지게 기다리는 중입니당~~~~~~^^
오랜만에왔는데 역시오길잘했어요 *_* 감사합니다!!
Thank you so much for your excellent English lectures that I 've been learning a lot on RUclips. I think you are one of the great English teachers.
Hey How was your weekend?
It was OK. I didn't do much. How about you?
Me neither.
I was kind of saving my energy for this week.
Oh do you have a lot to do this week?
Yeah. It's going to be a long week.
That is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
감사합니다!! 빨모형님♥
말귀를 다 알아들어서 기뻤어요ㅎ토들러라도 좋아요!! I always thank you so much!!💝👄💝
항상 감사합니다 !!
It's easy for me to study every day now that you are organized. Thank you so much.~~~^^
쵝오 ㅜㅜ
I didn't do much last week.
Me neither. I was kind of saving my energy for this week.
Do you have a lot to do this week?
Yeah, this is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
선생님은 왜 이렇게 부지런하실까요 ㅠㅠ 저만 부지런 해지면 되는데 흐흑..
지금은 어떠세요..? 전 이제 이걸로 공뷰 시작했는데..!
@@Joybeeeeeee 지금도 공부 하시나요? 한다면 어떤 식으로 하시는지? 저도 하는 중인데 걍 정주행하면서 대화문은 암기 및 쉐도잉 하고 있슴다
@@초콜릿맛또 넹! 하루에 3개씩 듣고 필기하고 따라하구 있어요
엇... 댓글 감사합니다. 공부한지 좀 되신 것 같은데. 어떤가요? 변화가 있으신가용?.?.?.?@@Joybeeeeeee
@@초콜릿맛또 아니요.... 실생활에서 안 써서 그러는 거 같아요ㅠㅠ 몇달 전에 본 강의 다시 보면 기억 안 나는 거 많거든요ㅠㅠ
hey~ how was your weekend?
주말 잘 보냈어?
It was good. I went to my cousin’s farm.
좋았어. 나 사촌농장에 갔었어.
really? What did you do there?
정말? 거기서 뭐했어?
i didn’t do much. I just took a rest. It was a really beautiful day.
There wasn’t even one cloud in the sky.
별로 한건 없어. 그냥 좀 쉬었어. 날씨가 너무 좋았어 구름 한 점이 없었거든.
how about you?
넌 어땠어?
i just stayed at home all day.
난 그냥 계속 집에 있었어.
I was kind of saving my energy for this week.
사실 이번 주를 위해 기운을 아끼고 있었어.
Oh do you have a lot to do this week?
아, 너 이번주에 할 거 많아?
I have a piano recital this Wednesday.
나 이번주 수요일에 피아노 독주회가 있어.
Wow that’s cool
와 멋지다.
This is probably one of the happiest times of the year for me.
나한텐 지금이 아마 일년 중 가장 행복한 시기 중 하나일거야.
Do you have a lot to do this week?
너 이번주 할거 많아?
no, how about you?
아니, 넌?
me neither.
do you wanna go to the sea?
너 바다 가고싶니?
Yeah, why?
응 왜?
Why don’t we go to the sea?
바다 가지 않을래?
i wish i could but i’m saving up for a new phone.
나도 그러고 싶은데 새 폰을 사기위해 돈 모으고 있어.
Did you see her this morning?
너 아침에 걔 봤어?
yes, she left home earlier than usual today.
응, 걔 오늘 평소보다 일찍 나갔어.
does she have a lot to do today?
걔 오늘 할거 많니?
she looked a little busy.
좀 바빠 보이더라.
it’s already Sunday night. I don’t wanna go to work.
벌써 일요일 밤이라니, 일하러 가기 싫다.
Me neither.
let go for lunch! I like everything except for seafood. I don’t like seafood.
점심먹으러 가자! 난 해산물만 아니면 다 좋아! 난 해산물 싫어.
me neither!
12:06, 12:11, 12:18
12:25, 12:29, 12:34
Yeah~ 이번 주말은 바쁠 예정이에요 :) D.C.에 벚꽃 보러 가요 >.< 얼마만에 보는 벚꽃인지 ㅠㅠ
2023 is probably one of the busiest times of the my whole life for me.
쌤 좋아요 머치
Chapter1. 질문은 어디서 하나요 ?
Chapter2. 내질문을 확인 하려면 영상강의를 처음부터 끝까지 봐야 하나요 ?
Chapter3. 토틀러는 어린이 영어 인데 어린아이가 배우기는 조금 난이도가 있고 성인이 배우기에는
난이도 조금 낮습니다 😛
Chapter 4. 발음을 하면 친구들이 놀리고 발음을 안하면 외국사람이 못알아 들어요 😭
[5일차] - 24. 8. 23
(1) Do you have a lot to do next week?
(2) It was a really long day.
(3) I was kind of saving my energy for next week.
[17일차(복습)] - 24. 9. 4
[96일차(복습)] - 24. 11. 22
[6일차] - 24. 12. 22
11:45 듣고 따라하기
How was your last weekend?
I didn't do much actually, last week was one of the busiest week this year.
So, All I did was saving my energy.
'이번 주는 길게 느껴질것 같아'
'이번 주는 너무 길것 같아'
저는 이렇게 얘기할때가 많아요 ㅎ
영상 전에 나오는 광고에 나오신 선생님 천재같음
1. 수업 요약 및 예문
이번 대화가이드에서는 주말을 각자 보내고 월요일에 만난 사람끼리 나누는 대화에서 흔히 들을 수 있는 문맥, 표현 들을 배워봅니다.
A: 하이~ 주말 잘 보냈어?
Hi~ Did you do well on weekend?
How was your weekend?
B: 괜찮았어. 별로 한건 없었어. 넌?
Yeap. Nothing special. How about you?
It was ok. I didn't do much. How about you?
A: 나도. 사실 이번 주를 위해 기운을 좀 아끼고 있긴 했어.
Me too, Actually I rested last weekend for this weekend
Me neither. I was king of saving my energy for this week
*** me neither (부정문에서)나도 마찬가지야. 자주 쓰임
*** ~하고 있었어. was v+ing
*** kind of 어떤 어감이냐면, 의미 자체는 큰 변화가 없음. 그런데 '이런 이유가 사실 있긴 했다' 라는 어감이 추가 됨
이런경우가 굉장히 많다. 앞으로 기회가 될 때마다 자주 보여드리겠다.
B: 아, 이번 주에 할거 많아?
Oh, Do you have a lot of work to do this week?
Oh, do you have a lot to do this week?
*** a lot to do 많은 할 일 I have a lot to do
A: 응. 긴 한 주가 될거야. 나한테는 지금이 1년 중에 가장 바쁜 시기 중 하나야.
Yeap. It's gonna be a long week. This week is the most busy season to me
Yeah, It's gonna be a long week. This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me
*** 진짜 긴 한 달이었다. It was a long month
*** busiest [비지어스트]
*** probably 아마도
*** times 시기
*** for me 를 붙인 이유 : 나한테는 / 나한테만 해당한다 등의 의미
2. 내가 한 작문
- 싫어! / 나도 싫어!
No!! / Me neither!
- 나 이번주에 할거 개 많아
I have a lot to do this week
- 진짜 긴 하루였다
It was a long day
- 1년 중에 지금이 제일 바쁘죠~
This is one of the busiest times of the year for me
- 저번주에 뭐했냐? / 별로 한 거 없는뎅
How was you weekend? / I didn't do much
a. Hi, how was your weekend?
b. It was OK. I didn't do much. how about you? did you go sightseeing?
c. No, I stayed home all weekend.
d. I was saving my energy for this week.
e. Do you have a lot to do this week?
f. Yeah, This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
g. I guess It's going to be a long week for you.
This is probably one of the hardest time of these days for me. 😅
우왕!!! 신난다!!!
This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
4:20 그렇다면 I like apple 또는 I did do much ! 라고 하면 답변을 Me either 이라고 해야하나요????
저도 궁금합니다 이게.
부정으로말한거에는 me neither 이고
긍정으로말한거에는 me either 인것일까요?
Hey~How was your weekend?
It was OK.I didn't do much.How about you?
Me neither.
I was kind of saving my energy for this week.
Oh,Do you have a lot to do this week?
Yeah. It's going to be a long week.
This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
Hey, how was your weekend?
It was OK. I didn't do much. How about you?
Me neither.
I was kind of saving my energy for this week.
Oh, do you have a lot to do this week?
Yeah, it's going to be a long week.
This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
(22.12.12) A: 하이~ 주말 잘 보냈어? B: 괜찮았어, 별로 한 건 없어, 넌?
A: 나도. 사실 이번 주를 위해 기운을 아끼고 있었어 B: 아, 이번주에 할 거 많아?
A: 응. 긴 한주가 될거야. 나한테는 지금이 아마 1년 중 가장 바쁜 시기일 거야.
A: Hey, How was your weekend? B: It was OK. I didn't do much. How about you?
A: Me, neither. I was kind of saving my energy for this week. B: Oh, do you have a lot to do this week?
A: Yeah. It's going to be a long week. ( * It was a long day 긴 하루였어)
This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
Do you have a lot to do this week?
Yeah,it's going to be a tougher week. This is probably one of the busiest times ot the year for me.
강의 잘 듣고 있습니다. 질문이 있는데요 마지막 for me 를 to me 로 써도 되나요? 사실 for me / to me 이 부분이 항상 헛갈려서요 강의가 있는지 모르겠는데 없다면 이부분도 설명해주시면 감사하겠습니다!
당신은 한명을 상대하지만 저분은 공짜로 몇명을 보면서 강의를 준비하는데..
일일이 하나하나 다 설명하나...참..정신좀
@@densely123 당신한테 질문한 거 아니에요 실제로 많이 물어보는 질문이고 당신이 알려줄거 아니면 그냥 가만히 있어요 일년도 더 된 댓글에 대댓글 달지 마시고. 공손하게 질문했고 답을 할지 말지도 그분이 결정하는 거예요. 어디 한번도 보지못한 사람한테 생각이 있다없다 막말입니까? 당신이나 가만히 있어요. 거들먹 거리려거든 알려주고나 하시구요. 생각 없이 진짜....
@@densely123 ㅂㅅ 뭐하는거야. 그냥 꺼져, 대답할 자신없으면..
제가 아는 바로 얘기하자면
물리적으로 뭐가 실제로 오고가면 to (give it to me)
그게 아니면 for (can you do it for me?)
라고 들었던 것 같아요.
@@densely123 네 개인과외는 아니니까요.. 어느정도 의견에 동의합니다
A : Hey~ how was your weekend?
B : Oh, i don't wanna talk about it... I had to go climbing with my parents. I really didn't do it but they were so stubborn. I couldn't help it.
A: Oh man. Sorry to hear that.You must be exhausted.
B : I don't really feel like working today.
A : Me neither.
B : We have a lot to do this week and i should've saved my energy.
A: Yeah right. This is gonna be a long week. This is probably the busiest times of the month for us.
Hey, how was your today?
It was okay. I didn't do much. How about you?
I was very busy so I couldn't save my energy.
Oh, did you have a lot to do today?
Yes, it was a very long day. This is probably one of the busiest times of the month for me.
Sep 29,2024 @6:19 Am Day-52
Hey, How was your weekend?
It was okay. I didn't do much. How about you?
Me neither. I was kind of saving my energy for this week.
Do you have a lot to do this week?
It's going to be a long week. This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
감사히 잘 보고있습니다 ~~
그냥 무작정 떠올라서 질문드려봅니다..
me either 이라고 한다면 어떤느낌이되는지 또 이것을 어떻게사용할수있을지 궁금합니다
아 그리고 혹시 it was a long day와
it's been a long day 의 차이점이 있을까요? 노래가사가 생각나서 여쭤봅니당
Hey, how was your weekend?
It was good. Actually I didn't do much. How about you?
Me neither. I was kind of watching RUclips at home.
Do you have a lot to do this week?
Yeah, it;s gonna be a long month. This is one of the busiest times of the year for me.
This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
나한테는 지금이 아마 1년중 가장 바쁜 시기일거야.
This is probably one of the hardest times of the year for me.
I'm going to kind of make money through these experiences.
Hey, how was your weekend?
It's OK. I didn't do much. How about you?
Me neither. I was kind of saving my energy for this week.
Oh, do you have a lot to do this week?
Yeah. It's going to be a long week. This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me.
강의 감사히 보고있습니다.^^
궁금한 게 있는데요.
This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me에서는 for me가 사용되었고
지난 강의 중에 It looks good to me에서는 to가 사용되었는데 to 와 for 사용상 차이점이 궁금해요.
저도 궁금해요 😢
Hey,how was your weekend?
It was ok. I didn't do much. how about you?
Me neither.
I was kind of saving my energy for this week.
Oh, do you have a lot to do this week?
Yeah. It's going to be a long week.
This is probably one of the busiest time of the year for me.
영상 감사드립니다. 쌤 혹시 야근에 관한 내용으로 수업 가능하신지요? 야근이나 초과근무 등등의 내용을 대화에 활용해보고 싶습니다^^
Hey, How was your weekend?
It was OK. I didn't do much. How about you?
Me neither. I was kind of saving my energy for this week.
Oh, do you have a lot to do this week?
Yes. It's going to be a long week. This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me..
Hey~ How was your weekend?
It was bad. I didn’t really do anything. How about you? Me neither but I played the piano and I was composing an EDM song. Oh, When you finish composing, can you play it for me? Yeah of course. But I’m a little embrrassed.It’s probably one of the hardest things of the year for me
쌤? me neither 를 neither did I 로 고쳐도 같은 의미로 답할수 있는건가요??
원어민은 어느쪽을 더 많이 쓰나요?
A: Hey, how have you been ?
B: I'm doing great.
I didn't do much. How about you?
A: Me, neither.
I was only at home before I met you.
B: Oh, have you never met anyone before you recently met me?
A: Yeah. So it was too long days. Today is one of the busiest time of the year for me.
Me neither 을 Me too로 바꿔도 되요?
오늘 마이애미에서 무료 도서관 영어카페에 참여했는데 다음주에 잘 써먹겠습니다 오늘 아침을 안먹고가서그런지 잘 안들리더라구요 연습많이해야겠습니다 같이 웃고싶었는데...
부정문일때 '나도' 말고 반대로..'난 아닌데' 는 어떻게 쓰나요?
대화문을 만들어 봤는데 괜찮은가요??;;
A: How was your weeked?
B: I hung out with a friend. We hadn't seem each other in a while!
A: Oh? Really? So so what did you do with your friend?
B: We didn't do much.. we just went out for some drinks and talked for a couple of hours.
A: that's why you look happy!
B: yes. Oh we went to barbecue place that you recommend!
A: oh! It was good??
B: yes! It was good!! We barley find a seat! I really didn't expect to be so corwed even on sunday night!
A: yes. Even they're open 24 hours, always so busy there. So next time you should go there a little late at night!
식당 서버로 일하고 있는데, 팁을 자동으로 add(?) charge(?) 한다고 손님한테 말하고, 내 서비스에 만족한다면 그 이상 추가로 더 팁을 주는것도 환영한다고 말하고 싶은데 어떻게 해야할까요? 기분 좋게 말하고 싶어요 >.
This is probably one of the busiest times of the year for me. for me 대신에 to me를 쓰면 안되나요?
나한테라는 의미로 언제 for me 를 쓰고 언제 to me 를 써야 하는지 헷갈리네요..
Hey How was weekend?
Somehow or other. I didn’t do much for my part-time job. How about you?
Me neither
I was looking for a place to work
Oh, you still haven’t found a job?
Yeah, I thought I’d just give up
Nono Don’t give up, You’ll be happire if you find a job somehow
음성 자막만요, 모습은 한쪽에 작게요, 땡큐
Me neither 를 me too 라고 쓰면 틀리는거죠?
쌤님 영상 월욜날 올라오니 다게 반갑네요
I think I miss you ~~
do you have a lot to do this week 에서 this week 앞에는 전치사가 안와도 상관없는건가요?
Me neither 대신 me too를 쓰면 어색한건가요?
i was saving 으로 표현하는거랑 i saved 로 표현하는거랑 어떤차이가 있나요~?
9:36 times