Like Jonathan I too was in a rock band but I was arrested for possession of drugs. While in jail I read "The Late Great Planet Earth" and five minutes after deciding to turn my life around total strangers bailed me out of jail. After returning home the Lord sent someone over to my house to tell me how to be born again. Three months later standing in front of a judge I told him I was now a born-again Christian. After hearing this the judge dismissed the charges saying there's no point in sending you to prison seeing as how you are a new person in Christ. Three miracles in three months. Praise His Name!
Amen. Acts 13:29. Acts 1:3; 1:4. Luke 24:44. John 16:7, John 16:8, John 16:9, 10, 11, John 16:13. John 19:28, 30. Hallelujah! The cross, Jesus Christ, his blood, is the whole truth of the word of God. The Scripture, the testimony of God, the Father, himself. The Truth, the testimony of the revealed Son of Man. The Word, the testimony of the given, and received, Ghost, the Holy Spirit, within the body of Christ. I am very, very alone in this conclusion, hence I think, this is what the Bible says, and I speak. Say I am right, please.
Like so many others, I have similar stories, hard years living in sin, in a lifestyle of drugs, partying repeat jail stays and all that comes with that lifestyle. I am so very thankful for the mercy and grace of God that kept me alive and safe. There is power in the Blood!
Rabbi Jonathan, or as we call him 'Pastor Jonathan', was mine and my family's pastor for many years. No matter how many times I've heard him speak, I never cease to be blessed! Thank you to Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Gary for standing true to God's Word and admonishing the church to do the same. God bless you both!
Matthew Sutton, a professor of history at Washington State University and the author of “American Apocalypse,” said Mr. Cahn fits a unique American mold. “In key historical moments, religious figures like this find a way to step in,” Mr. Sutton said. “They draw from apocalyptic theology and say, ‘We have this secret knowledge and can explain what’s going on.’ It fosters this sense that God’s judgment is hanging over your head.”
Interesting that it's not a secret. Anyone can research and determine the same information. Rabbi Cahn has done the work for us to check. After what has happened since this meeting, God knows exactly what He's doing. He's preparing the world for the Return of our King.
People have been saying they are in the End Times for hundreds of years! Just do a cursory look through sermons any Calvary Chapel pastor has given. They’re slightly obsessed, in my opinion. I’m a Bible believer and have gone to church my entire life. Just so you know there are many of us who are taught this obsessive focus on trying to read current events in Scripture is poor theology.
Also, Jonathan is NOT actually a Rabbi. And if you listen to him he tells you God has revealed this to him alone. When Christ was crucified the temple curtains were torn apart. Anyone believing in Christ as Savior have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. He’s a fraud. Time will tell.
I have a sister and a brother both homosexual. I talked to my brother about it and he just put me down,I gave my sister scriptures. But no change yet. I still pray for them.
Greater is He in you than he who is in the world. You confronted Thier darkness, light was shed salt was poured out, God's loving kindness helps us come to repentance. You did well! The enemy and his liés were confronted.
Keep praying. I prayed for my oldest sons salvation for 38 years. This past spring he decided to live for Jesus and be saved. As long as there is physical life there is a time for them to be saved.
Jesus already prepared the place for us the believers. Focus on Jesus and not the storm!!!! Pastor Gary And Jonathan Cahn , thank you so much for bringing light to the world. ❤
You said that Jesus already went away to prepare a place for us but the Bible says differently in John 14:1-2 In my Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. v2 I go away to prepare a place for you, and if I go away to prepare a place for you, I WILL come again and WILL RECEIVE YOU UNTO MYSELF for that where I AM, you may be also. IT IS ALL FUTURE TENSE Please read 2 Peter 3:10-13 and Revelation 21 of what Heaven WILL BE LIKE. ✝️❤️
Best video ever!!! I would’ve never connected the dots to Aphrodite’s, but it now makes common sense. 2000 years ago and now history is repeating itself because God’s going to return soon and then Devil knows his time is almost up. What a glorious day it will be when our God comes. Glory Hallelujah
You can shockingly see the dark Trinity at work in society. And it baffles me that those who don't have God in their lives can't see it! We are most definitely in the end times, and i am so rapture ready🙏❤️✝️✡️ Praise be to God!🙏❤️✝️✡️
According to scripture it is because Satan- the god of this world has blinded their eyes. So vitally important that we as believers who can see… pray that the blinders be removed off the eyes of our loved ones who can’t see.
There seems to be different views about when the rapture will occur: pre-trib, mid-trib, prewrath premillennial, partial pre-trib premillennial and others... with scriptural citations for each! Wouldn't it be best for our western culture to prepare for the worst possible scenario? Should anything listed in Romans 8:35-39 be able to cause us to reject or deny Christ? What about those who are being martyred TODAY for their faith in Jesus? When does the rapture save their mortal body? I can't in total honesty predict how I would respond to a call to reject Christ or die. I personally HOPE, and walk by faith, that I would not deny Christ even under the ultimate threats of torture and death. My faith is that in such a time that I'm brought before magistrates, the same Spirit that will speak through me (Matthew 10:18-20) will also give me His strength to endure the consequences for those words as so many other martyrs have done in the past. My prayer is that God will overcome my fleshly desire to preserve this corruptible earth suit.
@@okplantesableif you are a true believer you are prepared... If your heart and eyes are on Christ then you are prepared... Concerning when the rapture is, the Bible is clear... Anybody can take scripture and twist it and take it out of context to suit their beliefs... Like the calvinist for example... They can point to the scripture and that scripture and make it look legit but it is not at all and extremely far from the truth... Also if you're living a life as a Christian yet you're walking in practicing sin that will quench the holy Spirit and the first thing that goes is discernment... Also fellowship with God... If you're lacking those things you'll be tossed to and fro from one false teacher to another... It is very important, especially today, to know the word of God very well... Not via a pastor or a friend but for yourself... How can you recognize a lie if you don't know the truth?
It was such a blessing to be able to see Rabbi Jonathan Can. Especially with the current situation we have in Israel. Pastor Gary is also great, he speaks the truth. Gary's wife and sons are also blessings sent to us in Leesburg and beyond.
Pastor Gary and Johnathan Cahn I thank you both for this video presentation!!! I pray my church would invite Johnathan Cahn also but they dont preach about things like this and thats why I search for others that do.😊😊😊
The false doctrines run rampant throughout the churches! I search out for the truth. The truth requires real change and sacrifice and churches don’t have filled pews with that. So they tickle their ears with a feel good message! Sending people to hell!
This is the understanding of the mind boggling connections in the old testament and to the New Testament that I seek through my biblical reading and study. I believe ALL the information we need lies between the covers of the Bible: it is the truth and the light. "The Word was with God and the Word was God."
That's why before the great and terrible day He is restoring the Torah of Moshe. (Book of Malachi) The Torah, our Fathers teachings, have not passed away, old, antiqued or unless, but the foundation for all scripture. Shalom!❤
I had a precious friend after going to lunch and having rum and coke and a joint for lunch. I came inside and my friend would read The Great Late Planet Earth 🌍 I accepted Christ and did a 180 turn! Thank God Hal Lindsey wrote that book ❤🙌❤️
So true : " When these spirits come in they come in the name of tolerance, but once they get a foothold, tolerance goes out. It's now cancelled and 'Every knee shall bow! ' That's where we are now."
How do we turn this massive culture around? My thoughts are it starts in the pulpit and it starts in the home and with the moms and dads. Do not divorce, especially if you are a Christian. Trust in the Lord to see you through the rough spots. He is faithful.
@@sunshinepie566 Actually He hasn't! Scripture says that He's married to the backslider. The entire book of Hosea, Ruth, Romans 9-11, Ephesians 2, etc. speaks of the original branches broken off for "your sake," shall be regrafted, reattached. Study to show yourself approved a workman of G-d, rightly dividing the Word of Truth... He is a covenant keeping Elohim and will not, has not divorced Himself from Israel or broken one covenant made to Avraham, Yitzhak or Ya'akov. Shalom! 🇮🇱🕊🩸💯💕
We all belong to God not ourselves and surely not another. Pray to God The Father in your Room where no one other Than The Triune God can see you. Amen Alleluia
I have lived to see all of this evil take over this country. I was a part of this insanity until Christ redeemed me. When I tried to talk to my family I was called every name in the book. Now I know what is coming and pray for my family and others to turn to Christ. People seem to be living in some kind of bubble they do not want to see or hear the truth.I thank GOD for pastors like this. Prayers for both of them.🙏
Let the Holy Spirit continually show you the love your heavenly Father and Jesus have for you personally, so you may show others the love Jesus Christ has for them. He loves them so much! See some of the recent interviews John Burke has done, like the one on "Deep Believer;" youtube.
Two very special men who believe the Bible line by line Genesis thru Revelation & stand on His promises & long to have more believe & trust in Him. God bless them both. 🙏
Thank you so much for this interview! I ordered the book a month or so ago but have not been able to get into it. I will start it tonight! I know he has truly heard from God our Father in this! All you have to do is open your eyes! How I pray certain of my extended family and so many friends will do so! Sooo many I am praying for who are caught up and held captive by these gods! Oh Lord we pray, open the eyes of the blind in our nation and in our world!!!
'For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God. Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears.’ Acts 20:27-31 NKJV
Thank you .I was born in traditional Zen Buddhist family.I got saved at age of 36 through forgiveness of my sins.I am so thankful Jesus.his loving kindness and his death for my sins.we are blessed through Jewish .peace in Jerusalem. Nobuko
Thank you for sharing this. I thought this presented an excellent summary of Rabbi Cahn's book. Totally agree with the "biblical times" comment! Idolatry is rampant & many do not know the Bible or this Jesus of whom the Bible speaks.
Thank you for having Rabbi on your Broadcast, He is highly Anointed, As are you & your ministry. I have A U-tube Channel Called THE JOURNEY of TRUTH, in which I share the Word of God in Heaven & Recently The Holy Spirit Gave ME InSight To Pray And Give Invitations to Know Christ & Be Filled with His Holy Spirit & Be Healed. I used to do Street ministry And Now The Lord Has brought me to A new Outlet, To Reach More People through The Facebook, & U-tube, As well as On the Streets. Please Pray for all The Outreaches & Mine, Thank You & Blessings to All.
Thank you so much for Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s teaching and his testimony My husband and I are joining Pastor GARY’S sermon every Sunday from Youngstown Ohio BLESSINGS ♥️🕊️♥️
After hearing these messages, I understand why my journey also included a couple years in prison, many failed relationships, financial troubles, and years of unhappiness. I am grateful for God’s grace & mercy. It’s difficult to correct so, so many mistakes but easy to live when you finally accept and abide by what we are taught by the Bible. God bless any & every one reading this message!
Thankyou for this wonderful teaching. I was littaely nailed yo my chair and so Nxious to hear more. Pastor Gary I always seek out your sermons and praise God that you stay true to the Word of God. May the sweet Holy Spirit's anointjng stsy upon you. ❤
I am reading "The Return of the gods," and at 92, I can verify and relate to your book as one with my memory 100%. Thank God for your books. I have been trying to explain to my family what has brought our society to this day, and they "brush it away." as my imagination. My Christian faith has directed my life since my First Communion without any "dry times." You are a Godsend. Thank you, thank you. I feel vindicated. God bless you, dear one. I have read most of your other books, also. What an education!
Listening to you, Jonathan, and the conversation that you’re having what as just come to my spirit is when Jesus was being crucified he said father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing & this scripture as come to me quite a few times, so please continue my brother as I know without doubt that the Lord Jesus Christ is helping you by his Holy Spirit bless you my brother and your family Ann Marie, United Kingdom 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾😃
Do you think God will answer Jesus’ prayer, or will He end up trashing billions of people in eternal suffering because they didn’t get with His program before they died?
He doesn't trash them. God places many situations and opportunities before us to hear and see and experience His love for us and the glory and magnificence of His creation. We have many opportunities to listen to what He tries to tell us, and look at what He shows us, but we choose not to listen to what He says or see what He shows us. We end up, after death, where we've CHOSEN to be...either with Him or not with Him. It's our choice, not His.
I LOVE JONATHAN!!! I’m screaming I’m laughing so hard!!!!!! Serious but his deals with God were AMAZING! GOD PRESERVED JONATHAN FOR THIS DAY!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Praise the Lord!!!!! Jesus ENDS THE SEPERATION TO GOD!!!! Jesus on the Cross!!! Amen!!!!!!!!!!! Holy Spirit grow bigger in me let me be so SENSITIVE TO YOUR DIRECTION!!!! Thank you God for sending Your Precious Son YOU SENT TO SAVE US!!!!!!!!! JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS!!!! SPEAK UP MORE TO SAVE PEOPLE AND ESPECIALLY OUR FAMILIES !!!!!! Especially my Sons and Grandsons!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Lord Jesus may l come before you just as I am to have my eyes open to what you want in my life, so that I will stand against the wiles of the devil. Lord bring this land back to you and bend each knee to you that your glory will shine once again in this land. Amen
My heart aches for the children! Through no fault of their own are broken and sacrificed for pleasure and convenience! Oh God, how can we protect them? 😢
I was rescued from a flood three times. I was caught in a swirling river and I would have surely died. I called upon the Lord and there appeared a dry patch of roadside. Another truck came by and picked me up. We proceeded into the swirling river and their truck stalled. They pushed it back onto the dry patch. Then a friend of theirs came by in a four wheeler, so tall they had to hoist me into it. The Lord is mighty if you just depend upon Him and believe it!!! When we came back to retrieve the small Chevy Luv diesel there were pine needles stuck in the headlights and that was testimony that I was truly floating down the road in the grip of the swirling river. PRAISING God always AMEN and HALLELUJAH
Like Jonathan I too was in a rock band but I was arrested for possession of drugs. While in jail I read "The Late Great Planet Earth" and five minutes after deciding to turn my life around total strangers bailed me out of jail. After returning home the Lord sent someone over to my house to tell me how to be born again. Three months later standing in front of a judge I told him I was now a born-again Christian. After hearing this the judge dismissed the charges saying there's no point in sending you to prison seeing as how you are a new person in Christ. Three miracles in three months. Praise His Name!
What a blessing to know your testimony! Now I carry it with me, to tell OTHERS of THE Mighty GOD.
Love your testimony. He rescues us. So happy for you!!
Wow! Praise our merciful almighty Lord God, in the name of Christ Jesus, Amen! 🙏🏻🙌🙏🏻
this is a wonderful testimony thank you so much for sharing it is uplifting
Amen! you will have lonely moments remember that's the time God strengthens u. He will love u unconditionally
Yes God please protect my children and grandchildred from the evils of the world. AMEN
Protect all children and their parents. ❤
Amen and Amen
I pray for our eyes to be spiritually open that our hearts can return to our first love, JESUS CHRIST and the truth of the BIBLE
You have escapism mentality are you so foolish.....!!!!Well me is also
Amen. Acts 13:29. Acts 1:3; 1:4. Luke 24:44. John 16:7, John 16:8, John 16:9, 10, 11, John 16:13. John 19:28, 30. Hallelujah!
The cross, Jesus Christ, his blood, is the whole truth of the word of God. The Scripture, the testimony of God, the Father, himself. The Truth, the testimony of the revealed Son of Man. The Word, the testimony of the given, and received, Ghost, the Holy Spirit, within the body of Christ.
I am very, very alone in this conclusion, hence I think, this is what the Bible says, and I speak.
Say I am right, please.
Exactly! The same Power that raised Jesus from the grave lives in us. Hallelujah
The Holy Spirit
There's drugs alcohol and a lot of partying in my story too I've been redeemed 26 years of sobriety by the grace of God hallelujah,
That's the power of the blood Yeshua
Beautifully done Greg!! Perfect music to emphasize such majestic wonders!!🤗♥️
Like so many others, I have similar stories, hard years living in sin, in a lifestyle of drugs, partying repeat jail stays and all that comes with that lifestyle. I am so very thankful for the mercy and grace of God that kept me alive and safe. There is power in the Blood!
Praise God🎉🎉🎉
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉
32 years for me since I was delivered from drugs and alcohol
and filled with Holy Spirit
after being homeless
Praise the Lord!!
For He is the LORD GOD, and besides Him there is NO OTHER. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Who IS, who WAS, and who IS TO COME, soon!
Yeshua is everything to me
I Just wanted to thank you Jonathan for coming to Jesus. Amen
Thank you Jonathan,,God has given you great wisdom to teach.Thank you ,I love to listen to you,God speaks through you.
Jonathan god listen to you he love you welcome with the patriots americans🎉
Thank you, Jesus, for these two Men of God who are about Our Fathers business. Beautiful!
And here we are a nation acting upside down and backwards😢. Lord Father Save our children in Jesus Name Amen 🙌🙏❣️
God said in His word in end times this would happen ❤
Rabbi Jonathan, or as we call him 'Pastor Jonathan', was mine and my family's pastor for many years. No matter how many times I've heard him speak, I never cease to be blessed! Thank you to Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Gary for standing true to God's Word and admonishing the church to do the same. God bless you both!
Matthew Sutton, a professor of history at Washington State University and the author of “American Apocalypse,” said Mr. Cahn fits a unique American mold. “In key historical moments, religious figures like this find a way to step in,” Mr. Sutton said. “They draw from apocalyptic theology and say, ‘We have this secret knowledge and can explain what’s going on.’ It fosters this sense that God’s judgment is hanging over your head.”
God's judgment does hang over the heads of nations. Joel 3.
Interesting that it's not a secret. Anyone can research and determine the same information. Rabbi Cahn has done the work for us to check. After what has happened since this meeting, God knows exactly what He's doing. He's preparing the world for the Return of our King.
People have been saying they are in the End Times for hundreds of years! Just do a cursory look through sermons any Calvary Chapel pastor has given. They’re slightly obsessed, in my opinion. I’m a Bible believer and have gone to church my entire life. Just so you know there are many of us who are taught this obsessive focus on trying to read current events in Scripture is poor theology.
Also, Jonathan is NOT actually a Rabbi. And if you listen to him he tells you God has revealed this to him alone. When Christ was crucified the temple curtains were torn apart. Anyone believing in Christ as Savior have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. He’s a fraud. Time will tell.
Jesus is coming soon for his church🙏🏻
🌎🛡️⚔️ well done my good and faithful servant message .for all listener's and hearer's. .... ⚔️🛡️ NZ first
It doesn't matter if Jesus doesn't come for another thousand years because we might die today.
I have a sister and a brother both homosexual. I talked to my brother about it and he just put me down,I gave my sister scriptures. But no change yet. I still pray for them.
I understand. I have cousins walking in darkness. They think love is all that matters. Will pray for you as I pray for mine!
Keep praying! I was gay 25 years and walked away from the life into the arms of our Savior Jesus! 😊
Greater is He in you than he who is in the world. You confronted Thier darkness, light was shed salt was poured out, God's loving kindness helps us come to repentance. You did well! The enemy and his liés were confronted.
Keep praying. I prayed for my oldest sons salvation for 38 years. This past spring he decided to live for Jesus and be saved. As long as there is physical life there is a time for them to be saved.
Keep praying for them and for that spiritual darkness covering their eyes to be lifted.
It’s amazing how Rabbi Jonathan Cahn have connected the dots. He is truly blessed in wisdom. Praise Jesus!
jews make the best christians....
Jonathan rabbi is a Godly Man
Johnathan Cahn has not have.
Shalom .
That's he's asigment or ministry,he is very accurate because he personally hears from God Himself🕎🕊️✝️👍🏼
Jesus already prepared the place for us the believers. Focus on Jesus and not the storm!!!! Pastor Gary And Jonathan Cahn , thank you so much for bringing light to the world. ❤
Nope ..not as he said I go to prepare a place for you..he did all this in 7 days he been busy for 1900 years ..Or more ...He still at work WOW
You said that Jesus already went away to prepare a place for us but the Bible says differently in John 14:1-2 In my Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you.
v2 I go away to prepare a place for you, and if I go away to prepare a place for you, I WILL come again and WILL RECEIVE YOU UNTO MYSELF for that where I AM, you may be also.
Please read 2 Peter 3:10-13 and Revelation 21 of what Heaven WILL BE LIKE. ✝️❤️
God is so simple, fearing God is the beginning of wisdom,
Amen! Greater is He that is IN US, than he that is in the world!
Best video ever!!! I would’ve never connected the dots to Aphrodite’s, but it now makes common sense. 2000 years ago and now history is repeating itself because God’s going to return soon and then Devil knows his time is almost up. What a glorious day it will be when our God comes. Glory Hallelujah
I am always blessed to listen to Rabbi Cahn. So prophetic.
The Holy Spirit works through Jonathan in amazing ways
What a blessing to hear this message. God bless you both.
You can shockingly see the dark Trinity at work in society. And it baffles me that those who don't have God in their lives can't see it! We are most definitely in the end times, and i am so rapture ready🙏❤️✝️✡️ Praise be to God!🙏❤️✝️✡️
According to scripture it is because Satan- the god of this world has blinded their eyes. So vitally important that we as believers who can see… pray that the blinders be removed off the eyes of our loved ones who can’t see.
There seems to be different views about when the rapture will occur: pre-trib, mid-trib, prewrath premillennial, partial pre-trib premillennial and others... with scriptural citations for each! Wouldn't it be best for our western culture to prepare for the worst possible scenario? Should anything listed in Romans 8:35-39 be able to cause us to reject or deny Christ? What about those who are being martyred TODAY for their faith in Jesus? When does the rapture save their mortal body? I can't in total honesty predict how I would respond to a call to reject Christ or die. I personally HOPE, and walk by faith, that I would not deny Christ even under the ultimate threats of torture and death. My faith is that in such a time that I'm brought before magistrates, the same Spirit that will speak through me (Matthew 10:18-20) will also give me His strength to endure the consequences for those words as so many other martyrs have done in the past. My prayer is that God will overcome my fleshly desire to preserve this corruptible earth suit.
Praying for my loved ones that their eyes will be opened.
@@okplantesableif you are a true believer you are prepared... If your heart and eyes are on Christ then you are prepared... Concerning when the rapture is, the Bible is clear... Anybody can take scripture and twist it and take it out of context to suit their beliefs... Like the calvinist for example... They can point to the scripture and that scripture and make it look legit but it is not at all and extremely far from the truth... Also if you're living a life as a Christian yet you're walking in practicing sin that will quench the holy Spirit and the first thing that goes is discernment... Also fellowship with God... If you're lacking those things you'll be tossed to and fro from one false teacher to another... It is very important, especially today, to know the word of God very well... Not via a pastor or a friend but for yourself... How can you recognize a lie if you don't know the truth?
@@sharonmelton7886actually.. maybe even God blinded their eyes
Dear lord please protect my children and grandchildren from the evil.
My prayer everyday.
It was such a blessing to be able to see Rabbi Jonathan Can. Especially with the current situation we have in Israel. Pastor Gary is also great, he speaks the truth. Gary's wife and sons are also blessings sent to us in Leesburg and beyond.
You mean Pharisee Conman😂
Teach us yto turn it around lord i pray renew our minds.our heart our soul And our spirits revive us restore us renewour hearts Lords i pray
Pastor Gary and Johnathan Cahn I thank you both for this video presentation!!! I pray my church would invite Johnathan Cahn also but they dont preach about things like this and thats why I search for others that do.😊😊😊
The false doctrines run rampant throughout the churches! I search out for the truth. The truth requires real change and sacrifice and churches don’t have filled pews with that. So they tickle their ears with a feel good message! Sending people to hell!
Love Jonathan Cahn ❤️ 🙌 Thank you Jesus for giving Jonathan to us we love his teaching.
Same. God bless!
This is the understanding of the mind boggling connections in the old testament and to the New Testament that I seek through my biblical reading and study. I believe ALL the information we need lies between the covers of the Bible: it is the truth and the light. "The Word was with God and the Word was God."
So True Amen🙏
That's why before the great and terrible day He is restoring the Torah of Moshe. (Book of Malachi)
The Torah, our Fathers teachings, have not passed away, old, antiqued or unless, but the foundation for all scripture.
Beautiful conversation and Testimony....
Thank you Rabi and Pastor for Knowledge!
May you always Speak Truth!🕊✝️🕊
Wow just listening i just had the best afternoon! Thank Gary, and Johnathon, our God reigns!!
Rabbi/Pastor/Teacher Cahn, you are Sir a blessing to our Nation and the world! You are a Brighter light in a time of darkness! God Bless you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
Thank you for that comment😊
Amen!! If he only knew how God was going to use you in 2024!!
Without Christ you can not get to his Father GOD ALMIGHTY
John 14:6
I had a precious friend after going to lunch and having rum and coke and a joint for lunch. I came inside and my friend would read The Great Late Planet Earth 🌍 I accepted Christ and did a 180 turn! Thank God Hal Lindsey wrote that book ❤🙌❤️
Thank you Lord for your faithful servants like Rabi Jonathan Cahn
So true : " When these spirits come in they come in the name of tolerance, but once they get a foothold, tolerance goes out. It's now cancelled and 'Every knee shall bow! ' That's where we are now."
Could be.
How do we turn this massive culture around? My thoughts are it starts in the pulpit and it starts in the home and with the moms and dads. Do not divorce, especially if you are a Christian. Trust in the Lord to see you through the rough spots. He is faithful.
Tell God he shouldn't have divorced Israel. Go on . . . tell him.
Actually He hasn't!
Scripture says that He's married to the backslider.
The entire book of Hosea, Ruth, Romans 9-11, Ephesians 2, etc. speaks of the original branches broken off for "your sake," shall be regrafted, reattached.
Study to show yourself approved a workman of G-d, rightly dividing the Word of Truth...
He is a covenant keeping Elohim and will not, has not divorced Himself from Israel or broken one covenant made to Avraham, Yitzhak or Ya'akov.
Shalom! 🇮🇱🕊🩸💯💕
You can see the preacher in all of Rabbi Cahns books where at the end he encourages us to step up and tell the lost...
What a very informative talk!! Thank you Corner stone!!
Thank you both beloved brothers for standing strong in the Word of God from the Old Testament to the New Testament and today's present evil
THANK YOU FOR BRINGING THIS TO THE FOREFRONT!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!! We see this everywhere now this lack of any decency!!!!!!!!!!
What a POWERFUL message 🙌 Thank you both for Standing for our Precious LORD AND SAVIOR ✝️✝️🙏🙏AMEV
Wait, what?
We all belong to God not ourselves and surely not another. Pray to God The Father in your Room where no one other Than The Triune God can see you. Amen Alleluia
Preach The True Gospel in The Power of The Holy Spirit. Not on your own
Truly Jesus is put over everything. Jesus does not know times and Seasons.
I was a kid and got so upset that I truly think it affected my upbringing due to the absence of parents. Now I'm a grandma making sure he knows Jesus
I am so blessed listening to these two - many thanks from England UK❤
Amen, we live in biblical times and need Christ to change our hearts.🇨🇦
I got saved reading The Late Great Planet Earth!
Totally fascinating marrying up paganism of the past to our current culture. Many thanks gentlemen.
Beautiful words of wisdom and knowledge for the children of God🙏
Amen Hallelujah praise God.
I have lived to see all of this evil take over this country. I was a part of this insanity until Christ redeemed me. When I tried to talk to my family I was called every name in the book. Now I know what is coming and pray for my family and others to turn to Christ. People seem to be living in some kind of bubble they do not want to see or hear the truth.I thank GOD for pastors like this. Prayers for both of them.🙏
Let the Holy Spirit continually show you the love your heavenly Father and Jesus have for you personally, so you may show others the love Jesus Christ has for them. He loves them so much! See some of the recent interviews John Burke has done, like the one on "Deep Believer;" youtube.
Good listen, thank you dear men of God♥️
This is information we all need to know! The battle of our day is with Baal, the little God that wants child sacrifice! God be with us all 🙏🏻
Two very special men who believe the Bible line by line Genesis thru Revelation & stand on His promises & long to have more believe & trust in Him. God bless them both. 🙏
Praise and Thank U Lord for the life of Rabbi Jonathan and Pstr.Gary God bless you more.
He had a beautiful testimony 🔥🔥🔥😄🔥🔥😄😄😄🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
POWERFUL! God bless you both for speaking & standing up for truth. Amazing men of God. I love you both Rabbi Jonathan Cahn & Pastor Gary!
In Jesus Mighty Name Amen. Pray for us and we must pray for each other. ♥️🙏🏻
JESUS👑 YOU are GOD alone☝️❣️You are in control🙏🏼🙏🏼
Thank you so much for this interview! I ordered the book a month or so ago but have not been able to get into it. I will start it tonight! I know he has truly heard from God our Father in this! All you have to do is open your eyes! How I pray certain of my extended family and so many friends will do so! Sooo many I am praying for who are caught up and held captive by these gods! Oh Lord we pray, open the eyes of the blind in our nation and in our world!!!
Same! Praying! 🙏🙏
My mom brought it to me. I felt so blessed. I'd like to get through it quickly.
You are two of my favorite teachers of the scriptures and our Lord...God bless you both abundantly!!! 🙏❤
'For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God. Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears.’ Acts 20:27-31 NKJV
There is No name like Jesus, He is one Step from A Prayer, So Please let's go back to GOD...and Let Us Pray!!❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤
Thank you .I was born in traditional Zen Buddhist family.I got saved at age of 36 through forgiveness of my sins.I am so thankful Jesus.his loving kindness and his death for my sins.we are blessed through Jewish .peace in Jerusalem. Nobuko
Two spiritual giants doing tag team. Was really great
May GOD Bless both of you!
Thank you for sharing this. I thought this presented an excellent summary of Rabbi Cahn's book. Totally agree with the "biblical times" comment! Idolatry is rampant & many do not know the Bible or this Jesus of whom the Bible speaks.
Love how you came to Jesus! ❤
Love hearing j.cahns testamony again..❤
Thank you so much! This confirmed what I’ve known in my spirit for years. ❤
Thank you for having Rabbi on your Broadcast, He is highly Anointed, As are you & your ministry. I have A U-tube Channel Called THE JOURNEY of TRUTH, in which I share the Word of God in Heaven & Recently The Holy Spirit Gave ME InSight To Pray And Give Invitations to Know Christ & Be Filled with His Holy Spirit & Be Healed. I used to do Street ministry And Now The Lord Has brought me to A new Outlet, To Reach More People through The Facebook, & U-tube, As well as On the Streets. Please Pray for all The Outreaches & Mine, Thank You & Blessings to All.
❤yes amen..j.cahn has biblical answers..have his last bookjosiah manifesto..❤
Thank you so much for Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s teaching and his testimony
My husband and I are joining Pastor GARY’S sermon every Sunday from Youngstown Ohio
I just ordered Mr. Cahn's book, The Return of the gods, after hearing the conversation with him and Pastor Gary.
After hearing these messages, I understand why my journey also included a couple years in prison, many failed relationships, financial troubles, and years of unhappiness. I am grateful for God’s grace & mercy. It’s difficult to correct so, so many mistakes but easy to live when you finally accept and abide by what we are taught by the Bible. God bless any & every one reading this message!
I love you Jonathan Cahn.
Thank you for teaching me the truth.
A good teacher and leader and man of God thank you sir for your service and thank you Jesus for salvation
Thankyou for this wonderful teaching. I was littaely nailed yo my chair and so Nxious to hear more. Pastor Gary I always seek out your sermons and praise God that you stay true to the Word of God. May the sweet Holy Spirit's anointjng stsy upon you. ❤
I am reading "The Return of the gods," and at 92, I can verify and relate to your book as one with my memory 100%. Thank God for your books. I have been trying to explain to my family what has brought our society to this day, and they "brush it away." as my imagination. My Christian faith has directed my life since my First Communion without any "dry times." You are a Godsend. Thank you, thank you. I feel vindicated. God bless you, dear one. I have read most of your other books, also. What an education!
Love this conversation and Jonathan's testimony .
Listening to you, Jonathan, and the conversation that you’re having what as just come to my spirit is when Jesus was being crucified he said father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing & this scripture as come to me quite a few times, so please continue my brother as I know without doubt that the Lord Jesus Christ is helping you by his Holy Spirit bless you my brother and your family Ann Marie, United Kingdom 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾😃
Do you think God will answer Jesus’ prayer, or will He end up trashing billions of people in eternal suffering because they didn’t get with His program before they died?
He doesn't trash them. God places many situations and opportunities before us to hear and see and experience His love for us and the glory and magnificence of His creation. We have many opportunities to listen to what He tries to tell us, and look at what He shows us, but we choose not to listen to what He says or see what He shows us. We end up, after death, where we've CHOSEN to be...either with Him or not with Him. It's our choice, not His.
Thank you Gary and Jonathan for opening our eyes. May GOD bless you.
I don’t know why…. But I really LOVE this man. His is so wisely sharing his knowledge about God and it touches my heart
Very interesting book!! Thank you for your ministry Jonathan!!
I am so thankful God sent Jonathan to us. We need these teachings! 😊
Love all of Jonathan Cahns books!
Praying 🙏 that we stay in God's word for God's word will not return void against evil
I LOVE JONATHAN!!! I’m screaming I’m laughing so hard!!!!!! Serious but his deals with God were AMAZING! GOD PRESERVED JONATHAN FOR THIS DAY!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Praise the Lord!!!!! Jesus ENDS THE SEPERATION TO GOD!!!! Jesus on the Cross!!! Amen!!!!!!!!!!! Holy Spirit grow bigger in me let me be so SENSITIVE TO YOUR DIRECTION!!!! Thank you God for sending Your Precious Son YOU SENT TO SAVE US!!!!!!!!! JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS!!!! SPEAK UP MORE TO SAVE PEOPLE AND ESPECIALLY OUR FAMILIES !!!!!! Especially my Sons and Grandsons!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Wow. Mr cahn is a true biblical scholar. A Hebrew believer in Jesus Christ and an authentic author of Truth. ❤❤❤
I proclaim we have ONE GOD and one God Only!
Lord Jesus may l come before you just as I am to have my eyes open to what you want in my life, so that I will stand against the wiles of the devil. Lord bring this land back to you and bend each knee to you that your glory will shine once again in this land. Amen
Thank you Johnathan for your teaching especially young thanks Gary as well for making this happen ☮️🙏
My heart aches for the children! Through no fault of their own are broken and sacrificed for pleasure and convenience!
Oh God, how can we protect them? 😢
Jonathan CAHN is the BEST‼️‼️‼️‼️
This one of the most powerful messages we can ever listen to
Amen 🙏
God bless America and our children . Amen ❤ Monique Proffitt , ❤ Hailey Dominique , ❤ Phyllis Katrina , ❤ Jennifer Sturdivant , ❤ Stephanie Branum.
I have read Jonathan Cahns book. It gives you a lot to think about and yo can see it is so true
Praise the Lord our God amen 🙏 🙌 ❤
My God is found in Jesus Christ our Lord God Almighty 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Beautiful words of hope in a time such as these...Amein and Amein
I was rescued from a flood three times. I was caught in a swirling river and I would have surely died. I called upon the Lord and there appeared a dry patch of roadside. Another truck came by and picked me up. We proceeded into the swirling river and their truck stalled. They pushed it back onto the dry patch. Then a friend of theirs came by in a four wheeler, so tall they had to hoist me into it. The Lord is mighty if you just depend upon Him and believe it!!! When we came back to retrieve the small Chevy Luv diesel there were pine needles stuck in the headlights and that was testimony that I was truly floating down the road in the grip of the swirling river. PRAISING God always AMEN and HALLELUJAH