20130418 锵锵三人行 梁文道:朝鲜在大饥荒之后才转向先军政治

  • Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
  • 先军政治是1995年1月1日金正日视察蟠松哨所时提出的,简单来说,就是一切以军事工作为先,一切以军事工作为重。 "没有糖果可以活下去,没有子弹就不能生存。"朝鲜媒体上这句话,生动概括了朝鲜最高领导人金正日倡导的"先军政治"思想。苏联解体后,朝鲜的不安全感越来越强,美国对伊拉克的战争更加剧了这一点。Songun politics is January 1, 1995 when Kim Jong Il inspected Pan Pine outpost made​​, simply put, is all to the military work for the first, all the military work as the most important. "No candy can live, can not live without bullets." North Korean media on this sentence, vivid outlines the North Korean leader Kim Jong Il advocated "military-first politics" ideology. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, North Korea's growing insecurity, the U.S. war against Iraq exacerbated it.

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