Комментарии •

  • @GamersNexus
    @GamersNexus Год назад +188

    Huge thanks for the shout-out, Brian. I think we had that conversation about the 12VHPWR cables. I think part of the problem is also viewer hysteria after the initial reddit or media hysteria. It creates a cycle -- the first big reddit post about a new controversy fuels crazy amounts of tweets, comments, emails to media outlets or YTers like us and others. We then feel pressure to say something or be yelled at for "brushing it under the rug." Sometimes people cave to that pressure and cover the matter tactlessly, like you're describing, or sometimes with tact. But that then magnifies the issue to another 100, 300, 500k people, who then worry in a similar way as the first people. Vicious cycle. And then it's hard to stick to no-clickbait goals when you watch a peer double your views on the same topic but with less work, and all because of a titling choice. So then, naturally, every now and then even those with intent to avoid clickbait (like us) occasionally throw in the towel and say, "you know what? Fine. We put a lot of work into this and it deserves to be seen. If that's what they want, we'll give it to them this time."
    Slippery slope, I think. We try to avoid it, but it's hard when you're actively hurting short term gains; however, I strongly believe it's better for a healthy industry and business long-term.
    Thanks again and great statements. Hard agree!

    • @BPSCustoms
      @BPSCustoms Год назад +29

      I can't remember a time when I've felt that you brought a piece public that was hasty or poorly researched. Even if you choose to comment on something, either you've done all the testing to support your video, or you're just reporting as fact. "The power connector burned. We don't know any more than that right now". I can get behind this approach and it's how these things should be done.

    • @WTP_DAVE
      @WTP_DAVE Год назад +1

      I agree Its hard to resist the clickbait this owness is not just on the reviewers but on the viewers, vote with your clicks don't fall pray to cheap thumbnails and just go to the channels you know have reputation.

    • @GamersNexus
      @GamersNexus Год назад +18

      @@BPSCustoms The one I remember most was about 7 years ago at CES, when I received some off-record information from a company employee that turned out to not be true, but I reported on it as fact because it came from someone at the company, just they couldn't be named (anonymous source). I didn't do enough to remind the audience that the info may not be true (I took it as fact). I learned from that mistake how to better report on rumors or developing stories to make clear that they are not yet fact, or that we're missing information, rather than trust a source that may be ill-informed. Definitely a learning process for all of us in the space. But it is on the creators to identify those faults (even though it's hard and sometimes takes a few weeks of distance to really recognize a mistake) and try to learn from them, AND it's on the audience to not pressure creators to cover something they may need more research on prior to speaking.

    • @floydsimpson9008
      @floydsimpson9008 Год назад +2

      Well there are two different types of "Clickbait" in my opinion. The GOOD kind, which is an interesting title that gets you to click on a video with really good content. Then you have the BAD kind that coerces you into clicking on something that has nothing to do with the title and is just sensationalism. Hard to know the difference sometimes.

    • @opinali
      @opinali Год назад +2

      To be fair, HW manufacturers don't help anything with poor communications. I guess their first instinct is waiting out the news cycle (which often is BS and goes away by itself - like the broken 6800 XT dies just now). And whenever there is a real problem, any big company's execs and lawyers make any comms that admits product defects 10X slower than necessary.
      And defects do exist. AMD's vapor chamber was a manufacturing QC fiasco. NVidia's 12V cable is very poor usability design: the locking mechanism is crap, the position of the connector is awful in most cards including the FE, you should never need a third-party adapter to avoid stress in a cable squeezed against the case because the card is also too damn big.
      Of course, defect or no defect, the difference between good reporting and clickbait is often just calibrating the content to the quality of available information (or working hard to create that information, like more sophisticated reviewers like GN or der8auer can do).

  • @paulshardware
    @paulshardware Год назад +111

    I also think GamersNexus is a shining example of integrity, which makes the rest of us look bad of course but what can you do. Excellent video Brian! 👍

    • @BPSCustoms
      @BPSCustoms Год назад +18

      Yeah let’s shun them so we all look better by comparison

    • @GamersNexus
      @GamersNexus Год назад +19

      No one makes you look bad, Paul. You certainly look a lot better than I do! You haven't aged since Newegg!

    • @BPSCustoms
      @BPSCustoms Год назад +20

      It’s the soul patch. It has magic healing powers.

    • @nerfo2
      @nerfo2 Год назад

      There are no "standards and practices" for RUclips content, and a juicy story gets views... but I think PH, GN, and BPS all have fairly reserved takes on tech news until further data is available. So for that, I smash that like button... sometimes. If I remember. Okay, fine... I don't. But would feel pretty good about hitting it if I did!

  • @der8auer
    @der8auer Год назад +14

    Hey Brian :)
    3:49 Just a note from my side on the comment "it's not a widespread" problem. At the time releasing my 2nd video on this I had confirmation of one AIB partner of an RMA rate of 9% on the 7900XTX MBA. And keep in mind that at this time the issue was not even that well known. You claim the batch was small and has been identified for recall. That's not true. AMD only said they know how to identify affected cards. Which can mean they know the affected S/N but it could also just mean that they know how to test a card and see if it throttles under load. The latest statement is still that AMD recommends to contact customer service. You still have to test the card yourself and prove that there is an issue. Then you also have to pay the shipping yourself. During all of the videos we did about this topic it was always highlighted that only MBA cards are affected and all other designs are fine.
    In one German forum alone they identified over 200 affected cards. If you extrapolate from there it means that globally thousands of cards have to be affected since we had reports from all over the world and not just Germany.
    4:23 up to today we don't know how many are affected because AMD is not going to talk publicly about this.

  • @poeticsilence047
    @poeticsilence047 Год назад +12

    All this mass hysteria is exactly why Brian and I are loosing our hair. Lol

    • @BPSCustoms
      @BPSCustoms Год назад +9

      I'm also married so...

  • @OhItsThat
    @OhItsThat Год назад +10

    I know a channel or two that’s always doing this.

  • @jesso2k6
    @jesso2k6 Год назад +6

    I know Jay is out there and quietly offended.

  • @priscillabonham6082
    @priscillabonham6082 Год назад +1

    If only this concept of "do we have complete information" could be the way of the world.

  • @mintydog06
    @mintydog06 Год назад +5

    You're the only person I've seen give an explanation as to why the dies are cracking.

    • @BPSCustoms
      @BPSCustoms Год назад +4

      I have much brain power.

    • @freckledtrout3299
      @freckledtrout3299 Год назад

      @@BPSCustoms LOL

    • @mintydog06
      @mintydog06 Год назад

      @@BPSCustoms May it continue to be put to good use :)

    • @GIGA_PC
      @GIGA_PC Год назад +4

      check KrisFix last video he talk about why crack after more search of him, this channel just take what he said and never mentioned his source

    • @mintydog06
      @mintydog06 Год назад

      @@GIGA_PC Thanks, yes I haven't watched crisfix channel, although I do know he originally found it.

  • @Lenticular67
    @Lenticular67 Год назад +11

    Well said, Brian.

  • @belema22
    @belema22 Год назад +7

    Great video, feels like you're talking about JayzTwoCwnts

  • @Drvudoo
    @Drvudoo Год назад +3

    Hmm, just 2cents?

  • @LakerTriangle
    @LakerTriangle Год назад +4

    Most of these kids live in echo chambers and just repeat what they hear without any thought.... The minute you challenge them they only repeat what they heard or start with name calling.

    • @johnnypopstar
      @johnnypopstar Год назад

      > Most of these kids live in echo chambers and just repeat what they hear without any thought
      The fun part is that the older you get the larger the age range that you consider to be "kids" gets, and yet this still seems to hold true!

    • @LakerTriangle
      @LakerTriangle Год назад

      @@johnnypopstar but what I said still holds true. You can search all of RUclips and you won't find any comments from me where I echo BS. I'm more of a let's wait and see and use logic.
      With age comes wisdom!

  • @douglasmannor6510
    @douglasmannor6510 Год назад +1

    This is basically the whole gamer meld channel.

  • @0hgre
    @0hgre Год назад

    I appreciate that you didn't give this a clickbait title but at the same time I wish a lot more people would watch it... I guess you can't have both on youtube.

  • @7shortofperfection
    @7shortofperfection Год назад +2

    As soon as I heard about those cracked GPUs, I knew it had to be mining related. Drivers just didn't make sense.

    • @paranoid9678
      @paranoid9678 Год назад

      nope, it was a refurbished card cris did say in his new video most of them looked new to him
      95% of them were sold second hand and failed after a day or two
      the newly soldered dies were not treated properly before processing
      when used, moisture inclusions in the chip have expanded
      the strange point is that almost all gpus come from the same source
      although these were sent in by many different people and the buyers of the gpu didnt get a receipt
      which is why they ended up at the repair service
      In Germany, however, it is mandatory to give a guarantee as a non-private seller even for refurbished products
      the lack of a receipt is more than strange
      and sounds to me like fraud on the part of the seller

  • @sascenturion
    @sascenturion Год назад +1

    Excellent synopsis of the " hysteria " that can rear its ugly head from the uninformed.
    Well said Brian

  • @garyandersontech
    @garyandersontech Год назад +1

    Someone had to say this. Fearmongering only hurts the industry and the community. Thanks Brian, this really hits home.

  • @joeschmoe5009
    @joeschmoe5009 Год назад

    This is the first time i even heard the final verdict of the splitting issue

  • @issaciams
    @issaciams Год назад

    It's still not OK for a product to possibly get caught on fire if you "plug it in wrong". That's insane.

    • @BPSCustoms
      @BPSCustoms Год назад

      That's almost every electronic device FYI

  • @dragkhantech
    @dragkhantech Год назад +1

    Examples of channels who feed into this hysteria - UFD tech/news and Jay 2 cents

  • @XxWolfcastlexX
    @XxWolfcastlexX Год назад +2

    These kinds of topics have been coming up a lot lately and have genuinely been turning me off from PC hardware, which is something that I’ve loved for half my lifetime now.
    I have an RTX 4090 because I do actual work on my computer that actually warrants it, and I cannot possibly stress just how annoying it is to simply just be talking about a hobby I’m passionate about, and immediately have people swarming me all like “good luck when your house burns down” instead of contributing to the discussion at hand.
    Then it gets even more steered off track when I inevitably have to explain that the cables don’t even catch fire, they melt. And only if you don’t seat them properly which surprise surprise, I usually double check all my cables are seated whenever I make a hardware change, because when I was new to this like we all were at some point, that was a common mistake I made lol.
    There’s all this time I could be having a fun discussion about my hobby that I don’t get really get to have with anyone I know IRL, being wasted on having to repeat myself over and over again.
    Pair it with the general lackluster launches that have been happening lately where now I can’t even get just a little bit excited for a GPU, because I can feel it in the pit of my stomach that it’s genuinely horrible value, and can’t help but feel bad for the people who will inevitably buy it…just everything man.
    It’s just been a massive downer.
    If my own experience is indicative of anything, I would HATE to be an 7900XTX owner right now, because I imagine the ones who actually stay informed on this stuff are getting really fed up as well.

  • @chubbysumo2230
    @chubbysumo2230 Год назад +4

    On the note of the 12vh power connector issues, given the tolerances of the connector are far too tight, at some point thete is blame that does need to land with the design, not just the end-user. If they're going to make the plug so difficult to plug in that the average user or the below average user will not push hard enough, then that is a design flaw and engineering flaw, and at that point is not a user error. On the nose of the AMD coolers, and you would never have even issued a response or investigated if news outlets like debaurer and Gamers Nexus didn't investigate. Andy had already denied warranty work and refunds on the affected cards, saying that the temperatures were normal. Sometimes outrage is necessary. Especially when it comes to mega-corporations that don't give a single shit about the end-user of their product.

  • @Jcraft153
    @Jcraft153 Год назад +1

    This applies to every news outlet. Not just tech. All the time the latest drama about X celeb is being talked about by channels and bigger media. It's always misinformed and incorrect and biased towards the side that released their version of events first. Every story ends up changing as more information comes out so picking sides out the gate is always a dangerous game. Just wait for the full information and don't get into huge fights about it or convince yourself a particular fact is correct until the dust cloud has settled.

  • @vdbmario
    @vdbmario Год назад +6

    Great video! Too many people exploiting misinformation. Gamer Nexus being an exception.

  • @xSkully_H
    @xSkully_H Год назад +1

    Jaystwocents seems to be one of the worst for fear mongering.

  • @TensaZangetsu1200
    @TensaZangetsu1200 Год назад +4

    I hope Jay posts a video on the 6800XT thing retracting it.

    • @Morkins324
      @Morkins324 Год назад +5

      He may post a new video that talks about it again, but he isn't going to take down the old video. He'll insist that his first video "wasn't wrong" but "didn't have full information", and that he "said in the first video that there was a lot of unknown information" so it's fine.
      Note - Jay never removed any of his nVidia cable videos despite the many things wrong with those videos.

    • @wimpievanzyl3699
      @wimpievanzyl3699 Год назад

      I struggle to watch his videos these days because it feels to me he is also starting to become a clickbait channel.

    • @Morkins324
      @Morkins324 Год назад

      Do I get a cookie for being right about how Jay would handle this?

  • @zsoltszegedi8995
    @zsoltszegedi8995 Год назад +1

    Ngl I was hoping this story would have dragged on a little bit more, so I could get ahold of a used RX 6800 for cheap lol

  • @falldownandgoboom
    @falldownandgoboom Год назад +2

    A much-needed perspective and Steve's responses in the comments are reasoned and commendable. Thanks to you both!

  •  Год назад

    Fearmongering teaches people to take news with a grain of salt.

  • @dirkjewitt5037
    @dirkjewitt5037 Год назад +2

    When companies release incredibly over priced products, those products are usually put under more scrutiny. Especially in the PC world. QC is quickly becoming something companies just don't think is important. So, scrutinize more please, so that the message gets louder for those companies.

  • @boozinncroozin
    @boozinncroozin Год назад +1

    Finally someone who actually put it correctly.

  • @CannedMarmalade
    @CannedMarmalade Год назад +10

    *Look at the JayzTwoCents video* Yup he didn't help at all in this situation by hastily making a video to cash in on the situation.

    • @vator_rs
      @vator_rs Год назад +2

      Endless good content of build and vlog style videos, but whenever new drama sparks up, he seems to be on top of it in less than 24h with clueless claims.
      Really love the guy, but it's been sad to see his coverage of these issues lately.

    • @Safetytrousers
      @Safetytrousers Год назад +1

      I had to unsubscribe to that channel because of all the face rubbing.

    • @johnnypopstar
      @johnnypopstar Год назад

      @@Safetytrousers > face rubbing
      Is this a euphemism or is he literally just rubbing his own face so much it winds you up?

    • @Safetytrousers
      @Safetytrousers Год назад +1

      @@johnnypopstar He rubs his face about 20 times a video and it winds me up.

    • @johnnypopstar
      @johnnypopstar Год назад

      @@Safetytrousers 😂 I'm not gonna be able to unsee it now

  • @MaheerKibria
    @MaheerKibria Год назад

    This seems to be a problem everywhere not just in tech but literally everywhere. It's really frustrating. But I guess people would rather be hysterical than informed or rational

  • @ed_ELA
    @ed_ELA Год назад +1

    I was jist thinking about this topic and bam your channel shows up on my feed

  • @ZeroB4NG
    @ZeroB4NG Год назад

    "THIS!" //edit: sorry, i thought the thumbnail was referring to the clickbait that ALL Tech Tubers do where they post a video and say "i didn't expect THIS" or "THIS has to stop!" instead of telling us what the heck it is about.... always just "THIS!" ...

  • @dangerwr
    @dangerwr Год назад +1

    Wholeheartedly agree.

  • @thestrykernet
    @thestrykernet Год назад

    I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said here. When I first watched this video all I could think was "I wish this wasn't so depressingly accurate." Then reading through hardware news I saw that we have another one of these happening now with the Intel i226-V ethernet controller. The first headline I saw was "PSA: Intel I226-V 2.5GbE on Raptor Lake Motherboards Has a Connection Drop Issue: No Fix Available" which simply isn't a universally accurate statement so here we are again. I wish more people would take seriously their place in the technology ecosystem and be careful about the things they say and do.

  • @ChipoltleXD
    @ChipoltleXD Год назад

    A person Steve can say is a good watch is definitely worth watching indeed. We need more people that are more focused on giving quality info over well the mass hysteria.

  • @kelvin1316
    @kelvin1316 Год назад +7

    I still say that with the Nvidia plug fiasco, if a user can "plug it in wrong" then the fault is with the connector design and not the user. It should _not_ allow the connector to be installed in a way that allows the connection to become a problem. It should give definitive, positive feedback once it has been seated correctly. People have been connecting multi-pin connectors to GPU's and motherboards for many years now with few issues. This connector allows itself to not be fully clicked in and if I remember GN seemed to show it needed more force than "traditional" 8pin connectors to be properly seated. If not seated "just right" then the act of cable tidying could dislodge it and cause an issue.
    Yes if the user inserted it fully then the issue would never have happened, but I bet the users DID think they had pushed it in fully based on all the experiences they had before. So while I agree the "news" reporting on this needed tempering, I think it is wrong to say it is user error. At best it was user error from the poor feedback design of the plug/socket.

  • @johndicus123
    @johndicus123 Год назад

    'strikes a cord'... LOL

  • @OneAngrehCat
    @OneAngrehCat Год назад +1

    When the KrisFix thing came out, I asked a simple question:
    "How do the drivers crack a chip?"
    The only answer I got was: "the drivers can draw too much voltage and burn the chip".
    Made as much sense to me as the idea that a years-old car would suddenly decided to hard turn left after it passed by the garage for a mild revision.

    • @cinemoriahFPV
      @cinemoriahFPV Год назад

      How many GPUs do you repair every year?

    • @JM-kn9dh
      @JM-kn9dh Год назад +4

      @@cinemoriahFPV none. But if you understand physics, youll know that the type of damage was in line with some sort of shock, which in this case was an expanding gas.

    • @OneAngrehCat
      @OneAngrehCat Год назад +1

      @@cinemoriahFPV how many times do you hear statements and use your brain to make a logical conclusion out of them?
      Clearly not a single time in a year, since you are unable to process the concept that you don't need to be a pro in something to use your head about the thing.

  • @Star_Gazing_Coffee_Lover
    @Star_Gazing_Coffee_Lover Год назад +2

    7900 XTX is a ROCKIN card.. Period!

    • @BPSCustoms
      @BPSCustoms Год назад

      It is, I really like mine

  • @gamertrem1884
    @gamertrem1884 Год назад +2

    This is why I’m very particular about who I follow and listen to. You’re one of the channels I know I can go to to and get an even and reliable response to things. Thanks for the video and being transparent about an issue that has been affecting the community.

    • @yorkyswe
      @yorkyswe Год назад

      Same, I pretty much unsubscribed from most Technology Channels except for less than a handful. BPS always seemed to have integrity and honesty, and like this video talked about topics that few others would address or even acknowledge. Honestly, there's enough GOOD content out there to watch and I simply don't need to waste time on the sensationalist and click chasing channels.

  • @geekdoh
    @geekdoh Год назад +3

    Measured responses? Research and confirm first? In what kind of crazy world do those things belong? Oh ya, this one... Excellent video and great take on the shoot first, ask questions later style of a lot of those videos....

  • @jayireland561
    @jayireland561 Год назад +1

    Thanks for making this video. We, as viewers, definitely need to be reminded of this from time to time so as not to get caught up in the hear-say drama.

  • @rhoansuede7938
    @rhoansuede7938 Год назад +20

    This current youtube clickbait era is the worst, it's not only happening on the tech space, it's also happening on other forms of media/topics.
    IMO that "Meld", "Danny" and "Challenged" guy are both prime examples.

    • @poeticsilence047
      @poeticsilence047 Год назад +2

      Unfortunately it has been proven to get clicks. Us as viewers should just thumbs down video so the creater gets the hint or let them know in the comments.

    • @standarsh8056
      @standarsh8056 Год назад +1

      These dudes are the worst, zero knowledge or insight and they just read the headlines off google news.

    • @Wasmachineman
      @Wasmachineman Год назад

      [laughs in LTT]
      Fuck that guy in particular for popularizing clickb8.

  • @unrealapporach
    @unrealapporach Год назад

    This is so powerful

  • @michaelthompson9798
    @michaelthompson9798 Год назад +3

    It’s great to see some honest open dialogue about a grown issue which many including myself have seen in our favourite hobby space 🥵🤬! Too much misinformation or sensationalist journalism at best, ruining the truth and information we seek and trust from some of those who definitely know better! Great call out Brian 🥰💪👍😇. Great work and love your content 😇🥰!

  • @jeffreybouman2110
    @jeffreybouman2110 Год назад +3

    amen! enough said ;)

  • @BeeWhere
    @BeeWhere Год назад

    Great video, I really appreciate you saying it out loud. The popular entertainment tier tech reporting makes so many mountains out of mole hills.

  • @WildkatPhoto
    @WildkatPhoto Год назад +1

    Preach Brother!

  • @nanimonoda6897
    @nanimonoda6897 Год назад +5

    cough jayztwocents cough

  • @newls1
    @newls1 Год назад +1

    man i like this guy.. where is the standing ovation emoji at!

  • @JuxZeil
    @JuxZeil Год назад +1

    Yeah...but anger can be shared easier than happiness it seems to get noticed and get those adsense tokens.

  • @AdamPatrickMurray
    @AdamPatrickMurray Год назад

    More of this!

  • @Starscreamious
    @Starscreamious Год назад

    Here's the thing....because of the last 2 years and the current crappy prices and mediocre products in PC DIY....people are highly motivated towards any negative news as it reflects their general negative sentiment.
    'Everything is awful and here is the proof for this week.'

  • @gettcouped
    @gettcouped Год назад

    Media, in general, is a joke; so many desperately use fear and anger to gain revenue. I avoid it as it's damaging to my mental health. Really appreciate a video like this! Thank you!

  • @Dudummeskind
    @Dudummeskind Год назад +1

    Finally, someone said it! Thank you for making this video.

  • @HydroKyl240COG
    @HydroKyl240COG Год назад

    I mean, that new octopus connector looks like caca. Let’s be real here, 😂.

  • @qT_p13
    @qT_p13 Год назад

    I loved that show as a kid.. My fave character is Miss Information.

  • @Navie.
    @Navie. Год назад +1

    gained a sub this is the type of content i like to see amazing work

  • @itsdeonlol
    @itsdeonlol Год назад

    Thanks for speaking on this topic Brian.

  • @dafirnz
    @dafirnz Год назад +3

    The whole AMD GPU die cracking thing seemed hinky from the beginning. I've been around for a long time and while I haven't always paid super close attention, I usually pay enough to hear about patterns and I had never, ever heard of a GPU die cracking until that story. Too many things just didn't add up for it to have been random.

    • @standarsh8056
      @standarsh8056 Год назад

      The biggest give away was that no other repair shop reported anything like this.

    • @barn0wl
      @barn0wl Год назад

      @@standarsh8056 Its an interesting topic for a video and I like the guys content but feel he jumped way too pre mature on reporting it and then other outlets/youtuber channels took it from there.
      Its really the places that had titled like "AMD is at it again" or "AMD just cant catch a win" that just were so dumb to see.

  • @ericrobson149
    @ericrobson149 Год назад +2

    Nice video! Keep up the great work!

  • @BusAlexey
    @BusAlexey Год назад

    Yep, it's really tiring

    @CESAR_H_ARIAS Год назад +1

    Even jaz2cents is to blame with this.

  • @leviathanpriim3951
    @leviathanpriim3951 Год назад

    Thank you Brian. It is refreshing to hear this

  • @Fluke1x
    @Fluke1x Год назад

    Do price hysteria next.

  • @tonylanman
    @tonylanman Год назад +1

    Awesome video! Kudos to you for speaking up on this.

  • @AMDPCBuoldersCommunity
    @AMDPCBuoldersCommunity Год назад

    Thank you it needed to be said,

  • @MaxxKoggen
    @MaxxKoggen Год назад

    Something about the capacitor issue of the 3000 series

  • @TheVukMiler
    @TheVukMiler Год назад

    *slow clap*
    Hear, hear!

  • @chrisbullock6477
    @chrisbullock6477 Год назад

    What's funny is they'll say one particular company has quote" lied to the public and then two or three weeks later you'll see them praising that particular company. They just jump what on any bandwagon that'll get them to views at the moment

  • @WyomingGuy876
    @WyomingGuy876 Год назад +1

    Steve Rules! Linus Drools !!
    Go Gamers' Nexus !!

    • @jycannel4626
      @jycannel4626 Год назад

      I dont think Linus was guilty of this kind of behaviour as he tends to do more due diligence nowadays.

  • @haroldadams3951
    @haroldadams3951 Год назад +1

    I can’t like this video enough….

  • @ironman6527
    @ironman6527 Год назад

    Great video and great points.

  • @praxisrebourne
    @praxisrebourne Год назад

    Looks like you spoke from the heart, about time someone pointed out the direction our community is going.

  • @InimicusSolitus
    @InimicusSolitus Год назад +1

    Well said Sir. Well said.

  • @Techington
    @Techington Год назад

    I appreciate your take on this. It's nice to see when people don't jump on sensationalized bandwagons for tech issues. I will say personally, I was all over that 12VWHPR thing. It really is a terrible design imo and PCI SIG should go back to the drawing board and find a better solution. Sure we all want less cables in our PC's, but delivering that much power over such a small cable to me is scary.
    A lot of my disdain for that whole situation was born out of despising nVidia back in 2007-2011 when they were denying all blame and fault on their IGP mobile chipsets, 8000 series Geforce cards and the 9000 series Mobile discrete GPU's in the MacBooks. I was working for HP at the time so I was seeing/hearing/experience first had what the problem was. They designed a chip that experienced the exact same breakdowns that was occurring with the 360's where the chips would separate. nVidia vehemently denied any fault in the matter despite the chipsets being designed to their spec. I got berated, spoke down to, called an idiot and every word under the sun from irate and pissed off customers. If nVidia had taken responsibility, they would be owned by another company right now. At the time their value was $2-2.5Bil. At the going rate of repair when I was at HP and even know the cost for Dell and other affected SI's, $300 on average for a new board that would also fail again, to the tune of some 25+ Million affected units, you can do the math there, nVidia would have gone under.
    It's pretty much why I will never buy a new nVidia GPU and only buy one second hand, and even then usually only an EVGA cause of the warranty transfers.
    Krisfix has already done the damage and then he tried to backpeddle on his claims. Folks should have assumed something was fishy immediately when a single repair shop that most have never heard of started making claims that "All 6000's are gonna get destroyed with the latest drivers", but instead, techtubers and reddit took it and ran with it. Shame how we've gone from fact based investigative journalism to, it was on reddit and one guy said it, so it must be true journalism.

  • @unknownstuntman3224
    @unknownstuntman3224 Год назад +3

    I really like the message and between the hype and leaks and outrage click videos it's got out of hand in my opinion as well. Although all through the video I was like I really want that fractal north I really really want a fractal north lol.

    • @BPSCustoms
      @BPSCustoms Год назад +2

      Sorry about that

    • @Finns-Projects
      @Finns-Projects Год назад

      You are not alone. that white and wood front is really great looking.

  • @Pro4TLZZ
    @Pro4TLZZ Год назад

    This makes me appreciate you

  • @Technopath47
    @Technopath47 Год назад

    Excellent video, Brian!

  • @Dan-Simms
    @Dan-Simms Год назад

    Well said Brian

  • @Bassjunkie_1
    @Bassjunkie_1 Год назад

    Yea i agree here with all the info we have about the rdna2 core story

  • @jeffm7541
    @jeffm7541 Год назад

    Very well said!

  • @Marco_Chiappetta
    @Marco_Chiappetta Год назад

    THANK YOU! On exactly the same page.

  • @Grinder66
    @Grinder66 Год назад

    Good points.

  • @TheSickness
    @TheSickness Год назад +1

    Watched the whole thing and can't really agree. Personally I'd like to know if there is a connector I could give an extra push or some temps I should have an extra eye on. Or whatever the case is. Information is good. Ignorance is bliss.

  • @BuzzKiller23
    @BuzzKiller23 Год назад +1

    JayzTwoCents has been doing this a lot lately.

  • @Maxwell1725P
    @Maxwell1725P Год назад +2

    Thank you, Brian! I've even unfollowed some channels because they turned into a sensational rumor channel.

    • @tbreeze79
      @tbreeze79 Год назад

      I done the same thing.

  • @pjberens1
    @pjberens1 Год назад +1

    Brian ... great news from you. I love watching your content. I really don't like these others that are just there to bash items, products and software. They are just out to bitch about everything, nothing positive.

  • @jycannel4626
    @jycannel4626 Год назад

    Great video, I whole heartedly agree and I wish more people would call this kind of selfish behaviour out. Nice XFX there, cant wait to see a video on that! :)

  • @Kelekona_808
    @Kelekona_808 Год назад

    All this logic and common sense is covering up your quick witted and sarcastic center! Besides that, well done sir. And that Nvidia card just look ridiculous in the case next to you!

  • @ryansherman4556
    @ryansherman4556 Год назад

    good job on this video

  • @darcsentor
    @darcsentor Год назад

    Needed to be said.

  • @MMBaconslice
    @MMBaconslice Год назад

    High praise, and subbed.

  • @DonnyDondon55
    @DonnyDondon55 Год назад

    💯💯💯 I completely agree with you. I thought that cracked amd gpu was hilariously suspicious and yet other YT channels jumped on that story like flies to a turd.

  • @kaisersolo76
    @kaisersolo76 Год назад +3

    this is the first video ive seen today talking about this. its a shame that those that did "Get the clicks", are not out t here with a video also addressing this, Where are they ! The Damage has been done.

  • @CuttingEdgeRetro
    @CuttingEdgeRetro Год назад

    While I agree with your perspecitve pretty much 100%. The issue is what you are asking for comes with age, wisdom and maturity. But its the younger generations commenting on all these video about these issues. I work with these parts in question all day, I speak with our customers buying these parts. Most 4090 buyers are older more mature customers who can afford these parts, know whats up and are not part of the fear mongering culture the tech media has to deal with. It's fanboys & kids wanting to be apart of the next big scandel & hot "on no" topic, who don't have more knowledge or experience past watching youtube videos all day.

  • @barn0wl
    @barn0wl Год назад

    I feel there is one bigger tech youtubers who has just fell into such a slump during the GPU drought that he has now resorted to being almost a carbon copy of LTT with the anything for views attitude