Charlie Kirk HUMBLED Student Pushing 'Free Love'

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 42

  • @dannytu0322
    @dannytu0322 5 месяцев назад +18

    Having self control is a part of what separates you from a child.

  • @BahubaliKota
    @BahubaliKota 4 месяца назад +9

    This is actually me debating Charlie Kirk in this video - really respect your perspective my friend!

    • @larkinh1
      @larkinh1 3 месяца назад +1

      You did it right man, respectfully and honestly!

  • @addeigloriam4844
    @addeigloriam4844 5 месяцев назад +8

    Watched about 8 vids of yours. Great Job young man. New sub here. Keep up the great work. God Bless You

    • @Normchop
      @Normchop 5 месяцев назад

      Nice to have you aboard!

  • @yvie0136
    @yvie0136 5 месяцев назад +18

    If you are a man surely you are man enough to not give in to social pressure and not care what people think. My husband is very strong and attractive and masculine and we were both virgins until we married ❤ ❤ we dated for 3 years and have been married now for 44 years 😊

  • @mpa8336
    @mpa8336 2 месяца назад

    I've never gone on OF. Never will. I would lower my energy levels considerably if I did.

  • @helenhilton2158
    @helenhilton2158 5 месяцев назад +9

    I am a virgin at the age of 63. When I was younger and hoping to get married, I wanted ONLY a virgin man and was repulsed by men who had slept around. Did they not have the STRENGTH to resist temptation and keep themselves until marriage?

    • @themadscarecrow288
      @themadscarecrow288 5 месяцев назад +3

      It's much more difficult for men to restrain sexual activities, as testosterone causes sexual arousal alot, especially when no provocative behaviour is shown (women being sexual back in any way), and that sexual arousal for men is EXTREMELY intense if left unchecked

    • @leskobrandon6950
      @leskobrandon6950 5 месяцев назад

      As a man I had the urge. I wanted to, but waited until I was with someone long term. Sadly we didn't work out after 5 years and I was alone for a few years until I met my wife of 20 years. Short story we have 9 kids now and are very happy and successful. My advice is don't give up, but don't give in easy. Intimacy is private and intense. Don't give it to anyone.

    • @General_Zod99
      @General_Zod99 5 месяцев назад

      Sad life to live

  • @squidward6187
    @squidward6187 2 месяца назад

    I didn't date in Highschool because the sex culture was really gross. My first bf was when I was 19 and I remember being shocked that he was also a virgin since my hometown was skaaaaaaanky AF. "Virgin" was considered the biggest insult. If you were still a virgin by 15 you were a "loser." I thought I was the only virgin my age. An American told me that Canadians are super easy compared to them and I must agree. We're much less Christian. I converted to Christianity a few years ago and I get made fun of a lot for it. I don't care, it just makes me sad for them. It brings so much peace and beauty.

  • @Gabriel.Ponce.De.Leon.777
    @Gabriel.Ponce.De.Leon.777 Месяц назад

    I feel sorry for all this kids sons and daughters of parents without knowledge of God, without wisdom, without convictions, who are listening from Charlie all this things for the first time.

  • @leramda9
    @leramda9 5 месяцев назад +4

    Why is the generation under impression that if you’ve been running around with different women you’re automatically a masculine men? Maybe that’s true but also having self-control shows your character or where you’re at in life and what your accomplishments are defying you as a masculine man but not how many women you’ve slept with

  • @daisyhoney3088
    @daisyhoney3088 4 месяца назад

    I believe that being clean until marriage is the best way to live. I also believe that even if a person was sexualy active, he could change and abstain until marriage ❤

  • @vindenap6987
    @vindenap6987 4 месяца назад

    But you know the "social pressure" is wrong, but still ask him why not?

  • @laurafierro8281
    @laurafierro8281 5 месяцев назад

    4:16 !!!!!!! IVE BEEN SAYING THIS!!!!!!!!

  • @larkinh1
    @larkinh1 3 месяца назад

    Won’t lie, I could never do it.

  • @rosemullen-r5w
    @rosemullen-r5w 5 месяцев назад

    A man is like a light switch, a woman is like an iron. If a man understands this, he will be a good lover!

  • @GoodLifeInSpain
    @GoodLifeInSpain 5 месяцев назад +1

    I'm somewhat conservative and love Charlie Kirk, but I don't think it's wise to marry someone before seeing if you are, at least, sexually compatible. I fully realize that sex isn't the main component of a healthy and strong relationship, but it's pretty damn important. And, if the sex isn't exceptionally satisfying, there's a very high chance that one or both partners are going to eventually look elsewhere.

    • @dumsybrown
      @dumsybrown  5 месяцев назад +3

      It's definitely crucial to consider compatibility in all aspects of a relationship, including intimacy.

    • @larkinh1
      @larkinh1 3 месяца назад

      I agree.

  • @anthonymckenzie5182
    @anthonymckenzie5182 5 месяцев назад

    Sex isn't immoral 😂

  • @brianbushfamily1814
    @brianbushfamily1814 2 месяца назад

    Think about this why would you want to wait until your married? You get with someone who can't please you at all inbed now your married to her or him, and how would you know what you like in bed and what you dont? Think about it

  • @General_Zod99
    @General_Zod99 5 месяцев назад

    There is no reason for a man to get married in todays society. Just date. Dont get married dont combine finances dont put a womans name on anything you own

  • @larrysimmons5628
    @larrysimmons5628 5 месяцев назад

    I always agree with Charlie,and I am a 44 year old virgin by choice that happens to look much younger . Just never could find a woman that wanted to wait till marriage. I might be the only one in my area. Had idk how many chances in my 20s but always said no. I wanted best friends first. Even now I have a chance for sex,but I want something more meaningful. So I know how you might feel bro,stay stronger then most 🙂💪🏻

  • @Iyiouseismouse
    @Iyiouseismouse 5 месяцев назад

    Charlie is right I think… I haven’t stayed virgin, but I can say from experience that me deciding that I wanted to wait and go on dates and spend the night hanging out and making out after a few dates but no sex made my ex who was completely out of my league want to be with me (actually asking a mutual friend “is he gay? He isn’t trying to get with me…”) After a while she asked for us to be official and later was crazy with wanting sex. I can guarantee that if I had just tried to get in her pants for casual it would have been a pass on her end (me being a 4, her being a 9 lol). We did talk marriage but after years it didn’t work. Still ❤❤❤😊 no hard feelings.

  • @peppernbo
    @peppernbo 5 месяцев назад +2

    so high school kids cant date ?

  • @anthonymckenzie5182
    @anthonymckenzie5182 5 месяцев назад +1

    Didn't he do s podcast with a bunch of only fans trying to shame them ?

  • @Phil98987
    @Phil98987 11 дней назад

    I agree with a lot of Charlys views but definitely not with the one that a virgin man is attractive to woman, the opposite is true for a large majority but this one not. Most woman definitely like experience(not only in sex) and of course woman exist who woulf prefer a virgin but imo thats either a fetish or they live strictly religious.

  • @LoveFreak18
    @LoveFreak18 5 месяцев назад +1

    My main thing against the bible and god is that it seems to be used as a crutch in arguments and not evidence to support a claim. I could be wrong and am open to that possibility but it seems that the supernatural card is over played.

    • @ericdaily8835
      @ericdaily8835 5 месяцев назад +3

      I don't see my faith and belief in Jesus as a crutch, I actually see it as a stretcher. A crutch is something to lean on, a stretcher lifts you up when you can't even stand. I've tried my own ways. And I've learned that I am not enough. The power to change needs to come from something bigger than you and me.

    • @addeigloriam4844
      @addeigloriam4844 5 месяцев назад

      Actually, the world today is proving God’s existence and specifically the Christian God.
      The theory of evolution is on its last legs and the scientific community knows it and many famous evolutionary biologists realize they need a new explanation. I’m speaking of dinosaurs becoming birds or a fish who is eventually a human being. Obviously, a finch’s beak can change but the genetics, the preprogrammed gene to produce the new advantageous beak was always there. Macro evolution or the origin of species is a myth. Conversely, almost every modern species was found in one layer of rock in their modern form which should not be possible under evolutionary theory. It’s called the Cambrian explosion.
      Gender Theory has not one objectively verifiable fact to substantiate it. It was made up by pervert pedophiles who falsified research to further their own ideas and career. Read about John Money and Albert Kinsey but don’t get info from MSM who make these gentlemen out to be heroes. John Money’s research ended in suicide and alcoholism for the patient and their family. It’s called the John/Joan Case.
      Scientists have discovered that the Universe is not eternal. It had a beginning. Therefore, the BIG BANG claims that matter burst into existence from a state in which no matter existed to power causation. Conversely, a big bang is what you’d expect to see if the Power of God speaks creation into existence.
      The world now is lost in a dangerous mind virus and the fact that literally everything they advocate for is directly diametrically opposed to every precept God gave His creation is further proof
      GOD: Male and female made He them
      THE LEFT: there’s an infinite amount of genders
      GOD: therefore, a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife and the two become one flesh
      THE LEFT: We must destroy the nuclear family
      GOD’s WORD: “For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be
      THE LEFT: go ahead have random irresponsible sex because after all you can just kill the baby.
      GOD: To Israel…You are my people
      THE LEFT: Death to Jews
      …….and on and on
      Listen, we are in a dangerous time. Sides are being chosen. Choose yours. Choose God and blessing and eternal life or choose the world’s wisdom and suffer eternal death. Look at the world man, does it look like we know what we’re doing?

    • @LoveFreak18
      @LoveFreak18 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@ericdaily8835 Depends how you use it in an argument, if it’s used a support for an argument that includes other scientific observations then it’s fine, but if you want to claim you’re right because god then it is a crutch.

    • @ericdaily8835
      @ericdaily8835 5 месяцев назад

      @LoveFreak18 I agree, my friend. I have been studying Christian apologetics for many years now. I wish that more believers would. It's one thing to say that you faith and believe. But does that alone make the Bible true? Sure, faith is vitality important to ANY Christian. You cannot be a follower of Christ without faith. BUT, why is it true?! That's where apologetics comes in. Using science, reason, historical evidence, eyewitnes evidence, non-christian writings, the teleological arguments and cosmological arguments. I can recommend some authors to you.

    • @29_lets_go
      @29_lets_go 5 месяцев назад +1

      You could be right and that's where faith comes in. However, it could also be used as a way to describe complex feelings or actions that many would find difficult to explain OR as a way to explain something as truth. I'll give an example correlating with this video:
      Bible verse: No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
      If I were to use this bible verse for my argument on this topic, it makes sense. "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful" means that when you follow poor behavior that feels good, it will be painful in the long run. This goes for everything in life.. it's called being childish or immature. It might feel good to eat a full tub of ice cream, purchase the nicest car you can with debt, or sit down all night and drink beer. It FEELS good but it is painful. Meaning, that you will have consequences or won't find peace with your decisions.
      Now the second part, if you are disciplined, you "harvest righteousness and peace" which means that by being in control over your emotions or being mature, you will gain from it. Maybe you eat a small amount of ice cream or skip out on it, you purchase an affordable car, and you don't sit down and drink beer all night.. that doesn't feel good to you. It might even be painful to not get that snack, get the nice stuff, or do something you find enjoyable.. but you will have a lot more gain and PEACE through that.
      So using the Bible and God can seem like a crutch or hold no evidence, but if done correctly it can be used pretty well. It requires some deep thought and long form conversation, however.