I Honestly Liked This One

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 7 тыс.

  • @momkeymoney
    @momkeymoney Год назад +21550

    You didn’t embarrass him you’ve given him a 50 man army 💀

  • @dylanesakson4595
    @dylanesakson4595 Год назад +17045

    Dude never broke character for a second what a G

    • @bwyaneh
      @bwyaneh Год назад +369

      he broke once with Sneako about selling broken cameras to homeless, it was funny as shit lmao

    • @alyohin1235
      @alyohin1235 Год назад +70

      @@bwyanehFr i died laughing at that clip

    • @dylanesakson4595
      @dylanesakson4595 Год назад +7

      Got link to it?

    • @hanaalhanawe2062
      @hanaalhanawe2062 Год назад +3

      So signa😂😂😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉😢😢😮😮😅😅

    • @hardcoregaymer706
      @hardcoregaymer706 Год назад +6

      What a good guy handing out broken cameras to the less fortunate

  • @over9kilo795
    @over9kilo795 Год назад +41656

    Bro stood there and absorbed all the power they were giving him

  • @YungM.D.
    @YungM.D. 7 месяцев назад +564

    This kid’s commitment to the bit is crazy

    • @Billy-bc8pk
      @Billy-bc8pk 4 месяца назад +6

      And Jim Cornette says Kayfabe is dead; this dude is living it more hardcore than The Undertaker in his prime.

    • @MushroomSwissburger-yc4oi
      @MushroomSwissburger-yc4oi Месяц назад

      Be invisible or be someone

    • @danlowe
      @danlowe 23 дня назад

      @@Billy-bc8pk Don't you dare say that about the Lord of Darkness American Badass Lord of Darkness

    • @davidsalinas9
      @davidsalinas9 День назад

      It's not a bit. He is matan

  • @boofstain1508
    @boofstain1508 Год назад +5112

    you didnt prank him. you awarded him an army

    • @Tuneboard
      @Tuneboard 11 месяцев назад +3


    • @tristan_840
      @tristan_840 11 месяцев назад +2


    • @Tuneboard
      @Tuneboard 11 месяцев назад

      @@tristan_840 huh

    • @askinni
      @askinni 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@TuneboardYeah he's a great guitarist.

    • @theyeetmeister4019
      @theyeetmeister4019 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@Tuneboard the guitarist?

  • @ABozowithDignity
    @ABozowithDignity Год назад +26055

    He's not angry, he's determined to cause more mischief. He has new henchmen, after all.

  • @J.Qu1ncy
    @J.Qu1ncy Год назад +3824

    To say he was unfazed, would be an understatement. This man accepted this random ambush of clones and became their new leader. Mf even started taking pictures with them…

  • @celiaeditor
    @celiaeditor 9 месяцев назад +647

    "im alright" got me rollin.

    • @OurKingdomIsNotOfThisWorld
      @OurKingdomIsNotOfThisWorld Месяц назад +1

      Literally laughed out loud and then pooped in my pants 👖 HAHAHAHA WERE HAVING FUN 🤩 RIGHT?!?!?

    • @ashtonvalentine7496
      @ashtonvalentine7496 17 дней назад +2

      @@OurKingdomIsNotOfThisWorldscitzo ah comment

    • @2b2c1d2
      @2b2c1d2 17 дней назад

      ​@@OurKingdomIsNotOfThisWorlddo you need help? is this code for help to call 9//11 or something??

  • @OKAYOKAY420
    @OKAYOKAY420 Год назад +17860

    That boy is 15/16 and can already handle a joke better than most in their 40's. Lol.

    • @JayKay82368
      @JayKay82368 Год назад +119

      Nah, everyone UNDER 40, I usually say “anyone born after 1990” it is fairly accurate. But there are a decent amount of Karens in Gen X so it isn’t untrue either

    • @bigthiccbunny
      @bigthiccbunny Год назад +58

      @@JayKay82368 nobody asking 💀

    • @darkyperv34
      @darkyperv34 Год назад +38

      I can promise you, if there was a dude following him around, annoying him like actually doing it on purpose the way he does it, he wouldn't handle it. Nobody likes being followed around by a weird kid my guy.

    • @SRNAR8
      @SRNAR8 Год назад +51

      guys in his 20s btw, he says 15 but he was born in 2001 lol

    • @huggywuggy3608
      @huggywuggy3608 Год назад

      Stop praising him and get off his nuts.

  • @WatchMeEv0Ive
    @WatchMeEv0Ive Год назад +7159

    I love how he’s just uphazed. He definitely created a character and plays it well

  • @Jwilso2001
    @Jwilso2001 Год назад +16395

    Bro was ready to have them name 10 books 💀

  • @OMEGAGunZ
    @OMEGAGunZ 10 месяцев назад +1907

    So unphased, he had amassed an army and was ready to lead immediately lol.

    • @777superlightwater
      @777superlightwater 8 месяцев назад +8

      And then one day for no reason at all…

    • @aroguereptilian
      @aroguereptilian 6 месяцев назад +16

      🤣🤣i totally imagined that going thru his Machiavellian mind. hes like "finally, its begun..

    • @env0x
      @env0x 2 месяца назад

      he said "ah perfect, about time i was shown some deserved respect"

  • @peachesschnapps2590
    @peachesschnapps2590 Год назад +8841

    That idea was far funnier in his head than it actually played out.

    • @toohoney8674
      @toohoney8674 Год назад +125

      My comedic timing each time as well

    • @Andrewtatesbutt
      @Andrewtatesbutt Год назад +211

      It definitely was funny , you are only swayed by Matans reaction like the meat rider you are 😂

    • @mrm3259
      @mrm3259 Год назад +324

      @@Andrewtatesbutt lol nah it just wasn’t that funny could’ve been a lot better

    • @RossoDaBosso
      @RossoDaBosso Год назад +126

      @@Andrewtatesbutt maybe funny for a 8 year old

    • @thepredhulkchronicles5934
      @thepredhulkchronicles5934 Год назад +98

      Would’ve been funnier if they started talking like Matan.

  • @zypalitra8080
    @zypalitra8080 Год назад +2860

    You don't know what you've done. You've just made him more POWERFUL.

  • @squirraffe3252
    @squirraffe3252 Год назад +17082

    bro didn’t even crack a smile - that’s commitment to character

    • @ghhhp
      @ghhhp Год назад +146

      well i mean it wasn’t exactly funny soooo 🤦‍♂️

    • @lDreadl
      @lDreadl Год назад

      So this kid is just going around bothering people for no reason? Just to be an asshat. What a sad pitiful life he lives

    • @sonnythatguy7748
      @sonnythatguy7748 Год назад +37

      ​​@ghhhph he literally said he loved this in the title tho

    • @Lil_micro
      @Lil_micro Год назад +9

      Besides when he made a joke in the sneako clip

    • @joellopez499
      @joellopez499 Год назад +3

      @@ghhhpchill out

  • @1whowasNEVERhere
    @1whowasNEVERhere 5 месяцев назад +61

    Not a smile, a chuckle, or blushing. Dude really is a master method actor 😂

  • @therealboi1173
    @therealboi1173 Год назад +7532

    They just gave him all their energy and he absorbed it all like a spirit bomb.

  • @BetterKnownAsDK
    @BetterKnownAsDK Год назад +8403

    He was so calm throughout the surprise that he must be a trained assassin

    • @la3y_540
      @la3y_540 Год назад +60

      bro is a dark haired killua

    • @joshuapate2762
      @joshuapate2762 Год назад +7

      That was my first thought too

    • @fordakacar
      @fordakacar Год назад +7

      he set this up himself, it’s staged

    • @KSCG
      @KSCG Год назад +3

      ​@@fordakacarthe way he puckers his lips at the camera is kinda hilarious😂
      Dying to look good lol

    • @ashenblood
      @ashenblood Год назад

      With how he sneaked in the Games Awards, he might as well be.

  • @theguy892
    @theguy892 Год назад +22916

    He just stood there menacingly

  • @kingxbuu
    @kingxbuu 10 месяцев назад +67

    And he stands there… UNFAZED!! 💀

  • @d-s_94
    @d-s_94 Год назад +6998

    "I'm feeling alright.."
    What a legend 😂

    • @Simpog7
      @Simpog7 10 месяцев назад +7

      1.2k like no comments i will change that

    • @tylerpittman3414
      @tylerpittman3414 10 месяцев назад +3

      Best comment on the video right here!

    • @myrealnameisharry49
      @myrealnameisharry49 8 месяцев назад +2

      He's not even 0.01% a legend. Oh and you have to be dead to be labelled a legend.

    • @JulianMontalvo-n4x
      @JulianMontalvo-n4x 7 месяцев назад

      @@myrealnameisharry49Nuh uh! Legends never die 🙏😵‍💫

    • @jarodgrady7200
      @jarodgrady7200 7 месяцев назад

      @@myrealnameisharry49chill lil bro

  • @SpeakerBoxXx805
    @SpeakerBoxXx805 Год назад +3160

    He definitely been trained as an actor. He never breaks character for anything.

  • @rayavila806
    @rayavila806 Год назад +7540

    I ain’t gonna lie my respect went up for him 😂😂 bro did not break character 🤣

    • @FostuRKid
      @FostuRKid Год назад +96

      My thoughts exactly. I dont think its a character😂

    • @nxtgenexotics
      @nxtgenexotics Год назад +38

      @@FostuRKidif not it’s even better 😂 I like this guy a lot more mow

    • @MisterChief711
      @MisterChief711 Год назад +19

      ​@@FostuRKidit is. But he's just really good at acting

    • @wakawaza5406
      @wakawaza5406 Год назад +1


    • @pyroteknikk3127
      @pyroteknikk3127 Год назад +11

      ​@@FostuRKidthis isn't even his accent. He's 100% American

  • @seorin__
    @seorin__ 8 месяцев назад +7

    he's actually such a good actor not breaking character by laughing in this ridiculous situation lmao

  • @shiyaunturner6822
    @shiyaunturner6822 Год назад +4665

    Bro I swear the more impersonators that showed up the more he got confident and controlled the situation, he was the leader of all of them

    • @jorts885
      @jorts885 Год назад

      If you aren't the leader of all your impersonators then what the fuck are you even doing?

    • @s9l.k973
      @s9l.k973 Год назад +6


    • @GWBROHP
      @GWBROHP Год назад +9

      Bro you’re ON MEAT 😭💀

    • @shockawha9
      @shockawha9 Год назад +3

      The beginning of Matanism.

    • @yeahyeah410
      @yeahyeah410 Год назад +1

      Matan Verse

  • @dudewhat2468
    @dudewhat2468 Год назад +7844

    Bro is the most relaxed person on the planet. He barely had a reaction. 😂

    • @KimmyJimmel69
      @KimmyJimmel69 Год назад +44

      It’s LA 😂🤣 what’s the worst that can happen

    • @samsquamptch
      @samsquamptch Год назад +38

      It's his main channel, and scripted. Must be tough to only digest information that's spoon fed

    • @darknet3980
      @darknet3980 Год назад +6

      its staged. *rolls eyes*

    • @samsquamptch
      @samsquamptch Год назад +5

      @@darknet3980 disappointed to see a minority be able to realize this, and a majority comments on it thinking they just witnessed the next coming of Christ lol

    • @dudewhat2468
      @dudewhat2468 Год назад

      @@samsquamptch whether it’s staged or not my statement is valid. Also I didn’t act like I seen the next coming of Christ. Either way I hope your feeling better trying to crack jokes and talk down on someone. Lord knows you need some happiness in your pathetic life. 🤡 bubs the clown

  • @kaydinharris5866
    @kaydinharris5866 11 месяцев назад +4186

    Bro stood there like 🗿

    • @luyolomify
      @luyolomify 9 месяцев назад +8

      I have an iPhone how can I get that emoji!

    • @malcomx1924
      @malcomx1924 9 месяцев назад

      @@luyolomifyif you go to your emoji keyboard you can look up specific emoji’s, and if you want to find this one look up “stone”.

    • @malcomx1924
      @malcomx1924 9 месяцев назад

      @@luyolomifylook up stone on youremoji keyboard.

    • @user-tosjjsusoa
      @user-tosjjsusoa 8 месяцев назад +11

      ​@@luyolomify I always have that emoji on my android 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿

    • @goodmorningmynameistokyo
      @goodmorningmynameistokyo 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@luyolomifytype Easter

  • @davezizka
    @davezizka 9 месяцев назад +10

    Pranked❌️ Received an his own army✅️

  • @jarethbadillo8421
    @jarethbadillo8421 Год назад +3784

    My guy just stood there like a king lol

    • @KT-hi1rp
      @KT-hi1rp Год назад +27

      i wish he stood on the table to show dominance

    • @sajryder2541
      @sajryder2541 Год назад +3

      ​@@KT-hi1rphaha yea

    • @iliketoast3557
      @iliketoast3557 Год назад +6

      Like a king? Bros doing more then splits on it

    • @Morgan-Zolko
      @Morgan-Zolko 11 месяцев назад +2

      Started directing them haha

    • @OllieVRR
      @OllieVRR 11 месяцев назад


  • @sams.358
    @sams.358 Год назад +11443

    Matan was probably just thinking I’m surrounded by a bunch of illiterate people that can’t name 5 books 😂

  • @lancer8325
    @lancer8325 Год назад +1040

    “I’m feeling alright”
    Words of a legend

    • @Luqaza
      @Luqaza Год назад +3

      u need help if u think he is a legend

    • @lancer8325
      @lancer8325 Год назад +4

      @@Luqaza Matan is a legend my dude

    • @Luqaza
      @Luqaza Год назад

      @@lancer8325 nop😂😂 most definitely not. What made him that then? Will people know him in 500 years? Nop

    • @lancer8325
      @lancer8325 Год назад +6

      @@Luqaza yes

    • @YAKTOWN248
      @YAKTOWN248 Год назад

      @@Luqaza folks won’t know u doe that’s a fact yo life is worthless

  • @thatboymeak
    @thatboymeak 5 месяцев назад +25

    i whole heartedly expected Matan to say "I'm sure you're wondering why I gathered you all here today"
    if anyone tries to catch you off guard, hit them with that line and watch the confusion and defeat sink in.

    • @taramoschetto7086
      @taramoschetto7086 4 месяца назад

      I like to turn around in elevators and say this😅

  • @maxm5483
    @maxm5483 Год назад +8261

    When someone tries to prank Matan but your clip ends up on his channel:

    • @ajporter422
      @ajporter422 Год назад +62

      It’s staged, obviously

    • @nurgle-j5n
      @nurgle-j5n Год назад +33

      @@ajporter422 nah you dont say

    • @ajporter422
      @ajporter422 Год назад +29

      @@nurgle-j5n 90% of his viewers believe it’s real

    • @aidenhasaidsz6462
      @aidenhasaidsz6462 Год назад +8

      @@ajporter422 no lol just because you say it’s fake doesn’t make it fake

    • @yorselrus1996
      @yorselrus1996 Год назад +12

      I don't think it's staged it's almost too stupid to be staged.

  • @phatec
    @phatec Год назад +1716

    Fact that he knew the assignment and didn’t break character is impressive, I would be laughing like crazy if I were in his shoes.

    • @awakenedaristocrat
      @awakenedaristocrat Год назад +2

      Let me guess- you‘re below 16

    • @rainbowtroutin
      @rainbowtroutin Год назад

      @@awakenedaristocrat let me guess, you've never touched a woman

    • @Lito_419
      @Lito_419 Год назад +15

      @@awakenedaristocrat I’m 29 and tbh if I went into work and my coworkers did something like this coming out of the kitchen/their cars at the same time I would die laughing.

    • @TheEnderPearl
      @TheEnderPearl Год назад

      ​@scrabbymcscrotus7481 lemme guess you just turned 19

    • @jannesyvasquez8585
      @jannesyvasquez8585 Год назад +12

      ​@@awakenedaristocratmy man thinks he's in and edit

  • @e2trill760
    @e2trill760 Год назад +5047

    “You finally got photo bombed”
    “Not really”😂

    • @Liqiods
      @Liqiods 11 месяцев назад +105

      It's funny because he's right. That isn't how photobombing works lol

    • @bazuso___
      @bazuso___ 11 месяцев назад +18

      Yeah they didn’t subtitle that part lmao

  • @emmybeshae998
    @emmybeshae998 6 месяцев назад +8

    Why did I think they where all going to scream name ten books 😂

  • @davidddd2001
    @davidddd2001 Год назад +18362

    bro just stood there like this: 🗿

    • @RAIDER464_
      @RAIDER464_ Год назад +17


    • @Garcia11B
      @Garcia11B Год назад +20

      Broooo 🤣🤣🤣 that’s perfect

    • @giovanniruiz6875
      @giovanniruiz6875 Год назад +46

      He forgot he was the real mattan

    • @kennymichaelalanya7134
      @kennymichaelalanya7134 Год назад +7

      ​@@giovanniruiz6875 real slim shady reference...nice

    • @joel.ha.
      @joel.ha. Год назад +5

      ​@@kennymichaelalanya7134 that's not from the real slim shady

  • @fetonkilany
    @fetonkilany Год назад +5280

    Bro stood like a politician💀 edit: thanks for likes I never got that much likes😊

    • @shostachol
      @shostachol Год назад +5

      1.6K likes and no comments?
      You thought I was gonna say “ima change that”..
      Like if you were fooled ❤

    • @amiineem8168
      @amiineem8168 Год назад +8

      He's a j4w so that makes sense

    • @idaniacub4133
      @idaniacub4133 Год назад +1

      ​@@amiineem8168bruh what and why you cencored jew

    • @jdc0346
      @jdc0346 Год назад +10

      ​@@amiineem8168bro is on some kanye type shit

    • @starz7767
      @starz7767 Год назад

      Bro is thanking his orthodox rabbi bill Clinton

  • @rafiqahmed7
    @rafiqahmed7 Год назад +907


    • @Jakkman4U
      @Jakkman4U Год назад +18

      All the other Matans are just imitating
      Will the real Matan please stand up?..

    • @lupecampos2917
      @lupecampos2917 Год назад +1


    • @malcomx1924
      @malcomx1924 Год назад

      You should ask his technique, so when u and ur ppI shoot up a place like charlie hebdo again they can’t mow you down… that means inflicting more damage.

    • @woetroe4573
      @woetroe4573 Год назад

      ​@@malcomx1924 bro chill 💀

  • @55gsf
    @55gsf 10 месяцев назад +16

    Bro was standing on business 💀

  • @mf_therry
    @mf_therry Год назад +1600

    Imagine shooting Matan with your last bullet!! And he stands there !!! Unfazed!!! 💀

    • @jonathonhoyt1215
      @jonathonhoyt1215 Год назад +15

      Why would anyone shoot him though

    • @ImJustJordan215
      @ImJustJordan215 Год назад +57

      “You just got shot Matan! How do you feel?”
      “I’m feeling alright”

    • @person8546
      @person8546 Год назад +5


    • @UForiX-666
      @UForiX-666 Год назад +18

      Top G words 😂❤

    • @Veins_Doom
      @Veins_Doom Год назад +1

      I was frantically searching for this comment

  • @pen8142
    @pen8142 Год назад +391

    I love how he continuously approaches them knowing they have to move around to keep their shots.

    @RYSADVICE 7 месяцев назад +2

    Didn't embarrass him you give him even more confidence lol

  • @chris7285
    @chris7285 Год назад +5457

    I don’t understand why the internet has a problem with Matan. He’s a funny kid

    • @roquegermer3114
      @roquegermer3114 Год назад +111

      my guy invaded the game awards

    • @sewersvn6135
      @sewersvn6135 Год назад +984

      @@roquegermer3114so? It’s the fucking game awards lmao

    • @goblinoide
      @goblinoide Год назад +226

      @@roquegermer3114 so????

    • @i_3at_5oap80
      @i_3at_5oap80 Год назад

      @@roquegermer3114lmao who cares about the game awards, tell me your a loser without telling me your a loser

    • @careditlegends
      @careditlegends Год назад +200

      @@goblinoide it was funny

  • @squaresman1031
    @squaresman1031 Год назад +534

    You just provided him a mercenary group, thanks bro

  • @snb8805
    @snb8805 Год назад +397

    Bro immediately felt like he was born to be the leader, didn't even flinch when all of those guys went running towards him.

  • @J1912-b2f
    @J1912-b2f 5 месяцев назад +3

    Would have been so funny if he said, "I feel alright but guess what? Now you're surrounded."

  • @clickbaiter2807
    @clickbaiter2807 Год назад +629

    "I am feeling alright" was the best punchline i have ever seen irl

    • @ronnieturner6820
      @ronnieturner6820 9 месяцев назад +6

      Wonder how he came up with it, must’ve just came to him. That’s why these ones are the superstars. Some would say “not bad” or maybe pause before saying “pretty good”. But “I’m feeling alright” was 5 syllables of comedic genius. Almost seems staged

    • @Itachi-di7rz
      @Itachi-di7rz 6 месяцев назад

      Nigga what​@@ronnieturner6820

    • @skeeskee249
      @skeeskee249 6 месяцев назад +1

      But you didn't see it irl, you saw it through a screen on RUclips. Also how the fuck do you see words coming from somebody's mouth? It was the best? What's the best punchline you saw not heard now?
      Nothing you commented makes sense.

    • @thelightningfalcon2085
      @thelightningfalcon2085 6 месяцев назад

      Wasn’t even a punchline there was no joke told or nothing he just said he’s alright and people laugh 💀

    • @clickbaiter2807
      @clickbaiter2807 6 месяцев назад

      @@thelightningfalcon2085 bit down are you?

  • @aronkrause1578
    @aronkrause1578 Год назад +358

    Lmao, he just became the most powerful cult leader in less than 30 seconds

    • @yOGlo
      @yOGlo Год назад +2

      David koresh who ??

  • @BjenTheBlaster
    @BjenTheBlaster Год назад +2469

    He handled that like a f*cking king, holy sh*t

    • @dreamkitty
      @dreamkitty Год назад +101

      how his meat taste?

    • @TheAnimatedOsprey
      @TheAnimatedOsprey Год назад +2

      Future president lol

    • @TheAnimatedOsprey
      @TheAnimatedOsprey Год назад +2

      Bros already polling harder than biden or trump 😂

    • @insultlk
      @insultlk Год назад +16

      Bro dancing on it. Teasing it. Ur doing all type of stuff

    • @TomThyBreadWinnerTV
      @TomThyBreadWinnerTV Год назад

      @@dreamkittylook at your pfp i wouldnt be talking 😂

  • @BillsMafia315
    @BillsMafia315 6 месяцев назад +2

    The effort he puts into staying in character is respectable as hell ngl 😂

  • @ercanhassan2126
    @ercanhassan2126 Год назад +711

    This is exactly what Matan wants, his plan is playing out beautifully. What an amazingly intelligent human being.

    • @yOGlo
      @yOGlo Год назад +6

      Hes got em exactly where he wants em

    • @eddietoast4991
      @eddietoast4991 Год назад +2

      Das what happens when you read books

    • @MostBased_
      @MostBased_ Год назад

      yessir give it 2-4 years he is going to be super famous

    • @xSeriKitx
      @xSeriKitx Год назад

      He an alien

      @TPCJRACO Год назад


  • @Supreme1kYT
    @Supreme1kYT Год назад +349

    “Im feelin alright” has me dead 💀💀💀

  • @trevthekidd
    @trevthekidd Год назад +337

    Matan already mastered the body language of a leader

  • @griseo.65
    @griseo.65 9 месяцев назад +1

    "I'm feeling alright" with such a serious face 😂😂😂. This guy is incredibly funny

  • @salshoban-dallmayr1774
    @salshoban-dallmayr1774 Год назад +410

    you can tell the split second of confusion before he accepted his role as the king of his army 😂

  • @lmvr127
    @lmvr127 Год назад +229

    Bro really tried to stun/intimidate him but instead he Inflated his ego 😂😂

  • @TrashyPanda420
    @TrashyPanda420 Год назад +157

    bro had no reaction at all, just stood there and accepted it

  • @-baconfactory-1935
    @-baconfactory-1935 8 месяцев назад +3

    Bro looked like he was ready to train his army 😂 he’s a real one

  • @Princejamal247
    @Princejamal247 Год назад +3891

    Yo this mutherfucker is gold, I mean an Oscar winning director couldn’t end it like that!!” Am feeling all right” the way he said it ,hilarious

      @BUTTERVISION Год назад +34

      If you say so bruh

    • @TKBreaksTheRules
      @TKBreaksTheRules Год назад +2

      what? are you okay?

    • @Princejamal247
      @Princejamal247 Год назад +3

      @@TKBreaksTheRules no am not please help

    • @terrarin6745
      @terrarin6745 Год назад +3


    • @ryankane4984
      @ryankane4984 Год назад +6

      Jesus christ bro that comment is genuinely depressing. Like it would be so easy to indoctrinate you into a cult I swear

  • @woesartenzin5184
    @woesartenzin5184 Год назад +716

    Bro took it like a boss and his reaction at the end. Respect

    • @benben071
      @benben071 Год назад

      This is scripted dude. Are you that oblivious

  • @ZacharyHughes-hv6oi
    @ZacharyHughes-hv6oi Год назад +177482

    Ahh you'll never know why this comment has so many likes 🗿

    • @africanporota8489
      @africanporota8489 Год назад +595


    • @regretfu7772
      @regretfu7772 Год назад +888

      The Era of MATANS
      If u know the reference then have a candy 🍬

    • @nilktots6380
      @nilktots6380 Год назад +277

      theyre cloning people

    • @r_ad
      @r_ad Год назад +21


    • @Nomelodiii
      @Nomelodiii Год назад +65

      I went to the comments to say something smart. But I see there are superb species settled in. Congratulations this was… DaNK!

  • @Capitalisst
    @Capitalisst 7 месяцев назад +1

    "you finally got photo bombed"
    Matan: "not really"

  • @beaneater7525
    @beaneater7525 Год назад +235

    This dude is the most famous 15 year old in the internet rn and it all started with the elden ring award love it.

    • @bongo-cat6001
      @bongo-cat6001 10 месяцев назад

      Idk i hate him, he is always with dumb ppl to sound smart lol

  • @AaronMetallion
    @AaronMetallion Год назад +283

    Peak stoicism. Dude didn't even flinch 😂

  • @yungcrombie
    @yungcrombie Год назад +3762

    They’re all in their 30’s “trolling” a teenager lmao

    • @rudigerhouston6270
      @rudigerhouston6270 Год назад +184

      Trolling doesn’t belong to teenagers.

    • @JKyouma
      @JKyouma Год назад +236

      It's all a joke, if you don't have fun in your life then just say so 💀

    • @LifeIsTooStrange
      @LifeIsTooStrange Год назад +28

      And there's a teenager trolling 30 uear olds?

    • @coffinboy556
      @coffinboy556 Год назад

      I mean it’s a kid going around with a phone so what the fuck do you expect? I swear the word trolling has been used so loosely that fucking everyone’s gonna think their a troll especially this kid🤦🏽‍♂️

    • @JohnDoeplaceuknown
      @JohnDoeplaceuknown Год назад +26

      @@LifeIsTooStrange that's more expected though. A child can act like a child but when a 30 does its a bit sad.

  • @lexycharles6972
    @lexycharles6972 7 месяцев назад

    Let’s admit it everyone! He had a big shocked and the way he reacted clueless was hilarious. 😂😂😂😂

  • @ryancwatson5349
    @ryancwatson5349 Год назад +595

    For being 14/15 he’s got a crazy demeanor and sternness to him . I’ve never seen him shaken up

    • @eventhoughimaloserandavirg3279
      @eventhoughimaloserandavirg3279 Год назад +7

      He's 20 years old

    • @jebemtigolaz
      @jebemtigolaz Год назад +4

      A person playing a character while in the public eye? I totally never seen that happen. Genius I tell ya!

    • @mousesunset
      @mousesunset Год назад +19

      ​@@eventhoughimaloserandavirg3279He was born in 2007, he must be 24

    • @quiteliteral3911
      @quiteliteral3911 Год назад +1


    • @mousesunset
      @mousesunset Год назад +3

      @@juliuscaesar8163 then he must be 21 by now

  • @jsjakaibsbshs1732
    @jsjakaibsbshs1732 Год назад +238

    And he stands there… UNFAZED

  • @germanhoyos4422
    @germanhoyos4422 Год назад +132

    his ability to not smile is amazing

  • @OurKingdomIsNotOfThisWorld
    @OurKingdomIsNotOfThisWorld Месяц назад +1

    “I feel good” 👍 hahahaha ☠️ 😂😂

  • @DownPulse2011
    @DownPulse2011 Год назад +169

    “My henchmen came to me, as their leader. Their sacrifice to the cause.”

  • @AleyHaydar
    @AleyHaydar Год назад +231

    Bro became the Alpha

  • @Ettrix
    @Ettrix Год назад +92

    He didn't get intimidated because he could sense the amount of books they could name was less than 10 each

  • @cod-the-creator
    @cod-the-creator 4 месяца назад +2

    He should have jsut backed into the circle and starting yelling "matan! matan!"

  • @Bill_Shiesty
    @Bill_Shiesty Год назад +2409

    The craziest part is that Matan was the real mastermind. He made all of them think he was about to pull up in all black but he pulls up in the dark blue to throw of these “impersonators”
    Edit: I’m not Drake but Jeez Louise thank you all for the likes

    • @Th3yCallMeOG
      @Th3yCallMeOG Год назад +1


    • @Geck_Gxng
      @Geck_Gxng Год назад


    • @toxic_cookies_2148
      @toxic_cookies_2148 Год назад

      I fkn doubt it bro

    • @stephonwar2843
      @stephonwar2843 Год назад

      But some of them are wearing blue as well re watch the video

    • @Bill_Shiesty
      @Bill_Shiesty Год назад

      @@stephonwar2843 can’t rewatch the video I’m too busy giving broken cameras out to homeless people. Sorry
      Edit: I had forgotten the most important part while I was writing this originally. “BROKEN* cameras”

  • @maplekeener5204
    @maplekeener5204 Год назад +454

    Bruh didn’t react when the first guy popped out. Such a chill kid, he’s going places

    • @tcgmaxreax1858
      @tcgmaxreax1858 Год назад +13

      hes already in places lmao

    • @Thevamp1reking
      @Thevamp1reking Год назад

      Bro he’s literally every where already . Wtf are you talking about. He’s under your bed

  • @libelous6417
    @libelous6417 Год назад +668

    Matan doesn’t prank people just for fun. He just genuinely hates entitled rich people which is completely based.

    • @ensyde8718
      @ensyde8718 Год назад

      he also seem the type to be a dick in general

    • @Aka.Aka.
      @Aka.Aka. Год назад +14

      How does he afford to go all over the country

    • @wwerdo4
      @wwerdo4 Год назад +74

      @@Aka.Aka.probably money. But they key word is “entitled”.
      Nothing inherently wrong with being rich/wealthy. The problem is when the rich/wealthy start acting like they are owed anything because of their status.

    • @thatdrummerkid5722
      @thatdrummerkid5722 Год назад +21

      Hates entitled rich people, but also goes to a gathering of workers for a strike (because they’re rich bosses are refusing to pay them the money they deserve) specifically just to disrupt it with signs saying he loves landlords, yeah sure, real based guy this kid is

    • @Otr_MOB_OppDown
      @Otr_MOB_OppDown Год назад

      Or completely stupid but you know….🤷🏽‍♂️

  • @backyardmar
    @backyardmar Год назад +443

    He was overcome with all kinds of emotions but showed none of them😭🤣

    • @KSCG
      @KSCG Год назад +2

      He had to adjust, and re-pucker his lips at the camera.. i'd say he was nervous atleast xD
      Especially realizing the sun was on him for the last shot 😂😅

    • @yeetyeetyeet1967
      @yeetyeetyeet1967 Год назад +1

      you‘re projecting

  • @shaunjohnson1981
    @shaunjohnson1981 Год назад +553

    This guy is Da Boss. He didn’t even break character even slightly!!! Just took it like a true solder!!

  • @taemorrow1
    @taemorrow1 Год назад +109

    He accepted it like he was Agent Smith leading copies of himself to fight Neo

    @ADREDITZZ 10 месяцев назад +3

    Bro was unfazed💀

  • @waldo2600
    @waldo2600 Год назад +171

    Took it like a damn champ this kid is legendary dude

  • @Samurai-Gaming
    @Samurai-Gaming Год назад +79

    "I'm feeling alright, now name ten books"

  • @kushalaggarwal349
    @kushalaggarwal349 Год назад +44

    Bro's mastered stoicism

  • @Godfather5400
    @Godfather5400 Месяц назад +1

    Matan stands so weird with his feet wide apart like that 😂

  • @crazygamer3039
    @crazygamer3039 11 месяцев назад +132

    Bro is the new JOKER 🗿

  • @DemonicDrawings
    @DemonicDrawings Год назад +139

    LMAO MATAN WAS JUST STANDING THERE LIKE. “Idk who to take a photo with first” what a legend

  • @MakeMisstxkes
    @MakeMisstxkes Год назад +136

    Bro was standing like he was Sherlock Holmes planning the fight in his head.

    • @somereasley9633
      @somereasley9633 Год назад +1

      Underrated comment

    • @MeShadow
      @MeShadow Год назад +1


    • @richardmendezto762
      @richardmendezto762 Год назад +1

      He's like, 17 jugular shots, 2 ear slaps till concussion, 1 photo bomb, 5 knee slappers, eliminate

  • @lockckey
    @lockckey 7 месяцев назад

    Lutan is my favorite prankster in this generation. Doesn't make people think in danger until he ask "name 10 books".

  • @imalemon3841
    @imalemon3841 Год назад +90

    Man just stood there like he was the main character

  • @Lichthaise
    @Lichthaise Год назад +76

    He straight up accepted his fate😂

  • @MaTtRoSiTy
    @MaTtRoSiTy Год назад +15

    He looked like he was just waiting for his opportunity to verbally destroy all of them one after another. Totally not phased by it at all lol

  • @Oboar
    @Oboar 5 месяцев назад +2

    He thought he could make him crack lmao

  • @jonathanj261
    @jonathanj261 Год назад +96

    Bro is UNFAZED 💀💀 dude is a chad

  • @Dragard
    @Dragard Год назад +40

    Imagine him saying: Now name Ten books

  • @JakeTheTrouserSnake
    @JakeTheTrouserSnake Год назад +65

    The lad stands there, picks his favourite and calls him over for the photo, absolute legend 😂😂

  • @TheGameTease
    @TheGameTease 9 месяцев назад +3

    He is unprankable. Bro didn't break character nor did he give a single fk. . . .

  • @leandrusi4533
    @leandrusi4533 Год назад +74

    This kid absorbed out ALL of the confidence, inteligence and reasoning of gen z. Others ended up with nothing as a result

  • @estevanorozco3954
    @estevanorozco3954 Год назад +74

    Bro just stood there like a villain