@slowishparenting 1. Don't watch mom influencers and seek wisdom from the women in my life instead. 2. Taking care of myself helps me take better care of my family, and it's not selfish. 3. Trust our instincts and look to nature for guidance. My biggest thought that comes to mind was my anxiety about cosleeping. I remember when my dog had puppies, she always kept them close, and they nursed on demand. She looked exhausted some times and over whelmed, so she would step away but always returned close to her pups. That felt natural to me. Nurse on demand, keep my babies close, always be near by, in the natural world many mammals keeo there babies close for survival. I truly believe babies grow stronger and we heal and relax by keeping our babies close. Now, from what yiur sharing, i realize it's truely the regulation of the nervous system. But in our country parents are encouraged to sleep train. Its tortureto see these poor mothers online suffer as they have their children cry it out and cry themselves to sleep. It's unnatural. I wish I could tell all new moms that babies should not be expected to sleep through the night and that can sometimes carry over into toddlerhood. Motherhood is not easy and the early years are a season of scarafice but it is the biggest blessing God has lifted us with our precious little children.
@22:00 yes! I laid down listening to you podcast and closed my eyes. I thought oh i should do laundry or school while i listen and multitask be productive. Then i allowed myself to relax and listen and i feel my cup filling and hearing my struggles with answers now. I can do that when hes awake or maybe at bedtime, right now i need to rest
Thank you for sharing this. That area right between need/want.. and deciding what is most important is so hard. I'm happy that you were able to rest.. and believe that you NEEDED that!! I hope my channel continues to encourage you ❤️
Moms need to stop feeling guilt for letting the children watch a show. Our generation is so presured to be highly involved with the children more than any other generation before. I strongly believe it is because of social media that we have these silly expectations of ourselves. Yes getting the children involved is important for life skills. We need to stop picking beliefs and expectations from total strangers on the internet. Parents can use TV as a tool or an opportunity to decompress from being on all day. I really wish moms would stop presuring themselves to be perfect. It's time to let go of the things that our not ours to own..❤
I agree with so much of this. Although, when we look at other cultures (love the book Hunt. Gather. Parent) we see that kids have always been invited into tasks since the beginning of time. This is actually a very instinctual part of raising children. But to be able to invite our children into these things, we need to do the inner work to build capacity. To be able to disassemble the belief that TV is helping me to get things done.. or it's how we get our alone time. I wouldn't have believed you 2 months ago, but my kids play (without bothering me).. for over 2 hours at a time. It feels unreal. I just read an ENTIRE book in one week.. this has never happened before! Anyways, I do think that TV is necessary in some seasons... for me it was how I could catch my breath and keep myself from raging. But the more inner healing that happens.. the more capacity I have. And when we look at our child as our mirror, they begin to be more regulated because WE as the mama are more regulated. Anyways, I'm excited for the screens video coming up, I go into so much more detail there ❤
@slowishparenting I agree with you! Perhaps it's just my perspective as my children prefer the outdoor over TV. They are always welcome to join me for cooking or household task. They have toys accessible and often walk away from the TV show. I can see how some parents could have issues if the children prefer TV over being a child and playing. Where I do see the interpretation in development is when young children are given devices and are watching RUclips kids. That's addicting them and they will struggle as they grow up it's very sad. It breaks my heart when I hear new parents say Ms. Racheal is the replacement to reading books. No TV show or youtube video will ever top the back and fourth conversation and connection of child and parent. I guess it depends on the season of life we are in right. As infant my babies didn't do any TV. But now that I have a 7 year old and 3 year old I love educational shows as an addition to our homeschooling. But ultimately the rule has always been they can join me for my task anytime and are not expected to stay watching the show if they don't want to.
Nothing wrong allowing the child watch TV. My parents never allwed me to watch SpongeBob. I would watch SpongeBob at my grandparents house.@@APlay-BasedHomeschool
I found you because of your pre pregnancy videos. Hubby and I will start TTC in a few months and I’m trying to soak up as much info now on parenting that I can. Thanks for these videos. Its nice to have a sister in Christ passing along wisdom for the next phase of my life ❤
Wow ! you are speaking everything that I am experiencing right now . I am also a stay at home mom to two girls ages 2 and 3 yrs old . They have 17 months apart . Thank you so much I found you . Everything you mention is so relatable and make sense .
This was such a solid video ❤ really connect with your way of thinking with cleaning while they are awake and minimizing/no screens cause it's a game changer with how much more they stay connected 😊
Absolutely!! I'm so surprised by how much our kids want to help... I rarely ask anymore. Yesterday my girls were fighting over who was folding towels 😂😂
Thank you for your videos. They always encourage me. My 20 month old does not sleep alone, it was always like that. I can not or just short get up in the evening, not in the morning. She sleeps till 8 or 9. And still naps one time. I am in bed 13-14 hours a day. The only thing I can do is watching some thing on my phone. It's so frustrating. Now she is always so grumpy, she just wants to nurse and be carried all day long. I get nothing done. Don't know what to to. I have no time for my self..
This was absolutely me last year. I felt like my youngest was Velcro-ed to me. It was such a challenging season. I could write you an entire book on this... hahaha but in short, I found that focusing on my nervous system, digging into my beliefs around sleep, and unpacking what I was avoiding in my life turned sleep around for our entire family. Both my kids struggled so bad with sleep (I even sleep trained my first because it couldn't handle it).. and now my 2.5 yr old comes in around 2 am and sleeps the rest of the night snuggled up with me... all of this to say there is hope!!
My almost-8-month-old son is the same way, only he takes 3 naps a day! He WILL NOT sleep if he's not held or laid with - from the day he was born! If I so much as move over a bit in bed, he wakes up, thinking I'm abandoning him, lol! So, he wakes up around 5:30am, then naps for about an hour around 8, then a two hour nap around noon, then another hour nap around 3, then bed around 7pm. So I'm spending around 15 hours in bed with him too! I don't get a whole lot done right now, buy I'm trying to enjoy it because I know that while the days are long, the seasons are short and fly by!
I have a 8 month old who also refuses to sleep anywhere but on me. She is 20 pounds and I carry her all day to get things done. I have a Lille strap on carrier and she’ll nap on me and I’ll wash dishes with her on me, bake bread, sweep floors, do laundry, take out trash, etc. I use a grabber claw to get stuff done and she exclusively breastfeeds too. We are introducing solid foods but majority of her diet is breastmilk.
I’m also losing weight and building muscle from having her on me all the time. I will however let her roam our carpeted play room and our bedroom is baby proofed so she can crawl around and grab things while I’m folding laundry on the floor also.
May you can make a video on this topic? As I see you struggled with that's and as I see the other comments it seams a lot more mothers as I thought struggle with that. But it encourages me to see that you transformed you way of thinking. I try. I already bought a course from the workout witch for my nervous system. I just don't find time for it. 😁😁
Be kind to yourself during this time, give yourself Grace because it will be challenging at times. Also, allow yourself to feel angry to feel sad to cry about how difficult it feels. It’s all valid. Then go back and try again ❤
I found your video at the right point in my life. I have a 2 year old and a 4 month old, and i just keep losing control of my anger and manifests in constant yelling. I hate it so much. And every time i yell, i feel like an awful patent and a failure. I always think to myself next time ill do better but next time its always some other thing that tips my scale. Of course in the middle of seeking help but its nice to hear that its not just me.
It definitely is not just you!! I would say more moms feel this way than not. We just are good at covering it up. I hope this video has encouraged you... and gives you hope that you don't always have to feel this way. You can heal... I am living proof!! ❤
I've had to do the top 3 priorities or #1 some days. I still work full-time, and knowing I got just 1 of my to-do's done in the evening makes me feel so much better or taking a dedicated 10-15 minutes to tackle even part of a task.
Gosh.. isn't that the truth!! That's why I hate when moms are stuck on becoming happier. It's more about handling the ups and downs with ease... because that's life!
The nap thing is confusing to me. My son is 1 and a half years old and surely not at the age in which he can participate in cleaning the oven or the bathroom. There are plenty of things your kids can learn to contribute, but everything involving heavy duty cleaner shoulf probably not be done by them. I clean certain things by myself when he is napping and I think this is the easiest way. Once he is really done sticking things in his mouth he will be able in participating in cleaning the bathroom as well. 😊
I hear that you are confused and maybe curious as to how mamas get kiddos involved at such a young age!! I was very much "debilitated" by the belief that my kids were too little. It felt like they were to blame when the house was a disaster. With your example of the bathroom... I found ways to clean that would "get the job done." For instance instead of toilet cleaner with chemicals.. I use vinegar and baking soda. It takes the fear out of letting them help. But most of the time, I don't have them helping with the task I'm on. For example, I gave my youngest a spray bottle and some water to "clean the floor"... while I do the toilets. This has kept her busy for 30 min plus!! Maybe even stick them in the bathtub and clean the bathroom while they are playing around. Sometimes my kids like "cleaning the bathtub" when it's empty with spray bottles and rags. I hope that this gives you a different perspective. I wish I knew this with my first.. I would have felt so much freedom.
@slowishparenting I'm generally pretty good with getting him involved, but I really never thouht about the fact that I could just redirect him to help with something near me or next to me whenever I do something that is not appropriate for him to help. And I've heard that spraybottles keep kids occupied for a while numerous times, guess I gotta try it for myself. Thank you.
@@slowishparenting I tried to really just do what needs to be done with him instead of just doing the things I deemed 'child approved'. This changed my life. I mean I wasn't all stressed out or misrable before, but now I am so relaxed and feel great. What blew my mind is the fact that I now feel like I decide what (if anything) I WANT TO clean by myself after he has gone to bed instead of thinking: these are the things I can only do if he sleeps. And just waititing for the right moment for him to be busy so I can do something that he really is not allowed to help with works so well. Thanks again.
I'm curious what age your kids were when you detoxed from screens. My two are almost 4 years and 15 months. They don't play together well yet. I definitely feel like I need the extra time to be able to decompress from the needs they have for my attention and the amount of stimulation going on. My oldest doesn't nap and has a quiet time while my youngest naps. She also doesn't like helping with chores. I've tried with laundry sorting. Anyway, looking forward to those videos about screens!
We actually JUST detoxed from screens.. it's only been a couple of months (they are 4+2)! My kids really struggled to play together at 1.5 and 3. That was a rough season. I definitely think there is a time and a season for it. I often tell my clients that if it's how you can catch a breath, so you don't rage... do that until you feel you have the capacity to handle it. That's where the inner work is needed to be able to get to that point. My oldest never enjoyed chores either, but it was mainly because I was micro managing 😂 Earlier this year I started by leaving out a spray bottle (with water) and a rag... and that got her interested. She was excited about it.. haha so when I would start cleaning I always took that out. Anyways, don't worry too much about detoxing from screens or inviting your children into tasks.. I would focus more on getting yourself to a calm and regulated state. When you are ready, then begin this process!!
Love your podcasts! Im only 10 minutes in but had a question: any advice on how to extend and contract with a single child? My son is 2½ and we just started ttc for our 2nd and last. We do a play group 2x a month and weekly visit to therapy appts and the playground sometimes to keep him social. Independent play is our hardest thing. He loves stuffed animals and puppets and now forces us to be them alot of the day, as soon as i wake up.. i have been leaning on tv more. I dont want to stop completely but maybe just a night show as a family now no more wake up cartoons etc. But yeah advice for single toddler thats always wanting me? Thanks!
I love this question!!! I'm going to give you a brief answer here.. but I'm thinking of answering this in an upcoming Q+A! Single kiddos are hard season to be in. I hear you with the TV.. my kiddos still watch TV once a week... and sometimes we do a family movie night every few weeks. So I'm totally with you on this! If I could go back, I would focus on what he is needing. Non-violent communication has a beautiful list of feelings/needs. But at this age, I find full presence, attention.. connection.. is the main need. I do this throughout the day in little moments. Trying to stop what I'm doing and make 10 seconds of eye contact.. do laundry and carry them in the basket up the stairs like a ride... play make the burrito with a blanket.. sit and eat lunch together undistracted... during diaper changes play patty cake. Creating little moments of connection throughout the day fills their cup! I hope this helps some ❤
What’s one thing you WISH someone told you before becoming a mom?
1. Don't watch mom influencers and seek wisdom from the women in my life instead.
2. Taking care of myself helps me take better care of my family, and it's not selfish.
3. Trust our instincts and look to nature for guidance. My biggest thought that comes to mind was my anxiety about cosleeping. I remember when my dog had puppies, she always kept them close, and they nursed on demand. She looked exhausted some times and over whelmed, so she would step away but always returned close to her pups. That felt natural to me. Nurse on demand, keep my babies close, always be near by, in the natural world many mammals keeo there babies close for survival. I truly believe babies grow stronger and we heal and relax by keeping our babies close. Now, from what yiur sharing, i realize it's truely the regulation of the nervous system. But in our country parents are encouraged to sleep train. Its tortureto see these poor mothers online suffer as they have their children cry it out and cry themselves to sleep. It's unnatural. I wish I could tell all new moms that babies should not be expected to sleep through the night and that can sometimes carry over into toddlerhood. Motherhood is not easy and the early years are a season of scarafice but it is the biggest blessing God has lifted us with our precious little children.
@22:00 yes! I laid down listening to you podcast and closed my eyes. I thought oh i should do laundry or school while i listen and multitask be productive. Then i allowed myself to relax and listen and i feel my cup filling and hearing my struggles with answers now. I can do that when hes awake or maybe at bedtime, right now i need to rest
I've been brain dumping this week and wow! Helps alot thank you
Thank you for sharing this. That area right between need/want.. and deciding what is most important is so hard. I'm happy that you were able to rest.. and believe that you NEEDED that!! I hope my channel continues to encourage you ❤️
Moms need to stop feeling guilt for letting the children watch a show. Our generation is so presured to be highly involved with the children more than any other generation before. I strongly believe it is because of social media that we have these silly expectations of ourselves. Yes getting the children involved is important for life skills. We need to stop picking beliefs and expectations from total strangers on the internet. Parents can use TV as a tool or an opportunity to decompress from being on all day. I really wish moms would stop presuring themselves to be perfect. It's time to let go of the things that our not ours to own..❤
I agree with so much of this. Although, when we look at other cultures (love the book Hunt. Gather. Parent) we see that kids have always been invited into tasks since the beginning of time. This is actually a very instinctual part of raising children. But to be able to invite our children into these things, we need to do the inner work to build capacity. To be able to disassemble the belief that TV is helping me to get things done.. or it's how we get our alone time. I wouldn't have believed you 2 months ago, but my kids play (without bothering me).. for over 2 hours at a time. It feels unreal. I just read an ENTIRE book in one week.. this has never happened before! Anyways, I do think that TV is necessary in some seasons... for me it was how I could catch my breath and keep myself from raging. But the more inner healing that happens.. the more capacity I have. And when we look at our child as our mirror, they begin to be more regulated because WE as the mama are more regulated. Anyways, I'm excited for the screens video coming up, I go into so much more detail there ❤
@slowishparenting I agree with you! Perhaps it's just my perspective as my children prefer the outdoor over TV. They are always welcome to join me for cooking or household task. They have toys accessible and often walk away from the TV show. I can see how some parents could have issues if the children prefer TV over being a child and playing.
Where I do see the interpretation in development is when young children are given devices and are watching RUclips kids. That's addicting them and they will struggle as they grow up it's very sad. It breaks my heart when I hear new parents say Ms. Racheal is the replacement to reading books. No TV show or youtube video will ever top the back and fourth conversation and connection of child and parent. I guess it depends on the season of life we are in right. As infant my babies didn't do any TV. But now that I have a 7 year old and 3 year old I love educational shows as an addition to our homeschooling. But ultimately the rule has always been they can join me for my task anytime and are not expected to stay watching the show if they don't want to.
@slowishparenting This is such a beautiful testimony! I'm going to get that book. Thank you.❤
Nothing wrong allowing the child watch TV. My parents never allwed me to watch SpongeBob. I would watch SpongeBob at my grandparents house.@@APlay-BasedHomeschool
I found you because of your pre pregnancy videos. Hubby and I will start TTC in a few months and I’m trying to soak up as much info now on parenting that I can. Thanks for these videos. Its nice to have a sister in Christ passing along wisdom for the next phase of my life ❤
I'm so glad you are taking the time begin this parenting journey now!!! I love that you are already doing the work. Thanks for being here ❤
Wow ! you are speaking everything that I am experiencing right now . I am also a stay at home mom to two girls ages 2 and 3 yrs old . They have 17 months apart . Thank you so much I found you . Everything you mention is so relatable and make sense .
I'm so glad that you found this video helpful!! I hope you continue to enjoy my channel ❤
Such great points! Thank you!
Absolutely!! I’m glad you enjoyed it ❤️
This was such a solid video ❤ really connect with your way of thinking with cleaning while they are awake and minimizing/no screens cause it's a game changer with how much more they stay connected 😊
Absolutely!! I'm so surprised by how much our kids want to help... I rarely ask anymore. Yesterday my girls were fighting over who was folding towels 😂😂
Thank you for your videos. They always encourage me. My 20 month old does not sleep alone, it was always like that. I can not or just short get up in the evening, not in the morning. She sleeps till 8 or 9. And still naps one time. I am in bed 13-14 hours a day. The only thing I can do is watching some thing on my phone. It's so frustrating. Now she is always so grumpy, she just wants to nurse and be carried all day long. I get nothing done. Don't know what to to. I have no time for my self..
This was absolutely me last year. I felt like my youngest was Velcro-ed to me. It was such a challenging season. I could write you an entire book on this... hahaha but in short, I found that focusing on my nervous system, digging into my beliefs around sleep, and unpacking what I was avoiding in my life turned sleep around for our entire family. Both my kids struggled so bad with sleep (I even sleep trained my first because it couldn't handle it).. and now my 2.5 yr old comes in around 2 am and sleeps the rest of the night snuggled up with me... all of this to say there is hope!!
My almost-8-month-old son is the same way, only he takes 3 naps a day! He WILL NOT sleep if he's not held or laid with - from the day he was born! If I so much as move over a bit in bed, he wakes up, thinking I'm abandoning him, lol! So, he wakes up around 5:30am, then naps for about an hour around 8, then a two hour nap around noon, then another hour nap around 3, then bed around 7pm. So I'm spending around 15 hours in bed with him too! I don't get a whole lot done right now, buy I'm trying to enjoy it because I know that while the days are long, the seasons are short and fly by!
I have a 8 month old who also refuses to sleep anywhere but on me. She is 20 pounds and I carry her all day to get things done. I have a Lille strap on carrier and she’ll nap on me and I’ll wash dishes with her on me, bake bread, sweep floors, do laundry, take out trash, etc. I use a grabber claw to get stuff done and she exclusively breastfeeds too. We are introducing solid foods but majority of her diet is breastmilk.
I’m also losing weight and building muscle from having her on me all the time. I will however let her roam our carpeted play room and our bedroom is baby proofed so she can crawl around and grab things while I’m folding laundry on the floor also.
May you can make a video on this topic? As I see you struggled with that's and as I see the other comments it seams a lot more mothers as I thought struggle with that.
But it encourages me to see that you transformed you way of thinking. I try. I already bought a course from the workout witch for my nervous system. I just don't find time for it. 😁😁
Be kind to yourself during this time, give yourself Grace because it will be challenging at times. Also, allow yourself to feel angry to feel sad to cry about how difficult it feels. It’s all valid. Then go back and try again ❤
I love that you said go back and try again. It feels so empowering when we give ourselves this option! Thanks for sharing!! :)
I found your video at the right point in my life. I have a 2 year old and a 4 month old, and i just keep losing control of my anger and manifests in constant yelling. I hate it so much. And every time i yell, i feel like an awful patent and a failure. I always think to myself next time ill do better but next time its always some other thing that tips my scale. Of course in the middle of seeking help but its nice to hear that its not just me.
It definitely is not just you!! I would say more moms feel this way than not. We just are good at covering it up. I hope this video has encouraged you... and gives you hope that you don't always have to feel this way. You can heal... I am living proof!! ❤
I've had to do the top 3 priorities or #1 some days. I still work full-time, and knowing I got just 1 of my to-do's done in the evening makes me feel so much better or taking a dedicated 10-15 minutes to tackle even part of a task.
I love the idea of dedicating 10-15 minutes to a task. I'm going to try this out this week. Thanks for being here ❤
I wish someone would have told me that it never really gets easier, it just changes!! ❤😇
Gosh.. isn't that the truth!! That's why I hate when moms are stuck on becoming happier. It's more about handling the ups and downs with ease... because that's life!
The nap thing is confusing to me. My son is 1 and a half years old and surely not at the age in which he can participate in cleaning the oven or the bathroom. There are plenty of things your kids can learn to contribute, but everything involving heavy duty cleaner shoulf probably not be done by them. I clean certain things by myself when he is napping and I think this is the easiest way. Once he is really done sticking things in his mouth he will be able in participating in cleaning the bathroom as well. 😊
I hear that you are confused and maybe curious as to how mamas get kiddos involved at such a young age!! I was very much "debilitated" by the belief that my kids were too little. It felt like they were to blame when the house was a disaster. With your example of the bathroom... I found ways to clean that would "get the job done." For instance instead of toilet cleaner with chemicals.. I use vinegar and baking soda. It takes the fear out of letting them help. But most of the time, I don't have them helping with the task I'm on. For example, I gave my youngest a spray bottle and some water to "clean the floor"... while I do the toilets. This has kept her busy for 30 min plus!! Maybe even stick them in the bathtub and clean the bathroom while they are playing around. Sometimes my kids like "cleaning the bathtub" when it's empty with spray bottles and rags. I hope that this gives you a different perspective. I wish I knew this with my first.. I would have felt so much freedom.
@slowishparenting I'm generally pretty good with getting him involved, but I really never thouht about the fact that I could just redirect him to help with something near me or next to me whenever I do something that is not appropriate for him to help. And I've heard that spraybottles keep kids occupied for a while numerous times, guess I gotta try it for myself. Thank you.
@@slowishparenting I tried to really just do what needs to be done with him instead of just doing the things I deemed 'child approved'. This changed my life. I mean I wasn't all stressed out or misrable before, but now I am so relaxed and feel great. What blew my mind is the fact that I now feel like I decide what (if anything) I WANT TO clean by myself after he has gone to bed instead of thinking: these are the things I can only do if he sleeps. And just waititing for the right moment for him to be busy so I can do something that he really is not allowed to help with works so well. Thanks again.
Friends without children might stop calling and visiting and it’s okay.
Gosh.. this is so true!!
Hi! Do you live in north Idaho?! I think I recognize that beach! 😊 I'm in Post Falls
@@katiemayall9427 yes we are!!! ❤️
I'm curious what age your kids were when you detoxed from screens. My two are almost 4 years and 15 months. They don't play together well yet. I definitely feel like I need the extra time to be able to decompress from the needs they have for my attention and the amount of stimulation going on. My oldest doesn't nap and has a quiet time while my youngest naps. She also doesn't like helping with chores. I've tried with laundry sorting. Anyway, looking forward to those videos about screens!
We actually JUST detoxed from screens.. it's only been a couple of months (they are 4+2)! My kids really struggled to play together at 1.5 and 3. That was a rough season. I definitely think there is a time and a season for it. I often tell my clients that if it's how you can catch a breath, so you don't rage... do that until you feel you have the capacity to handle it. That's where the inner work is needed to be able to get to that point. My oldest never enjoyed chores either, but it was mainly because I was micro managing 😂 Earlier this year I started by leaving out a spray bottle (with water) and a rag... and that got her interested. She was excited about it.. haha so when I would start cleaning I always took that out. Anyways, don't worry too much about detoxing from screens or inviting your children into tasks.. I would focus more on getting yourself to a calm and regulated state. When you are ready, then begin this process!!
Love your podcasts! Im only 10 minutes in but had a question: any advice on how to extend and contract with a single child? My son is 2½ and we just started ttc for our 2nd and last. We do a play group 2x a month and weekly visit to therapy appts and the playground sometimes to keep him social. Independent play is our hardest thing. He loves stuffed animals and puppets and now forces us to be them alot of the day, as soon as i wake up.. i have been leaning on tv more. I dont want to stop completely but maybe just a night show as a family now no more wake up cartoons etc. But yeah advice for single toddler thats always wanting me? Thanks!
I love this question!!! I'm going to give you a brief answer here.. but I'm thinking of answering this in an upcoming Q+A! Single kiddos are hard season to be in. I hear you with the TV.. my kiddos still watch TV once a week... and sometimes we do a family movie night every few weeks. So I'm totally with you on this! If I could go back, I would focus on what he is needing. Non-violent communication has a beautiful list of feelings/needs. But at this age, I find full presence, attention.. connection.. is the main need. I do this throughout the day in little moments. Trying to stop what I'm doing and make 10 seconds of eye contact.. do laundry and carry them in the basket up the stairs like a ride... play make the burrito with a blanket.. sit and eat lunch together undistracted... during diaper changes play patty cake. Creating little moments of connection throughout the day fills their cup! I hope this helps some ❤
I hope you enjoy these! bless-our-littles.kit.com/rage-tools
I hope these help!! bless-our-littles.kit.com/rage-tools
I hope these encourage you!! bless-our-littles.kit.com/rage-tools
I hope these encourage you!! bless-our-littles.kit.com/rage-tools
I hope these help! bless-our-littles.kit.com/rage-tools