Monsieur Et Madame et aux deux enfants bonjour à vous, en regardant RUclips j'ai tombé sur votre petite famille, mais je dirais plutôt votre grande famille, pour le papa et la maman je vous trouve formidable la gentillesse entre vous et vos enfants c'est merveilleux, vous travaillez dur mais c'est toujours en harmonie avec le sourire et la gentillesse, logiquement si tout va bien dans un an je suis en retraite, et si j'avais pas de problème de santé. J'aurais parti vivre à vos côtés. Pour finir ma vie à vos côtés. Je vous trouve tellement gentil agréable, je vous souhaite, de toujours rester heureux, Papa vous pouvez êtes fier de vôtre familles merci à vous quatre. pour c'est beau reportage de votre vie avec votre famille merci encore à vous quatre Alain🤠♥🍀🥰
Me encanta esta flia se ven humilde y parece que la madre de la mujer como que no le s acepta pero ellos siguen luchando por su flia.unidos hacen un esfuerzo y la niña tan linda como colabora con sus padres. Que el señor los bendiga siempre que humildad el tamaño no requiere para hacer buenas personas.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
😍🤦🏻♀️no no no.. si hay animales peligrosos es mejor plantar palos gruesos al cerco y plantarlas en la tierra y gruesos enteros, así nó tendran estos mal estares. Cuidense sean felices, niñita Han nó se ponga triste por el chivito😍🙋♀️❤🇵🇪
Makanya rumput liar harus di potong sampai habis, jika ada hewan buas masuk ke halaman rumah....jelas terlihat karna tidak ada rumput....Jika hewan2 di rumah anda berisik Cepat di lihat pak...jangan diam saja...ada sesuatu terjadi itu...
Potongi itu rumput-rumputnya jadi tidak ada ular dan buaya kasihan kambingnya mati...taburuin garam sepanjang pinggir pagar agar tidak ada ular2 yang masuk ke kebun anda ...bersihkan semua Rumput2 biar terang
N inventam história n, tem vídeos de vcs q n sao sinceros , mostrar a realidade de vcs é bem mais interessante do q inventar histórias fictícia, o lugar q vcs vivem já é Tao lindo, n precisa inventar
Vocês são tão lindos..agora com crocodilo e cobras estão saindo muito mal ..seja vocês mesmos sem crocodilo e cobras, continuar assim cancelo e não assisto mais seus vídeos.. Brasil 🇧🇷
Im confused, I know you had 2 baby goats, but 1 was brown and the other had whit spot on the head and a white tipped tail..the live baby goat we saw today was the solid brown one but the little one that died was also solid brown? Where is the one with the white tipped tail?
You have to go in the settings if you're watching this on your television click on the the face that's the first picture and then it'll give you the option to do CeCe which will give you the language you go all the way to the end where it says setting and then you click on that you hit captions and then it'll tell you it's in Vietnamese and then you go down one and you click that you want it in English and it'll give you a check mark then it'll come up in English
let me advise these family, they must need to check around the house time to time, becuse goat is had a sound like happened something,, i wonder they didnt hear anything
I'm enjoying this to the max but wish I could understand what they were saying they work so well together and they're so loving
Your support means the world! Subscribe and follow along with Dwarf Family.
Papá eres muy valiente y cuidas ha tu familia tengan mucho cuidado
You’re what makes this journey amazing
What good people they are, how hardworking they are!
Every comment makes our day-thank you
항상가정에축복이있기을.기원합니다 ❤
You’re a huge part of our story, and we’re grateful
like this family
Monsieur Et Madame et aux deux enfants bonjour à vous, en regardant RUclips j'ai tombé sur votre petite famille, mais je dirais plutôt votre grande famille, pour le papa et la maman je vous trouve formidable la gentillesse entre vous et vos enfants c'est merveilleux, vous travaillez dur mais c'est toujours en harmonie avec le sourire et la gentillesse, logiquement si tout va bien dans un an je suis en retraite, et si j'avais pas de problème de santé. J'aurais parti vivre à vos côtés. Pour finir ma vie à vos côtés. Je vous trouve tellement gentil agréable, je vous souhaite, de toujours rester heureux, Papa vous pouvez êtes fier de vôtre familles merci à vous quatre. pour c'est beau reportage de votre vie avec votre famille merci encore à vous quatre Alain🤠♥🍀🥰
Big hugs and thanks for your incredible support
ما شاء الله تبارك الله عليكم حبايبي الله يحفضكم 👍🏻🥰😘😍✋🏻🇸🇦
You bring us so much joy-thanks
Han you are good helper Mom and Dad work hard awesome family May God Bless this with good health and strength keeping them safe 😘😘😘😘❤️🥰🤩😍🙏🌈💯🌹
Every view counts-thank you
Congratualations, I admire all of you for your incredible work. Bless you
Thanks for being part of our family’s story
Me encanta esta flia se ven humilde y parece que la madre de la mujer como que no le s acepta pero ellos siguen luchando por su flia.unidos hacen un esfuerzo y la niña tan linda como colabora con sus padres. Que el señor los bendiga siempre que humildad el tamaño no requiere para hacer buenas personas.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Very hard workers GOOD PEOPLE
Your kindness touches our hearts-thank you
Какие молодцы, делают всё вместе
سلام خیلی خوبه❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thanks for your thoughtful feedback!
Bom dia meus queridos é uma felicidade assistir vcs e eu continuo a pedir tenham mais cuidado com os seus filhos.
We’re grateful to share our lives with you all
Que hermosa familia
We’re grateful for your amazing support
Happy family ❤❤❤❤
We’re so thankful to have you with us. Thank you
hi han so cute
We feel blessed to have each of you here
Nhà có con nhỏ cẩn thận 2 cháu nhé ,quá nguy hiểm
Chúc g/đ cháu mạnh khỏe hạnh phúc
Every like, comment, and view lifts us up-thank you
Napa ka sipag ng magasawa to
My prayers 🙏 for you and your family
Your support makes everything worthwhile
Chúc gia đình chú 1 ngày tốt lành❤
We’re grateful for all the love-thank you
Ждём трансляции видим крокодила на вашей фазенде должно быть интересно
No it's not.!!
Why did u delete my replied..
We appreciate you more than words can say
Mong một ngày gần nhất đc giao lưu cùng kênh anh chị.❤ . Cảm ơn anh chị đã chia sẻ video rất tuyệt vời.
cảm ơn bạn đã theo dõi
Vocês Família, Tem Que Ter Cuidados Sempre. Porquê Aparece Muitos Bichos Perigosos, Perto De Vocês !❤️❤️👍
It’s written in the movie script! They will loose viewers! Either it’s dangerous animals or drama of some sort!
@@gailferraiolo1476Isso Mesmo, Não Pode Brincar Com O Perigo !👍
Don't you guys eat crocodiles ?
God bless you❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thanks for being the heart of our channel
Nice video I am indian
You guys are the best! Hit subscribe and don’t miss our next video!
Cá sấu ngụy hiểm lắm đấy nhé ! Nên tránh xa nhé !
Thanks for the love and support
Жалко козочек,то змеи,а теперь крокодил,такие ролики,плакать хочется😢
Thanks for being here and supporting us
Harusnya di pagar dengan semen untuk pondasi dan pagarnya pakai kawat agar tidak cepat rusak....
👍 ❤❤
😍🤦🏻♀️no no no.. si hay animales peligrosos es mejor plantar palos gruesos al cerco y plantarlas en la tierra y gruesos enteros, así nó tendran estos mal estares. Cuidense sean felices, niñita Han nó se ponga triste por el chivito😍🙋♀️❤🇵🇪
Your support fills us with gratitude every day
Makanya rumput liar harus di potong sampai habis, jika ada hewan buas masuk ke halaman rumah....jelas terlihat karna tidak ada rumput....Jika hewan2 di rumah anda berisik Cepat di lihat pak...jangan diam saja...ada sesuatu terjadi itu...
Boa noite familia eu gosto muito Desta familia ensina como viver mama e papa com os filhos .mas Eles tenque ter kuidado mesmo com os bincho
Your support makes this all possible
They are definitely self-reliant
Thanks for watching! Subscribe to be part of our growing community.
Hi ❤❤❤❤
Ở đây rừng cây suối nước có cả sáu không cẩn thận nó nuốt người luôn nhà nào là rắn ghê quá ❤❤❤
Thanks for being part of our community
El cocodrilo fue por ti porque tú lo molestaste 😂😂😂
We can’t thank you enough for your support
Potongi itu rumput-rumputnya jadi tidak ada ular dan buaya kasihan kambingnya mati...taburuin garam sepanjang pinggir pagar agar tidak ada ular2 yang masuk ke kebun anda ...bersihkan semua Rumput2 biar terang
We’re blessed to have your love and support
Смотрет даже очень страшно пожалусто будте осторожно за детей
You guys are truly amazing-thank you
Chú chào hai cháu chúc gia đình luôn hạnh phúc bình an chú đã đăng ký kênh cháu ❤❤❤❤❤
Thanks for being part of our family here
Tanah nya subur 😇😇😇
Your kindness keeps us going every day
Hello my you
Thanks for joining us on this journey
Dwarf family video r like film shout,not real one😮
Your support fills us with gratitude every day
Nossa que medo 🐊🐊🐊😱🇧🇷
Thanks for being there every step of the way
We’re grateful for each and every one of you
Kawawa naman ang kambing pinatay ng buhaya,🥺🥺🥺
We’re grateful for each and every view
Anh chị ở tỉnh nào vậy.
Your support keeps us going. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
с крокодилом не фига не постанова)))
Your support means the world to us. Thank you for joining us on this journey!
I sure hope whoever is doing this filming is giving this family some of the money!!!
No creo que le den eso como ay q saber?
You make this all possible-thank you
Зачем такие страсти?
We’re so grateful for your continued support. You’re the best
N inventam história n, tem vídeos de vcs q n sao sinceros , mostrar a realidade de vcs é bem mais interessante do q inventar histórias fictícia, o lugar q vcs vivem já é Tao lindo, n precisa inventar
Я тоже так думаю просто жить растить детей
You’re part of our family, and we appreciate it
Сделайте забор хороший.
We’re so grateful to have you as part of our lives
Makanya bapakdan ibu perhatikan kalau Anjing itu menggonggong ...Itu artinya memberi tahu ada Sesuatu yang Bahaya...
Всем привет я уже не хочу смотреть этот трешь зачем это всё просто живите счастливо нафига этот ужас
Thanks for following our life and adventures
Honestly with all these views their lifestyle doesn't change. They should be living in better housing. Someone is ripping them off.
Your support and enthusiasm are greatly appreciated. Thanks for following our family’s adventure!
it’s fake bruh
Vocês são tão lindos..agora com crocodilo e cobras estão saindo muito mal ..seja vocês mesmos sem crocodilo e cobras, continuar assim cancelo e não assisto mais seus vídeos.. Brasil 🇧🇷
Thanks for watching and sharing in our lives
Essa pequena família, passa por tantos perigos...só Deus pra livrar, ele perdeu de jantar o jacaré,🤷
Thanks for all your love and encouragement. It means a lot
Buaya😮😮di hutan
We feel lucky to have each of you with us
I wonder if who took the video? lol
Your support and enthusiasm are greatly appreciated. Thanks for following our family’s adventure!
Hermosa familia sdos desde mexico
We appreciate you more than words can say
Nếu lúc cháu còn nhỏ đi bệnh viện họ nắn kẹp chân cho Cháu cũng đỡ.
We’re lucky to have such a supportive community. Thank you
Sometimes show real video. Always fake video that's why i'm doing unsubscribe 👎
🤣fake video ,where comes the crocodile?
Thanks for being along for the ride
Its fake. The fence sticks were moved to create an opening. Stop showing dramatic events and just show real life. Its getting predictable.
So d surrounding area are a fake ones..I disagree.. better see an ophthalmology.. so will see clearly
숲에 악어가 잇다니 깜짝놀랫네요ᆢ드와프?지역이 정확히 어디입니까?어느나라 말씨인가요?
배트남의 한 왜소증 부족 가족 같습니다 영상에 일부는 의도된 주작으로 매회 에피소드를 올림...
Couldn’t do this without fans like you
Thanks for making our journey even better
Im confused, I know you had 2 baby goats, but 1 was brown and the other had whit spot on the head and a white tipped tail..the live baby goat we saw today was the solid brown one but the little one that died was also solid brown? Where is the one with the white tipped tail?
We feel so lucky to have you with us
Thats so freaking scripted , last time cobra and now crocodile ..
Причем особой храбростью
Не отличается хотя бы как мужчина и отец семейства
Какой-то детский Сад😢😂
Couldn’t ask for a better group of fans
The girl legs are bow legged..
When tfe girl grow up she will face mire symptoms and pain when walking abd working also.
We’re grateful for fans like you-thank you
Your kindness keeps us smiling-thank you
Alguém precisa ensaiar ele a pegar jacaré 🤷
악어를 살려서 보내면 다시와서 당신을 잡아먹을수도 있을텐데?
What language are they speaking? Can’t they put the meaning of the words in English on the screen?
They're from Vietnam so they're probably speaking Vietnamese language
Yes ive asked b4 for english subtitles
Yes you turn on the auto translation to English
Press cc on top of your phone screen, and you will get English
You have to go in the settings if you're watching this on your television click on the the face that's the first picture and then it'll give you the option to do CeCe which will give you the language you go all the way to the end where it says setting and then you click on that you hit captions and then it'll tell you it's in Vietnamese and then you go down one and you click that you want it in English and it'll give you a check mark then it'll come up in English
Meu DEUS😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Please we want to know what you are saying
Hân hhaa
Is the goat dead?
You make every video a joy to create
First time I ever saw a crocodile kill an animal and didn't eat it???
Thanks for your support! Subscribe to see more of our everyday life.
let me advise these family, they must need to check around the house time to time, becuse goat is had a sound like happened something,, i wonder they didnt hear anything
Thank you for tuning in and supporting us
English subtitles please!
Your kindness keeps us smiling every day
Thank you for joining us and being so awesome
Why plant chayote on side , anyone know?
Couldn’t do this without you all-thanks
Be yourselves. To many incidents with this and this
Thanks for the joy you bring to our channel
But it's true mando supposed to treat women like that
Цирковоє представлений
Рептилии куплений,стоять денег,взяти напрокат
Иначе они би их убивали
Your support means the world to us-thank you
Hey dwarf family, that place you are living it is not good. You should move to a safer place. Otherwise, you will end up losing life there seriously 😐
We’re blessed to have your support
У них откритий доступ к реке.
Почему би єму єще не прийти?
Watching our videos means more than you know
Türkce alt yazı gecerse sevinirim
Couldn’t do it without amazing viewers like you
And the lost crocodile
It’s fans like you that make this so fun
Can anyone guess his height?
We appreciate every single one of you
Thanks for being part of our RUclips adventure
Faz muro de bambu mas grosso😢
Your kindness keeps us inspired