Shawn Mendes - Believe (Official)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 33 тыс.

  • @vanessalopez5984
    @vanessalopez5984 3 года назад +325

    THIS BROUGHT BACK SM MEMORIES- i miss disney channel like this😭

    • @gavinknazavich
      @gavinknazavich 3 года назад +10

      Exactly right, these were the good days, they got no more good Disney shows anymore, this video is so nostalgic, I would come home everyday after school and turn on Disney channel, now it just isn’t the same😪

    • @noorbayoumy6702
      @noorbayoumy6702 3 года назад +9

      Ikkkkrrrrrrrr it's like their old shows, movies, and commercials hit different because the old days were just so pure and now we realize it. Disney channel really did go downhill which is honestly sad cause in some ridiculous way it gave me self-esteem and more confidence and kept me smiling in the days when I got bullied, deep ik lol😅

    • @vanessalopez5984
      @vanessalopez5984 3 года назад +2

      @@noorbayoumy6702 same!! i got bullied too :( i would go home and watch disney channel all day and it would take my mind off the bullying. i miss the original disney channel :/

    • @noorbayoumy6702
      @noorbayoumy6702 3 года назад

      @@vanessalopez5984 me too but it's ok I'll just listen to this song over and over again lol 😅hope u have a nice day 😊

    • @kim-bd4px
      @kim-bd4px 4 месяца назад

      Me too

  • @luismendez8336
    @luismendez8336 9 лет назад +92

    I believe in the power of music to change the word

  • @melissitaaa
    @melissitaaa 6 лет назад +2462

    I love you Shawn❤
    Enero 2019?

  • @knytewing3107
    @knytewing3107 10 месяцев назад +45

    This was one of the greatest times of being 15. This song needed more recognition during the sequels cause this is unacceptable that it only played once

  • @fathimathahudha8335
    @fathimathahudha8335 4 года назад +3108

    I didn't know he was the one who wrote that for Descendants. Wow. I love this song. So inspirational!

  • @CentralAssassin
    @CentralAssassin 3 года назад +835

    I am missing Descendantsssss

  • @londonsquitebig9708
    @londonsquitebig9708 4 года назад +4789

    Shawn 2015: I believe
    Shawn 2020: I wonder...

    • @rushybikki955
      @rushybikki955 4 года назад +250

      Shawn 2025 uhh... I think....

    • @IYYYYYY-z3d
      @IYYYYYY-z3d 4 года назад +28

      @@rushybikki955 😂

    • @wintr4019
      @wintr4019 4 года назад +27

      I love this comment

    • @belenleray9583
      @belenleray9583 4 года назад +27

      yes a fellow directioner and shawn stan

    • @panda-ep8bg
      @panda-ep8bg 4 года назад +7

      That's meh

  • @thatochewe7427
    @thatochewe7427 Год назад +108

    I believe that Cameron Boyce will forever remain in our hearts no matter what year we're in💓🌼

  • @Castremblay
    @Castremblay 4 года назад +2398

    I Believe we will get through this together.
    RIP Cameron Boyce

  • @stephgr8794
    @stephgr8794 6 лет назад +335

    I believe in the power of the Shawn's music

  • @carmenalvaro4680
    @carmenalvaro4680 6 лет назад +848

    I believe one day i’ll meet Shawn😘😭❤️❤️😂

  • @Catnipprty
    @Catnipprty Месяц назад +6

    Bro so nostalgic, I miss being a kid at this time man😔

  • @lugoyesica1054
    @lugoyesica1054 5 лет назад +1284

    I love you Shawn 💖
    Junio 2019?

    • @jeantiati1735
      @jeantiati1735 5 лет назад +1

      I love Shawn Mendes 😍😍❤️❤️❤️💋💋💜💜💖💖💕💗💋💋 love you Shawn Mendes 😍❤️ I love the beat of believe song

    • @supercorncob5040
      @supercorncob5040 5 лет назад +2

      Julio oops

    • @haroldxx3502
      @haroldxx3502 5 лет назад +8

      primero en ingles despues en español nmms

    • @nickyalexander8781
      @nickyalexander8781 5 лет назад +1

      Lugo Yesica hi

    • @mitsukichan2398
      @mitsukichan2398 5 лет назад +1

      Jean Tiati yeah I hope u know u replied to someone’s comment😅

  • @kellymartinez6983
    @kellymartinez6983 4 года назад +570

    No puedo creer que ya se cumplirán 5 años de esta JOYITA, gracias a Disney conocí a SHAWN..........

    • @nlovey
      @nlovey 3 года назад +8

      Yo ni sabía que esa canción la cantaba Shawn Mendes, me salió en recomendados.

    • @maryelisissamartabatagonza1162
      @maryelisissamartabatagonza1162 3 года назад +1

      @@nlovey x2

    • @dan2363
      @dan2363 3 года назад +2

      SAMEEE 😭😭

    • @franchesca6433
      @franchesca6433 3 года назад +2

      @@nlovey X2 y eso que siempre quise saber quién cantaba, 5 años después lo descubrí

    • @camilagalo268
      @camilagalo268 3 года назад +1


  • @aimeebateson6868
    @aimeebateson6868 7 лет назад +197

    I believe in Shawn and the Mendes Army always, the Mendes Army are the BEST💕🎸🎶

    • @Joe-ew2gf
      @Joe-ew2gf 7 лет назад +5

      Aimee Bateson #mendesarmy

    • @mendesarmy658
      @mendesarmy658 7 лет назад +4

      Aimee Bateson #MendesArmy

    • @adfhgfgjg9379
      @adfhgfgjg9379 7 лет назад +4


    • @ladykzamar4176
      @ladykzamar4176 7 лет назад +7

      I believe that Shawn will be mine some day 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏💑💑💏💏💏💏yep I believe

    • @kiancayanan9965
      @kiancayanan9965 7 лет назад +8

      I believe that I can meet Shawn Mendes. (after many years)
      Me:Dang I will not believe anymore and I will not listen the song😡😡😡😡😠😠😠😠
      (just joking I love this song)

  • @kiranaalisha2944
    @kiranaalisha2944 3 года назад +92

    Shawn wrote he believes in the power of music on the board. And then he made/wrote many inspirational and positive-vibe songs. Doesn't waste his life/time to give us "bad" music.

    • @aaravkallingal5088
      @aaravkallingal5088 3 года назад

      what exactly do u mean by bad music *negetive songs* or litteraly bad music

  • @snoopy8267
    @snoopy8267 5 лет назад +2266

    I believe that depression is temporary and anxiety is beatable

    • @bethaninoelleliotta4324
      @bethaninoelleliotta4324 5 лет назад +17

      I believe that depression is unbeatable and can not be cured.

    • @snoopy8267
      @snoopy8267 5 лет назад +72

      @@bethaninoelleliotta4324 The negativity people like you give off are the reason I have hundred's of cuts on my arms and need to turn to music to hear messages that stop me from killing myself

    • @afianusaibah3081
      @afianusaibah3081 5 лет назад +4

      @@bethaninoelleliotta4324 u should take the advice from Deepika Padukone!!! (TLLL Foundation) u can get it in any social media!

    • @DavidSeeg
      @DavidSeeg 5 лет назад +12

      You’re right, but the possibility to be happy is infinite 🤩

    • @thereallorax57
      @thereallorax57 5 лет назад +3

      Bethani Noelle Liotta way to be an introvert

  • @lauraartist7742
    @lauraartist7742 5 лет назад +3853

    Sofia carson
    dove Cameron
    Shawn Mendes
    Who wanted this collaboration ❤?

    • @abipsha4896
      @abipsha4896 5 лет назад +17

      Hey come on ! You deserve more likes. Everyone like this so diseny sees this!

    • @orsolyafeja678
      @orsolyafeja678 5 лет назад +3


    • @Idkwhattodo1027
      @Idkwhattodo1027 5 лет назад +10

      Descendants 3. Just with no Shawn Mendes and different actors . So excited about the movie

    • @via_vibez1666
      @via_vibez1666 5 лет назад +2


    • @vickydiazmendoza7665
      @vickydiazmendoza7665 5 лет назад +3

      Dove Cameron te extraño

  • @kevinsingleton387
    @kevinsingleton387 5 лет назад +125

    I Believe: That We Can Make The World A Better Place!!!❤❤❤🙂

  • @madisondriggers6436
    @madisondriggers6436 9 месяцев назад +10

    I believed in Shawn and here he is with a new album!!!!♥️ SO PROUD🥰

  • @arianalawton920
    @arianalawton920 4 года назад +124


  • @ilijanabaljak
    @ilijanabaljak 5 лет назад +223

    Dove looks at Shawn... Dove flirtingwith 16 years old Shawn... Of course, Shawn is PERFECT ❤️❤️❤️

    • @craftingcarlos
      @craftingcarlos 5 лет назад +1

      No one's perfect

    • @oliviaeisley7590
      @oliviaeisley7590 5 лет назад

      Even i love Shawn but he's not perfect dear

    • @nousnousbella4771
      @nousnousbella4771 4 года назад

      @@oliviaeisley7590 really 😒

    • @oliviaeisley7590
      @oliviaeisley7590 4 года назад

      @@nousnousbella4771 yes if he was perfect then he wouldn't have been on Earth in fact he would be an Angel.
      And who tf says the N word for no reason

    • @nousnousbella4771
      @nousnousbella4771 4 года назад

      @@oliviaeisley7590 Guess what, He is an angel !🙄

  • @sahagunrhianne
    @sahagunrhianne 8 месяцев назад +900

    whose here in 2024?

  • @q9738
    @q9738 5 лет назад +3566

    2019: _okay let's put this in everyone's recommendations_
    Edit: Fun Fact, this is where I became a #MendesArmy. This is the first time I saw Shawn. Because I watched Descendants. When the movie was over, I didn't have something to do so I waited until it REALLY Ended. You know, when it's the "Casts: bla bla bla"
    Then I saw him singing and I read his name. Shawn Mendes. That's how I became an army.

    • @Folklore11
      @Folklore11 5 лет назад +7


    • @ellaweiss8137
      @ellaweiss8137 5 лет назад +15

      Tbh thanks RUclips, I like completely forgot about this. AAAHHH I LOVE IT SO MUCH

    •  5 лет назад +5


    • @salehakhan8568
      @salehakhan8568 5 лет назад +8

      I’ve never heard of this until today 😝wow

    • @genesis5363
      @genesis5363 5 лет назад +4

      Familia Vegas lmao exactly I didn’t even know he did this song

  • @juliabeckmann819
    @juliabeckmann819 7 лет назад +217

    I believe Shawn Mendes is The Best 😍😍😍❤

  • @jennieakse5449
    @jennieakse5449 5 лет назад +818


  • @amynq_
    @amynq_ Год назад +17

    Where are my Descendants fans?🥺

  • @KatelynPettyyy
    @KatelynPettyyy 9 лет назад +142

    Beautiful song with a beautiful message.

  • @andreaGonzalez-rv4yy
    @andreaGonzalez-rv4yy 6 лет назад +625


  • @somritaash7640
    @somritaash7640 5 лет назад +159

    I believe in the magic Shawn Mendes makes😻

  • @camilagalo268
    @camilagalo268 3 года назад +63

    Con esta canción conocí a Shawn Mendes, grande Disney antiguo!!

  • @juferreira7861
    @juferreira7861 5 лет назад +378

    What a glow up ! June 2019 ?

    • @romaii_05
      @romaii_05 5 лет назад

      Yes forreal!

    • @misslany18
      @misslany18 5 лет назад +8

      But he was never ugly...🔥

    • @juferreira7861
      @juferreira7861 5 лет назад +3

      misslany18 Black wbk I know! He just grew up but still the same hottie

    • @the.artstati0n
      @the.artstati0n 5 лет назад +1

      August 8 2019😊
      ( happy 21st birthday shawn💙🌹)

    • @charlenejenkins5018
      @charlenejenkins5018 5 лет назад +3

      He went from cute to a hot man

  • @lil_xander_boi1796
    @lil_xander_boi1796 4 года назад +2902

    I believe that everyone will get accepted into society one day.

    • @oliviaeisley7590
      @oliviaeisley7590 4 года назад +40

      Awwww 🌈🌈🌈
      Of course sweetie ❤
      It's just a matter of time 😊

    • @lunalovegood2201
      @lunalovegood2201 4 года назад +32

      And that society will not accept bad things in earth so we can live happily :>

    • @zainabzia448
      @zainabzia448 4 года назад +18

      @@shaw_nieboy I think they ment racism and stuff like that not being accepted in society anymore

    • @michellejurado3944
      @michellejurado3944 4 года назад +9

      Youre accepted by Jesus. Now cmon he loves you dearly so much! I love you too, I hope that one day he will reveal himself to you John 3:16

    • @frankocea11
      @frankocea11 4 года назад +6

      I believe this virus is gone soon

  • @sarahwilson2193
    @sarahwilson2193 8 лет назад +150

    I believe that all cats and animals should be loved, no matter where they come from. Also I believe that everybody should not be judged for who they want to be or what they are.

    • @nykonos6250
      @nykonos6250 8 лет назад +1


    • @sarahwilson2193
      @sarahwilson2193 8 лет назад +1


    • @victoriaclawson9430
      @victoriaclawson9430 8 лет назад +2

      first part of course, and if out don't you are a horrible person, but the seconed part you can dream but I depends on what you mean !

    • @nykonos6250
      @nykonos6250 8 лет назад +2

      The second part, people can't be any gender they want

    • @sarahwilson2193
      @sarahwilson2193 8 лет назад +3

      I know that. But nobody should be judged

  • @JessicaBabb-z5v
    @JessicaBabb-z5v 8 месяцев назад +6

    Who here in 2024 and listening to his amazing voice and liking it👍❤️🎧🎤🎵

  • @김진조-f5w
    @김진조-f5w 7 лет назад +458

    "I believe in the POWER OF MUSIC" -Shawn Mendes

    • @emmafewer4560
      @emmafewer4560 7 лет назад +4

      me too shawn!!!!!

    • @maxstutz5633
      @maxstutz5633 7 лет назад +9

      Shawn Mendes music I the one thing that is always there for you and it can help with everything with the ups and downs in life music is the true meaning of life and most of the people believe in music and I most sertenly do

    • @apolloweird
      @apolloweird 7 лет назад +3

      Shawn Mendes not even funny

    • @yaprakgezmen1658
      @yaprakgezmen1658 7 лет назад +3

      CronierGaming şerefsiz gerizekalı kendine gel be sen kimsin de SHAWN'a komik değil değilsin diyorsun mal

    • @purplepins2359
      @purplepins2359 7 лет назад +1

      yaprak gezmen öyle deme belki sağırdır,kördür ve beyin özürlüdür

  • @skybaby2927
    @skybaby2927 9 лет назад +88

    I believe that my little Shawny I'd growing up XC

    • @urmom-nz9lc
      @urmom-nz9lc 9 лет назад +2

      Omg I believe one day I will meet Shawn

    • @skybaby2927
      @skybaby2927 9 лет назад

      I believe that I'd date Shawn one day possibly marry

    • @urmom-nz9lc
      @urmom-nz9lc 9 лет назад +1

      sky baby that's to late bc me and SHAWN are already married I'm just hoping I'll see him again

    • @skybaby2927
      @skybaby2927 9 лет назад

      Ashley Pottorff Mendes .......Uh no actually you see Shawn already asked me to marry him on June 4th,2014 same day as he got signed to island records he promised he'd wait.....O.o

    • @urmom-nz9lc
      @urmom-nz9lc 9 лет назад +1

      Noooo bc he got married when he was 13 :) before he got to signed to Island Records and may I say I was sooo proud of him I started crying

  • @Hevens_hells_fire
    @Hevens_hells_fire 9 лет назад +52

    I believe in the power of music

  • @l0s_
    @l0s_ 3 года назад +7

    1:23 that weird ass "hey" always made me laugh lol

  • @kawaiipotato7715
    @kawaiipotato7715 7 лет назад +49

    This was 2 years ago? Oohmygosh Shawn has come so far! I'm so proud! Even though I can't see him this year, I believe that I will see him❤️☺️this song gives me hope

  • @frostedbirdy
    @frostedbirdy 6 лет назад +135

    BRO. 3 years later... HOW DID I NOT KNOW THAT IT WAS SHAWN SINGING THIS SONG.This was like my favroite song as a child

  • @isabelacameron1583
    @isabelacameron1583 8 лет назад +71

    I believe anything if possible ; I believe in freedom ; I believe there is good in everyone ☺️☺️

  • @jumgar22
    @jumgar22 3 года назад +54

    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    I believe, I believe, I believe, yeah
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    I believe, I believe, I believe, yeah
    [Verse 1]
    Everest is only a mountain
    A pyramid is just a shape
    Doesn't have to hold you back,
    doesn't have to pin you down
    Let your dreams take flight
    And your heart ignite
    Did you know that it's true?
    Everything is possible
    It's nothing we can't do
    It's a wild and beautiful fire
    And I believe in you
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    (Cause I believe in you) I believe, I believe, I believe, yeah
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    I believe, I believe, I believe, yeah
    Don't be afraid to be who you are
    Just scream out and shout and follow the stars
    Forget about the past, that it's over
    We are the young ones our way is forward
    [Verse 2]
    Who keeps tabs on stupid mistakes?
    We all mess up but that's just the way
    We learn how to get back up,
    we learn how to turn the page
    So we will let our dreams take flight
    And our hearts ignite
    Did you know that it's true?
    Everything is possible
    It's nothing we can't do
    It's a wild and beautiful fire
    And I believe in you
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    (Cause I believe in you) I believe, I believe, I believe, yeah
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    I believe, I believe, I believe, yeah
    Let your dreams take flight
    And your heart ignite
    Did you know that it's true?
    That everything is possible
    There's nothing we can't do
    It's a wild and beautiful fire
    And I believe in you
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey (Oh)
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey (Oh)
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    (And I believe in you) I believe, I believe, I believe, yeah
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey (Oh)
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey (Oh)
    I believe, I believe, I believe, hey
    (And I believe in you) I believe, I believe, I believe, yeah

  • @rinbow6377
    @rinbow6377 9 лет назад +191

    i believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way

    • @rinbow6377
      @rinbow6377 9 лет назад

      omg is that dove and sofia

    • @naomiquezada5263
      @naomiquezada5263 9 лет назад

      +Azrin Akter Di _ un____cantante y___luego tapate___la ____boca ____pega ___esto____en_____3____comentarios_____y _____luego ____mira ___tu ___voz

    • @rinbow6377
      @rinbow6377 9 лет назад

      +Inokas Tube ?????????

    • @aguscrotta5461
      @aguscrotta5461 9 лет назад +1

      +Azrin Akter she only copy paste from the others nothing else

    • @rinbow6377
      @rinbow6377 9 лет назад +2

      agus crotta ya but what dose it mean

  • @Blank-wz1cr
    @Blank-wz1cr 8 лет назад +181

    I believe in Shawn

  • @kavyataraviya1455
    @kavyataraviya1455 7 лет назад +54

    I believe in your music, Shawn

  • @Samsungजुता
    @Samsungजुता Год назад +8

    Are you missing your childhood 😭

  • @sylvy16
    @sylvy16 3 года назад +978

    Can you believe that at 17 years he has sung a song for descendants, worked with disney and gone on tour with taylor swift.

    • @fabreeziohginn-okie3688
      @fabreeziohginn-okie3688 3 года назад +29

      He went on tour with Taylor Swift!!!!????🤯🤯🤯🤯

    • @mackaylaflack4377
      @mackaylaflack4377 3 года назад +27

      By doing all that at such a young age he has inspired so many people to follow their dreams and just because their young doesn’t mean that they can’t go for what they want!🥰 We love you Shawn and we love how you inspire everyone to do what they want in life😘

    • @accountsbirdwatch2012
      @accountsbirdwatch2012 3 года назад +3

      that's right that's true yes

    • @accountsbirdwatch2012
      @accountsbirdwatch2012 3 года назад +1

      ok My name is prenken stall

    • @nadriaklatzshorts9970
      @nadriaklatzshorts9970 3 года назад +1

      Wait what!!!!!🤯

  • @kristhianperaltasanchez9074
    @kristhianperaltasanchez9074 6 лет назад +317

    como podía ser tan hermoso si apenas tenia 16 - 17 años en ese entonces!!! :(

  • @notvideosofothercorps6652
    @notvideosofothercorps6652 7 лет назад +324

    I believe: This is real music, and we need more stuff like it. Music with a message, not just over-sexualized bodies, drugs, and money.

    • @josharellano93
      @josharellano93 7 лет назад +29

      if only there's a billion of us still hav this taste of music, it would really become beautiful world

    • @kamilahmancia3888
      @kamilahmancia3888 7 лет назад +4


    • @rebbeccataduran48
      @rebbeccataduran48 7 лет назад +1

      true... I hate my cousin...

  • @ludmilabenitez2191
    @ludmilabenitez2191 3 года назад +131

    " La belleza verdadera está dentro de ti " es un buen consejo que todos deberían saber ya que todos somos bellos por dentro y por fuera y yo creo en eso . Cualquier persona que vea esto quiero que sepa que eres muy bello/a y que no necesitas cambiar nada de ti y que puedes lograr lo que sea que te propongas ❤️❤️

  • @jiminswaterbottle1630
    @jiminswaterbottle1630 5 лет назад +363

    I believe that Shawn Mendes is going to be my legend
    Btw who else watching at 2019

  • @linartelinartebrenda9078
    @linartelinartebrenda9078 4 года назад +211

    Saben que es lo más hermoso?
    Que shawn cumplió el sueño que escribió, a logrado tanto mi bebé);

  • @rudainamustansir8858
    @rudainamustansir8858 8 лет назад +104


  • @TomiehleeTV
    @TomiehleeTV 4 месяца назад +1

    I believe being yourself and finding the right people with the right mindset means you have to find your own paths and choices some harder but will lead you higher to success. So whoever is reading this if your feeling hopeless. Find yourself in your beliefs, philosophy,honesty, and courage,compassion,and empathy to understand others.

  • @zarkaishqureshi1550
    @zarkaishqureshi1550 8 лет назад +126

    OmG he is so charming😍😍😍😍💞

  • @Niki-ve4tz
    @Niki-ve4tz 9 лет назад +214

    I believe in Shawn Mendes

  • @ohno5145
    @ohno5145 7 лет назад +639

    I don't know what's more important: the message or Shawns face

  • @ilanagift3271
    @ilanagift3271 2 года назад +4

    The memories this song brings backkkk omggg

  • @1kbps707
    @1kbps707 6 лет назад +98

    Still one of my faves. 2019, anyone?

  • @marthaelena9065
    @marthaelena9065 4 года назад +160

    Solo entendí la frase "LA BELLEZA VERDADERA ESTA DENTRO DE TI" xd
    Me encanto la canción

  • @Itsame-Marioo
    @Itsame-Marioo 4 года назад +2079

    is anyone watching this in 2020✌️

  • @fernandabahng97
    @fernandabahng97 2 года назад +56

    no puedo creer que sean ya 7 años desde que lo conocí

  • @kristenkorkowski9741
    @kristenkorkowski9741 7 лет назад +70

    I believe in people who have a heart of gold

  • @recordplayerss1425
    @recordplayerss1425 8 лет назад +254

    I believe that one day someone understands me♥ :(

    • @likebutton1456
      @likebutton1456 8 лет назад +4

      Dauwdruppel_ DDG me too

    • @euphoricyoongi
      @euphoricyoongi 8 лет назад +4

      Dauwdruppel_ DDG same here

    • @raphaelherrera3818
      @raphaelherrera3818 8 лет назад +1

      Dauwdruppel_ DDG well thanks for bringing depression to the video

    • @hannoveraner.quengel5221
      @hannoveraner.quengel5221 8 лет назад +1

      Tell me something and we'll see if I can understand you :)

    • @recordplayerss1425
      @recordplayerss1425 8 лет назад +2

      +Pferde_ Traum ky almost every week my 2 friends and me are having a fight... and its always them vs me... and then my friends are like: why are you so angry while they are too... one of my friends has a great life and the other a little less... the other friend sayd all the reasons why she's having a hard life. while i've got depression.. because im bullied for over almost 5 years, I've got headaches everyday, my friend died at young age and my father can die any moment because he had a pretty big accident... and they won't even understand it...

  • @verolucs
    @verolucs 3 года назад +16

    I believe that all of us can make our dreams come true

  • @3amigos373
    @3amigos373 9 лет назад +336

    I believe there's a positive side to everything.

    • @fiyero51
      @fiyero51 9 лет назад +10

      Noddedslow Connection I believe in listening to your heart.

    • @3amigos373
      @3amigos373 9 лет назад

      That's a good one

    • @MrChiTwin
      @MrChiTwin 9 лет назад +3

      I believe in others and myself

    • @kaceydahl4899
      @kaceydahl4899 9 лет назад

      Noddedslow Connection
      me too

    • @lissemongora
      @lissemongora 9 лет назад

      Me to

  • @shawnmendesfanfiction6990
    @shawnmendesfanfiction6990 5 лет назад +137

    Well, I believe in Shawn! ❤️

  • @yuliethmunoz5944
    @yuliethmunoz5944 5 лет назад +127

    1:42 *a este momento de mi vida lo llamo felicidad* :'3

  • @ImKezo-kq4pq
    @ImKezo-kq4pq 10 месяцев назад +6

    Who listens to this song in 2024? Or is it just me this song bring memories from my childhood

  • @marykemp8575
    @marykemp8575 4 года назад +79

    This song may be old but it still spreads joy and hope to the world and it has kept me alive all these years.

  • @ayeshaxoxox
    @ayeshaxoxox 9 лет назад +106

    Yeah, I'm kinda obsessed now! 

    • @maryamm5379
      @maryamm5379 9 лет назад +1


    • @ayeshaxoxox
      @ayeshaxoxox 9 лет назад

      Mrs Espindes #stalker 😂😂😂Jk, but

    • @maryamm5379
      @maryamm5379 9 лет назад +1


    • @ayeshaxoxox
      @ayeshaxoxox 9 лет назад


    • @maryamm5379
      @maryamm5379 9 лет назад +1


  • @alissiafiorentini6843
    @alissiafiorentini6843 7 лет назад +154

    i BELIEVE in the Power of music
    Shawn mendes 😍😍😘😘😍😘

  • @noty1334
    @noty1334 2 года назад +1

    Needed some encouragement so I pulled out this bad boy. 🤧🤧🤧

  • @aiden4460
    @aiden4460 9 лет назад +60

    I believe everyone one has goodness in them

  • @parkhin4874
    @parkhin4874 6 лет назад +178

    I Believe....We can all live in harmony one day.😉

    • @anna-ez3xv
      @anna-ez3xv 6 лет назад +4

      Not with this president lol

    • @gistermiddag
      @gistermiddag 5 лет назад +1

      Yes! I hope so too

    • @bradapplegate1129
      @bradapplegate1129 5 лет назад +1

      Good luck ! I am with you though 👍👍👍😻😻😻😻

    • @MK-ug2wy
      @MK-ug2wy 5 лет назад +1

      @@anna-ez3xv Sure you have to believe it, but I can't actually say that I live in Germany 😅 #but stay positive

  • @rebecaion4399
    @rebecaion4399 8 лет назад +231


    • @rebecaion4399
      @rebecaion4399 8 лет назад +3

      And....I belive in MUSIC🎼🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶she can make peopele happy!!!!!

    • @AP-wn2sw
      @AP-wn2sw 8 лет назад +1

      Rebeca Ion it*

    • @luzmiranda2048
      @luzmiranda2048 8 лет назад +2


    • @donellagibson9977
      @donellagibson9977 8 лет назад +1

      Aditya Padmakar

    • @kawaiififi1689
      @kawaiififi1689 8 лет назад +6

      I believe EVERYONE deserves a chance ;)

  • @jokk3r
    @jokk3r 3 года назад +2

    that's the best shawn's song 😭

  • @alyssakirench2124
    @alyssakirench2124 6 лет назад +63

    I BELIEVE That Shawn is the most wonderful and talented person in the world!

  • @juliaocx
    @juliaocx 9 лет назад +818

    Shawn is not the next Justin Bieber,
    he's the first Shawn Mendes.

  • @김진조-f5w
    @김진조-f5w 7 лет назад +61

    Wish Shawn still sang on descendants 2!

  • @TheFinalDJ_Coral-Alt
    @TheFinalDJ_Coral-Alt 3 года назад +10

    I BELIEVE in love.
    I BELIEVE in hope.
    I BELIEVE it will get better.
    I BELIEVE in getting back up and trying again.
    I BELIEVE it's never hopeless.
    I BELIEVE in happiness.
    I BELIEVE in _wonder._
    I BELIEVE someone needs you.
    I BELIEVE in joy.
    I BELIEVE that love heals.
    I BELIEVE there's someone out there for you.
    I BELIEVE imperfections are beautiful.
    I BELIEVE someone loves you.
    I BELIEVE in the power of art.
    EDIT: List what you believe in the comments of this, and make a chain of hope!

  • @silviadicarlo4777
    @silviadicarlo4777 9 лет назад +1057

    I believe in Shawn Mendes :)

  • @christyn1459
    @christyn1459 5 лет назад +44

    Daaang. This was the first time I heard Shawn. Fast forward 4 years now he's my inspiration and mental fiance lol... 😂

  • @burgerking1562
    @burgerking1562 9 лет назад +46

    I love the story behind this song and how it encourages people to believe in what they want to do. I used to not like shawn medes and now i love him because of this song. I play it everyday. His singing is beautiful and this is a masterpeice

    • @burgerking1562
      @burgerking1562 9 лет назад +1


    • @davidjimenez9253
      @davidjimenez9253 9 лет назад +6

      This Song Helps You Out On What You Believed In Your Dreams Your Thoughts And What You Believe In So Let's Unite With Our Hearts And Work Together To Make This World A Better Place

    • @arianalopez4513
      @arianalopez4513 9 лет назад +1

      I agree with u. I believe that I can do anything possible!!!!!!!! And SO CAN U AS LONG AS U BELIEVE in your SELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @cassandrasafikovs
      @cassandrasafikovs 9 лет назад

      +valerie taronji You've heard his album right...? It''s the most beautiful thing Ive ever heard.

    • @burgerking1562
      @burgerking1562 9 лет назад

      Mendes Army 〈3 yes.

  • @MegaHope99.
    @MegaHope99. 7 месяцев назад +7


  • @paraverginia2551
    @paraverginia2551 8 лет назад +58

    yeah Shawn!!!! I too believe in the power of music!!!!!

  • @genanunez4246
    @genanunez4246 9 лет назад +48


    • @williamnieves3064
      @williamnieves3064 9 лет назад

      I love you Shawn you are such an inspiration to me and your songs are amazing and beautiful I love you so much

    • @williamnieves3064
      @williamnieves3064 9 лет назад

      William Nieves also I'm on my dad's youtube account, my name is bianca

    • @trinidadhuerta5919
      @trinidadhuerta5919 9 лет назад

      Your so right

    • @melodiejohnston6851
      @melodiejohnston6851 9 лет назад

      That's a good one :-D

    • @CinemindFilms
      @CinemindFilms 9 лет назад +1

      Except for Donald Trump #Bernie2016

  • @rahmnadas
    @rahmnadas 5 лет назад +3007

    R.I.P cameron boyce:(

  • @hesheanacasmarimonmarimon8865
    @hesheanacasmarimonmarimon8865 Год назад +3

    I believe someday I Will achieve my dreams.
    I know there's a challenges and failure and I believe I could endure it in the right way.
    I believe I will fullfil my moms dreams someday.❤️

  • @magicalmermaid8298
    @magicalmermaid8298 8 лет назад +107

    when ever he looks in the camera i melt 😍😍😍

    • @danielaplaisier
      @danielaplaisier 8 лет назад +2

      magical mermaid me too

    • @xvinyl6537
      @xvinyl6537 8 лет назад

      Me too..
      omg he just so perfect ♥

    • @desmondbawuah4787
      @desmondbawuah4787 8 лет назад +3

      Me too

    • @calliedawson8761
      @calliedawson8761 8 лет назад +6

      magical mermaid lol I melt like a ice cream on a 100 degree weather day!😋😍😘😍😘😍😘😍

    • @nataliekorherr8005
      @nataliekorherr8005 8 лет назад +1

      magical mermaid too😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  • @keiyelduran6852
    @keiyelduran6852 5 лет назад +142

    Cameron i really miss you so much, im so heartbroker💔

    • @thundertv1431
      @thundertv1431 4 года назад +2

      This video has nothing to do with him 🤦‍♂️

    • @jessicamonroe1637
      @jessicamonroe1637 4 года назад +1

      @@thundertv1431 Actually, yes it does. This song was featured in Descendants (which is why Dove Cameron and Sofia Carson in here) and Cameron played one of the main characters in the movie

  • @dimitrageorgiadi9059
    @dimitrageorgiadi9059 5 лет назад +155

    I believe that my dreams will come true

  • @sudiptalabonya8678
    @sudiptalabonya8678 5 месяцев назад +3

    I Believe : that Shawn Mendes. Has a insane voice.

  • @TheToyShower
    @TheToyShower 5 лет назад +63

    I believe that Cameron is the best angel😇

  • @joha4285
    @joha4285 4 года назад +1084

    Como explicarles que con esta canción fue que conocí a Shawn Mendes ❤

    • @carmencorrales1035
      @carmencorrales1035 4 года назад +16

      tambien yo

    • @flores14777
      @flores14777 4 года назад +2

      Ya seeee Tb me pasó 🤍✨✨

    • @nlovey
      @nlovey 3 года назад +2

      Si, igual que ustedes.

    • @joha4285
      @joha4285 3 года назад +3

      @Majo Mesinas siii 🥺

    • @joha4285
      @joha4285 3 года назад +4

      @Victoria Campos JAJAJA SAMEEE y Sofia Carson también

  • @makenawijangco336
    @makenawijangco336 5 лет назад +123

    I remember watching Descendents, and I fell asleep toward the credits where this song shows up. I had a dream where Shawn Mendes was just at my grandmas house ( where we always were w/my cousins during the summer ), and he sang this song, it was cool cause it was like I was hearing it during my sleep. 😂 💙💜💙

    • @UltimateJM_22
      @UltimateJM_22 4 года назад +3

      Ok but how did you fall asleep to Descendants?

    • @jennyjamplayz3516
      @jennyjamplayz3516 2 года назад +2

      @@UltimateJM_22 Fantastic question

  • @idalycastaneda8123
    @idalycastaneda8123 3 года назад +2

    Ooooh the Descendents cast is there

  • @desiremolinalubian5717
    @desiremolinalubian5717 6 лет назад +85

    Oh por dios, mi infanciaaaa: '))) como amo a ese hombreee

  • @diananguyen9435
    @diananguyen9435 7 лет назад +44

    I went to his concert (illuminate world tour Houston) and now I'm just going back to his music videos 😩