The whole Yena's album is so refreshing in this industry where everything is either sexy or girl crush, finally something rock-ish perfectly done in this track, title track is also amazing and the whole album screams "YENA!", I just love it, looking forward for more, Yena we will get you a win the next time, sorry for being not good enough at voting this time TuT.
I agree. Yena's album has a variety of concepts and the feel to each song. Before Anyone Else is a soothing and calm song to where you can start your day with. Smiley gives off an sort American vibe with alot of intended fun, hence the name. Lxxk 2 U is a pop-rock song with a girl crush vibe, while Pretty Boys is a sort cute song with a slow paced and fast paced part making it addicting with "dadadidi dadida". Vacay gives off "a break from the world" vibe making it cute as well, but calm.
@@nashidragneel6175 I kinda liked dreamcatcher until Deja Vu, after that their title tracks don't quite get me hooked, some of their b-sides are good tho.
Theres a lot of groups in this industry that don't do sexy or girl crush (dreamcatcher, fromis_9, aespa, red velvet, twice, etc) but I agree Yena is the definition of talent and her album is really good! I also look forward to future comeback and stuff cuz we know this girl will rock the world! :D
@@user-fk8hg9nc8f LMAO fromis_9 didn't use to but DM is Sexy concept, Twice recent comebacks have been all sexy, Red Velvet has done sexy concepts many times and Aespa is girl crush concept by definition. It doesn't need to go as far as Hyuna/Sumni goes to be sexy concept. I agree on dreamcatcher.
와 이 영상은 진짜 연습생 최예나에서 아이돌 아이즈원 최예나를 거쳐 진짜 온전한 만능 아티스트로 거듭난 영상이 아닐까 싶습니다 진짜 감명받았어요ㅠ 혼자서 하는 무대에서 부족하다는 느낌 하나 없이 이끌어 가는 모습이 지구미로서 뿌듯하고 감동이고 막 그러네요ㅠ 만약에 위즈원이라면 이 영상 보고 예나가 얼마나 노력했는지 얼마나 성장했는지 바로 알 수 있습니다 다들 한번두번세번 꼭 보세요! 힘들고 지칠때마다 예나가 저 같은 지구미들의 응원글보고 힘내면 좋겠어요!! 최예나 수고했다🌝🐥
This is probably her best, B-side along with PRETTY BOYS!! This song showcases how good Yena is at singing like wow! She can slay them notes without a problem!
예나의 쿨하면서도 발랄한 성격이 락 장르랑 너무 잘어울림!!!!! 개인적으로 앞으로도 이런 컨셉 가줬으면 ...ㅠㅠ 앨범 전곡 다 밴드사운드 덕분에 퀄리티도 너무 좋고 들을 때도 안질리고 좋았음!! 귀여운 오리가 무대만 서면 스모키화장에 기타 좡좡치는 모습 완전 멋디다고..☠️
I really like how they started with such a strong overall concept for her. Even though the genres vary, they still sound true to her sound. I’m excited to see how she grows
She needs to do an anime opening this literally screams anime opening vibes all over it please someone hire her to make an original song for an anime opening or even an ending😭❤️
Yena's songs are rlly catchyyyy In this album I also like "Pretty Boys", I wish I could watch the official performance video of that song someday. Yena's rap rocks in there.
This is incredible! It suits her so well and it really takes her level and intensity of performance to do it like this. Yena is the pop star we all needed!
Yena's whole Smiley album is a banger. It really surprised me with how much I enjoyed it but her individuality shines on each track especially with her co-writing all the songs. Lxxk 2 U is fabulous enough to be a title track. Yena is here to stay.
Her style is so unique. I grew up going to pop punk concerts and Warped Tour to see punk bands in the US. This vibe fits her so well. She has that husky powerful tone. The styling and set is immaculate. This just screams Yena to me. It’s her personality and her boldness. Her power and her ability to do what she does flawlessly. It’s a distinct personal style and color and sound. She was always so powerful in IZ*ONE so seeing her show the dad her, more powerful, aggressive, rocker vibe. I hope KPOP keeps moving in this direction with live bands and early 2000-2010s pop punk. 🤘🏻🎸🎧♥️🎤
The outfit, the hairstyle, the camera work and the stage everything is amazing this song is a masterpiece and it shows how amazing Yena is this song along with PRETTY BOYS could be the best on the album I really want to see some performance pretty boys , but most All I want is for Yena to be healthy and happy.
Wow, from the cutest super hero to the most bad-ass punk rock girl... Yena can do anything, including playing her own instruments! I'm seriously impressed - she deserve to be a super star!
WOAH that went so unexpectedly hard. I'm in absolute shock. That was incredible. I'm so proud of Yena and I love this song. This one blew me away even more so than smiley!
Honestly she deserves more win, if it’s not for the music shows being cancelled every week when she promoted Smiley, she should’ve won more trophy. Her digital and physical sales are really doing great. But still, congratulations Yena on the success of Smiley, hope for more good music and success in the future 💛💛💛
Okay so I was a causal listener of Izone so when she debuted I didn’t give it any attention. The other day I thought I would give her music a try and fell in love! She really suits this happy, energetic, pop punk sound a lot. I’m so excited for my copy of Smiley to come in the mail, and ready to support her next comeback!
꽥투유가 아니라 최예나씨.. 카리스마 흑화오리는 레전드다.. 990929번 돌려봐도 모자란 무대이며 중간에 예나 눈물연기에서는 가슴이 웅장해져서 나까지 폭풍 눈물을 흘리며 봤다.. 예나와 같은 시대에 살고있는게 참 감사하고 행복하고.. 아 아무튼 최예나 사랑해
I love your username
@덕통사고 鴨?
@@sfcrv Lxxk?
Luck? Lucky…❌
Look ⭕
00년01월01일생이면 조회수 별로 안나오겠네.. 101번 들어서 뭐 차트에나 올라갈수 있으려나
@@jumjum461 아이즈원
....최예나 당신 미쳤어? 너 이러다 진짜로 세계 최강
아이돌밖에 못해;;; 내 마음 훔쳤으면 됐지 누구 마음을
더 훔치려고 노래도 잘하고 연기도 잘하는거야..
최예나 착한줄 알았는데 꺼지라고 하면서 사람 꼬시네...
와 악기에 의상 세트까지 야광이네 바닥 무늬도 판타스틱하고 어느 감독님 작품인지 대박... 컨셉 200% 소화하네 시티펑크하이틴 감성
송정환 감독님 작품이네요. 작품에 나오는 엔딩크래딧도 봐주세요ㅠ
감독님.. 사랑해요..
와 감독님😍
이번 앨범 노래들 컨셉 진짜 잘 잡은 듯.
이런 분위기도 어울리네...
어중간한 게 없고 이미지 하나하나가 다 또렷하면서 매력적.
최예나 지챠 멋있어!
Pasaron 2 años pero escucho esta canción y solo pienso lo mucho que TE AMOO YENAA ❤
The whole Yena's album is so refreshing in this industry where everything is either sexy or girl crush, finally something rock-ish perfectly done in this track, title track is also amazing and the whole album screams "YENA!", I just love it, looking forward for more, Yena we will get you a win the next time, sorry for being not good enough at voting this time TuT.
If you like stan dreamcatcher they whole concept is rock-pop horror
I agree. Yena's album has a variety of concepts and the feel to each song. Before Anyone Else is a soothing and calm song to where you can start your day with. Smiley gives off an sort American vibe with alot of intended fun, hence the name. Lxxk 2 U is a pop-rock song with a girl crush vibe, while Pretty Boys is a sort cute song with a slow paced and fast paced part making it addicting with "dadadidi dadida". Vacay gives off "a break from the world" vibe making it cute as well, but calm.
@@nashidragneel6175 I kinda liked dreamcatcher until Deja Vu, after that their title tracks don't quite get me hooked, some of their b-sides are good tho.
Theres a lot of groups in this industry that don't do sexy or girl crush (dreamcatcher, fromis_9, aespa, red velvet, twice, etc) but I agree Yena is the definition of talent and her album is really good! I also look forward to future comeback and stuff cuz we know this girl will rock the world! :D
@@user-fk8hg9nc8f LMAO fromis_9 didn't use to but DM is Sexy concept, Twice recent comebacks have been all sexy, Red Velvet has done sexy concepts many times and Aespa is girl crush concept by definition. It doesn't need to go as far as Hyuna/Sumni goes to be sexy concept. I agree on dreamcatcher.
스탠드 마이크 무심하게 툭 미는데 왜 내 심장이 밀림?
우리 예나는 롹커 맞다! 우리 예나는 롹커 맞다!
어떡해! 기타 너무 멋있어!!!!
이 무대 음방에서 너무 보고 싶어요!!!
우리 예나 음방 끝난 거 아니라고 해 주세요!
Not Yena making the Kpop emo anthem of the year so casually like it’s just routine.
That’s called Queen behavior, everyone take notes
She's literally born for stage.
@Salamah no
@Salamah the fuck is this
omg an yena stan + loona stan :O
@@legalillegally6508 yes and a multistan 🥰
외적으로는 걸스락펑크 일본 밴드 느낌 + 가사는 씨앤블루 느낌 왤케 일본애니여자주인공 같지 아 진심 팬되겠음 … 여추반에서 보고 푹 빠짐…. ㅜㅜㅜ
Admit it, Choi Yena is really one of the best all rounder in kpop industry!!!
So true, I don't even like K-POP but I like her.
@@Oly876 yes, and you will also love her personality 🥺🥺
와 이 영상은 진짜 연습생 최예나에서 아이돌 아이즈원 최예나를 거쳐 진짜 온전한 만능 아티스트로 거듭난 영상이 아닐까 싶습니다 진짜 감명받았어요ㅠ 혼자서 하는 무대에서 부족하다는 느낌 하나 없이 이끌어 가는 모습이 지구미로서 뿌듯하고 감동이고 막 그러네요ㅠ 만약에 위즈원이라면 이 영상 보고 예나가 얼마나 노력했는지 얼마나 성장했는지 바로 알 수 있습니다 다들 한번두번세번 꼭 보세요! 힘들고 지칠때마다 예나가 저 같은 지구미들의 응원글보고 힘내면 좋겠어요!! 최예나 수고했다🌝🐥
앨범 컨셉 잘 잡아서 진짜 너무 좋다ㅜㅜ 귀엽고 이쁘고 멋진거 예나 혼자 다하네
south korea's pop punk princess !!!!!!
this song is gold
This is probably her best, B-side along with PRETTY BOYS!!
This song showcases how good Yena is at singing like wow! She can slay them notes without a problem!
Sooo true she's amazing 😊💗
예나의 쿨하면서도 발랄한 성격이 락 장르랑 너무 잘어울림!!!!! 개인적으로 앞으로도 이런 컨셉 가줬으면 ...ㅠㅠ 앨범 전곡 다 밴드사운드 덕분에 퀄리티도 너무 좋고 들을 때도 안질리고 좋았음!! 귀여운 오리가 무대만 서면 스모키화장에 기타 좡좡치는 모습 완전 멋디다고..☠️
I really like how they started with such a strong overall concept for her. Even though the genres vary, they still sound true to her sound. I’m excited to see how she grows
Yes she has her brand out front from the start.
이 곡 솔직히 더블 타이틀감 임! (👍)
이 곡 으로 후속 활동 해줌 좋겠다 (👏)
와 근데 진짜 앨범 타이틀부터 수록곡 하나하나 되게 다양한 색깔인데 다 좋은것도 너무 신기하네..
그리고 이곡같이 시티펑크?느낌의 밴드 노래랑도 찰떡같이 어울리는것도 색다른 예나의 모습인듯 !
She needs to do an anime opening this literally screams anime opening vibes all over it please someone hire her to make an original song for an anime opening or even an ending😭❤️
Same, I hope she will do anime opening
i was about to say that
i'm sure she will
no it screams olivia rodrigo good 4 you
Yena's songs are rlly catchyyyy In this album I also like "Pretty Boys", I wish I could watch the official performance video of that song someday. Yena's rap rocks in there.
Pretty boys is a BOP 🥳
Vacay is really nice too ☺
@@JarrodF7405 Let's just be honest the whole album slaps
예능에선 귀염뽀짝 스테이지에선 멋진 카리스마 예나의 매력에 또한번 빠져든다 새해선물 고맙고 눈병도 빨리 나아서 건강한 모습으로 만나
최예나 본업 천재 와.. 글고 제스처 졸라 간지나게 잘씀
This is incredible! It suits her so well and it really takes her level and intensity of performance to do it like this. Yena is the pop star we all needed!
럭투유까지 찰떡이면서 완벽하면
지구미들은 어떻게 견디라는거야ㅠㅠ
만능아이돌 예나! 귀여움에 카리스마까지 완벽해
데뷔한 우리 예나님 노래 다 좋은데 진짜 목소리가 너무 이쁘게 잘 들려서 행복행!!! :)
Yena's whole Smiley album is a banger. It really surprised me with how much I enjoyed it but her individuality shines on each track especially with her co-writing all the songs. Lxxk 2 U is fabulous enough to be a title track. Yena is here to stay.
최예나 추천 노래
최예나-Lxxk 2 u
최예나-pretty boys
이거 다 노래 좋음
This has solidified Yena as my #1 favorite kpop soloist.
11명과 함께 12명이서 채우던 무대를 혼자서 다 부담해야하는데도 꽉 채우는 멋진 내 가수!
예나야! 너무 멋지다!!! 💛
this rockish concept really fit her well, and separate her from the rest solo releases
YENA. an incredibly talented person with amazing stage presence who is capable of pulling off a variety of concepts.
Luck 2 u 진짜 넘 좋다 평소에도 밴드 세팅 락발라드 좋아하는데 예나가 해주니까 행복함 윤하 처럼 길 잡아도 한자리 할거 같다 ㄹㅇ
Tell me who made you sad huh?! YENA IS BORN TO BE A PERFORMER, SHE'S INSANE !!
락커 예나 겁나 멋있다 ㅠㅠㅠ 스마일리 앨범 전곡 다 했으면 좋겠어 ㅠㅠ
예나 솔로 컨셉 진짜 돋보적으로 잘 잡았다
와.. 눈빛 연기 뭐야… 개 멋있어
최예나가 최고다
Yena really is so unbelievable talented.. Yena need to raise her name slowly but surely..
예나는 진짜 전설이다…,,,
i can only think of "wow yena is seriously the coolest person ever" while watching the video
I hope there's more music like this in the next album
I can't get over this Yena. I hope we'll get more songs like this on her first comeback (b-side/title track) 😭❤️
there's something about her that makes her unique
She look so pretty 😭❤
와 진짜 할말이 하나밖에 없다
진짜 미쳤다..찢었다 사랑한다
最近イェナちゃんを知ってハマっているのですがこの曲が私の好みすぎる、刺さりまくってます!!大好き〜♡ 歌もお顔も大天才✨
me too..!
이 노래는 뭔가 다른 앨범에서 다른 앨범표지로 나왔어도 흥했을 노래 인것 같다. smiley의 그 상큼한 앨범 표지에 밀려 이 노래의 약간 도전적인 느낌이 묻힌게 아닐까 생각이 든당..
이번 앨범 타이틀곡 수록곡 어느 하나 빼놓을 것 없이 다다다 몽땅 좋지만 이 곡은 진짜 들을 때마다 신난다ㅠㅠㅠ 말랑콩떡인데 흑화오리 퍼포먼스 영상도 어쩜 미쳤고
OK BUT THIS PERFORMANCE IS AT ANOTHER LEVEL, Yena is impressive, every day she will surprise you more, Yena the true all-rounder of this generation.
가슴이 뻥 뚫리는 예나 노래 너무 좋다!!! 아주 그냥 컨셉 찰떡이고 ㅠㅠ
this song needs more views its actually very underrated.
she's so talented and such a good performer
This band style kpop plus Yena as singer is so purrfect 🤣
1:59 여기 클로즈업했을 때 눈썹 올리고, 눈이랑 고개 돌리는 거 진심진심 미쳤다🙊 예나 안 어울리는 컨셉? 네 없습미다
This performance video looks like a REAL CONCERT 🔥🔥🔥🔥
마지막에 처음으로 Boy 꺼져줄래 Luck to you Luck to you 이부분 ㄹㅇ 멋있음❤
Wow. Yena is slaying it! She's giving us a throwback of the 90s. Haha and it still looks good
this is THE song and yena is THE artist
she dropped one of the best songs of the year and it's only january yes rock it queen 💛
Jigumi being blessed with another content. Thanks Yena.
Her style is so unique. I grew up going to pop punk concerts and Warped Tour to see punk bands in the US. This vibe fits her so well. She has that husky powerful tone. The styling and set is immaculate. This just screams Yena to me. It’s her personality and her boldness. Her power and her ability to do what she does flawlessly. It’s a distinct personal style and color and sound.
She was always so powerful in IZ*ONE so seeing her show the dad her, more powerful, aggressive, rocker vibe. I hope KPOP keeps moving in this direction with live bands and early 2000-2010s pop punk. 🤘🏻🎸🎧♥️🎤
와 미쳣다……. 내가 원한게 이거거든……내가 말한게 이거거든…….락기타 매고 노래ㅜ르는 최예나!!!!!!!!
Lxxk U中毒性凄いし収録曲全部全部が最高な曲ばかり、、その中でも私はvacayの爽やかな感じが好きかなあ!
The outfit, the hairstyle, the camera work and the stage everything is amazing this song is a masterpiece and it shows how amazing Yena is this song along with PRETTY BOYS could be the best on the album I really want to see some performance pretty boys , but most All I want is for Yena to be healthy and happy.
Wow, from the cutest super hero to the most bad-ass punk rock girl... Yena can do anything, including playing her own instruments! I'm seriously impressed - she deserve to be a super star!
표정연기 뭐야 ㅠㅠ 못하는게 없어
WOAH that went so unexpectedly hard. I'm in absolute shock. That was incredible. I'm so proud of Yena and I love this song. This one blew me away even more so than smiley!
입덕하길 잘했다고 100번 넘게 생각했음..❤ 진짜 너무 이쁘고 카리스마넘쳐 완전 좋아 😊
I just hope there is pretty boys performance😭😍😘
락 계속 해줘~
예나만의 색이라고 생각해 너무 멋져
너무 멋지다 예나 힘내~오래오래 멋지고 귀여운 곡 많이 불러줘
아기락스타 최예나… 💕 럭투유 무대 넘 좋은데 쇼케이스에서만 봐서 아쉬웠는데 진짜 최고 ㅠㅠ
Is there’s a Japanese lyrics version or English version… I feel like this track will get yena a ton of popularity
Honestly she deserves more win, if it’s not for the music shows being cancelled every week when she promoted Smiley, she should’ve won more trophy. Her digital and physical sales are really doing great. But still, congratulations Yena on the success of Smiley, hope for more good music and success in the future 💛💛💛
I hope there's also a performance video for PRETTY BOYS
been waiting for this!! this song is SOOO good
수록곡으로만 두긴 아까운 노래...제발 후속곡으로 활동해줘ㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠ모른척해줄테니까..아님 다음 앨범 제대로 락스타 빌런으로 컨셉잡는건 어떨지 최예나 진짜 만능이야 안어울리는 컨셉이 없어ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
She's literally born to be idol !!
I got a crush on you Yena 💛
Might have just discovered the best thing to ever exist…yena
I really hope Yena will keep on having tracks with this rocky vibes because I literally couldn't stop listening to this song for so many days
We got one again
@@christiankenmoro112 which one please
@@ChloeBx smiley smartphone
@@ChloeBx with or without
헐 미쳤다.....럭투유 개좋다...
예나 진짜 이반 컴백 너무 축하하고
좋은 곡들 잘 불러줘서서 고마워ㅜ
언제나 예나 활동 응원할게!사랑해💖
오 분위기 쩐다 예나링
와. 예나 언니는 완전 에이스이고 랩도 하고 메인보컬도 하고 춤도 춰요. 이 얼마나 완벽한 엔터테이너인가. 당신을 사랑합니다
Okay so I was a causal listener of Izone so when she debuted I didn’t give it any attention. The other day I thought I would give her music a try and fell in love! She really suits this happy, energetic, pop punk sound a lot. I’m so excited for my copy of Smiley to come in the mail, and ready to support her next comeback!
꽥투유 너무 좋네요 ㅠㅠ 예나 기타들고 있는거 보니 민주가, 민주가 지겹게 들었다는 금요일에 만나요 예나버전 들어보고 싶네요
진짜 수록곡 하나 하나까지 컨셉 너무 찰떡이잖아....너무 멋져 예나야!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
와 밴드랑 예나라니... 이 조합 뭐야~~ 대박이네 완전 락스타 오리잖아!! 멋짐뿜뿜오리에 치였다
Yuehua please give us more b sides like this with a mv too♡