What you stand with being selfish because you think the problem doesn't affect you? Flooding can happen anywhere. Especially with H.A.A.R.P. be careful what you wish for. You may just get it.
Doesn't sound fair to me perhaps you should only be able to insure your primary car or pickup - any other cars ect are not insurable...your on your own!
@@lufknuht5960thats the second time ive seen you comment with this straw man argument of no substantive point other than to flail about. im sure you not one of these people who use the governmental loop holes for wealth…
Would be a great speaker of the house!! He damn sure knows how this govt!! Hope they reforms this bill- we shouldn't have to rebuild mansions for the rich! You get flooded more than twice- you pay it! We need Rand!👍💯🇺🇸
Exactly And They Both Just had the same debate Dec 20 2024 AGAIN to extend the program till sept of 2025 and once again rand proposed a spot on plan to amend some restrictions
I used to like Kennedy and then I discovered that he voted "yes" on the last Ukraine support bill. Sorry, John, you no longer have my support. At his "median priced house" estimate, I find I'm a pauper and living way below the average! I worked all my life to get what I've got and I only have one home. A second home should not ever be paid (in any way or form) for by the government when we have so many people living on the street. Kennedy has been a real disappointment lately.
Kennedy is def showing some rino stripes here! I'm fed up w/ the way these people spend our money SO freely! I don't own a home, why should I pay 2 insure someone else's? Just what would these people do all day if they did not have our money to play with????
@@bittersweet2253You and I feel the same way. I no longer trust either side. I really liked Kennedy, but then he changed. I was so disappointed and now know he is not for the American people and is more interested in supporting the Ukrainians.
@@godschild3887 I am very against this proxy war, and I am against sending more money to Ukraine. The irony is I don't think the money went to Ukraine, it looks most likely (blanchissement d'argent).
It's weird how Kennedy ignored Paul saying we should insure primary homes. He's a fraud. Move out the flood zone. Stopping living on shit land and having everyone else pay for it.
"I thought Republicans " I thought Republicans were for capitalism and free markets. The markets are saying don't live there. He's a liar. Socialism for rich and crony capitalism for everyone else.
@@cameronspence4977 Then they should move somewhere else to live. Whenever the government gets involved in an industry, it destroys it. Be it medical insurance, mortgage, or flood insurance. We should let the free market run these programs, not some stupid politicians who think they are smarter than the free market.
@@olabrk The fact that anybody can rely on this flood insurance program to repeatedly rebuild flooded/destroyed houses is absurd. Exclusion is wrong, but putting some words to limit how many times you can rebuild a flooded house at the exact or approximate location is not too much to ask for; it's common sense.
@@TherealJesseLivermore The directives have been put into legislation worldwide. The Alliance is overseeing the implementation of this and so much more, including GESARA, Galactic currency (as your world is about to enlarge in ways we won't discuss at this time.) Jubilee or debt forgiveness, A low flat tax for NEW ITEMS only, no tax on food or.....say.....a used car. Reimbursement checks to stimulate the economy of New Earth. A cross border currency that settles peer to peer transactions in seconds, virtually for free with no banks or intermediaries, on a public block chain (that would see corruption immediately.) A one tiered Justice System who's members uphold The Constitution and agree with The Law of One. And lastly a kind of worldwide Love that Earth has not known in many aons due to the contagion known as Duality consciousness. We bid all of the Earth plane Godspeed in their awakening process. 🙏
Sen. Paul is correct. The gov shouldn't subsidize flood insurance for the rich. Sen. Kennedy is trying to make this into a moral issue "right in the middle of hurricane season." These concocted moral panics are no way to govern. We have to start being fiscally responsible.
Are you put a cap on it like that and it's going to make it so low income people do get coverage for their homes because they don't have very much money and the cap will lower their ability to have the insurance they need to replace their own if it's washed away
Rebuild a single family home. Not a bigger better home. Keep it simple. This works as long as regulation and policy don't get in the way and up the rebuilding costs. The bill can be amended during an interim though as Sen. Paul explained.
I'm sure this is why Kennedy wants to kick the can, for good reason it sounds like they need to tweak it a little 2 months seems reasonable. Rand Paul is being a little bit of a bully here. Seems to me he's making a point. I just don't know what it is.
Great job gentlemen, agree with Rand on this one and am a but disappointed with Mr. Kennedy , did we just now decide the program sucked or could this have been handled a while back you know before it was a problem . Thanks for pushing Rand Paul , this country desperately needs accountability .
Kennedy has NEVER, NOT ONCE, put forward a reform bill on this socialism for the rich law. He HAS extended it and place premium caps on it at least 3 times, though. He is a liar and of low character. He, and all of Louisiana, should be ashamed.
Here in Ohio, I don’t have the desire to supplement someone else’s desire to live in a flood prone or susceptible area. Nor do I expect someone from anywhere in this country to do likewise.
I wonder how Ohio gets Federal Money? I am sure yall have a program that receives Federal Subsidies just like every other . Rand Paul is correct. It's a corrupt system and people work the system all the time. Incredibly depressing.
Senator Paul is absolutely right. If private insurance won't insure it, it shows that homes shouldn't be built in that place. The Senate could easily, within a few days, could reform this program.
insurance companies are a fraud. The only reasons why insurance companies exist is because of a debased currency and Americans inability to invest due to a weak currency. He we are tailoring our entire social-economic system around failed monetary policies.
Insurance companies refuse to write policies. They want premiums without payouts. The Gov, especially fed, should NOT be in the insurance business. Insurance companies are hurting because of so much fraud, but that is the cost of doing improper business.
I agree with a "means test" or a limit on the property value. I live in New Orleans which is in a flood plain but is also a vital shipping port. I don't live anywhere near the coast or on the water at all but everyone here is required to have flood insurance. I think anyone who does get flooded in LA should be forced to raise their house and that's pretty much the standard in New Orleans and surrounding areas since Katrina but the rest of the states should have this same rule to prevent repeat claims on the same property.
I usually agree with Sen Kennedy BUT I have to agree with Sen Paul. We're talking about FEDERAL flood insurance. If you want to buy a second home, or an expensive home, then you had better be able to afford private flood insurance!!! And the CAP should be based on the going prices in the area. Millionaires should buy their OWN DAMNED INSURANCE!!!
I agree primary homes only! Primary home is what you drive to work from and that greatly effects your living situation! But a vacation home can be insured privately! If you can afford the toy you can afford the insurance
Right! Next thing taxpayers will be paying the insurance premiums of Porsche & Mercedes drivers. People, rich or poor, probably shouldn't be living in likely flood zones
My tax dollars should not pay for someones VACATION home when I cant even afford to buy my OWN home. Thank you rand paul for being a voice of common sense and reason.
It's not. It's people's homes. Places they grew up and lived in their entire lives. Make no mistake, regardless of where you live it can flood. This isn't about one state. It's about hundreds of millions of people.
There is a few people that "say what needs to be said" but nobody is doing what needs to be done. They get paid ridiculous salaries and get away with breaking the law. Must be nice to be a selected official.
Paul is right on the money. Period. Whh the hell is the government paying your floos insurance if your a millionaire. How the hell is that even possible?!?!
As a Canadian on the outside, I just want to say that these are two men who I highly respect in the USA. This is real, honest debate and thank God for some freedom of speech in an age where it is no longer desired. Again, coming from a country where we have a de facto dictatorship, this is good debating. It is not necessarily a win-lose debate! Hopefully, this debate leads to an equitable resolution
Rand has more common sense and Kennedy has more self preservation. Kennedy is pro America as long as America keeps his status quo. I have to give it to Paul. A guy who took a beating from a non-partisan assailant, yet still holds true to his word, a doctor who questioned the status quo during pandemic chaos... Guy says what he says, and means what he says. I can't say the same about Kennedy
Absolutely and totally agree! These are 2 good men BOTH trying to protect the American people. I'm a Brit and I want to say how sorry I feel for you over there in Canada. Good luck!
@@jiveturkey2875I like Kennedy, and Rand Paul. $250k coverage is a lil low though. Maybe there could be a secondary private insurance company to cover the rest.
As a Louisiana citizen in the hurricane zone, I support RAND PAUL on this! Sen John is well-meaning, but I’m sick to death of the rich being insured over multimillion dollar beachfront homes. Cover those like the people who lost homes from Katrina and other damaging storms that hurt inland homes. Let the wealthy live in safe locations.
Exactly, Rand Paul isn't saying that the modest homeowners shouldn't get it but that one's with 5 million dollar beach houses shouldn't get it, and passing it with no cap limit which is what John Kennedy wants to do will do nothing to help said working class.
Build your trapezoid on the rock where storms don't wash it away. You can retire some day too? Global warming happens. Don't cut off your own noses to spite your own faces😂🎉
I'm a little disappointed of Kennedy. He's playing with feelings and say many wrong things beginning with the roll of government is to protect people's private property, yes but not from flooding but from others with no right to take it from you like he wants to do with others people money as if money is not private property. Very good from Paul.
Much love for Rand Paul. Definitely should be limited to primary residence. I think they can get to an agreement about the cap portion of Sen. Paul's proposal.
Kennedy is showing some of them there rino stripes! I don't want my taxes to pay for ins on someone's home. I don't even own a home. Maybe I'd like to save those dollars for what MY family needs!!
The money that goes everywhere but our country is enormous. The government is willing to gamble livelihoods to get their dreams to come true. America could cover the $30 billion damage of flooding easily if the money wasn’t pilfered, wasted or sent to oh, Ukraine. We always help our neighbors recover. Putting limits and income qualifications into the program would help solve the “small” problems Rand points out.
Ukraine should be someone else’s problem. Why are we the only ones sending them money when we have homeless veterans and a government that’s about to shut down?
Stop giving rich people our money. If they want to own a place in a high-risk area, that is their choice. Why is common sense so difficult for so many to understand.
But remember, climate change, rising sea levels *- Distraction while the same preaching climate change buy multi-million dollar beach front properties.
Yeah, Rand wasn't even opposed to the idea considering the fact that we're in an inflation hell, but to allow it to continue to steal from the taxpayer to give to the rich because it has no cap limit is ridiculous.
I have worked 100s if not 1000s of NFIP flood claims There are fsr more flood damage from rivers than coastal Those tropical systems may hit Louisiana...but they flood the Tn Valley etc ... Rand Paul is wrong about how NFIP policy's work Thr NFIP def needs fixing ..thr biggest expense and waste in my book is the Vast bureaucracy in Washington There are so many levels of management..those claims are almost impossible to close Also coastal homes to be covered depending on thr zone they are in ..have to be built in certain ways ..Like on stilts etc.... Thr worst most vast damage like I said is rhe that hit in thr 100 or 500 year flood plain and the river overflows Also Ron Paul mentions rhe avg price of a home Sale price is irrelevant You can have a 200 sq foot tiny home on a million dollar piece of land Insurance is all about what it take to repair or rebuild the covered structure and repair or replace covered contents .. I live on a lake more than half my house isn't covered by flood policy as 2 sides are considered under ground ... I have a very expensive property being lake front .. and kinda a nice house..but only part of it would covered per NFIP So if it was a million dollar property . Only about 150k in building is covered ...even the contents in my finished "basement" aren't covered But he is right about some homes being flooded over and over again ... Actually if your home is flooded twice you qualify for insurance money to have your home raised ... NFIP is sooo complicated ans the rules change depending on what type of flood zone you are in I think they need to extend the program but also need to clamp down and fix it Starting with rhe massive waste and corruption in fl NfIP is actually administered by 3rd parties... I retired 7 years ago so csnt name them But waste fraud and abuse are fsr more costly in rhis program than subsidizing rich people Another place they need to focus is Lenders forced placed flood insurance that robs policyholders outright Chase Manhattan the lender owns ( the largest shareholders) of the insurance company that administers the NFIP policy and also owns the company that determines if you are in a flood zone And they charge up to 10 times what a policy should be And in all my years of adjusting claims these beach front houses are typically damaged by both wind and flood.... What happens is insurance company can manage the NFIP coverage as well so they pass as much damage to flood Its very complicated and works like it 1000 people just threw a piece of instruction in a pile and what wver order rhey pulled the pieces out is how they put it together
Also there are specific rules covering 2nd homes on NFIP ...Primary and Secondary residences aren't treated rhe same AT all And most of those beach front 2nd homes are rentals and are treated as business... They aren't treated near rhe same as primary
Insurance companies are one of the biggest flim flam operations in modern history! To go with Kennedy is basically caving in such a way that it looks like it is helping the common man, when really, it's helping insurance companies. He isn't standing for the working man, he's standing for greedy pig insurance companies. The same industry that wants to take your premiums for years and years and then fly a drone over your house and cancel it. The same industry that gets to decide whether you get life saving medication, rather than letting your doctor decide. They're terrible and they need checked! Thank you Rand Paul, for standing up. Smaller government, not subsidized "wealth"!
As much as I like Senator Kennedy, I am with Senator Paul on this one. There's no constitutional ground to tax someone for his neighbor's misfortune no matter how poor the neighbor is, so to say that We the taxpayers will subsidize *_anyone_* is already going above and beyond. Rand Paul is trying to cut fat, and Senator Kennedy is trying to keep the fat. Figure out what fair limits are and enact them, or scrap it altogether.
I own a second home in Florida and Rand is right. There are no poor folks on the SW Coast of Florida. My home is not in a flood zone. I pay for my flood insurance even though it's not likely to flood.
Well I live in Louisiana and I pay for my flood insurance too, but a lot of private insurance companies won't write policies. By the way I live in a single wide mobile home and not a vacation home on the coast. I am also not in a flood zone but just two miles down the road is and the insurance is outrageous. Lower parishes in Louisiana are fishing towns and we get our seafood from these places. The fishing industry is vital to our economy here in these parishes and our state. People live in the coastal areas and park their boats and have homes down there, not vacation homes.
@@lavadamorrison4569 I can see doing something for folks like yourself and an industry that is vital to a local/regional economy. I'm not for helping to rebuild folks who're already very wealthy and can float the cost themselves.
@@lavadamorrison4569 The original poster Mr. Polymers doesn't care about your mobile home. His homeowner's insurance and his flood insurance, he freely pays, because he can afford it - - because he's likely rich or upper middle class, to fit Rand Paul's description, with MONEY - - his premiums alone, could buy you 5 trailers. The new FEMA algorithm that is driving up rates everywhere could skyrocket - - and Mr. Polymers would just pay it. The rest of us cannot afford THOUSAND dollar increases to our insurances. Nor can we afford these unaffordable increasing gas prices, groceries, etc. It's apples and oranges out there - - and people with MONEY cannot possibly understand what it is like to feel the squeeze from these higher rates that are making no sense.
@lavadamorrison4569 the free market is dictating you should probably move. Tax payers should not pay the Bill because Louisiana is a troublesome state to live in, regarding Floods and natural disaster.
I often admire Kennedy but I have to agree with Paul on this one. Humans have a brain , they should be left to use it, if you build your house on a flood plain take the risk that goes along with it
Amen! There's no law requiring anyone to build on a flood plain. So those who do, willfully choose to take that risk. No other American should have to pay for some other person's foolish, private decision!
Kennedy is just acting the politician that he is ... basically, he agrees with Rand but some his cronies will be very unhappy with him if he does ... Way to go, Rand!
Hard-working taxpaying Citizens here in Ohio & nationwide have great respect for Sen. Paul who is, in fact, a TREASURE; an intellectually honest voice of logic & common sense in the U.S. Senate, where it is so desperately needed, yet sadly, quite rare. Altho I respect Sen. Kennedy & often enjoy his unique style of communicating with Americans with his particular brand of wit & candor & his glorious sense of humor. But... Senator Paul, logic & common sense absolutely win this debate. Sen. Paul is 100% correct. The taxpayer-funded Federal Flood Insurance Program IS (and HAS LONG-BEEN) in DIRE NEED of reform. Thirty-Three TRILLION Sen. Kennedy! T H I R T Y . . . T H R E E . . . T R I L L I O N ! ! ! Our Republic is out of time Sir. DC MUST... CUT... SPENDING. And you know it. The FFIP is a REASONABLE place TO START. For the sake of our innocent children & grandchildren... CUT... SPENDING... NOW.
Rand Paul is on point. Outlaw any building in a flood zone. Rebuilding should be mandated in an area well out of a flood zone and no person that is wealthy should get any subsidies. Senator Paul's proposals are total common sense.
John Kennedy is one of my favorites! I have never disagreed with anything he's said ...until now!!! why would a minimum wage employee need to subsidize a 2nd beach home? #FJB
Most regular people don't get paid for not showing up for a job or getting the job done so if they can't figure out this budget or any of that, and if they've been taking so many vacations, they should forget their paycheck and not receive back pay. A regular person not doing their job or showing up for it would get fired.
Here is a novel concept...Put a cap on the insurance. That way everyone gets to have their insurance . If someone who has a multi million dollar home and wants "additional" insurance, then sell it to them. Just like I have aflac to supplement my insurance at my expense, let them buy supplemental insurance at their expense.
Gee I thought I'd never hear Sen Kennedy be anything but solidly sane... His performance today blew away that expectation totally... Rand was on target as always.. Thank you Rand for that decent amendment --accomplished cleverly with just two logical limits on coverage. TTYL
They both give good arguments so cap at average home value across the board $500k and if you can't rebuild at that then the rest should come out of your pocket
I have been to Louisiana many times. People in flood plains build homes with deep footings with tall poles way above flood levels. If you are on the coast line. You have got to know you are in harm's way..
I agree with Paul, since I have known this family for years and was a huge supporter of his awesome Father. I do see Kennedy's point, in relation to the coastal areas of his constituents. Different than S/N Carolina, Florida and places similar. This should be an issue of these states with this problem coming together with one another and creating their own insurance pool. This should not be a national program.
I’m with Rand Paul on this, but Kennedy is obligated to advocate for his state in this regard, even if he knows this goes against general conservative principles.
Senator Rand is right on, as usual. Flood Insurance is another beltway spending lamb now grown into a fat sacred cow. If you build anything, a hut or mansion, in either the flood plain of a great river or on an ocean coast long-known to be visited by great sea storms, you're at risk. Don't put your hand in my pocket for protection from your folly.
I love Sen. Kennedy but, this time I'm agreeing with Sen. Paul. I live in a studio apt at over $700 a month. Why should I pay for someones second home when I don't even have 1 home?
If the govt shuts down the first money to be frozen should be the salaries of all lawmakers, without backpay, when the govt re-opens. Among their first responsibilities is to function... even if that function is dysfunctional.
Nope! Shut it down until we can get all parties to agree to get OUR house (America ) back in order and under control. This is an opportunity to clean house of ALL wasteful spending and get our priorities straight. America first!
Typically Kennedy is much wiser than this. His position on this makes me reevaluate the many times I have thought him wise. Paul is absolutely right. Compromise on the thresholds but no second homes of anyone and no unlimited levels of replacement.
I gotta go with Sen. Rand on this one that there should be limits on who gets help through FEMA. I also understand the point that Sen Kennedy is trying to make that people who do have 2nd homes may not have any way to insure their homes through private insurance due to such short notice. I agree that it’s wrong to burden the tax payer with the expenses to rebuild over and over again in flood zones.
I had to buy my own flood insurance at $1,400 yr. Out of that, I had a deductible of $4,000 to pay up front before they fixed anything. If you just bought all new appliances and a new furnace, they still only covered about 1/2. That was my personal residence, not a second home or a home where there's it's hurricane prone.
You found out the truth: insurance is the biggest scam in the country. If you file a claim for damages, subject to your deductible, repair your home to better condition than it was, the insurance company will cancel your policy. No other insurance company will insure you because you've had a claim in the past 5 years, leaving you to find an alternative company to issue a policy at a 30% increase in premium for three years (if you have no claims). Insurance makes money by taking your money and not paying out in claims. I know this from personal experience.
Louisiana has a lot of flooding in the canals and swamps of the state. Some of those places are little more than shacks. Florida gets flooding in the interior of the state also. But I agree with Paul. If you can afford a high dollar home then the taxpayer shouldn't have to pay for it.
Well said!
I.e. ukraine
Teet. My mistake.
The US has squandered everything on wars
I agree With Senator Paul on this one! 👊🏻💯
What you stand with being selfish because you think the problem doesn't affect you? Flooding can happen anywhere. Especially with H.A.A.R.P. be careful what you wish for. You may just get it.
Senator Paul is on to something. Insure primary homes. If you have a second vacation home in a flood zone you are you are on your own.
Doesn't sound fair to me perhaps you should only be able to insure your primary car or pickup - any other cars ect are not insurable...your on your own!
The government does not insure our cars!
@@vaportrail6315 taxpayers dont subsidize auto insurance in the same way flood insurance.
So you want couples to divorce for each can claim a primary home.
@@lufknuht5960thats the second time ive seen you comment with this straw man argument of no substantive point other than to flail about. im sure you not one of these people who use the governmental loop holes for wealth…
Rand Paul is a gift to this country! He sure does know his stuff, and we are so lucky to have him…thanks Rand!
He takes after his father.
He should be head of the senate
Remdisivir & Gilead Pharmaceuticals 😂
Would be a great speaker of the house!!
He damn sure knows how this govt!!
Hope they reforms this bill- we shouldn't have to rebuild mansions for the rich!
You get flooded more than twice- you pay it!
We need Rand!👍💯🇺🇸
Exactly And They Both Just had the same debate Dec 20 2024 AGAIN to extend the program till sept of 2025 and once again rand proposed a spot on plan to amend some restrictions
I used to like Kennedy and then I discovered that he voted "yes" on the last Ukraine support bill. Sorry, John, you no longer have my support. At his "median priced house" estimate, I find I'm a pauper and living way below the average! I worked all my life to get what I've got and I only have one home. A second home should not ever be paid (in any way or form) for by the government when we have so many people living on the street. Kennedy has been a real disappointment lately.
I agree that Kenndy lost my support when he voted yes on money to Ukraine
Kennedy is def showing some rino stripes here!
I'm fed up w/ the way these people spend our money SO freely!
I don't own a home, why should I pay 2 insure someone else's?
Just what would these people do all day if they did not have our money to play with????
Same here, lost a lot of respect for Kennedy when he did that, makes you wonder who you can trust anymore.
@@bittersweet2253You and I feel the same way. I no longer trust either side. I really liked Kennedy, but then he changed. I was so disappointed and now know he is not for the American people and is more interested in supporting the Ukrainians.
@@godschild3887 I am very against this proxy war, and I am against sending more money to Ukraine. The irony is I don't think the money went to Ukraine, it looks most likely (blanchissement d'argent).
Two of my favorite senators. But Paul is 100% correct.
It's weird how Kennedy ignored Paul saying we should insure primary homes. He's a fraud. Move out the flood zone. Stopping living on shit land and having everyone else pay for it.
"I thought Republicans " I thought Republicans were for capitalism and free markets. The markets are saying don't live there. He's a liar. Socialism for rich and crony capitalism for everyone else.
I agree with Paul. We should not substitute millionaires for their insurance!
Yup it's ridiculous to support millionaires with tax dollars
What about the other 80% of the flood insurance recipients that are just normal people whose home might not be covered by regular insurance?
Subsidize, not substitute
@@cameronspence4977 Then they should move somewhere else to live. Whenever the government gets involved in an industry, it destroys it. Be it medical insurance, mortgage, or flood insurance. We should let the free market run these programs, not some stupid politicians who think they are smarter than the free market.
@@olabrk The fact that anybody can rely on this flood insurance program to repeatedly rebuild flooded/destroyed houses is absurd. Exclusion is wrong, but putting some words to limit how many times you can rebuild a flooded house at the exact or approximate location is not too much to ask for; it's common sense.
Is Senator Paul the only one that is watching our money?
Him and Trump.
Yes, Paul is the only true fiscal conservative
I think so .. I'd probably vote for him if he ran for presidency .. Fix it today! Don't keep passing down the line...
@@ThePoehladianLaughable that you think Trump is anyway responsible when it comes to fiscal and monetary policy
@@TherealJesseLivermore The directives have been put into legislation worldwide. The Alliance is overseeing the implementation of this and so much more, including GESARA, Galactic currency (as your world is about to enlarge in ways we won't discuss at this time.) Jubilee or debt forgiveness, A low flat tax for NEW ITEMS only, no tax on food or.....say.....a used car. Reimbursement checks to stimulate the economy of New Earth. A cross border currency that settles peer to peer transactions in seconds, virtually for free with no banks or intermediaries, on a public block chain (that would see corruption immediately.) A one tiered Justice System who's members uphold The Constitution and agree with The Law of One. And lastly a kind of worldwide Love that Earth has not known in many aons due to the contagion known as Duality consciousness.
We bid all of the Earth plane Godspeed in their awakening process. 🙏
True. If Kennedy is right in his description of the homes in LA, then they would still be fine with Paul's proposal.
You agree with Kennedy escalating this proxy war? Sending billions of our tax money to Nazis in the Azov battalion?
Sen. Paul is correct. The gov shouldn't subsidize flood insurance for the rich. Sen. Kennedy is trying to make this into a moral issue "right in the middle of hurricane season." These concocted moral panics are no way to govern. We have to start being fiscally responsible.
Rand Paul’s suggestions are common sense, only 1 home per policy, and put an income cap on it, not the “value of the home”
Suggestions mean nothing unless implemented.
Are you put a cap on it like that and it's going to make it so low income people do get coverage for their homes because they don't have very much money and the cap will lower their ability to have the insurance they need to replace their own if it's washed away
Rebuild a single family home. Not a bigger better home. Keep it simple. This works as long as regulation and policy don't get in the way and up the rebuilding costs. The bill can be amended during an interim though as Sen. Paul explained.
I'm sure this is why Kennedy wants to kick the can, for good reason it sounds like they need to tweak it a little 2 months seems reasonable. Rand Paul is being a little bit of a bully here. Seems to me he's making a point. I just don't know what it is.
I wonder what would happen if claims were limited to once per owner?
Great job gentlemen, agree with Rand on this one and am a but disappointed with Mr. Kennedy , did we just now decide the program sucked or could this have been handled a while back you know before it was a problem . Thanks for pushing Rand Paul , this country desperately needs accountability .
Kennedy has NEVER, NOT ONCE, put forward a reform bill on this socialism for the rich law. He HAS extended it and place premium caps on it at least 3 times, though. He is a liar and of low character. He, and all of Louisiana, should be ashamed.
Insurance Companies do NOT cover floods, and
16 Trillion spent on Covid Relief in 2020
The rule of thumb in any large organization, especially government, is to ignore problems until they become emergencies, and then blame everyone.
Thank you, Rand Paul. I like Senator Kennedy usually but he is wrong about this.
Your exactly right Paul exactly right.
Here in Ohio, I don’t have the desire to supplement someone else’s desire to live in a flood prone or susceptible area.
Nor do I expect someone from anywhere in this country to do likewise.
I wonder how Ohio gets Federal Money? I am sure yall have a program that receives Federal Subsidies just like every other .
Rand Paul is correct. It's a corrupt system and people work the system all the time. Incredibly depressing.
Senator Paul is absolutely right. If private insurance won't insure it, it shows that homes shouldn't be built in that place. The Senate could easily, within a few days, could reform this program.
That is actually a unarguable point.
If private insurance companies are the crux in this, No One's home will be covered! That is not an exaggeration!
insurance companies are a fraud. The only reasons why insurance companies exist is because of a debased currency and Americans inability to invest due to a weak currency. He we are tailoring our entire social-economic system around failed monetary policies.
Insurance companies refuse to write policies. They want premiums without payouts. The Gov, especially fed, should NOT be in the insurance business. Insurance companies are hurting because of so much fraud, but that is the cost of doing improper business.
I agree with a "means test" or a limit on the property value. I live in New Orleans which is in a flood plain but is also a vital shipping port. I don't live anywhere near the coast or on the water at all but everyone here is required to have flood insurance. I think anyone who does get flooded in LA should be forced to raise their house and that's pretty much the standard in New Orleans and surrounding areas since Katrina but the rest of the states should have this same rule to prevent repeat claims on the same property.
I usually agree with Sen Kennedy BUT I have to agree with Sen Paul. We're talking about FEDERAL flood insurance. If you want to buy a second home, or an expensive home, then you had better be able to afford private flood insurance!!! And the CAP should be based on the going prices in the area. Millionaires should buy their OWN DAMNED INSURANCE!!!
I agree primary homes only! Primary home is what you drive to work from and that greatly effects your living situation! But a vacation home can be insured privately! If you can afford the toy you can afford the insurance
Right! Next thing taxpayers will be paying the insurance premiums of Porsche & Mercedes drivers. People, rich or poor, probably shouldn't be living in likely flood zones
The problem is the mandates of insurance on mortgage requirements. In a flood zone, it is a crapshoot whether it is a first, or second home.
As usual, Rand Paul is right. Rand is a special kind of principled, good man.
Like his father
@@SGomez3050 Exactly. This country had the ability to rescue itself when Ron ran for President and we blew it.
The good thing about these hearings is we get to see how ridiculous the spending is in government
Yeah We'll never see it anywhere else.
My tax dollars should not pay for someones VACATION home when I cant even afford to buy my OWN home. Thank you rand paul for being a voice of common sense and reason.
It's not. It's people's homes. Places they grew up and lived in their entire lives. Make no mistake, regardless of where you live it can flood. This isn't about one state. It's about hundreds of millions of people.
Thank you Rand...once again he is the only person in Washington saying what needs to be said
So Matt gaetz is just invisible to you huh?
I think government should never be in the insurance business.
There is no authority delegated to it to do so in the Constitution! Period .
There is a few people that "say what needs to be said" but nobody is doing what needs to be done. They get paid ridiculous salaries and get away with breaking the law. Must be nice to be a selected official.
Matt needs more time, he’s not there yet
@@libertypastor1307also not in constitution for auto insurance either ..
Paul is right on the money. Period. Whh the hell is the government paying your floos insurance if your a millionaire. How the hell is that even possible?!?!
I don’t own a home and yet I still paying for all this insanity and madness, thank you Mr. Paul you are right 100%
As a Canadian on the outside, I just want to say that these are two men who I highly respect in the USA. This is real, honest debate and thank God for some freedom of speech in an age where it is no longer desired. Again, coming from a country where we have a de facto dictatorship, this is good debating. It is not necessarily a win-lose debate! Hopefully, this debate leads to an equitable resolution
Rand has more common sense and Kennedy has more self preservation.
Kennedy is pro America as long as America keeps his status quo.
I have to give it to Paul.
A guy who took a beating from a non-partisan assailant, yet still holds true to his word, a doctor who questioned the status quo during pandemic chaos...
Guy says what he says, and means what he says.
I can't say the same about Kennedy
Absolutely and totally agree! These are 2 good men BOTH trying to protect the American people. I'm a Brit and I want to say how sorry I feel for you over there in Canada. Good luck!
@@jiveturkey2875I like Kennedy, and Rand Paul. $250k coverage is a lil low though. Maybe there could be a secondary private insurance company to cover the rest.
couldn't have said it better ever
As a Louisiana citizen in the hurricane zone, I support RAND PAUL on this! Sen John is well-meaning, but I’m sick to death of the rich being insured over multimillion dollar beachfront homes. Cover those like the people who lost homes from Katrina and other damaging storms that hurt inland homes. Let the wealthy live in safe locations.
We should applaud success, not pay to rebuild it. It isn't the taxpayer's job to rebuild vacation homes.
Especially not 20 times 🤯
Obvious corruption - thats why we Have a DNI!! People are paid to stop it, but they aren't.
Exactly, Rand Paul isn't saying that the modest homeowners shouldn't get it but that one's with 5 million dollar beach houses shouldn't get it, and passing it with no cap limit which is what John Kennedy wants to do will do nothing to help said working class.
I will restore the years the Palmer worm ate Joel. Retirement happens Dufus rufus
Build your trapezoid on the rock where storms don't wash it away. You can retire some day too? Global warming happens. Don't cut off your own noses to spite your own faces😂🎉
@@glitch-pr3nrPeople can retire outside a flood zone. I did.
12:42 Senator Kennedy I don’t agree with you on this because that’s not fair to taxpayers across the board! Definitely a ‘NO’ on a second home! 👊🏻💯
I'm a little disappointed of Kennedy. He's playing with feelings and say many wrong things beginning with the roll of government is to protect people's private property, yes but not from flooding but from others with no right to take it from you like he wants to do with others people money as if money is not private property. Very good from Paul.
WOW…we are getting facts to this crazy insurance bill. Thanks Sen Paul
Much love for Rand Paul. Definitely should be limited to primary residence. I think they can get to an agreement about the cap portion of Sen. Paul's proposal.
Kennedy is showing some of them there rino stripes!
I don't want my taxes to pay for ins on someone's home. I don't even own a home. Maybe I'd like to save those dollars for what MY family needs!!
Dr Rand Paul is right. Only primary homes should be covered not vacation homes of rich people!
The money that goes everywhere but our country is enormous. The government is willing to gamble livelihoods to get their dreams to come true. America could cover the $30 billion damage of flooding easily if the money wasn’t pilfered, wasted or sent to oh, Ukraine. We always help our neighbors recover. Putting limits and income qualifications into the program would help solve the “small” problems Rand points out.
Ukraine should be someone else’s problem. Why are we the only ones sending them money when we have homeless veterans and a government that’s about to shut down?
@@nevermindme8922You'd think Europe would chip in at least.
Rand Paul making too much sense
Rand Paul is a true Patriot! He should be speaker of the house!
Stop giving rich people our money. If they want to own a place in a high-risk area, that is their choice. Why is common sense so difficult for so many to understand.
But remember, climate change, rising sea levels *- Distraction while the same preaching climate change buy multi-million dollar beach front properties.
Entitled ego maniacs.
A rare big L for senator Kennedy. If you can afford a second home, then you can pay for your own flood insurance.
Thank you, Rand Paul. Rational voice amidst stupidity. . . . and covering houses that are not primary residences is insanity and greed.
Yeah, Rand wasn't even opposed to the idea considering the fact that we're in an inflation hell, but to allow it to continue to steal from the taxpayer to give to the rich because it has no cap limit is ridiculous.
I have worked 100s if not 1000s of NFIP flood claims
There are fsr more flood damage from rivers than coastal
Those tropical systems may hit Louisiana...but they flood the Tn Valley etc ...
Rand Paul is wrong about how NFIP policy's work
Thr NFIP def needs fixing ..thr biggest expense and waste in my book is the Vast bureaucracy in Washington
There are so many levels of management..those claims are almost impossible to close
Also coastal homes to be covered depending on thr zone they are in ..have to be built in certain ways ..Like on stilts etc....
Thr worst most vast damage like I said is rhe that hit in thr 100 or 500 year flood plain and the river overflows
Also Ron Paul mentions rhe avg price of a home
Sale price is irrelevant
You can have a 200 sq foot tiny home on a million dollar piece of land
Insurance is all about what it take to repair or rebuild the covered structure and repair or replace covered contents ..
I live on a lake more than half my house isn't covered by flood policy as 2 sides are considered under ground ...
I have a very expensive property being lake front .. and kinda a nice house..but only part of it would covered per NFIP
So if it was a million dollar property . Only about 150k in building is covered ...even the contents in my finished "basement" aren't covered
But he is right about some homes being flooded over and over again ...
Actually if your home is flooded twice you qualify for insurance money to have your home raised ...
NFIP is sooo complicated ans the rules change depending on what type of flood zone you are in
I think they need to extend the program but also need to clamp down and fix it
Starting with rhe massive waste and corruption in fl
NfIP is actually administered by 3rd parties...
I retired 7 years ago so csnt name them
But waste fraud and abuse are fsr more costly in rhis program than subsidizing rich people
Another place they need to focus is Lenders forced placed flood insurance that robs policyholders outright
Chase Manhattan the lender owns ( the largest shareholders) of the insurance company that administers the NFIP policy and also owns the company that determines if you are in a flood zone
And they charge up to 10 times what a policy should be
And in all my years of adjusting claims these beach front houses are typically damaged by both wind and flood....
What happens is insurance company can manage the NFIP coverage as well so they pass as much damage to flood
Its very complicated and works like it 1000 people just threw a piece of instruction in a pile and what wver order rhey pulled the pieces out is how they put it together
Also there are specific rules covering 2nd homes on NFIP ...Primary and Secondary residences aren't treated rhe same AT all
And most of those beach front 2nd homes are rentals and are treated as business...
They aren't treated near rhe same as primary
@davidswink6653 that's a very good point 👉
Insurance companies are one of the biggest flim flam operations in modern history! To go with Kennedy is basically caving in such a way that it looks like it is helping the common man, when really, it's helping insurance companies. He isn't standing for the working man, he's standing for greedy pig insurance companies. The same industry that wants to take your premiums for years and years and then fly a drone over your house and cancel it. The same industry that gets to decide whether you get life saving medication, rather than letting your doctor decide. They're terrible and they need checked!
Thank you Rand Paul, for standing up. Smaller government, not subsidized "wealth"!
Rand Paul Great Speech !! That Represents The Taxpayers !!!
Thank You!!!
Rand Paul a voice of reason
He almost always is - logical, articulate and rationale. Wish all of the Senators had his qualities
I wish his Dad was elected in 2012. The world would be so much better.
As much as I like Senator Kennedy, I am with Senator Paul on this one. There's no constitutional ground to tax someone for his neighbor's misfortune no matter how poor the neighbor is, so to say that We the taxpayers will subsidize *_anyone_* is already going above and beyond. Rand Paul is trying to cut fat, and Senator Kennedy is trying to keep the fat. Figure out what fair limits are and enact them, or scrap it altogether.
I don't usually not agree with Kennedy but I think Paul makes a good point! A$500,000 house and must be primary home sounds fair.
Do not usually not agree? What a classic double negative. This lack of clarity indicates muddled thinking.
No what I meant was I usually agree with Kennedy but not with these statements.
With BidenFlation in 3 years that $500,000.00 will probably be $700,000.00.
There should be an accounting for hyperinflation
Rand is spot on with this!!
Shrink the government.
As a Federal employee, I agree.
Great me too, and I've had this insurance forsed on me. Defund shrink government
By 70%!
Yes! Abolish multiple agencies, not reform them.
"If it becomes destructive of these means it is the right of the people to Alter or abolish it.."
If it’s over $250,000 then why can’t individuals pay for their own flood insurance?! 🙏🇺🇸
I own a second home in Florida and Rand is right. There are no poor folks on the SW Coast of Florida. My home is not in a flood zone. I pay for my flood insurance even though it's not likely to flood.
Well I live in Louisiana and I pay for my flood insurance too, but a lot of private insurance companies won't write policies. By the way I live in a single wide mobile home and not a vacation home on the coast. I am also not in a flood zone but just two miles down the road is and the insurance is outrageous. Lower parishes in Louisiana are fishing towns and we get our seafood from these places. The fishing industry is vital to our economy here in these parishes and our state. People live in the coastal areas and park their boats and have homes down there, not vacation homes.
@@lavadamorrison4569 I can see doing something for folks like yourself and an industry that is vital to a local/regional economy. I'm not for helping to rebuild folks who're already very wealthy and can float the cost themselves.
@@lavadamorrison4569 The original poster Mr. Polymers doesn't care about your mobile home. His homeowner's insurance and his flood insurance, he freely pays, because he can afford it - - because he's likely rich or upper middle class, to fit Rand Paul's description, with MONEY - - his premiums alone, could buy you 5 trailers. The new FEMA algorithm that is driving up rates everywhere could skyrocket - - and Mr. Polymers would just pay it. The rest of us cannot afford THOUSAND dollar increases to our insurances. Nor can we afford these unaffordable increasing gas prices, groceries, etc. It's apples and oranges out there - - and people with MONEY cannot possibly understand what it is like to feel the squeeze from these higher rates that are making no sense.
@lavadamorrison4569 the free market is dictating you should probably move. Tax payers should not pay the Bill because Louisiana is a troublesome state to live in, regarding Floods and natural disaster.
Kennedy is wrong on this one. I thought he was smarter than this. Rand is right.
I agree with Sen Paul
I appreciate the debate thanks senators!
I often admire Kennedy but I have to agree with Paul on this one. Humans have a brain , they should be left to use it, if you build your house on a flood plain take the risk that goes along with it
Common sense.
Tell Florida that
There's no law requiring anyone to build on a flood plain. So those who do, willfully choose to take that risk. No other American should have to pay for some other person's foolish, private decision!
You agree with Kennedy escalating this proxy war? Sending billions of our tax money to Nazis in the Azov battalion?
Kennedy is just acting the politician that he is ... basically, he agrees with Rand but some his cronies will be very unhappy with him if he does ... Way to go, Rand!
Thank you Sen Paul, we here in Kentucky consider you a treasure
Thank you, KY for putting him in the Senate!
Hard-working taxpaying Citizens here in Ohio & nationwide have great respect for Sen. Paul who is, in fact, a TREASURE; an intellectually honest voice of logic & common sense in the U.S. Senate, where it is so desperately needed, yet sadly, quite rare.
Altho I respect Sen. Kennedy & often enjoy his unique style of communicating with Americans with his particular brand of wit & candor & his glorious sense of humor. But...
Senator Paul, logic & common sense absolutely win this debate.
Sen. Paul is 100% correct. The taxpayer-funded Federal Flood Insurance Program IS (and HAS LONG-BEEN) in DIRE NEED of reform.
Thirty-Three TRILLION Sen. Kennedy!
T H I R T Y . . . T H R E E . . .
T R I L L I O N ! ! !
Our Republic is out of time Sir.
And you know it.
For the sake of our innocent children & grandchildren...
Next to my votes for President Trump I consider my votes for Senator Paul to be my proudest moments.@@georgias701
Let it go! We can’t afford it.
Kennedy whining about inflation while creating more inflation lol
That’s exactly why I was screaming at my iPad 😂
Well said ..
Rand Paul is on point. Outlaw any building in a flood zone. Rebuilding should be mandated in an area well out of a flood zone and no person that is wealthy should get any subsidies. Senator Paul's proposals are total common sense.
John Kennedy is one of my favorites!
I have never disagreed with anything he's said
...until now!!!
why would a minimum wage employee need to subsidize a 2nd beach home?
Shut the government down. Especially if it means Congress and Senate don't get paid! (since they gave themselves a raise).
Congress still gets paid through a shutdown unfortunately. They made sure of it.
This here is exactly why the greedy Democrats are so pissed off by the shutdown.
Most regular people don't get paid for not showing up for a job or getting the job done so if they can't figure out this budget or any of that, and if they've been taking so many vacations, they should forget their paycheck and not receive back pay. A regular person not doing their job or showing up for it would get fired.
@jessj.j.french7482 Yep. If I didn't show up or I didn't meet my deadlines , I would not have a job. I do wish I could "vote" myself a raise, tho. 😆
They get paid everybody gets paid they all get a paid vacation.
Theres nothing bad that government cant make worse.
Here is a novel concept...Put a cap on the insurance. That way everyone gets to have their insurance . If someone who has a multi million dollar home and wants "additional" insurance, then sell it to them. Just like I have aflac to supplement my insurance at my expense, let them buy supplemental insurance at their expense.
I stand with Rand on this one. Venice has lasted over 1,400 years without a national food insurance programme, they build around the problem.
Venice, Italy is on a land locked sea - - not subjected to ocean going category 5 hurricanes.
100% right. Rand Paul, way to go!!
Fix it today!!!!
If you can afford a second home and it happens to be in a flood area. You take the risk NOT me.
Gee I thought I'd never hear Sen Kennedy be anything but solidly sane... His performance today blew away that expectation totally... Rand was on target as always.. Thank you Rand for that decent amendment --accomplished cleverly with just two logical limits on coverage.
“Buy your own d’d insurance for your beach house!” Exactly!
Or not😂🎉
Yes! I can’t even afford to go to the beach. Too busy maintaining my own home. If you buy a house on sand etc. it is on you.
Senator Kennedy is my kind of legislator he's got a really big pair. We need more of that
Rand Paul is the voice of reason.
Funny how Kennedy pretends to be a regular guy but want the poor to subsidize the rich. He's full of rich.
It always amazes me the places people decide to build houses, but now I understand why.
Lost some respect for Kennedy after hearing this debate.
They both give good arguments so cap at average home value across the board $500k and if you can't rebuild at that then the rest should come out of your pocket
I have been to Louisiana many times.
People in flood plains build homes with deep footings with tall poles way above flood levels.
If you are on the coast line.
You have got to know you are in harm's way..
Gotta stand with Rand on this one.
Hey Kennedy maybe if you weren't voting to send money to Ukraine we could afford your insurance
Sen. Rand makes many excellent points.
Kennedy shows his RINO influence in Congress my opinion of Kennedy is changing !!
I agree with Paul, since I have known this family for years and was a huge supporter of his awesome Father. I do see Kennedy's point, in relation to the coastal areas of his constituents. Different than S/N Carolina, Florida and places similar. This should be an issue of these states with this problem coming together with one another and creating their own insurance pool. This should not be a national program.
I’m with Rand Paul on this, but Kennedy is obligated to advocate for his state in this regard, even if he knows this goes against general conservative principles.
Senator Rand is right on, as usual. Flood Insurance is another beltway spending lamb now grown into a fat sacred cow. If you build anything, a hut or mansion, in either the flood plain of a great river or on an ocean coast long-known to be visited by great sea storms, you're at risk. Don't put your hand in my pocket for protection from your folly.
Rand Paul seems to be the only person in government that has any sense of what this country is about. Thank you Rand Paul.
He is a good actor, for sure
Thank his Father too. Ron Paul
@@ravaz1are u Islamic?
@@ravaz1like closet islamic bho?
@@sweethome2363 no
I love Sen. Kennedy but, this time I'm agreeing with Sen. Paul. I live in a studio apt at over $700 a month. Why should I pay for someones second home when I don't even have 1 home?
Paul is right, Kennedy is wrong on this issue IMO.
Kennedy is out of his mind. If you can afford two Homes or a half million dollar home then you don't need government help
If the govt shuts down the first money to be frozen should be the salaries of all lawmakers, without backpay, when the govt re-opens. Among their first responsibilities is to function... even if that function is dysfunctional.
I totally agree with you
Agreed 100%
Nope! Shut it down until we can get all parties to agree to get OUR house (America ) back in order and under control. This is an opportunity to clean house of ALL wasteful spending and get our priorities straight. America first!
Congress will be paid. Like a bank during war, win or lose, the bank will get it's due.
It's already dysfunctional. Shut it down until common sense comes back into the house.
Subsidizing the risks of living in a flood plain is a moral hazard
I USUALLY love what Mr Kennedy proposes. Not this time
Both of these guys are great.
If the houses in LA are not vacation mansions, then they won't be affected by Rand's amendment. Love Kennedy, but Rand is correct.
"Rahht smaack daab inn-damidahla HUURRRACEAANEUH seaaaasoneh"
- Senator John Kennedy
Rand lives in Kentucky so he doesn't care about those who don't. Just wait till rivers flood then he will care.
Rand Paul has a good head on his shoulders true American Patriot
I don't say this often about Rand Paul but He is right this time around!
He usually is.
Nobody reads between the lines like Rand Paul. How fantastic would it be if he ran for president?! Of the people, by the people and for the people!!
He ran in 2016 but President Trump was unbeatable. I would support Rand Paul in 2028.
I'm with Sen. Paul on this one.
I agree with Sen. Rand Paul.
Shut it down and get rid of McCarthy.
Paul is 💯 correct! It's not beholden to the tax payers to help others that are better off than themselves.
I agree with Rand Paul. We need more people like him , common sense.
Hell NO!!!!!
❤❤❤from NJ and I agree with SENATOR RAND🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
1 trillion to Ukraine. Stop the insanity
What about the people who cannot afford a home and are taxpayers? Why do we have to pay others insurance?
Typically Kennedy is much wiser than this. His position on this makes me reevaluate the many times I have thought him wise. Paul is absolutely right. Compromise on the thresholds but no second homes of anyone and no unlimited levels of replacement.
Remember that he is a Louisiana Representative. This is good for his constituents, if not for the rest of the country.
I gotta go with Sen. Rand on this one that there should be limits on who gets help through FEMA. I also understand the point that Sen Kennedy is trying to make that people who do have 2nd homes may not have any way to insure their homes through private insurance due to such short notice. I agree that it’s wrong to burden the tax payer with the expenses to rebuild over and over again in flood zones.
Absolutely waste of money to rebuild in areas that are often flooded .
I had to buy my own flood insurance at $1,400 yr. Out of that, I had a deductible of $4,000 to pay up front before they fixed anything. If you just bought all new appliances and a new furnace, they still only covered about 1/2. That was my personal residence, not a second home or a home where there's it's hurricane prone.
You found out the truth: insurance is the biggest scam in the country. If you file a claim for damages, subject to your deductible, repair your home to better condition than it was, the insurance company will cancel your policy. No other insurance company will insure you because you've had a claim in the past 5 years, leaving you to find an alternative company to issue a policy at a 30% increase in premium for three years (if you have no claims). Insurance makes money by taking your money and not paying out in claims. I know this from personal experience.
The problem is with the damn insurance companies!!!
Louisiana has a lot of flooding in the canals and swamps of the state. Some of those places are little more than shacks. Florida gets flooding in the interior of the state also. But I agree with Paul. If you can afford a high dollar home then the taxpayer shouldn't have to pay for it.
Two Awesome Senators debating. Rand has always been my fav though!