a true fractal doesn’t have to seek balance, it is forever in harmony with itself. It is the elements of uncertainty and entropy in the universe that throw it out of balance just enough for a rebound from the inherent fractal nature to occur that give rise to changes that could facilitate things like free will and consciousness
@@LUXINK death is a concept made up by humans and other “conscious beings”. We never really stop existing, we just change structure and become a corpse and then go back to the earth and turn into plant food and get eaten and turn into another life form.
@Sir James I'd go so far to say that we're all the same consciousness underneath. Consciousness or pure awareness isn't "mine" or "yours", all beings are just pure consciousness temporarily experiencing itself as separate entities/organisms.
something that rhymes with blacid told me that everything in the universe was made of fractals and the whole universe was part of a single concienceness
At not a single point in the video did the narrator actually discuss how consciousness could be fractal and what that would even mean. They barely even explained the 1-2 scale of fractal complexity
I had believed consciousness to be fractal, after thinking that behaviour in humans could often seem almost fractal in nature, and when looking at how my own brain works. And interestingly the way psychedelics can give one's consciousness distance from the self often reveals many of the fractals in the nature and how they relate to our universe
I remember seeing something like fractal patterns idk if it was my death experience as a kid i remember seeingall these random colors and it was like a different Dimention. Maybe this is the afterlife
I saw fractal patterns on just regular concrete when i had my first one, the complexity of how chaotic the texture on the surface is, simply astounding
I had this shrooms trip and it was like when im always in my mind it was like im this big infiite being and im putting all my attention on ONE part of my infinity and it was like im living this life because my mind creates what i think about but im always in my head giving every thought attention and it really opened my eyes to a different perspective to always being in my thoughts rather than being present.
The phenomena FractalTrip resonates with my truth. DMT LSD or shroom trips are all fractal trips. in 2010 before my awakening/ascending/descending trip I was obsessed with fractals I thought, now I know fractals were obsessed with me. I started with fractals and went from sacred geometry to esoteric understanding followed by the law of attraction. I fractal, now planets conspire easy with me, universe spirituality eye fractal. Now plan its con spear easy with me, you need verse. Spear to well E.T.
Consciousness is non physical. You're asking the wrong question. The question we should ask is does Consciousness create fractals. And the answer is Yes!
I used to see fractals as a child and they used to scare the hell out of me.. my parents said when I was a child I would go into a trance and they would wave their hands in front of my face and I would still be in a trance with my eyes open and then afterwards I would start crying because it was such a scary experience. I never knew what I was seeing until one day as an adult I watched limitless the movie where they take the pill and become extremely smart, as the guy takes the pill they do this zoom like feature in the next scene and I realised holy!! I used to see that when I was young, then I came across fractals and was like omg! That’s what I use to see down to a tee. But I could never explain it to my parents even when they asked I just used to say, everything is getting big, and they were like what do u mean? So yea that’s my story
I can relate too. I use to see it in the patterns on the wallpaper when I was around 6 years old, I use to be so scared that I wouldn't move until my mum would come upstairs and pick me up
It’s the nature of consciousness. Because consciousness is connected at every level, it is a singularity. The nature of the universe is fractal, and the universe is conscious- at every level.
Our state of minds and what we think/worry about at the time of the peak determine the type of experience we will receive. I saw my own body dying on the ground while my friends helped pull puke out of my mouth and turn my head so I didn’t die. But I saw it from above my body….. I puked because I got drunk before hand, saw the fractals….. and it spun my reality so hard that I had to void what was in my body. (The beer). Being stuck outside of my body until it allowed me back inside it was….. well, terrifying.
i had kundalini awakening and i got to this conclusion and possibility in my head yet a lot more to know and learn. thanks fr the video , i thought i m only one thinking this
"A kaleidoscope is an optical instrument with two or more reflecting surfaces tilted to each other at an angle, so that one or more objects on one end of the mirrors are seen as a regular symmetrical pattern when viewed from the other end, due to repeated reflection." per Wiki ^^ I had one as a kid.
A single point is dimension 0 And points connected can form a line, dimension 1 And lines connected can form a square, dimension 2 And squares connected can form a cube, dimension 3 Now zoom out from the cube.... It's becoming a point, dimension 0 (with everything in it, points, lines, squares) And repeat the above again. Our dimension/reality/universe is a fractal
"We may have evolved to be skilled decoders of the fractals that surrounds us in nature". After researching fractals in all fields they can and did came across I think this is the truth. Guess we'll never know...
i imagine and have faith that consciousness and reality is fractal and infinite in nature to me god is infinity him self , to me existence is something without limits or an end , death is merely ascension to higher plains of eternities , once you pass from this life you are reborn (reincarnated) into a new vessel within a new realm based on your karma in past lives and the cycle of life and death , harmony , balance and dualism continues for all eternity at least that's how i see god
@@phxHeritage Ever heard of an Epistemological Blockage ? Philosophy will lead you to the door, especially critical thinking, at best, but that is it. In the Edenic narrative of the hebrew bible the hebrew G-od forbids Man the tree of Knowledge. Why do you think that is so ? Some things can only be Experienced...
I’ve often wondered about the connection btwn Mandelbrot , prime #s and the fractal imagery we experience during an engagement with chemicals such as 5-Me0 DMT
In the end everything is fractal, some you only see from different perspectives or taking a few steps black and taking a look at the bigger think while looking at patterns you’ll find in the universe and in the smallest. Even behavior and creativity is fractal, our solutions to problems reflect how the universe and nature does it. We often just don’t see it because we are too used to it.
Each branch of the fractal consciousness would be a new train of thought, which happens to develop outward from a specific point of a previous train of thought or fractal branch, this continues until it is no longer biologically possible to do so or death
Fractals are the most efficient way to maximize surface area within a three dimensional space. Surface area has been directly correlated with awareness. The more surface area an entity has the more points of contact, thus awareness that entity has of its environment. Now awareness is synonymous with consciousness. To be aware of something is to be conscious of it. Given the relationship between surface area, input and consciousness it would seem that fractals are most efficient way to maximize consciousness within a three dimensional universe. Perhaps fractals are the fourth dimension? Consider this, we know that the creation of fractals is an iterative process. Would not the axioms that guide the process be themselves iterative. We start with a simple point. A point reiterated gives you a line or 1 dimension. A line reiterated gives you a plane or 2 dimensions. A plane reiterated gives you space or 3 dimensions. Space reiterated gives you fractals. Fractals are the fourth dimension. I hope I haven't gone off the rails here. 😂 Its alot of fun thinking you've figured something out. Lol
Consciousness is functional. It is the ability to know your own state, which is important to make concerted, planned action possible in a complex world. For instance: it is not handy to start tying your sholaces while driving your car. To prevent such contradictory behavior there needs to be a faculty in the brain that can process all relevant information about the entity that "I" am, so as to be able to coordinate behaviour. This central faculty and the image it produces of the state of the body body and the mind is the consciousness. Now of course it is also important for this faculty to also know itself: to function the consciousness should know that it is planning to go out to get the groceries, and that it therefore would not be handy to to start chopping wood at the same moment. In other words: introspection is necessary for consciousness to be effective! But wait a minute, when we are able to think about the fact that we are thinking, than we can also think about the fact that we are thinking about the fact that we are thinking.... etc. etc. And voila... we have a recursive pattern and a fractal!
Mathematics (math) Commutative Algebra (math.AC) Commutative rings, modules, ideals, homological algebra, computational aspects, invariant theory, connections to algebraic geometry and combinatorics Algebraic Geometry (math.AG) Algebraic varieties, stacks, sheaves, schemes, moduli spaces, complex geometry, quantum cohomology Analysis of PDEs (math.AP) Existence and uniqueness, boundary conditions, linear and non-linear operators, stability, soliton theory, integrable PDE's, conservation laws, qualitative dynamics Algebraic Topology (math.AT) Homotopy theory, homological algebra, algebraic treatments of manifolds Classical Analysis and ODEs (math.CA) Special functions, orthogonal polynomials, harmonic analysis, ODE's, differential relations, calculus of variations, approximations, expansions, asymptotics Combinatorics (math.CO) Discrete mathematics, graph theory, enumeration, combinatorial optimization, Ramsey theory, combinatorial game theory Category Theory (math.CT) Enriched categories, topoi, abelian categories, monoidal categories, homological algebra Complex Variables (math.CV) Holomorphic functions, automorphic group actions and forms, pseudoconvexity, complex geometry, analytic spaces, analytic sheaves Differential Geometry (math.DG) Complex, contact, Riemannian, pseudo-Riemannian and Finsler geometry, relativity, gauge theory, global analysis Dynamical Systems (math.DS) Dynamics of differential equations and flows, mechanics, classical few-body problems, iterations, complex dynamics, delayed differential equations Functional Analysis (math.FA) Banach spaces, function spaces, real functions, integral transforms, theory of distributions, measure theory General Mathematics (math.GM) Mathematical material of general interest, topics not covered elsewhere General Topology (math.GN) Continuum theory, point-set topology, spaces with algebraic structure, foundations, dimension theory, local and global properties Group Theory (math.GR) Finite groups, topological groups, representation theory, cohomology, classification and structure Geometric Topology (math.GT) Manifolds, orbifolds, polyhedra, cell complexes, foliations, geometric structures History and Overview (math.HO) Biographies, philosophy of mathematics, mathematics education, recreational mathematics, communication of mathematics K-Theory and Homology (math.KT) Algebraic and topological K-theory, relations with topology, commutative algebra, and operator algebras Logic (math.LO) Logic, set theory, point-set topology, formal mathematics Metric Geometry (math.MG) Euclidean, hyperbolic, discrete, convex, coarse geometry, comparisons in Riemannian geometry, symmetric spaces Numerical Analysis (math.NA) Numerical algorithms for problems in analysis and algebra, scientific computation Number Theory (math.NT) Prime numbers, diophantine equations, analytic number theory, algebraic number theory, arithmetic geometry, Galois theory Operator Algebras (math.OA) Algebras of operators on Hilbert space, C^*-algebras, von Neumann algebras, non-commutative geometry Optimization and Control (math.OC) Operations research, linear programming, control theory, systems theory, optimal control, game theory Probability (math.PR) Theory and applications of probability and stochastic processes: e.g. central limit theorems, large deviations, stochastic differential equations, models from statistical mechanics, queuing theory Quantum Algebra (math.QA) Quantum groups, skein theories, operadic and diagrammatic algebra, quantum field theory Rings and Algebras (math.RA) Non-commutative rings and algebras, non-associative algebras, universal algebra and lattice theory, linear algebra, semigroups Representation Theory (math.RT) Linear representations of algebras and groups, Lie theory, associative algebras, multilinear algebra Symplectic Geometry (math.SG) Hamiltonian systems, symplectic flows, classical integrable systems Spectral Theory (math.SP) Schrodinger operators, operators on manifolds, general differential operators, numerical studies, integral operators, discrete models, resonances, non-self-adjoint operators, random operators/matrices Statistics Theory (math.ST) math.ST is an alias for stat.TH. Applied, computational and theoretical statistics: e.g. statistical inference, regression, time series, multivariate analysis, data analysis, Markov chain Monte Carlo, design of experiments, case studies
Dudeeeeeeeee I love this💕 I found your channel through the blooming flowers video. But this omg, it’s so eloquently put, have you heard about the E8 theory?
A better question would be: is there pattern in the universe that can't be the result of a fractal expression or group of fractal expressions? Obviously the neurons look like fractals; however, many shapes don’t look fractal but are in actual fact appearing to be fractals at different scales. There are vilages in Africa that don't look fractal from ground level, but do from bird's-eye viewpoint. If the universe is a holographic projection and fractal, then consciousness is just an emergent phenomena of that universe as it dynamically evolves. Euclidean geometry doesn’t fit nature! Science has created the illusion of simplicity in linear formulations of nature; however, those formulations only work in limited ranges or scenarios. So science has known for ever that it's impossible to represent the world with scientific perfection and is really only concerned with what a model's use is---what applications there are. Where consciousness is concerned, neural networks came out of the study of real neurones and allowed computer scientists simple models to study complexity. Michael Barnsley's work shows that with fractal zoom algorithms, its possible to take a low quality image and generate missing details. Fractal geometry and complexity theory is growing in terms of the utility science can leverage from these studies---mostly because linear science has come unstuck ---hit a limit in its capability to further understand nature. If we want to cure cancer, develop terminator like conscious AI, develop cyborg technooogy ---and a whole host of other technology that we need to keep the human culture going as it's population grows---fractal geometry, holography, complexity theory and evolutionary computation are at the forefront of human science for the 21st century.
So glad it's not just me. It kind of seems like it was written by an A.I.; most of the individual factoids are good but then they threw them in a hopper.
I had a vision of people being evaporated but a nuclear blast and at the moment of annihilation our consciousnesses turned fractal and as our bodies disintegrated our voices turned into a united song of ecstacy as we fractalized together. There was no fear
Don't blame the narrator, he's got nothing to do with the script. That's totally on me. In my defense, English is not my first language and I was under the impression that fatal implies severity and not necessarily death. I apologize.
This channel is not active anymore, partially because of comments like this, pathetic observation meant only to criticize and take advantage of whichever flaws. But neither you nor the 18 other anonymous jerks who voted you up will create something like this video ever. You business is keeping the world as it is, all screwed up.
@@Nowhere-from Was I offensive? No. Did I get personal? No. Did I point out a logical flaw in the context of the video? Yes. Did I call anybody a "jerk"? No. Could you kindly step back for a second and read my comment again with a different perspective and see that it what written as encouragement, without being offensive, or calling anyone a jerk? I also propose that if this channel is not active anymore because of my comment, then it had far bigger problems than an illogical statement and nothing to do with me. Thanks for labelling me as the root of all evil in the world, isn't it a lovely place with folk like yourself in it.
@@AndyNicholson Your "logical flaw" as I said already a petty and mean criticism. It was not even in "the context of the video", which is obviously just to talk about interesting and very diverse topics that most people do not talk about or want to. This is obviously not a scientific video. And yes, it was offensive. All you have to do is put yourself in the shoes of this content creator. This is a good reason why many people in the media are taking radical points, they well know they are going to be critized for the prettiest things.... at best. So, the best option is going like bulls, like FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh, the president, etc. Edit: As I said, this channel was not getting many views, people busy listening to celebrities media or radical media. And to make it worse it gets mean critic.
@@Nowhere-from What the hell is your problem, dude? The narration in the video specifically discussed recovery from a fatal blow, that is absolutely the context. Fatality is final, it's death, non-recoverable, irreversible. I pointed that out and encouraged them do better. Pointing out a factual inaccuracy is neither petty, nor mean. The guy then explained what the problem was and how it came about, absolutely reasonably, and we all got on with our lives. Everyone understands what happened. Everything is fine, end of story. If they were upset by it, a) they could have deleted it, which they did not, b) not reply to it explaining why the mistake came about in the first place, and c) l offer no apologies as none are justified, but repeat my encouragement to do better, not quit. You, on the other hand, have decided to project an entire culture on to me that you have absolutely no knowledge or basis for, that I am a "jerk" and "pathetic". You have no idea about me, what I stand for, my philosophical and political beliefs, please don't do this. I ask you once more to stop these false projections and attacks, and re-read that comment again from ALL other possible perspectives, and then ask yourself if there's any possible way you could be getting it all wrong?
Thumbs down: Scientists will not agree with some of the points in this video, especially the quantum basis of consciousness. For this matter, the podcasts by Ginger Campbell here in RUclips are perfect. She starts here, ruclips.net/video/UGwOfSKmo_I/видео.html Thumbs up: This video is great anyways. It's a very broad take on fractals in the daily, starting from our own bodies. This kind of video is not really educative and therefore not subject to some of the complains, like not getting into any point in detail, or mine (quantum mechanics unlinked from consciousnesses). Scientists will eventually look into the issue of consciousness being fractal and will sure find it, no need for pretentious hedge expressions of false modesty and realism like "probably", "possibly", "supposedly", "let's put it this way", etc. These expressions only apply to what they will do with the new knowledge.
🤔- Well we extract energy from the food we eat....that energy manifests itself as the electricity which regulates your heartbeat, breathing, giving off a frequency as a result....and burns itself up as a calorie So...does electricity bring about consciousness in the brain the same way that it makes muscles contract and relax when initiated outside of the nervious system? Yes due to the unique structure of the Brain itself which is far more complex then an ordinary computer you plug into an outlet. 😒-A.I. which is not conscious requires huge amounts of energy to function X times more then an ordinary home computer and does not produce conscious thought but rather logical decisions as a sum total.... in so saying do micro organizums which inhabit the brain and body and outnumber the total cell count which make up your physical body play any part in conscious thought and the decision making processes is the better question...
Anything that builds upon itself is recursive and mathematically a fractal. Galaxy’s seem recursive around spin. Protons all the way to galaxy’s. Everything spins
The guy who hit his head is a very interesting story. It's on youtube. I believe he was diagnosed with acquired savant syndrome. Which is an incredible condition. He said he thinks he now sees the universe the way the universe sees itself.
Transcranial Magneitic Stimulation is used to quite the Default Mode Network (DMF) and enable people to increase other portions of the brain. Alcohol is a depressent and bipolar has it own wonders. What Pollock was doing was "self soothing". finding a creative way to ease his inner turmoil. The same turmoil drove him to alcohol and the alcohol unfortunately contributes to the self soothing outcome. In the long run we are all dead.
Consciousness is the Mind of The Absolute or God. There's an Infinite Field of Consciousness, that contains all the thoughts of God. Everthing is an illusion because there are only thoughts. God created an illusory ego like a vehicle for to experience his own creations. We are Pure Consciousness. But the ego-mind believes that he has his own thoughts. That beliefs, created a fragmented feelings of being separated from the totally that is Consciousness. The fearness of being separated parts of the totally produces unhappiness and suffering. But it's only a thought in the illusion. Awakening is when the ego realise that he never had one single own thought. That he is not the doer. Then the ego will surrender and return into his true nature in the spiritual heart.
“A fractal system always seeks balance between chaos and order”
No...it's what you want to see
a true fractal doesn’t have to seek balance, it is forever in harmony with itself. It is the elements of uncertainty and entropy in the universe that throw it out of balance just enough for a rebound from the inherent fractal nature to occur that give rise to changes that could facilitate things like free will and consciousness
Chaos and order is the same thing
That's what Consciousness is. So then, it is a Fractal.
This explains what I have been seeing in my totally legal actions of the use of an also totally legal substance recently
@@LUXINK death is a concept made up by humans and other “conscious beings”. We never really stop existing, we just change structure and become a corpse and then go back to the earth and turn into plant food and get eaten and turn into another life form.
@Sir James I'd go so far to say that we're all the same consciousness underneath. Consciousness or pure awareness isn't "mine" or "yours", all beings are just pure consciousness temporarily experiencing itself as separate entities/organisms.
something that rhymes with blacid told me that everything in the universe was made of fractals and the whole universe was part of a single concienceness
At not a single point in the video did the narrator actually discuss how consciousness could be fractal and what that would even mean. They barely even explained the 1-2 scale of fractal complexity
I’m assuming you didn’t watch the whole thing through? He clearly states how the things in the neurons are very similar to fractal patterns.
baked af, so almost every sentence for me was like "and so this is.. fractal.
Almost how plumbuses are made, but then everything's fractal.
@@high2407 Is schleem fractal?
He doesn't even know the definition of fatal.
I had believed consciousness to be fractal, after thinking that behaviour in humans could often seem almost fractal in nature, and when looking at how my own brain works. And interestingly the way psychedelics can give one's consciousness distance from the self often reveals many of the fractals in the nature and how they relate to our universe
I remember seeing something like fractal patterns idk if it was my death experience as a kid i remember seeingall these random colors and it was like a different Dimention. Maybe this is the afterlife
@@unknownuser6124 Maybe
I saw fractal patterns on just regular concrete when i had my first one, the complexity of how chaotic the texture on the surface is, simply astounding
Have you done mushrooms? I literally see Fractals everywhere
on my trip i closed my eyes and saw leaning towers made of fractals
fractal fractal
@@liberationwasalie2982 fractal fractal fractal
@@psykoj Fractal Fractal Fractal Fractal
@@doomstar-kb2hv fractal fractal fractal fractal fractal
I had this shrooms trip and it was like when im always in my mind it was like im this big infiite being and im putting all my attention on ONE part of my infinity and it was like im living this life because my mind creates what i think about but im always in my head giving every thought attention and it really opened my eyes to a different perspective to always being in my thoughts rather than being present.
The phenomena FractalTrip resonates with my truth. DMT LSD or shroom trips are all fractal trips. in 2010 before my awakening/ascending/descending trip I was obsessed with fractals I thought, now I know fractals were obsessed with me. I started with fractals and went from sacred geometry to esoteric understanding followed by the law of attraction.
I fractal, now planets conspire easy with me, universe spirituality
eye fractal. Now plan its con spear easy with me, you need verse. Spear to well E.T.
would love to message you about this and speak on this topic
Sounds to me like drug induced delusions ?
6:33 Consciousness isn't a temporal fractal; consciousness creates temporal fractals.
@@dogboydar1202 Creators create. Consciousness is an aspect of Creators. Biology is created.
@@LorenzoNW tomato tomahto
Consciousness is non physical. You're asking the wrong question. The question we should ask is does Consciousness create fractals. And the answer is Yes!
Would you care to elaborate? :)
@@RTVPREDATOR meaning it’s all in your head lmao
He would not. Lol
Sir you explained the subject in a deep and insightful way
I used to see fractals as a child and they used to scare the hell out of me.. my parents said when I was a child I would go into a trance and they would wave their hands in front of my face and I would still be in a trance with my eyes open and then afterwards I would start crying because it was such a scary experience. I never knew what I was seeing until one day as an adult I watched limitless the movie where they take the pill and become extremely smart, as the guy takes the pill they do this zoom like feature in the next scene and I realised holy!! I used to see that when I was young, then I came across fractals and was like omg! That’s what I use to see down to a tee. But I could never explain it to my parents even when they asked I just used to say, everything is getting big, and they were like what do u mean? So yea that’s my story
@@lcplshmuckatelli1360 Y'all should share experiences.
I can relate too. I use to see it in the patterns on the wallpaper when I was around 6 years old, I use to be so scared that I wouldn't move until my mum would come upstairs and pick me up
Upon re-entry into waking consciousness after my first DMT trip I said to myself, “God sure does like fractals”!
I said, "Holy shit, God is a fractal"
@@HudsonHarris-vp7qw 😎
If you don’t know what/why/where consciousness is, Why does this video emphasize brain images?
Imagine randomly slinging paint on a paper and having people think you were a mathematical genius.
You should do a video that explains or goes more in depth about the fractal dimensions.
It isn't clear to me yet what it means that is 1, 1.5, 2, etc.
It’s the nature of consciousness. Because consciousness is connected at every level, it is a singularity. The nature of the universe is fractal, and the universe is conscious- at every level.
"...received a fatal blow to the head. He survived..."
lol, not quite fatal then eh?
Our state of minds and what we think/worry about at the time of the peak determine the type of experience we will receive. I saw my own body dying on the ground while my friends helped pull puke out of my mouth and turn my head so I didn’t die. But I saw it from above my body….. I puked because I got drunk before hand, saw the fractals….. and it spun my reality so hard that I had to void what was in my body. (The beer). Being stuck outside of my body until it allowed me back inside it was….. well, terrifying.
Your videos are fantastic!
i had kundalini awakening and i got to this conclusion and possibility in my head yet a lot more to know and learn. thanks fr the video , i thought i m only one thinking this
"A kaleidoscope is an optical instrument with two or more reflecting surfaces tilted to each other at an angle, so that one or more objects on one end of the mirrors are seen as a regular symmetrical pattern when viewed from the other end, due to repeated reflection." per Wiki ^^ I had one as a kid.
So fractals from psychedelics are actual real
What’s your definition of real
Was that milkdrop at 1:30?
A single point is dimension 0
And points connected can form a line, dimension 1
And lines connected can form a square, dimension 2
And squares connected can form a cube, dimension 3
Now zoom out from the cube....
It's becoming a point, dimension 0 (with everything in it, points, lines, squares)
And repeat the above again.
Our dimension/reality/universe is a fractal
1:56 in 2002 a man received a fatal blow to the head and he survived! Wow these fractal resurrection systems are great!
"We may have evolved to be skilled decoders of the fractals that surrounds us in nature". After researching fractals in all fields they can and did came across I think this is the truth. Guess we'll never know...
I can show you 🙏
I can show you
i imagine and have faith that consciousness and reality is fractal and infinite in nature to me god is infinity him self , to me existence is something without limits or an end , death is merely ascension to higher plains of eternities , once you pass from this life you are reborn (reincarnated) into a new vessel within a new realm based on your karma in past lives and the cycle of life and death , harmony , balance and dualism continues for all eternity at least that's how i see god
Thunder and lightning, root systems, high dimensionality. We are surrounded by this stuff but can't seem to make sense of it.
It is outside of the realm that you utilize to make sense of it. What you need is Initiation.
@@1995yuda initiation?
@@phxHeritage Indeed. Science and Philosophy will not provide you the answers you seek. Did you not understand this by now ?
@@1995yuda well, I understand science will not provide these answers but philosophy?
@@phxHeritage Ever heard of an Epistemological Blockage ? Philosophy will lead you to the door, especially critical thinking, at best, but that is it. In the Edenic narrative of the hebrew bible the hebrew G-od forbids Man the tree of Knowledge. Why do you think that is so ? Some things can only be Experienced...
I’ve often wondered about the connection btwn Mandelbrot , prime #s and the fractal imagery we experience during an engagement with chemicals such as 5-Me0 DMT
In the end everything is fractal, some you only see from different perspectives or taking a few steps black and taking a look at the bigger think while looking at patterns you’ll find in the universe and in the smallest.
Even behavior and creativity is fractal, our solutions to problems reflect how the universe and nature does it.
We often just don’t see it because we are too used to it.
Each branch of the fractal consciousness would be a new train of thought, which happens to develop outward from a specific point of a previous train of thought or fractal branch, this continues until it is no longer biologically possible to do so or death
Wasn't quite expecting to see my home in a video like this but there it is - the city of Lviv, Ukraine at 1:09.
Haha, same here, I'm from Kyiv tho, but quickly recognized the flag and the city
Fractals are the most efficient way to maximize surface area within a three dimensional space. Surface area has been directly correlated with awareness. The more surface area an entity has the more points of contact, thus awareness that entity has of its environment. Now awareness is synonymous with consciousness. To be aware of something is to be conscious of it. Given the relationship between surface area, input and consciousness it would seem that fractals are most efficient way to maximize consciousness within a three dimensional universe. Perhaps fractals are the fourth dimension? Consider this, we know that the creation of fractals is an iterative process. Would not the axioms that guide the process be themselves iterative. We start with a simple point. A point reiterated gives you a line or 1 dimension. A line reiterated gives you a plane or 2 dimensions. A plane reiterated gives you space or 3 dimensions. Space reiterated gives you fractals. Fractals are the fourth dimension. I hope I haven't gone off the rails here. 😂 Its alot of fun thinking you've figured something out. Lol
Consciousness is functional. It is the ability to know your own state, which is important to make concerted, planned action possible in a complex world. For instance: it is not handy to start tying your sholaces while driving your car. To prevent such contradictory behavior there needs to be a faculty in the brain that can process all relevant information about the entity that "I" am, so as to be able to coordinate behaviour. This central faculty and the image it produces of the state of the body body and the mind is the consciousness.
Now of course it is also important for this faculty to also know itself: to function the consciousness should know that it is planning to go out to get the groceries, and that it therefore would not be handy to to start chopping wood at the same moment. In other words: introspection is necessary for consciousness to be effective!
But wait a minute, when we are able to think about the fact that we are thinking, than we can also think about the fact that we are thinking about the fact that we are thinking.... etc. etc. And voila... we have a recursive pattern and a fractal!
Mathematics (math)
Commutative Algebra (math.AC)
Commutative rings, modules, ideals, homological algebra, computational aspects, invariant theory, connections to algebraic geometry and combinatorics
Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)
Algebraic varieties, stacks, sheaves, schemes, moduli spaces, complex geometry, quantum cohomology
Analysis of PDEs (math.AP)
Existence and uniqueness, boundary conditions, linear and non-linear operators, stability, soliton theory, integrable PDE's, conservation laws, qualitative dynamics
Algebraic Topology (math.AT)
Homotopy theory, homological algebra, algebraic treatments of manifolds
Classical Analysis and ODEs (math.CA)
Special functions, orthogonal polynomials, harmonic analysis, ODE's, differential relations, calculus of variations, approximations, expansions, asymptotics
Combinatorics (math.CO)
Discrete mathematics, graph theory, enumeration, combinatorial optimization, Ramsey theory, combinatorial game theory
Category Theory (math.CT)
Enriched categories, topoi, abelian categories, monoidal categories, homological algebra
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Representation Theory (math.RT)
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Finn:” That’s so math!”
Received a fatal blow to his head. He survived. Ummm.. what?
Dudeeeeeeeee I love this💕 I found your channel through the blooming flowers video. But this omg, it’s so eloquently put, have you heard about the E8 theory?
Fractals are information, energy and awareness. God is inherently geometric
Thank you for posting❤
A better question would be: is there pattern in the universe that can't be the result of a fractal expression or group of fractal expressions?
Obviously the neurons look like fractals; however, many shapes don’t look fractal but are in actual fact appearing to be fractals at different scales. There are vilages in Africa that don't look fractal from ground level, but do from bird's-eye viewpoint.
If the universe is a holographic projection and fractal, then consciousness is just an emergent phenomena of that universe as it dynamically evolves. Euclidean geometry doesn’t fit nature!
Science has created the illusion of simplicity in linear formulations of nature; however, those formulations only work in limited ranges or scenarios. So science has known for ever that it's impossible to represent the world with scientific perfection and is really only concerned with what a model's use is---what applications there are.
Where consciousness is concerned, neural networks came out of the study of real neurones and allowed computer scientists simple models to study complexity.
Michael Barnsley's work shows that with fractal zoom algorithms, its possible to take a low quality image and generate missing details.
Fractal geometry and complexity theory is growing in terms of the utility science can leverage from these studies---mostly because linear science has come unstuck ---hit a limit in its capability to further understand nature.
If we want to cure cancer, develop terminator like conscious AI, develop cyborg technooogy ---and a whole host of other technology that we need to keep the human culture going as it's population grows---fractal geometry, holography, complexity theory and evolutionary computation are at the forefront of human science for the 21st century.
non sequitur: the video
So glad it's not just me. It kind of seems like it was written by an A.I.; most of the individual factoids are good but then they threw them in a hopper.
I had a vision of people being evaporated but a nuclear blast and at the moment of annihilation our consciousnesses turned fractal and as our bodies disintegrated our voices turned into a united song of ecstacy as we fractalized together. There was no fear
Errr, how can you receive a fatal blow and survive at the same time, come on man think about what you're saying.
Don't blame the narrator, he's got nothing to do with the script. That's totally on me.
In my defense, English is not my first language and I was under the impression that fatal implies severity and not necessarily death.
I apologize.
This channel is not active anymore, partially because of comments like this, pathetic observation meant only to criticize and take advantage of whichever flaws. But neither you nor the 18 other anonymous jerks who voted you up will create something like this video ever. You business is keeping the world as it is, all screwed up.
@@Nowhere-from Was I offensive? No. Did I get personal? No. Did I point out a logical flaw in the context of the video? Yes. Did I call anybody a "jerk"? No. Could you kindly step back for a second and read my comment again with a different perspective and see that it what written as encouragement, without being offensive, or calling anyone a jerk?
I also propose that if this channel is not active anymore because of my comment, then it had far bigger problems than an illogical statement and nothing to do with me.
Thanks for labelling me as the root of all evil in the world, isn't it a lovely place with folk like yourself in it.
@@AndyNicholson Your "logical flaw" as I said already a petty and mean criticism. It was not even in "the context of the video", which is obviously just to talk about interesting and very diverse topics that most people do not talk about or want to. This is obviously not a scientific video.
And yes, it was offensive. All you have to do is put yourself in the shoes of this content creator.
This is a good reason why many people in the media are taking radical points, they well know they are going to be critized for the prettiest things.... at best. So, the best option is going like bulls, like FoxNews, Rush Limbaugh, the president, etc.
Edit: As I said, this channel was not getting many views, people busy listening to celebrities media or radical media. And to make it worse it gets mean critic.
@@Nowhere-from What the hell is your problem, dude?
The narration in the video specifically discussed recovery from a fatal blow, that is absolutely the context. Fatality is final, it's death, non-recoverable, irreversible. I pointed that out and encouraged them do better. Pointing out a factual inaccuracy is neither petty, nor mean.
The guy then explained what the problem was and how it came about, absolutely reasonably, and we all got on with our lives. Everyone understands what happened. Everything is fine, end of story. If they were upset by it, a) they could have deleted it, which they did not, b) not reply to it explaining why the mistake came about in the first place, and c) l offer no apologies as none are justified, but repeat my encouragement to do better, not quit.
You, on the other hand, have decided to project an entire culture on to me that you have absolutely no knowledge or basis for, that I am a "jerk" and "pathetic". You have no idea about me, what I stand for, my philosophical and political beliefs, please don't do this.
I ask you once more to stop these false projections and attacks, and re-read that comment again from ALL other possible perspectives, and then ask yourself if there's any possible way you could be getting it all wrong?
Have you heard of LSD?
@M B I wish I could pay you money for how much joy your comment gave me
My question is the structure of fractal in ts self conscious. Im not to concerned if our consciousness is fractal rather is the fractal conscious
Good question. But will we ever find the answer?
@@bullevanberkel3967 The answer is determined when we perceive it. The answer to everything is the following, Yes but it takes time.
Thumbs down: Scientists will not agree with some of the points in this video, especially the quantum basis of consciousness. For this matter, the podcasts by Ginger Campbell here in RUclips are perfect. She starts here,
Thumbs up: This video is great anyways. It's a very broad take on fractals in the daily, starting from our own bodies. This kind of video is not really educative and therefore not subject to some of the complains, like not getting into any point in detail, or mine (quantum mechanics unlinked from consciousnesses). Scientists will eventually look into the issue of consciousness being fractal and will sure find it, no need for pretentious hedge expressions of false modesty and realism like "probably", "possibly", "supposedly", "let's put it this way", etc. These expressions only apply to what they will do with the new knowledge.
All that I know is, that in my reality, my consciousness feels fractal
Why do you say fractals are a balance between chaos and order?
🤔- Well we extract energy from the food we eat....that energy manifests itself as the electricity which regulates your heartbeat, breathing, giving off a frequency as a result....and burns itself up as a calorie
So...does electricity bring about consciousness in the brain the same way that it makes muscles contract and relax when initiated outside of the nervious system? Yes due to the unique structure of the Brain itself which is far more complex then an ordinary computer you plug into an outlet. 😒-A.I. which is not conscious requires huge amounts of energy to function X times more then an ordinary home
computer and does not produce conscious thought but rather logical decisions as a sum total.... in so saying do micro organizums which inhabit the brain and body and outnumber the total cell count which make up your physical body play any part in conscious thought and the decision making processes is the better question...
What music is this?
Angeldust by Brandtz
@Half-Ass TV audiojungle.net/item/angeldust/7429
VERY interesting video, well done.
sir roger Penrose said very specifically : "consciousness is not a computation "
Fractals = the theory of everything
So perfect! Thank you for this piece of work.
i find the audio / voice terribly high pitched, i'm turning this off.
amazing video
2:15 anyone who taken acid before knows exactly what this dude means 😂
Anything that builds upon itself is recursive and mathematically a fractal. Galaxy’s seem recursive around spin. Protons all the way to galaxy’s. Everything spins
The guy who hit his head is a very interesting story. It's on youtube. I believe he was diagnosed with acquired savant syndrome. Which is an incredible condition. He said he thinks he now sees the universe the way the universe sees itself.
Fascinating! Very well expressed
I swear if i wake up alive after i die im gonna be sooooo peeved
How did that dude “survive” a fatal blow to the head?😂💀
This may lend credence to the criticality theory for the brain
3:55, 5:00
All that exists is Chaos & Order
The fingerprints of God
The video somehow neglects to mention how Jackson Pollack was a severely bi-polar alcoholic.
Transcranial Magneitic Stimulation is used to quite the Default Mode Network (DMF) and enable people to increase other portions of the brain. Alcohol is a depressent and bipolar has it own wonders. What Pollock was doing was "self soothing". finding a creative way to ease his inner turmoil. The same turmoil drove him to alcohol and the alcohol unfortunately contributes to the self soothing outcome. In the long run we are all dead.
Take enough hallucinogens and you’ll see the fractals.
6:04 ☆
This is exactly how the mind works. Each cortex in the mind..... This is how mind altering drugs work.
"Jason Padgett received a fatal blow to his head, he survived." Err so not fatal then...
If you want to learn more about consciousness check the works of David R Hawkins. Consciousness is an expresion of God.
Which god?🤔
Of the only God that exists. And it has no religion.
Consciousness is the Mind of
The Absolute or God.
There's an Infinite Field of
Consciousness, that contains
all the thoughts of God.
Everthing is an illusion because
there are only thoughts.
God created an illusory ego like
a vehicle for to experience his
own creations.
We are Pure Consciousness.
But the ego-mind believes that
he has his own thoughts.
That beliefs, created a
fragmented feelings of being
separated from the totally that
is Consciousness.
The fearness of being separated
parts of the totally produces
unhappiness and suffering.
But it's only a thought in the
Awakening is when the ego
realise that he never had one
single own thought.
That he is not the doer.
Then the ego will surrender and
return into his true nature in the
spiritual heart.
How to surrender
Pollack was a hack...but ok.😂
It wasn't fatal if he survived.
Reality is fractal.
suddenly I want Jordan Peterson to talk about this topic.
Kind of interesting, not a fan of Pollock's work at all, but the video is very well done, keep it up, suscribed
consciousness is very clear.
it means the functioning of a central nervous system created by trillions of living cells.
Well done
🌲 🌳 🌴
this makes zero sense
7 minutes and 47 seconds of nonsense
Smells like pseudo science. Therapeutic.
Problems with Consciousness is so deep that every theory proposed seems like a pseudoscience.
Imagine believing evolution in 2021.
Imagine believing in gods in 2021
This was so beautiful to watch. I felt more connected to who I truly am and everything around me 🩵