Johan liebert from monster is better than him even some dc fans have admitted Johan is a better villain even in a video wanking the dark knight and I put Johan and no one said anything about it and judge holden from blood meridian is better than both, you should read more fiction.
@@dixonb.tweenerlegs4225 and since when popularity equals quality huh I could bring so many movies better than the dark knight the main protagonist from vagabond has character development batman could only dream of so don't use this dire excuse popularity is a dire excuse don't be a sheep
"some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn". -alfred describing the joker.
Actually, Alfred was describing the Burmese Bandit from his days with the British special forces. However, he was comparing that Man's nature to that of the Joker.
Also, here's a list of those men and women from fiction...... Fender (from Cyborg) Angelus (from Buffy) Callisto (from Xena) Cronos (from Highlander the TV show) Chucky (from Childs Play) Michael Myers (from Halloween) Carnage aka Cletus Casady (from Spider-Man) Wilhuff Tarkin (from Star Wars) Simon (from Walking Dead) Malachai (from Children of the Corn) And then Simon Phoenix (from Demolition Man) And those are simply the ones I can remember, but I am sure there's many more.
@@theuglybeing4673 That is correct. With the saying it could mean my old friend is coming over to enjoy dinner with me and it can also mean that I'm eating my old friend for dinner. Hense the double meaning. Even though people would mean it one way, Hannibal means it litterally..
You should do something about it. I’m not saying you should wear a 1970’s style hockey mask and kill the people responsible for this oversight with a machete. I’m just sayin’...
Shreyas shintre dude you have no idea. I’ve always put them on the same spectrum Michael is on one end and joker is on the other and in the middle Patrick Bateman.
@@JudgeHolden2003 I was just joking lol 😂 sidious is way more evil than Rick. Also idk 🤷♂️ who your talking about because I don’t know who “Eric Cartman” is.
@@packedentertainment2866 Eric Cartman is a 9 year Old devil incarnate from South Park- he killed off one guy's parents, took their bodies, but he butchered them and turned them into chili at night, then feed them to him on a party on the next Day, laughing.
Um....when it comes to Disney villains, I don’t think that Scar should be on this list. If you were just going to have one Disney villain, the OBVIOUS choice would be Judge Claude Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Yes, Scar killed Mufasa (which is unforgivable), but when you put it against the things that Frollo did, it’s kinda a no brainier.... Frollo: -Killed an innocent mother who was trying to run away from him (on the steps of a church) -tried to drown that woman’s baby in a well (who he then was forced to adopt) -was physically and mentally abusive to his adopted son -tried to purge Paris of the Romani population (dude was racist af) -lusted after a 16 year old girl -groped a 16 year old girl in Notre Dame -said to that girl “if you don’t have sex with me, I’ll burn you alive” (which he nearly does) -burned down Paris to find her, including burning houses with people inside of them (killing those people) -committed genocide -and tried to murder his adopted son (by literally stabbing him in the back) Scar is my favourite Disney villain (joint with Ratigan), but he is no where near as evil as Frollo. Frollo is more evil than some villains that aren’t even animated.
my favorite villains from movies: Anton Chigurh Tv show: Ramsey Bolton Cartoon show: Bill Cipher Videogames: Vaaz Montenegro Anime/manga: Johan Liebheart Comic Book: the joker
I have my own villains-list (but I do not have those from comic-books and novels): - movie; Darth Sidius - tv show; the Lich - video game; Dr Eggman - anime; Dio Brando
@@modernyin6275 He definitely could be there but he has always been my least favorite of the Big 3. Tried to limit horror villains and didnt even include animated villains as my list would have gone on and on
Brock Osweiler these vids never get as many views as it used to, it can’t even reach more than one million views. This is a perfect example of a channel that produces quantity over quality.
I feel Fire Lord Ozai from Avatar deserves an honorable mention. He attempted to lead a mass genocide of the Earth Kingdom, became monarch by taking advantage of his brother Iroh’s loss of his son, failed to realize what living up to his expectations was doing to his daughter Azula, and of course the burning and exiling of his son Zuko
Jigsaw isn't a villain He's a man trying to teach lessons With his abilities to predict the future perfectly He gathers an army to torture people so they would value life more Wait
Here’s one you forgot to mention, in three quotes from three different versions of the character: 1. “The laws of celestial mechanics dictate that when two objects collide, there is always damage of a collateral nature.” 2. “Every fairytale needs a good old-fashioned villain.” 3. “This is a duel between you and me ... you hope to place me in the dock, you hope to beat me. If you are clever enough to bring destruction upon me, rest assured, I shall do as much for you.” Answer: I am referring, of course, to Professor Moriarty of the Sherlock Holmes franchise.
Movie: Michael Myers and Hannibal Lecter Comic: The Joker Video Game: Albert Wesker Cartoon: The Shredder (TMNT 2003) TV: Ramsay Bolton Book: Voldemort
@@lourdesfelicianolopez6247 more like manga/anime. I've never that anime, & never plan too cause it's just too weird for me 😛, so I don't know what that character truly is like but I see Freiza as more evil, being pretty much pure evil.
@@anatoldenevers237 I don't know I do know a lot of evil characters but I think the evil character should be Freddy Kruger or pennywise or the indoraptor
This list makes it seem like you have to be intelligent to be most evil. NOBODY is more evil than Michael Myers, he doesn’t even waste his time talking to anyone
Dude how didn't they include Dr. James Moriarty from The Sherlock Holmes series who didn't even give a 2nd thought and killed himself just to make his plan work
The best line from the best villain of all time is Hannibal Lecter telling the Senator..."Love your suit." Best villain line of all time. He's mocking her by implying that her daughter would be skinned and sewed into a human suit by another psychopath, and also giving her a genuine compliment and displaying his superior taste. Such a perfect line
My favourites are Movies- Voldemort Comics- The Joker Animated- sideshow Bob TV- Finn Kelly ( Neighbours ) Books- James Stainkey ( Darc Universe ) Real life- Adolf Hitler
Jimmy Saville and Aleister Crowley are/were probably worse than Hitler or Stalin. Or at least just as evil. Not to mention Jeffrey Dahmer, Gary Ridgeway, John W. Gacy, etc.
@xx mercedes swiftie xx I can assure you i wouldn't want to sit through a HANNIBAL LECTURE ! he can be pretty biting in his comments LOL! I knew what you meant just joking with you!
I feel like everyone in WatchMojo slept on Dio. Maybe Diavolo? A good case can be made for both. Dio locked a dog in a furnace and set it on fire because it annoyed him, impaled Kakyoin, a Japanese highschool art student, through the chest and launched him into a water tower, and crashed Best Boy Jonathan's wedding (and the wedding boat) as a disembodied head, all on top of being a narcissistic and all-powerful vampire. Diavolo, meanwhile, is the big boss of a sprawling Italian mafia that has no qualms selling drugs to children and is hellbent on murdering his own daughter simply because she exists
Joker wins this by a longshot. You can’t just look at live action, he’s in so many different forms of media and has so many incredible performances and interpretations.
16:24. Sauron does have a bit of substance to him actually. He can be found in other legendarium works such as Of the rings of power and the third age, akkalabeth, and Beren and Lúthien
Michael Myers' power comes from his *_lack of a backstory._* He was simply born evil, essentially the sum total of the Jungian concept of the shadow, given life.
It's a very short one though: he was born evil and killed his sister when he was 6, he was then sent to the Smiths Grove Sanitarium and escaped when he was 21.
Voldemort is just a meme material, who can be Killed by destroying stupid things kept thousands of mile away from him and without even confronting himself.
Yeah, get a medical capsule so Sidious can put his new apprentice in a suit that's basically a portable torture chamber that causes immense pain every time it brushes up against his skin, or moves a muscle. I mean, sure, Sidious could get Vader a better, less-painful suit but he's already manipulated Anakin his whole life, why wouldn't he take the opportunity to continue making every waking moment of Vader's life a living hell?
My Favourite Villians Anime: Johan Liebert (Monster) Movie: Joker (The Dark Knight) or Hannibal Lecter (TSOTL) TV: Walter White (Breaking Bad) Video Games: Vaas Montenegro (Far Cry 3)
Yeah, I love the Joker & think he's very evil, but he's not more evil than Freddie. & while I'm at it, Walter White was not more evil than Anton Chigurh. This whole list feels like a popularity contest. If it wasn't, Carnage would've been #1
Dawn Bellwether is much worse than Freddy. She overthrew Mayor Leodore Lionheart, and threatened to make all predators go savage to instill fear in the city.
If Jigsaw can be on this list, the inspiration for this character-John Doe from “Se7en”-should be here, too. Clever, manipulative, sadistic, bullying, sociopathic, full of misdirected righteousness-and someone who could still very well exist in our society today, without people knowing or caring about it. As scary and chilling a villain as horror-or any form of media-gets.
Excellent video 📹 👏 👏 👏 once again Mojo. These are indeed all very scary 😨 characters even through I do not like Horror that much. Thanks for the entertainment.
Lorne Malvo is my all time favourite evil character in television history. Chillingly portrayed by Billy Bob. “ Because some roads you shouldn't go down. Because maps used to say, "There be dragons here." Now they don't. But that don't mean the dragons aren't there.”
@@anatoldenevers237 I think that may be true but you have to remenber that in the dark empire comics, palpatine is depicted as a being that is so power-hungry that does not only wanted to conquer the galaxy, he wants to conquer the universe through the dark side, and in those comics he becames like a entity of the dark side
They really send in the clowns on this list... And I mean the big evil clowns: Joker, Pennywise... Hell, even freaking Kefka Palazzo (10:45.). All thats left is Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal. 😎👍
The Borg, from Star Trek. The perfect blend of zombie-like implacability, Giger-style techno-bio-horror and utterly amoral efficiency. Plus, they don't want to kill you or conquer you. They want to put you into a meaningless eternal hell.
How can you compete with someone who undermines a democratic republic, getting away with ordering mass genocide of an entire religion, destroying numerous planets with billions of people, and all because of a lust for power
Sidious is one of the few villains out there than makes the Joker look like an utter idiot. Sidious is DECEPTIVE in the extreme... All he wants is more power, more death and destruction, more villany, more pain and suffering, fear and anger, etc. The Joker doesn't care about a darn thing. Not one single thing. Not even his own life. Life itself is a complete joke to him, so he doesn't value it in the slightest. Which might make him seem more villainous than Sidious, but Sidious is more interested in manipulating others, betrayal at the right moments, deceiving the Jedi, and is infinitely more dangerous than the Joker, thus, he is capable of much greater evil than the Joker, and is MOST importantly, above all other reasons given here for his greater villany compared to the Joker, NOT PSYCHOTIC or psychologically messed up, etc. Sidious is EXTREMELY, FULLY aware of everything he is doing. Thus, he is even more accountable for his actions, compared to the Joker. But of course, there are more evil characters than Sidious in fiction still...
@@seanandrews4916 Yeah blowing up a school full of kids and staff, poisoning a dozen boy scouts at a carnival, murdering the 2nd Robin and his mother, poisoning an entire studio audience, and trying to poison all of Gotham City more than once are definitely not evil. Besides, in the comics, we don't even know if he became evil because society mistreated him like in Joker (2019). He claimed that he remembered his past differently at times.
I think that you should've mentioned that the number one pick literally planned out an entire intergalactic war just so he could create the empire and manipulate the living being he created form across the galaxy, only to "die" then come back to kill his own granddaughter if she wouldn't join him on the dark side along with the rest of the sith (basically all sith that ever lived) that he somehow conjured bodies for. You know ... no biggie.
Where is Eric Cartman? As a 8 year old He kills his rivals parents, cooks there bodies into chili and then feeds them to their son.. Who just happens to be his half brother.
I totally agree with the number one on this list. Palpstine is also high on my personal list of the most evil and cruel villains. And it is not easy to get on that list in my head.
Good list. Two things: Anton Chigurh should be in a higher spot and Professor James Moriarty should be in this list (book, TV and film adaptations prove just how evil he is)
I couldn’t agree with this list more than I already am. However, I feel Alpha from The Walking Dead should have gotten a honorable mention of some sort.
Which evil character is your fav?
Queen Mesmira from Conan the Adventurer.
I also like Starscream.
Michael Myers and Freddy Kruger
"I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve" Joker
vinesr Here is a number 1 villain...
Johan liebert from monster is better than him even some dc fans have admitted Johan is a better villain even in a video wanking the dark knight and I put Johan and no one said anything about it and judge holden from blood meridian is better than both, you should read more fiction.
@@Anubis-xk4ht Nobody even knows who tf that is lmfaooo
@@dixonb.tweenerlegs4225 and since when popularity equals quality huh I could bring so many movies better than the dark knight the main protagonist from vagabond has character development batman could only dream of so don't use this dire excuse popularity is a dire excuse don't be a sheep
@@Anubis-xk4ht "I could bring so many movies better than the dark knight" *_Names a manga_*
"some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn".
-alfred describing the joker.
Actually, Alfred was describing the Burmese Bandit from his days with the British special forces. However, he was comparing that Man's nature to that of the Joker.
Excellent line!
Also, here's a list of those men and women from fiction......
Fender (from Cyborg)
Angelus (from Buffy)
Callisto (from Xena)
Cronos (from Highlander the TV show)
Chucky (from Childs Play)
Michael Myers (from Halloween)
Carnage aka Cletus Casady (from Spider-Man)
Wilhuff Tarkin (from Star Wars)
Simon (from Walking Dead)
Malachai (from Children of the Corn)
And then Simon Phoenix (from Demolition Man)
And those are simply the ones I can remember, but I am sure there's many more.
No actually I believe he was describing bane at the time
And also Killmonger too.
*~ Mermaid Man*
That is until an ice cream truck comes along.
One Krabby Patty for me, and one Pip-squeak patty for the boy.
I'm glad Umbridge was recognized, since everyone hated her more than Voldy
Always loved the line, "l'm having an old friend for dinner". Never was there such a double meaning statement.
I cringe every time I hear it 😰
Vic Coni what does it mean?
Vic Coni it literally means they are “An old Friend for dinner” their old friend for dinner. It’s like saying I’m have pizza for dinner .....
@@theuglybeing4673 eww. The imagery alone just... no. No. 🙅♀️
@@theuglybeing4673 That is correct. With the saying it could mean my old friend is coming over to enjoy dinner with me and it can also mean that I'm eating my old friend for dinner. Hense the double meaning. Even though people would mean it one way, Hannibal means it litterally..
... the iceberg in Titanic
Johnny Calvino lol
Don't you dare saying his name. It might be waiting to strike an other ship.
Jean Valdes That’s not an evil character.
“How about a magic trick i can make a pencil disappear” one of my favorite lines ever
He stabbed the mafia he didn’t make it disappear
I always hated that scene, only because everyone else thought it was so amazing
My dad showed me that movie when I was like 6 and now o can’t watch anything with joker in it
How about another joke Murray?
best ever
I disagree with Ramsey (GoT) being left off this list. He was more than an honorable mention, that dude was sick.
I clicked this video expecting him to easily be At the number one spot!
May I ask why doctor doofenshmirtz was left off the lists?
because he was a good guy
@@Lina-ny7oc he's talked about it hundreds of times. HE.IS.EVIL!
He really isn’t evil
@@CougheePls lovemuffin
Wait I just realized something
#3: Voldemort
#2: Joker
#1: the Emperor
That’s the Villain Pub!
Jack Landers Loki’s not 4 though
Prankster Boy and who said Loki was a villain? Not me that’s who.😉
And my 3 favorite characters of all time
What about Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2. He loves murder. And he committed mass genocide without a single regret.
given he sat there and let himself die, there is some regret
Finally, a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary.
As much as I'd love to see him on this list I don't think he has as much development and impact as the ones on this list have.
I think Aku from Samurai Jack should have been in the list. He's the personification of evil and his name is the Japanese translation for "Evil".
He's just another western clone equivalent to Lord Frieza
The fact that Jason is not on this list makes me so mad
Well Jason isn't really evil he has child like behavior Michael is way evil than Jason hell he's pure evil.
You should do something about it. I’m not saying you should wear a 1970’s style hockey mask and kill the people responsible for this oversight with a machete. I’m just sayin’...
@Joel Johnson I was relentlessly bullied as kid. I hope to god you’re on the jury for my trial. You don’t happen to live in Michigan, do you???
I'm definitely pissed for obvious reasons
"#1: The Hamburgler." Me: "you're kidding, please tell me you're kidding." "Just kidding" 😂
That was my exact thought
Not cool, WatchMojo! NOT COOL!!
He stole my hamburger! So he's the most evil!
And they didn’t bother to post this on April 1st?
“Joker and Michael Myers in the thumbnail*”
Never clicked so fast
Shreyas shintre dude you have no idea. I’ve always put them on the same spectrum Michael is on one end and joker is on the other and in the middle Patrick Bateman.
JJ yeah joker is my freaking fav villain when Michael is my fav serial killer
Shreyas shintre SAME
Honestly, I feel like Eric Cartman could've made this list.
@Reischa Parker Cartman could've made this list for that episode alone
@Reischa Parker Yeah, he should have made this list
That what I was waiting for
In a cartoon top
Joker is the most badass evil character ever
Sauron says hello-what can i Say, every villain would shit their pants if they Saw that 3m tall force of nature.
* Vader theme intesifies*
@@SlowUnsteadyTV "Sauron's march" theme : Hi
He ain’t a badass but damn he’s cool
john karmer the best
Darth Sidious’ actor has said that the dark lord of the Sith is more evil than even the devil himself. That’s saying something
That´s Star Wars wankery lol
If you ever watched Rick & Morty then you’ll know that Rick is more evil than palpatine/sidious.
@@packedentertainment2866 Rick still has some morals in him. I'd Say characters like Eric Cartman are bigger evil than Rick.
@@JudgeHolden2003 I was just joking lol 😂 sidious is way more evil than Rick. Also idk 🤷♂️ who your talking about because I don’t know who “Eric Cartman” is.
@@packedentertainment2866 Eric Cartman is a 9 year Old devil incarnate from South Park- he killed off one guy's parents, took their bodies, but he butchered them and turned them into chili at night, then feed them to him on a party on the next Day, laughing.
I knew what #1 was gonna be. Then I damn near had a heart attack when I saw the hamburgler 😂
Same here🤣🤣🤣
Me three, freakin jokesters!!!
That was a hilarious switcheroo!
I was like 'Seriously Bruh?' for a moment 😂
Me too!
"i am the senate" is probably one of the most badass quotes ever.
Mace Windu: Not yet.
@@christopherblackburn9271 It's Treason, then
@@christopherblackburn9271 It's treason, then.
Um....when it comes to Disney villains, I don’t think that Scar should be on this list. If you were just going to have one Disney villain, the OBVIOUS choice would be Judge Claude Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Yes, Scar killed Mufasa (which is unforgivable), but when you put it against the things that Frollo did, it’s kinda a no brainier....
-Killed an innocent mother who was trying to run away from him (on the steps of a church)
-tried to drown that woman’s baby in a well (who he then was forced to adopt)
-was physically and mentally abusive to his adopted son
-tried to purge Paris of the Romani population (dude was racist af)
-lusted after a 16 year old girl
-groped a 16 year old girl in Notre Dame
-said to that girl “if you don’t have sex with me, I’ll burn you alive” (which he nearly does)
-burned down Paris to find her, including burning houses with people inside of them (killing those people)
-committed genocide
-and tried to murder his adopted son (by literally stabbing him in the back)
Scar is my favourite Disney villain (joint with Ratigan), but he is no where near as evil as Frollo. Frollo is more evil than some villains that aren’t even animated.
Jeez that's really messed up.
Wow u totally wrote a list about it
Isn’t Chernabog more evil than frollo
This is from a Disney film? Wow. Well, certain Disney films are dark, so...
If you've never seen "Terrifier", it's hard to imagine ANYONE could be as insanely malicious, sadistic and just plain evil looking as Art the clown.
Art The Clown is my shit! There's supposed to be a sequel to "Terrifier" coming out either this year or next.
I feel like the movie was bad but Art as the antagonist is incredibly evil and awesome
@@Kiokato1 Yeah, the movie itself is not a work of art(pun intended), but that character is awesomely evil.
CL8ON J yeah this list is mostly made out of popularity
Terrifier is malicious and gruesome but never evil. He just kills u.
Joker makes u suffer.
“I am the SENATE!”
“Not yet!”
It’s treason, then.
That growl or yell is a Sith ability that disorientates and confuses the enemy.Thats why he was able to easily kill the first couple Jedi
So glad people are starting to recognise palpatine as one of the greatest. Ian played him so well
Palatine may be more evil on screen, but comic joker is messed up
My favourite
Hannibal, Joker and Moriarty
Main villain in Sherlock, absolutely crazy and terrifying. I like to call him The Irish Joker
my favorite villains from
movies: Anton Chigurh
Tv show: Ramsey Bolton
Cartoon show: Bill Cipher
Videogames: Vaaz Montenegro
Anime/manga: Johan Liebheart
Comic Book: the joker
I have my own villains-list (but I do not have those from comic-books and novels):
- movie; Darth Sidius
- tv show; the Lich
- video game; Dr Eggman
- anime; Dio Brando
@@slayer45670 thanx!
Judge holden from blood meridian >>>>>>
wht bout Walt/Heisenberg
Dr Doom stole the Silver Surfer's, surf board once.
Johnny Fountains oh did he?! The villainous scumbag
You mean more than one Doctor Doom stole the board.
No need for the coma in between "surfer's" and "surf"
Charlie don't surf!
My favorites:
Hannibal Lecter
Darth Vader
Michael Myers
Freddy Krueger
Trinity Killer
Gus Fring
Handsome Jack
Albert Wesker
Mann0802 no Jason voorhees bro lol
I'd have to agree with every name on that list.
@@modernyin6275 He definitely could be there but he has always been my least favorite of the Big 3. Tried to limit horror villains and didnt even include animated villains as my list would have gone on and on
@@PokemonHaloFan A man of taste as well then haha. Villains have and will always be my favorite. The bad guys do it best
T-1000? A robot programmed to assassinate? Then I prefer HK-47 from KOTOR
"The blackest eyes, The devils eyes".
Me when hamburgler gets number one: you Will pay the price for your lack of Vision!
Me when palpatine gets first place: goooood, goooood
Here before I think this goes viral, even though it never does
Brock Osweiler these vids never get as many views as it used to, it can’t even reach more than one million views. This is a perfect example of a channel that produces quantity over quality.
Their only "viral" video in the real sense of the word is Top 10 Anime Betrayals
I feel Fire Lord Ozai from Avatar deserves an honorable mention. He attempted to lead a mass genocide of the Earth Kingdom, became monarch by taking advantage of his brother Iroh’s loss of his son, failed to realize what living up to his expectations was doing to his daughter Azula, and of course the burning and exiling of his son Zuko
Not to mention willing to kill Zuko to become Fire Lord and challenging a child to an agni kai
Jigsaw isn't a villain
He's a man trying to teach lessons
With his abilities to predict the future perfectly
He gathers an army to torture people so they would value life more
My favorite villains:
Movie: Palpatine
Cartoon: Scar
Anime: Pain
Comic: Joker
Video game: Handsome Jack
Anime: Griffith
@@felipeeduardo7930 Griffiiiiiiiiiiith!!!!
Me God favorite anime villian Pain, finally a man of culture
Anime villain: DIO BRANDO
The only person I would add would probably be Moriarty
Palpatine is the most evil character of all time
Hes tied with frieza joker morgoth sauron and many others
@@BRG1807 Johan Liebert from the anime series Monster, also AM from I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream.
Fabius Bile is the most evil character of all time.
@@dragonhelmofdor-lomin4017 Personally I would Morgoth, Judge Holden, and AM are the most evil characters, but Fabius Bile is definitely a contender.
Here’s one you forgot to mention, in three quotes from three different versions of the character:
1. “The laws of celestial mechanics dictate that when two objects collide, there is always damage of a collateral nature.”
2. “Every fairytale needs a good old-fashioned villain.”
3. “This is a duel between you and me ... you hope to place me in the dock, you hope to beat me. If you are clever enough to bring destruction upon me, rest assured, I shall do as much for you.”
Answer: I am referring, of course, to Professor Moriarty of the Sherlock Holmes franchise.
None more evil than Sidious. Thanks to him many younglings died mercilessly. Entire planets destroyed. Lives ruined.
Pennywise is on Sidious's level...
@@BenjaminGessel nah that clown is beneath him. The Joker, however...
@@CougheePls Well Sidious is still the worst... 😁
Plus... THE GUY SURVIVED TO EPISODE 9!!!!! HOW COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Frieza should've been number 2 he's on the exact same level as Palpatine is
Movie: Michael Myers and Hannibal Lecter
Comic: The Joker
Video Game: Albert Wesker
Cartoon: The Shredder (TMNT 2003)
TV: Ramsay Bolton
Book: Voldemort
Comic: DIO
@@lourdesfelicianolopez6247 more like manga/anime. I've never that anime, & never plan too cause it's just too weird for me 😛, so I don't know what that character truly is like but I see Freiza as more evil, being pretty much pure evil.
Anime:Johan Libert
Book: Judge Holden
The TMNT 2003 series was deadset evil
This list not complete without the greatest Vampire of all time, Dracula!
Your right he is very bloody evil
@@derdabibarae6638 who do you think is the number one evil
@@anatoldenevers237 I don't know I do know a lot of evil characters but I think the evil character should be Freddy Kruger or pennywise or the indoraptor
@@anatoldenevers237 I never heard of him before
@@derdabibarae6638 he’s a pretty cool character, literally Darkness Incarnate, really badass and he has some amazing quotes.
This list makes it seem like you have to be intelligent to be most evil. NOBODY is more evil than Michael Myers, he doesn’t even waste his time talking to anyone
Have you seen Ramsay Bolton?
sorry jason vorghise is better than mike myers
Joseph Gramuglia *voorhees ? 😂😂
Joseph Gramuglia and idk about that
Agreed 100%
I honestly don’t they could’ve adapted The Lord of The Rings better than they did. They’re damn near perfect
except for everything they got wrong, which is alot.
No Tom bombadil
@@brodyburkett3740 to be fair, that's not much of a loss. lol
Watch Mojo: Do You Agree With Our Picks ?
Me: F#&K NO‼‼‼
no dio ? yup its a no
I think the picks are fine but:
The emperor/Darth Sidious:2
The Joker:1
And I love the Star Wars movies more than every other movies
Yup, agreed
Dude how didn't they include Dr. James Moriarty from The Sherlock Holmes series who didn't even give a 2nd thought and killed himself just to make his plan work
No Thanos, no Magneto, no no Jason Voorhees, no M Bison, no Megatron, yeah. This list is an absolute turd.
The best line from the best villain of all time is Hannibal Lecter telling the Senator..."Love your suit." Best villain line of all time. He's mocking her by implying that her daughter would be skinned and sewed into a human suit by another psychopath, and also giving her a genuine compliment and displaying his superior taste. Such a perfect line
My favourites are
Movies- Voldemort
Comics- The Joker
Animated- sideshow Bob
TV- Finn Kelly ( Neighbours )
Books- James Stainkey ( Darc Universe )
Real life- Adolf Hitler
Jimmy Saville and Aleister Crowley are/were probably worse than Hitler or Stalin. Or at least just as evil. Not to mention Jeffrey Dahmer, Gary Ridgeway, John W. Gacy, etc.
Gaming: Ganondorf
Hitler bruh what-
Leopold the Second: "Allow me to introduce myself." (real life)
should Scar be on this list? yes | should Scar be ranked higher that pennywise, Michael myers and hannible lecture? no
@xx mercedes swiftie xx I can assure you i wouldn't want to sit through a HANNIBAL LECTURE ! he can be pretty biting in his comments LOL! I knew what you meant just joking with you!
Should he be place 4? Yes
HAHA He’s my favorite disney character
The Hamburgler should have been at least, AT LEAST an honorable mention.
-a person with a joker pfp
I feel like everyone in WatchMojo slept on Dio. Maybe Diavolo? A good case can be made for both. Dio locked a dog in a furnace and set it on fire because it annoyed him, impaled Kakyoin, a Japanese highschool art student, through the chest and launched him into a water tower, and crashed Best Boy Jonathan's wedding (and the wedding boat) as a disembodied head, all on top of being a narcissistic and all-powerful vampire. Diavolo, meanwhile, is the big boss of a sprawling Italian mafia that has no qualms selling drugs to children and is hellbent on murdering his own daughter simply because she exists
Joker wins this by a longshot. You can’t just look at live action, he’s in so many different forms of media and has so many incredible performances and interpretations.
He's not a born killer though his father was a awful creatures
I think Palpatine
Palpatine is the leader of the most iconic and evil fictional empire of all time. There's no way he wasn't going to be #1.
Batman Swagger and he also has completely shitty representations. Eg suicide squad
Nah palpatine is king of this list
16:24. Sauron does have a bit of substance to him actually. He can be found in other legendarium works such as Of the rings of power and the third age, akkalabeth, and Beren and Lúthien
Michael Myers he has a very good back story Probably one of my favorite villain of all time
Homer Jay, Simpson hell yeah. I think he should’ve been in the top 5 evilest but, you know these list are subjective.
Michael Myers' power comes from his *_lack of a backstory._* He was simply born evil, essentially the sum total of the Jungian concept of the shadow, given life.
Hes the best villain ever he should've been in number 1 but it's a watch mojo list so it's super inaccurate
He doesn't have a back story
It's a very short one though: he was born evil and killed his sister when he was 6, he was then sent to the Smiths Grove Sanitarium and escaped when he was 21.
“Is not about the money, it’s about sending a message” - Joker, 2008
Voldemort, Darth Vader and Joker are the best
Imagine if joker had the force or a wond
Johan liebert and judge holden from blood meridian >>>>>>
Voldemort is just a meme material, who can be Killed by destroying stupid things kept thousands of mile away from him and without even confronting himself.
@@patrickrutland7138 would ruin his character we love him cuz he is actual normal
Voldemort: I am the most evil guy you can be!
Darth Sidious: Hold my lightsaber.
*A few seconds later*
Darth Sidious: Get a medical capsule immediately
Yeah, get a medical capsule so Sidious can put his new apprentice in a suit that's basically a portable torture chamber that causes immense pain every time it brushes up against his skin, or moves a muscle. I mean, sure, Sidious could get Vader a better, less-painful suit but he's already manipulated Anakin his whole life, why wouldn't he take the opportunity to continue making every waking moment of Vader's life a living hell?
Sidious used vader as a puppet so if vader was made it was really sidious
Pennywise: Hold Georgie’s arm...
Voldemort failed to take over highschool while Palpatine rule the galaxy for 20 years.
The joker cut people’s faces off then fed them to themselves
It was a prank he actually didn't feed them their real faces
Dr. Lecter had Mason Verger cut off his own face and feed it to his own dogs.
@@uncertainsubscriber4815 yupp. Love that film. Both hannibal and silence of the lambs.
The Heath Ledger one was sketch af
Mark Hamill only made the Joker sound more insane and I love his part in the voice acting.
All evil chacters: WE ARE MOST evil
Story writers: hold my beer
Joker will always be one of my all time favorite villains.
How did you forget Charlie's grandpa in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory for faking sickness and forcing a poor boy to take care of him?
Wouldn't that be classed as child abuse.
Movie: Palpatine
Video Game: Kefka
Comic: Joker
Anime: Johan Liebert
Book: Voldemort
Real life: Paul brothers
Scar will remain to be one of my favorite Disney villains ever- the joker and Hannibal lecter are my faves
My Favourite Villians
Anime: Johan Liebert (Monster)
Movie: Joker (The Dark Knight) or Hannibal Lecter (TSOTL)
TV: Walter White (Breaking Bad)
Video Games: Vaas Montenegro (Far Cry 3)
Raunak Xrestha johan is severely slept on
Finally someone who recognises Johan! my opinion the best anime villain along with Light Yagami.
@@HLVision7 Johan still better then light but i thought this list was best villans ever instead its most evil so johan and light wouldnt be there
Vaas Montenegro should have been mentioned.
Raunak Xrestha omg Johan Liebert is an amazing pick. Up there with frieza easily.
As long as both Palpatine AND Voldemort are on here, preferably in the Top 10, I'll be satisfied.
Palpatine wasn't be disappointed
“Palpatine is more evil than the devil himself” is what the creators and the actor who played him said about him
@@star-vaderchaosbreakercris3564 Palpatine bought peace and unity to the entire galaxy lol
Chaos Breaker definitely not.
Should of had John Doe from Seven.
Come on, Anton Chigurh is possibly one of the best antagonists in cinema and you’ve got him on the ass end of your list. I’m disappointed rn
Eric Cartman: respect my authoritaaah!
Freddy should be higher on this list, in the first nightmare film, he was terrifying! Finger knives? Come on, he’s better than that.
Yeah, I love the Joker & think he's very evil, but he's not more evil than Freddie. & while I'm at it, Walter White was not more evil than Anton Chigurh. This whole list feels like a popularity contest. If it wasn't, Carnage would've been #1
Yeah I was thinking it based on popularity
Dawn Bellwether is much worse than Freddy. She overthrew Mayor Leodore Lionheart, and threatened to make all predators go savage to instill fear in the city.
If Jigsaw can be on this list, the inspiration for this character-John Doe from “Se7en”-should be here, too. Clever, manipulative, sadistic, bullying, sociopathic, full of misdirected righteousness-and someone who could still very well exist in our society today, without people knowing or caring about it. As scary and chilling a villain as horror-or any form of media-gets.
True, he’s in my top 5
Excellent video 📹 👏 👏 👏 once again Mojo. These are indeed all very scary 😨 characters even through I do not like Horror that much. Thanks for the entertainment.
I’m a simple man
I see joker (Heath ledger) I click
I see Michael Myers I click
I see them together I get super speed and click
Sidious manipulated the entire universe and destroyed the Jedi without nobody knowing he was the sith lord, he's definitely #1
Yeah you think
@@abramsullivan7764 Why not then?
Favourite Villains:
Movies: Dr Evil (Austin Powers)
Video Games: Dickson (Xenoblade Chronicles)
Anime: Dio (JJBA)
"There Are No Accidents"
-Master Oogway
I never realized until right now that The Lion King is Hamlet for kids.
I feel like judge claude frollo should be on this list
And the fact that scar is in number 4 is even worse. I know he is evil, but damn, even more than Pennywise?
@@karlkewbz Frollo, the Horned King, and Chernabog are the only Disney villains on Pennywise's level of evil
I wish Black Manta, Thanos, and Dr. Sivana were on the list
Yeah, same and don't forget about Faptan America.
Lol. All those 3 became more popular to general audiences in recent years due to the movies. They could be in honorable mentions though
Thanos isn't evil
@@kub3872 I think you need to watch Infinity War and Endgame again
Disappointed to not see Big Smoke and Ryder, but seriously a good list 👍
Mr Burns from the Simpson’s is pretty evil to me
Slideshow Bob is worse
they re both evil, but they are not the worst of the worst
@@Dantheman-bw8hv Ohh, nobody who speaks German could be evil!
He’d by on the bottom, he’s never killed anyone
Joker wins for me haven't even seen the video yet
Sophie Cooper Joker rightly lost top spot to Palpatine
Good, Joker is highly overrated and overused 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Brotha Beige and thanos isn’t overrated by these marvel kids? Even though he’s a rip-off of darkseid
Thanos is overrated, I would agree. So what's your point other than making this a Marvel vs DC conversation?
Brotha Beige I’m not making it a marvel vs dc conversation I was just stating that thanos is also very overrated compared to his counterpart
My favorite villains are:
Movies: Freddy Krueger
Video Games: Albert Wesker
Anime: Frieza
Comics: Doomsday
Lorne Malvo is my all time favourite evil character in television history. Chillingly portrayed by Billy Bob. “ Because some roads you shouldn't go down. Because maps used to say, "There be dragons here." Now they don't. But that don't mean the dragons aren't there.”
As a diehard Star Wars fan, I knew that Palpatine was bound to make this list.
But for him to make Number 1 shows how evil he really is.
Palpatine has literally NO ONE he cares for.
At all.
Except for himself...
He is the devil of Star Wars so yeah I saw it coming
BenjaminGessel personally I think Vitiate is worse
@@chadpeterson5698 I would say Vitiate is actually worse than Palpatine
@@anatoldenevers237 I think that may be true but you have to remenber that in the dark empire comics, palpatine is depicted as a being that is so power-hungry that does not only wanted to conquer the galaxy, he wants to conquer the universe through the dark side, and in those comics he becames like a entity of the dark side
They really send in the clowns on this list... And I mean the big evil clowns: Joker, Pennywise... Hell, even freaking Kefka Palazzo (10:45.).
All thats left is Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal. 😎👍
Lots of people are terrified of clowns
Art The Clown is one sick mofos
Forgot freeza
@@Sadik90tom I agree. I just posted my choice, and it was Art the clown. Sadistic f*cker and the most evil LOOKING clown by far.
Can't wait for the sequel!
I always thought Anton Chigurh wasn't evil, he was more like a force of nature.
No that man is the devil
The Borg, from Star Trek. The perfect blend of zombie-like implacability, Giger-style techno-bio-horror and utterly amoral efficiency. Plus, they don't want to kill you or conquer you. They want to put you into a meaningless eternal hell.
*Doctor Doom needs his own movie*
It's in production apparently.
@@infraredtoa9105 seriously?
@@raven3067 So i've heard.
U guys just press a “randomize” button every time. Right?
Honestly I’m surprised joker didn’t take the cake.
How can you compete with someone who undermines a democratic republic, getting away with ordering mass genocide of an entire religion, destroying numerous planets with billions of people, and all because of a lust for power
Sidious is one of the few villains out there than makes the Joker look like an utter idiot. Sidious is DECEPTIVE in the extreme... All he wants is more power, more death and destruction, more villany, more pain and suffering, fear and anger, etc. The Joker doesn't care about a darn thing. Not one single thing. Not even his own life. Life itself is a complete joke to him, so he doesn't value it in the slightest. Which might make him seem more villainous than Sidious, but Sidious is more interested in manipulating others, betrayal at the right moments, deceiving the Jedi, and is infinitely more dangerous than the Joker, thus, he is capable of much greater evil than the Joker, and is MOST importantly, above all other reasons given here for his greater villany compared to the Joker, NOT PSYCHOTIC or psychologically messed up, etc. Sidious is EXTREMELY, FULLY aware of everything he is doing. Thus, he is even more accountable for his actions, compared to the Joker.
But of course, there are more evil characters than Sidious in fiction still...
Joker isn't evil. He is jus a man broken by society
Sean Andrews But that made him into a truly horrible person.
@@seanandrews4916 Yeah blowing up a school full of kids and staff, poisoning a dozen boy scouts at a carnival, murdering the 2nd Robin and his mother, poisoning an entire studio audience, and trying to poison all of Gotham City more than once are definitely not evil. Besides, in the comics, we don't even know if he became evil because society mistreated him like in Joker (2019). He claimed that he remembered his past differently at times.
The demon who possessed Regan, Shao Kahn, Ivan Drago, Thanos I would add to the list!
Darth Sidious also had his own son killed and tried to kill his own granddaughter!
I think that you should've mentioned that the number one pick literally planned out an entire intergalactic war just so he could create the empire and manipulate the living being he created form across the galaxy, only to "die" then come back to kill his own granddaughter if she wouldn't join him on the dark side along with the rest of the sith (basically all sith that ever lived) that he somehow conjured bodies for.
You know ... no biggie.
@Hassan Syed Disney does count, sometimes its not the best, but Disney bought the right to count.
Trying to kill his son and granddaughter is honestly one of the least evil things ol' Palpy has done.
Mac Wade that's not Canon
@@vishall8246 Disney does count, sometimes its not the best, but Disney bought the right to count.
You forgot "Tommy DeVito" in Goodfellas. I blame him for my life long fear of conflict. Also earned Joe Pesci an Oscar.
Where is Eric Cartman? As a 8 year old He kills his rivals parents, cooks there bodies into chili and then feeds them to their son..
Who just happens to be his half brother.
Rival's, not rivals. Their, not there.
Not to mention he tried to turn the people in south park nazis lol
@@nigeldean1813 where would you put him on the most evil list
@@anatoldenevers237 id say somewhere in the top 10 at least, the kids done almost every crime in the book.
I totally agree with the number one on this list.
Palpstine is also high on my personal list of the most evil and cruel villains.
And it is not easy to get on that list in my head.
Good list. Two things: Anton Chigurh should be in a higher spot and Professor James Moriarty should be in this list (book, TV and film adaptations prove just how evil he is)
Don't forget crazy. BBC's Sherlock proves that.
This is a top 20 video 20 is a high number.
How is Sam L. Jackson older than Mark Hamel and he still looks younger now lmaoo
Black people age better
@@josephmarron9413 or Samuel L Jackson is just to badass to get old
Bruh, what about Evil Morty from Rick and Morty, now THAT is true evil.
well we still don't know much about him
L screw you
Shut up L
Bruh! 😁
You got me. I was like “what the Hell?!” When I saw the Hamburgler.
Joker is No.1.
PS : If you put Joffrey in there, then Ramsay deserves to be there as well
How is Joker more evil than Palpatine???
@@JudgeHolden2003 he’s not, but neither are the worst imo. Morgoth is
I couldn’t agree with this list more than I already am. However, I feel Alpha from The Walking Dead should have gotten a honorable mention of some sort.
Srsly. She and the Whisperers made Negan and the Saviors look like boy scouts and I didn't think that was possible.
Book Euron is an evil character who scares the absolute crap out of me! He’s Lovecraftian type evil.
That Segway for number #1.....‘what’s worse than stealing someone’s hamburger’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣