You ain’t telling no lies Social media is the biggest downfall. A lot of people actually make it easier for monitoring spirits they post their business everywhere! And beware of Nosy neighbors! I had the blessings to cut off most monitoring spirits. That is absolutely sad to not want the best for everybody. Thank you for this valuable information
@@Haillucifer6666 now it really just feels like being a celebrity with the paparazzi always on my tail. I'm glad I'm always looking good for the pictures monitoring spirits always snapping 📸
Yes I have monitoring spirits watching my every move for years that I wish would leave me alone° because darkness never wins over light!! I keep telling these people!! Interfering with God's plan is God's problem!!! Amen!!!
@@lilmaxout it hurts when you want to become a better version of yourself and you try to get your family to do the same but they will bash and try to get everyone to recruit against you. Ever since I got into self development and started a business it's gotten worse and I had to cut off my family so I can do the inner work on me
Somehow you always touching on what I’m going through. Why do they even monitor me? Do they have no life? Seriously, this is why I stay off social media and everytime I get on I’m reminded why I need to stay off of it.
@DTWAR Yes I find it creepy because she tells everyone in our family lies and tries to get them to go against me. She will damage and steal my property as well and when I've confronted her about the things she does she lies to my face
Tried to get to know a girl at my last job, everytime I would talk at what I do she seemed to know everything about me and I was bumping into her all the time and when I brought this up she had this strange reaction 🙏🙏🙏✨️
My Social media is dead because of that. However these monitoring spirits are amongst us - family, workmates, friends. I am making moves now to protect myself from them.
Since i was in 4th grade, i had “big brother” mentality before that show even came out !!!! I ALWAYS throught i was being recorded and monitored as a CHILD
@@Haillucifer6666 I personally find it utterly pathetic that monitoring spirits spend so much of their time watching me yet can never stop me. That's just so unfortunate for them smh
@@texasgent4694 watching you was their life,sad but true. All you can do is live your life to the fullest&let them waste their time watching you yet not stopping you. What a pathetic way for someone to live.
I once had an employer get upset with me because they didn’t know more about me outside of work…like duh that’s the point, there’s always someone watching and plotting
Another thing to note, is the difference between folks following you around & seeing you in-passing (after a falling out). We’ve to be careful not to place that term so loosely on people! Granted, monitoring spirits are a very real thing & they operate subtly (rarely openly), but we’ve got to be discerning & not pin that on everyone with whom we may've had disagreements or full-on blow outs! Just another perspective! Aside from that, right on! 🙏🙏🙏
Hey, hyd? Yes, I got monitored spirits around me. It's the ex cancer his third parties,and some of my family members. My spiritual team protects and guides me, thankful and humble.
Somebody just said, there's no such thing as monitoring spirits because that word is not in the Bible! So I said whether it's monitoring or watchers because the word watchers is in the Bible and they're basically the same spirits, just following you around!! Uuuhhhh🤦🏽♀️
I don't tell anyone anything for this reason but my mama is monitoring spirit as well this is why I don't tell her nothing i can't trust her Plus i just got good news myself I am keeping too myself.
Oh my goodness my brother my friend I don't discuss my personal business with people this is who I am I will keep my personal business to my self this none of their business 😂😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Here’s an old Italian saying and a wise one you never tell your left hand while your right hand is doing. How do you know if someone is a true pro I guess vegan angels words ????
Monitoring spirits doesn’t leave you for moment , I just got used to it they wait for you to slip up & fall 🤦♀️🙏♥️🙏Amen I pray to God he guides me 🙏🙏🙏
My DIL is a monitoring spirit, and she's making my son into one as well. These people spend so much time looking, peeping, eavesdropping, and judging everyone else, because their own life is a hot mess.
Yip you hit it right on the head with your content mate in his mighty name Jesus Christ amen bro ❤️✝️❤️🏴👍🏴🤜🤛thanks for the heads up brother a didn’t know that’s what that’s what it was called 👍🏴✝️🏴🙏🤜🤛
Obsessed monitoring spirits. I didn't know how bad it was until late 2022 going into 2023. I do my best to shield away from these weirdos.
Same here
Exactly what they are
Same. I've always had them but they've gotten worse in the last few years.
Monitoring spirits everywhere
Well Said 💞
Oh yeah 👍🏻
Give me Scripture for that
You ain’t telling no lies Social media is the biggest downfall. A lot of people actually make it easier for monitoring spirits they post their business everywhere! And beware of Nosy neighbors! I had the blessings to cut off most monitoring spirits. That is absolutely sad to not want the best for everybody. Thank you for this valuable information
I always had monitoring spirits seem like my whole life. Now I know why. I’m the chosen one 🙏🏽❤️
I got monitoring spirits, the fact you even talk about it in the first place made me know for a fact you’re also chosen
I didnt know he knew about that
@ it’s hard not too when you’re gods fav
@@JonathanWesley-c5m I'm pretty sure he talked about tht
Spot on💯 When I walk outside I'm instantly being spied on through my curtains and blinds
@@MysticallyEsoteric likewise
@@Haillucifer6666 now it really just feels like being a celebrity with the paparazzi always on my tail. I'm glad I'm always looking good for the pictures monitoring spirits always snapping 📸
Yes I have monitoring spirits watching my every move for years that I wish would leave me alone° because darkness never wins over light!! I keep telling these people!! Interfering with God's plan is God's problem!!! Amen!!!
on all social media
That's true they don't want you to make it. They are jealous spirits nosey.
My mom and grandma will follow everything we do and try to cause destruction
Same problem I'm going Thur but it's really the whole family for me 😔🙏🏾❤️
@@lilmaxout it hurts when you want to become a better version of yourself and you try to get your family to do the same but they will bash and try to get everyone to recruit against you. Ever since I got into self development and started a business it's gotten worse and I had to cut off my family so I can do the inner work on me
@@lilmaxoutthey don’t leave any door for my nuts to breathe lol
Oh yes the ones close to you can be the worst. Life lessons. Just subscribed to you. Nice channel of knowledge and empowerment!
Tren they are everywhere 💯
@@LibraQ11 Yes, they are everywhere I been seeing more ppl been used to monitor the righteous to see what they doing.
Somehow you always touching on what I’m going through. Why do they even monitor me? Do they have no life? Seriously, this is why I stay off social media and everytime I get on I’m reminded why I need to stay off of it.
I have monitoring spirits too watching my every move.
No you don't
I got monitoring spirits big bro Tren.
They get so mad when you don’t tell them information 😂🙄 I just play the game back and laugh and smile 😂 then say God Bless you ❤
Stand firm talk to God about it🙏
Tren, you are so right. Because these haters will try to wish bad on your blessings. We have to learn how to be quiet.
Yes 🙌🏻 silence is golden ❤
Im going through this with my family especially my grandmother following everything I do
This is my dad’s mom! It’s quite weird cuz I know irl she don’t f* with me like that
@DTWAR Yes I find it creepy because she tells everyone in our family lies and tries to get them to go against me. She will damage and steal my property as well and when I've confronted her about the things she does she lies to my face
Tried to get to know a girl at my last job, everytime I would talk at what I do she seemed to know everything about me and I was bumping into her all the time and when I brought this up she had this strange reaction 🙏🙏🙏✨️
Great to hear from you again. NorvenAI is the future! ✌🏻✌🏻
Yup 👍 Let The Church ⛪️ Say Amen 🙏
This whole video is on point💯💯💯💯
They everywhere ✋🏿
My Social media is dead because of that. However these monitoring spirits are amongst us - family, workmates, friends. I am making moves now to protect myself from them.
Since i was in 4th grade, i had “big brother” mentality before that show even came out !!!! I ALWAYS throught i was being recorded and monitored as a CHILD
Then They Wonder Why Nothing Is Good Happening To Them … Why Would The Most High Bless A Hater… Sit Down And Watch Me Shine Cause I’m Blessed 🎉🎉
@@TrilldByKyngKyng this 🎯🎯
Being monitored right now non stop. Refuse to go live their own life for monitoring mines 24/7. I can't make this ish up
@@Haillucifer6666 I personally find it utterly pathetic that monitoring spirits spend so much of their time watching me yet can never stop me. That's just so unfortunate for them smh
I used to live by someone like that, literally watching EVERY move I made, it's like GET A LIFE!!
@@texasgent4694 watching you was their life,sad but true. All you can do is live your life to the fullest&let them waste their time watching you yet not stopping you. What a pathetic way for someone to live.
I'm listening 🙏🏿
I once had an employer get upset with me because they didn’t know more about me outside of work…like duh that’s the point, there’s always someone watching and plotting
Thanks brother like you're message sending you lots of love and light
That true you can't tell people anything
They all plotting on my down fall in thats why im blessed because im not jealous or envious of no one 😎
I definitely have monitoring spirits …
They watching everything without my permission..Cant hide nothing if i tried . Aint no secrets 💀
Thanksss bro!
I receive this word 100%.
Yes I have monitoring spirits
Thank you BROTHER!!! Your words of wisdom is spot on!!👏👏🙌
NorvenAI Pumping🚀🚀🚀
Just invested over $10k in NorvenAI! This project is set to soar.
NorvenAI community powerful force 🙌🙌
People likes to celebrate others failures
Monitoring Spirits Familiar Spirits Lying 🤥 Tren Speaking 🗣️ Volumes 💎
Another thing to note, is the difference between folks following you around & seeing you in-passing (after a falling out). We’ve to be careful not to place that term so loosely on people! Granted, monitoring spirits are a very real thing & they operate subtly (rarely openly), but we’ve got to be discerning & not pin that on everyone with whom we may've had disagreements or full-on blow outs! Just another perspective! Aside from that, right on! 🙏🙏🙏
NorvenAI looks amazing!
Bought more Norvenai after watching your review... lets go!
Thanks for the XAI240K update! I am loving my XAI240K!
recently found you. you are the truth mayneee
Hey, hyd? Yes, I got monitored spirits around me. It's the ex cancer his third parties,and some of my family members. My spiritual team protects and guides me, thankful and humble.
Okay going all in on NorvenAI!
NorvenAI will do at least 15X! I love that project!!
This video was meant for me to see. I have a lot monitoring spirits revealing themselves now
Let's go NorvenAI 📈🐸💯
NorvenAI is an absolute gem from your last video bro.
My neighbors are monitoring spirits
Somebody just said, there's no such thing as monitoring spirits because that word is not in the Bible! So I said whether it's monitoring or watchers because the word watchers is in the Bible and they're basically the same spirits, just following you around!! Uuuhhhh🤦🏽♀️
Yes. I have monitoring spirits in my dreams familiar spirits.
oh yes.I have loads of them.Complete strangers too...not just friends and family.People following me everywhere.They think I can't tell lol.
❤thank you I got sent this at the right time !!
I have Monitoring spirits at home just because I take care of my mother. My mother is one of the Monitoring spirits. They don't want you to move up.
Exactly!! I agree my mom and siblings are monitoring spirits. I am asking God consistently and consistently to guard my mouth.
Yes I have monitoring spirit all around me .👁👁👁
I don't tell anyone anything for this reason
but my mama is monitoring
spirit as well this is why
I don't tell her nothing i can't trust her
Plus i just got good news myself
I am keeping too myself.
NorvenAI might not be on everyone’s radar yet, but it’s definitely one I’m watching closely.
family members are the worst now an days I pray for them that the God in me that wanna help but I keep my distance
Glad to see NorvenAI in your portfolio there. 🧐
My sisters has monitoring spirits
Same 🤦🏾♂️🙌🏾
Big bro tren I got monitoring spirits
Oh I have a lot of monitoring spirits Tren, a lot and yes it’s very real..
Oh my goodness my brother my friend I don't discuss my personal business with people this is who I am I will keep my personal business to my self this none of their business 😂😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
My XAI240K is still pumping...thank you
Yes and I see them more often.
Beware of neighbors ! Especially thin walls in apartments..any shared walls.
If you don't mind me asking when is your birthday?
I'm a Sagittarius born in December.
Febuary 18 1999
So true ❤️❤️❤️
Amen my brother
Yup 👍🏻 me too with Facebook! Not for a long time now. Move in silence 💥💥
I have monitoring spirits.
Yes bro I have monitoring spirits.
My neighbors are like that haters
Very sad but 💯 true, it's always the closest ones to you....😏
Here’s an old Italian saying and a wise one you never tell your left hand while your right hand is doing. How do you know if someone is a true pro I guess vegan angels words ????
Monitoring spirits doesn’t leave you for moment , I just got used to it they wait for you to slip up & fall 🤦♀️🙏♥️🙏Amen I pray to God he guides me 🙏🙏🙏
My DIL is a monitoring spirit, and she's making my son into one as well. These people spend so much time looking, peeping, eavesdropping, and judging everyone else, because their own life is a hot mess.
Big bro I have monitoring spirits!!!!
And would u recommend that I try and cast the principality out?
I got 'em😏🎯💯
Big bro tren i got monitoring spirits Just tryna hold up from all this pain im 20 Years old figured out the difference or the spiritual fight 💪🏾
GOODEVENING dear brother tren😃🙋♀️hru doing sweetheart? I saluut you from Nederland 🇳🇱👌💙🔥💪💥❤
I got multiple monitoring spirits. And other worldly creatons
Yip you hit it right on the head with your content mate in his mighty name Jesus Christ amen bro ❤️✝️❤️🏴👍🏴🤜🤛thanks for the heads up brother a didn’t know that’s what that’s what it was called 👍🏴✝️🏴🙏🤜🤛
NorvenAI will change the game forever
Wherever you go you have monitoring spirit. That spirit is scared of me...
Big bro I have monitoring spirits
NorvenAI 100x 💥🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Yes I have monitoring spirits birds people flies all that