I think we're all fine with people who disagree. What I'm not done with is people who don't just disagree, but they want to change the foundation of the country into something it's not. Suppressing speech, taking our rights, etc etc etc. Stay here and be part of the country, but if you want something different, go somewhere different.
Well said, that's exactly how I feel. Im watching the day after... yay! America has spoken loud and clear... no more woke weirdness and incompetence... Trump is # 47 We All Win!
“Don’t ya’ll find it strange that now that he’s won they’re not calling him a threat to democracy, they’re not calling him a fascist,” he said. “I mean, damn, on Monday they was calling him that. I would think that if you really believed that then somebody’s speech would be about how America effed up and about how things are about to be really bad … It just makes you wonder how much of it did they really believe and how much of it was just politics.” -- Charlamagne tha God
Also, he isn't saying "If you don't love America you have to leave", he's saying "We aren't keeping you here. Move on if it makes you happier." ... let's face it, those that live here and hate America aren't happy people for the most part.
As the division we have, you have 2 sides that have their own view of what they think America should be. The problem is finding out what caused it so we can mend it. There are lot of things I can point the finger at but...I'd probably would be bias.
@@loosmaster there are so many different causes, one major factor is a certain religious and ethnic faction that likes to subvert nation states and drain them of resources
Tom is not advocating that people should be kicked out of the country, but if they don't like it, they can exercise their OPTION to leave on their own free will. I'm an old guy and not into rap music, but over the last 4 or 5 years, Tom's music has really connected with me because of his largely pro, traditional values of Americana. "Goodbye Joe" is a good country flavored tune, similar to "End of the World" from 2023.
Everyone talks about him being from Canada. Isn't he the text book American? He's an immigrant that gained citizenship and loves his country. God bless Tom MacDonald!
Christ did sit with prostitutes and sinners but, he didn't affirm their sin and tell them that they were good people in their sin. He called them to repentance. If you don't believe in Liberty and Justice, then you are free to find something that fits your notion of a country. Burning the flag is not freedom of speech. It is an action of treason.
Hello Britt. Yes, Jesus did sit down to dine with beggars and prostitutes. But he also took up a rod and chased the moneylenders out of the Temple. There is a time for humility and a time for action. The trick is to know the difference.
Absolutely! Christianity has been falsely painted as a religion of peace; in fact, it is a religion of non-aggression == you never start a fight, but when challenged, you finish it.
@@jtobi01 yes, exactly. The Bible says "Love the sinner but hate the sin.". I can love someone but hate the path that they have chosen to follow. And I refuse to enable someone who I feel is on the wrong path.
Both were born in Canada, Tom has now got a US citizenship. This song was listed as 'Country', as Tom is trying to get a 1st on iTunes in every genre and he is missing 'Country'. G'day from Australia.
Agreeing with @Hat_uncle, I think he's saying "If you hate this country so much, no one is keeping you here at gun point. You're free to try other countries."
This song is so appropriate. I’m up watching the results, and like a sign from above, this pops up on my feed. God bless this country, and may we now heel.
I appreciate your thoughts. They said, "If you got something to say, then I'm right here, Thank God for the freedom of speech" - in other words, say what you want. You've got freedom to do that, and I support that. Their thoughts on leave, were, "We love our land, if you ain't fans, buddy, we'll help you pack your bags... If liberty and justice aren't enough to believe in..."you're free to go." So, yes, you can say what you want, and I'll fight for your right to say it, (Tom and Adam have a song that says, "I believe in free speech for morons too"), but if you want out, we won't stop you, and we won't miss you ("don't let the big door hit ya where the good Lord split ya").
"... some times you have to handle Freedom with gentle cupped hands so it thrives, but sometimes you have to make the tightest fist you've ever made to hang on to it. If your perception is that I'm waving my fist in anger, your vision is so skewed you aren't looking at reality anymore. I'm Just Holding Onto The Struggle." -Grimm Liberty 2024
Lol, I'm 62 and THIS was the best day, since I voted for Reagan the first time in 1980! Of Course they have the right to say what they believe! Many of us fought and died, to give them that right! There is the same sense of hope for the future!
If someone hated your church and came every Sunday and disturbs your service wouldn't you wonder why they bother coming when they hate it, and would you like it!
Tom and Nova been here for over a decade, Tom obtained dual citizenship and will raise their family here. Not to mention they have given hundreds of thousand dollars to our veterans, which is far more than most American-born people have. Goodbye Joe!!!
Jesus's First Sinner Rescue was the TAX COLLECTOR, most people seem to miss that little thing. Taxes are slavery; when your birth in a given time and place determines what you "owe" to someone else and you cannot "get out of the debt" except through Death, that is slavery. We work quite literally for Half Our Pay to be given to Master. Just because some do it willingly doesn't change the fact. Just because we get some sort of benefit from it, doesn't change the fact. "Oh, Master, I get to sleep in the big house tonight?"
Who formed Democrats party?p.s Marx was a satanic pedo.member barak.trained one.china and blackrock others been buying up go,d.do same thier going Great Depression mode now to wreck us and f..k trump.WORD brother.stay in faith .AndAmighty God cryrus was anointed by God .but was a pagan trumps anointed not saved though.pray for him.even barak n co u know where thier rushing to.❤🇦🇺👉🇺🇸👍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🫡
Both Nova and Tom born in Canada. Tom born Mission BC and moved to Edmonton when young. Met Nova that was throwing a rap show and they became friends for years. Got together 2017.
If they don’t like or hate this country and are burning the flag, they SHOULD leave. There’s a difference of having an opinion and hating your country.
I was really disappointed in your listening. Tom only said if you don't like the benefits we offer no one is holding you here. It wasn't cruel or derogatory. It was like you didn't listen at all 😢
💯 🇺🇸 I also thought it was more geared towards people that burn the flag. Tom being a Canadian who worked to get dual citizenship is probably frustrated by other immigrants moving here and burning the flag 🇺🇸
@@MicahDevore-ee3re With ya, had a few issues with this one, even where it sounded like if you do not vote you have no say so, I am straight Republican and was in Afghanistan in 2012 and never even had a chance to vote but was very outspoken about the way Obama was handling things. Sometimes life prevents you from being able to do things but that does not mean you can not speak your mind. Also yes he was not telling people to leave, just that they had that choice. One thing I hate more than most are anti-america Americans.
@ScottMayo420 that's untrue and there r hate speech laws. Hate is not speech, hate is an emotion a feeling. If u live somewhere u hate ,one u poison that community. Additionally it causes depression and all that goes along with that. It's not beneficial to anyone, in fact it harmful. It's why the founders setup our system as they did so the locals determine the local culture well giving those who disagree places to move to with simlar values. However the Left wants to dictate what everyone's values r.
@@ScottMayo420not sure why my response was auto deleted. What u said is incorrect hate is an emotion and we have hate speech laws. FYI this was a fraction of my orginal response this is just the short sweet version.
@@ScottMayo420its not as i already stated we have laws against hate speech hence free speech is not absolute. Additionally hate is an emotion. Saying i hate it here is different then actual feeling hate about where u live.
And to add to the previous comments, he is commenting on all the people and celbrities who said they would move out of the USA if he becomes president. Ok... go ahead and go... He's not telling people they have to go, just saying ok to the people who claim to want to leave
Tom had to take the test in order to become an American citizen. He has dual citizenship between America, which he truly loves and where he now lives, and Canada, his place of birth. I feel he has earned the right to say what he says about going elsewhere because as an outsider he has seen and heard the negatives being on display by our "citizens"... yet those same people do absolutely nothing to try to improve things. Becoming an American citizen was a lifelong dream according to Tom.. He had to struggle and work hard to get here, and that made him appreciate American freedom even more.
I'm sorry you didn't understand any part of this song. If we don't get a strong President we won't even recognize the US in 4 years...life will be very hard!
People misinterpret a lot of things. She has her opinion of what she heard. If you think she's wrong, politely discuss why you think she's wrong. Shutting her out only amplifies the problem of not communicating.
I agree 100% with you on the "you don't like it you should leave" statement and about having those who disagree with you in your life to be able to see both sides. Being educated on all sides of the issue is a loss art.
I’m 50 and when I was a kid there was Democrats and there was Republicans but nobody said that they hated America. At the very least we were all still. Americans! That doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.
People don't even know how DIFFICULT it is to legally immigrate TO anotber country. If you DON'T have a way to self sustain, you aren't getting in. Period.
My take on “pack your bags” and telling people to go… We should be proud to be Americans and stand true to the values supporting our nation’s foundation. That includes our God-given rights our founding fathers wrote in our constitutional amendments. The expectation is that we should all respect each other, hear and respect others’ opinions, and all be free to live our lives as best suited for us as long as we are not causing harm to others. Lately, there are a LOT of people who preach tolerance and acceptance while they attack other groups and try to force the masses to adopt their fabricated doctrines and throw away all of our foundational principles. If people don’t respect what our country stands for - they can go. We will not let them destroy our country.
Theres a difference in not loving something or disagreeing politically compared to wanting to abolish the foundations of the country. Someone arguing free speech needs to end needs to go.
From a 22+ year American war veteran, Tom MacDonald is a true American and patriot. If you disagree, ok???? I'm certain that you've done what you could to elevate our country... Aloha.
Yeah he’s Canadian but hes got duel citizenship I believe now. And he’s more American than a good majority of the ppl here. Both Nova and Tom are Canadian originally.
I watched an interview with a young person who opened with "I HATE America." The interviewer asked them if they planned to leave the country, and the reply was No. The interviewer the remarked that the USA is such a great country that even the people who hate it refuse to leave. Even haters are free to stay or go. While the song may urge them to go, they still have a choice.
I completely agree with the song's love it or leave it statement. You can disagree with how things are done, you can strive to change things BUT you have to at least agree on the foundation level of loving America. If you can't love our nation, hit the road Jack. Move to the nation that is a closer match to what you consider to be utopia.
Living in America while simultaneously hating America is like being an adult who hates his parents, still living in their house, if you hate it so bad go find a place where you're happy and be happy there, because we love our home and don't want it fundamentally altered!
Yes he’s from Canada and so is Nova literally living their American dream. He’s saying “you can pack your bags” to all the meltdowns that happened when Trump won last time. They said they were leaving sooo “you can can pack your bags” who’s stopping you essentially if you want to go then go 🤷♀️ not to mention people are always telling him to go back to Canada. I’m pretty sure he pays more taxes than most people make in their life
If people support censoring, investigating, prosecuting, and jailing others for opinions, they can leave. That is not just "thinking the same." That is fundamental to our country. I don't support jailing them or censoring them, but they would be happier elsewhere. Also, I help my wife study for that test. The questions are basic, and everybody should be able to answer them. If you really believe you can't pass the test, I highly recommend taking it until you can. It breaks my heart when people say they couldn't pass the citizenship test.
There's a great story about two opposing politicians, one told the other, judging him to be an immigrant, to go back where he came from. The guy was Native American. Doh!
Saying "you're free to leave" isn't the same thing as telling someone to leave. Over the last approximately 9 years, plenty of people have said they will leave the country if Blonald Blumpf wins. Let's see how many of them keep their word.
I think it’s important to understand who he is telling to leave if they don’t like it - the ones who have been advocating taking our free speech and guns away, what our country was built on, the first and second most important right we came up with. THOSE people who want to change this country into a communistic regime with conditional rights and freedoms. THEY can kindly get on out of here. That’s not about freedom of speech, that’s about fighting for our freedom, literally.
Nova is Canadian as well. They have been together since 2017. They are true patriots. They are AMERICANS. If you live here willingly. You are American.
I think when people say they are going to leave if they don’t get their way is what is being talked about. If they aren’t happy they have the freedom to leave
I agree with the sentiment of, if you don't like it leave. For a simple reason....if I hated where I lived, I would seriously consider moving. Also, for the reason that I get so tired of hearing "if so and so is elected we're leaving." but they never follow through.
I think thats in reference to all the folks who have said they will leave the country, if Trump was elected. They said if you don't love this country, leave. I personally agree, because if they don't love it here, go where they do love the country, and stop trying to change this country.
A large number of liberals said that they were going to leave this country if Trump won. So, Tom McDonald was saying that if you want to leave then leave.
The line about people leaving is actually directed to the ones that have said they was going to leave if Trump was elected the first term and now this term. I love our nation being as mixed as it is thats what makes us so great❤❤❤
The line, if you don’t like it, you can leave, he’s not saying I don’t wanna hear what you have to say. He’s saying if you try to take my freedom of speech, you can leave because I’m not giving it back. I know that I did not articulate that very well, but I hope you understood what I was trying to say.
I appreciate your feedback. I was raised to respect flag and country. My ancestors are traced back to the early settlers. They were Royals and Pilgrims and many things in between. They fought in all the wars. The United States formed with the thoughts of the individual in mind. The world scoffed at such an idea, until we became the greatest there had ever been. Adhering to and amending the Constitution is what got us there. Unfortunately, there are those who say it's obsolete, even while using it to challenge its purpose. We should never be monolithic in our views, but we should at least understand the power each of us derive from the Constitution. One final note, religion was a key component for the Founders.
The point he's making is not that a citizen can't complain. He's saying if you despise the country so much... put your money where your mouth is... and vacate.
I can tell you, without any doubt, that I would pass that test. But your point is a good one in that it's about time schools teach civics where EVERY natural born American wouldn't sweat a bead if required to take said test.
What Tom is talking about are the celebrities who have stated that if Trump wins, they will leave the country, and dissavow their citizenship. To them, I say SEE YA!
I might be late in saying this, but I think when he saying you can leave, it’s based on the celebrities and people who said they would leave if Donald Trump was elected. That’s the way I took it.
8:12 Britt, I think Tom and Nova are talking about the people who outright say they hate America, and who even claim that they want to leave, but who enjoy the rights our servicemen and women fought to protect… while they also disrespect our servicemen and women and our flag. People can and should feel free to disagree (that is a blessing we have here in America that not everyone in other countries get to enjoy), but no one is forcing anyone to stay in a country they claim to hate. I come both from military stock and from immigrants. I’m proud of my Grandfather, Dad, and Aunt who served our country for 20-some years each, and I’m also proud of my Grandmother and the rest of my Colombian family members (as well as the Mexican, Spanish, and Italian ones I haven’t met) who immigrated legally and took and passed the American citizenship test… something that I, as a natural-born American citizen, am impressed at them doing! I don’t need everyone to agree with my political pov, but it hurts to see our servicemen and women disrespected and the flag I was raised to respect burned by people who loudly proclaim that they hate our country and who are happy to hang another country’s flag instead.
I think he’s speaking to all of the people, particularly celebrities who have threatened to leave the country if Trump wins… that’s who he’s speaking to
If someone hates the freedoms that should be ours, than they should leave. if we tolerate views that are meant to remove those freedoms we will lose more of them ourselves.
This ideal is 🎯. If they don't like this country they absolutely can leave. It's not their speech that we're telling them to leave over it's their hatred for the country that they're living in.
6:45. They aren't TELLING you to leave!! They are telling you that if you DISLIKE America you are FREE to leave!!!
That’s how I see it
I think we're all fine with people who disagree. What I'm not done with is people who don't just disagree, but they want to change the foundation of the country into something it's not. Suppressing speech, taking our rights, etc etc etc. Stay here and be part of the country, but if you want something different, go somewhere different.
Well said, that's exactly how I feel. Im watching the day after... yay! America has spoken loud and clear... no more woke weirdness and incompetence... Trump is # 47 We All Win!
You read my mind
“Don’t ya’ll find it strange that now that he’s won they’re not calling him a threat to democracy, they’re not calling him a fascist,” he said. “I mean, damn, on Monday they was calling him that. I would think that if you really believed that then somebody’s speech would be about how America effed up and about how things are about to be really bad … It just makes you wonder how much of it did they really believe and how much of it was just politics.”
-- Charlamagne tha God
Also, he isn't saying "If you don't love America you have to leave", he's saying "We aren't keeping you here. Move on if it makes you happier."
... let's face it, those that live here and hate America aren't happy people for the most part.
As the division we have, you have 2 sides that have their own view of what they think America should be. The problem is finding out what caused it so we can mend it. There are lot of things I can point the finger at but...I'd probably would be bias.
Darn, you said that so well. It’s what I was trying to say in my earlier post.
@@loosmaster there are so many different causes, one major factor is a certain religious and ethnic faction that likes to subvert nation states and drain them of resources
Tom is not advocating that people should be kicked out of the country, but if they don't like it, they can exercise their OPTION to leave on their own free will. I'm an old guy and not into rap music, but over the last 4 or 5 years, Tom's music has really connected with me because of his largely pro, traditional values of Americana. "Goodbye Joe" is a good country flavored tune, similar to "End of the World" from 2023.
Right, especially if you are burning our flag that is sacred to us.
Everyone talks about him being from Canada. Isn't he the text book American? He's an immigrant that gained citizenship and loves his country. God bless Tom MacDonald!
Hating our country has become a thing...yessss leave if you hate freedom
Congratulations, President Trump!!&! WELCOME BACK!!&! 🇺🇸
Christ did sit with prostitutes and sinners but, he didn't affirm their sin and tell them that they were good people in their sin. He called them to repentance. If you don't believe in Liberty and Justice, then you are free to find something that fits your notion of a country. Burning the flag is not freedom of speech. It is an action of treason.
Very well said!!!
You damn right❤
I think it speaks to all of the people who said if Trump wins, they are going to leave the country, more than telling people to leave.
Those people aren't going anywhere. People also said they'd leave when George W. Bush got elected, and none of them left.
The point still stands. @@RaymondCarver-vy9uk
@@RaymondCarver-vy9uk and in 2016 aswell
I took Tom's lyric about if you don't like it, you can leave, as being addressed to all the celebrities threatening to move if Trump got elected.
Hello Britt. Yes, Jesus did sit down to dine with beggars and prostitutes. But he also took up a rod and chased the moneylenders out of the Temple. There is a time for humility and a time for action. The trick is to know the difference.
Absolutely! Christianity has been falsely painted as a religion of peace; in fact, it is a religion of non-aggression == you never start a fight, but when challenged, you finish it.
And he sat with the beggars and prostitutes to pull them away from their sins, not follow them down into the sins. He didn't enable them.
Amen and ty. That's exactly 💯
@@jtobi01 yes, exactly. The Bible says "Love the sinner but hate the sin.". I can love someone but hate the path that they have chosen to follow. And I refuse to enable someone who I feel is on the wrong path.
Both were born in Canada, Tom has now got a US citizenship. This song was listed as 'Country', as Tom is trying to get a 1st on iTunes in every genre and he is missing 'Country'. G'day from Australia.
He has citizenship in America...he's a Canadian ,American so is nova...they moved to America and became Americans the right way
Agreeing with @Hat_uncle, I think he's saying "If you hate this country so much, no one is keeping you here at gun point. You're free to try other countries."
This song is so appropriate. I’m up watching the results, and like a sign from above, this pops up on my feed. God bless this country, and may we now heel.
It would be nice if they would quit fiddlefarting around and officially call PA already.🤪
He was talking about celebrities saying that they will leave if there candidates don't win
If you hate this country so much, Please leave don't hold our future kids back!
I appreciate your thoughts.
They said, "If you got something to say, then I'm right here, Thank God for the freedom of speech" - in other words, say what you want. You've got freedom to do that, and I support that.
Their thoughts on leave, were, "We love our land, if you ain't fans, buddy, we'll help you pack your bags... If liberty and justice aren't enough to believe in..."you're free to go."
So, yes, you can say what you want, and I'll fight for your right to say it, (Tom and Adam have a song that says, "I believe in free speech for morons too"), but if you want out, we won't stop you, and we won't miss you ("don't let the big door hit ya where the good Lord split ya").
"... some times you have to handle Freedom with gentle cupped hands so it thrives, but sometimes you have to make the tightest fist you've ever made to hang on to it.
If your perception is that I'm waving my fist in anger, your vision is so skewed you aren't looking at reality anymore.
I'm Just Holding Onto The Struggle." -Grimm Liberty 2024
Lol, I'm 62 and THIS was the best day, since I voted for Reagan the first time in 1980! Of Course they have the right to say what they believe! Many of us fought and died, to give them that right! There is the same sense of hope for the future!
If someone hated your church and came every Sunday and disturbs your service wouldn't you wonder why they bother coming when they hate it, and would you like it!
Tom and Nova been here for over a decade, Tom obtained dual citizenship and will raise their family here. Not to mention they have given hundreds of thousand dollars to our veterans, which is far more than most American-born people have. Goodbye Joe!!!
I voted straight Republican
Jesus's First Sinner Rescue was the TAX COLLECTOR, most people seem to miss that little thing.
Taxes are slavery; when your birth in a given time and place determines what you "owe" to someone else and you cannot "get out of the debt" except through Death, that is slavery.
We work quite literally for Half Our Pay to be given to Master. Just because some do it willingly doesn't change the fact. Just because we get some sort of benefit from it, doesn't change the fact.
"Oh, Master, I get to sleep in the big house tonight?"
Who formed Democrats party?p.s Marx was a satanic pedo.member barak.trained one.china and blackrock others been buying up go,d.do same thier going Great Depression mode now to wreck us and f..k trump.WORD brother.stay in faith .AndAmighty God cryrus was anointed by God .but was a pagan trumps anointed not saved though.pray for him.even barak n co u know where thier rushing to.❤🇦🇺👉🇺🇸👍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🫡
He’s not saying that if you don’t think like me you can leave, he’s saying that if you don’t like it here you are FREE to leave.
Both Nova and Tom born in Canada. Tom born Mission BC and moved to Edmonton when young. Met Nova that was throwing a rap show and they became friends for years. Got together 2017.
Nova also lived a good portion of her younger years in Jamaica.
If they don’t like or hate this country and are burning the flag, they SHOULD leave. There’s a difference of having an opinion and hating your country.
I was really disappointed in your listening. Tom only said if you don't like the benefits we offer no one is holding you here. It wasn't cruel or derogatory. It was like you didn't listen at all 😢
I have always loved Britt. For years. This was difficult to listen to. Unsubscribed
💯 🇺🇸 I also thought it was more geared towards people that burn the flag. Tom being a Canadian who worked to get dual citizenship is probably frustrated by other immigrants moving here and burning the flag 🇺🇸
@rqu3-b2m Good thought
@@MicahDevore-ee3re With ya, had a few issues with this one, even where it sounded like if you do not vote you have no say so, I am straight Republican and was in Afghanistan in 2012 and never even had a chance to vote but was very outspoken about the way Obama was handling things. Sometimes life prevents you from being able to do things but that does not mean you can not speak your mind. Also yes he was not telling people to leave, just that they had that choice. One thing I hate more than most are anti-america Americans.
Freedom of speech and hating the country u live in r 2 totally different things.
Under freedom of speech you can hate whatever you want. I love America but I m also a constitutionalist.
@ScottMayo420 that's untrue and there r hate speech laws. Hate is not speech, hate is an emotion a feeling.
If u live somewhere u hate ,one u poison that community. Additionally it causes depression and all that goes along with that. It's not beneficial to anyone, in fact it harmful.
It's why the founders setup our system as they did so the locals determine the local culture well giving those who disagree places to move to with simlar values. However the Left wants to dictate what everyone's values r.
@@ScottMayo420not sure why my response was auto deleted. What u said is incorrect hate is an emotion and we have hate speech laws. FYI this was a fraction of my orginal response this is just the short sweet version.
@@Jay-sg7rf no quit watching CNN. Free speech is absolute.
@@ScottMayo420its not as i already stated we have laws against hate speech hence free speech is not absolute. Additionally hate is an emotion.
Saying i hate it here is different then actual feeling hate about where u live.
And to add to the previous comments, he is commenting on all the people and celbrities who said they would move out of the USA if he becomes president. Ok... go ahead and go...
He's not telling people they have to go, just saying ok to the people who claim to want to leave
Tom had to take the test in order to become an American citizen. He has dual citizenship between America, which he truly loves and where he now lives, and Canada, his place of birth. I feel he has earned the right to say what he says about going elsewhere because as an outsider he has seen and heard the negatives being on display by our "citizens"... yet those same people do absolutely nothing to try to improve things. Becoming an American citizen was a lifelong dream according to Tom.. He had to struggle and work hard to get here, and that made him appreciate American freedom even more.
And it is in fact goodbye Joe.
I'm sorry you didn't understand any part of this song. If we don't get a strong President we won't even recognize the US in 4 years...life will be very hard!
He never said Get Out he just said you're Free and can make your own decision if you don't Love America you can Leave 🇺🇸🙏😎
I had to shut you off! That is not what they meant when they said, "pack your bags, your free to go".
People misinterpret a lot of things. She has her opinion of what she heard. If you think she's wrong, politely discuss why you think she's wrong. Shutting her out only amplifies the problem of not communicating.
Tom became an American citizen recently with also keeping his Canadian alliance
I agree 100% with you on the "you don't like it you should leave" statement and about having those who disagree with you in your life to be able to see both sides. Being educated on all sides of the issue is a loss art.
They weren't telling people they don't have freedom of speech, they were saying if you hate this country so much your free to leave!
I’m 50 and when I was a kid there was Democrats and there was Republicans but nobody said that they hated America. At the very least we were all still. Americans! That doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.
Just glad we have a chance. If you are a God fearing Christian of any sort, the other side didnt look good.
The whole "you can leave" is directed towards those that want people's rights and freedoms taken away.
It's those that complain that if Trump wins they gonna move to another country that gets my goat. I hope they follow through if or when Trump wins.
They won't.
Some that are saying it now said the same in 2016.
People don't even know how DIFFICULT it is to legally immigrate TO anotber country.
If you DON'T have a way to self sustain, you aren't getting in. Period.
They won't, liars and cowards. Even though they know we're watching and waiting for them to pack up and leave.
FYI, the HOG labeled means "Hang Over Gang" it's kind of their collective group.
They said they were going to leave America if Trump got elected! That's what he's talking about!
My take on “pack your bags” and telling people to go…
We should be proud to be Americans and stand true to the values supporting our nation’s foundation. That includes our God-given rights our founding fathers wrote in our constitutional amendments.
The expectation is that we should all respect each other, hear and respect others’ opinions, and all be free to live our lives as best suited for us as long as we are not causing harm to others.
Lately, there are a LOT of people who preach tolerance and acceptance while they attack other groups and try to force the masses to adopt their fabricated doctrines and throw away all of our foundational principles.
If people don’t respect what our country stands for - they can go. We will not let them destroy our country.
Theres a difference in not loving something or disagreeing politically compared to wanting to abolish the foundations of the country. Someone arguing free speech needs to end needs to go.
Tom is a dual citizen, do he is both actually an American and a Canadian!!
From a 22+ year American war veteran, Tom MacDonald is a true American and patriot. If you disagree, ok???? I'm certain that you've done what you could to elevate our country... Aloha.
Loved the reaction ^.^ Tom was as of 5 CST trending #1 in Country! lol
Yeah he’s Canadian but hes got duel citizenship I believe now. And he’s more American than a good majority of the ppl here. Both Nova and Tom are Canadian originally.
Tom is now an Amercian citizen and he loves this country more than many people born here.
I watched an interview with a young person who opened with "I HATE America." The interviewer asked them if they planned to leave the country, and the reply was No. The interviewer the remarked that the USA is such a great country that even the people who hate it refuse to leave. Even haters are free to stay or go. While the song may urge them to go, they still have a choice.
I completely agree with the song's love it or leave it statement.
You can disagree with how things are done, you can strive to change things BUT you have to at least agree on the foundation level of loving America.
If you can't love our nation, hit the road Jack. Move to the nation that is a closer match to what you consider to be utopia.
Living in America while simultaneously hating America is like being an adult who hates his parents, still living in their house, if you hate it so bad go find a place where you're happy and be happy there, because we love our home and don't want it fundamentally altered!
nova is canadian , they met when they were teenagers in edmonton alberta she was holding rap shows and tom applied to be in one
Yes he’s from Canada and so is Nova literally living their American dream. He’s saying “you can pack your bags” to all the meltdowns that happened when Trump won last time. They said they were leaving sooo “you can can pack your bags” who’s stopping you essentially if you want to go then go 🤷♀️ not to mention people are always telling him to go back to Canada. I’m pretty sure he pays more taxes than most people make in their life
If people support censoring, investigating, prosecuting, and jailing others for opinions, they can leave. That is not just "thinking the same." That is fundamental to our country. I don't support jailing them or censoring them, but they would be happier elsewhere.
Also, I help my wife study for that test. The questions are basic, and everybody should be able to answer them. If you really believe you can't pass the test, I highly recommend taking it until you can. It breaks my heart when people say they couldn't pass the citizenship test.
There's a great story about two opposing politicians, one told the other, judging him to be an immigrant, to go back where he came from. The guy was Native American. Doh!
Saying "you're free to leave" isn't the same thing as telling someone to leave. Over the last approximately 9 years, plenty of people have said they will leave the country if Blonald Blumpf wins. Let's see how many of them keep their word.
This country was founded for a moral group of people. Remember, we have the freedom of Religion.
Hello Britt,
When he's talking about packing your bags and leave. He's talking about the people who say they hate America.
I think it’s important to understand who he is telling to leave if they don’t like it - the ones who have been advocating taking our free speech and guns away, what our country was built on, the first and second most important right we came up with. THOSE people who want to change this country into a communistic regime with conditional rights and freedoms. THEY can kindly get on out of here. That’s not about freedom of speech, that’s about fighting for our freedom, literally.
Your absolutely right, we should listen to everyone, understand their point of view, and hopefully that will go both ways.
Goodbye Kamala, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye. Repeat please. 😊😅😂
America is bigger than just a place; it's an idea. And the thing about ideas is that anyone can support them, no matter where they come from.
Nova is Canadian as well. They have been together since 2017. They are true patriots. They are AMERICANS. If you live here willingly. You are American.
I think when people say they are going to leave if they don’t get their way is what is being talked about. If they aren’t happy they have the freedom to leave
I get ya about telling people to live but he is refrencing the dems who say they will leave America if trump gets elected
Tom isnt referring to legal immigrants, He is referring to taking care of our own before others.
I don't think he's talking about people who disagree. I think he's talking about the people who actively HATE this country.
George Carlin- "If I didn't vote for them then I have every right to complain. You put them in office not me!"
Isn't it ironic that, everyone that has gone to publicly funded schools can't pass a citizenship test, these days.
I agree with the sentiment of, if you don't like it leave. For a simple reason....if I hated where I lived, I would seriously consider moving. Also, for the reason that I get so tired of hearing "if so and so is elected we're leaving." but they never follow through.
I think thats in reference to all the folks who have said they will leave the country, if Trump was elected. They said if you don't love this country, leave. I personally agree, because if they don't love it here, go where they do love the country, and stop trying to change this country.
A large number of liberals said that they were going to leave this country if Trump won. So, Tom McDonald was saying that if you want to leave then leave.
The line about people leaving is actually directed to the ones that have said they was going to leave if Trump was elected the first term and now this term. I love our nation being as mixed as it is thats what makes us so great❤❤❤
The line, if you don’t like it, you can leave, he’s not saying I don’t wanna hear what you have to say. He’s saying if you try to take my freedom of speech, you can leave because I’m not giving it back.
I know that I did not articulate that very well, but I hope you understood what I was trying to say.
You have the freedom to complain but he has the freedom to say you can leave.
Nova is literally a True African/American. When she's casually talking to people her African accent comes out.
I appreciate your feedback. I was raised to respect flag and country. My ancestors are traced back to the early settlers. They were Royals and Pilgrims and many things in between. They fought in all the wars. The United States formed with the thoughts of the individual in mind. The world scoffed at such an idea, until we became the greatest there had ever been. Adhering to and amending the Constitution is what got us there. Unfortunately, there are those who say it's obsolete, even while using it to challenge its purpose. We should never be monolithic in our views, but we should at least understand the power each of us derive from the Constitution. One final note, religion was a key component for the Founders.
They are American by choice. So many people don't realize what a gift they have been given to be born in the USA.
If you listened to people telling you to unalive yourself since 2020 then you would realize where the sentiment of 50% of America is coming from
The point he's making is not that a citizen can't complain. He's saying if you despise the country so much... put your money where your mouth is... and vacate.
He's been an American citizen for over a decade already.
I can tell you, without any doubt, that I would pass that test. But your point is a good one in that it's about time schools teach civics where EVERY natural born American wouldn't sweat a bead if required to take said test.
What Tom is talking about are the celebrities who have stated that if Trump wins, they will leave the country, and dissavow their citizenship. To them, I say SEE YA!
I might be late in saying this, but I think when he saying you can leave, it’s based on the celebrities and people who said they would leave if Donald Trump was elected. That’s the way I took it.
8:12 Britt, I think Tom and Nova are talking about the people who outright say they hate America, and who even claim that they want to leave, but who enjoy the rights our servicemen and women fought to protect… while they also disrespect our servicemen and women and our flag. People can and should feel free to disagree (that is a blessing we have here in America that not everyone in other countries get to enjoy), but no one is forcing anyone to stay in a country they claim to hate.
I come both from military stock and from immigrants. I’m proud of my Grandfather, Dad, and Aunt who served our country for 20-some years each, and I’m also proud of my Grandmother and the rest of my Colombian family members (as well as the Mexican, Spanish, and Italian ones I haven’t met) who immigrated legally and took and passed the American citizenship test… something that I, as a natural-born American citizen, am impressed at them doing!
I don’t need everyone to agree with my political pov, but it hurts to see our servicemen and women disrespected and the flag I was raised to respect burned by people who loudly proclaim that they hate our country and who are happy to hang another country’s flag instead.
I believe he's Canadian american
He gained US Citizenship slightly over a year ago?
Tom and Nova did a GREAT JOB on this one!!
Tom and Nova live here. They are justified to voice their beliefs.
Tom may have been born in Canada, but he's a USA citizen. America is the continent, not the country.
Thank you for a genuine reaction. People get hung up and feel we must all agree on everything.
He's not talking about people with different opinions. He's taking about the ones that say they hate America.
The "you can leave" thing refers to the people who hate it in America and want to burn our flags and bring hate to the people who love our country.
They are also speaking to all the celebrities who said if Trump wins I am moving out of the country but never did!
I think he’s speaking to all of the people, particularly celebrities who have threatened to leave the country if Trump wins… that’s who he’s speaking to
They both have dual citizenship ! America is their home ❤
He simply said if you don't believe in our founding beliefs, you don't have to stay.
If someone hates the freedoms that should be ours, than they should leave. if we tolerate views that are meant to remove those freedoms we will lose more of them ourselves.
This ideal is 🎯. If they don't like this country they absolutely can leave. It's not their speech that we're telling them to leave over it's their hatred for the country that they're living in.
I believe what he is trying to say is if you don't like it, there is an option to leave in other words, nobody is forcing you to stay here