A new person has their eyes on you & they only want you!!!!!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

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  • @SweetSoulTarot2
    @SweetSoulTarot2  4 дня назад

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    - These readings are for the collective.
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  • @kristenmahon3970
    @kristenmahon3970 3 дня назад +14

    I'm not interested in anyone who always has something going on and something to do. I'm looking for a more chill life and someone who has lots of time to spend with me. I'm looking for a serious relationship not a buddy to see here and there. This sounds like the toxic past person again 😩 so sick of him.
    I will NVR do no strings attached. I have no interest in that or wasting my time.

    • @jessicaantwine5922
      @jessicaantwine5922 3 дня назад +2

      I feel the same..sounds like the old person

    • @angelasamuels9037
      @angelasamuels9037 День назад

      I'm totally wirh u on that one so sick of time wasters,is there no one who can match me where I am or who so passes me to help me to rise higher🤔🤨I'm done giving giving giving and all I get is 10 swords I'm done.

  • @maroqui05
    @maroqui05 День назад +1

    Oh, this poor guy...
    We have a new coworker who just moved into the city and asked me to go on a hike and I said yes. I was opened to get to know each other, but he had his own agenda and invaded my personal space very quickly.
    I have apologized for misunderstanding the situation, but he is not taking a hint. I'm not playing hard to get. I just want to be left alone.

  • @Siri-e2v
    @Siri-e2v 3 дня назад +1

    You are so organically beautiful, stunning! and also spot on in your reading Thank You ❤

  • @trish757
    @trish757 3 дня назад

    Thank you for the advice... ❤❤

  • @sugar-spice38
    @sugar-spice38 2 дня назад

    Everything you says was facts
    And everything you said I have to STOP THAT 🤔

  • @gurjeetkaur9963
    @gurjeetkaur9963 3 дня назад

    Thank you have a great weekend ❤

  • @Tallguy6ft11
    @Tallguy6ft11 3 дня назад

    Sounds like my situation right now but yes I need to allow myself to receive

  • @angelasamuels9037
    @angelasamuels9037 День назад

    Wowwwww this does sound like the past person 🤔wat a cheek he presented all the blocks and now talking about blocks after he f,ed everything up by choosing low vibration relationship some where else please make it make sense NEW not old NEW whos still not aligned with where i am no time wasters only genuine authentic spiritual soul mates thank u ❤an⭐️🌞☀️🌟i could rouine something heres the 911 he orready rouined it if its the past person,and if this is completely new person then i wont blame him for other people i will allow him to show me who he is thanks for the reading ❤an🌟☀️🌞⭐️

  • @magdalenadwornicka3794
    @magdalenadwornicka3794 День назад

    I am an Andromedan and Crystal starseed

  • @GhanashyamPaudel-c2v
    @GhanashyamPaudel-c2v 23 часа назад

    U from Texas hon?

  • @georgiaevans6692
    @georgiaevans6692 2 дня назад
