embalm의 의미, 같이 알아볼까요?_[요셉이야기 영어로 통독 · 암송]_10권/256과(창50:1~2A)
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#정철영어성경암송 #요셉이야기 #젭스
요셉이야기 256일차 출석완료!!
성령충만 영어능통 와!
컴퓨터로 공부하는 또또
출석했습니다. ^^
오늘도 출석 완료
Genesis 50:1~2A(29th Feb)
Joseph throw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel. Genesis 50:1~2A Amen!
约瑟伏在他父亲的面上哀哭,与他亲嘴。 约瑟吩咐伺候他的医生用香料薰他父亲, 阿门!
감사합니다 출첵 ❤
Genesis 50:1-2A
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
성령충만 영어능통 와~~~🎉😅
오늘도 감사합니다^^
출석체크 2024.2.29 Genesis 50:1-2A
Joseph threw himself on his father
and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service
to embalm his father Israel.
em(동사 접두어: ~ 하게 하다)+balm (향유): 향유로 방부처리하다.
출석합니다. Unit 256 Genesis 50:1-2A
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
성령충만 영어능통 아멘 감사합니다 건강하십시요
출석)256th2/29Genesis50:1-2A목 1)Joseph threw himself/on his father/and wept over him/and kissed him. Then Joseph direct the physicians in his service/to embalm his father lsrael.
Joseph threw himself on his father
and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service
to embalm his father Israel. Genesis 50:1-2A
출석합니다 감사합니다 ^^
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Isreal.
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his services to embalm his father Israel.
야곱을 장례하다.
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel. 쓰기완료.
백번낭송 영자통!
감사합니다 ~
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
감사합니다. 출석합니다.
Joseph threw himdelf on his father and wept over him and kissed him, Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel. (Genesis 50:1-2A)
성령충만, 영어능통. 감사합니다.
출첵 감사합니다❤❤❤
2024.02.29 Unit 256 오후에 만나는 요셉이야기로 감사합니다.
🍒Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel. 🍒
감사합니다 ㆍ
선생님 ❤❤
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
(256) 출석, 쓰기, 낭송 완료!!
Joseph threw himself upon his father /
and wept over him / and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service /
to embalm his father Israel.
Joseph threw himself on his father
and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicans in his service
to embaim his father Israeal.
🕎 attendance, recitation 🕎
Genesis 50:1~2
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
💗 Thank you
for your guidance!💗
I hope you are always healthy and full of happiness!
🌷2024 2/29 목 Unit 256
Genesis 50:1-2A
Joseph threw himself on his father
and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service
to embalm his father Israel.
Then Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel. (Gn.50 ;1-2a)
요셉이야기 256일차, 듣고 읽으니 외워지는...감사합니다
출첵합니다 선생님감사합니다
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father lsrael. Genesis 50:1-2
9권 Unit 256
( Genesis 50:1~2 )
Joseph threw himself on his father/ and wept over him/ and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service/ to embalm his father Israel.
Spirit full,English good!!!
쓰기,낭송 완료!!!
Unit 256 Genesis 50:1-2A
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service
to embalm his father Israel.
Embalm의 의미 같이 알아볼까요 동영상강의감사 합니다 선생님오늘도 건강하시계 행복하세요 Genesis 50:2A Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him, Then Joseph dilected the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel,
오늘도 귀한 강의 감사드립니다. 쓰기 및 암송완료
Joseph threw himself on his father
and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service
to embalm his father Israel. Amen. Genesis 50:1~2
선생님 감사합니다..건강하세요..
성령충만 영어능통. 선생님 감사합니다
Genesis 50:1~2a
Joseph threw himself on his father
and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed
the Physicians in his service
to embalm his father Israel.
God bless u
요셉이야기 256일 240229 목
Spirit full, English good.
정철선생님 고맙습니다
출석,쓰기,암송 완료.
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in the service to embalm his father Israel.
공부완료 감사합니다 ^^
* 2/29 Unit256 Genesis50:1~2A
Joseph threw himself on his father
and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service
to embalm his father Israel.
Genesis 50:1-2a
Unit 256
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Isreal.
Thank you teachr~~😅😅😅
선생님 모든분들 하루도 건강하게 행복하게 보내세요❤❤❤
Joseph threw himself on his father
and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the phycisians
in his service to embalm his father
Genesis 50;1~2A
Thanks recitation!
I threw myself on my God"s words n prayed .
[Genesis 50:1~2A]
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
《256》Genesis 50,1-2 Joseph threw himself on his father/ and wept over him / and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service / to embalm his father Israel. 감사드립니다 선생님 새해에도 영육간에 강건하시기를 기도드립니다 20240229 목
감사합니다, Genesis 50;1-2A
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel,
성령충만 영어능통 와 ~
감사합니다 ^^
감사드림니다 신이순출첵입니다
성령충만 영어능통!
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his fether Israel. 50:1-2A 감사합니다~~
감사합니다 출석완료🩷
😊😊할렐루야. 감사드립니다 선생님. 🍀 🎶 아멘 ✡️
출석 선생님 너무 감사합니다
Genesis 50:1-2A
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
립밤이 여기나오는군요😊
낭송완료 롸이팅했습니다 🐢 🐢
감사합니다 😊
선생님 고맙습니다 😅
출석 감사합니다. Genesis 50;1-2A
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embaim his father Israel.
출석합니다 ^^
출쳌합니다 오늘도 명쾌한 설명에 감사드립니다 성령충만 영어능통
256 Genesis 50:1-2A
Joseph threw himself on his father
and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service
to embalm his father Israel.
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel. (Genesis 50:1-2A) 감사합니다.
Joseph threw himself on his father
and went over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service
to embalm his father Israel.
Genesis 50:1~2A
Then Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
Genesis 50:2A
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and Kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Isral.
출석 Genesis 50:1~2A
Joseph threw himself on his father
and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service
to embalm his father Israel.
출석 및 암송완료
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to enbalm his father Israel. 감사합니다
출석암송합니다 성령충만 영어능통 와 ❤ Genesis 50:1-2A
Joseph threw himseif on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Isreal.
출석. Joseph threw himself on his faher / and wept over him / and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service /to embalm his father Israel.
(Genesis 50:1~2A) Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
어제 못하고 ~,매일 새롭게 또 시작합니다❤
Gensis50: 1~2A
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the phy sicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
Genesis 50:1~2A
Joseph threw himself on his father
and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service
to embalm his fathet Israel.
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
Unit 256 Genesis 50;1-2A
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service
to embalm his father Isral.
출첵 ㅡ 늦었습니다.
Joseph threw himself on his father
and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service
to embalm his father Israel.
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physician in his service to enbalm his father Israel.
Genesis 50:1-2A
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
Joseph threw himself on his father
and wept over and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Lsrael.
Joseph deew himself on his father
and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel. A-men 🙏
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
[Genesis 50:1-2A]
Genesis 50:1-2A The Death of Jacob
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
성령 충만~! 영어 능통~!!/ Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Isreal.
1)Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
2A)Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
성령충만 영어능통 와 ~~~
Genesis 50:1-2A, Unit 256
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service
to embalm his father lsrael.
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his fater Israel.
To embarm his father Israel.. .. ..
Joseph threw himself on his father
and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directions the physicians in his service to embalm his father lsrael.
성령충만 영어능통
Joseph threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.
(Genesis 50:1-2A)
성령충만 영어능통
Joseph threw himself
on his father
and wept over him
and kissed him.
Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel
Genesis 50:1-2A