The Storm Rack Install (21+ Ford Super Crew F-150)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 18

  • @gwolford5794
    @gwolford5794 6 месяцев назад

    Good detail on the installation.
    Wouldn't be better to install the threaded rivets into the roof, then install the rack with bolts with blue locktite on them?

    • @sherpaec
      @sherpaec  3 месяца назад

      No, because you want to make sure they are in the correct spot using the rack as the jig. Once your holes are marked you can remove the billet pieces and install them separately and then install the rack onto them.

  • @am49073
    @am49073 3 месяца назад

    Why dont you use rivet nuts for the gutter mounts instead of simple rivets

    • @sherpaec
      @sherpaec  3 месяца назад

      Ease of installation requires a smaller hole, and overall strength. We used to use riv nuts and have moved away for these reasons.

  • @crystianleoreyes2577
    @crystianleoreyes2577 Год назад +2

    Does this work with a 2023 f150 tremor that has the moon roof ?

    • @patrickoneil1121
      @patrickoneil1121 Год назад +1

      Was wondering the same

    • @sherpaec
      @sherpaec  3 месяца назад

      Yes, it does work with the Moon Roof.

    • @Ourownstyle
      @Ourownstyle 28 дней назад

      @@sherpaecjust double checking, the roof rack does work with a moon roof? Because on the website it says it does not fit. Is it more for legal liability reasons? Like if we open the sun roof up? I wanted to purchase one but was looking for more info

    • @sherpaec
      @sherpaec  28 дней назад +1

      @@Ourownstyle The rack can be mounted but you will not retain the full functionality of the Moon Roof.

  • @goatk1
    @goatk1 Год назад

    Great work with the mount of the rack. WOnder how you got a gen 2 raptor bumper to fit a 14th gen f150.... I feel like that's the ebay bumper cover but idk.

    • @sherpaec
      @sherpaec  Год назад

      This is a "Raptor Style Bumper" for the F150. I believe it came from Ebay.

  • @suvcamping
    @suvcamping 2 месяца назад

    What is the load rate of this crossbar? Tiny riverts don't look very strong.

    • @sherpaec
      @sherpaec  2 месяца назад +1

      The load rating of the roofrack is 300lbs dynamic (moving) and 700 lbs static (parked). Each rivet has a tensile strength of 500 lbs. Technically the rivets in use are overkill for the application. We prefer overkill :)

  • @Andyb-rw6lo
    @Andyb-rw6lo 8 дней назад

    Do these still work if you have the moonroof ?

    • @sherpaec
      @sherpaec  8 дней назад

      Yes, but it will stop you from being able to use the full functionality of the Moon Roof.

    • @Andyb-rw6lo
      @Andyb-rw6lo 8 дней назад

      What exactly do you mean?
      Does that mean it won’t open the whole way?

  • @timjohnson1042
    @timjohnson1042 Год назад

    If this is all steel, how longbefore itg starts to rust?

    • @sherpaec
      @sherpaec  Год назад +1

      It's all aluminum contstruction with stainless steel, black oxide coated fastners. No rust to worry about!