His presence is so palpable in the way he is speaking here. You can just feel how fully present he is, his essence is right there on the surface in such clarity. Really beautiful
@@mairigreenwood6363 no matter what a person presents themselves as to you, good person, bad person, angry person, spiritual person. Don’t allow those identities to effect how you treat and react to them. Keep your heart open and be in the moment for everyone as a form of yoga.
It's a humorous matter, we only need a physical Guru to point us back at ourselves. But the way I see it is if you approach life with the correct mindset you can use anything as your Guru, every conflict and resolution with others, any situation, whatever comes can teach :)
Yes, I enjoy the enlightened persons though, they are easier to be around because they don't push away :) I have currently become a push away person as I have found I have become surrounded by some very scared people who are consuming my energy and leaving me with none for myself! I have forgotten what to do. So I come listen to ram and he reminds me.
shauna blain: I quit giving my energy. I ceased investing in others unhappiness. I choose to be a reflection of happiness so I may discover more of it around me. Join me?
Was Richard Alpert a spiritual teacher or a spiritual MASTER? 🤔 If you are uncertain of the distinction between the two, I shall be MORE than happy to enlighten you. 😇
Kalisi latuselu 🐟 20. THE PRIESTHOOD: A PRIEST (“brāhmaṇa”, in Sanskrit) is defined as a man who promulgates teachings and performs rituals on behalf of a particular religious or metaphysical tradition. He should possess all saintly qualities, such as cleanliness (which, as they say, is “next to godliness”), peacefulness, austerity, intelligence, wisdom, renunciation, tolerance, patience, humility, and of course, moral uprightness and religiosity. This does not imply that a priest must possess those virtues to a perfect extent, but he ought to have each quality to at least a reasonably-high degree. Even if a man seems to be a genuine priest superficially, if he is severely lacking in even one of the priestly qualities, he cannot rightly be called a 'priest'. Therefore, a dumb priest or a dirty priest does not exist, by definition, so be wary of the multitude of PHONEY “priests” in the world! There are literally hundreds of thousands of individuals in this world who claim to be religious leaders/teachers (“guru”, in Sanskrit). Most of them are either working-class guys, businessmen, or women, acting under pretence. However, as mentioned in the chapter distinguishing enlightenment from liberation and awakening (Chapter 17), a genuinely-enlightened spiritual preceptor is VERY rare indeed. Even some of the teachings of universally-recognized Avatars (incarnations of the Godhead/Brahman) were far from accurate, what to speak of the teachings of lesser authorities! This lack of authentic spiritual guidance is the major reason for the decadent state of present-day society (and previous decadent societies), apart, perhaps, from the paucity of legitimate government leadership (see Chapter 22 regarding illegitimate governance). It is important to note that a priest is not supposed to teach just anyone and everyone in his community. Traditionally, priests (at least those who are worthy of the title) were commissioned to teach two groups of MALES: the rulers of society (see the following chapter regarding the monarchy), and monastics (normally boys and adolescents) in his school (“gurukula”, in Sanskrit). Furthermore, it is imperative that priests assess the qualifications of each prospective disciple, such as the man's level of intelligence, sincerity, and humility, to ascertain his suitability as a student. As Lord Jesus so rightly suggested, one should desist giving what is holy to dogs (i.e. nasty scoundrels). Contrary to popular understanding, priests not only teach religious studies, but all things necessary for living a healthy and happy life, such as languages, basic mathematics, hygiene, proper diet and food preparation. If a particular student shows himself to NOT be inclined towards the life of a monastic, the guru will send him to another master, in order to be apprenticed in a different occupation, such as the military, business, engineering, medicine, accounting, labouring, etcetera, etcetera. The modern system of schooling, in which every child is taught the same curriculum (and, invariably, indoctrinated into being a servile minion of the state) has been the source of much misery for society. As explained elsewhere in this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, the priest's disciples instruct, in turn, their OWN subordinates, including their wives and children. It is not practical, or even possible, for a priest to effectively teach every single individual in his community on a personal level. Fortunately, there is a system in place where all citizens may benefit of the teaching of a true priest (see Chapters 19 and 27). On occasion, “God” (or to be more precise, The Impersonal Self, acting via the preordained narrative of this universe) gives specific messages via chosen individuals, whether they be priests or not. However, such messages are usually intended to be spoken to an individual, or group of individuals, with specific (and invariably, temporal) repercussions for those individuals in question. This is akin to the ancient lineage of prophetic figures found in monotheistic traditions. Such “prophets” can NEVER replace a man who has evolved (over millions of lifetimes?) to be a fully-enlightened saintly prophet, appointed to teach “truth” to humanity. Unfortunately, such World Teachers incarnate very rarely on earth, and when they do appear, are often assassinated by the illegitimate rulers of their nations, or by other demonic elements of society. Even the most vile political leaders have a certain proportion of the populace which adores them. However, virtually everyone despises the gentle, humble, holy men who dare speak the truth about the state of contemporary society, and point-out the multitude of sins extant. The most HEINOUS action possible is to persecute a Prophet or World Teacher (“jagadguru”, in Sanskrit). Thus, exterminating thousands of workers is less sinful than murdering a World Teacher, because when a Prophet's mission is ended, or merely hampered by persecution, the whole of society suffers from lack of knowledge and direction. Only a wise person can find the logic in such a seemingly-audacious statement. When the life of a World Teacher is constantly threatened, or he is assassinated (as in the case of so many great Prophets of the past, such as Lord Jesus Christ), society is likened to a chicken which runs directionless around the coop, just after its head has been severed. Unfortunately, the more we progress into this current dark epoch (“Kali Yuga”, in Sanskrit), the more society's head (priests/prophets) are being persecuted, and soon there will be hardly any ACTUAL spiritual guides remaining on the planet. At that point in time, the end of humanity is assured. So, to put it succinctly, there may be hundreds of thousands of 'priests' on earth at a given time, yet there are only an EXTREMELY small number of true sages, who understand life accurately, and are both willing and able to lead others to self-realization (“adhyātma-vidyā", "ātma-jñana", or “brahma-jñana”, in Sanskrit). As a general rule, the greater number of disciples following a particular teacher, the more inaccurate are his teachings, because the truth is very difficult to accept. Unfortunately, the typical person wants to hear predominately sentimental tenets, which gives him or her merely emotional solace. The current World Teacher has never had a true disciple, sad to say. Many spiritual seekers, especially in the more esoteric paths, mistakenly believe that they have need of a guru ONLY until they’ve reached a certain level of enlightenment, or even that they have no need of a spiritual master at all. The main reason why every serious (male) religious practitioner (“yogi”, in Sanskrit) requires a teacher, is not so much to learn concepts, dogmas and rituals from his guru. The primary reason one needs a spiritual master, is so that he has a superior to serve, lest he devotes his life to self-serving pursuits. When a man is bereft of regular guidance from a master, he is most likely to stray from the path of righteousness (“dharma”, in Sanskrit). That explains why even Divine Incarnations (“Avatāra”, in Sanskrit) acknowledge their own masters with great reverence, and rarely, if ever, contradict or disobey them. It is perfectly legitimate for a man to abandon his spiritual master in favour of a NEW guru, for any reason he chooses, but preferably because he has outgrown the dogmas and/or rituals taught by his former teacher. No genuine spiritual master will feel resentment towards another person for any reason whatsoever, including towards a former disciple who has forsaken him for a new priest. A priest subsists ENTIRELY Providentially, that is, he must depend solely on contributions from his followers/congregation/disciples, unless, of course, he is able to support himself independently by growing his own food and making his own clothing, both of which may consume an inordinate amount of time. Ideally, priests (that is, genuine spiritual teachers) ought to devote every available moment of their precious time to ministering to their communities. There is no such thing as a part-time priest, or even more ridiculously, working-class men who call themselves 'priests' simply because one of their ancestors may have been a priest - something of a common occurrence in Bhārata (India). “The BEST thing a person can do is be in the presence of a spiritual master. The WORST thing one can do is consider the master to be an ordinary person”. Franklin Jones (AKA Avatar Adi Da Samraj), American Spiritual Master. “There is no God and I’m His Prophet.” ************* “Gurus are very clever at putting you down, but they're just trying to see how strong you are. They're testing you out to see if they can hoodwink you. So long as they can, they're going to go on doing it till they get you to the point where they can't do it to you anymore. Then you'll graduate.” Professor Alan W. Watts, British-American Philosopher.
If you want to come out from the pain and the suffering here I am. And if you choose not to come out of the pain and suffering here I am. Here in lies the peace of God.
Amazing. I read this and heard it at exactly the same moment....just glanced down at the comments, found this one and then heard Ram Das say it...just like that!
There has never been, nor will there ever be, even the SLIGHTEST shred of evidence for the existence of the Godhead, that is, a Supreme Person or Deity.🤓 It is high time for humanity to awaken from all INANE superstitions such as the belief in a Personal God who created the Universe, would you not agree, Slave? 😩
Was Richard Alpert a spiritual teacher or a spiritual MASTER? 🤔 If you are uncertain of the distinction between the two, I shall be MORE than happy to enlighten you. 😇
this audio is extremely good..been listening to alan watts and terrance mckenna for a while but never bothered to see if ram dass had any lectures like this even after reading be here now a couple of times.. what have i been doing smh
This is spectacularly Brilliant. Ram Das is a genuis ...He is able to explain The path, Awakening, without getting caught in the mind ....what a Gift he is....I love you dearly RD....See you next time☺️😍🙏✡️😎
Rest in peace. Your body may have deteriorated but your spirit is still as strong as ever and these words don't just speak but paint peace. God bless you and everyone wanting to improve.
Just WOW one of the best talks I've listened to in a long time, and i listen to quite a few. It just brings in so much that is relevant to today, my life's work is this...hey! one to listen to often!
Another visit to Ram Dass talks led me on a beautiful trip flying a biplane with him… was it a dream or did he drop by and pick me up? I know what I like to think. Thanks Ram… always great to see you 🙏🏻✨
This feels for me a really importance bit of chat to listen to around Christmas time. With all the stress that comes with spending more time with people and the pressure in giving/receiving of presents. This way of thinking is helping to relieve some of those feelings that can make Christmas a hard time.
My grandfather taught counseling psych at a local university for 30 years. He met my grandmother in a small market in Ghana in the peace corps during the vietnam era. I got interested in writers and voices of the generation that spoke out against the violence in vietnam along with my grandparents. Funny how life, even in tragedy, brings together people in beautiful ways. A small oregon farm girl meeting a big shot detroit auto worker teaching math without electricty. My grandfathers work consisted largely of asking one question and listening for hours on end, categorizing afterwards. He would always kindly remind me when i pressed him on Jungian theory, “people are smart enough to solve their own problems.”
I, Karen Murao, l love You and I love how you can convey your point with beautiful humor. I am so happy you are a part of my life and of course, Maharaj, I love You SO much 🙏
Balance, patience and self love little by little. I long to be purified and balanced with peace. My passions are so there even at 74 yet I am not ready for a good man maybe 2024. Thank you
Don't prolong the past, dont invite the future, Don't alter your innate wayfullness, Don't fear appearances, there's nothing more than that. VERY Nice!
Yes..always very interesting,insightful,understanding,much needed, patient,giving,appreciated and free...such is true caring,love,joy and wisdom....thanks again..lets deeply pray for each other & our hurting planet every night..or at least 3 times each week..beneficial changes will be the result
some how, Ram Dass, you always find a way to allow me to touch the place in my heart that I seem to want to cover with my non-attached attitude and separateness (which I think is bit of righteousness :P).... mmmmmmm that story about the drunk on the train just busted me open, so beautiful...... We are all just walking each other home (you!) and You must keep breaking your heart until it opens (Rumi)
A kitten of mine recently passed away. I watched closely and couldn't hold my tears. So much suffering for such a tiny soul. Then I thought about a lecture given by Ram Dass . "Suffering is inevitable in life." Knowing that she is going to a better place I smiled.
@@johnthomas338 this is a positive space. we welcome and support different beliefs and viewpoints, here. i'm 2 years late, but i wanted you to know that i wish you would have let them have that sense of peace.
Ram Dass is like the mycelium for the next planetary spiritual revolution. Him an Alan will play such a big part so many years after they lived. They would be proud 🤍
Were Dr. Watts and Richard Alpert spiritual teachers or spiritual MASTERS? 🤔 If you are uncertain of the distinction between the two, I shall be MORE than happy to enlighten you. 😇
I ate too much lsd a few days ago and I just came back to ol faithful here. He talked me through the madness and had me smiling through it in no time. Ram Dass and I met in the space between the words with the “beloved”.
🙏💖 Namaste 🙏 Thank you soo much 🎀 I enjoyed this fine Speech🙏I am lurning so much 🎀Thank you soo for sharing this fine video 🙏🎀🙏 Blessings to you always 🌷Love from Denmark 🌷🙏🎀🙏🌷🙏🎀🙏🌷🙏🎀🌷
We have a problem. We do not have a problem we need a plan... For every problem there is more then one solution... Things that make sense are repeating them selfs.
Whats great is he being "enlightenetend" that most people that would travel to see him want to here a a man say something they already know. The only people that have fun and laugh are people that know what hrs speaking of to begin with.
The Terry Dobson story reminds me of a story Derren Brown a British mentalist and illusionist who spoke of a similar story in his book “Happy”. Derren said a drunk man once acted aggressive towards him on his way home and he used a technique in Hypnosis where he would use words to blinker the drunks senses. I think because I’m recalling memory he said something all the lines of, the trees outside my home aren’t big enough, and stumped the drunk who then began to break down and cry after a few more words was exchanged. Really powerful stuff! 👍🏻
What to call you - Ram, Ramie, Baba, Richard,Guru? How present you arrive. Your breath on my face where the words you spray drop in beaded code. So close to you I feel. I know I know you. Connections like this find a way,Baba. You are mine as you are everyone’s. Tonight can we meet with flashlights under the beach-blankets your mom left us? Can you be there for me if I’m there for you? Can we stay awake all night and laugh until we die? Namaste
It's funny...after I heard his story about Tim saying "Ggrraandd UUnniioon" or his "Ffllyy UUnniitteedd""...I started seeing pointers all over the place. There was a Sea World ad for some new ride that said All New Realm....and I think to myself "Sseee Wwoorrlldd" ..."Aalll Nneeww RReeaallmm" hahahhaha
I really like listening to Alan Watts and Ram Dass. It's like psychedelic peanut butter and jelly.
If you don't already know you should check out Terrence McKenna, I think youd enjoy him aswell
Yeah I like Terrence McKenna too, he's awesome
That's pretty much the trifecta for me! Hello fellow love and truth seekers!
alan watts!! answered everything for me!! sooooooo grateful for all those lectures. i listen to one everyday
Jack Kornfield too!
I’m going to have to hear this 100 times.
Well did you? I’m just kidding, I wouldn’t hold you accountable for your words like that :)
And at least a 100 lives brother ;)
@@nils8584😂👏🏼 well played
His presence is so palpable in the way he is speaking here. You can just feel how fully present he is, his essence is right there on the surface in such clarity. Really beautiful
This is exactly it!
His teachings have never felt so relevant. Boyyyyy is it tough to have his sort of limitless, beautiful patience and love in this climate.
maybe ur playing the character of thinking it's hard & identifying with it, so your reality becomes that it's hard to love in this climate?
I think you may identify too strongly with the climate you refer too, just for anyone else who happens to read this and agree with you.
The wisdom of this man often brings tears of joy to my eyes. Ram Dass, Thank you for being.
Same. My ego is paralyzed whenever I hear his wisdom. It melts all my suffering. 🥲
Me too, I found myself becoming teary eyed a few times and it’s beautiful 🥲🥰🥰🥰
same here
'Prolong not the past
Invite not the future
Don't alter your innate wakefulness
Don't fear appearances
There's nothing more than that'
~ Ram Dass
was looking for it, thanks
What do you think he means by 'Don't fear appearances?'
@@mairigreenwood6363 no matter what a person presents themselves as to you, good person, bad person, angry person, spiritual person. Don’t allow those identities to effect how you treat and react to them. Keep your heart open and be in the moment for everyone as a form of yoga.
@@OrcintheBasementThanks for the interpretation!
That train story never disappoints 🥲
Yesss bookmark! 40:00
@@gigita99 Thank you! Haven’t listened to it in awhile and yet again it didn’t disappoint 🙂🫶🙏❤️👏💯
Lol it was the sheep story at the end that really got me 😂😂
@@jjeremyhunterr I like that one too 😃
I love that story soooo much "heeey"
Got me through one of the hardest breakups of my life. Owe this man a lot. Ram Ram, go well everyone x
We at the channel thank YOU for taking it all in!
Ram dass is such an amazing speaker. Someone to always come back to.
I love you Ram Dass.. I love You Maharaji.. RAM RAM
I need a guru in my life! ram daas really calms my soul when im about to freak out.
+shauna blain Ram Dass will be happy to tell you, "God, guru, self is all the same". The guru is inside of you. All you have to do is touch that.
It's a humorous matter, we only need a physical Guru to point us back at ourselves. But the way I see it is if you approach life with the correct mindset you can use anything as your Guru, every conflict and resolution with others, any situation, whatever comes can teach :)
shauna blain when you know how to listen, every person you meet becomes the guru -slightly butchered ram dass quote
Yes, I enjoy the enlightened persons though, they are easier to be around because they don't push away :) I have currently become a push away person as I have found I have become surrounded by some very scared people who are consuming my energy and leaving me with none for myself! I have forgotten what to do. So I come listen to ram and he reminds me.
shauna blain: I quit giving my energy. I ceased investing in others unhappiness. I choose to be a reflection of happiness so I may discover more of it around me.
Join me?
Rest In Peace Baba Ram Dass!!!
He was doing that before he died.
@@juliai3956 bang on.lol
Was Richard Alpert a spiritual teacher or a spiritual MASTER? 🤔
If you are uncertain of the distinction between the two, I shall be MORE than happy to enlighten you. 😇
@@TheWorldTeacher go on then
Kalisi latuselu
A PRIEST (“brāhmaṇa”, in Sanskrit) is defined as a man who promulgates teachings and performs rituals on behalf of a particular religious or metaphysical tradition. He should possess all saintly qualities, such as cleanliness (which, as they say, is “next to godliness”), peacefulness, austerity, intelligence, wisdom, renunciation, tolerance, patience, humility, and of course, moral uprightness and religiosity. This does not imply that a priest must possess those virtues to a perfect extent, but he ought to have each quality to at least a reasonably-high degree.
Even if a man seems to be a genuine priest superficially, if he is severely lacking in even one of the priestly qualities, he cannot rightly be called a 'priest'. Therefore, a dumb priest or a dirty priest does not exist, by definition, so be wary of the multitude of PHONEY “priests” in the world! There are literally hundreds of thousands of individuals in this world who claim to be religious leaders/teachers (“guru”, in Sanskrit). Most of them are either working-class guys, businessmen, or women, acting under pretence. However, as mentioned in the chapter distinguishing enlightenment from liberation and awakening (Chapter 17), a genuinely-enlightened spiritual preceptor is VERY rare indeed. Even some of the teachings of universally-recognized Avatars (incarnations of the Godhead/Brahman) were far from accurate, what to speak of the teachings of lesser authorities! This lack of authentic spiritual guidance is the major reason for the decadent state of present-day society (and previous decadent societies), apart, perhaps, from the paucity of legitimate government leadership (see Chapter 22 regarding illegitimate governance).
It is important to note that a priest is not supposed to teach just anyone and everyone in his community. Traditionally, priests (at least those who are worthy of the title) were commissioned to teach two groups of MALES: the rulers of society (see the following chapter regarding the monarchy), and monastics (normally boys and adolescents) in his school (“gurukula”, in Sanskrit). Furthermore, it is imperative that priests assess the qualifications of each prospective disciple, such as the man's level of intelligence, sincerity, and humility, to ascertain his suitability as a student. As Lord Jesus so rightly suggested, one should desist giving what is holy to dogs (i.e. nasty scoundrels).
Contrary to popular understanding, priests not only teach religious studies, but all things necessary for living a healthy and happy life, such as languages, basic mathematics, hygiene, proper diet and food preparation. If a particular student shows himself to NOT be inclined towards the life of a monastic, the guru will send him to another master, in order to be apprenticed in a different occupation, such as the military, business, engineering, medicine, accounting, labouring, etcetera, etcetera. The modern system of schooling, in which every child is taught the same curriculum (and, invariably, indoctrinated into being a servile minion of the state) has been the source of much misery for society.
As explained elsewhere in this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, the priest's disciples instruct, in turn, their OWN subordinates, including their wives and children. It is not practical, or even possible, for a priest to effectively teach every single individual in his community on a personal level. Fortunately, there is a system in place where all citizens may benefit of the teaching of a true priest (see Chapters 19 and 27).
On occasion, “God” (or to be more precise, The Impersonal Self, acting via the preordained narrative of this universe) gives specific messages via chosen individuals, whether they be priests or not. However, such messages are usually intended to be spoken to an individual, or group of individuals, with specific (and invariably, temporal) repercussions for those individuals in question. This is akin to the ancient lineage of prophetic figures found in monotheistic traditions. Such “prophets” can NEVER replace a man who has evolved (over millions of lifetimes?) to be a fully-enlightened saintly prophet, appointed to teach “truth” to humanity. Unfortunately, such World Teachers incarnate very rarely on earth, and when they do appear, are often assassinated by the illegitimate rulers of their nations, or by other demonic elements of society. Even the most vile political leaders have a certain proportion of the populace which adores them. However, virtually everyone despises the gentle, humble, holy men who dare speak the truth about the state of contemporary society, and point-out the multitude of sins extant.
The most HEINOUS action possible is to persecute a Prophet or World Teacher (“jagadguru”, in Sanskrit). Thus, exterminating thousands of workers is less sinful than murdering a World Teacher, because when a Prophet's mission is ended, or merely hampered by persecution, the whole of society suffers from lack of knowledge and direction. Only a wise person can find the logic in such a seemingly-audacious statement.
When the life of a World Teacher is constantly threatened, or he is assassinated (as in the case of so many great Prophets of the past, such as Lord Jesus Christ), society is likened to a chicken which runs directionless around the coop, just after its head has been severed. Unfortunately, the more we progress into this current dark epoch (“Kali Yuga”, in Sanskrit), the more society's head (priests/prophets) are being persecuted, and soon there will be hardly any ACTUAL spiritual guides remaining on the planet. At that point in time, the end of humanity is assured. So, to put it succinctly, there may be hundreds of thousands of 'priests' on earth at a given time, yet there are only an EXTREMELY small number of true sages, who understand life accurately, and are both willing and able to lead others to self-realization (“adhyātma-vidyā", "ātma-jñana", or “brahma-jñana”, in Sanskrit). As a general rule, the greater number of disciples following a particular teacher, the more inaccurate are his teachings, because the truth is very difficult to accept. Unfortunately, the typical person wants to hear predominately sentimental tenets, which gives him or her merely emotional solace. The current World Teacher has never had a true disciple, sad to say. Many spiritual seekers, especially in the more esoteric paths, mistakenly believe that they have need of a guru ONLY until they’ve reached a certain level of enlightenment, or even that they have no need of a spiritual master at all. The main reason why every serious (male) religious practitioner (“yogi”, in Sanskrit) requires a teacher, is not so much to learn concepts, dogmas and rituals from his guru. The primary reason one needs a spiritual master, is so that he has a superior to serve, lest he devotes his life to self-serving pursuits. When a man is bereft of regular guidance from a master, he is most likely to stray from the path of righteousness (“dharma”, in Sanskrit). That explains why even Divine Incarnations (“Avatāra”, in Sanskrit) acknowledge their own masters with great reverence, and rarely, if ever, contradict or disobey them. It is perfectly legitimate for a man to abandon his spiritual master in favour of a NEW guru, for any reason he chooses, but preferably because he has outgrown the dogmas and/or rituals taught by his former teacher. No genuine spiritual master will feel resentment towards another person for any reason whatsoever, including towards a former disciple who has forsaken him for a new priest.
A priest subsists ENTIRELY Providentially, that is, he must depend solely on contributions from his followers/congregation/disciples, unless, of course, he is able to support himself independently by growing his own food and making his own clothing, both of which may consume an inordinate amount of time. Ideally, priests (that is, genuine spiritual teachers) ought to devote every available moment of their precious time to ministering to their communities. There is no such thing as a part-time priest, or even more ridiculously, working-class men who call themselves 'priests' simply because one of their ancestors may have been a priest - something of a common occurrence in Bhārata (India).
“The BEST thing a person can do is be in the presence of a spiritual master.
The WORST thing one can do is consider the master to be an ordinary person”.
Franklin Jones (AKA Avatar Adi Da Samraj),
American Spiritual Master.
“There is no God and I’m His Prophet.”
“Gurus are very clever at putting you down, but they're just trying to see how strong you are.
They're testing you out to see if they can hoodwink you.
So long as they can, they're going to go on doing it till they get you to the point where they can't do it to you anymore.
Then you'll graduate.” Professor Alan W. Watts, British-American Philosopher.
If you want to come out from the pain and the suffering here I am. And if you choose not to come out of the pain and suffering here I am. Here in lies the peace of God.
Amazing. I read this and heard it at exactly the same moment....just glanced down at the comments, found this one and then heard Ram Das say it...just like that!
@@AlanSteinborn Maharaji just inserted a nice little "Freebie" for you ;_)
There has never been, nor will there ever be, even the SLIGHTEST shred of evidence for the existence of the Godhead, that is, a Supreme Person or Deity.🤓
It is high time for humanity to awaken from all INANE superstitions such as the belief in a Personal God who created the Universe, would you not agree, Slave? 😩
@@TheWorldTeacher yo you just shat on the flow of these comments
kindly repeat that in ENGLISH, Miss.☝️
I’m so grateful for Ram Dass, he was such a great teacher and he was very funny too ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
He lives on through his teachings
Was Richard Alpert a spiritual teacher or a spiritual MASTER? 🤔
If you are uncertain of the distinction between the two, I shall be MORE than happy to enlighten you. 😇
@@TheWorldTeacher he is a spiritual teacher just as we all are
Sings: “It ain’t necessarily so...” 🎤
@@TheWorldTeacher what a good teaching
Good and bad are RELATIVE, Slave. 😉
this audio is extremely good..been listening to alan watts and terrance mckenna for a while but never bothered to see if ram dass had any lectures like this even after reading be here now a couple of times.. what have i been doing smh
Everything, including listening to Ram Dass, happens when it’s meant to happen
I drift into that state just before sleep while listening to Ram Dass and the words he uses drift into my consciousness like a familiar dream.
"have a helping of neuroses"...his humor is priceless.....waling our desires home...cosmic giggle
This is spectacularly Brilliant. Ram Das is a genuis ...He is able to explain The path, Awakening, without getting caught in the mind ....what a Gift he is....I love you dearly RD....See you next time☺️😍🙏✡️😎
Rest in peace. Your body may have deteriorated but your spirit is still as strong as ever and these words don't just speak but paint peace. God bless you and everyone wanting to improve.
It's crazy how much stuff he speaks about that I feel like the lessons I'm learning right now.
exactly what I was thinking.
@INGSOC Heyyyyyyy
These lessons exist outside the realm of time...
Stephanie Callahan
Sings: “It ain’t necessarily so...” 🎤
"im simply just playing with words the truth has no form"
Kindly repeat that in ENGLISH, Miss.☝️
Love your profile picture
@@TheWorldTeacher you have left some very strange comments on this video, like this one that you keep repeating to different people
Had an ego death last night listening to ram dass. Its all real and its all love.
Love love love me some Ram Dass!
बाबा राम दास जी आपकी आत्मा को शांति प्राप्त हो। Namaste and rest in peace
Just WOW one of the best talks I've listened to in a long time, and i listen to quite a few. It just brings in so much that is relevant to today, my life's work is this...hey! one to listen to often!
Another visit to Ram Dass talks led me on a beautiful trip flying a biplane with him… was it a dream or did he drop by and pick me up? I know what I like to think. Thanks Ram… always great to see you 🙏🏻✨
This feels for me a really importance bit of chat to listen to around Christmas time. With all the stress that comes with spending more time with people and the pressure in giving/receiving of presents. This way of thinking is helping to relieve some of those feelings that can make Christmas a hard time.
In my times of darkness … you help me see the light. Thank you
My grandfather taught counseling psych at a local university for 30 years. He met my grandmother in a small market in Ghana in the peace corps during the vietnam era. I got interested in writers and voices of the generation that spoke out against the violence in vietnam along with my grandparents. Funny how life, even in tragedy, brings together people in beautiful ways. A small oregon farm girl meeting a big shot detroit auto worker teaching math without electricty. My grandfathers work consisted largely of asking one question and listening for hours on end, categorizing afterwards. He would always kindly remind me when i pressed him on Jungian theory, “people are smart enough to solve their own problems.”
This is some of his best teachings right here! Beautiful words. Thank you ram dass
I, Karen Murao, l love You and I love how you can convey your point with beautiful humor. I am so happy you are a part of my life and of course, Maharaj, I love You SO much 🙏
I also like listening to Ram Dass and Alan Watts. Happy to see others do as well.
So clear. Thank you for Ram Dass
Balance, patience and self love little by little. I long to be purified and balanced with peace. My passions are so there even at 74 yet I am not ready for a good man maybe 2024. Thank you
He speaks to my soul. Rip Ram Dass ❤️
Love In you
Don't prolong the past, dont invite the future, Don't alter your innate wayfullness, Don't fear appearances, there's nothing more than that. VERY Nice!
I always thought it was "innate wakefullness"?
Brilliant love it. Blessings Baba Ram Dass Maharaji Hanuman 💜🙏🏽
I love you Ram Dass 🔥🍀✨
Prolong not the past.
Invite not the future.
Don't alter your innate wakefulness.
Don't fear appearances.
There's nothing more than that! 😊👍
Yes..always very interesting,insightful,understanding,much needed,
patient,giving,appreciated and free...such is true caring,love,joy and
wisdom....thanks again..lets deeply pray for each other & our hurting
planet every night..or at least 3 times each week..beneficial changes
will be the result
some how, Ram Dass, you always find a way to allow me to touch the place in my heart that I seem to want to cover with my non-attached attitude and separateness (which I think is bit of righteousness :P).... mmmmmmm that story about the drunk on the train just busted me open, so beautiful...... We are all just walking each other home (you!) and You must keep breaking your heart until it opens (Rumi)
I like your reply-Rumi is great too-but Ram Dass is the best
Almost like it tunes your mind into a frequency of love 😌
Love Rumi. Everyone in the comments keep naming my favs. We are resonating with another deeply studying the classics texts.
Theres no way these videos are ever the same twice
Sings: “It ain’t necessarily so...” 🎤
Sweet idea. Trippy
🗣Rest in peace to the OG 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 NAMASTE AND GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU🙌🏼🙌🏼🙏🏼❤️ 🕉OM NAMAH SHIVAYA OM🕉
26:37 "...I give people what they want so that they'll want what I give..."
+Jonathan Willow Agreed, even Ram Dass must fear that appearance.
Love love love you Ram Dass 🌹🌹🌹
💜 It's so calming listening to him!
prolong not the past
invite not the future
don't alter your innate wakefulness
don't fear appearances
there's nothing more than that
Love his voice
This could be his best explanation of being awakened.
This is the single most powerful talk on youtube for me.....woosh!! Thank You Ram Dass Namaste.
@@johnthomas338 Haha. Jeez.
His giggles are the icing on the cake.
I love you so much Ram Dass
Be Here Now has been in my library for over 40 years!By Richard!Ram Dass I will see you later today!
this talk is the best!
My favourite Ram Dass talk ❤
A kitten of mine recently passed away. I watched closely and couldn't hold my tears. So much suffering for such a tiny soul. Then I thought about a lecture given by Ram Dass . "Suffering is inevitable in life." Knowing that she is going to a better place I smiled.
She wasn't "going to a better place", other than the fact that when you are dead you aren't suffering. Are you a vegan? Is Rammed Ass? Thought not.
man like@@johnthomas338 dropping that truth bomb lol
@@johnthomas338 this is a positive space. we welcome and support different beliefs and viewpoints, here. i'm 2 years late, but i wanted you to know that i wish you would have let them have that sense of peace.
Ram Dass is like the mycelium for the next planetary spiritual revolution. Him an Alan will play such a big part so many years after they lived. They would be proud 🤍
This is one of my favorites
haha "Richard you're too atached to emptiness" -Alan Watts
Were Dr. Watts and Richard Alpert spiritual teachers or spiritual MASTERS? 🤔
If you are uncertain of the distinction between the two, I shall be MORE than happy to enlighten you. 😇
*The World Teacher - Jagadguru Svāmī Vegānanda* hui joy kind
Christian Cervantes
kindly repeat that in ENGLISH, Miss.☝️
Loved this one, thank you.
I ate too much lsd a few days ago and I just came back to ol faithful here. He talked me through the madness and had me smiling through it in no time. Ram Dass and I met in the space between the words with the “beloved”.
Happens to me on mushrooms lol He’s the perfect life raft when you’re in that ocean.
🙏💖 Namaste 🙏 Thank you soo much 🎀 I enjoyed this fine Speech🙏I am lurning so much 🎀Thank you soo for sharing this fine video 🙏🎀🙏 Blessings to you always 🌷Love from Denmark 🌷🙏🎀🙏🌷🙏🎀🙏🌷🙏🎀🌷
Very Grateful, thank you 🙏🏾
This man saves me I love him
Thank you so much
Namaste 🙏🏼
Beautiful ❤So fresh & new
35:27 I needed to hear this 🙏🌺
thanks for this.
What kind of people dislike 👎 Ram Dass lectures, & why? Out of sheer curiousity.
The same people that may react like the activists reacted to ram dass before the event that led them to believe he was right
Because …
So amazing ❤️💜
So much love …
Marvellous 💖
Great. Thanks for sharing .
🙌🏻😂😂 great teaching , thank you 🙏🏻
Ram Dass and Steve Job shared the same guru. If only we could travel back in time to me him too. He’s still here. ✨
Miss you Ram Dass
Great LOVE!
Thank you.
We have a problem. We do not have a problem we need a plan...
For every problem there is more then one solution...
Things that make sense are repeating them selfs.
i love his laugh
Hey 💕🙏🏽
Just in case anyone needs it, you can set your iPhone timer to end the stream of the video, so it’ll stop as you fall asleep.
Whats great is he being "enlightenetend" that most people that would travel to see him want to here a a man say something they already know.
The only people that have fun and laugh are people that know what hrs speaking of to begin with.
Funny. I said the same thing somewhere else in the comments. So true. He said it himself in another video. Namaste
Veryyy good!!!
Ram Dass and Wayne Dyer great teachers, departing in 2019 and 2015 respectively
The Terry Dobson story reminds me of a story Derren Brown a British mentalist and illusionist who spoke of a similar story in his book “Happy”. Derren said a drunk man once acted aggressive towards him on his way home and he used a technique in Hypnosis where he would use words to blinker the drunks senses. I think because I’m recalling memory he said something all the lines of, the trees outside my home aren’t big enough, and stumped the drunk who then began to break down and cry after a few more words was exchanged. Really powerful stuff! 👍🏻
Right to the point
What to call you - Ram, Ramie, Baba, Richard,Guru? How present you arrive. Your breath on my face where the words you spray drop in beaded code. So close to you I feel. I know I know you. Connections like this find a way,Baba. You are mine as you are everyone’s. Tonight can we meet with flashlights under the beach-blankets your mom left us? Can you be there for me if I’m there for you? Can we stay awake all night and laugh until we die? Namaste
You are One with Source, separation is impossible.
i am so utterly obssesed i must have heard every recording by now😂i cant imagine theres more sitting around
Admin here - we are digging!
It's funny...after I heard his story about Tim saying "Ggrraandd UUnniioon" or his "Ffllyy UUnniitteedd""...I started seeing pointers all over the place. There was a Sea World ad for some new ride that said All New Realm....and I think to myself "Sseee Wwoorrlldd" ..."Aalll Nneeww RReeaallmm" hahahhaha
Who else would come up with this? "On the astral plane I have a full head of hair!"....