You need to let the saws warm up more before cutting! Going into full throttle cuts on a cold saw is damaging to the piston and cylinder and does not give you optimum power. Correct procedure: 30 second fast idle followed by throttle revving/blipping for an additional 10 seconds before cutting! Ideally a full minute to warmup if you are going to make a long and challenging cut.
You need to let the saws warm up more before cutting! Going into full throttle cuts on a cold saw is damaging to the piston and cylinder and does not give you optimum power. Correct procedure: 30 second fast idle followed by throttle revving/blipping for an additional 10 seconds before cutting! Ideally a full minute to warmup if you are going to make a long and challenging cut.
We preheated and tested sufficiently before filming.
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톱기능 설명도 이해잘되도록 말습해주셔서감사합니다
같은 18인치로 테스트를
33날 36날 회전수 차이가 많을수도
기본 출고되는 사이즈로 테스트 하였습니다.
mark2가 18인치로 절단하였는데도 더 빠르니 같은 18인치로 테스트 한다면 mark2가 훨씬 더 빠를겁니다.
I have a mark 2,been waiting for 78 days for a handlebar not sure if I will continue with Husqvarna,
앗! 여기 아주 오래전부터 있던 곳인데 아직도 있네요~
sorry mark ii way better