I saw this movie for the first time when I first accepted Islam. It lit the fire in me. So now on 3-19-2024 at 5:10 PM,I watch it again to re-ignite that fire again
I am 71 years old l watched this film for the first time in Barcelona 1979 when I was young.. since then I watched it a Hundred times and still makes me cry every time I watch it…
Reverting to Islam is the best decision of my life... the struggle our prophet and sahiba went through is heartwarming.... there is no way one with open heart can eva turn away from Islam ....
This must be one of the best movies I ever saw. The last words of the Prophet (pbuh) always till this day makes me cry. I was so wrong about Islam all my life. All my life I was brainwashed, I was an islamophoob. My life declined in an unusual fast speed. 43 years I denied this religion because I was ignorant, selfish and vomited with hatred. One day I got a Quran from an Imam and it changed my life in an instant. I learnt and learnt and then I saw this movie, my hearth was broken when I saw this movie to be restored again. It completely changed my life!
@@AyanNadeem-uj9tz As a matter of fact I reverted to Islam last friday!! Took my shahada in the mosque with the local Imam. 🥰The easiest and most rational decision of my life! May Allah (swt) bless you too sister!
Welcome sister, it is such a blessing to be chosen in the month of Ramadan to be a muslim by Allah SWT. May Allah make this journey of yours easy and may we meet one day in paradise.
"Do not oppress and do not be oppressed" what a beautiful saying... i am so happy to see at the end Muhammad cleaned the temple Abraham built to worship God. He truly was a messenger of God.
You said he was a messenger of God, if you believe and say that there is only One God, who is worthy of worship, whom there is no other God besides Him. You would be a Muslim
Negative views are from the people here are from those who have watched this film and yet didn't wanted to understand coz of their hate for Islam and stone hearts. May Allah open their hearts and eyes. Ameen
I am Catholic and I still love this movie, I hope one day we can put aside our differences and praise our God in our own way and still be united as one
If you’re Catholic and you love this movie it means a part of you is wanting to be a Muslim! Happy to hear that, please do more research about Islam to develop that part and to finally recognize that Islam is the only right religion, love and respect 🙏🏻💖
@@user-ti2ud1uq1d There was also, before, Jesus, son and messenger of God. There is only one God for all of us. Call him whatever Name you want. Its all the same one God. Man can be only believers or nonbelievers regardless of their Religion. If everyone understood and no one was striving for power there were peace and paradise on earth.
I will suggest you to watch Muslim lantern , hasi TV, towards eternity These are amazing informative channels. May Allah give us hidayat Ameen May Allah bless you
The genius of Muslims lies in their prohibition against depicting Muhammad ﷺ in any form. By keeping his appearance a mystery, they show profound respect and ensure that the focus remains on Allah ﷻ rather than on Muhammad ﷺ himself. Muhammad ﷺ understood that if people had images of him, they might begin to worship him instead of Allah ﷻ. This foresight is a testament to the beauty and wisdom of the religion.
I agree 100% a close example is found within Shia Islam, which is the closest religion to Sunni Islam. Shia Muslims depict Ali, Muhammad's cousin, and his children in pictures. As a result, some sects within Shia Islam have started to venerate Ali and his children, Hassan and Hussein, giving offerings to their graves and making them saints. This practice positions them as intermediaries between the worshippers and God, which is a significant deviation from core Islamic beliefs that prohibit such intermediaries. May Allah show them the right way. 🤲
One of the strangest things is that Muslims have defeated all the powerful countries that have emerged in the last 2000 years: the Roman Empire, the Persian Empire, Great Britain in Afghanistan, the Mongol Empire, the Soviet Union, and finally America, in addition to their contact with Eastern Europe and Western Europe in many wars.
It is also that people when they glorify someone they make him am idol, if the idolized him the will worship him by time It always happen (in all religions, even christians have status of jesus and mary peace be upon them and worship them in churches) So we make no image or no status for our beloved prophet (nor we draw or make status for his companions, but we become very very severe when it's the prophet)
When I was in college, my father told me to watch this movie. He was very enthusiastic telling me about this movie. I cried while watching it the first time. And now, i will be watching it again and talk to my father about this ❤
Glad to know brother. This movie is a reminder for us, how the Muslims have always been oppressed and mistreated by the wrong doers of the world, it is the only true religion in the world as it's been here to support the ones who have been unfortunate in this world. Let's support and keep praying for our suffering brother and sisters in Palestine, like all evil that has ever existed, may their oppressors also get an awakening from Allah. Rather by demise or enlightenment.
thank you. I smile and cry peace and blessings be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad. I'm revert 3 years ago. The best decision I. my life, Islam ☪️ saved me. 🤲🌹
@@jamesbedukodjograham5508 Historically and scientifically, the existence of Prophet Mohammed and his entire life and events have been documented through a chain of transmissions that were solid and critical in its nature. Be a hard worker and study Islam in a scholarly manner instead of being dogmatic and blindly following faith.
Even his home and the cave of hora are preserved even his sword his ring seal rtf I've seen it all recently since pandemic the Saudi government has been destroying everything including blocking off the cave and other important places off or destroyed them entirely. You can see many of said artefacts at Museum in Istanbul .these are only the artifacts.The sciences of Islam have stringent documentations even marking the chain of narrators and multiple books and scholars did this with different narrators at different times and it all overlaps and confirms the others though people scattered
Been watching this since I was 8. I am 33 this year. I cried this time because I…understand now. There’s absolutely nothing like knowledge and love for Allah and prophet Muhammad pbuh ❤❤❤❤❤
read actual history because this cut out so much and focused mainly on rhe pagan quraish. even the receival scene in medina is depicted inaccurately whereas the song was sung by mainly children and the scene was far more beautiful. they showed so much inaccurately even the speech to negus and ladt sermon are misquoted if you look up the real speeches you will see how they cut out things that would make it more beautiful. they showed men relaying everything they didnt show women and a huge portion of the involvement was women its a very sanitized wahhabi version that removes women from the story entirrly except for sumayyah ra. they missed so much that would hqve made the story more complete and even misquoted Quran in the englidh version. in arsbic at least they didnt cut out verses when quoting Quran. zaid ra was a commander in battles here his role is reduced severely. much more. very wesk and flawed depiction but great acting by all
Subhanallah sister. I'm 33 too been watching this since I was a kid. But haven't seen it in 18 Years , but this time it touched my heart when I watched. Been on my dean alot more ever since alhamdillah
We invite you, my brother, to enter Islam... because it is the religion of the true God... chosen by the one God for humanity, from the Prophet Adam to Abraham to Moses, Christ and Muhammad... so that you may enter Paradise with the righteous and with all the prophets... Read the Qur’an To learn the greatest truth in this life... Greetings to you
Everytime i feel like my Imaan is Low I Always go back to this Movie and make me realise Alhamdulillah. Whatever I have been through is nothing compared to the people who first believe when the Islam newly came. Im reverted muslim since Ramadan 2018 and my baba on 2019 Alhamdulillah.
Yes, I do the same too. I always remember the struggles and worse struggles the people go through in other countries, and especially now, the Palestinians.
I am a Cristian, and I finished watching this movie , but the thing that feels in my heart is love and peace. May god continue to bless all mankind ❤❤❤🙏
We invite you, my brother, to enter Islam... because it is the religion of the true God... chosen by the one God for humanity, from the Prophet Adam to Abraham to Moses, Christ and Muhammad... so that you may enter Paradise with the righteous and with all the prophets... Read the Qur’an To learn the greatest truth in this life... Greetings to you
there is not a single unequivocal statement in the complete bible whr jesus christ says i am God n worship me gospel of mathew chapter 19 verse 16-17 a person came to jesus what good things should i do so jesus said why though calling me good leave us at God
The cheering they did when Muhammad saw entered Madinah had me almost in tears and shivers, I wish I could see him and give him the utmost respect and welcome he deserves I love you محمد
This man was an orphan, he was illiterate, he received revelation at 40 years of age and he illuminated the world with the Holy Quran, the word of God and the legacy of his teachings still stand strong. May Allah keep our hearts firm upon this beautiful religion and the teachings of Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him.
@@brizhnev I’m not going to say anything bad to you though I know how you Hindus treat us. I just want to know if you watched the movie. Just be honest.
Omer Series with English subtitles for even better understanding of islamic history. It's a must watch you'll not regret insha'Allah ruclips.net/p/PLxVtXW9wotChhqAW-zQVC6-n2YGwDtm5V&si=8PZ74t5zS426PT-U
I cried when Hamza RA was martyred and smilled when Khalid Binu waleed(sword of God) the greatest commander to ever live who have never lost a battle embraced islam❤ to all our difficulties we should take a lesson from what our prophet and his sahabas endured 😢 the battle of Uhud be one of them whenever something happens to you God is correcting you of something and testing you we should say Alhamdulilah
This movie is so amazing,the way they filmed Prophets Muhammad PBUH story and made it into a 2 hour movie,and how excellent the movie is without showing the prophet or his voice,I love this as an 11 yr old
If all Christians watched this film … it changed my views … I am a Christian and a Muslim. I serve the only true God. Your concepts of Christianity and Islam bear absolutely no weight on me. Peace be upon Muhamed and Jesus.
We invite you, my brother, to enter Islam... because it is the religion of the true God... chosen by the one God for humanity, from the Prophet Adam to Abraham to Moses, Christ and Muhammad... so that you may enter Paradise with the righteous and with all the prophets... Read the Qur’an To learn the greatest truth in this life... Greetings to you
Omer Series with English subtitles for even better understanding of islamic history. It's a must watch you'll not regret insha'Allah ruclips.net/p/PLxVtXW9wotChhqAW-zQVC6-n2YGwDtm5V&si=8PZ74t5zS426PT-U
The first time that I watched this movie, I was very young and it made me cry then. Today, I still cry out of love, affection and empathy for the Prophet (SAW) and his companions (PBUT) for sacrificing their lives for Islam. Because if not for them, we wouldn’t have been Muslims. Alhamdulillah. May Allah continue to be pleased with the Prophet and his companions and may He grant victory to Islam and the Muslims everywhere in this world and the hereafter, Amin. Love from Nigeria ❤🇳🇬
We invite you, my brother, to enter Islam... because it is the religion of the true God... chosen by the one God for humanity, from the Prophet Adam to Abraham to Moses, Christ and Muhammad... so that you may enter Paradise with the righteous and with all the prophets... Read the Qur’an To learn the greatest truth in this life... Greetings to you
@@kingbaldwiniv1372or you maybe. You follow your path, which I think is incorrect, and I follow my path, which I know to be correct. Your opinion does not change my belief. I know that movie well, having watched it many times. I was a Christian over 50 years. I studied and learned all I could about Christianity. Then I found Islam. And I realized it was indeed the true path of worshipping God. The one true God. As have many that formerly followed another path but then changed after looking into it with an open mind. I no longer stand with those who worship multiple gods, humans, or relics and icons. We also honor Jesus as a major prophet sent from God. But we believe God has no children. No parents. No siblings. God is only one. Your religion is not my religion. I wish you peace.
@@kingbaldwiniv1372 No. I’m not interested in your opinions. I serve God, not you. You are here only to argue and fight. I commented that it was to me, the greatest movie ever made. I don’t really care what you think and don’t care that you want to force your opinion on others, or boost your ego, or whatever it is you’re after. My religion is my business and yours is your business. Have a nice day.
Am from Sri Lanka. Where Majority are Buddhist. A very peaceful philosophy. I my self is a Catholic. So happy that we believe in one true GOD! God is Great!
@@philipbandara8735Sorry for the comment of my brother to you. I’m happy that you enjoyed the film. This movie offers the most basic and common interpretation of Islam. There is so much spirituality in the faith, and understanding about the nature of Prophet Mohammed and Prophet Jesus and all the prophets and all the saints. Islam also shows how each of us has the potentiality to become the “SON” of God. Which is the purest message that Jesus preached to his people.
What a Classic!👍 The outfits, the practical effects, the narrator, how they never actually showed Muhammad(pbuh)but only from his PoV or his cane I'm a Christian but this is one of my top movies to watch☦🌙⭐☪
My brother, I am an Arab Muslim and a researcher in the religion of Christianity and Saudi Arabia, and I really want to tell you that Islam is the religion of truth, that Christianity is a changed version of the original Christianity, and that Islam is the only religion that will get you into heaven😊
I'm here to get more knowledge of being a new converted Islam..and I'm proud to say Alhamdulillah I choose the right religion.."turn to Allah(SWT)before you return to Allah(SWT)🤲🤲🤲
Nope the Arabic version of this same director and many of same actors Omost identical scripts is better because they quoted the real statements more accurately this rendering it more powerful and informative here they even misquoted Quran throughout they cut out parts and put parts that were after the parts they cut. For example the verses of Sura h Maryam quoted in the Arabic are accurate but in the English they cut out entire lines thus weakening it same a Sura h al Alaq
@@hushabyehum4805Thanks for recommending the Arabic version. Just now I watched it. The recitation of Quran verses are more realistic than the English version.
@@hushabyehum4805 In English movies they won't speak lengthy dialogues. Also they don't shake their head and body like other cultures. Legendary Actor Omar Sharif said in an interview.
@@bhimprabhagandhi nope it's done intentionally. there's no reason to cut it out. i can tell you haven't seen a lot of english films. also it's based on religious and you should see religious christian films the dialogue can go on forever. it's done intentionally.
the movie doesnt show it all, they suffered more than that of course. but the worse thing when you think is that they suffer still today in 2024. This world is meaningles and people forget one day they will go and meet God and be asked why they killed or did bad in this life.
I was born in the religion of Islam, which is a blessing and grace that many people in the world do not have. and there is no reward or good I have done that I have received in Islam, it is only the grace of God. Alxmdulilah ❤
Im glad you liked it, islam is so misunderstood, largely because of fabricated hadiths to paint us as abusers. Fake hadiths designed to divide us. But we have an impenetrable defence called the chain of narration, this separates the trusted texts from the fake☪️
@@non.of.your.business And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know."And He taught Adam the names - all of them. Then He showed them to the angels and said, "Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful."They said, "Exalted are You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise."He said, "O Adam, inform them of their names." And when he had informed them of their names, He said, "Did I not tell you that I know the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth? And I know what you reveal and what you have concealed."And [mention] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate before Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers.
The movie deeply touched me, and I believe we should acknowledge Islam for the profound message it conveys. This message didn't start in a vacuum. It reached us from a place of profound struggle and forbearance. I was moved to tears, particularly towards the end when the Prophet of God, peace be upon him, shared his final sermon. Alhamdulillah for Islam, the only one and true religion of the Divine. It began with a small group of followers and has now expanded to encompass over 2 billion of believers. MashAllah. ❤
❤ No words for the makers of this movie to keep the respect of Islam and our Beloved Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) by not casting anyone on his behalf . Each and everyone has played their role perfectly ❤.... This will always remain in my heart forever 💝.
I feel dire need to see and meet our most beloved prophet muhammad peace be upon him Anyone who is reading my comment my kind suggestion: if you love muhammad or want to, then read quran & seerah,and then practically apply it
Started from the cave to the fastest growing and the most adhered way of life.. Islam has dominated in every phase of history. The way of truth, the way of God. Alhamdulillah for Islam.
I watched this movie in my 11th grade and this was the reason i started regular namaaz..although its been almost 28 years..i keep coming back to it ..everytime i loose track of my prayers ..this helps me
This is my first time to watch this movie as to be back to ISLAM from other religion ❤ as the film and as until now people are asking what is the miracles of Muhammad peace be upon him. "The miracle is the words of GOD that relay to him and thats QURAN"
This is the best movie I have ever seen. And I withness Prophet Muhammed(S.a.v) is the best person in the history. Could you imagine a orphan boy that lives in a house that is made out of dirt and doing sheepherding for living and after that he was told by Cebrail that he is the prophet and then he enlighten the people of the Arabian peninsula and then chalenged to the whole world to become Muslim and he did all of this with a 63 years of lifespan. It is a indeed a miracle he is not born and raised by rich family or from fancy building like a palace he has stopped heresy he stopped racism he brought peace and he told that "I not a god just a human like you" this is the most noble thing I have ever seen everytime I remember Prophet Muhammed's (S.a.v) life I cry and be proud Elhamdülillah. And his case still ongoing after 1445 years.
Thank you for posting this. I am new and trying to learn as much as I can about our Creator. Allah has revealed himself to me after building my friendship with Him.. that he is One God and no others gods.
@@mohammadalrawdieh8541 Oh thank you!! Yes I do need help. How do I revert to Islam? Do I have to go to a mosque and speak to someone? I am waiting to buy Quran first but have been reading online for now
@@zoranabanana Islam is something that is between you and Allah, so all you need to do is say these two sentences. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah . Then you begin to learn the Quran and understand how to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. Always ask Allah to help you understand His religion correctly
Have a contact with Sisters nearly of you where you are living the best thing dont waste your time to get help from uknown people mybe,,, books etc may Allah protects you
Back when a chaps in the industry had respect for all religions and kept a strong standard based on good ethics, moral obligation and just good old decency. Those morals flew out the window a few years ago. May Allah swt protect the people who respected Islam forever
They didn't really respect it in the English version they distorted the Quran here in the Arabic one they quoted the Durand whether excerpts or the entire Sudan in full with no removing of verses randomly in between lines that renders it less powerful. Also the speech to Negus was much more magnificent and here i t is quite pathetic. Many more missed opportunit ies. The Arabic version of this was lacking but overall did more justice by at least quoting Quran correctly and minor changes in dialogue to make it more accurate. So people who learn their history from this film rather than books are really stupid
@@hushabyehum4805 maybe so but my friend have you seen the tv that is produced today in the west? It’s smut/porn. They won’t produce anything unless there is some form of filth or promotes adulterous i behaviour in any shape or form so this film is ideal for people who want to learn.
yes but so much beauty is removed here like i said they misquoted Quran itself whivh is unforgivable.. the Arabic one did not do that.. they dis mot show that the Prophet and Abu bakr were received by the children of medina singing tala al badru instead they showed almost entirely men. they erased women whereas the womens role was very prominent in these selected scenes. and the people who get their history from films are very naive. and to be pitied.
The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Indeed, Islam began as something strange, and it will return to being strange just as it began, so glad tidings of paradise be for the strangers.” ,,,, That is why we are strangers in this world till today.
The problems our prophet pbuh and his followers went through for islam is so painful.Grateful as a muslim.The real history,the most beautiful.There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger Indeed ❤️.
This film was made before even my parents born! I'm watched this flim for the first time after lots of years later! Wallahi 🥺 my tears didn't stop for a single moment! It was just a film I even can't imagine how very much my beloved Mohammad (S.W) and sahabis has faced 😭🤲
I found this on VHS a long time ago. The tape deteriorated so I couldn't watch it. I have cousins that were raised in the faith of their father. This was a great piece of cinema to help me learn about Islam. My people are of Swedish ancestry. We love our pork and alcohol. When ever my cousins came to family get-togethers there was always a table with halal foods. No alcohol was served. No one ever ridiculed them or disrespected them. They were FAMILY.
Wowwwwwwwww, I used to love this movie as a kid. I watched it every year around Eid time in the early 80’s .I’m almost 44 years now year and it brought back childhood memories. I grew up in an Anglican home and attended a catholic school but myself and a few friends would always wait up for when the movie comes around 😅
This isnt just a movie, but in fact a whole timeline and a great acknowledgment of history for the ones who believe with even the slightest of faith in their hearts. I NEVER EVER comment anything anywhere but after watching this movie once again after so many years, it has never failed teaching me my true values as a Muslim. This movie honestly teaches so many things which includes ‘morals and discipline’ to anyone watching it. Surely Islam is the only religion that stays firm ahead of any negativity standing in the way of peace and its enemies that have been and shall keep on trying to degrade or destroy Islam but little do they know; it can not be done. Nonetheless, may God Almighty be with you all and anyone reading this or watching the movie itself and may God fill love, faith and dignity in the hearts of the nonbelievers, Ameen ya Rab al A’alameen ❤️🩹
Saw this when i was 12, great impact on the mind of a child . Still remember all the characters vividly and the events that occurred during those times through this movie.. Amazing even now. Glad to have found it here again. Still the same impact.
I agree. This movie is amazing, this makes me hate those who oppressed the Muslims at the time just because they didn't believe a king was God not man made stones (pagans). May God bledd those who suffered in the hands of evil 😢. Not to mention those in this generation who opposed the Muslims because they are growing. As Salam Allakum 👋❤
@goodfilipina4209. I wish u should join Islam coz its the waY of paradise or to save ur self from hellfire may Allah help u to take this beautiful religion
We invite you, my brother, to enter Islam... because it is the religion of the true God... chosen by the one God for humanity, from the Prophet Adam to Abraham to Moses, Christ and Muhammad... so that you may enter Paradise with the righteous and with all the prophets... Read the Qur’an To learn the greatest truth in this life... Greetings to you
I have been watching this film since I was a kid still watching it and will be watching it till I die excellent movie well done to the team who made this movie proud to be a Muslim
Islam defeated the 2 Superpowers of that time the Persian and Byzantine Roman empires. It's like the Eskimos defeating the 2 Superpowers of today America and Russia. This is a miraculous prophecy that came true.
As a Muslim I avoided watching this movie for 15 years till I found out Prophet Muhammed pbuh face isn't depicted. ❤ Edit: as one brother previously made clear to me the movie still depicts certain sahaba and I therefore would discourage brothers and sisters to avoid watching depictions of any of the sahaba as well as the prophets.
Quran is a word of God no man can write these words , all other books were changed but the Quran will stay the same it’s saved in loh mahfooz and in the heart of the people subhanAllah
true but keep in mind in this they cut out many things from each scene they depicted and vut out lines from the final sermon AND the Quran. the arabic one is on youtube too it jas english subtitles. it is identical except it has arab actors the director and everything elde is identical. however in the arabic one they quoted the excerpts from the Qiran in full. here they cut out many lines thus distorting it which is a serious crime in islam. the average non muslim viewing this will not know that. they also totally deleted the extremely prominent role of muslim women in all these scenes only showed Sumayyah RA but fovused on Hind whivh makes zero sense. a huge portion of our Ahadith were narrayed by women because women entered from the same place as men (separate entranves is a bidah) and were present at every khutbqh. i despise this film gor this and many other reasons. anyone wjo knoes the actual history Will find this severely lacking and even misleading at times making thwm out to be some breakaway all male cult who only dressed in white. it couldhqve been a hundred times better but they focused on idiot Hind amd her husband more than anuthing. pathetic script and i ferl certain that the scriptwriter was non muslim . Not only due to his western name but because he elimimated entire lines from the Quran ayat from the sermon from the speevh to negus and depicted tjat inaccurately too (the scene with the black king) drastically reduced everything while focusing on pagan Quraish
While appreciating the movie I exhort the viewers to appreciate the message therein. There is a great message to grasp and take benefits from. None can benefit except those for whom Allah, The Most High Wills. Anyway my prayers for everyone who watches the movie, “May Allah Swt Guide them and Admit them into His Mercy. Ameen.
It was the first time I heard that Muslims mention Jesus and I have never heard or learned all this from anyone anywhere, and so did my mother from an old priest at mass when he preached.
My brother read the Quran. Prophet Jesus christ(pbuh) mentioned 25 times by name in the whole more than prophet Muhammad(pbuh). Only Woman mentioned by name in the Quran' is Marry/Maryam(pbuh). A whole chapter was revealed about Marry(peace be upon her). "Surah Maryam".
I remember watching this when I was little I didn't understand it much like as I do now I keep watching it it made me cry alhamdulilah for islam alhamdulilah for all the blessings the things our prophets have endured for us they went through soo much I love all of our prophets the Sahaba and most importantly Allah ❤
A moving movie. It got one thing right for sure, that there is only one God. Who indecently gave signs and wonders through Abraham, Moses and Jesus. I enjoyed watching this and getting to understand Muslim beliefs.
@@youwilldie14yearsagoedited2 And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know."And He taught Adam the names - all of them. Then He showed them to the angels and said, "Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful."They said, "Exalted are You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise."He said, "O Adam, inform them of their names." And when he had informed them of their names, He said, "Did I not tell you that I know the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth? And I know what you reveal and what you have concealed."And [mention] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate before Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers.
Alhamdulillah. Thank you for sharing this wonderful movie. I cried. It is my first time watching it. I will surely share it with my family especially this month of Ramaddan.
God I love this movie so much. I saw it multiple times as a kid and was moved to tears. I can't wait to watch it again as an adult. The soundtrack is ICONIC! May the Most High bless Moustapha Akkad and his legacy.
This Movie is very inspiring! About the Message of Prophet Mohammad, to the execution, all the way to the war of Badr, and Uhud, lastly Trench! And the Conquest of Mekkah! My favorite part was the time when Hamzah stood up for Prophet Muhammad! All the best versions of this! Please recommend more like this!
How planned work by prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم .. astonishing and surprising..How much hard time he face for us.. Thousands and thousands of blessings on Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ۔۔
Throughout history, prophets have told the same religion. Just surrender to God, worship only Him, believe in the apocalypse, be a good person and do good deeds
I think this is a wonderful film. I am not a Muslim but I am studying the religion and think this is superb introduction to the Prophet’s life and message. There may be some errors etc but it is well filmed and well acted. A movie that definitely deserves more than one watch.
One of the best movies ever made. Islam is the true faith. History repeats itself. Look at what the Palestinians are going thru. The whole western workd is against them. Once again the evil vs good plays.
I saw this movie for the first time when I first accepted Islam. It lit the fire in me. So now on 3-19-2024 at 5:10 PM,I watch it again to re-ignite that fire again
May Allah bless you and me and every Muslim Aameen 🤲🤲🤲
Alhamdulillah. May Allah grant you Jannah
God bless you brother
بارك الله روحك وإنسانيتك
الاسلام هو أعظم ما خلق الله في الإنسانيه.
I am 71 years old l watched this film for the first time in Barcelona 1979 when I was young.. since then I watched it a Hundred times and still makes me cry every time I watch it…
Great 👍 😊😊
ترحمو علا زعيم ليبيا القدافي الدي مول هادا الفلم من اموال اليبين وأنصحك ان تحضر فلم اسد الصحراء
اللهم اغفر له وارحمه.
MashaAllah may Allah bless you and grant you jannah with our beloved Mohammad peace be upon him 🤲🏻🙏🏻
Reverting to Islam is the best decision of my life... the struggle our prophet and sahiba went through is heartwarming.... there is no way one with open heart can eva turn away from Islam ....
Mashallah you have been guided by Allah s.w.t
نسأل الله لك الثبات والتوفيق اختنا الكريمه ❤
masha Allah ,Sister. May God give you countless blessings and strength.
This must be one of the best movies I ever saw. The last words of the Prophet (pbuh) always till this day makes me cry. I was so wrong about Islam all my life. All my life I was brainwashed, I was an islamophoob. My life declined in an unusual fast speed. 43 years I denied this religion because I was ignorant, selfish and vomited with hatred. One day I got a Quran from an Imam and it changed my life in an instant. I learnt and learnt and then I saw this movie, my hearth was broken when I saw this movie to be restored again. It completely changed my life!
Mashallah sister that is rlly beautiful. As it is mentioned in the Quran "And He found you lost and guided you" [93:7].
@@AyanNadeem-uj9tz As a matter of fact I reverted to Islam last friday!! Took my shahada in the mosque with the local Imam. 🥰The easiest and most rational decision of my life! May Allah (swt) bless you too sister!
I’m so happy for you brother, God bless you and restore Eman in your soul.
Love and respect ❤
alhamdulilla.Allah showed you right way to live.
@@taskintelecom Absolutely correct!! Thx brother❤
all praise to allah, just converted to islam. best decision i ever made!
Hope you live a long n happy life.. sending you love from Saudi Arabia.
Alhamdulillah 😊
May Allah bless you
Welcome sister, it is such a blessing to be chosen in the month of Ramadan to be a muslim by Allah SWT. May Allah make this journey of yours easy and may we meet one day in paradise.
Alhamdulillah. You shall be in Jannah in shaa Allah
"Do not oppress and do not be oppressed" what a beautiful saying... i am so happy to see at the end Muhammad cleaned the temple Abraham built to worship God. He truly was a messenger of God.
You should believe in him and follow him
You said he was a messenger of God, if you believe and say that there is only One God, who is worthy of worship, whom there is no other God besides Him. You would be a Muslim
@anigah I am a already a Muslim :)
Yeah he is the final messenger of GOD, successor of Jesus PBUH....Peace Brother ..😊😊
May allah open your heart to islam
Negative views are from the people here are from those who have watched this film and yet didn't wanted to understand coz of their hate for Islam and stone hearts. May Allah open their hearts and eyes. Ameen
Masha Allah... I'm totally agree with your opinion here... Subhanallah...
ISLAM hates every non believers so obviously expect hate back
I am Catholic and I still love this movie, I hope one day we can put aside our differences and praise our God in our own way and still be united as one
If you’re Catholic and you love this movie it means a part of you is wanting to be a Muslim! Happy to hear that, please do more research about Islam to develop that part and to finally recognize that Islam is the only right religion, love and respect 🙏🏻💖
Muhammad the last messenger of GOD. Read Quran...
You are akin to king negus it is good☪️✝️
@@user-ti2ud1uq1d There was also, before, Jesus, son and messenger of God. There is only one God for all of us. Call him whatever Name you want. Its all the same one God. Man can be only believers or nonbelievers regardless of their Religion. If everyone understood and no one was striving for power there were peace and paradise on earth.
@@MatthiasRosinin Qur'an jesus is messanger of God not son of God
Indian Hindu here, what a great history of Arabia.....making me more and more precise about Mohammed PBUH life journey and his teachings
I will suggest you to watch Muslim lantern , hasi TV, towards eternity
These are amazing informative channels. May Allah give us hidayat Ameen
May Allah bless you
ابحث يا اخي
يقول الله في القرآن الكريم أكثر أهل الأرض يضلونك عن الحق
If you are here then you were called.....Allah be with whereever you are and open your chest. Salam
The genius of Muslims lies in their prohibition against depicting Muhammad ﷺ in any form. By keeping his appearance a mystery, they show profound respect and ensure that the focus remains on Allah ﷻ rather than on Muhammad ﷺ himself. Muhammad ﷺ understood that if people had images of him, they might begin to worship him instead of Allah ﷻ. This foresight is a testament to the beauty and wisdom of the religion.
I agree 100% a close example is found within Shia Islam, which is the closest religion to Sunni Islam. Shia Muslims depict Ali, Muhammad's cousin, and his children in pictures. As a result, some sects within Shia Islam have started to venerate Ali and his children, Hassan and Hussein, giving offerings to their graves and making them saints. This practice positions them as intermediaries between the worshippers and God, which is a significant deviation from core Islamic beliefs that prohibit such intermediaries. May Allah show them the right way. 🤲
Totally Correct Thoughts
One of the strangest things is that Muslims have defeated all the powerful countries that have emerged in the last 2000 years: the Roman Empire, the Persian Empire, Great Britain in Afghanistan, the Mongol Empire, the Soviet Union, and finally America, in addition to their contact with Eastern Europe and Western Europe in many wars.
It is also that people when they glorify someone they make him am idol, if the idolized him the will worship him by time
It always happen (in all religions, even christians have status of jesus and mary peace be upon them and worship them in churches)
So we make no image or no status for our beloved prophet (nor we draw or make status for his companions, but we become very very severe when it's the prophet)
My 1st time watching this film and this is my 1st Ramadan. Peace to all Muslims around the globe. Beautiful and inspiring!! Alhamdulillah!!
الحمدلله الحمدلله ❤
الحمد لله .... تحية الحب السلام
اخوك من فلسطين 😢
@@فلسطينيمقدسينابلسيAllah Protects you and Whole Palestine and Whole Ummah 😢❤
I Don't know why i am crying after watching this...if god Grant me jannah i will meet my Prophet inshaallah...
Where will you find him?
In Jannah...
Me too
@@vassodalaklidou717in jannah
In sha Allah
When I was in college, my father told me to watch this movie. He was very enthusiastic telling me about this movie. I cried while watching it the first time. And now, i will be watching it again and talk to my father about this ❤
I'm a woman I thank Allah that I'm a Muslim Aameen
Don't b proud 😂😂😂😂
No ...she should be a proud @@nuvgamecomedianchannelboy1249
Mind your own useless life@@nuvgamecomedianchannelboy1249
@@nuvgamecomedianchannelboy1249why not bro
@@nuvgamecomedianchannelboy1249 are you L Pujaari 😂😂😂
Who's back here for Ramadan 2024 ?😊
Me brother
Glad to know brother. This movie is a reminder for us, how the Muslims have always been oppressed and mistreated by the wrong doers of the world, it is the only true religion in the world as it's been here to support the ones who have been unfortunate in this world. Let's support and keep praying for our suffering brother and sisters in Palestine, like all evil that has ever existed, may their oppressors also get an awakening from Allah. Rather by demise or enlightenment.
Salaam and Ramadan mubarak to all
thank you. I smile and cry peace and blessings be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad. I'm revert 3 years ago. The best decision I. my life, Islam ☪️ saved me. 🤲🌹
Bless you sister 🙂🙏🏻🙏🏻
أرجوا من الله أن يثبتك على دين الإسلام ❤
Did Mohammed ever exist at all.😊
@@jamesbedukodjograham5508 Historically and scientifically, the existence of Prophet Mohammed and his entire life and events have been documented through a chain of transmissions that were solid and critical in its nature.
Be a hard worker and study Islam in a scholarly manner instead of being dogmatic and blindly following faith.
Even his home and the cave of hora are preserved even his sword his ring seal rtf I've seen it all recently since pandemic the Saudi government has been destroying everything including blocking off the cave and other important places off or destroyed them entirely. You can see many of said artefacts at Museum in Istanbul .these are only the artifacts.The sciences of Islam have stringent documentations even marking the chain of narrators and multiple books and scholars did this with different narrators at different times and it all overlaps and confirms the others though people scattered
Been watching this since I was 8. I am 33 this year. I cried this time because I…understand now. There’s absolutely nothing like knowledge and love for Allah and prophet Muhammad pbuh ❤❤❤❤❤
You look like 22 yld
Same. Hahahahahaha
read actual history because this cut out so much and focused mainly on rhe pagan quraish. even the receival scene in medina is depicted inaccurately whereas the song was sung by mainly children and the scene was far more beautiful. they showed so much inaccurately even the speech to negus and ladt sermon are misquoted if you look up the real speeches you will see how they cut out things that would make it more beautiful. they showed men relaying everything they didnt show women and a huge portion of the involvement was women its a very sanitized wahhabi version that removes women from the story entirrly except for sumayyah ra. they missed so much that would hqve made the story more complete and even misquoted Quran in the englidh version. in arsbic at least they didnt cut out verses when quoting Quran. zaid ra was a commander in battles here his role is reduced severely. much more. very wesk and flawed depiction but great acting by all
Watching this movie last 35 years . When I was only 10 😢. Still I cried every time when ever I watch 🖥
Subhanallah sister. I'm 33 too been watching this since I was a kid. But haven't seen it in 18 Years , but this time it touched my heart when I watched. Been on my dean alot more ever since alhamdillah
Even though i am a Christian, this movie is very beautiful about acknowledging the life of a beautiful man.
ليبارك الرب روحك
النور الحب السلام .... اللهم صلي على عيسى و محمد وكل أنبياء الله 😢
We invite you, my brother, to enter Islam... because it is the religion of the true God... chosen by the one God for humanity, from the Prophet Adam to Abraham to Moses, Christ and Muhammad... so that you may enter Paradise with the righteous and with all the prophets... Read the Qur’an To learn the greatest truth in this life... Greetings to you
Are you sure that you are Christian?
اني الك من الناصحين الرب هو الله واحدا أحد و أن الدين عند الله الاسلام اخر الأديان السماوية
Everytime i feel like my Imaan is Low I Always go back to this Movie and make me realise Alhamdulillah. Whatever I have been through is nothing compared to the people who first believe when the Islam newly came. Im reverted muslim since Ramadan 2018 and my baba on 2019 Alhamdulillah.
Yes, I do the same too. I always remember the struggles and worse struggles the people go through in other countries, and especially now, the Palestinians.
نسأل الله لك الثبات والتوفيق اختنا الفاضله ❤
Welcome, my sister, in Islam. 🤍💐💚🌹
It's from the beginning, only the final prophet came 1400 years ago!
Alhamdulillah, May Allah bless you and your Baba ❤ Ameen.
May Allah guide us all on the Right path and we shall meet in Jannah aameen ❤
I am a Cristian, and I finished watching this movie , but the thing that feels in my heart is love and peace. May god continue to bless all mankind ❤❤❤🙏
We invite you, my brother, to enter Islam... because it is the religion of the true God... chosen by the one God for humanity, from the Prophet Adam to Abraham to Moses, Christ and Muhammad... so that you may enter Paradise with the righteous and with all the prophets... Read the Qur’an To learn the greatest truth in this life... Greetings to you
there is not a single unequivocal statement in the complete bible whr jesus christ says i am God n worship me
gospel of mathew chapter 19 verse 16-17 a person came to jesus what good things should i do so jesus said why though calling me good leave us at God
Love you .. May God bless you .. Peace .. Try to read Quran as a Reader .. not for any other purpose ..
Come to Islam. We will gladly welcome you, my friend
The cheering they did when Muhammad saw entered Madinah had me almost in tears and shivers, I wish I could see him and give him the utmost respect and welcome he deserves I love you محمد
Same here.
I thought of it every time, it takes me 1400 years back. The Joy, happiness of seeing prophet Muhammad entering their valley
Saw 😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️
Peace be upon him
Prophecy on book of Isiah came to fruition. Prophet Muhammad is the spirit of Truth.
This man was an orphan, he was illiterate, he received revelation at 40 years of age and he illuminated the world with the Holy Quran, the word of God and the legacy of his teachings still stand strong. May Allah keep our hearts firm upon this beautiful religion and the teachings of Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him.
He was blind when it came to reading but he was sightfull of god.
Every second of this movie gives me goosebumps, I love Allah SWT and prophet Muhammad saw.
You can only love that which doesn't exist 😂😂😂
@@brizhnev I’m not going to say anything bad to you though I know how you Hindus treat us. I just want to know if you watched the movie.
Just be honest.
@@ToxicMire You should not say anything that's the best thing you can do 😂😂😜😜
@@brizhnev Exactly don’t spread misinformation lazy.
May Allah SWT increase us in love & mercy. Allah's blessings upon His beloved messenger SAW
First night of Ramadan 2024 - One Ummah United for Palestine
may our prayers for palestine been protect by allah swt
We will get that land back just how our prophet got mecca back inshallah
Last day of ramadan 2024 ❤
@@yayacolley3533 that land was not yours though!!
Me too...😊
I took my shahada July 6th 2023,
Going on 1 year
Mashalla Brother ❤
Glad tidings be to you . May the one whom the heaven and earth belongs let he give you as much as there is in the heavens
you are on the way to jannaah
This make me I accept Islam ☪️
Praise God ❤
Omer Series with English subtitles for even better understanding of islamic history. It's a must watch you'll not regret insha'Allah
I’m a new revert and many parts were really powerful to see visually compared to my imagination.
May ALLAH bless you brother ❤
May Allah bless you and keep you on the right path.
Welcome to islam my brother ❤
I cried when Hamza RA was martyred and smilled when Khalid Binu waleed(sword of God) the greatest commander to ever live who have never lost a battle embraced islam❤ to all our difficulties we should take a lesson from what our prophet and his sahabas endured 😢 the battle of Uhud be one of them whenever something happens to you God is correcting you of something and testing you we should say Alhamdulilah
Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you...
Who IS watching in 2024..its a great story
watched it more than 50 times and still I will watch it till I am alive
Great fictional story
This movie is so amazing,the way they filmed Prophets Muhammad PBUH story and made it into a 2 hour movie,and how excellent the movie is without showing the prophet or his voice,I love this as an 11 yr old
Same here, especially the fact that the movie is originally 48 years old
If all Christians watched this film … it changed my views … I am a Christian and a Muslim. I serve the only true God. Your concepts of Christianity and Islam bear absolutely no weight on me. Peace be upon Muhamed and Jesus.
ISA not Jesus
What's stopping you from becoming just a Muslim?
بارك الله روحك
اخي ... تحية من فلسطين لك إنسان يرفض الظلم .... الاسلام سلام محبه عداله
If you are a true Muslim you will realise that you are committing shirk
We invite you, my brother, to enter Islam... because it is the religion of the true God... chosen by the one God for humanity, from the Prophet Adam to Abraham to Moses, Christ and Muhammad... so that you may enter Paradise with the righteous and with all the prophets... Read the Qur’an To learn the greatest truth in this life... Greetings to you
one of the best movie I have ever seen keep watching it over and over again well done to the makers of this movie excellent proud to be a Muslim
You can watch the Arabic version of this film...it has Arab actors.
I’m a Muslim and 100K times I thank and appreciate Allah and the last Messenger Hazrat Mohammad PBH , I have the best life with Islam
Omer Series with English subtitles for even better understanding of islamic history. It's a must watch you'll not regret insha'Allah
I am a Muslims and I love prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Please watch the videos of Christian prince, Adam Seeker urdu,Sam Shamoun, Islam is a total false religion..
I cried during whole movie ... imagine the time when truth came to us 😢😢😢
I Also Cried Before, But Only On The Part Where Hamza Got Killed..
The first time that I watched this movie, I was very young and it made me cry then. Today, I still cry out of love, affection and empathy for the Prophet (SAW) and his companions (PBUT) for sacrificing their lives for Islam. Because if not for them, we wouldn’t have been Muslims. Alhamdulillah.
May Allah continue to be pleased with the Prophet and his companions and may He grant victory to Islam and the Muslims everywhere in this world and the hereafter, Amin. Love from Nigeria ❤🇳🇬
I was raised catholic, but am now agnostic and I had to admit this movie got to me!
its time to convert tabarnak
Samimi olduğun için teşekkürler.
Zaten samimi bir insan için her şey apaçık ortada.
Ya Allaha teslim olursun
Yada yüz çevirerek kafir olursun
May God guide you and enlighten your path to faith in God
We invite you, my brother, to enter Islam... because it is the religion of the true God... chosen by the one God for humanity, from the Prophet Adam to Abraham to Moses, Christ and Muhammad... so that you may enter Paradise with the righteous and with all the prophets... Read the Qur’an To learn the greatest truth in this life... Greetings to you
My sister..just read books about Islam that wrote by muslims. Read about Islam from Muslims point of view, you will find it he truth.
The greatest movie ever made. It shows true Islam, not the cable news attempts to undermine Muslims.
Τhe Greatest Story ever told is Jesus Of Nazareth
@@kingbaldwiniv1372or you maybe. You follow your path, which I think is incorrect, and I follow my path, which I know to be correct. Your opinion does not change my belief.
I know that movie well, having watched it many times. I was a Christian over 50 years. I studied and learned all I could about Christianity.
Then I found Islam. And I realized it was indeed the true path of worshipping God. The one true God. As have many that formerly followed another path but then changed after looking into it with an open mind. I no longer stand with those who worship multiple gods, humans, or relics and icons.
We also honor Jesus as a major prophet sent from God. But we believe God has no children. No parents. No siblings. God is only one.
Your religion is not my religion. I wish you peace.
@@eddieknight6239 you want me to answer?
@@kingbaldwiniv1372 No. I’m not interested in your opinions. I serve God, not you. You are here only to argue and fight. I commented that it was to me, the greatest movie ever made. I don’t really care what you think and don’t care that you want to force your opinion on others, or boost your ego, or whatever it is you’re after. My religion is my business and yours is your business. Have a nice day.
@@eddieknight6239 🤣🤣 you live in such darkness that you don't even know if your eyes are open or close
I can set you free
This is very educational. I’m reading about Mohammad. This visualization helps in my understanding.
I recommend the channel "Towards Eternity", it debunks many lies against the prophet
اخي اسئل الله لك الهداية
الشخص الذي يبحث عن الحقيقة كل ما عليه ان يدعو الله بصدق ان يريه الحق وسوف يرشده الله للصواب
Am from Sri Lanka. Where Majority are Buddhist. A very peaceful philosophy. I my self is a Catholic. So happy that we believe in one true GOD! God is Great!
No you believe in 3 in one that's not one only God. 🤔
@@slowmotion3542 That’s your interpretation.
@@slowmotion3542 3 in one or 2 in 1. There is only 1 God for me!
@@slowmotion3542leave him alone man. He just showed you words of kindness. Either respond with such or don’t.
@@philipbandara8735Sorry for the comment of my brother to you. I’m happy that you enjoyed the film. This movie offers the most basic and common interpretation of Islam. There is so much spirituality in the faith, and understanding about the nature of Prophet Mohammed and Prophet Jesus and all the prophets and all the saints.
Islam also shows how each of us has the potentiality to become the “SON” of God. Which is the purest message that Jesus preached to his people.
What a Classic!👍
The outfits, the practical effects, the narrator, how they never actually showed Muhammad(pbuh)but only from his PoV or his cane
I'm a Christian but this is one of my top movies to watch☦🌙⭐☪
My brother, I am an Arab Muslim and a researcher in the religion of Christianity and Saudi Arabia, and I really want to tell you that Islam is the religion of truth, that Christianity is a changed version of the original Christianity, and that Islam is the only religion that will get you into heaven😊
May Allah guide you to the truth. Allahu Aameen🤲.
You should also check The Lion of The desert movie it is from the same director
I hope most Christian brothers and sisters are like you ❤
I'm here to get more knowledge of being a new converted Islam..and I'm proud to say Alhamdulillah I choose the right religion.."turn to Allah(SWT)before you return to Allah(SWT)🤲🤲🤲
May Allah help you
Allah bless you sister
تحية لقلبك وروحك الاسلام سلام
من فلسطين ❤
Well-said. May Allah bless you
One of the best movies on Islam and the life of Prophet Muhammad. I watched this for the first time in Tamil dubbed in 2013.
Nope the Arabic version of this same director and many of same actors Omost identical scripts is better because they quoted the real statements more accurately this rendering it more powerful and informative here they even misquoted Quran throughout they cut out parts and put parts that were after the parts they cut. For example the verses of Sura h Maryam quoted in the Arabic are accurate but in the English they cut out entire lines thus weakening it same a Sura h al Alaq
@@hushabyehum4805Thanks for recommending the Arabic version. Just now I watched it. The recitation of Quran verses are more realistic than the English version.
I have no idea why they cut out entire lines in the English version from Quran verses they quoted. It makes me quite sad
@@hushabyehum4805 In English movies they won't speak lengthy dialogues. Also they don't shake their head and body like other cultures. Legendary Actor Omar Sharif said in an interview.
@@bhimprabhagandhi nope it's done intentionally. there's no reason to cut it out. i can tell you haven't seen a lot of english films. also it's based on religious and you should see religious christian films the dialogue can go on forever. it's done intentionally.
Yes am here Ramadan Mubarak to everybody all Muslims
Thank you ramadan Mubarak to
It is tough to watch, how much suffering we Muslims faced in the history and today.
"Dunyah(world) is like a prison for a believer and a paradise (temporary) for a non believer"
We are here for the test not to enjoy
That is why we r ashrful makhluqat
the movie doesnt show it all, they suffered more than that of course. but the worse thing when you think is that they suffer still today in 2024. This world is meaningles and people forget one day they will go and meet God and be asked why they killed or did bad in this life.
The fighting of Islam still not end my brother. We still fight for His Ummat
Sadly, there are still Abu Jahals of today.
I was born in the religion of Islam, which is a blessing and grace that many people in the world do not have. and there is no reward or good I have done that I have received in Islam, it is only the grace of God. Alxmdulilah ❤
Alhamdulillah Me Too, I Was Born Muslim. Allahuakbar!
AlhamduLaahi pro 🙏💯
I'm Christian but really love this film
Im glad you liked it, islam is so misunderstood, largely because of fabricated hadiths to paint us as abusers. Fake hadiths designed to divide us. But we have an impenetrable defence called the chain of narration, this separates the trusted texts from the fake☪️
May ALLAH (swt) guide you
Habe you ever tought about converting
@@non.of.your.business yes
@@non.of.your.business And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know."And He taught Adam the names - all of them. Then He showed them to the angels and said, "Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful."They said, "Exalted are You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise."He said, "O Adam, inform them of their names." And when he had informed them of their names, He said, "Did I not tell you that I know the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth? And I know what you reveal and what you have concealed."And [mention] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate before Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers.
i never cried like this before 😔the end touched my heart proud to be muslim Allah is greatest☪️☝️
The movie deeply touched me, and I believe we should acknowledge Islam for the profound message it conveys. This message didn't start in a vacuum. It reached us from a place of profound struggle and forbearance. I was moved to tears, particularly towards the end when the Prophet of God, peace be upon him, shared his final sermon. Alhamdulillah for Islam, the only one and true religion of the Divine. It began with a small group of followers and has now expanded to encompass over 2 billion of believers. MashAllah. ❤
❤ No words for the makers of this movie to keep the respect of Islam and our Beloved Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) by not casting anyone on his behalf . Each and everyone has played their role perfectly ❤.... This will always remain in my heart forever 💝.
Mohammad please not muhamad
It's actually Muhammad, not Mohammad @GhGh-sj4wb
I saw a clip of this movie on tiktok and I was so moved by it that I had to find it and watch it entirely
The more I learn and hear about Islam I'm able see what a beautiful religion it is
Just Now I Saw Aclip OF this move on The Tiktok And then I Searched immediately
I named my son Ammar because of Sumayyah r.a..may Allah reward the family with the highest degree of jannah.
The last speech i cried as though i was there and began to miss him,peace blessings and salutation upon mohammad(saw) and his entire household
I feel dire need to see and meet our most beloved prophet muhammad peace be upon him
Anyone who is reading my comment my kind suggestion: if you love muhammad or want to, then read quran & seerah,and then practically apply it
How blessed were people and companions of our Prophet who died in path of Allah and gave us Islam we have today ❤
Started from the cave to the fastest growing and the most adhered way of life.. Islam has dominated in every phase of history. The way of truth, the way of God. Alhamdulillah for Islam.
I watched this movie in my 11th grade and this was the reason i started regular namaaz..although its been almost 28 years..i keep coming back to it ..everytime i loose track of my prayers ..this helps me
I'm in 11th grade rn I hope I become more religious
This is my first time to watch this movie as to be back to ISLAM from other religion ❤ as the film and as until now people are asking what is the miracles of Muhammad peace be upon him. "The miracle is the words of GOD that relay to him and thats QURAN"
His name is Allah, not God
Allah called himself god in the qurqn many time
This is the best movie I have ever seen. And I withness Prophet Muhammed(S.a.v) is the best person in the history. Could you imagine a orphan boy that lives in a house that is made out of dirt and doing sheepherding for living and after that he was told by Cebrail that he is the prophet and then he enlighten the people of the Arabian peninsula and then chalenged to the whole world to become Muslim and he did all of this with a 63 years of lifespan. It is a indeed a miracle he is not born and raised by rich family or from fancy building like a palace he has stopped heresy he stopped racism he brought peace and he told that "I not a god just a human like you" this is the most noble thing I have ever seen everytime I remember Prophet Muhammed's (S.a.v) life I cry and be proud Elhamdülillah.
And his case still ongoing after 1445 years.
بارك الرب روحك
تحية من فلسطين ❤
Thank you for posting this. I am new and trying to learn as much as I can about our Creator.
Allah has revealed himself to me after building my friendship with Him.. that he is One God and no others gods.
I can help with anything you want my sis ❤
@@mohammadalrawdieh8541 Oh thank you!! Yes I do need help. How do I revert to Islam? Do I have to go to a mosque and speak to someone? I am waiting to buy Quran first but have been reading online for now
@@zoranabanana Islam is something that is between you and Allah, so all you need to do is say these two sentences. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah . Then you begin to learn the Quran and understand how to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.
Always ask Allah to help you understand His religion correctly
Have a contact with Sisters nearly of you where you are living the best thing dont waste your time to get help from uknown people mybe,,, books etc may Allah protects you
@@khaliduae-qv5nimashaallah that is right
Back when a chaps in the industry had respect for all religions and kept a strong standard based on good ethics, moral obligation and just good old decency. Those morals flew out the window a few years ago. May Allah swt protect the people who respected Islam forever
They didn't really respect it in the English version they distorted the Quran here in the Arabic one they quoted the Durand whether excerpts or the entire Sudan in full with no removing of verses randomly in between lines that renders it less powerful. Also the speech to Negus was much more magnificent and here i t is quite pathetic. Many more missed opportunit ies. The Arabic version of this was lacking but overall did more justice by at least quoting Quran correctly and minor changes in dialogue to make it more accurate. So people who learn their history from this film rather than books are really stupid
@@hushabyehum4805 maybe so but my friend have you seen the tv that is produced today in the west? It’s smut/porn. They won’t produce anything unless there is some form of filth or promotes adulterous i behaviour in any shape or form so this film is ideal for people who want to learn.
yes but so much beauty is removed here like i said they misquoted Quran itself whivh is unforgivable.. the Arabic one did not do that.. they dis mot show that the Prophet and Abu bakr were received by the children of medina singing tala al badru instead they showed almost entirely men. they erased women whereas the womens role was very prominent in these selected scenes. and the people who get their history from films are very naive. and to be pitied.
@@hushabyehum4805 you are correct 👍🏽 thank you for pointing out the actual facts to me.
The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Indeed, Islam began as something strange, and it will return to being strange just as it began, so glad tidings of paradise be for the strangers.” ,,,, That is why we are strangers in this world till today.
كل ما احضره ببكي
صلى الله على خير الخلق سيدنا محمد عليه افضل الصلاة والتسليم
اللهم أعنا على ذكرك وشكرك وحسن عبادتك
I love Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him❤
Nay God/Jesus have mercy on u. Mohammed is dead.
The problems our prophet pbuh and his followers went through for islam is so painful.Grateful as a muslim.The real history,the most beautiful.There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger Indeed ❤️.
This film was made before even my parents born! I'm watched this flim for the first time after lots of years later! Wallahi 🥺 my tears didn't stop for a single moment! It was just a film I even can't imagine how very much my beloved Mohammad (S.W) and sahabis has faced 😭🤲
First time watching this today. Alhamdulillah, it had teach me many lessons and the times of our beloved prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)
There is only one God! And Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi wa salam is the messenger of God!
there is no god but allah and muhammad is the messenger of allah
alhumdulillah im a muslim ❤
I found this on VHS a long time ago. The tape deteriorated so I couldn't watch it. I have cousins that were raised in the faith of their father. This was a great piece of cinema to help me learn about Islam. My people are of Swedish ancestry. We love our pork and alcohol. When ever my cousins came to family get-togethers there was always a table with halal foods. No alcohol was served. No one ever ridiculed them or disrespected them. They were FAMILY.
Wowwwwwwwww, I used to love this movie as a kid. I watched it every year around Eid time in the early 80’s .I’m almost 44 years now year and it brought back childhood memories. I grew up in an Anglican home and attended a catholic school but myself and a few friends would always wait up for when the movie comes around 😅
This isnt just a movie, but in fact a whole timeline and a great acknowledgment of history for the ones who believe with even the slightest of faith in their hearts. I NEVER EVER comment anything anywhere but after watching this movie once again after so many years, it has never failed teaching me my true values as a Muslim. This movie honestly teaches so many things which includes ‘morals and discipline’ to anyone watching it. Surely Islam is the only religion that stays firm ahead of any negativity standing in the way of peace and its enemies that have been and shall keep on trying to degrade or destroy Islam but little do they know; it can not be done.
Nonetheless, may God Almighty be with you all and anyone reading this or watching the movie itself and may God fill love, faith and dignity in the hearts of the nonbelievers, Ameen ya Rab al A’alameen ❤️🩹
Saw this when i was 12, great impact on the mind of a child . Still remember all the characters vividly and the events that occurred during those times through this movie.. Amazing even now. Glad to have found it here again. Still the same impact.
This is a fake movie.
@sameerabdullah2000 😡😡
Watch umer series
@@Dopaaamine27How is this A fake movie?
Common sense is something you don’t have.
@@Dopaaamine27did you watch the whole movie?
Because if you did you’d have more respect for Islam.
Tears well up in my eyes evey time they make their entrance into Mecca .May God bless everyone who made it happen in reality and in fiction.
Ameen ya Rabbi
Hey 😢glad to hear you got some rest today too hope everything goes smoothly
i am a catholic but now I'm watching this March 21, 2024...
I agree. This movie is amazing, this makes me hate those who oppressed the Muslims at the time just because they didn't believe a king was God not man made stones (pagans). May God bledd those who suffered in the hands of evil 😢.
Not to mention those in this generation who opposed the Muslims because they are growing.
As Salam Allakum 👋❤
May Allah direct to the right way
@goodfilipina4209. I wish u should join Islam coz its the waY of paradise or to save ur self from hellfire may Allah help u to take this beautiful religion
We invite you, my brother, to enter Islam... because it is the religion of the true God... chosen by the one God for humanity, from the Prophet Adam to Abraham to Moses, Christ and Muhammad... so that you may enter Paradise with the righteous and with all the prophets... Read the Qur’an To learn the greatest truth in this life... Greetings to you
I have been watching this film since I was a kid still watching it and will be watching it till I die excellent movie well done to the team who made this movie proud to be a Muslim
Islam defeated the 2 Superpowers of that time the Persian and Byzantine Roman empires. It's like the Eskimos defeating the 2 Superpowers of today America and Russia. This is a miraculous prophecy that came true.
I took my shahadah on 25th June 1995 💕 الحمد لله
As a Muslim I avoided watching this movie for 15 years till I found out Prophet Muhammed pbuh face isn't depicted. ❤
Edit: as one brother previously made clear to me the movie still depicts certain sahaba and I therefore would discourage brothers and sisters to avoid watching depictions of any of the sahaba as well as the prophets.
But hamza, Omar, Khalid is why do they hide Ali But not the others
@@CharizardStudiosonly Hamza, Khalid and Bilal are depicted.
@@CharizardStudios shia get mad I think that’s why
Biraz araştırmayı öğren beklemekle zaman kaybetme
@@CharizardStudiosbecause of the dumb shia rules to make the movie
Quran is a word of God no man can write these words , all other books were changed but the Quran will stay the same it’s saved in loh mahfooz and in the heart of the people subhanAllah
true but keep in mind in this they cut out many things from each scene they depicted and vut out lines from the final sermon AND the Quran. the arabic one is on youtube too it jas english subtitles. it is identical except it has arab actors the director and everything elde is identical. however in the arabic one they quoted the excerpts from the Qiran in full. here they cut out many lines thus distorting it which is a serious crime in islam. the average non muslim viewing this will not know that. they also totally deleted the extremely prominent role of muslim women in all these scenes only showed Sumayyah RA but fovused on Hind whivh makes zero sense. a huge portion of our Ahadith were narrayed by women because women entered from the same place as men (separate entranves is a bidah) and were present at every khutbqh. i despise this film gor this and many other reasons. anyone wjo knoes the actual history Will find this severely lacking and even misleading at times making thwm out to be some breakaway all male cult who only dressed in white. it couldhqve been a hundred times better but they focused on idiot Hind amd her husband more than anuthing. pathetic script and i ferl certain that the scriptwriter was non muslim . Not only due to his western name but because he elimimated entire lines from the Quran ayat from the sermon from the speevh to negus and depicted tjat inaccurately too (the scene with the black king) drastically reduced everything while focusing on pagan Quraish
False . Guru Granth Sahib ji is the true word of the lord.
This made me cry so hard. All praise is to Allah the Lord of Heavens and the Earth and Muhammad PBUH is His Messanger
While appreciating the movie I exhort the viewers to appreciate the message therein. There is a great message to grasp and take benefits from. None can benefit except those for whom Allah, The Most High Wills. Anyway my prayers for everyone who watches the movie, “May Allah Swt Guide them and Admit them into His Mercy. Ameen.
Islam is a fake religion. This movie is based on lies.
It was the first time I heard that Muslims mention Jesus and I have never heard or learned all this from anyone anywhere, and so did my mother from an old priest at mass when he preached.
We believe in Jesus (pbuh) and think of him as a Messenger rather than a god
Please, research brother
My brother read the Quran. Prophet Jesus christ(pbuh) mentioned 25 times by name in the whole more than prophet Muhammad(pbuh). Only Woman mentioned by name in the Quran' is Marry/Maryam(pbuh). A whole chapter was revealed about Marry(peace be upon her). "Surah Maryam".
I remember watching this when I was little I didn't understand it much like as I do now I keep watching it it made me cry alhamdulilah for islam alhamdulilah for all the blessings the things our prophets have endured for us they went through soo much I love all of our prophets the Sahaba and most importantly Allah ❤
O Islam. Love the Prophet and cleave to his Truth 🙏
...from a Catholic
I Bear Witness that there is no God But ALLAH and Prophet Muhammed is the Messenger of Allah☝🏽
This movie beats all movies I have ever seen up to 2024. Spectacular and heartwarming Allah Akbar💛
Iron man was better.
May the producer be rewarded with good for making this movie ♥️
He got murdered in hotel in Jordan by a terrorist attack and yet still not solved
@@topicuniverse1193. this is real ?
@@topicuniverse1193what is the name of the producer?
Mustafa Al akad@@Ahmad_northern2004
Mustafa Al Aqad American Syrian producer
A moving movie. It got one thing right for sure, that there is only one God. Who indecently gave signs and wonders through Abraham, Moses and Jesus. I enjoyed watching this and getting to understand Muslim beliefs.
we are the followers of all prophets. all prophets said the same thing. accept Islam for your salvation brother
@@youwilldie14yearsagoedited2 And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know."And He taught Adam the names - all of them. Then He showed them to the angels and said, "Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful."They said, "Exalted are You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise."He said, "O Adam, inform them of their names." And when he had informed them of their names, He said, "Did I not tell you that I know the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth? And I know what you reveal and what you have concealed."And [mention] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate before Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers.
And Muhammad is the son (descendant) of Ismael the son of Abraham
Amazing... indeed Islam is the best religion ❤
الاسلام ... سلام محبه نور
رفع الظلم عن الناس
تحية من فلسطين 😢😢😢
Alhamdulillah. Thank you for sharing this wonderful movie. I cried. It is my first time watching it. I will surely share it with my family especially this month of Ramaddan.
God I love this movie so much. I saw it multiple times as a kid and was moved to tears. I can't wait to watch it again as an adult. The soundtrack is ICONIC! May the Most High bless Moustapha Akkad and his legacy.
This movie needs an oscar
even this in english, i got so emotional. cant imagine if the quran is read in arabic and the syahada and the takbir. goosebumps
This Movie is very inspiring! About the Message of Prophet Mohammad, to the execution, all the way to the war of Badr, and Uhud, lastly Trench! And the Conquest of Mekkah! My favorite part was the time when Hamzah stood up for Prophet Muhammad! All the best versions of this! Please recommend more like this!
نبي محمد صلى الله و عليه وسلم 🤲🏻🤍
How planned work by prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم .. astonishing and surprising..How much hard time he face for us.. Thousands and thousands of blessings on Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ۔۔
Throughout history, prophets have told the same religion. Just surrender to God, worship only Him, believe in the apocalypse, be a good person and do good deeds
I think this is a wonderful film. I am not a Muslim but I am studying the religion and think this is superb introduction to the Prophet’s life and message. There may be some errors etc but it is well filmed and well acted.
A movie that definitely deserves more than one watch.
Assalamualaikum brother,
May Allah bring you to the path of peaceful Islam!!
Thank you my friend 🙏
I invite you to islam
Watch the muslim lantern
Dr zakir naik
Ahmad deedat
One of the best movies ever made. Islam is the true faith. History repeats itself. Look at what the Palestinians are going thru. The whole western workd is against them. Once again the evil vs good plays.
Cry me a river. Th west does not hate you. We hate th way you ARE some of the time.
@@rimrunz1795we also hate you and your attitude.
Btw how it's Ukraine
الاسلام دين سلام حب نور
الاسلام يحارب الظلم 😢 ويتهموه بالارهاب 😢
تحية من فلسطين