Factory Talk View SCADA - Report generation
- Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
- This reporting tool is designed for Allen-Bradley FactoryTalk View (FTView) SCADA.
Reporting in factory talk view
FTView Scada can log data into SQL by "Data Log Module" (Referance - • Create Your First Data... ).
Now this tool extracts data from SQL and can generate report in Excel and PDF.
User can select Date , time and Interval for generating report.
User can add their companyname and Logo i report format and same will be generated in report.
This tool can also generate report in Auto by enabling Auto option from settings and then call/execute application by Windows Scheduled task.
( watch - • SCADA Reporting Tool (... - check from 07:36 onwards)
Contact : Engg@StableAutomation.com for more information / activation / buy this the tool.
#FactoryTalk #Report #AllenBradley #Reporting #FTView
how many tags can be used in this software???? for free or chargable??
It's chargeable. Charges depends on number of tags.
Demo can be downloaded from video description.