Theology of the Last Generation Hal Write

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 42

  • @familiaveliz7
    @familiaveliz7 Год назад

    Amazing! Thanks Dr. Rodrigues

  • @ssssharkkkk
    @ssssharkkkk 3 года назад +4

    We must as workers be united in frowning down and condemning anything that bears the least approach to evil, in our associations with one another. Our faith is holy; our work is to vindicate the honor of God's law, and is not of a character to bring anyone down to a low level in thought or in deportment. There are many who claim to believe and teach the truth who have error and fanciful ideas of their own mingled with the truth. 2SM 29.3
    Just before us is the closing struggle of the great controversy when, with "all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness," Satan is to work to misrepresent the character of God, that he may "seduce, if it were possible, even the elect." If there was ever a people in need of constantly increasing light from heaven, it is the people that, in this time of peril, God has called to be the depositaries of His holy law and to vindicate His character before the world. 5T 746.1
    Of the Spirit Jesus said, "He shall glorify Me." The Saviour came to glorify the Father by the demonstration of His love; so the Spirit was to glorify Christ by revealing His grace to the world. The very image of God is to be reproduced in humanity. The honor of God, the honor of Christ, is involved in the perfection of the character of His people DA 671.3
    According to his faith, so was it unto Job. "When He hath tried me," he said, "I shall come forth as gold." Job 23:10. So it came to pass. By his patient endurance he vindicated his own character, and thus the character of Him whose representative he was. Ed 156.5
    Pray, pray earnestly and without ceasing, but do not forget to praise. It becomes every child of God to vindicate His character. You can magnify the Lord; you can show the power of sustaining grace. There are multitudes who do not appreciate the great love of God nor the divine compassion of Jesus. 2TT 110.3
    But the plan of redemption had a yet broader and deeper purpose than the salvation of man. It was not for this alone that Christ came to the earth; it was not merely that the inhabitants of this little world might regard the law of God as it should be regarded; but it was to vindicate the character of God before the universe. To this result of His great sacrifice-its influence upon the intelligences of other worlds, as well as upon man-the Saviour looked forward when just before His crucifixion He said: "Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all unto Me." PP 68.2
    Some who have stood in the forefront of the battle, zealously resisting incoming evil, fall at the post of duty; the living gaze sorrowfully at the fallen heroes, but there is no time to cease work. They must close up the ranks; seize the banner from the hand palsied by death, and with renewed energy vindicate the truth and the honor of Christ. As never before, resistance must be made against sin-against the powers of darkness. The time demands energetic and determined activity on the part of those who believe present truth. 1T 111.3
    Seventh-day Adventists have been chosen of God to become a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Let all do honor to God, who would have the workers vindicate righteousness and judgment in harmony with the character of God. All the workers employed are to be His representatives. God calls them His laborers together with Christ, and no cheap character is to be expressed while they are in the office. 21LtMs, Ms 122, 1906, par. 7
    God hates all wrong-doing. Christ's love for His church is not weakness. He will bless the members when they unswervingly vindicate His character, revealing His long-suffering, compassion, gentleness, and love. He will qualify them to represent Him by furnishing them with all needed help. But He will in no case serve with sin. 16LtMs, Lt 61, 1901, par. 7

  • @JayPerry
    @JayPerry 5 лет назад +6

    I'm grateful to Angel Rodriguez and others in the Adventist Theological Society for being willing to stand for the Cross of Christ and refute Last Generation Theology. The resurgence of LGT in the Seventh-day Adventist Church is truly alarming.

  • @warona2906
    @warona2906 11 месяцев назад +2

    The problem with the "educated" is that they are taught the evangelical gospel. They use emotional reasoning, they set aside EGW. Proponents of LGT are accused to saying things, it's not them, they are saying what EGW says. For anyone who wants truth, just read the chapter "It is finished" by EGW in Desire of Ages.

  • @ericrichter3235
    @ericrichter3235 4 года назад +1

    Thank you Pr. Rodriguez for this wonderful presentation. It's nice to see a clear and biblical refutation of the Last Generation Heresy.

    • @rizalp877
      @rizalp877 4 года назад

      be in netral position, use bible and spirit of prophecy, and hear from the LGT and from Angel rodriguez, and compare with the bible.. do not judge before listening what LGT said and what angel rodeiguez said.

    • @ataglance60
      @ataglance60 3 года назад

      LGT is undermining the Cross. It’s anti-gospel or false gospel. No need to listen further.

  • @KarlsKronicles
    @KarlsKronicles 4 года назад

    I wish our people would understand this and embrace the true gospel of grace. That would fuel our three angels messages with such power. The gospel is indeed the Power of God made manifest by His Justice (His Righteosness). God has now in this time in salvation history stepped upon the stage of action to restore justice in an unjust world and we get to proclaim it! Fear God and give him glory for the hour of his judgment has come.

  • @nisuda
    @nisuda 4 года назад

    Micah 6:8.

  • @CmhArroyo
    @CmhArroyo 4 года назад +4

    It’s very disappointing to listen to a supposed well known SDA scholar disregarding the possibility of victory over sin, transformation thru the power of the Holy Spirit and making some leaps in understanding of the LGT and putting his own spins and making some misrepresentations of the LGT theology.

    • @Jasho-Beam
      @Jasho-Beam 4 года назад +2

      It is interesting listening to people trying to explain the plan of salvation who themselves do not understand the issues in the Great Controversy!!!

  • @MrMiko1aj
    @MrMiko1aj 8 дней назад

    Wow. He deceives people.

  • @henryfirus6856
    @henryfirus6856 4 года назад

    please comment on the following propositions: Daniel 8:13-14 translates: Perpetual holy Sabbath will be restored to the Law of the Sanctuary the Christian Church.
    Leviticus 16:5 represents: Esau Jacob and Isaac, that is Christians Jews and Jesus.
    The last generation before the second advent of Jesus is to proclaim the return of Messiah Jesus, with His reconciled human Biblical family. see Malachi 4:4-6, Ephesians, and Romans ch 9 to 11,

  • @dannychaconcordero7684
    @dannychaconcordero7684 4 года назад +3

    He did not do a good investigation about LGT. Although LGT says those things, always the emphasis is in the Jesus Christ work in the people, no our own works.
    For example, LGT never says that we vindicate ti God, but they say that God vindicates himself through us.
    And, if I don't considere the LGT like the truth, is because I have never read EGW or I'm not honest with my understanding or I don't believe her writtings

    • @KarlsKronicles
      @KarlsKronicles 4 года назад +1

      You have just declared your salvation by works and not of grace by your explaination above. You are robbing yourself of such a great joy to rest fully in Jesus.

    • @rizalp877
      @rizalp877 4 года назад

      @@KarlsKronicles you not understand the meaning of God vindicate trough Us... if Through us then God Power Through Us.. not by our self but God power himself...

    • @rizalp877
      @rizalp877 4 года назад

      All by power from God, not from any human works, not by power of us.. but by power given by God to Us..

    • @dannychaconcordero7684
      @dannychaconcordero7684 4 года назад

      @@rizalp877 better you can't say it. It is not me, but is Christ dwelling in me and He show his glory through me

    • @dannychaconcordero7684
      @dannychaconcordero7684 4 года назад

      @@KarlsKronicles no. The salvation is not by human works, but the grace is manifested by works in our lives. The gospel is the power of God, and this gospel of Jesus is gonna act in the believer life