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  • @arsenkodra1276
    @arsenkodra1276 4 года назад +10

    Okay so we are going to pretend that nothing happened at 0:59 ?

    • @junkaze08
      @junkaze08 4 года назад +3

      Yes, I am going to pretend that nothing happend at 0:59 HAHAHAHA

    • @Monkismo
      @Monkismo 2 года назад

      Brilliant production values! :-)

    • @arsenkodra1276
      @arsenkodra1276 2 года назад

      Best part is, the editor did it on purpose, cause he was zoomed in, and zoomed out just briefly. Props to the editor!

  • @bonesjones3421
    @bonesjones3421 4 года назад

    Why did we not find the sparticles at the LHC?

  • @philsarazen6619
    @philsarazen6619 4 года назад

    The pendulum of clock on Jupiter falls faster but not farther. The hands of the clock rotate faster. Can we say that time goes faster on Jupiter? Or should we say, that the physical phenomena of pendulum clocks are affected by the physical phenomenon that makes up gravity, such that the mechanics of that clock speeds up?
    If we take a cesium clock to Jupiter the opposite happens: the clock goes slower. Can we say that time goes slower on Jupiter. Or should we say that the physical phenomena comprising our tool of measurement are affected by the physical phenomenon surrounding it?
    Leibniz’s view on time: a logical abstraction based on our tools of measurement. Unfortunately Lorentz and many others were in the Newtonian camp. A notable exception was Tesla.
    Hypothesis 1: Physical changes to atomic particles occur due to the interaction of the gravitational field GF. The gravitational field is a physical extension from the particle mass. The more particle masses that are packed together, the denser the GF becomes with GFs intertwining. This density of the GFs affect the interaction of nuclear particles because they are comprised of the same material. Hegel: “Matter is comprised of [compressed] gravity. Spirit is comprised of freedom”. The denser GFs on Jupiter affects the decay rate of the cesium atom slowing it down relative to Earth.
    Gravity is an electrical phenomenon and does not exist in of itself: protons and electrons pull one another with a greater force than protons and electrons push one another. The difference between the push and the pull is 10 to the 50th. This difference in force is called gravity. As such the GF is an expression of the electrical field. The electrical field EF is a physical phenomena. Both the EF and the particle mass are dynamic entities whose average velocity is the speed of light. The EF is being absorbed and expelled by the particle mass. The EF is created by spirals which have a far greater pull as distances get closer to the atomic particle, bonding particles together in a nucleus. When particle masses are forced together too closely their internal dynamic structure explodes in smaller phenomena.
    In nuclear accelerators the vacuum is filled with the EF. Compressed EF builds up in front of the particle masses as they are accelerated, a decompression of the EF is created behind the particles.
    When they collide together, the compressed EF bonds to become positive particle masses, the decompression becomes negative atomic particles.
    Hypothesis 2: The compressed EF, which comprises atomic particles has an average velocity of the speed of light. That is why E=MC2 in Nuclear reactions as opposed to ½ MV2 in non nuclear reactions where reactions go from zero to final velocity. Atomic particles are dynamic entities that unwind-unravel in certain conditions.
    The EF is the dark matter that comprises 4/5 of the universe and which we do not have the instrumentation to detect as yet.
    The String theory suggests that some part of the EF that surround atomic particles have a velocity far greater than the speed of light.
    Quantum mechanical effects are caused because the EF connected to the protons and electrons in the instruments we use to measure phenomena interfere with the phenomena we are measuring.
    To prove the core of this new theoretical construct, one will find that the speed of transmissions from a satellites around Venus to Earth will go faster on one side of the sun than the other. The difference in velocity will be the velocity of the sun’s rotation.
    The Militarization of Science
    I met George Joliffe in Vancouver in the early 1980s. He was a director of NASA who quit because the military had taken over. He said that what I had written they had been thinking intuitively for years. This theoretical structure suggests that combinations of EFs can destabilize atomic particles enabling them to release or absorb energy. I was threatened by three men from the US and Military Intelligence when I was in a position to experiment. Work for us or don’t work at all was their message to me. This technology is well guarded because defense against it is non existent.
    Quantum Mechanics
    All quantum mechanical effects can be explained by the fact that extending from our tools of measurement are EF with affect the atomic structures we are measuring.
    The Genius of Albert Einstein
    In 1914 a petition to support German military action in WW1 received the support of 93 scientists. Einstein attempted to organize an opposite petition, but only got 4 signatures. This was the mentality of the scientific community in which Albert was born. It was the age of invention; Tesla 15 years earlier had build boats and submarines operated by remote control; he was experimenting with technology that destroy the planet. Einstein’s genius was to throw a monkey wrench into the scientific community. The planet would have endured a man-made holocaust had the scientific community adopted Tesla’s theoretic model.
    The confusion inside the academic community, combined with the US military’s efforts to monopolize Tesla’s theoretic constructs, has prevented the public from gaining life saving technology.
    Time for open discussion
    The data from space, that would disprove Relativity, is well guarded by the US military. However it would be difficult to hide it completely and it is just a matter of time before someone exposes the cover-up. Hopefully it is combined with an effort to apply this technology safely. It is in this vein I would like to study the data from the satellites.
    Evolution to God Consciousness in the Cosmos
    Everything in our Cosmos gets infinitely big and infinitely small: there are many universes both inside the atomic particles, and the Cosmos.
    Wherever life exists in our cosmos, life that can sense the environment around it better that other life forms will survive better. Life that can anticipate, demonstrates intelligence, survives even better. There is an evolution from matter to consciousness everywhere in the cosmos.
    At the point in time when any intelligent civilization in the cosmos understands the nuclear, electromagnetic, and dark matter reality well enough to manipulate it so as to go faster than the speed of light, this intelligent life form will be able to manipulate the atomic structures with electromagnetic fields such that they will do what they will with it.
    Intelligent life will be able to perceive the motions of molecular structures anywhere in the universe; including the movement of the electrons and protons in the brains of other intelligent life forms. As such they will know what they think, and if they wish, be able to affect their thoughts.
    The mind is capable of producing electromagnetic patterning at a greater capacity than any machine we will be able to produce for some time. At some point we will be able to use the electromagnetic radiation from our minds to change atomic particles in our environment. As such intelligent life evolves to become Gods, beings who can transform the physical world with their thoughts.
    Intelligent life forms at this level will have linked up with similar intelligent life forms. Beings at this state of consciousness do not have to travel to other planets in primitive physical objects: UFOs. It is possible, that some civilizations may have destroyed their planet just before they reached this plateau of consciousness. Now they travel the universe in spaceships that move as a wave, looking for other civilizations. I doubt this is the case with the UFOs we see here.

    • @bryanhawk6052
      @bryanhawk6052 4 года назад

      What does this mean in terms of practical application? More specifically how can we attain this higher level of consciousness individually?

  • @amirhidri8392
    @amirhidri8392 4 года назад +2

    This things we call knowledge even is not 5% of all knowing.
    Just feel and imagine, ha!

  • @capoeirastronaut
    @capoeirastronaut 4 года назад

    Too many adverts!

  • @williamhird4770
    @williamhird4770 4 года назад +2

    What came after the Big Bang ? The Big Cigarette of course !

  • @maurostocovaz8785
    @maurostocovaz8785 4 года назад


  • @JinjiriMinjiri
    @JinjiriMinjiri 4 года назад +1

    A particle walks into a bar, and it doesnt.

  • @blacked2987
    @blacked2987 2 года назад +1

    2 22
    13 16

  • @bozo5632
    @bozo5632 4 года назад

    QM makes very accurate predictions.
    Ancient astronomers also made very accurate predictions - without understanding almost anything about stars, planets, orbits, etc. Similar situation?
    QM makes accurate predictions, and so did the Mayan calendar. Even though the Mayans, with all due respect, didn't know shit about stars.
    So I think we're stuck waiting for someone to have a wholly new idea, like Copernicus or Einstein had. (And I personally doubt string theory is it.)

  • @naimulhaq9626
    @naimulhaq9626 4 года назад

    The unitary evolution of Schrodinger's wave function, requires knowledge of the algorithm that leads to error-correcting determinism. But we not only do not know the algorithm, but we may never know, implying it is meaningless to dream of a theory of everything. The algorithm is one of infinite axions. It belongs to the domain of divine design.

  • @theredisee
    @theredisee 4 года назад +1

    Time and space are seriously overrated. Reality is way cooler than construct.