The woman was very attractive, so flexible and familiar with the leader, and the leader was very appreciative and very listened to what the woman was saying. 😊
@@איליהאוסטרובסקי-נ1פ Фюрер был в Германии ...Ваших предков в концлагерях кто сжигал ??? Сталин и русские ??? Хасид - поправь голову ...не в ту сторону смотришь ......
@@garret7919 let's transport you back in time to the Cultural Revolution with a contemporary textbook tucked under your arm with your name in it and introduce you to those lovely Red Guards. Maybe you can watch as they destroy Confucius's grave and you might entertain the same bemused look we see in the footage - if they didn't throw you into a pig sty for "re-education" first as they did with my teacher's father (also a teacher - they did this because he taught the state prescribed syllabus endorsed by Mao)
@Jonathan Quintana Stalin was paranoid yet still carefully selective, he didn't want to willy nilly killing blindly that would severely undermined his empire(the great purge was hurt but the situation could be worse than expected).
Molotov, such curious figure. I would like to find more videos about him! I never found a picture of him after 1953! He lived almost until the last days of USSR!
Stalin took his wife hostage after Lenin had died. He forced his to travel to DC and be an ambassador to Truman. I don't know who outlived whom, Stalin or Molotov's wife. No sympathy for Molotov either. What they did to the their own people, and to the peasants in Ukraine, will horrify people even in the year 3000.
@@iDeathMaximuMII i dont if its propagande, but this was women meeting, russia was first to have women and men at same levels and same right, women can do war, and every men jobs, everything
@@kimelwatson8913 read the ussr constitutik point about woman lol, also first eoman in soace, high ranks in the military and in politica. Study and stfu
@@GenocideWesterners Yes, of course, modern Russian bourgeois ideologues make him an example of "a la V. Putin" "strong statesman". The left understands him as the last communist in the history of the USSR. Repression ? It's no longer fashionable.
@@GenocideWesterners Stalin kicked the nazis. He rebuild Soviet in 10 years after the war, while amount of damage was crucified. He didn’t earned anything. No houses, lands, gold, money.. he was an patriot.
тогда очень странно, что у Ворошилова не маршальские петлицы, которые он получил в 1935 году, хотя возможно он носил знаки старого образца какое то время и после реформы. Плюс, мне показалось что в кадре мелькает на заднем плане Рыков, выведенный из состава политбюро в 1930. хотя, "показалось". в общем не берусь точно утверждать, но мне кажется снято это было раньше 1936
@@idiocrat3744 Калинин там тоже есть, где то в соседнем комменте писал об этом англоязычному, который решил что это Троцкий)) на Рыкова несколько похож персонаж, который стоит как раз за Калининым (и перед Ворошиловым) на 1:32
@@MshaaOfficial now Putin restoring the old glory days of Soviet Union! May he spill more blood of the innocent for the glory of mother Russia the once and great prosperous country! 🇷🇺 I pray they may come through any obstacles that blocks of succeeding there agenda!
Борьба между бедными и богатыми не закончится никогда. ... два "сталина" подряд не было ещё в истории... толпы невежд за одно столетие не переучить ...
i don't know her personal name, but these women were from a collective farm and the young lady in white got recognised for picking a record amount of beets.
@@alessandramontali7234No he was handsome and charming believe it or not, also had a very good musical understanding and could sing well, history has irony lol
@@elliotgirl3921 Not only some historical books. Every single journalist and other personalities who met with Stalin talked about how warmly he treated them and how he spoke with clarity and listened with patience.
Mildly fascinating to see how almost a majority of comments on British Pathé video are proto-communist. Almost as if we needed a certain point driven home at this very time, via those who game democratic platforms to spread propaganda.
Regarding OP's comment - it is interesting although my understanding is that the USSR did retain numerous aspects of inequality and we must remember women's rights advanced in the West also - but this was generally delayed till the late 60s, early 70s. I think in the USSR women were given greater equality concerning blue collar work in particular - i think i've received mixed info regarding other roles. I'm more familiar with communism in China but i am aware of aspects of gender inequality persisting in the USSR despite this factor. However, it is still an interesting point. That said, are any of the leaders women? No. Could a woman have been in Stalin's position? No.
Второй Всесоюзный съезд колхозников-ударников состоялся 11 - 17 февраля 1935. На съезде присутствовало 1433 делегата. Состав делегатов 2-го съезда колхозников-ударников показал колоссальный рост колхозного производства, количественный и качественный рост колхозного актива - героев и творцов новой жизни. Среди участников съезда были председатели колхозов (331 чел.), бригадиры (399 чел.), заведующие фермами (60 чел.), звеньевые (23 чел.), рядовые колхозники, работающие в полеводстве (362 чел.), доярки (30 чел.), свинарки, телятницы и скотницы (22 чел.), конюхи и ездовые (39 чел.), инспектора по качеству (25 чел.), бригадиры тракторных бригад, трактористы, комбайнеры, мотористы и механики (55 чел.), заведующие хатами-лабораториями, колхозники-опытники и т. д. Значительное большинство делегатов съезда составляли беспартийные (ок. 65%); членов и кандидатов партии было 27%; комсомольцев - 8,9%. В числе присутствовавших на съезде делегатов были 442 женщины, что составляло 30,8% общего количества делегатов съезда, т. е. вдвое больше, чем на 1-м Всесоюзном съезде колхозников-ударников, и что, в свою очередь, свидетельствовало о выдвижении женщин на все участки колхозного производства. Участники съезда являлись представителями наиболее передовых колхозов, имеющих богатый опыт орг-ции колхозного производства. На съезде было представлено 124 колхоза (8,7%), организованных до 1927; 624 колхоза (или 43,8%), организованных в 1928 - 29, и 677 (47,5%), организованных в 1930 - 35. Если на 1-м Всесоюзном съезде колхозников-ударников было представлено 45 национальностей, то на 2-м съезде принимали участие в работах съезда представители 51 национальности всех краёв, областей и национальных республик Советского Союза, что дало возможность при обсуждении Устава с.-х. артели учесть опыт хоз. развития колхозов, находящихся в самых разнообразных условиях. В своих выступлениях на съезде делегаты рассказывали об итогах колхозного движения, о замечательных достижениях строительства новой жизни в советской деревне. Как пример можно привести выступление С. К. Короткова - бессменного председателя колхоза имени Сталина, Вурнарского р-на, Чувашской АССР, ныне Героя Социалистического Труда. "Наша деревня до революции была самой отсталой, самой забитой, - говорил тов. Коротков. - 75 процентов жителей нашей деревни были заражены трахомой. Всего 2 грамотных было у нас, и те приезжие. В нашей деревне было 68 хозяйств, не имевших совсем скота; 20 хозяйств имели по коровёнке, но не было у них лошадей. Мужик тогда ходил в одной рубашке, месяцами не мылся в бане, совсем ничего не знал о культуре. Посмотрите же, товарищи, что произошло за последние 5 лет, в особенности после речи товарища Сталина на 1-м Съезде колхозников. Деревня наша стала неузнаваемой". Далее, тов. Коротков рассказал, что в 1934, несмотря на плохую погоду, урожайность зерновых культур в колхозе составила в среднем 14 ц с 1 га и колхозники получили на каждый трудодень 6,5 кг зерна и 4 кг картофеля. Как и многие др. хозяйства, колхоз за короткий срок добился замечательных успехов в области культурного строительства. "У нас нет ни одного неграмотного в колхозе, - говорил тов. Коротков. - Мы имеем сейчас прекрасный клуб на 500 зрителей, клуб, который не уступит некоторым московским... У нас есть своя электростанция, которая даёт свет всем колхозникам. Мы сейчас радиофицировали все колхозные хаты... Мы имеем свою собственную типографию, печатаем газету, тогда как раньше у нас совершенно не было грамотных".
Страни нахадившиеся в составе СССР до революции гдето 70% находилис в Феодалистическом системе, были отсталым и неразвитим от цивилизации. Во время СССР по всем структурам цивилизазия немысленном уровне все развивалис. После развала СССР всё цивилизация ухудшаються.
@@laki55511 это как посмотреть. Для товарища, может, паразитизм норма жизни. Хотя с нашими коммунистами-марксистами нам круто не повезло; скатились до самого дна общественного паразитизма, откуда, было, благодаря большевикам в своё время ушли. Но большевики обещали вернуться, Сталин намекнул, улыбаясь.
@@MS4View Kalinin was the Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of Russia and Co-Chair of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR at this time. It was something like a speaker of the parliament AND president of the republic at the same time. He may be called the head of state of the USSR, but he was definitely an extremely weak head of state legally and politically.
Великий Сталин И.В.!!! Благодаря ему и партии большевиков народы СССР создали индустрию и Победили нацизм фашизм и милитаризм!! СССР стал маяком для всего мира!!! Слава вождю отцу народов великому гению И.В.Сталину
She wasn't supposed to do that. Kliment Voroshilov tells her to not get too close. It was a rule that you general do not speak to him. Mikhail Kalinin pops up at 1:26 to tell her something, with Voroshilov behind her. I think she might have been in trouble after.
She was indeed a mixture of down to earth matey (consider her style) and flirty asf. I don't think he had any complaints. I'd say that although she was flirty, the way she touched him was genuinely matey, if that makes sense - she touched him like men clap a hand on another man (when they are straight or don't fancy each other - bonhomie). She's an interesting one.
If you saying Stalin was introverted you are wrong Stalin was quite extroverted if we analyse is mbti , his mbti is entj . Entj people are socially introverted but they love to hang around and they very very social Hitler was introvert
Потому что в СССР начался развал семейных ценностей, аборты и так далее, и, следовательно уничтожение рождаемости которая по сей день проблема, так как Россия ещё идёт этой убийственной дорогой построенной коммунизмом.
In the rest of Europe at that time women were in the kitchen and taking care of their children while soviet women were fighting in the war. In Soviet Russia women's rights were way ahead of its time.
Soviet communism shared its roots with their utopian communist ancestors regarding the orthodox family and domestic economies. Philosophers Marx and Engels have asserted that the women’s freedom should mean the elimination of private property and having an ordinary family life where the relationship between them. During the late 1840s, the idea of communism had risen among the European powers. Communism is the idea of a movement that aims to overthrow the capitalist order by revolutionary means and to establish a classless society in which all goods would be socially owned. In 1847, a group of radical workers called the "Communist League" met in London. The league chose two new members, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, to write a manifesto on their behalf. This communist manifesto reflects an attempt to explain the goals of communism, as well as the theory underlying the communist movement. The Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things. Conclusion: idk
Сразу видно, Сталин непубличный человек, неловко ему) вроде и радует происходящее, но куда себя деть не знает)) ему бы актёрское мастерство немного подтянуть, чтоб с экрана всех очаровывать и выглядеть увереннее перед камерой
I might be wrong but Im pretty sure it’s Kalinin. (He looks really similar to Trotsky) He alsohad a much closer relationship with Stalin which also would back up the idea Stalin would let him go
Stalin was a bloodthirsty monster, devouring volumes of books in his library and writing poetry. I bet politicians today wouldn't read 10 pages of a book.
@@JFLJKD that is very interesting. Georgia looks like a very beautiful country. I am not a Soviet and so do not share the same view of Stalin. But your loyalty is unshaken. In the West we see Stalin as having been responsible for many deaths. However i myself know more of Chinese communism than the rule of Stalin over time. I wouldn't normally have an opportunity to speak with a Georgian Stalinist of such venerable age, so would you mind of you can tell me more from your viewpoint and experience how Stalin helped the poor? Can you help me better understand why you remain so loyal to him as a leader, how would your life have been directly benefitted by his rule, and what do you think of government following the end of Stalin's rule and also the fall of the USSR? In the absence of Stalin, do you think the Soviet system was doomed? Would you reinstitute the USSR if you could and why? If you could consider answering any of those questions, i would be very interested. Also may i please ask for what duration of your life was Stalin in power? I take it he was probably already in power around the time you were born? Regards and cheers from Australia.
@Cat Everett Hello, First of all im glad you asked those questions. Stalin, actually the entire Soviet system was always demonized in the western world. Totally understandable because it was complete rejection of cultural-economical influence and control. Stalin converted a primitive agricultural country into a world power and sent it to space, defeated Nazi monster with his will-of-steel. You probably saw that historic speech on Red square on 7 November 1941. He celebrated 24th anniversary of the revolution and shown his determination to the entire world while Germans were pushing at the doorstep of Moscow, Caucasus, Leningrad, never got downhearted or never pumped fear-desparation to the people. He was just too ruthless towards those who could possibly undermine the system and those who could pose a threat & obstacle to his practices. Gulags built because of it. Prior to his death, during one of his last speeches, he said in Politbureau " When im gone, capitalists will drown you like blind kittens." and it happened. Soviet union was doomed in 1953, Because the first thing Khruschev did was declaring "De-stalinization", killing the spirit he created, causing the oligarchs to form such as " KGB elites, Politbureau elites, military elites" totally opposite of what the system was supposed to be. Those moves caused the Shake of Chinese-Soviet alliance known as " Sino-Soviet split " and emergence of Three Worlds Theory. Labeling Soviet system as a different form of imperialism. Not good for a sustainable solidarity in Eastern bloc. and the subsequent Soviet leaders maintained the status-quo and you know the Gorbachev's Glastnost-Perestroika, the beginning of the end. So yes, i'd be glad to see USSR rising again in a way that everybody in the region would embrace it.
@@JFLJKD what an interesting reply Solomon, thank you very much. I know i am against the Chinese Communist Party we see in 2021 under Xi Jinping's administration. But the CCP are now uber capitalist at this stage of history in any event, now having more billionaires than anywhere else and surely the greatest gap between rich and poor. In fairness, and sleepiness (it is the wee hours here in Australia) i want to acknowledge two things in respect of your reflection on WW2: firstly that for a Polish lady i have spoken with about the fall of Warsaw, in which her great uncle died during the Warsaw uprising, the Soviets were almost as bad as the Nazis. But i asked her is she could pick, were the Nazis worse. She said yes and directly described them making soap out of human beings. The thing i've realised more as i get older is that we surely wouldn't have seen a defeat of the Nazis without the input of Stalin and the efforts of Soviet troops. I must give that credit where credit is due because as far as i know, the Soviets suffered the most in terms of mortality, an unthinkable quantity dying to defeat Hitler. As for the rest, i'm not very bright at the moment but i think you would be an interesting person to speak more with, because your age and experience gives you unique insight on the changes in the Soviet system over time as you set out. Thank you for doing that! There's quite a lot of food for thought. The USSR being so massive, i still have a lot to learn. I have little doubt that some of the bad things i've heard are real, but things are rarely black and white. One film that plays around with the concept of communism being all bad is _Goodbye Lenin_ from Germany - one character, the mother, has been in a coma and doesn't realise the East of Germany has fallen along with the Berlin Wall, so her offspring go to lengths in the gentle offbeat comedy to make it look like nothing has actually changed. Films like this and some other exchanges have made me realise how nostalgia for some of the genuinely good things about communism could be very understandable, especially among older generations - that the loss is real. As such, your criticism of what followed Stalin is very valuable in my thinking and it also raises some points from which to scrutinise the CCP following the death of Mao Zedong. As far as i can tell, the poor in China are now subjected to all the brute force of capitalism with few if any genuine economic equalisers associated with communism. Mao's campaigns themselves tended to result in great mortality, but at least there was still in theory a principle concerning the poorest folk. It is odd, the current Party bears the same name but would be considered counter-revolutionary by the Red Guards (associated with the Cultural Revolution 1966 - 1976). I know more about this for various reasons, including the fact my teacher's father was forced to live in a pig sty for years to "re-educate" him. He had committed no crime. My teacher was pretty matter of fact about what happened. He didn't die in that time, but developed illnesses in association with those conditions, which he later died of. The Cultural Revolution began in 1966 but didn't end til 1976, so this is not that long ago. All he did was do his job - teach the existing syllabus. The Red Guards decided this and any other tradition was associated with imperialism and now declared counter-revolutionary. They weren't always consistent, except for being terrifying. The odd thing is that they were the young people so probably amidst the PRC's current hypercapitalism, there are a lot of old Red Guards. These are folk who destroyed Confucius's grave. These are two idelogical and economic extremes (late capitalism and the Cultural Revolution). I wonder if the cognitive dissonance must be next level! And if people realise what they gave up for what was promised only resulted in everything they were against in the first place. The Chonese people are being subjected to the vagaries of capitalism yet are still unable to choose their ruler - for me, this is so unfair, it seems like the worst of both worlds and i certainly do wonder if there may be some folk there who miss Mao, whatever his foibles. I am interested in learning more about Georgia, Russia, and most of the other many countries that once formed the USSR, and your comments actually help give me a bit of a springboard for that! Among other things, i appreciate that it's certainly not the same as China, and i'm interested in those values you mentioned that are less apparent, gaining a more balanced view. I'll come back again for another look at a later time when i have had some more rest. I must say on behalf of my Polish friend i wish Stalin hadn't invaded Poland! I wish you all the best.
@helios_tigin Hey puny fascist preck, stop lying. There were some ethnic groups that were against the Socialist state, and they actively aligned with Nazis. They were mostly the Islamic minorities in Russia and Ukraine. Within these ethnic minorities who aligned with the Nazis, over 200,000 of them were unmarried youngsters who were in the age of getting married. Usually these Islamic minorities marry their children off at a young age. So imprisoning the young Nazi affiliators could result in young women of these ethnic minority marrying off men of some other ethnicity, and that would result in the complete erasure of that ethnicity. Instead of arresting those youngsters, central committee decided to deport the entire ethnic minorities beyond urals, so that they won't be able to help the Nazis, and also no need to arrest the youngsters once their aid is cut off from the Nazis and also no risk of that ethnicity getting vanished.
The old man with the goatee is Kaminsky. I always sort of liked Mikoyan; he was a wily survivor. Ordzhonkidze committed suicide. Kaganovich and Molotov starved the Ukraine.
I remember this footage when I first saw it in "Apocalypse: Stalin" When the narrator said something that Stalin ask the girl about productivity she could made during the height of stakhanovite movement and she replied she could made more while whispering on Stalin's ear thus making him smiling... If that's true I wonder in what context such words could make Uncle Joe became excited(that's only in my thought).
It is actually Mikhail Kalinin, the great Bolshevik and Soviet leader and close ally of Joseph Stalin. But do not worry, since he bears a somewhat close physical resemblance to the guy you referenced, so people mistake them very often.
Юзеф Сталин - один из крупнейших преступников 20 века. несет ответственность за гибель миллионов людей. Согласно выводам «Черной книги коммунизма» 20 миллионов человек погибли (из них 11 миллионов умерли от голода), и число жертв советских депортаций, депортаций и трудовых лагерей было трудно установить.
Trotsky is there 0:15 that gives some sense of the date. Disappointing the Pathe didn't notice and describe that significant footage in here. "Quick CU of man" who was later icepicked in the head on Stalin's order.
It's not him, it's Mikhail Kalinin (chairman of central committee, he was considered Stalin's successor as well as Zhdanov, but both died shortly after WW2 and earlier than Stalin, one of old age (Kalinin) and another one of diabetes (Zhdanov)). But you can see Voroshilov at 0:05 has pre-1935 insignia (in 1935 he became Marshal and had a big yellow star on collar), so I think it's somewhere about 1933 maybe. You can also see there are no other important figures like Bukharin or Zinoviev, so the footage is taken after the so called "inter-party struggle"
Чтобы не писали тут всякие ... Время расставляет всё по местам и неглупые люди понимают, как ценна была сталинская эпоха и УВАЖАЕМ народом, сам Иосиф Виссарионович.
She is María Demchenko. Famous agrarian- beet grower. 523 centners - it's was record!
Is that the lady with short hair and shirt and tie? Very interesting. That is quite a massive beetroot, haha! Nifty. Where did you get this info? :v
The woman was very attractive, so flexible and familiar with the leader, and the leader was very appreciative and very listened to what the woman was saying. 😊
@@mothratemporalradio517 "lady"?😂😂😂
Thanks for the info Aloha
@@kriskross63 dont be rude auf, you look dont exactly look amazing.
I never saw this footage before. Thank you for sharing these moments of the history.
me too. very rare indeed.
@Min Tin Did you call him with this statement?
Russian beloved Fuhrer.
@@איליהאוסטרובסקי-נ1פ Thrue
@@איליהאוסטרובסקי-נ1פ Фюрер был в Германии ...Ваших предков в концлагерях кто сжигал ??? Сталин и русские ??? Хасид - поправь голову ...не в ту сторону смотришь ......
Happiest I've seen Stalin look lmao
He almost always smiles in his pictures
He's a true advocate for all women!
Stalin often is smiling and happy when he's around people and in public, but when making speeches and such he is more serious.
@@ericdarkshadow2220 Facts.
The hands of hardworking woman
These hands tell a story of greatness
Nowadays women are lazy and have some fake raptor claws 🦖
@@ernstthalmann4306 10!
@@spyrosaggelopoulos4832 άντε βρε
0:19 he looks so happy !
This is his face, when he send somebody to gulag xD
@Jonathan Quintana you westners are so pathetic
@@garret7919 let's transport you back in time to the Cultural Revolution with a contemporary textbook tucked under your arm with your name in it and introduce you to those lovely Red Guards. Maybe you can watch as they destroy Confucius's grave and you might entertain the same bemused look we see in the footage - if they didn't throw you into a pig sty for "re-education" first as they did with my teacher's father (also a teacher - they did this because he taught the state prescribed syllabus endorsed by Mao)
@Jonathan Quintana Stalin was paranoid yet still carefully selective, he didn't want to willy nilly killing blindly that would severely undermined his empire(the great purge was hurt but the situation could be worse than expected).
Molotov, such curious figure. I would like to find more videos about him! I never found a picture of him after 1953! He lived almost until the last days of USSR!
my father knew Molotov, my papa use to say he has one great sense of honour but a fiery temper.
He was a loyal Stalinist through and yhrough, that's why he was shadowbanned by Kreuchev
Look for his book called "Molotov remembers"
Stalin took his wife hostage after Lenin had died. He forced his to travel to DC and be an ambassador to Truman. I don't know who outlived whom, Stalin or Molotov's wife.
No sympathy for Molotov either. What they did to the their own people, and to the peasants in Ukraine, will horrify people even in the year 3000.
@@jamesstmanhattancry more
You have to admit that Stalin's smile is very charming
@@izlitty5674 It's also kinda creepy knowing what he is. But he is charming none the less, so is the Devil.m
@@ahousecatnamedmr.jenkins1052 knowing who he is? are u sure? i bet most things u know about him are propaganda lol
@@ahousecatnamedmr.jenkins1052 demons don't manifest all the time lol
@Prestallar wow ur an historian
I really can't understand people who dislike videos like this one
Those people know much more about their history than you.
@@anikomurok2690found him
Stalin the unforgettable hero of USSR 🙏
hahaha, WOW
Haha 😄 Idiots like you glorify evil
At least he let Shostokovitch live thru the Great Terror. We got the Leningrad symphony.
British Pathe always got em exclusive stuff ✨💕
I wonder what else is out there, especially of ww2 some footage the people not supposed to see.
or may be u know next to nothing about Stalin
Yeah, Brits r based on everything.
@@neojohns2487 uh oh we got the Stalin fanboy
America taught he was a Killer Dictator... almost all his videos that I saw were very casual and happy and jolly with his people
You do realize there is a thing called “Propaganda Footage”
@@iDeathMaximuMII i dont if its propagande, but this was women meeting, russia was first to have women and men at same levels and same right, women can do war, and every men jobs, everything
@@orangecobraEU in the country that caused the greatest mass rape ever done? Sure??
@@kimelwatson8913 read the ussr constitutik point about woman lol, also first eoman in soace, high ranks in the military and in politica. Study and stfu
@@luke.4317 Sorry, but I can’t take you seriously with that terrible orthography. And then you tell me to study? Lol.
Buy a dictionary.
Stalin looked like he couldn't wait to get out of there.
Obvious isn't it?
@@mikekaatman3194 like every genius man to be desired..
You clearly don't know Stalin. Stalin is Chief. He never wait to get out. Others can't wait to get out
I disagree, abc. He enjoyed being around ordinary people. They gave him a lot of attention and love.
@@briteness and then he had them sent to gulags probably
Thanks To the British Pathe for filming Stalin.
Is stalin still a very famous hero in russia ?
@@GenocideWesterners Yes, of course, modern Russian bourgeois ideologues make him an example of "a la V. Putin" "strong statesman". The left understands him as the last communist in the history of the USSR. Repression ? It's no longer fashionable.
@@GenocideWesterners Stalin kicked the nazis. He rebuild Soviet in 10 years after the war, while amount of damage was crucified. He didn’t earned anything. No houses, lands, gold, money.. he was an patriot.
@@innaalex1696 He wasn't alive 10 years after the war.
@@rivertwygzbed543 well ,what more u can expect from a brainwashed
0:49 Molotov
its not troskij its vsesoyznij starosta Mixail Kalinin
njet molotoff NJET MOLOTOFF
sregey andeev Both Molotov and Kalinin were there.
मेरे लण्ड से।
Сталин на Чрезвычайном VIII Всесоюзном съезде Советов 25 ноября 1936г.
Спасибо... иначе ни какого контекста
тогда очень странно, что у Ворошилова не маршальские петлицы, которые он получил в 1935 году, хотя возможно он носил знаки старого образца какое то время и после реформы. Плюс, мне показалось что в кадре мелькает на заднем плане Рыков, выведенный из состава политбюро в 1930. хотя, "показалось". в общем не берусь точно утверждать, но мне кажется снято это было раньше 1936
@@HaHaeTs Это был Калинин, не?
@@idiocrat3744 Калинин там тоже есть, где то в соседнем комменте писал об этом англоязычному, который решил что это Троцкий)) на Рыкова несколько похож персонаж, который стоит как раз за Калининым (и перед Ворошиловым) на 1:32
Как же нам сейчас не хватает Сталина. Чтоб навел порядок в стране. Вычистил эту не честь которая пьет кровь народа
why you miss Stalin if you have Putin?xd
@@MshaaOfficial Әдемі айттың👍
@@MshaaOfficial now Putin restoring the old glory days of Soviet Union! May he spill more blood of the innocent for the glory of mother Russia the once and great prosperous country! 🇷🇺 I pray they may come through any obstacles that blocks of succeeding there agenda!
@@MshaaOfficial потому что Путин - представитель интересов группы буржуазии. Сталин же представлял интересы пролетариата
@@revace6364 i understand
thanks for sharing
Благодарю за видео.
Борьба между бедными и богатыми не закончится никогда. ... два "сталина" подряд не было ещё в истории... толпы невежд за одно столетие не переучить ...
О чем это вы?
@@skaileep о классовой борьбе
Вы даже не представляете насколько я согласен с вашим высказыванием.
Нужно адин Сталин и два Берия
Who's the lady in white, the one who whispers into Stalin's ears?
His daughter i think
No it's not his daughter
i don't know her personal name, but these women were from a collective farm and the young lady in white got recognised for picking a record amount of beets.
She appears HEREвидео.html in old age remembering the Stalin years
He was handsome
Ok now don't exagerate
@@Hailiqou it's not fuckn political
Luvly fella
@@alessandramontali7234No he was handsome and charming believe it or not, also had a very good musical understanding and could sing well, history has irony lol
Stalin looks like an old grandpa whose gonna start telling stories any second now
Stories of how he sent his friends to Gulags just for laughing in his presence 😂
@@luciferfallenangel666 original (no)
some historical books say he was a good listener and an interesting conversationalist.
@@elliotgirl3921 Not only some historical books. Every single journalist and other personalities who met with Stalin talked about how warmly he treated them and how he spoke with clarity and listened with patience.
In my history classes never told me that Stalin had a tomboy girlfriend.
Funny how radlibs are trying to paint MLs out to be "red fascists" when the Soviet Union was the most progressive country of it's time.
Stalin was the most influential male feminist after Mao.
Твой Сталин это упырь, который по макушку в крови. Надеюсь его там черти хорошо приходуют.
Видно что народ любили вождя💯👍👍👍👍👍
Видно так же как в КНДР сейчас
P.S. его не любили, его боялись
Or else! 😜
The USSR is the first country in the world where a woman was equated with a man
yep, everyone equally miserable
And to see that radlibs are calling us red fascists now is pathetic
They were also the first ones to call out america for its racist policies.
Mildly fascinating to see how almost a majority of comments on British Pathé video are proto-communist. Almost as if we needed a certain point driven home at this very time, via those who game democratic platforms to spread propaganda.
Regarding OP's comment - it is interesting although my understanding is that the USSR did retain numerous aspects of inequality and we must remember women's rights advanced in the West also - but this was generally delayed till the late 60s, early 70s. I think in the USSR women were given greater equality concerning blue collar work in particular - i think i've received mixed info regarding other roles. I'm more familiar with communism in China but i am aware of aspects of gender inequality persisting in the USSR despite this factor. However, it is still an interesting point. That said, are any of the leaders women? No. Could a woman have been in Stalin's position? No.
1:00 Not trying to be strange but that smile is so adorable.
That is how feminism started
Uh.... yeah
It started in the 1910s
Glory to Soviet Feminism
Even communism is better than feminism lol
Второй Всесоюзный съезд колхозников-ударников состоялся 11 - 17 февраля 1935. На съезде присутствовало 1433 делегата. Состав делегатов 2-го съезда колхозников-ударников показал колоссальный рост колхозного производства, количественный и качественный рост колхозного актива - героев и творцов новой жизни. Среди участников съезда были председатели колхозов (331 чел.), бригадиры (399 чел.), заведующие фермами (60 чел.), звеньевые (23 чел.), рядовые колхозники, работающие в полеводстве (362 чел.), доярки (30 чел.), свинарки, телятницы и скотницы (22 чел.), конюхи и ездовые (39 чел.), инспектора по качеству (25 чел.), бригадиры тракторных бригад, трактористы, комбайнеры, мотористы и механики (55 чел.), заведующие хатами-лабораториями, колхозники-опытники и т. д. Значительное большинство делегатов съезда составляли беспартийные (ок. 65%); членов и кандидатов партии было 27%; комсомольцев - 8,9%. В числе присутствовавших на съезде делегатов были 442 женщины, что составляло 30,8% общего количества делегатов съезда, т. е. вдвое больше, чем на 1-м Всесоюзном съезде колхозников-ударников, и что, в свою очередь, свидетельствовало о выдвижении женщин на все участки колхозного производства. Участники съезда являлись представителями наиболее передовых колхозов, имеющих богатый опыт орг-ции колхозного производства. На съезде было представлено 124 колхоза (8,7%), организованных до 1927; 624 колхоза (или 43,8%), организованных в 1928 - 29, и 677 (47,5%), организованных в 1930 - 35. Если на 1-м Всесоюзном съезде колхозников-ударников было представлено 45 национальностей, то на 2-м съезде принимали участие в работах съезда представители 51 национальности всех краёв, областей и национальных республик Советского Союза, что дало возможность при обсуждении Устава с.-х. артели учесть опыт хоз. развития колхозов, находящихся в самых разнообразных условиях.
В своих выступлениях на съезде делегаты рассказывали об итогах колхозного движения, о замечательных достижениях строительства новой жизни в советской деревне. Как пример можно привести выступление С. К. Короткова - бессменного председателя колхоза имени Сталина, Вурнарского р-на, Чувашской АССР, ныне Героя Социалистического Труда. "Наша деревня до революции была самой отсталой, самой забитой, - говорил тов. Коротков. - 75 процентов жителей нашей деревни были заражены трахомой. Всего 2 грамотных было у нас, и те приезжие. В нашей деревне было 68 хозяйств, не имевших совсем скота; 20 хозяйств имели по коровёнке, но не было у них лошадей. Мужик тогда ходил в одной рубашке, месяцами не мылся в бане, совсем ничего не знал о культуре.
Посмотрите же, товарищи, что произошло за последние 5 лет, в особенности после речи товарища Сталина на 1-м Съезде колхозников. Деревня наша стала неузнаваемой". Далее, тов. Коротков рассказал, что в 1934, несмотря на плохую погоду, урожайность зерновых культур в колхозе составила в среднем 14 ц с 1 га и колхозники получили на каждый трудодень 6,5 кг зерна и 4 кг картофеля. Как и многие др. хозяйства, колхоз за короткий срок добился замечательных успехов в области культурного строительства. "У нас нет ни одного неграмотного в колхозе, - говорил тов. Коротков. - Мы имеем сейчас прекрасный клуб на 500 зрителей, клуб, который не уступит некоторым московским... У нас есть своя электростанция, которая даёт свет всем колхозникам. Мы сейчас радиофицировали все колхозные хаты... Мы имеем свою собственную типографию, печатаем газету, тогда как раньше у нас совершенно не было грамотных".
Страни нахадившиеся в составе СССР до революции гдето 70% находилис в Феодалистическом системе, были отсталым и неразвитим от цивилизации. Во время СССР по всем структурам цивилизазия немысленном уровне все развивалис. После развала СССР всё цивилизация ухудшаються.
@@Комилжон-т6ъ The best civilization is when no communists-marxcists
@@NormKhershberg Ты написал глупость 100%!!!!
@@laki55511 это как посмотреть. Для товарища, может, паразитизм норма жизни. Хотя с нашими коммунистами-марксистами нам круто не повезло; скатились до самого дна общественного паразитизма, откуда, было, благодаря большевикам в своё время ушли. Но большевики обещали вернуться, Сталин намекнул, улыбаясь.
@@laki55511 i agree
Это были политики, а не жалкие политиканы.
No, they were not.
A true representive of dictatorship of the proletariat. Everyone should read his works, as well as Lenin's
Наше народное правительство, которое даже в самые тяжёлые моменты не обделалось
SATAN made politic man on earth
Народ овцы
@@alexlevashov348 сказал буржуй.
@@levinteterev109 , сказал пролетарий
@@alexlevashov348 😂
Добрая мудрая улыбка Сталина!
ничтожество ты ущербное и дешевое
What a cool meeting :D
Comrade Kalinin present as well.
The one at 0:15?
@@MartinZanichelli Yes. Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin, the Soviet Prime Minister during Stalin's reign.
@@MS4View Mikhail kalinin is president and stalin premier
@@MS4View Kalinin was the Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of Russia and Co-Chair of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR at this time. It was something like a speaker of the parliament AND president of the republic at the same time. He may be called the head of state of the USSR, but he was definitely an extremely weak head of state legally and politically.
@@BiharyGabor guys, good knowledges of Soviet history
„This Could be heaven, or this could be hell“
Великий Сталин И.В.!!! Благодаря ему и партии большевиков народы СССР создали индустрию и Победили нацизм фашизм и милитаризм!! СССР стал маяком для всего мира!!! Слава вождю отцу народов великому гению И.В.Сталину
Glory to the Soviet Union, may women be shared amongst all the people freely and unconditionally
Stalin very charming and very confident
That girl really had guts to talk so freely to Stalin.
no such thing as guts or have or etc, cepuxyuax, say any nmw s perfx
She wasn't supposed to do that. Kliment Voroshilov tells her to not get too close. It was a rule that you general do not speak to him. Mikhail Kalinin pops up at 1:26 to tell her something, with Voroshilov behind her. I think she might have been in trouble after.
@@dodoboy1212 Вы пишете глупые слова!Хватит уже очернять прекрасных руководителей нашей страны!!!
@@dodoboy1212 bs
maybe she had a special degree in the party
0:37 that girl is FLIRTING with the gulag grabbing on joe like that
She was indeed a mixture of down to earth matey (consider her style) and flirty asf. I don't think he had any complaints. I'd say that although she was flirty, the way she touched him was genuinely matey, if that makes sense - she touched him like men clap a hand on another man (when they are straight or don't fancy each other - bonhomie). She's an interesting one.
@@mothratemporalradio517 because it was the guy who led red army to win the WW2. So Definitely girls will love a man with that amount of power
Joe was ready to send her to Siberia already
I relate to him. He couldn't wait to get the heck out of there😅
If you saying Stalin was introverted you are wrong Stalin was quite extroverted if we analyse is mbti , his mbti is entj . Entj people are socially introverted but they love to hang around and they very very social Hitler was introvert
@@mohammadpannahmahar8466 I don’t think that’s what they were saying.
@@mohammadpannahmahar8466stalin was INFJ
The man at 1:18 behind Stalin must be Yakov Yakovlev, the People's Commissar for Agriculture. He was shot in 1938.
The girl near him just simps for him lmao
Lol you do realise he's stalin right? Everyone simps for him if given the chance.
She wanted the Man of Steel inside her!
Liberals who call stalin a dictator would drop their jaws if they saw this
Наверное так же отвисла бы челюсть, если бы они увидели Ким Чен Ына
Adolf Hitler:😡
Напоминаю.Первая в МИРЕ женщина-министр появилась в СССР.И спасибо каналу за видео.
Вот это настоящий феминизм,а не то что сейчас ,каждое слово могут воспринять как шовенизм
Vot eto demokratiya. A nuka skaji Stalin byl samiy demokraticheskiy lider v mire )))
Министров в СССР не было до 1946
@@sergiygut9618 да,наркомом,но это ничего не меняет.Так просто понятнее большинству.
Потому что в СССР начался развал семейных ценностей, аборты и так далее, и, следовательно уничтожение рождаемости которая по сей день проблема, так как Россия ещё идёт этой убийственной дорогой построенной коммунизмом.
"And when you're a star you can get away with anything. Grad them by the babushka. They'll let you do it."- Stalin
That was Donald Trump
Do we have any information on who the young women was chatting to stalin love the footage
Maria Demchenko
In Soviet Russia men preside over Women's meetings!
In the rest of Europe at that time women were in the kitchen and taking care of their children while soviet women were fighting in the war. In Soviet Russia women's rights were way ahead of its time.
@@rosalia3736 based
@@rosalia3736 Yes a nation who sends it's women to die is based af.
@@gabrielarchange4680 yes (?)
@@rosalia3736 Dass rite you canon fodder.
That's his wife at 0:33 on the right
Какой он был простой, доступный, с народом, ну где таких сейчас найдешь? Сейчас живут в параллельном мире.
Как , а любимый пу, я вам такие же кадры найду
Скорее в перпендикулярном мире.
Даст бог окажетесь рядом с ним рас уж разделяете его взгляды. Аминь!
Soviet communism shared its roots with their utopian communist ancestors regarding the orthodox family and domestic economies. Philosophers Marx and Engels have asserted that the women’s freedom should mean the elimination of private property and having an ordinary family life where the relationship between them.
During the late 1840s, the idea of communism had risen among the European powers. Communism is the idea of a movement that aims to overthrow the capitalist order by revolutionary means and to establish a classless society in which all goods would be socially owned. In 1847, a group of radical workers called the "Communist League" met in London. The league chose two new members, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, to write a manifesto on their behalf. This communist manifesto reflects an attempt to explain the goals of communism, as well as the theory underlying the communist movement.
The Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things.
Conclusion: idk
@0:24 the lady asks stalin something. he says "da , pavidim". means " i will look into it". couldn't tell any more.
Nice video British pathe
Сразу видно, Сталин непубличный человек, неловко ему) вроде и радует происходящее, но куда себя деть не знает)) ему бы актёрское мастерство немного подтянуть, чтоб с экрана всех очаровывать и выглядеть увереннее перед камерой
Stalin orda çorap ve ter kokusundan kaçmak için artık yeter çekin şu görüntüyü dayanamıyorum diyor bence bu stalinin iç sesi
There are those who I know Joseph Stalin, Vyacheslav Molotov, Anastas Mikoyan, Serqo Ordjanikidze, Michael Kalinin, Kliment Voroshilov
How about Georgy Malenkov ? Nikita Khrushchev ?
They are not there in the video. I wrote the names of those who are in the video
@@КеримСултанов-й9з oops
Mikoyan ? The aviation engineer?
@@SchUlrich His brother.
ესეთ საუკეთესოთა შორის საუკეთესო ბაბუას ვერ ნახავ მთელ მსოფლიოში ♥️
Did I see Trotsky in there, too? Or just a guy that looked weirdly similar?
I might be wrong but Im pretty sure it’s Kalinin. (He looks really similar to Trotsky) He alsohad a much closer relationship with Stalin which also would back up the idea Stalin would let him go
@@TheAbsoluteguy700 Ahhh, that makes sense. Good catch, thanks.
He is Kalinin
most of the times,Kliment Voroshilov and Kalinin were around Stalin
Вижу Сталина-жму на лайк!
себе на голову жми
Stalin was a bloodthirsty monster, devouring volumes of books in his library and writing poetry. I bet politicians today wouldn't read 10 pages of a book.
Rare footage possibly. Thank you.
To taki ciepły człowiek był
He loved 100,000,000 Russians to death
@12jewelsfree73 actually more like 6 000 000 200 000 russians
Как говорил мой отец великие люди некогда не умерает, они всегда остается в поколений поколений
Это так , но важном с каким знаком плюс или минус
А масоновский клан.?
Так он не умер. Он сдох, обосравшись и обоссавшись!
@@felosav у тебя в гулаге кто-то сдох?
@@felosav Сталин сдох обошравись ?
So charming and elegant man!. My love comrade stalin the great ♥︎.
Father of the poor
Father of the opressed
Father of the folk
Man of steel
Tovarish Stalin
What is your hometown and generation?
@@mothratemporalradio517 Gori, Georgia
I'm 83 years old
@@JFLJKD that is very interesting. Georgia looks like a very beautiful country. I am not a Soviet and so do not share the same view of Stalin. But your loyalty is unshaken. In the West we see Stalin as having been responsible for many deaths. However i myself know more of Chinese communism than the rule of Stalin over time. I wouldn't normally have an opportunity to speak with a Georgian Stalinist of such venerable age, so would you mind of you can tell me more from your viewpoint and experience how Stalin helped the poor? Can you help me better understand why you remain so loyal to him as a leader, how would your life have been directly benefitted by his rule, and what do you think of government following the end of Stalin's rule and also the fall of the USSR? In the absence of Stalin, do you think the Soviet system was doomed? Would you reinstitute the USSR if you could and why? If you could consider answering any of those questions, i would be very interested. Also may i please ask for what duration of your life was Stalin in power? I take it he was probably already in power around the time you were born? Regards and cheers from Australia.
@Cat Everett Hello, First of all im glad you asked those questions. Stalin, actually the entire Soviet system was always demonized in the western world. Totally understandable because it was complete rejection of cultural-economical influence and control. Stalin converted a primitive agricultural country into a world power and sent it to space, defeated Nazi monster with his will-of-steel. You probably saw that historic speech on Red square on 7 November 1941. He celebrated 24th anniversary of the revolution and shown his determination to the entire world while Germans were pushing at the doorstep of Moscow, Caucasus, Leningrad, never got downhearted or never pumped fear-desparation to the people. He was just too ruthless towards those who could possibly undermine the system and those who could pose a threat & obstacle to his practices. Gulags built because of it. Prior to his death, during one of his last speeches, he said in Politbureau " When im gone, capitalists will drown you like blind kittens." and it happened. Soviet union was doomed in 1953, Because the first thing Khruschev did was declaring "De-stalinization", killing the spirit he created, causing the oligarchs to form such as " KGB elites, Politbureau elites, military elites" totally opposite of what the system was supposed to be. Those moves caused the Shake of Chinese-Soviet alliance known as " Sino-Soviet split " and emergence of Three Worlds Theory. Labeling Soviet system as a different form of imperialism. Not good for a sustainable solidarity in Eastern bloc. and the subsequent Soviet leaders maintained the status-quo and you know the Gorbachev's Glastnost-Perestroika, the beginning of the end. So yes, i'd be glad to see USSR rising again in a way that everybody in the region would embrace it.
@@JFLJKD what an interesting reply Solomon, thank you very much.
I know i am against the Chinese Communist Party we see in 2021 under Xi Jinping's administration. But the CCP are now uber capitalist at this stage of history in any event, now having more billionaires than anywhere else and surely the greatest gap between rich and poor.
In fairness, and sleepiness (it is the wee hours here in Australia) i want to acknowledge two things in respect of your reflection on WW2: firstly that for a Polish lady i have spoken with about the fall of Warsaw, in which her great uncle died during the Warsaw uprising, the Soviets were almost as bad as the Nazis. But i asked her is she could pick, were the Nazis worse. She said yes and directly described them making soap out of human beings. The thing i've realised more as i get older is that we surely wouldn't have seen a defeat of the Nazis without the input of Stalin and the efforts of Soviet troops. I must give that credit where credit is due because as far as i know, the Soviets suffered the most in terms of mortality, an unthinkable quantity dying to defeat Hitler.
As for the rest, i'm not very bright at the moment but i think you would be an interesting person to speak more with, because your age and experience gives you unique insight on the changes in the Soviet system over time as you set out. Thank you for doing that! There's quite a lot of food for thought. The USSR being so massive, i still have a lot to learn.
I have little doubt that some of the bad things i've heard are real, but things are rarely black and white. One film that plays around with the concept of communism being all bad is _Goodbye Lenin_ from Germany - one character, the mother, has been in a coma and doesn't realise the East of Germany has fallen along with the Berlin Wall, so her offspring go to lengths in the gentle offbeat comedy to make it look like nothing has actually changed. Films like this and some other exchanges have made me realise how nostalgia for some of the genuinely good things about communism could be very understandable, especially among older generations - that the loss is real.
As such, your criticism of what followed Stalin is very valuable in my thinking and it also raises some points from which to scrutinise the CCP following the death of Mao Zedong.
As far as i can tell, the poor in China are now subjected to all the brute force of capitalism with few if any genuine economic equalisers associated with communism.
Mao's campaigns themselves tended to result in great mortality, but at least there was still in theory a principle concerning the poorest folk.
It is odd, the current Party bears the same name but would be considered counter-revolutionary by the Red Guards (associated with the Cultural Revolution 1966 - 1976). I know more about this for various reasons, including the fact my teacher's father was forced to live in a pig sty for years to "re-educate" him. He had committed no crime. My teacher was pretty matter of fact about what happened. He didn't die in that time, but developed illnesses in association with those conditions, which he later died of. The Cultural Revolution began in 1966 but didn't end til 1976, so this is not that long ago. All he did was do his job - teach the existing syllabus. The Red Guards decided this and any other tradition was associated with imperialism and now declared counter-revolutionary. They weren't always consistent, except for being terrifying. The odd thing is that they were the young people so probably amidst the PRC's current hypercapitalism, there are a lot of old Red Guards. These are folk who destroyed Confucius's grave. These are two idelogical and economic extremes (late capitalism and the Cultural Revolution). I wonder if the cognitive dissonance must be next level! And if people realise what they gave up for what was promised only resulted in everything they were against in the first place.
The Chonese people are being subjected to the vagaries of capitalism yet are still unable to choose their ruler - for me, this is so unfair, it seems like the worst of both worlds and i certainly do wonder if there may be some folk there who miss Mao, whatever his foibles.
I am interested in learning more about Georgia, Russia, and most of the other many countries that once formed the USSR, and your comments actually help give me a bit of a springboard for that! Among other things, i appreciate that it's certainly not the same as China, and i'm interested in those values you mentioned that are less apparent, gaining a more balanced view.
I'll come back again for another look at a later time when i have had some more rest.
I must say on behalf of my Polish friend i wish Stalin hadn't invaded Poland!
I wish you all the best.
El siempre con su gran sonrisa 😊 ángeles y santos no existen para mi fue un gran governante siempre desconfiado por eso duro tanto en el poder.
Спасибо каналу!!!👍👍👍
0:14 can someone confirm if that is Leon Trotsky?
Its kalinin
@@chachichachi3557 thanks!!
Look at him how graceful he is.
Would anyone say that he sent most of those women's husbands to Gulags 😂
1:05 She is from Tajikistan in my opinion
Stalin was dangerous and amazing
Why do you think he was dangerous? For killing the Nazis and Nazi collaborators?
@helios_tigin Get lost you liar. Minorities were leading safe life under Stalin.
@helios_tigin Hey puny fascist preck, stop lying. There were some ethnic groups that were against the Socialist state, and they actively aligned with Nazis. They were mostly the Islamic minorities in Russia and Ukraine. Within these ethnic minorities who aligned with the Nazis, over 200,000 of them were unmarried youngsters who were in the age of getting married. Usually these Islamic minorities marry their children off at a young age. So imprisoning the young Nazi affiliators could result in young women of these ethnic minority marrying off men of some other ethnicity, and that would result in the complete erasure of that ethnicity. Instead of arresting those youngsters, central committee decided to deport the entire ethnic minorities beyond urals, so that they won't be able to help the Nazis, and also no need to arrest the youngsters once their aid is cut off from the Nazis and also no risk of that ethnicity getting vanished.
@@morningstararun6278he was dangerous
@@justacat2 Yes, he was dangerous for Nazis and Nazi collaborators.
The old man with the goatee is Kaminsky. I always sort of liked Mikoyan; he was a wily survivor. Ordzhonkidze committed suicide. Kaganovich and Molotov starved the Ukraine.
Она его задолбала 0:39 больше ее никто не видел
Денис Ильич Клявер , ей вручили медаль посмертно
@@alexlevashov348 все таки она достала его
Сentauro , она предлагала ему вечером заняться с ней изучением наследия маркса и Энгельса, а вы чего подумали?
Не врите. Умерла в 1995. Никто о её смерти не писал
Aloha , дайте инфу, интересно, как все сложилось?
А откуда данные, что эта запись 1935, 1936 годов? На 1:41 видно его жену Надежду Аллилуеву, а значит как минимум 1932
I remember this footage when I first saw it in "Apocalypse: Stalin" When the narrator said something that Stalin ask the girl about productivity she could made during the height of stakhanovite movement and she replied she could made more while whispering on Stalin's ear thus making him smiling...
If that's true I wonder in what context such words could make Uncle Joe became excited(that's only in my thought).
Was that Trotsky next to him???
it's Kalinin!!!!!!!!
Stalin , polina, kalinin e molotov
Voroshilov, kaganovith and Mikoyan
He probably thought it was the best place to pick up women.
Наш Советский вождь. Самый честный, самый справедливый. 👍
А ты кто, полоумный папуас ?
Looks like a moustache was compulsory for the men 😜
Stalins face as she just grabs his arm (0:37)
lmao based Stalin
AND? He politely and attentively listened to all that she wanted to tell him.
bro was probably paranoid he was gonna get assassinated tbh
who is that young women in white?
The Great Leader Stalin✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻❤️📷😊🌟🚩🇷🇺😍
he dead doe.
сраный палач ,который гнобил людей
You are sure that he was a great leader?
Слава Сталину!
@@АзатСайдашев-л9н сранину капут
1:05 İbrahim Tatlıses'in ne işi var orda yaa 🤣
Uzaktan yakından alakası yok s2m
Now everybody wants to know what she told him in his ear !
I heard later on she was shot for having bad breath! 🤪
1:14 The guy with short beard and glasses left to Stalin seems like Leon (Lev) Trotsky. Is that him? Or am I mistaken?
It is actually Mikhail Kalinin, the great Bolshevik and Soviet leader and close ally of Joseph Stalin. But do not worry, since he bears a somewhat close physical resemblance to the guy you referenced, so people mistake them very often.
"Эх, деревня ..!" Л.М. Гурченко.
Лол, убил)))))
Fears On The Faces
Что бы ни каркали, какие пороки не искали в Сталине. Он делал для народа очень много.
Согласен с Вамы Лиза
Верно! Перья для письма 50 годов отличные ...
Согласен 👍♥️
Самое удивительно на сто тыс. ЗК в те времена сидело 583 ЗК, в современной России - 627 ЗК, а в эталоне "демократии США" - 710 ЗК.
Nowadays, we can remove the music, use an algorythm to measure the subtle shifts in the clothing they wear, and measure what was being said!
The girl grabbed Stalin's arm !!
He isn't a monster mate. He wouldn't bite.
@@tbys1416 thats why he killed millions of people in own country.
Yeah.. he isnt a monster.
@@DeMonotheist you need to be ruthless. Leaders have to be ruthless.
Can't blame her, Stalin was a stud 😂
@@tbys1416 agree to disagree on that one
Free and proud women
Юзеф Сталин - один из крупнейших преступников 20 века. несет ответственность за гибель миллионов людей. Согласно выводам «Черной книги коммунизма» 20 миллионов человек погибли (из них 11 миллионов умерли от голода), и число жертв советских депортаций, депортаций и трудовых лагерей было трудно установить.
Какие 20!? Ровно 100 мульонов было убито лично Сталиным! Так что не надо тут дезинформировать.
было убито 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000чел.
Преступником его считает лишь "Чёрная книга коммунизма". В то время как реальность немного расходиться с ней.
Stalil is great man, American Media's created bad sotryes.
Stalil is great man, American Media's created bad sotryes.
Trotsky is there 0:15
that gives some sense of the date. Disappointing the Pathe didn't notice and describe that significant footage in here. "Quick CU of man" who was later icepicked in the head on Stalin's order.
It's not him, it's Mikhail Kalinin (chairman of central committee, he was considered Stalin's successor as well as Zhdanov, but both died shortly after WW2 and earlier than Stalin, one of old age (Kalinin) and another one of diabetes (Zhdanov)).
But you can see Voroshilov at 0:05 has pre-1935 insignia (in 1935 he became Marshal and had a big yellow star on collar), so I think it's somewhere about 1933 maybe. You can also see there are no other important figures like Bukharin or Zinoviev, so the footage is taken after the so called "inter-party struggle"
Чтобы не писали тут всякие ... Время расставляет всё по местам и неглупые люди понимают, как ценна была сталинская эпоха и УВАЖАЕМ народом, сам Иосиф Виссарионович.
Вы права Елена.привет Вас из Грузии
Написала больная на голову шизофреничка
Mario has changed a lot since i've last seen him. Saving Peach took a bit outta him huh?
Я русский,смешно сказал что супер Марио похож на Сталина)
The father of the nation ☹️
there was Trotsky there, so this video would be from 1924
This is Kalinin!
@@alinakirill Yes, true, sorry, that's my bad