Comparing Files in VS code Extract from Intro to VS code

  • Опубликовано: 22 май 2024
  • In this extract from Intro to VSCode Isaias shows us how to easily compare files. Remember this is a short extract from the 4+hour course which you can learn more about here:
    TLDR: VS code's file comparison feature allows for quick and easy identification of differences between files, saving time and making it simple to track changes and verify versions.
    1. 00:00 👨‍💼 VS code is a powerful and popular IDE, and the course offers a double your money-back guarantee.
    2. 00:33 💡 VS code has a file comparison feature integrated with Git, allowing you to track changes and easily compare files.
    3. 01:39 🔍 Two files appear similar but contain binary data, making manual comparison tedious, so the speaker will use VS code to compare them.
    4. 02:35 🔍 Select two files in VS code, right click to compare them, and the tool will quickly show if they are the same or not based on any red lines shown.
    5. 03:23 👀 Some sections in red and some in green indicate differences between files, with line wrapping removed to easily identify identical and different lines.
    6. 04:16 💻 Green means added, red means removed, and different characters can be scrolled to find out where changes happened when comparing files in VS code.
    7. 05:09 💡 Comparing files in VS code allows you to easily identify and understand the differences between two files.
    8. 05:56 🔍 File comparison in VS code saves time by quickly showing differences between files, making it easy to restore older versions or verify changes.

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