Hola bro. Vos sabés cómo se hace para poder activar estos trucos? TMR300866: Mostrar los créditos NJW280172: Coches rápidos. RUS3L: Invencible. RALLYHARD: Invisible. WAC271074: Sin policia. P7TTYRZ: Ver entrevista. ANJW16696: Empezar como persona buscada. WE4RRQDZ: Seleccionar coche.
Hello. I don't know about those ones, i use ps1 codes. You can find how to do those in the link below. Check -------> www.almarsguides.com/retro/walkthroughs/PS1/HowToUsePS1Codes/ePSXe/
Hmm that out of tape means the limit of the game? Idk but i enjoyed these you hit like ramming as funny!
Out of tape is in the game recording (replay feature) that had reached the limit.
suspect is invincible
If the AI chose to play survival mode, it would look something like this
Reminds me of Burnout Revenge
suspect has hit another vehicle and building
Hola bro. Vos sabés cómo se hace para poder activar estos trucos?
TMR300866: Mostrar los créditos
NJW280172: Coches rápidos.
RUS3L: Invencible.
RALLYHARD: Invisible.
WAC271074: Sin policia.
P7TTYRZ: Ver entrevista.
ANJW16696: Empezar como persona buscada.
WE4RRQDZ: Seleccionar coche.
Hello. I don't know about those ones, i use ps1 codes. You can find how to do those in the link below.
Check -------> www.almarsguides.com/retro/walkthroughs/PS1/HowToUsePS1Codes/ePSXe/