Lets Play S9 E30 Attunement Choices

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 175

  • @wyrmofvt
    @wyrmofvt 7 лет назад +46

    Lighting up the Astral Sorcery stuff does not detract from the coolness. Quite the opposite.
    Torches on the ground light up the area and makes it able so we can comfortably SEE what you're doing, Dire, because RUclips still makes Minecraft seem darker than it does in play. If torches on the ground bug you that much, then make some light posts. I'm currently in the process of lighting up my area using stone lanterns on chiseled blocks.

    • @Shyl1ght
      @Shyl1ght 7 лет назад +3

      I'm guessing he's waiting on Astral Sorcery wand of illumination, that can just make dirt itself produce light. So I'm really glad he finally decided to upgrade his altar since it's coming next tier.

    • @masonp1314
      @masonp1314 7 лет назад +2

      Heck, even using the psi light spell would be great!

  • @schrac
    @schrac 7 лет назад +4

    Nifty thing I discovered when digging for astral sorcery rock crystal ore (I'm guessing it's in the book somewhere): holding the wand highlights the ores and allows you to see them through the wall after you've dug down to their general area..

    • @ScottGodin
      @ScottGodin 6 лет назад

      oooo I did not know that! thanks for that tip!

  • @ShawFujikawa
    @ShawFujikawa 7 лет назад +67

    You left two diamonds, Dire?!

  • @kevincolwell2115
    @kevincolwell2115 7 лет назад +30

    Since you have Immersive Engineering in the pack, why don't you put some Floodlights on your base? they project light for two chunks, so you wouldn't need to have any torches or poles or anything cluttering up your area. Alternatively, you could use the powered lanterns and actually block spawns.

    • @Xakslied
      @Xakslied 7 лет назад +11

      Kevin Colwell dire exploring mechanics that he hasn’t before in a mod he’s played with? Nonsense!

    • @Mirality
      @Mirality 7 лет назад +2

      Since he's doing all this Astral Sorcery, he could throw some illumination powder around as well.

  • @Krishna-me1wm
    @Krishna-me1wm 7 лет назад +23

    Dire! Align to Aevitas! You can transform stone to various ores and have tiny flares fight for you!!!

    • @Oduunich
      @Oduunich 7 лет назад +2

      Wolfmatic also repairs armor when worn.

  • @machadeon7743
    @machadeon7743 7 лет назад +7

    Dire, you need to align yourself to a major constellation before you can discover the minor constellations. Don't leave those papers behind!

  • @XevianLight
    @XevianLight 6 лет назад +1

    Dire: uses slime sling BOING!
    Creeper: “Wait where are you going?!? I wanted a hug!!!”

  • @furkanyldrm935
    @furkanyldrm935 7 лет назад +6

    PSI -> Conjure Light and no ore awful looking floor torches.

  • @Moonbrony
    @Moonbrony 7 лет назад +4

    Immersive engineering is in the pack, so why not make powered lanterns? They'll stop mobs from spawning nearby and they can be powered passively by windmills which look cool.

  • @uriei
    @uriei 7 лет назад +16

    Dire, you can pipe Liquid Starlight from the bottom of the Lightwell into a portable tank, but you need Hardened Fluiducts, it's a hot liquid.

    • @SamuelSandeen
      @SamuelSandeen 7 лет назад +12

      It's actually a cold liquid.

    • @ShatterIsMyName
      @ShatterIsMyName 7 лет назад

      I just use a bucket. Dont ever need too much of that stuff

    • @ScottGodin
      @ScottGodin 6 лет назад

      I just made a Drum and used fluid transfer nodes/pipes to get it from my two lightwells to it for longer-term storage, and then dumped a bunch of low-value rock crystals into the mix to set up a backstop in case I need some rather than having to wait for it later

  • @zxmegamanfan
    @zxmegamanfan 7 лет назад +7

    Dire, immersive engineering has powered lanterns that prevent mob spawning but by the time you read this it may be to late...

  • @bonbonthebattleswine7444
    @bonbonthebattleswine7444 7 лет назад +15

    The perk system looks like skyrim.

    • @AshtonSnapp
      @AshtonSnapp 7 лет назад

      BonBonTheBattleSwine it's probably inspired by Skyrim for all I know

  • @jamietus1012
    @jamietus1012 7 лет назад +7

    Magnum Torch?

  • @FennekMaster
    @FennekMaster 5 лет назад

    9:48 *Casually destroys sacred building while a tree is burning in the background*

  • @EvilCooky
    @EvilCooky 7 лет назад

    To get lots of liquid starlight, use a mechanical user that places the stones into the basin.
    Also, you can pump the starlight out and into a tank from the bottom of the basin.
    Be carefull though, starlight is a very cold liquid and your normal fluiducts will break

    @UZREHJ 7 лет назад +21

    Frames are useless since he placed elevators down

  • @iIO_OIi
    @iIO_OIi 7 лет назад

    Hold jump while falling with slime boots if they work like slime blocks. This will only ever result in a mini bounce and never any fall damage, handy for large falls but when you don't want a large bounce.

  • @1Heirborn
    @1Heirborn 7 лет назад +11

    Stop eating bread! Pam's and the other cooking mod make cooking so much fun and so rewarding!

    • @Xakslied
      @Xakslied 7 лет назад +3

      P E A C H dire doing cool new stuff? Nonsense!

    • @FalxPlays
      @FalxPlays 7 лет назад +1

      Dire's craftian has diabeetus now

    • @ShatterIsMyName
      @ShatterIsMyName 7 лет назад +1

      I use bagettes. I use a phytogenic isolator because im too lazy to set up a real farm atm

    • @ScottGodin
      @ScottGodin 6 лет назад +1

      phytogenic insolator with apple tree sapling, to make apples, to go with flaxseed string, to make fruit bait, results hoppered out into a an enderchest, piped into the Fridge, so you can use the meats to make Meaty Stew. or whatever.

  • @thepopemichael
    @thepopemichael 7 лет назад +3

    Instead of torches, use "glowballs" from Tinker's Construct.

  • @Carsanero92
    @Carsanero92 7 лет назад

    Astras Sourcery has a item to lit up all caves underneath the item if you Place it on top a Large tree (Christmas) it would lit up a Large Area around the Tree as Long as it is Placed at Night while it looks for where to light up

  • @steampunkmage9073
    @steampunkmage9073 7 лет назад

    If you don’t like ground torches try using hidden light sources (glowstone/torch under carpet or leaves) or just use torches on top of fence posts on paths to give a sort of tiki torch look

  • @andrean7338
    @andrean7338 7 лет назад +3

    Dire if you notice the name of the constellation is similar to Latin, so the "ci" in vicio should sound like the chi in "chili", the "vi" in aevitas should sound like the vi in "video"

  • @jetegtmeier71
    @jetegtmeier71 7 лет назад

    how do you turn the "bounce" on and off on the slime boots ? I've turned mine off some how and ???

  • @gabriellana4366
    @gabriellana4366 7 лет назад +14

    I have a sugestion for mod makers out there: a mod called Coffin, where you sleep in and make It night time. Like a reverse bed.

    • @Kalumniatoris
      @Kalumniatoris 7 лет назад +2

      Coffin from Witchery worked that way.

    • @robinhawk1288
      @robinhawk1288 7 лет назад +2

      There's also Vampirism that has coffins...

    • @DarkVoidIII
      @DarkVoidIII 7 лет назад

      Draconic Evolution can totally do this for Dire right now! :D

    • @robinhawk1288
      @robinhawk1288 7 лет назад

      Draconic Evolution....hmmm. I did not know that. Thanks!

    • @gabriellana4366
      @gabriellana4366 7 лет назад

      Draconic is great but I was thinking of something really simples, like a bed.

  • @PoAAres
    @PoAAres 7 лет назад

    has anyone figured out how to increase purity in the rock crystals? Is it possible?

  • @fernandoaviles153
    @fernandoaviles153 7 лет назад

    what about the sea lantern? and you can use glass cutter to pick it up

  • @nathan-lp9tu
    @nathan-lp9tu 7 лет назад

    How do i download these worlds that he back up every 10 episodes??

  • @shdwjho858
    @shdwjho858 7 лет назад

    I can already see Dire immolating himself for allignement exp...

    @SAMURIADI 7 лет назад

    use the light from tinkers construct. 2 glowstone and eye of ender gives your tools the abiliry but cost durability

  • @noelcederhav4791
    @noelcederhav4791 6 лет назад

    Were can you download it

  • @RainbowSkyDancer
    @RainbowSkyDancer 7 лет назад

    Put some torches on fence posts so it doesn't make your aesthetic about torches on the ground trigger. It'll look a little better and solve your mob problem.

  • @shiva_hardly_sarcastic
    @shiva_hardly_sarcastic 6 лет назад

    There is no good way to find out which perks you will get for each constellation? I mean you could just google it, right?

  • @Vicious2071
    @Vicious2071 7 лет назад

    Dire, I believe the powered lantern from IE prevents mob spawns within 16 block. Might be 32, I can’t remember now haha. And they look pretty cool

  • @ScottGodin
    @ScottGodin 6 лет назад

    totally gotta claim those chunks to prevent creeper griefing

  • @RiddleAnim
    @RiddleAnim 7 лет назад

    You could use Immersive Engineering's Electric Lights to prevent mob spawns in a 32*32*32 area,you know.

  • @icemanuk9316
    @icemanuk9316 7 лет назад

    How do you download the world?

  • @ZenEmu01
    @ZenEmu01 7 лет назад +3

    Would be good if Rock crystals spawned in mining world. They don't currently.

    • @Linerunner99
      @Linerunner99 7 лет назад

      Yet another reason (along with it not even being a perma-day world now) not to even bother with the mining world.

    • @jayglenn837
      @jayglenn837 7 лет назад

      ZenEmu01 Pretty sure you can adjust orespawns and day cycles in the config file. You could have an eternal night world that spawned mechanical users at y30, if you wanted 😃

    • @ShatterIsMyName
      @ShatterIsMyName 7 лет назад

      Linerunner99 For me the mining world is better then deep dark due to how much easier the mining world is on my system. Plus, im not putting like 50 qurries in my world

  • @yoyotaco1
    @yoyotaco1 7 лет назад

    Can you pulverize the starlight ore then smelt the power?

  • @SkullCrusher757
    @SkullCrusher757 7 лет назад +23

    didnt dire say that he would start on the new base before or on ep 30

    • @supersonictumbleweed
      @supersonictumbleweed 7 лет назад +9

      rexxed757 "in early 30s"

    • @nightcaste
      @nightcaste 7 лет назад +5

      No. Watch the series if you're going to try and complain.

    • @chris909090
      @chris909090 7 лет назад +3

      He said around episode 30. Stop whining, it’s getting old.

  • @JohnDickinson
    @JohnDickinson 7 лет назад

    Dire, is there a video for us poor lowly mod-nubes who don't know how to load and use a world download? If not, any chance to make one?

  • @JaredPinkham
    @JaredPinkham 7 лет назад

    Maybe use glimmering flowers if you don't like torches?

  • @liamhunt8317
    @liamhunt8317 7 лет назад

    use some fence posts and create lamps
    you could even use glowstone

  • @morphman86
    @morphman86 7 лет назад

    Since you got that one extra relay that doesn't do anything, what would happen if you got 254 relays and just filled the altar?

    • @ShatterIsMyName
      @ShatterIsMyName 7 лет назад

      morphman86 They have to be close by and if they are too close then something bad happens

    • @Landis963
      @Landis963 7 лет назад

      I believe he's referring to filling up all the points on the attunement altar. Does it simply refuse to work if you have all the constellations pre-loaded?

  • @Crazyboy1217-w2x
    @Crazyboy1217-w2x 7 лет назад

    Get the offensive constelation its final perk its a prety handy bleed effect

  • @GlitchReaper
    @GlitchReaper 7 лет назад

    Personally I like the one that grants progressive buffs for damaging enemies. You kind of gain the momentum of a freight train with that one! #starpower

  • @zuzoscorner
    @zuzoscorner 7 лет назад +1

    Episode 30 and no flight lol, i somehow think that intentional. Alos too bad the DE time control bloc requires a dragon egg. coud have night whenver you want

    • @AlchemiconSilver
      @AlchemiconSilver 7 лет назад

      Zuzo's corner One word... BEES.

    • @zuzoscorner
      @zuzoscorner 7 лет назад

      Bees witout Gendestry..hell ...no

    • @ShatterIsMyName
      @ShatterIsMyName 7 лет назад +1

      Zuzo's corner Isnt gendustry in the pack though? Like a form of it? Because if not Im throwing my infinite enderium plan out the window for this version

  • @ConnorSinclairCavin
    @ConnorSinclairCavin 7 лет назад

    You should use motes and waterfalls of liquid starlight to light your base and builds up haha

  • @alperensimsek4944
    @alperensimsek4944 7 лет назад

    where is the download link ?

  • @matheusrobo
    @matheusrobo 7 лет назад

    how Direwolf makes that box appears with the name of the block and progress appear ?
    can someone help me activate that on my own minecraft ?

    • @gryphonayres6626
      @gryphonayres6626 7 лет назад +1

      I believe that is WAILA, not too hard to install through the twitch launcher

    • @origiginal8056
      @origiginal8056 7 лет назад

      It is actually the one probe, do /top need and set it to not require the probe. It's basically an advanced version of waila.

  • @RazorEdgeRequiem
    @RazorEdgeRequiem 7 лет назад

    Hey, why not make an eternal night rf tool world with a no mob dimlet? Or maybe use the blood magic ritual to press the button and make it night

    • @JoshSweetvale
      @JoshSweetvale 6 лет назад

      Jake R No blood magic. DE can do it.

  • @alphabetapapa
    @alphabetapapa 7 лет назад

    Torches and a few fences!

  • @jesses6
    @jesses6 7 лет назад

    The sooty marble is pretty lit 🔥

  • @xangelicragex
    @xangelicragex 7 лет назад

    You should really claim chucks with ftb utils, it disables explosions.

  • @10_01-i6b
    @10_01-i6b 7 лет назад +2

    Where can i find the world download?

    • @lpfaint95
      @lpfaint95 7 лет назад

      If you go to the modpack on the twitch client, it'll be under maps, then there's a Direwolf20 let's play section under that

    • @radonisu
      @radonisu 7 лет назад +1

      DireDerp it's not out yet

  • @cipixlock
    @cipixlock 7 лет назад +1

    the description of amara perk made me laughs so much lol dire situation XD love u dire epic ep

  • @zperk13
    @zperk13 7 лет назад

    you learn the new constellation papers when you infuse yourself

    • @Jack-The-Gamer-
      @Jack-The-Gamer- 7 лет назад

      Zachary Perkins it's almost like he said that IN THE EPISODE.

    • @zperk13
      @zperk13 7 лет назад

      he did?

  • @danielboothman567
    @danielboothman567 7 лет назад

    Man dire every time you jump off that astral crafting area I get terrible vertigo :)

  • @nightbane727
    @nightbane727 7 лет назад +3

    For the love of God man just use the illumation powder or whatever but light the area up its not rocket science

  • @ZoryArky
    @ZoryArky 7 лет назад

    Dont like the "Torch on the ground look"? Make like the villagers and build the fence pillar with black wool with 4 torches on the sides.
    Now you have torches and none of them have the "on the ground" thing : D

  • @dalucifer6245
    @dalucifer6245 7 лет назад

    sit AFK on a wooden spike/something similar that reduces your health to half a heart, may need auto food somehow tho

  • @markd.s.8625
    @markd.s.8625 7 лет назад

    make the dang astral wand of light! light up your area!

    • @machadeon7743
      @machadeon7743 7 лет назад

      mark d. s. He hasn't reached the point where he can do that yet. He needs to upgrade his altar again

    • @markd.s.8625
      @markd.s.8625 7 лет назад

      im well aware of this. that's due to the pace he keeps on his series, not lack of ability to both upgrade the altar and perform the crafting of the wand.
      i did that before aligning myself to a constellation

  • @JoelHudson
    @JoelHudson 7 лет назад

    Yay episode 20+10! :-)

  • @10_01-i6b
    @10_01-i6b 7 лет назад

    May i know how to show the ljght level?

  • @Magziesfuntime
    @Magziesfuntime 7 лет назад +1

    Dire you need a shield or a ranged weapon...I think it is about time for one or both. you could make a Throwing star.

    • @ShatterIsMyName
      @ShatterIsMyName 7 лет назад

      Joseph Bentley I made a long bow that draws as fast as a short bow and can instakill enemies in a line. Tconstruct is amazing

    • @Magziesfuntime
      @Magziesfuntime 7 лет назад

      Yeap need to upgrade my table to a forge so I can upgrade mt shortbow to a longbow.

    • @ScottGodin
      @ScottGodin 6 лет назад

      two favorite ranged weapons are the crystal bow (which makes arrows from mana) and the various chakram throwing rings [both from Botania] that return to you like boomerangs and bounce around corners to take out that pesky skele

  • @AlienLogic775
    @AlienLogic775 7 лет назад

    Why you don’t just use different methods of light other that torces? Would be cool

  • @tzisorey
    @tzisorey 7 лет назад

    We need a new mod that does things like the Amber Lamp from Thaumcraft, or the Dark Iron Lamp from....whatever mod did the Dark Iron things...

    • @AlchemiconSilver
      @AlchemiconSilver 7 лет назад

      Tzisorey Tigerwuf Dark Iron was Factorization.
      Am I the only one who remembers Dark Iron being made from Iron Blocks being burnt by a Wrath Fire or whatever that thing was.

    • @tzisorey
      @tzisorey 7 лет назад

      SlidingSilver I remember lighting the lantern with it, but only remember mining the dark iron. I know the wrath fire spread and broke all your bricks though....rogue misclick

    • @Mirality
      @Mirality 7 лет назад

      There are plenty of mods that do that in the pack; Dire's just not using them.

  • @thinkdunson
    @thinkdunson 7 лет назад

    make an unbreakable shuriken and the angel ring, for the love of pete... they're both unbelievably easy and make you super powerful.
    bone, demon, demon, paper; gives you five modifiers so you can make it unbreakable. an unbreakable shuriken is by far the single greatest weapon in the game until you can make the retarded expensive end-game stuff. and the angel ring, besides being extraordinarily convenient, also makes you almost completely safe from mobs as you pick them off from a distance with your shuriken.

  • @iIO_OIi
    @iIO_OIi 7 лет назад

    Mobs can't spawn on path blocks, for basically the same reasons why they won't spawn on lower slab blocks.

  • @alfreddrewes9362
    @alfreddrewes9362 7 лет назад

    So dire, when are you going to get some better armor.

  • @opus2998
    @opus2998 7 лет назад

    wait, do torches exist? xD

  • @TheRojo387
    @TheRojo387 6 лет назад

    You've mistaken Vicio for Armara, poindexter!

  • @charlescartwright8250
    @charlescartwright8250 6 лет назад

    Won the game tonight at my house and I have to go to the hospital for a few minutes good 🌃

  • @mike6715b
    @mike6715b 7 лет назад

    Snipping tool for the win :D

  • @zperk13
    @zperk13 7 лет назад

    I found a astral temple inside a desert temple

  • @Waspish1
    @Waspish1 7 лет назад

    offensive attunement is the best imo

  • @Zelnut
    @Zelnut 7 лет назад +5


  • @mrbiwel6273
    @mrbiwel6273 7 лет назад


  • @muffinman2546
    @muffinman2546 7 лет назад

    That Constellation really makes you a masochist. :P
    Because you have to hurt yourself to level up.

  • @nekoandroid2635
    @nekoandroid2635 7 лет назад

    Dire make a shield!!!!

  • @yannj5743
    @yannj5743 7 лет назад

    inb4 pyramid new base

  • @caleighbaker6723
    @caleighbaker6723 7 лет назад


  • @ThunderBlastvideo
    @ThunderBlastvideo 7 лет назад

    That low, sexy voice @_@

    • @aron8999
      @aron8999 7 лет назад

      You get off to minecraft vids? Come on now.

  • @omarmassaoudi2932
    @omarmassaoudi2932 7 лет назад

    The frame elevator was a bit Rube Goldbergey anway..

  • @oddohutGaming
    @oddohutGaming 7 лет назад

    please support dire , try your best to remember to like

  • @rodm8131
    @rodm8131 7 лет назад

    Off camera = cheat mode fly

  • @frognik79
    @frognik79 7 лет назад +1

    This pack is a buggy mess.
    I piped all my items into a draw controller connected to a wall of basic draws and the draws show the item pictures but shift right clicking the draws says they have nothing in them.
    I just lost all my items...
    Even though I have multiple water mills chunk loaded my angel ring decides at random not to work causing me to fall to my death and the ring constantly needs to be reequipped when changing dimensions for it to take effect.
    Also the ftb utils claimed chunks keeps forgetting which chunks I want chunk loaded.

    • @90hijacked
      @90hijacked 7 лет назад +6

      That's true with all 1.12 packs i've played not only dw20's...
      The drawers issue: I've never lost items due to this, only experienced this as a visual glitch trying to change what a locked drawer displayed ( breaking and replacing fixes the "visual glitch" )
      FTB utils chunk loading is garbage, use chicken chunks.

    • @kingoat_1252
      @kingoat_1252 7 лет назад

      frognik79 trying changeinh chunk loaders FTB ulitites glitch a lot in general never use them

    • @broabhishek
      @broabhishek 7 лет назад +9

      Dude stop crying it's not really the modpack's fault it's actually the fault of the mods.....

    • @ZoryArky
      @ZoryArky 7 лет назад +1

      About the Angel Ring thing, that's why you never take off your slime boots ;)

    • @Mirality
      @Mirality 7 лет назад +1

      The angel ring loses power only if the mills unload (or if enough of them unload, if you have some machines using GP as well), so probably your chunk loading problem is the same as your flying problem. The lower tier rings (squid and chicken) are a bit bugged and will stop working every time you switch dimensions until you click them out and in of your inventory.

  • @alegian7934
    @alegian7934 7 лет назад


  • @jasonschaffer5478
    @jasonschaffer5478 7 лет назад

    Hey there. I work for a server called Ham5teak and we are currently looking to expand our player base. We are looking for a RUclipsr to play on the server for us and get a few more players for us. The owner is willing to pay for your services. If you are at all interested please let me know and I will get you in touch with the owner. Thanks

  • @olivierplayz7035
    @olivierplayz7035 7 лет назад


  • @SparkB0x
    @SparkB0x 7 лет назад +1


    • @aron8999
      @aron8999 7 лет назад +1

      What? Why was that relevant?

  • @TheParad0xical
    @TheParad0xical 7 лет назад +2

    yes, do some more with astral sorcery... said no one. ever

    • @Mr.ImDLow
      @Mr.ImDLow 7 лет назад +5

      And that's where you're wrong

    • @Kizira
      @Kizira 7 лет назад +6

      I like it, I've not seen this mod and am enjoying watching something new so yes, do some more with astral sorcery... said Kizira PLS :)

    • @chris909090
      @chris909090 7 лет назад +4

      I said it. It’s a new mod and it’s cool looking. Now get out.

    • @machadeon7743
      @machadeon7743 7 лет назад +3

      I love this mod, actually. You can get elytra flight before you go to the end. I was actually missing astral sorcery and I'm glad he got back to it

    • @HermanHassel
      @HermanHassel 7 лет назад +2

      I love the new content, experiencing new mods ftw! AS is as new as it can come! :)

  • @M.esmer13
    @M.esmer13 7 лет назад
