I would like to say that this webinar was awesome and very informative. I am so excited to take this journey knowing that I have so much support from SNHU! Thank you.
SO exciting! :) Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us! *SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107 LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME. Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom. Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too! YOU GOT THIS!
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us! *SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107 LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME. Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom. Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too! YOU GOT THIS!
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us! *SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107 LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME. Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom. Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too! YOU GOT THIS!
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us! *SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107 LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME. Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom. Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too! YOU GOT THIS!
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us! *SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107 LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME. Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom. Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too! YOU GOT THIS!
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us! *SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107 LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME. Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom. Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too! YOU GOT THIS!
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us! *SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107 LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME. Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom. Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too! YOU GOT THIS!
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us! *SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107 LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME. Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom. Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too! YOU GOT THIS!
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us! *SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107 LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME. Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom. Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too! YOU GOT THIS!
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us! *SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107 LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME. Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom. Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too! YOU GOT THIS!
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us! *SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107 LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME. Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom. Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too! YOU GOT THIS!
I would like to say that this webinar was awesome and very informative. I am so excited to take this journey knowing that I have so much support from SNHU! Thank you.
Awesome! Thank you for letting us know! Welcome to SNHU! YOU GOT THIS!
I’m super excited, thanks!
We are excited for you! YOU GOT THIS!
Excited to start my first term with SNHU
We are excited for you! YOU GOT THIS!
I am so excited to get started, halfway done with my bachelors! You guys rock!
SO exciting! :) Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us!
*SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107
LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME.
Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d
This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom.
Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too!
Thank you for all the great information! I appreciate each one of y'all!!
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us!
*SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107
LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME.
Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d
This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom.
Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too!
Thank you and looking forward to this 2024-2025 school year!
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us!
*SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107
LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME.
Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d
This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom.
Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too!
Excited to finish my bachelors 💕
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us!
*SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107
LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME.
Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d
This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom.
Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too!
thi is a good information
So glad you found it helpful! Welcome to SNHU! YOU GOT THIS!
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us!
*SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107
LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME.
Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d
This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom.
Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too!
Yes? Ok. Yes💃🙃
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us!
*SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107
LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME.
Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d
This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom.
Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too!
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us!
*SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107
LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME.
Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d
This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom.
Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too!
Started it
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us!
*SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107
LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME.
Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d
This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom.
Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too!
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us!
*SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107
LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME.
Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d
This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom.
Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too!
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us!
*SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107
LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME.
Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d
This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom.
Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too!
Welcome to SNHU! 1. For those of you STARTING classes on September 2nd, Welcome to the SNHU family! We are excited for you to start your journey with us!
*SAVE THE DATE for our Preterm Learning Community Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Success *For students taking IDS 105 or SNHU 107
LIVE Session: Wednesday, August 28th @ Noon (12:00 pm) EAST COAST TIME.
Webinar Access Link via TEAMS: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI4YTQwN2MtZTBkMS00NTJjLTlmNGEtZDdhNTc3ZGYwMzJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222baef15b-b8de-423f-9d8a-46f3686d8848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c806b2a6-e6e2-4e1c-b112-72057fc9e5a3%22%7d
This session will go over the tips for your success to get started on your classes and a few ideas of how to navigate the e-classroom.
Keep an eye on your SNHU emails as there will be reminders for upcoming webinars and events! These are always recorded too!