Jeeze. Just let the guy zipper in for fuck sakes. Like it's really ginna ruin your whole day or something lol. Cool that the merc driver decided to play nice.
Don't people realize that you should merge when the lanes merge? Merging early basically makes a two lane road a one lane road and just backs up traffic even further.
But most people don't know how to merge. They rush up a x then stop traffic. If every knew one by one then this makes sense. But I'd block people just like this because they don't know how to drive
Some people don't like last second merges bc they feel that you are skipping the line. My opinion of the lane is open and it's about to end, take it up to when it is going to end and then merge over. But ppl don't like that sometimes because then you skipped them. When cars come on the freeway I will either speed up or let them in bc it's not worth getting side swiped. And the one car that merges in, what does that delay me by 10 seconds? It doesn't bother me as long as they aren't trying to merge in giving you little to no notice. If traffic is slow and my lane is ending I will slowly try to squeeze over into the other lane giving the driver time to give me some space. But sometimes they will just beep at you and are upset bc they felt that you skipped them. Rightly so I passed up 50 plus cars in the lane there was ending.
I can't understand the motive behind this except for that driver just felt like being a dick that day. If the Element was cheating traffic then I would cheer the VW on but it was a simple merge lane... No reason to be childish like that.
He then drove like a clown after that once the traffic cleared. Changed lanes, then changed his mind and nearly missed his exit. Just a fool and a richard.
Clueless Drivers of Maryland he probably saw that the guy behind him tried to give the Element space and the Element refused to take it. Also the Element didn't have his turn signal on so the SUV could not be reasonably expected to know that the Element wanted to merge.
Clueless Drivers of Maryland the vast majority of people in the Southeastern US will drive like this. The main motivation is do not pull ahead of me. anywhere but "ahead" of me. Behind me is fine beside me is fine even way way way ahead of me is less of a problem then just ahead of me is but do not pull just ahead of me. People feel that there's some type of a game to lose, if you get ahead of me then that means I'm losing by one move and you're winning by one move. and if you were behind me then you're supposed to stay behind me. If you get past me then that somehow suggest that you must have "cheated". Because I would like to be going faster and I can't go faster, why should you get to be ahead of me. because I would like to be further down the road than I am, why should you be allowed to be ahead of me? Don't you dare past me! Yes, you're right. it doesn't make any sense. It's stupidity and it's dangerous but it's way more common than you would ever believe, this refusal to help other drivers.
@@user-os8sq3uh4n. There are many ways to cheat traffic. Using the merge lane, when you already on the highway, to advance you position. Using the shoulder to advance position. Exiting the highway just to re-enter advance your position.
If the driver had put a signal on, as required, he probably would have been let in. But nobody cares about the rules any more, they don't apply to them...
Technically the lines ended and the green car should have slipped between the Jeep and the silver car. A case of "have to get one spot ahead". You know, those people who will merge into a space that's too small in front of you rather than a massive space behind you. Either way, both are going nowhere fast, so it doesn't make much difference.
Crash Burn *EXACTLY* the black Jeep stopped to let him in and he refused, then he got pissed at someone for not holding up traffic to let him over when he'd finally decided he was ready but didn't feel like using his turn signal!
You guys should learn about zipper merging. Merging early is not how it should be done. That's why you see massive traffic queues, people all get jammed into the same lane and that's creates even more traffic at other points behind.
Insanity: noun Insisting on getting into a lane you KNOW is closing, and then complaining because you have trouble getting back into the lane that remains open -and at the EXACT point that benefits you, specifically, the most. And doing it Every Single Time.
Whenever someone behind me blocks people from merging, Ill always stop and let the person who tries to merge infront of me........and some other cars as well. XD
The ONLY person correct is the Mercedes. Everyone else is wrong. The zipper merge is the best way to do it, so the green SUV had the correct idea, but in order to avoid road rage and accidents, we aren’t supposed to be headstrong and try to battle it out. Just let the asshole go in front of you, and you don’t need to wave your hands out the window or holler like a child. Mercedes fixes the whole problem by just saying “go ahead, child, so I don’t get involved in the irresponsible accident you both are about to have.
The stupid green Honda is wrong indeed. He had a chance to merge earlier, but decided to barrel down the merge lane, then force his way in at the end. Put your signal on and wait...
@@conservativedeveloper7289 Well, I suppose it might be better if everyone behaved properly, but we both know they don't so it ends up being a cluster @#$% when the lanes finally come together. I do my best to get over to the other lane early to avoid that mess. The long merge lanes encourage selfish/bad behavior.
People who block zipper merging deserve every ounce of road rage that they get directed toward them. Same thing with people who drive slow in the left lane. You aren't being safe or polite. You are being a dumbass by causing accidents and traffic jams. Here in Oregon, drivers are absolutely clueless about how merging works. They merge 6 to 12 car lengths before the lane ends (thinking that they are being polite) and block anyone from merging who actually drives to the end of the lane. It happens to me all the time. Last time, the guy speeds up from 10 mph to about 25 in the exit lane to make sure I wouldn't get in. The car behind him tried to do the same but I eventually got in after being pushed to the shoulder. We both took the same exit and we take the same side streets for a while. The whole time he stays in front to make sure I can't pass him. We eventually stop at a light and I pull out of the lane to take a shortcut that I know so I can get in front of this dickhead. The roads eventually converge at another light. I see him stopped at the intersection as I was crossing it. Made sure to give him a little one finger salute as I drove past. I'm sure he was pissed... which fills my heart with joy. Merge blockers are cancer.
They may deserve the road rage and even get it...But in the end, it is the drivers on the other lane who wont be allowed to merge and end up wasting time...The people not letting them merge arent doing so illegally and hence dont give a flying shit about your road rage...Theyll just roll up their windows and move on with their life when this guy will be struggling to merge lmao...
I often get out of the lane because the traffic in that lane has stopped moving. I’ll then travel past as many cars as I can and then get back into the other lane just before the closing lane actually closes. I use this strategy to get ahead of many vehicles. It works great.
Exactly right, I'm so tired of this crap. I always leave space in front of me when in the right lane so people can merge early...But, most times, my courtesy is ignored, the jerks just barrel down the merge lane then jam things up at the end trying to bully their way in....
did the person in the VW really think the green car would be so much ahead of him if he let him in? people are so rude these days. I'm glad the mercedes let him in.
I don't get why people just don't let other get in especially in traffic like that(Where are you going,'no where'.) A lot of people don't understand either that the merge doesn't end until the road goes back to It's default size. Stay to the right for as long as you can then get over.
Well, it's all in your approach and manners I guess...Using a signal a waiting your turn would be nice, the person in the merge lane DOES NOT have the right of way....I always leave space for people to merge, but they usually choose to ignore the opening I leave and barrel down the merge lane, then try to bully their way in at the end.
@@fleetwin1 That lane Is put their for a reason which Is to alleviate traffic. It's just like a zipper merge in a construction zone, If there is heavy to mediate traffic, you take the lane ALL the way down, when coming onto the highway It's the same concept.. That's how traffic engineers designed them to work. People don't seem to grasp this. That VW would be more at fault for being a dummy and not letting him in and being aggressive speeding up.
@@rhodeislanddashcam7506 While the VW was being a dumb ass, I surely understand his reasoning. The shit box Honda just drove down to the end, without even attempting to merge beforehand, then tried to push the VW out of the way. There were chances for the Honda to merge beforehand, but he chose not to, trying to get as far ahead as possible. This is why there are always jam ups like this, because everyone waits until the end to merge or get in the driving lane. Had the Honda put on his blinker and not tried to shove the VW out of the way, he probably would have let him in. The guy in the merge lane does not have the right of way, even though he obviously thinks he does. This same situation always occurs during construction when lanes are shut down. In spite of the many signs letting people know lanes are ending, people choose to jump into that lane to get ahead instead of staying in the lanes that aren't being shut down....Then everyone is jammed up when the lane does shut down...
@@rhodeislanddashcam7506 I would really love to read this somewhere in the driving manual, I don't think this is what the engineers really intended, for everyone to jam up at the end of the merge lane.
And then there's the people who just have to get one spot ahead even if it means pushing in when there's nospace, but there is a huge space behind them.
Typical Sacramento driver. This kind of crap is why I dont signal anymore. Using a signal tells jerks like that that it is time to speed up and cut off a lane change.
People who get triggered by whoever gets in front of them on the road, are as immature as people who get triggered by whoever gets ahead of them in life. Grow up.
I do exactly what the Mercedes driver did I when I see an inconsiderate driver like that. I have held the bully driver back and let 3 or 4 cars go ahead.
You realized by doing this you just completely screwed up the "zipper method" yes? The only inconsiderate driver I saw was the green Element. No signal, the black Jeep gave him space but he wasn't paying attention or just wanted to get further ahead. California Roadcam, you loving this comment just proved you are a hypocrite. You want people to use the zipper method, yet "love it" when people purposely hold people up to let 3-4 cars go ahead of the bully driver... Well done lol.
If the driver is denying the merge, just drive up and try the next car. People don't like letting ppl in bc they are envious that they have to sit and wait in slow traffic while you sped and passed up 50 plus cars in the lane that was ending. It happens more often than not. People don't like people who merge in at the last second bc they had to wait their turn while you skipped them in line. But last minute merging known as zipper merging says that last minute merging is good because all available space should be used on the freeway even if your lane is ending.
@@shidfard In slow traffic like this, you find your spot and merge as soon as you can. If you don't, you may be stuck waiting for someone gracious enough to give you space when your merge lane runs out.
@@shidfard There is significant efficiency in spacing generously and positioning courteously. Zipper doesn't work without it. Zipper is irrelevant with it.
Yep, the honda chose not to take advantage of spaces left for him earlier in the merge, then gets pissed when he is not allowed to bully his way in after barreling down to the end of the merge.
Don't people when they zip up there pants realize how a zipper works. One from the left, one from the right, one from the left, one from the right and so on. It's nearly like dancing. Quite simple really, but like with most things in life some people just have to be A-holes
The only thing resembling cheating here is these people in the right-most lane not letting in helping the on-ramp merge everyone following too closely to allow and help merging is cheating. Any of these people fighting to get out of the right lane are of the few people that are doing anything correctly.
When will those assholes finally figure they're not saving any time by preventing other people to merge? On the contrary, they create even more traffic jams. Same thing with tailgating in traffic, they're following up so close they need to completely stop to not rear end the car in front of them, which forces other people behind to also stop, creating a chain reaction, increasing traffic jams, and also the risks of accidents (when you drive at regular highway speeds and suddenly you need to stop... )
see that sort of road condition where traffic is heavy and going slow, this is the situation where I agree the zipper merge would work, there is no one zipping ahead and there is no appearance of "cutting ahead of everyone else." I live in a smaller state and routinely go down a road that merges from 2 lanes to 1 but traffic is much faster and not nearly as heavy so there is simply no excuse to wait to the last minute to merge. So I have to admit, I clicked on this video expecting to actually root for the guy blocking the merge, but in this particular situation, nah the blocker is a prick and is actively impeding traffic.
They should have let them in..its a zipper merge, its a way for cars to use BOTH lanes up to merge point- to speed up traffic overall. Blocking them is not good. Their not being rude even if it looks like their cutting in line their not..alot of folks still dont understand the zipper merge so they get mad instead..
I literally was dealing with an asshole like this today when a semi truck was merging in to the lane i was on so i put my blinker and after checking over my shoulder i had a small window but enough to be able to change lanes.... as soon as i started to change lanes the the driver i saw in my sidemirror sped up as to block me from enterimg his lane😂 my car mind you was already halfway in the lane and my nose was also infront of his car meaning I am clearly in the lane already😂 but he was mad that someone got in front of him and hes mad he didnt react fast enough😂 to top this all of he was acting this way while having his (what it seemed to me) 8 daughter in the passenger.
The green vehicle should not have had any expectation of being let in to the travel lane until someone is gracious enough to do so comes along. The entrance lane has no priority over the main stream of traffic. If a car wants to enter the travel lane while I'm already there, I'll be inclined to let them in IF they don't try to push their way in and IF they use their legally required turn signal for the maneuver. If they choose instead to be a dickhead, they can just stay right where they are. There's a right way and a wrong way to do things and this green vehicle chose the wrong way. It's his/hers own fault for the predicament they're in.
joe woodchuck and he'd already declined someone's gracious offer. Right after the switch to the rear camera you can clearly see the black Jeep stop and leave a space he could have easily taken. After that, you get to wait.
Traffic flows best when people don't try to merge 2 early and our courteous to other drivers whichever Lane they are in. Too often people panic and try to get into the middle of the merge straight away and literally hold one lane of traffic up from that point back. Then there's the other kind of people who sit in the congested Lane leave the other Lane empty and then get annoyed when other people use that Lane before the merge. You're supposed to use both lanes and merge at the correct point one left one right. If one side is clear you also have the opportunity to use that laying so don't be a dick and block people from merging who use that Lane instead of you
It's a joint responsibility. California may have different merging laws, but where I'm at, you are required to allow someone in from merging as long as they are going with the flow of traffic, if not, you will get fined for impeding the flow of traffic. Besides, what's the issue with common courtesy. It prevents you from looking like a self centered idiot.
i’m trying to learn how to merge safely, but i’m not quite sure what’s going on in this video. is the green car or the silver car next to it in the wrong?
Typically when traffic is not flowing, you “zipper merge” on an onramp like this. The silver car was blocking the green car from merging just to be one car in front in very slow traffic.
@@CaliforniaRoadcam The merging car does NOT have the right of way...He could have gotten in back a ways in the space left open but chose not to. Instead, he chose to barrel down the merge lane, then get pissed when people don't get out of his way. I'm not condoning road rage or blocking the jerk, that could cause an accident, but totally understand how the VW felt. I experience this same crap in the Ted Williams tunnel leaving Boston all the time. I leave space for people to merge from the right, there ignore my courtesy in favor of barreling down the merge lane then forcing their way in at the end...Which jams traffic.
I surely don't advocate road rage, but the shit box Honda DOES NOT have the right of way, just because he chose to ignore spaces left for him earlier in the merge. Then, he gets pissed when he tries to force his way in at the end...Put on your signal and wait.
@@fleetwin1 People have no idea how to drive. The whole point of a zipper merge is to utilize the most amount of road as possible rather than turning a 4 lane highway into a 3 and a half lane highway because some do gooder wants to stop traffic half a mile before the merging lane ends and "politely" ask permission to get over. Zipper merging also makes the process safer by making only one single point of merger (that being the very end of the lane) rather than having dozens of different drivers negotiating with dozens of other drivers in front, behind and to the side of them all at the same arbitrary time. Being against zipper merging is like a 4 way stop sign with no rule about the right of way where all parties are just inching forward saying "no you go, no you, no no no you go, I insist" all the while everyone else is sitting behind them 😒watching their obsequious virtue signaling.🤢
Totally agree...It's one thing if he was waiting there with his signal on, but no, he chose to barrel down the merge lane then wanted to force his way in, all to get ahead a few car lengths. This jerk off had a chance to get in earlier, but chose to ignore that space.
They should only issue driver's licenses to people that are sexually active as they have less tension & stress. Those that are sexually fustrated need to be banned from driving until they get laid. This eliminate alot of road rage.
wow Mercedes driver saw it to and gave that SUV a bit of Karma justice lol
Seriously I love it, Mercedes saw it the whole way & the SUV gained absolutely nothing but looking like a complete jerk
@alelx jines I got merged blocked by a Mercedes just recently.
German drivers are the best
@@BigMassiveWeiner it's for assholes like you that I keep the hitch on the back of my car. If you want hole into your bumper, you're welcome.
If I'm denied, once I'm in, I'm giving merges away like Oprah.
Been there!😂 i let a. Slow handicap driver infront me to
WOW, never have I seen someone so determined at blocking someone from merging. What would that have solved?
Just making up for his microdong. I wish there wasn't a glare on his windshield. He was making a scene too. Pointing back and gesturing.
Can't be .1 seconds late to work, I guess.
Taught the driver of the green vehicle he should use a turn signal.
@@XTheCrystalBeastGuyX Probably taught this selfish moron nothing, he obviously thinks he has right of way.
Technically it’s not anyone’s job to help you merge.
Green Element is low on blinker fluid.
Nolan B I believe the correct term is headlight fluid
l.g. pichardo No, it’s blinker fluid.
Jeeze. Just let the guy zipper in for fuck sakes. Like it's really ginna ruin your whole day or something lol. Cool that the merc driver decided to play nice.
Yeah, love it when people recognize and stick it to the guy being rude
Don't people realize that you should merge when the lanes merge?
Merging early basically makes a two lane road a one lane road and just backs up traffic even further.
But most people don't know how to merge. They rush up a x then stop traffic. If every knew one by one then this makes sense. But I'd block people just like this because they don't know how to drive
Some people don't like last second merges bc they feel that you are skipping the line. My opinion of the lane is open and it's about to end, take it up to when it is going to end and then merge over. But ppl don't like that sometimes because then you skipped them. When cars come on the freeway I will either speed up or let them in bc it's not worth getting side swiped. And the one car that merges in, what does that delay me by 10 seconds? It doesn't bother me as long as they aren't trying to merge in giving you little to no notice. If traffic is slow and my lane is ending I will slowly try to squeeze over into the other lane giving the driver time to give me some space. But sometimes they will just beep at you and are upset bc they felt that you skipped them. Rightly so I passed up 50 plus cars in the lane there was ending.
I can't understand the motive behind this except for that driver just felt like being a dick that day. If the Element was cheating traffic then I would cheer the VW on but it was a simple merge lane... No reason to be childish like that.
He then drove like a clown after that once the traffic cleared. Changed lanes, then changed his mind and nearly missed his exit. Just a fool and a richard.
Clueless Drivers of Maryland he probably saw that the guy behind him tried to give the Element space and the Element refused to take it. Also the Element didn't have his turn signal on so the SUV could not be reasonably expected to know that the Element wanted to merge.
Clueless Drivers of Maryland the vast majority of people in the Southeastern US will drive like this. The main motivation is do not pull ahead of me.
anywhere but "ahead" of me.
Behind me is fine beside me is fine even way way way ahead of me is less of a problem then just ahead of me is but do not pull just ahead of me.
People feel that there's some type of a game to lose, if you get ahead of me then that means I'm losing by one move and you're winning by one move.
and if you were behind me then you're supposed to stay behind me. If you get past me then that somehow suggest that you must have "cheated".
Because I would like to be going faster and I can't go faster, why should you get to be ahead of me.
because I would like to be further down the road than I am, why should you be allowed to be ahead of me?
Don't you dare past me!
Yes, you're right. it doesn't make any sense.
It's stupidity and it's dangerous but it's way more common than you would ever believe, this refusal to help other drivers.
"Cheating traffic"? You must mean breakdown lane... because a legal lane is never "cheating".
@@user-os8sq3uh4n. There are many ways to cheat traffic. Using the merge lane, when you already on the highway, to advance you position. Using the shoulder to advance position. Exiting the highway just to re-enter advance your position.
If the driver had put a signal on, as required, he probably would have been let in. But nobody cares about the rules any more, they don't apply to them...
Right, because clearly the guy denying the merge had no idea he was trying to merge into his lane... *facepalm*
Well, no one cares about rules and being considerate.
right? people who don't use signals shouldn't be on the road, they expect others to be mind readers
So mercedes drivers are actually nice!
On this day, YES!
Ive never really had problems with Benz drivers. Mostly chevy, and BMW drivers lol
He missed his chance to merge in front of the black Jeep, oh well!
Technically the lines ended and the green car should have slipped between the Jeep and the silver car. A case of "have to get one spot ahead". You know, those people who will merge into a space that's too small in front of you rather than a massive space behind you.
Either way, both are going nowhere fast, so it doesn't make much difference.
Exactly....If you are going to pull this maneuver, you need to be prepared for it failing....Just put on your signal and wait...
at 16 seconds there is a huge space to switch lanes that would allow for an easy merge....
Crash Burn *EXACTLY* the black Jeep stopped to let him in and he refused, then he got pissed at someone for not holding up traffic to let him over when he'd finally decided he was ready but didn't feel like using his turn signal!
You guys should learn about zipper merging. Merging early is not how it should be done. That's why you see massive traffic queues, people all get jammed into the same lane and that's creates even more traffic at other points behind.
God forbid he used that open spot, would much rather barrel down the merge lane and bully his way in at the end.
@@fleetwin1 - Did you not bother to read @HCkev comment?
Insanity: noun
Insisting on getting into a lane you KNOW is closing, and then complaining because you have trouble getting back into the lane that remains open -and at the EXACT point that benefits you, specifically, the most.
And doing it
Whenever someone behind me blocks people from merging, Ill always stop and let the person who tries to merge infront of me........and some other cars as well. XD
I had to watch this again. Great capture!
Thanks! That guy was such a donkey. I think he was late 50's. Been around long enough to not be such a meat wad you would think
The ONLY person correct is the Mercedes. Everyone else is wrong.
The zipper merge is the best way to do it, so the green SUV had the correct idea, but in order to avoid road rage and accidents, we aren’t supposed to be headstrong and try to battle it out. Just let the asshole go in front of you, and you don’t need to wave your hands out the window or holler like a child. Mercedes fixes the whole problem by just saying “go ahead, child, so I don’t get involved in the irresponsible accident you both are about to have.
Hell no I wouldn't let you break in line at the fast food place, grocery store, why would I let you cheat on a highway?
CBSBASS do you block people on the sidewalk too if they walk faster than you? Jesus Christ...
The stupid green Honda is wrong indeed. He had a chance to merge earlier, but decided to barrel down the merge lane, then force his way in at the end. Put your signal on and wait...
@@fleetwin1 That's actually the right way to merge. Merging early causes more congestion.
@@conservativedeveloper7289 Well, I suppose it might be better if everyone behaved properly, but we both know they don't so it ends up being a cluster @#$% when the lanes finally come together. I do my best to get over to the other lane early to avoid that mess. The long merge lanes encourage selfish/bad behavior.
People who block zipper merging deserve every ounce of road rage that they get directed toward them. Same thing with people who drive slow in the left lane. You aren't being safe or polite. You are being a dumbass by causing accidents and traffic jams.
Here in Oregon, drivers are absolutely clueless about how merging works. They merge 6 to 12 car lengths before the lane ends (thinking that they are being polite) and block anyone from merging who actually drives to the end of the lane. It happens to me all the time.
Last time, the guy speeds up from 10 mph to about 25 in the exit lane to make sure I wouldn't get in. The car behind him tried to do the same but I eventually got in after being pushed to the shoulder. We both took the same exit and we take the same side streets for a while. The whole time he stays in front to make sure I can't pass him. We eventually stop at a light and I pull out of the lane to take a shortcut that I know so I can get in front of this dickhead. The roads eventually converge at another light. I see him stopped at the intersection as I was crossing it. Made sure to give him a little one finger salute as I drove past. I'm sure he was pissed... which fills my heart with joy. Merge blockers are cancer.
People in Melbourne Australia do it too. Typical karens and Darren's.
They may deserve the road rage and even get it...But in the end, it is the drivers on the other lane who wont be allowed to merge and end up wasting time...The people not letting them merge arent doing so illegally and hence dont give a flying shit about your road rage...Theyll just roll up their windows and move on with their life when this guy will be struggling to merge lmao...
I often get out of the lane because the traffic in that lane has stopped moving. I’ll then travel past as many cars as I can and then get back into the other lane just before the closing lane actually closes. I use this strategy to get ahead of many vehicles. It works great.
No it was the honda that tried to skip when he ignored his spot behind the Volkswagen just to get one car ahead.
Exactly right, I'm so tired of this crap. I always leave space in front of me when in the right lane so people can merge early...But, most times, my courtesy is ignored, the jerks just barrel down the merge lane then jam things up at the end trying to bully their way in....
did the person in the VW really think the green car would be so much ahead of him if he let him in? people are so rude these days. I'm glad the mercedes let him in.
I don't get why people just don't let other get in especially in traffic like that(Where are you going,'no where'.)
A lot of people don't understand either that the merge doesn't end until the road goes back to It's default size. Stay to the right for as long as you can then get over.
Well, it's all in your approach and manners I guess...Using a signal a waiting your turn would be nice, the person in the merge lane DOES NOT have the right of way....I always leave space for people to merge, but they usually choose to ignore the opening I leave and barrel down the merge lane, then try to bully their way in at the end.
@@fleetwin1 That lane Is put their for a reason which Is to alleviate traffic. It's just like a zipper merge in a construction zone, If there is heavy to mediate traffic, you take the lane ALL the way down, when coming onto the highway It's the same concept.. That's how traffic engineers designed them to work. People don't seem to grasp this. That VW would be more at fault for being a dummy and not letting him in and being aggressive speeding up.
@@rhodeislanddashcam7506 While the VW was being a dumb ass, I surely understand his reasoning. The shit box Honda just drove down to the end, without even attempting to merge beforehand, then tried to push the VW out of the way. There were chances for the Honda to merge beforehand, but he chose not to, trying to get as far ahead as possible. This is why there are always jam ups like this, because everyone waits until the end to merge or get in the driving lane. Had the Honda put on his blinker and not tried to shove the VW out of the way, he probably would have let him in. The guy in the merge lane does not have the right of way, even though he obviously thinks he does. This same situation always occurs during construction when lanes are shut down. In spite of the many signs letting people know lanes are ending, people choose to jump into that lane to get ahead instead of staying in the lanes that aren't being shut down....Then everyone is jammed up when the lane does shut down...
@@rhodeislanddashcam7506 I would really love to read this somewhere in the driving manual, I don't think this is what the engineers really intended, for everyone to jam up at the end of the merge lane.
I hate people like this. They act like its the end of the world if one car gets in front of them.
And then there's the people who just have to get one spot ahead even if it means pushing in when there's nospace, but there is a huge space behind them.
He had a hug spot behind that car he was trying to merge into
Driver sounds like such a dad
Typical Sacramento driver. This kind of crap is why I dont signal anymore. Using a signal tells jerks like that that it is time to speed up and cut off a lane change.
VW drivers in his own little selfish world.
People who get triggered by whoever gets in front of them on the road, are as immature as people who get triggered by whoever gets ahead of them in life. Grow up.
I do exactly what the Mercedes driver did I when I see an inconsiderate driver like that. I have held the bully driver back and let 3 or 4 cars go ahead.
You realized by doing this you just completely screwed up the "zipper method" yes? The only inconsiderate driver I saw was the green Element. No signal, the black Jeep gave him space but he wasn't paying attention or just wanted to get further ahead.
California Roadcam, you loving this comment just proved you are a hypocrite. You want people to use the zipper method, yet "love it" when people purposely hold people up to let 3-4 cars go ahead of the bully driver... Well done lol.
@@DickGazInYa issuing justice against merge blockers supersedes all traffic rules.
If the driver is denying the merge, just drive up and try the next car. People don't like letting ppl in bc they are envious that they have to sit and wait in slow traffic while you sped and passed up 50 plus cars in the lane that was ending. It happens more often than not. People don't like people who merge in at the last second bc they had to wait their turn while you skipped them in line. But last minute merging known as zipper merging says that last minute merging is good because all available space should be used on the freeway even if your lane is ending.
Much love to Mercedes. Honda needs to learn what a signal is. VW needs to get off the damn road
I guess no one here knows how a merge works. As soon as the white lane ends, the merge is over.
Trolling the hell out of him
It’s people like that that hold up the traffic. Learn the zipper move. The road is for everyone.
That Mercedes driver is nice
Clearly missing video.
0:13 dotted line in front cam.
0:14 no line at all in rear cam.
Which is impossible, obviously.
When merging onto the highway, you shouldn’t be passing cars already on there. That is cutting in line.
Sorry, that isn't how merging works in slow flow traffic. You should utilize the full road before merging in.
@@shidfard In slow traffic like this, you find your spot and merge as soon as you can. If you don't, you may be stuck waiting for someone gracious enough to give you space when your merge lane runs out.
@@neuideas Sounds like you don't understand how efficient a zipper merge is
@@shidfard There is significant efficiency in spacing generously and positioning courteously. Zipper doesn't work without it. Zipper is irrelevant with it.
@@neuideas No shit, that is literally what a zipper merge involves
😣 For real...are you kidding me? Some people have issues.
For real
The guy in the green had space to go behind the grey car and the black jeep but he wanted to be bpetty and be let in the front like he owns the road
did he signal?
That would help also..
I think the honda should just go behind them. why do they need to get in front lol
Yep, the honda chose not to take advantage of spaces left for him earlier in the merge, then gets pissed when he is not allowed to bully his way in after barreling down to the end of the merge.
Yeah, he totally could have gotten in, in front of the black jeep. So I don't feel sorry for him at all.
Don't people when they zip up there pants realize how a zipper works. One from the left, one from the right, one from the left, one from the right and so on. It's nearly like dancing. Quite simple really, but like with most things in life some people just have to be A-holes
Wow I agree with the green car guy that white sedan was really not wanting to let him in either
The only thing resembling cheating here is these people in the right-most lane not letting in helping the on-ramp merge everyone following too closely to allow and help merging is cheating. Any of these people fighting to get out of the right lane are of the few people that are doing anything correctly.
Her signal light isn’t on first of all. Secondly, she’s driving in the breakdown lane.
That’s how it’s supposed to be done but nobody understands the concept nowadays
When will those assholes finally figure they're not saving any time by preventing other people to merge? On the contrary, they create even more traffic jams. Same thing with tailgating in traffic, they're following up so close they need to completely stop to not rear end the car in front of them, which forces other people behind to also stop, creating a chain reaction, increasing traffic jams, and also the risks of accidents (when you drive at regular highway speeds and suddenly you need to stop... )
100% agreed!
1:15 That's why he drives Mercedes.
Brilliant solution.
see that sort of road condition where traffic is heavy and going slow, this is the situation where I agree the zipper merge would work, there is no one zipping ahead and there is no appearance of "cutting ahead of everyone else." I live in a smaller state and routinely go down a road that merges from 2 lanes to 1 but traffic is much faster and not nearly as heavy so there is simply no excuse to wait to the last minute to merge. So I have to admit, I clicked on this video expecting to actually root for the guy blocking the merge, but in this particular situation, nah the blocker is a prick and is actively impeding traffic.
They should have let them in..its a zipper merge, its a way for cars to use BOTH lanes up to merge point- to speed up traffic overall.
Blocking them is not good.
Their not being rude even if it looks like their cutting in line their not..alot of folks still dont understand the zipper merge so they get mad instead..
I literally was dealing with an asshole like this today when a semi truck was merging in to the lane i was on so i put my blinker and after checking over my shoulder i had a small window but enough to be able to change lanes.... as soon as i started to change lanes the the driver i saw in my sidemirror sped up as to block me from enterimg his lane😂 my car mind you was already halfway in the lane and my nose was also infront of his car meaning I am clearly in the lane already😂 but he was mad that someone got in front of him and hes mad he didnt react fast enough😂 to top this all of he was acting this way while having his (what it seemed to me) 8 daughter in the passenger.
The green vehicle should not have had any expectation of being let in to the travel lane until someone is gracious enough to do so comes along. The entrance lane has no priority over the main stream of traffic. If a car wants to enter the travel lane while I'm already there, I'll be inclined to let them in IF they don't try to push their way in and IF they use their legally required turn signal for the maneuver. If they choose instead to be a dickhead, they can just stay right where they are. There's a right way and a wrong way to do things and this green vehicle chose the wrong way. It's his/hers own fault for the predicament they're in.
joe woodchuck and he'd already declined someone's gracious offer. Right after the switch to the rear camera you can clearly see the black Jeep stop and leave a space he could have easily taken. After that, you get to wait.
Michael Carnes well if YOU are going to make up all the rules, at least share with everyone! I never heard of your version sir.
Traffic flows best when people don't try to merge 2 early and our courteous to other drivers whichever Lane they are in. Too often people panic and try to get into the middle of the merge straight away and literally hold one lane of traffic up from that point back. Then there's the other kind of people who sit in the congested Lane leave the other Lane empty and then get annoyed when other people use that Lane before the merge. You're supposed to use both lanes and merge at the correct point one left one right. If one side is clear you also have the opportunity to use that laying so don't be a dick and block people from merging who use that Lane instead of you
It's a joint responsibility. California may have different merging laws, but where I'm at, you are required to allow someone in from merging as long as they are going with the flow of traffic, if not, you will get fined for impeding the flow of traffic. Besides, what's the issue with common courtesy. It prevents you from looking like a self centered idiot.
That guy in the green car was a guy are u blind
you gotta signal bruh. there was no signal
i’m trying to learn how to merge safely, but i’m not quite sure what’s going on in this video. is the green car or the silver car next to it in the wrong?
Typically when traffic is not flowing, you “zipper merge” on an onramp like this. The silver car was blocking the green car from merging just to be one car in front in very slow traffic.
@@CaliforniaRoadcam The merging car does NOT have the right of way...He could have gotten in back a ways in the space left open but chose not to. Instead, he chose to barrel down the merge lane, then get pissed when people don't get out of his way. I'm not condoning road rage or blocking the jerk, that could cause an accident, but totally understand how the VW felt. I experience this same crap in the Ted Williams tunnel leaving Boston all the time. I leave space for people to merge from the right, there ignore my courtesy in favor of barreling down the merge lane then forcing their way in at the end...Which jams traffic.
@@fleetwin1he’s tailgating the guy in front of him to prevent someone from merging. He’s breaking the law and at fault.
You’re not wrong, California boasts the biggest percentage of fruit and nut production in the nation, there are orchards everywhere
@@CaliforniaRoadcam I think he meant some of the drivers in this clip are NUTS. Cryptically speaking
0:38 denies because green car driver is not using blinkers and is very rude.
I surely don't advocate road rage, but the shit box Honda DOES NOT have the right of way, just because he chose to ignore spaces left for him earlier in the merge. Then, he gets pissed when he tries to force his way in at the end...Put on your signal and wait.
@@fleetwin1exactly the green car had space behind that car but wanted to bully his way in front of that car acting like he owns the road
@@fleetwin1 People have no idea how to drive.
The whole point of a zipper merge is to utilize the most amount of road as possible rather than turning a 4 lane highway into a 3 and a half lane highway because some do gooder wants to stop traffic half a mile before the merging lane ends and "politely" ask permission to get over. Zipper merging also makes the process safer by making only one single point of merger (that being the very end of the lane) rather than having dozens of different drivers negotiating with dozens of other drivers in front, behind and to the side of them all at the same arbitrary time. Being against zipper merging is like a 4 way stop sign with no rule about the right of way where all parties are just inching forward saying "no you go, no you, no no no you go, I insist" all the while everyone else is sitting behind them 😒watching their obsequious virtue signaling.🤢
@@TM-gd5is A nice idea in theory, but folks tend to insist on jamming five "zipper teeth" into one slot...Jamming up the end of the merge
Childish act. Take the VW driver's license away, please.
@Green Beast Exactly. He could have merged behind the VW but he wanted to get further up the line. All while not even having a turn signal on at that.
Good I do the same thing in my semi
I wouldn't have let that loser merge over either. Use your turn signal to let people know you want to merge. It's just common sense.
Totally agree...It's one thing if he was waiting there with his signal on, but no, he chose to barrel down the merge lane then wanted to force his way in, all to get ahead a few car lengths. This jerk off had a chance to get in earlier, but chose to ignore that space.
Where else do you think he’s going to go?
They should only issue driver's licenses to people that are sexually active as they have less tension & stress. Those that are sexually fustrated need to be banned from driving until they get laid. This eliminate alot of road rage.
Brake Check On His Rude azz.... He's going to cause an accident one day but Karma will find him/her
Guy in the Honda is a clown. Old middle aged men are the worst drivers and think they are tough. Quit skipping the line
well done mercedes driver!!
This is why i deny SUVs