The davros with LED all arround is such a well made thing and this poach of doctors facing daleks needs some VFX really could be done and amazing but need some seasons and numerous of doctors alive to make it xD
Ohh yes everyone involved did such a fantastic job I myself was really impressed with the Davros he was actually a nice guy and very kind but your right a epic fight scene with multiple doctors and companions would be epic
Oh my god a minature emporer dalek ........................looks amazing.
1:04 wHeN tHe DaLeK iS sUs
Я люблю этих солонок с вантузами 💖
The davros with LED all arround is such a well made thing and this poach of doctors facing daleks needs some VFX really could be done and amazing but need some seasons and numerous of doctors alive to make it xD
Ohh yes everyone involved did such a fantastic job I myself was really impressed with the Davros he was actually a nice guy and very kind but your right a epic fight scene with multiple doctors and companions would be epic