Heheh, who would've thought you could manipulate the bouncy mushroom momentum in such an interesting way? Overcoming the 73 speed lock is more than a little OP, it seems :P
MrBean35000vr throw Mushroom Peaks out of CTGP please, no one likes this track is too broken and Chomp Valley and SNES Rainbow Road has also flown out why Mushroom Peaks not ?????
I think you can improve the mushroom part. During that period you're watermelonium is not at the max level. If you boost you're max speed by doing a tumble roll, the level of watermelonium wil rise, and you're end time wil be beter. But well done tho
Good TAS. Too many lowtricks and Nice shortcuts Boi. Best race i' ve ever seen in mushroom peaks. Your would be a winner in the CTGP Revolution of this CT.
I know I’m late but what are the 3 things on the left? Is it air time, drift, and boost left from mushroom? All calculated down to the frame? Anyone know? Also I have basically no clue on the 2nd one
I recently home brewed my Wii, and my friend and I played this map. He kept falling off the mushrooms, and I overlapped him I was on the final lap and he was only his first. He raged so hard, that he rage quit the game 😂
The one guy in the lobby who voted Mushroom Peaks:
i knew i couldn’t trust that music
ikr xD Something seemed wrong from the very beginning xD
VεrτεX MK yeah...
large f in chat?
I don’t get it. Like how could you tell?
@@lowercaseletters_ the beginning notes are off
Heheh, who would've thought you could manipulate the bouncy mushroom momentum in such an interesting way? Overcoming the 73 speed lock is more than a little OP, it seems :P
Haha yes it's really op
MrBean35000vr yes it’s just a little op
this is so sad, can mushroom peaks have 2 laps?
He even managed to go under it too.
MrBean35000vr throw Mushroom Peaks out of CTGP please, no one likes this track is too broken and Chomp Valley and SNES Rainbow Road has also flown out why Mushroom Peaks not ?????
You seem to like tracks with mushrooms. Mushroom gorge kinoko cave now this
Ah ah
Watta Watta bing bang
stfu u ass
Takeo You’re the ass
this TAS is so cool
I think you can improve the mushroom part. During that period you're watermelonium is not at the max level. If you boost you're max speed by doing a tumble roll, the level of watermelonium wil rise, and you're end time wil be beter. But well done tho
This is one of the best executed new strat developments I have seen ever
Finished this quickly. Great run and music
2:33 here we go again
Holy cow, This run is insane! Great job ;)
Good TAS. Too many lowtricks and Nice shortcuts Boi. Best race i' ve ever seen in mushroom peaks. Your would be a winner in the CTGP Revolution of this CT.
Nice, that was a massive bkt cut!
Do’in Great,mushroom Master;)
I like how even with a tas they have to find creative ways to bounce off the mushrooms.
oh yes i was betting the music was gonna be the witch doctor one
Special SwareJonge this Is my favorite TAS
Ladies and gentlemen, the master of mushroom physics 👏👏👏
Nice run!
lucky that the run is good, otherwize, I would have disliked because of this music....
If you didn't dislike it, who did?
youtube actually fucked up lol
@@SwareJonge You don't see these conversations every day lol.
@@roderrickgaming9949 r u ok
ooh eee ooh a aaa ting tang walla walla bing bong
Music is unexpectedly very fitting
Just imagine if TAS were a gamemode
nice improvements on lap 3, now I really wanna see that 3:28
Wow at first I knew this music was from super Mario galaxy 2 but I didn’t expect it would change later to witch doctor that’s cool
This run is so good that is even better than the music
Cool music
Hmm yes... I remember that name, SwareJonge the abuser of mushrooms... lol amazing run
You know a track is ridiculous when the tas bkt is over 3 minutes lmao
That fkn music tho
The music made me die of nostalgia lol
Nice job. Can't wait to see sub 3:28.
very.. Interesting song choice
At this point it can't be CTGP without Mushroom Peeks
Clean run man :)
BGM マリオじゃなくてうーいーあああだった
Dude nice! You Beat Remy!
Phenomenal run! Keep it up
Couldn’t tell if this was Mario music or ooh ehh ooh ah ahh
why did you go wider at the mushroom gap at 1:47 compared to l1
Different mushroom cycle
Road to 15k
This gives me anxiety.
amazing run, im really impressed with the new mushroom strat, is it possible to do it on more than just one mushroom?
Wow good run tas :o
Man this level is CBT but you make it look so effortless
Siivagunner i hear you
Gg fella
I forgot what stage 4 of donut plains sounds like
I Love TAS 👍🥳
I know I’m late but what are the 3 things on the left? Is it air time, drift, and boost left from mushroom? All calculated down to the frame? Anyone know? Also I have basically no clue on the 2nd one
I think you got it right apart from the third one which is boost speed
Strange that taking that wide is fastest on the lap 2 shroom cut
I wish shooting star was done
I recently home brewed my Wii, and my friend and I played this map. He kept falling off the mushrooms, and I overlapped him I was on the final lap and he was only his first. He raged so hard, that he rage quit the game 😂
And that's the butey of mushroom peeks buddy
You could definitely get a 3:28
What is this track
its is a custom track, you can get it with wiimmfi
"What is this track"
Can someone tell me how do people see they're km/h please or tell me a youtuber that can tell how
Mods, One comes with CTGP-R if you can hack a Wii
Has anyone ever completed the long mushroom section without falling off rta? I swear its actually impossible.
Yes, and shroomless
You were saying 2:32
this doesn't look like mushroom gorge
I Think You Are Dutch.
That's why i only play CTGP tracks solo, to not have to play this impossible piece of garbage
The shortcut is so poorly designed for the standard of ctgp
lmao this track just needs deleting, it was fun back in the day but now it's just pure aids
This is a gawd awful map. Whoever made this map should be ashamed of themselves
Is this a joke or are you serious?
If you're serious, The guy who made CTGP made this long ago (2009)
If you're joking, Yeah
Worst custom map ever
Well this was made in 2009