I canceled a haircut appointment on March 15 in a rush to get my previous video out. On March 16, stylist told me the state closed all salons/barbershops suddenly Anime hair now, and anime hair later 💇🏻♂️
I also made some stupid mistakes that caused nasty medical problems. I wiped my butt with poison ivy and years later, 1 month ago, ruptured an eardrum using scissors. The poison ivy exposure happened while taking a long hike in the dark of night. Shortly after the poison ivy exposure, it felt like third degree burns and I still had to walk a few km to get to a public bathroom and clean up so it was lots of heat, sweat, and friction on very damaged skin. Toilet paper washed lots of blood off it. The poison ivy was the most dangerous mistake since my skin was quite pinkish and my eyelids swelled up like I had black eyes. The exposure happened on a Friday night and I didn't see a doctor until Sunday night when it was more tolerable to walk. The doctor was concerned I could have gotten a blood infection or the inflammation could make it difficult to breath. I think the ER doctor also mentioned risk of septic shock or sepsis. I'm still recovering from the eardrum rupture and it got infected but antibiotics are working. I was trying to clean my ears and ignored the popular advise of never putting foreign objects in the ear. Temporarily losing hearing in that ear and the horrible pain that caused was a lesson loudly heard for me, though. The only lingering effect from the poison ivy years ago is dry, cracked, itchy skin that periodically returns. Both sound like pretty stupid mistakes and maybe even laughable. Both would be fun to see on Chubbyemu's channel.
IARRCSim on top of the stupidity of cleaning your ears with scissors it’s actually harmful in general to do deep ear cleaning as it can lead to higher chance of ear canal infection the best way to clean your ears is to just rub them well with your finger while taking a shower.
@@plaguex5z011 unfortunately, you're a little late if you wanted to educate me on something. I already learned the hard way. You're just preaching to the choir now.
I take 200 mg of hydroxychloroquine every day to treat the symptoms of autoimmune disorders. It's also called plaquenil and used to be used to treat malaria
This comment loaded just before the video, and my first thought was "oh, it can't be *that* bad." Then I saw it. Third attempt to watch the video and I can't stop laughing over it
CE (Chubbyemu) presented Hyperanimetrichocephalia. "Hyper" meaning "high levels", "Anime" from style of Japanese animation, "Tricho" from the greek root trikhos meaning hair and cephalia referring to "presence in head": High levels of anime hair in the head ☝🏻🤓
I have a degree in biology and spent several semesters and summers doing toxicology work. I am fascinated by your in depth chemical description of the incredibly stupid things people do. Thank you for exciting me back to my roots. You are a brilliant toxicology and whomever you are employed by should be thanking their lucky stars for your brilliance! Keep these RUclips posts coming, they are most enjoyable!!!
Yeah, maybe this is par for course at this education level, but I always appreciate how he doesn't just mock something as OBVIOUSLY bad for you, but SPECIFICALLY says what it will do to you.
@@mitchjohnson4714 I love learning about this stuff too! I’m not even in college yet nor do I know what i wanna do with my life but these are just so interesting I might consider doing medical field work but since I work better at Artistic subjects I might not be able to do it 💀
@@olivebrosnan4437 Well don't sell yourself short. I don't think artistic talent at all precludes you from being a talented doctor. People just coming out of high school often have a lot of undiscovered interests and talents, so don't just go off what you've discovered so far.
“Cure is not a word commonly used by doctors.” This is the single best sentence that has been said by anyone in 2020. I’m hitting the like button so hard my phone is going to break. Thank you! Can you do a video on MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) please??? People have really gotten creative with trying to poison themselves these days.
10/10 comment too. And yes, PLEASE do a video on MMS. It positively baffles me how many people believe in this crap, hell most of them KNOW it's industrial strength bleach and STILL don't care and STILL think it's some sort of miracle cure. Though now that I think about it, considering that, there probably isn't a single thing you could say to change their mind about it. You could tell them it's gonna kill them and they'll just hit you back with something like, "death is actually the ultimate cure for everything, but big pharma has been lying to everyone that death is bad to try to keep people alive so that they can keep buying their meds".
, “No drug does just one thing.” That’s what a nurse said when I was in the hospital with bradycardia, after trying to use beta blockers for anxiety and panic attacks. This case goes into great detail about that very thing.
I take Lyrica to calm anxiety and the only side effect is currently known as less saliva production, wich unfortunally enhances the effects of bad mouth hygiene and thus affecting my dentist costs (over long time) but to be honest, i would be a mess without Lyrica, so ill gladly take this side effect.
@Rynnie beta blockers are prescribed in incredibly low doses for anxiety. I have normal blood pressure and take propranolol. I wouldn’t just assume this was doctor error.
Yikes. Usually beta blockers for anxiety are like 10%-25% of the cardiac dose. I have a heart issue and take 100mg of metoprolol - which is a pretty standard dose for conditions like mine. Someone I know takes a similar beta blocker for anxiety, but only 10mg. My cardiac dose drops my resting 40-60 bpm, but without it it's 130bpm so that's a good thing. If you have a normal heart rate and they give you a cardiac dose...yeah, dropping 40-60 ain't what you want if you're at like 80 resting lol. Out of curiosity, what beta blocker and what dosage made you **holds up hand, extends finger skyward** present to the emergency room with...bradycardia?
@@angry_zergling It was metropolol. I have fibromyalgia, along with a progressing curvature in my spine & arthritis. Unrelieved, 24/7 pain causes anxiety, but doctors don’t like to give sedatives to someone my age, and I needed some relief. Still do. But my boss runs low, and I took them when I was having a panic attack. That is not a good way to use them.
@@bethmoore7722 Oh I see. Well, beta blockers have a very accepted off-label use for anxiety and they're not anything scheduled or abuse-prone so most doctors are pretty cool with prescribing it unlike other drugs used to treat anxiety and panic disorders that they try to avoid prescribing at all costs. I mean, you might not want to try beta blockers again given your bad experience using them, but it would be at a very low dose for anxiety and being prescribed by a doctor would be pretty safe. Might wanna consider asking if you still experience enough anxiety for it to be a day-to-day hassle. Made an amazing difference in my friend's life apparently when even Xanax wasn't doing it. Sorry you're going through all that - I hope sometime soon you find something that helps!
Potassium is regulated by the kidneys. The problem is when you mega dose for whatever reason and exceed the kidneys' ability to regulate it. Enough potassium in your blood will stop your heart. It's one of the three ingredients in the typical lethal injection in the US. That being said, you need potassium to live as well.
@@LuinTathren Add the comment with the basic girl joke, and it got even crazier when he was visibly angry at the end. Very strange combination of emotions, calm and professional yet absolutely livid. XD
He can't be high profile as usual, because he's addressing people who drank a random compound not even meant for human consumption. These people do not understand medical subjects very well, so the usual "-emia meaning presence in blood" would not work. "Dumping" is a fairly common experience for most people, so it should be easier to grasp (the concept, not the dump)
I think this or a similar case, turned out to be attempted murder. The wife convinced her husband to take the dose. He later died, and they charged her.
Maxi Kay could you imagine Vegita as a doctor. Dr. Vegita: You’re weak, a cold is keeping you down! Where’s your pride. Clearly not in your body in such a frail state. You ever even trained in enhanced gravity? Hmmm take this prescription. Next time I see you better have more muscle on you now get out..! Mean while in his office, “These humans are embarrassing. It’s like they don’t even care about being healthy. Doctor this doctor that, I hurt here. Oh yea I wonder why, because maybe you should trai..” Nurse: Dr.!! Your next patient is here. Oh good this desk has lasted a whole week. I’m impressed your doing much better controlling your rage. Dr. Vegita: ahh screw it send em in... Hmm I see your hitting the gym. At least somebody hear listens to me. I hope the next human is at least fit... Mr. Satan: Oh no way your a doctor now. Oh boy my back has been tweaked and I feel like my body hurts all over. What do you think? Dr. Vegita: Are you serious, the emblem of Earth and you back hurts. I can fix it.. “crack, pop...” There how’s that?!! Mr. Satan: oh million bucks better, had no idea your a chiropractor. Thanks Dr. Vegita: That’s it I’m going home. “As the window breaks...”
I mean, there are a billion types of poisons and venoms in the natural world. It'd take an impressive amount of ignorance to say that. Plus, most things in the wrong dosage can be bad. Plus, where do you even draw the line between natural and unnatural?
Tell that to the keeper of the "POISON GARDER" in the UK, only deadly plants, 1 Hectar of all diferent poisonois species, all lethal, some just by breathing their pollen in
@@Apodeipnon just to add to ur point... if some1 with ecoli takes a shit, and thst women eats it, she just ate something natural, naturally made by men, like cow milk, also naturally made by cow
Okay yeah I know doctors know their stuff but this is a lot. I watched one earlier where he even said something to the effect of how this person was his patient - okay so he’s a doctor and I guess all doctors know this? Oh he’s a toxicologist. Now it makes sense. So he’s a toxicologist AND he shared information with people on RUclips to share his knowledge and help people (we all know it’s not for the money or the “fame”). He’s a living saint.
@@photonicpizza1466 I think it's less dislike of alternative medicine, but rather a dislike and frustration of people selling bad 'cures' to vulnerable and gullible people. Also being frustrated with people 'senselessly' believing that type of stuff and going with it. 'Because if it's natural, it's good for you', 'because sticking it to big pharma', 'because I read it online and wasn't thorough with fact-checking', and of course the panicked people trying untested things to 'cure corona', I think THAT is what he hates.
I think it's because alternative medicines do not (in general) go through the same vigorous testing methods that none alternative medicines do. Because of that it can do more damage than good. The whole alternative medicines do make bogus claims like curing cancer, spinal problems etc. It becomes dangerous if correct treatment isn't used. Some people who are conspiracy theorists believe that conventional medicines and vaccines are bad not understanding the risk vs treatment rate or even worse, convincing others that conventional medicines are bad. The sad thing is, like this story....bogus claims can result in death or permanent damage as no one understands the side effects. Conventional medicines do have side effects and they are published.
@@garethwilliams3602 Exactly, it's like he said in the video. Take a study with a huge grain of salt if they make bold claims to 'cure' stuff because that's not how proper research words itself. It reminds of this chick on doctor Phil who sold a cabbage juice with waaayyy too much salt with bold claims like regrowing limbs with no research to back it up because 'who are you to say that it can't, maybe it can'.
"I don't think anything natural can be bad for you" Has she never heard of Belladonna? Amanita muscaria? Any of the other hundreds of extremely poisonous plants and mushrooms?
Amanita muscaria is not extremely poisonous, you are confusing it with Amanita virosa which is deadly. You do want to dry the Amanita muscaria in the oven or so before consuming it though and don't eat more that one or two either as you might get more drunk/high then you can handle.
Literally any and everything ingested can be deadly. The dose makes the poison. And yes, it's insane that people still cling to this fallacy about how natural things are healthy. Some of the most potent toxins known to man are made in nature, along with the highly addictive morphine.
My 6 yr. old niece walked in while I was watching this video and asked what it was. I explained to her that someone took fish medicine. Her face clearly stated the even she knew better.
"I don't think anything natural can be bad for you." Gwyneth, I'd like you to meet snake venom, fungal spores, ringworms, flatworms, about 160,000 species of mushrooms, boiling magma, the fucking vacuum of outer space, radiation poisoning, landslides, tidal waves, black widow spiders, scorpion stingers, great white sharks, meteors, piranhas, coconuts falling from palms trees and knocking you on the head. Take your pick, I got more!
Anyone remember the name of that tree that just randomly explodes and launches its bark spines out with enough force to pierce humans through? Also blue-ringed octopi say hello in cutest poisonous critter in the world.
I normally had at least a LITTLE sympathy for the people he talks about here, but honestly.. I'm REALLY having a difficult time with this one and the guy that drank an entire bottle of Isopropyl alcohol.
After watching all your videos I have a much deeper respect and really, awe, for medical science, the men and women who have learned all this information and the people who can take this knowledge and solve what amounts to puzzles to save lives.
I don't know if people realize this, but I belieive the main purpose of Chubbyemu's videos is to send a message. The message is that people do stupid and apparantly harmless things to their bodies, with potential serious consequences. This man truly cares!
@@TheMastertbc most cleaner works in a completely different way, and will essentially act like soap, binding to the fat like cell walls, and tearing them apart. In applications where you can require non consumption of the product, you can use chemicals that kill indiscriminately. There was a video earlier from chubbyemu that covered a case at the start of the epidemic that covered someone drinking this.
"But it's natural, it can't be bad for me!" Morphine, nicotine, cyanide, tetrodotoxin, scopolamine, lead, mercury, bromine, radium, and snake venom are natural too. I dare any of those "all-natural" people to drink a cocktail made of those ingredients and topped with some all-natural and organic locally produced gasoline and ethanol.
Was on hydroxychloroquine for about 6 months for chronic pain and inflammation due to UCTD, put on a higher dose after 3 months. Sedimentation rate/inflammation actually went up and I hurt even more. Take that how you will, but I'm not going on it again.
"I don't think anything that is natural can be bad for you" Um...Hemlock, Deadly Nightshade, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Holly Berries, Castor Beans... Some of these literally have "poison" and "deadly" in the name.
I can say my friend who had COVID-19 was just released from the hospital yesterday. He was put on a regimen of hydroxychloronique a week ago and well... he's out. They took some of his blood for antibodies.
I was in the peace corps when covid hit. PC globally evacuated. We returned peace corps volunteers had to take an anti malarial medication called primaquine phosphate...but many of us couldn't get any due to the active ingredient in it being hydroxychloriquine. It was embarrassing coming back home to that. I'd have rather stayed overseas.
The problem is the dose levels ignorant civilians take. Overdosing on ANYTHING can harm or kill you. If you have gutworms, an appropriate human dose can get rid of the worms. An overdose can kill you. Civilians need to STOP listening to antivaxx propaganda.
@@jackthompson7125 hydroxychloroquine has been around since the 40's -- and been taken by humans for malarial infections But now all of a sudden it's dangerous to humans --- Same thing with ivermectin
Exactly this! Personally, I think the medicine chloroquine is the answer to strongly pushing back against COVID19. Doctor after doctor that use it as needed (early on with zinc) say they have extremely good results. Is it a "cure"? No. But it's a VERY effective treatment. Biggest problem now is getting enough out there, but it's being produced at rates never done before. I personally think the push back is from people who are so far "orange man bad" that they can't think straight, and doctors that are the same and conditioned to only think what the FDA says as if their approval is some magic wand.
@@iowafarmboy It's TDS, 100%. The same people insisting it couldn't possibly work because the FDA hasn't green-lighted it, are almost certainly the same people popping CBD gummies while saying fuck the FDA.
As passionate as he tells his stories I'd wager he is just as passionate to his patients. Thanks for sharing your stories of man's crazy incidents. I know I've presented to the emergency room for some stupid shit and I'm thankful for the service you provide us. Thank you.
Whether he does these reports for the money or for the ratings, the important thing is that he's getting this information out, presenting it formally, more comprehensibly and more effectively than anyone else I've known has ever done before. Teaching while captivating at the same time; when nobody asks for it, he does it on his leisure. And THAT is why I'm subscribed.
unlike you - who has no references and obviously did no research yet you call out to a god to whom you make pretense that you can command it to damn - you inadvertently are correct 180 degrees out of phase - God will damn - not by your command - in the direction of your projected designation but - according to His proclaimed directives - against all opposition which attempts to rob Him of His glory you may think yourself to be dead by dawn - however - it appears that there has never been any life or light in you from the start maybe you should consider yourself dead before birth - are you here to spread darkness - or celebrate death ? you will reap what you sow - your language and sacrilege implies hatred for all that is good repent tonight or perish by dawn wash your mouth out with dawn soap and drink a gallon of it - maybe it will clean the coronavirus out of your tongue
My father is a doctor, and while I was fascinated with medical science I liked engineering too, if you had a channel back then and I knew about it. I would've been a doctor today. I usually refer your channel to every niece/nephew of mine who are taking up medicine. I love your channel, keep posting.
Could you make a video on the effects of ingesting colloidal silver, and other common but obviously ill-advised alternative therapies? My mom has taken so much of these things over the past few decades, and I would really like to know what sort of danger she is putting herself in. Your channel is so important and helpful for restoring trust between patients and doctors, as well as preventing probably dozens or hundreds of easily avoided ER visits. Thank you for all the work you do.
Logical concern. Key point: Dosage. Paracelsus famously stated "All things are poison, and nothing is without poison, the dosage alone makes it a thing that is not a poison." Belladona is used in medicine for dilation of pupils for eye exams, and a dilute solution with an opium derivative is given orally to treat projectile vomiting. Botox is useful in medicine and cosmetics, yet contains a most powerful poison. All things are poison, given too much -- all about the dosage.
@@rhodes6840sorry to break it to you, but billions of people have taken the vaccine including myself and have been fine for over a year. I don’t think the vaccine had anything bad in it, or somebody would have noticed by now.
Hydroxychloroquine is used to prevent and treat acute attacks of malaria. It is also used to treat discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE; a chronic inflammatory condition of the skin) or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE; a chronic inflammatory condition of the body) and rheumatoid arthritis in patients whose symptoms have not improved with other treatments.
@@Catlily5 they'll prescribe you anti depressants for anything! Most are scared to prescribe ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine! They do so much off label bs for vacations! There are documentaries about it,. This is a drug that makes no money for stock holders! That's why this bs video is out
@@raycrow3718 I have taken a version of this for preventing malaria. That doesn't mean that I would go around chugging it because famous people say to.
@@tsalvo9290 Incorrect. They heard that chloroquine phosphate can "cure" COVID-19, his wife read the bottle and saw that's what it said. They both took it knowingly.
@@Fattts not only is she extremely anti trump (twitter for proof) she also donated to the dnc and the hilary foundation. Why would someone who HATES Trump take his advice?! Let alone the fact that she was campaign contributor for the most evil woman in history
Chubbyemu: *uses lots of refined medical dialogue with appropriate anatomical and chemical terms* Also Chubbyemu: "It's like if you didn't take a dump for 40 days"
Tom Servo Mistakenly implies that he thought it was something else though. He was stupid and drank it, it was a mistake but he didnt drink it mistakenly
Mikol Fawcett Mikol Fawcett “Hyperpoopemia”. “Hyper”, meaning ‘high’; “emia”, meaning presence in blood. “Hyperpoopemia”. ‘High level of poop in presence of blood’.
As the YT trolls examine his haircut, they find that he has hypertrichosis caputis anime`is. Hyper meaning excessive, trichosis caputis referring to the pathological hair growth on his head and animeis meaning an anime like appearance. Hypertrichosis caputis animeis or short morbus chubbyemu - looking like a freaking supersayan....
The levels of frustration you expressed over the poorly done study were very clear. Thank you for taking the time to explain the study and where it went wrong. As Isaac Asimov said, "Science is a set of rules to keep us from telling lies to each other. All scientists have is a reputation for telling the truth." But that doesn't keep some people from designing bad studies or drawing false conclusions (intentionally or accidentally) which is why peer review is so, so important. Never take the word of study that has not been peer-reviewed and independently replicated at least once people! Good science takes time.
I am a dunce wearhouse/ custodian worker who has an affinity for the Latin language. My family has lupis and rumatory arthritis. When looking into the language of chloroquine v hydroxychloroquine v chloroquine phosphate, lead to many an ill-informed argument with devout news pundit watchers. I just recently discovered you, and appreciate your break down and delivery on topics. Though the stories of near fatal incidents and tik tok fads send chills down my spine.
Latin is very important to understanding medicine and chemical compounds. You get a grasp for the elements, their relationships in solutions, and how not to kill yourself. Amicum tutum manere.
Well that’s a shame. Because hair becomes golden by power, not by intelligence. 😢. Hey 👋 I don’t make the anime rules. I’m just letting you know. I am the middle man here, don’t get mad at me.
Proven Zinc delivery module. Without Zinc Sulphate administration its obviously worthless as every halfway intelligent person understands. Degenerate doctors (the majority) won't inform you and most aren't bright enough to grasp the process or are swayed monetarily. Corrupt pharma needs addressing
Guess it could be a cure but like all medacine you shouldnt over do it ..Food can also apply including water ...Food some can give you plaque that can cause a heart attack ...To much water you can die also by drowning
@Vlad the Inhaler the woman is extremely anti trump and is a clinton donator. Was also trying to divorce her husband. Says it all right there. Also, if they ate the same amount, how did a man (presumably heavier) die over the woman with (presumably) less body mass?
It's important to have a bit of empathy and keep in mind that the victims here were in their 60s. The elderly are susceptible, especially in today's day, to a vastly different world than the world they were once young in. Phone scams, health insurance scams, constantly updating technological trends that are leaving them unable to cope. This is not just about human stupidity, but about how we are failing to care for the whole spectrum of society in a crisis. The young of today will be the old of tomorrow. Failing to address these problems today will only mean we will repeat them in the future.
AHHH dr. bernard you're just the best ever. i love your voice, and how easy you make these medical conditions to understand through a complete breakdown. much love! x
In all seriousness, thank you so much for clarifying common medical misconceptions. I originally started watching this channel because it was fun to learn about crazy stories, but accurate medical info is so important during these times. I really appreciate the good you are doing. ❤️
11:45 Wait, could the "people who *refused* the treatment" also include people who went on to get other treatments? Or even include people who did go on to take this treatment, but from a different source/clinic?? This study...oh my lord, thank you for including these screenshots of the text because I'm gobsmacked at the recklessness. Shouldn't "the controls" have been only people who received *zero* treatment? Either way, that language "refused" communicates a lack of consent given by the "control" group, which makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Shouldn't it be the other way around, anyways? The study leaders should have been the ones who *refused* to give any treatment to the control group. The people making up the control group should be the ones the study says NO to, not the other way around. Instead, the control group is "made up" of the random people who chose to say NO to the study, by their own volition. So, quite _literally_ the group of people who took "control" *away* from the study leaders.... I may be wrong, please anyone correct me if you happen to read this comment and disagree. But, even if I am wrong, then I still blame the study writer for terrible communication! I mean, it's giving me a headache just thinking about coming onto this study midways and seeing how they cobbled together their control group. Wth! 🤦🤦🤦
@@Oscar_Armstrong That how people discover stuff that people don't know about though. And by that, I mean doing things that nobody does. The reality is in millions of cases, only a handful become "Innovated Invention". The rest became stupid, moronic.
@@ohlookitisacat7404 Yep. You climb a tricky mountain and reach the peak? You're a hero and an inspiration. You fall and die? You're stupid for doing something so risky.
@@Jugem16 The fact said that how it works in the history book. if you want a few quotes: "There is a thin line Genius and Stupidity" Or "This is stupid, but it work, so it is not stupid".
Thanks Doc! I always find myself trying to self-diagnose and self-medicate and your videos always help to keep me sane. It’s disturbing how many people ended the same way this fella did because of biased media reports.
I canceled a haircut appointment on March 15 in a rush to get my previous video out.
On March 16, stylist told me the state closed all salons/barbershops suddenly
Anime hair now, and anime hair later 💇🏻♂️
You looking like a bully from a bad Highschool Anime 💀💀
Goku approves
I think the hair is pretty cool
Nice Vegeta hair! You can learn to cut your own hair. there's tutorial videos on youtube.
Likes ratio needs to be over 9000 :P
You can tell he’s getting more and more powerful with each episode. His hair levels are off the charts.
it's over 9000!
Naaa his hair color hasn't changed yet
Super saiyan
😂😂😂😂 when his face popped up in the video ,I was like,"wtf is wrong with him".
Doesnt he need the the half blonde half fire red hair to be super saiyan?
I wish this guy would pop up and narrate the outcomes of my bad decisions as I make them.
Chubby Emu is the yin narration to Morgan Freeman's yang narration
I also made some stupid mistakes that caused nasty medical problems. I wiped my butt with poison ivy and years later, 1 month ago, ruptured an eardrum using scissors.
The poison ivy exposure happened while taking a long hike in the dark of night. Shortly after the poison ivy exposure, it felt like third degree burns and I still had to walk a few km to get to a public bathroom and clean up so it was lots of heat, sweat, and friction on very damaged skin. Toilet paper washed lots of blood off it. The poison ivy was the most dangerous mistake since my skin was quite pinkish and my eyelids swelled up like I had black eyes. The exposure happened on a Friday night and I didn't see a doctor until Sunday night when it was more tolerable to walk. The doctor was concerned I could have gotten a blood infection or the inflammation could make it difficult to breath. I think the ER doctor also mentioned risk of septic shock or sepsis.
I'm still recovering from the eardrum rupture and it got infected but antibiotics are working. I was trying to clean my ears and ignored the popular advise of never putting foreign objects in the ear. Temporarily losing hearing in that ear and the horrible pain that caused was a lesson loudly heard for me, though.
The only lingering effect from the poison ivy years ago is dry, cracked, itchy skin that periodically returns.
Both sound like pretty stupid mistakes and maybe even laughable. Both would be fun to see on Chubbyemu's channel.
omg 😂 yes
IARRCSim on top of the stupidity of cleaning your ears with scissors it’s actually harmful in general to do deep ear cleaning as it can lead to higher chance of ear canal infection the best way to clean your ears is to just rub them well with your finger while taking a shower.
@@plaguex5z011 unfortunately, you're a little late if you wanted to educate me on something. I already learned the hard way. You're just preaching to the choir now.
I take 200 mg of hydroxychloroquine every day to treat the symptoms of autoimmune disorders. It's also called plaquenil and used to be used to treat malaria
Thank you, I'm taking it for the same reason.
Hey me too!
Lupus checking in. We'll never have to worry about getting malaria. Just the risk of going blind from cataracts. :D
Same here. Didnt know i could clean my aquarium with it lol,
Chubbyemu is man, presenting to the barbershop with a critical case of anime hair
at least we know he's social-distancing,,,,
Beat me to it
This comment loaded just before the video, and my first thought was "oh, it can't be *that* bad." Then I saw it.
Third attempt to watch the video and I can't stop laughing over it
Holy mother of mousse-scapades...! My clippers are cryin'. When the germs clear up my man, I got you. ;p
A man skipped his haircut, This is what happened to the comment section.
Very meta...
Hahahaha, epic! You win the internet today.
Hahaha! Good one.
A man?
CE (Chubbyemu) presented Hyperanimetrichocephalia. "Hyper" meaning "high levels", "Anime" from style of Japanese animation, "Tricho" from the greek root trikhos meaning hair and cephalia referring to "presence in head": High levels of anime hair in the head ☝🏻🤓
Best Answer 🏆
I can't 💀
this comment should've been 'hearted'.
I have a degree in biology and spent several semesters and summers doing toxicology work. I am fascinated by your in depth chemical description of the incredibly stupid things people do. Thank you for exciting me back to my roots. You are a brilliant toxicology and whomever you are employed by should be thanking their lucky stars for your brilliance! Keep these RUclips posts coming, they are most enjoyable!!!
Yeah, maybe this is par for course at this education level, but I always appreciate how he doesn't just mock something as OBVIOUSLY bad for you, but SPECIFICALLY says what it will do to you.
@@mitchjohnson4714 I love learning about this stuff too! I’m not even in college yet nor do I know what i wanna do with my life but these are just so interesting
I might consider doing medical field work but since I work better at Artistic subjects I might not be able to do it 💀
@@olivebrosnan4437 Well don't sell yourself short. I don't think artistic talent at all precludes you from being a talented doctor. People just coming out of high school often have a lot of undiscovered interests and talents, so don't just go off what you've discovered so far.
I have a degree in zoology and microbiology
A Man Was Stuck In Quarantine For Two Months. This Is What Happened To His Hair.
WOW I died from this comment.
i laughed too much at this xD
“Cure is not a word commonly used by doctors.”
This is the single best sentence that has been said by anyone in 2020. I’m hitting the like button so hard my phone is going to break. Thank you!
Can you do a video on MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) please??? People have really gotten creative with trying to poison themselves these days.
Thats pretty sad
There’s nothing like a miracle cure to allow you to hold unauthorized trials and poison African children
@@jan_Masewin kids in India too.
10/10 comment too. And yes, PLEASE do a video on MMS. It positively baffles me how many people believe in this crap, hell most of them KNOW it's industrial strength bleach and STILL don't care and STILL think it's some sort of miracle cure. Though now that I think about it, considering that, there probably isn't a single thing you could say to change their mind about it. You could tell them it's gonna kill them and they'll just hit you back with something like, "death is actually the ultimate cure for everything, but big pharma has been lying to everyone that death is bad to try to keep people alive so that they can keep buying their meds".
K V Curtis I think this would be a more accurate quote “Everyone said Einstein was wrong”
Confirmed: Doctors go super saiyan during a pandemic
That's actually how they feel like tbh, doctors and scientists know way more than the average person who doesn't study science.
Is he doctor?
@@rodrozil6544 Of course he is!
@@Lyf4rMusic why is he not helping to fight for pandemic
, “No drug does just one thing.” That’s what a nurse said when I was in the hospital with bradycardia, after trying to use beta blockers for anxiety and panic attacks. This case goes into great detail about that very thing.
I take Lyrica to calm anxiety and the only side effect is currently known as less saliva production, wich unfortunally enhances the effects of bad mouth hygiene and thus affecting my dentist costs (over long time) but to be honest, i would be a mess without Lyrica, so ill gladly take this side effect.
@Rynnie beta blockers are prescribed in incredibly low doses for anxiety. I have normal blood pressure and take propranolol. I wouldn’t just assume this was doctor error.
Yikes. Usually beta blockers for anxiety are like 10%-25% of the cardiac dose. I have a heart issue and take 100mg of metoprolol - which is a pretty standard dose for conditions like mine. Someone I know takes a similar beta blocker for anxiety, but only 10mg. My cardiac dose drops my resting 40-60 bpm, but without it it's 130bpm so that's a good thing. If you have a normal heart rate and they give you a cardiac dose...yeah, dropping 40-60 ain't what you want if you're at like 80 resting lol.
Out of curiosity, what beta blocker and what dosage made you **holds up hand, extends finger skyward** present to the emergency room with...bradycardia?
@@angry_zergling It was metropolol. I have fibromyalgia, along with a progressing curvature in my spine & arthritis. Unrelieved, 24/7 pain causes anxiety, but doctors don’t like to give sedatives to someone my age, and I needed some relief. Still do. But my boss runs low, and I took them when I was having a panic attack. That is not a good way to use them.
@@bethmoore7722 Oh I see. Well, beta blockers have a very accepted off-label use for anxiety and they're not anything scheduled or abuse-prone so most doctors are pretty cool with prescribing it unlike other drugs used to treat anxiety and panic disorders that they try to avoid prescribing at all costs.
I mean, you might not want to try beta blockers again given your bad experience using them, but it would be at a very low dose for anxiety and being prescribed by a doctor would be pretty safe.
Might wanna consider asking if you still experience enough anxiety for it to be a day-to-day hassle. Made an amazing difference in my friend's life apparently when even Xanax wasn't doing it.
Sorry you're going through all that - I hope sometime soon you find something that helps!
A man got quarantined. This is what happened to his hair.
😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 that's the first thing I noticed when I opened the video ahhhhhhh I'm dying laughing
That's a good one
This should be top comment
Tbh I absolutely love the look. Always had a thing for the mad scientist type.
I bet these on the front lines, just couldn't get into a salon
A man stuck his finger in a light socket and this is what happened to his hair.
CE is a ___ year old male, presenting to the haircutter with anime hair
Hahaha 🤣
lol'ed a bit
This poor mans gonna so much flack for his hair this video xD
One thing I've learned from watching Chubbyemu videos is that you DO NOT want messed up potassium levels.
Yep! or eat 5 day old pasta that was in the fridge
Sent his lastest video to a buddy who just responded with "Ugg I'll watch it after Im out of bananas"
Potassium is regulated by the kidneys. The problem is when you mega dose for whatever reason and exceed the kidneys' ability to regulate it. Enough potassium in your blood will stop your heart. It's one of the three ingredients in the typical lethal injection in the US. That being said, you need potassium to live as well.
Can confirm, had low potassium and ended up in ER after sudden seizures. No bueno
Hell yes, potassium chloride is what they inject to people on death penalty
11:33 You can really see how frustrated he is with these poorly-made studies causing people to make mistakes.
“This would be like if you couldn’t take a dump for 60 days”
Hearing him use a colloquialism like that was shocking
I know. It's like he took the gloves off.
@@LuinTathren Add the comment with the basic girl joke, and it got even crazier when he was visibly angry at the end. Very strange combination of emotions, calm and professional yet absolutely livid. XD
You ought to see his twitter
If he ever said shit I'd die
He can't be high profile as usual, because he's addressing people who drank a random compound not even meant for human consumption.
These people do not understand medical subjects very well, so the usual "-emia meaning presence in blood" would not work. "Dumping" is a fairly common experience for most people, so it should be easier to grasp (the concept, not the dump)
A physician skipped out on his needed haircut. This, is how he landed a career on Ancient Aliens
"I'm not saying listen to your doctor"
I read the pinned post and was like... "It can't be this baaaaaohmygod hahaha"
Best comment award!!!
He about to go super saiyan people
"A man had a power level over 9000! This is what happened to his hair."
hahahhahhahahhahahaha, ya beat me to it but damn its was so funny
Super saiden 🤣🤣🤣
It caught me off guard
I thought this was good then i saw his hair, pure gold right here
I think this or a similar case, turned out to be attempted murder. The wife convinced her husband to take the dose. He later died, and they charged her.
I see we aren’t dealing with the average Chubbyemu anymore.
Social distancing has gone to his head.
He has risen above, and become a legend.
casey b The legend that COVID-19 fears
i wonder what the Scouter says about his power level...
"I don't think anything that is natural can be bad for you"
Botulinum toxin: *Are you sure about that?*
Tobacco are you sure about that
Australia: Are you sure about that?
@@Skankhunt-wk1ms eat any Nightshade plant and tell me how you are doing
@@spiritfree5050 I ate a tomato. This is what happened to my diet.
The manchineel tree: Are you REALLY sure about that
When you've gotta educate the populace on not eating aquarium cleaner at 6pm, but you've gotta square up with Kakarot at 7pm.
Best comment here
Maxi Kay could you imagine Vegita as a doctor.
Dr. Vegita: You’re weak, a cold is keeping you down! Where’s your pride. Clearly not in your body in such a frail state. You ever even trained in enhanced gravity? Hmmm take this prescription. Next time I see you better have more muscle on you now get out..!
Mean while in his office, “These humans are embarrassing. It’s like they don’t even care about being healthy. Doctor this doctor that, I hurt here. Oh yea I wonder why, because maybe you should trai..”
Nurse: Dr.!! Your next patient is here. Oh good this desk has lasted a whole week. I’m impressed your doing much better controlling your rage.
Dr. Vegita: ahh screw it send em in... Hmm I see your hitting the gym. At least somebody hear listens to me. I hope the next human is at least fit...
Mr. Satan: Oh no way your a doctor now. Oh boy my back has been tweaked and I feel like my body hurts all over. What do you think?
Dr. Vegita: Are you serious, the emblem of Earth and you back hurts. I can fix it.. “crack, pop...” There how’s that?!!
Mr. Satan: oh million bucks better, had no idea your a chiropractor. Thanks
Dr. Vegita: That’s it I’m going home. “As the window breaks...”
@@1014p best thing I read all day thank you
You win the interwebs today! Great comments !
"She was able to make A recovery." - it's like that saying "you will live, but you will not live well..."
that's worse than dead. and her husband is also dead.
"A man canceled his haircut appointment one day before the lockdown, here's what happened to his hair"
I was even going to have myself a pony tail, thank god at least one barber shop back to business...
I wasn't ready for his hair lol ..not expecting that 😆
Now, his power is over 9000
Elias jos lol funny 😎
I could not relate more!
"A man touched a metal doorknob, this is what happened to his hair."
in home alone
but there is more...
Dat One Red Dragon while it was charged with 50k volts.
420th like, also I actually laughed at this.
He turned super saiyan
Man sticks a knife into outlet. This is what happened to his hair.
I blame the media for their unrestrained enthusiasm for electricity.
You win.
DR BUILDDA WALL sweet bike bro
More like "person" ate suspicious soup out of a storm drain, this is what happened to the rest of the world.
While watching Dragon Ball Z
"Mistakenly" is doing some heavy lifting in this tale
"anything natural can't be bad for you"
Tell that to Socrates
I mean, there are a billion types of poisons and venoms in the natural world. It'd take an impressive amount of ignorance to say that. Plus, most things in the wrong dosage can be bad. Plus, where do you even draw the line between natural and unnatural?
@@Apodeipnon "an impressive amount of ignorance" yup I'm pretty sure that's the dictionary definition for "Gwyneth Paltrow".
Tell that to the keeper of the "POISON GARDER" in the UK, only deadly plants, 1 Hectar of all diferent poisonois species, all lethal, some just by breathing their pollen in
@@Apodeipnon just to add to ur point... if some1 with ecoli takes a shit, and thst women eats it, she just ate something natural, naturally made by men, like cow milk, also naturally made by cow
every molecule in this world is dangerous, it's just about the dose
A man watched anime for 200 hours straight and this is what happened to his hair
How is no one else talking about his hair😂😂😂😂
He was like "JD is" and I was like "yo what the shit"
This is epic
It makes so much sense that he is a toxicologist. I didn’t know that before
Okay yeah I know doctors know their stuff but this is a lot. I watched one earlier where he even said something to the effect of how this person was his patient - okay so he’s a doctor and I guess all doctors know this? Oh he’s a toxicologist. Now it makes sense. So he’s a toxicologist AND he shared information with people on RUclips to share his knowledge and help people (we all know it’s not for the money or the “fame”). He’s a living saint.
An old adage says: "The dose makes the poison."
So let's just say Everything in moderation and your good to go gigi ♥
Don't turn around picachu
Why do i feel like Chubbyemu is slowly going insane from analyzing all these self covid "cure" methods
I can feel the frustration at the end of the video
Not just COVID-19 cures. He strongly dislikes all forms of alternative medicine, also seen with his soy sauce video, for example.
@@photonicpizza1466 I think it's less dislike of alternative medicine, but rather a dislike and frustration of people selling bad 'cures' to vulnerable and gullible people. Also being frustrated with people 'senselessly' believing that type of stuff and going with it. 'Because if it's natural, it's good for you', 'because sticking it to big pharma', 'because I read it online and wasn't thorough with fact-checking', and of course the panicked people trying untested things to 'cure corona', I think THAT is what he hates.
I think it's because alternative medicines do not (in general) go through the same vigorous testing methods that none alternative medicines do. Because of that it can do more damage than good. The whole alternative medicines do make bogus claims like curing cancer, spinal problems etc. It becomes dangerous if correct treatment isn't used. Some people who are conspiracy theorists believe that conventional medicines and vaccines are bad not understanding the risk vs treatment rate or even worse, convincing others that conventional medicines are bad. The sad thing is, like this story....bogus claims can result in death or permanent damage as no one understands the side effects. Conventional medicines do have side effects and they are published.
@@garethwilliams3602 Exactly, it's like he said in the video. Take a study with a huge grain of salt if they make bold claims to 'cure' stuff because that's not how proper research words itself. It reminds of this chick on doctor Phil who sold a cabbage juice with waaayyy too much salt with bold claims like regrowing limbs with no research to back it up because 'who are you to say that it can't, maybe it can'.
A man's opponent's power-level was over 9000, this is what happened to his pride.
Power level over fiveee thouuuusssssaaaannnndd!!!!!!!(vegeta voice) meter headset eye piece cracks
"I don't think anything natural can be bad for you"
Has she never heard of Belladonna? Amanita muscaria? Any of the other hundreds of extremely poisonous plants and mushrooms?
Or... Water?
Or..... Smallpox, anthrax, rattlesnake venom.....
Or oleander
Amanita muscaria is not extremely poisonous, you are confusing it with Amanita virosa which is deadly. You do want to dry the Amanita muscaria in the oven or so before consuming it though and don't eat more that one or two either as you might get more drunk/high then you can handle.
Literally any and everything ingested can be deadly. The dose makes the poison. And yes, it's insane that people still cling to this fallacy about how natural things are healthy. Some of the most potent toxins known to man are made in nature, along with the highly addictive morphine.
My 6 yr. old niece walked in while I was watching this video and asked what it was. I explained to her that someone took fish medicine. Her face clearly stated the even she knew better.
"I don't think anything natural can be bad for you."
Gwyneth, I'd like you to meet snake venom, fungal spores, ringworms, flatworms, about 160,000 species of mushrooms, boiling magma, the fucking vacuum of outer space, radiation poisoning, landslides, tidal waves, black widow spiders, scorpion stingers, great white sharks, meteors, piranhas, coconuts falling from palms trees and knocking you on the head. Take your pick, I got more!
Lightning ⚡️
@@chels1542 add it to the list!
@Who Cares? count it, baby
Anyone remember the name of that tree that just randomly explodes and launches its bark spines out with enough force to pierce humans through?
Also blue-ringed octopi say hello in cutest poisonous critter in the world.
Hyper- high
Aquarium cleaner- aquarium cleaner
emia- presence in blood
High aquarium cleaner presence in blood
Im dead 🤣 😭
I normally had at least a LITTLE sympathy for the people he talks about here, but honestly.. I'm REALLY having a difficult time with this one and the guy that drank an entire bottle of Isopropyl alcohol.
@@kaioser Can't take full credit. I've seen similar comments on older videos and thought it needs to be a meme.
@@Squidbush8563 same. Feel real sad about the wife. Note *a* recovery, not per se a *full* recovery. Wonder if she knew what she was drinking.
It literally doesn’t even fit in the frame lol... he’s charging up his lazer
After watching all your videos I have a much deeper respect and really, awe, for medical science, the men and women who have learned all this information and the people who can take this knowledge and solve what amounts to puzzles to save lives.
_House, MD_ : Everybody lies.
_Chubbyemu_ : Everybody's an idiot.
How to make that font
@alex just clicks _right_
they're both right
@alex just clicks Hey, btw the -crossed font- - - doesn't work, am I doing it wrong? I can do the _italic_ and *bold* but not that one
This hair looks like like he is connected to one of those static generators
Van de Graaff generators.
@@SakuraNyan Yep that's the name
Beginning of the video hair: Spike in the curve
End of the video: Flattening of the curve
He can only keep his super saiyan form for a short time
Storm Shadow Just doing his part to flatten that curve
I don't know if people realize this, but I belieive the main purpose of Chubbyemu's videos is to send a message. The message is that people do stupid and apparantly harmless things to their bodies, with potential serious consequences. This man truly cares!
*ChubbyEmu’s Hair* “A man stuck a fork in the toaster and this is what happened”
He is on phase 3 of Super Saiyajin mode ;)
...to his brAIN”
Something which means something, something meaning something, and emia meaning presence in blood
@@luckypichuwu I think the prefix is Hemo for blood related affections.
“Accidentally drank fish tank cleaner”. No. Deliberately drank fish tank cleaner.
No. Idiotically drank fish tank cleaner.
No. Natural selection.
There is a reason why we tell children to not drink cleaner
@@TheMastertbc most cleaner works in a completely different way, and will essentially act like soap, binding to the fat like cell walls, and tearing them apart. In applications where you can require non consumption of the product, you can use chemicals that kill indiscriminately.
There was a video earlier from chubbyemu that covered a case at the start of the epidemic that covered someone drinking this.
I think he was being nice 🤣
"But it's natural, it can't be bad for me!"
Morphine, nicotine, cyanide, tetrodotoxin, scopolamine, lead, mercury, bromine, radium, and snake venom are natural too.
I dare any of those "all-natural" people to drink a cocktail made of those ingredients and topped with some all-natural and organic locally produced gasoline and ethanol.
Litespark would probably look like your profile picture tbh.
Asbestos is natural
That's actually a well-kept hangover cure secret.
You forgot sulfuric acid
Morphine will cure everything
Was on hydroxychloroquine for about 6 months for chronic pain and inflammation due to UCTD, put on a higher dose after 3 months. Sedimentation rate/inflammation actually went up and I hurt even more. Take that how you will, but I'm not going on it again.
"I don't think anything that is natural can be bad for you"
Um...Hemlock, Deadly Nightshade, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Holly Berries, Castor Beans...
Some of these literally have "poison" and "deadly" in the name.
resiniferaTOXIN, pretty much every part of the manchineel tree...
white baneberries (doll's eyes,) ink cap, foxglove...
Imagine something with a name as innocuous as "gympie-gympie" being a cause of an excruciatingly painful experience.
Most wild animals with sharp teeth and claws
I’m part of the team monitoring patients hearts in regards to giving hydroxychloroquine. I like how informative your video was here. Thank you
You're doing god's work, friend. Thank you for your service.
God Bless 👍
Well is it working?
Gregory Malchuk I work on the clinical side of things and not research so I don’t really know and can’t speak to that
I can say my friend who had COVID-19 was just released from the hospital yesterday. He was put on a regimen of hydroxychloronique a week ago and well... he's out. They took some of his blood for antibodies.
I love how professional this whole video is and then he drops the “this is like you couldn’t take a dump for 60 days” line. Perfection:-D
Lol yeah. That line added a new level of awesomeness to the video.
Like I said before
It is like House M.D. without a limping selfobsessed egomaniac
This was the first comment I was looking for 😂
With anime hair too 😁
I read this as it happened hahaha
I was in the peace corps when covid hit. PC globally evacuated. We returned peace corps volunteers had to take an anti malarial medication called primaquine phosphate...but many of us couldn't get any due to the active ingredient in it being hydroxychloriquine.
It was embarrassing coming back home to that. I'd have rather stayed overseas.
It's sad how pervasive propaganda is, coming from someone many people here will trust for medical knowledge and entertainment.
The problem is the dose levels ignorant civilians take. Overdosing on ANYTHING can harm or kill you. If you have gutworms, an appropriate human dose can get rid of the worms.
An overdose can kill you.
Civilians need to STOP listening to antivaxx propaganda.
@@jackthompson7125 hydroxychloroquine has been around since the 40's -- and been taken by humans for malarial infections
But now all of a sudden it's dangerous to humans ---
Same thing with ivermectin
@@jackthompson7125the irony of this comment when you only believe in it because of Trump
@jamesrosewell9081 you sound vacksed
A man tapped a chubbyemu notification immediately after receiving it, this is what happened to his day (it was made a whole lot better)
"Be alert, not anxious" says the man whose hair is literally standing on end.
Hes going for the new Einstein look...
and killing it.
It's also alert.
His hair is totally rad. I'm loving it
I don’t know whether to hate or love you for that pun
I swear stumbling over this channel is the best thing that happened to me in years
This is my first time seeing him with this here. Came to the comments and was not disappointed
i can't believe i'd see the day when chubbyemu become a yugioh character.
"The difference between a medicine and a poison is the dose!" -Epicurus I think
"The dose makes the poison" attributed to Paracelsus ♥️
Exactly this! Personally, I think the medicine chloroquine is the answer to strongly pushing back against COVID19. Doctor after doctor that use it as needed (early on with zinc) say they have extremely good results. Is it a "cure"? No. But it's a VERY effective treatment. Biggest problem now is getting enough out there, but it's being produced at rates never done before.
I personally think the push back is from people who are so far "orange man bad" that they can't think straight, and doctors that are the same and conditioned to only think what the FDA says as if their approval is some magic wand.
@@iowafarmboy It's TDS, 100%. The same people insisting it couldn't possibly work because the FDA hasn't green-lighted it, are almost certainly the same people popping CBD gummies while saying fuck the FDA.
@@23wtb I honestly don't even have full trust in the FDA lil
Hes a true scientist at heart cuz you can tell this study pissed him off!!😂😂😂
Straight heated lol and frankly I don't blame him.
This is why peer review is crucial.
@@ThatOneScienceGuy he is being the peer reviewer when questions the lack of precision in the wording.
Because people died.
@@marceloa.8881 typically they would sent it in to the journal. Before punishing publishing
As passionate as he tells his stories I'd wager he is just as passionate to his patients. Thanks for sharing your stories of man's crazy incidents. I know I've presented to the emergency room for some stupid shit and I'm thankful for the service you provide us. Thank you.
When i saw him saying: "presenting to the emergency room" with a stern voice and then looked up at his hair XD
I fuckin died lmao
I busted out laughing. Thankfully he couldn’t hear me 😂
Hahahahah ikr XD
@@chic0latin0 "A man busting out laughing. This is what happened to him."
Whether he does these reports for the money or for the ratings, the important thing is that he's getting this information out, presenting it formally, more comprehensibly and more effectively than anyone else I've known has ever done before. Teaching while captivating at the same time; when nobody asks for it, he does it on his leisure. And THAT is why I'm subscribed.
Nickle Spale ok noted
@@pprog4180 why do i always get these snide remarks first? SERIOUSLY, could you please just delete your reply.
He need to inform people not to drink aquarium cleaner?
The guys wife clearly poisoned him anyway. Her story is bs
Nickle Spale why so worked up? i agree with what you said and i noted it down
He does it for the lols
This man did his research and included references, god damn this is a sight I am not used to on RUclips
he's a freaking doctor
You must be new here
@Jack o it's not kid friendly that's why
unlike you - who has no references and obviously did no research
yet you call out to a god to whom you make pretense that you can command it to damn
- you inadvertently are correct 180 degrees out of phase -
God will damn - not by your command - in the direction of your projected designation
but - according to His proclaimed directives - against all opposition which attempts to rob Him of His glory
you may think yourself to be dead by dawn - however - it appears that there has never been any life or light in you from the start
maybe you should consider yourself dead before birth - are you here to spread darkness - or celebrate death ?
you will reap what you sow - your language and sacrilege implies hatred for all that is good
repent tonight or perish by dawn
wash your mouth out with dawn soap and drink a gallon of it - maybe it will clean the coronavirus out of your tongue
@@spinfowars8958 you must be fun at parties
It’s amazing how you make this complex information understandable
"A man started binge watching Dragon Ball Z for a week. This, is what happened to his hair."
People need to stop shoving crazy stuff into their bodies.
Yum Ming Sum
Don’t kink shame
that's what vaccines are
pardon me just passing through
Yeah, if you kill the crazy stuff or make it not-crazy first, THEN that’s what a vaccine is.
Well, duh.
@@daianmoi8528 … and then you add some crazy-ass preservatives and adjuvants, just for shit‘n giggles
My father is a doctor, and while I was fascinated with medical science I liked engineering too, if you had a channel back then and I knew about it. I would've been a doctor today. I usually refer your channel to every niece/nephew of mine who are taking up medicine. I love your channel, keep posting.
Boi how many aspiring doctor relatives do you have?
I mean judging by his name, if he's South Asian it's no surprise. That's like knowing a Jewish doctor/lawyer/banker.
Yeah he is indian
Could you make a video on the effects of ingesting colloidal silver, and other common but obviously ill-advised alternative therapies? My mom has taken so much of these things over the past few decades, and I would really like to know what sort of danger she is putting herself in. Your channel is so important and helpful for restoring trust between patients and doctors, as well as preventing probably dozens or hundreds of easily avoided ER visits. Thank you for all the work you do.
Less than from the vaccine.
Logical concern. Key point: Dosage. Paracelsus famously stated "All things are poison, and nothing is without poison, the dosage alone makes it a thing that is not a poison." Belladona is used in medicine for dilation of pupils for eye exams, and a dilute solution with an opium derivative is given orally to treat projectile vomiting. Botox is useful in medicine and cosmetics, yet contains a most powerful poison. All things are poison, given too much -- all about the dosage.
@@rhodes6840sorry to break it to you, but billions of people have taken the vaccine including myself and have been fine for over a year. I don’t think the vaccine had anything bad in it, or somebody would have noticed by now.
A man’s power level was over 9000. This is what happened to his hair.
This joke is already in top comments it's not funny anymore
@@sooriya931 It is... dont ruin it for everyone else just because your grumpy..
@@sooriya931 I didn't know, I actually looked for this joke first before posting it up and didn't see itXD
Are you Chinese? Take it down.
I love that you break down scientific and medical words to explain what they mean but also use phrases like "take a dump"
A man missed a haircut before the lockdown. Here's what happened to his RUclips comments section.
Hydroxychloroquine is used to prevent and treat acute attacks of malaria. It is also used to treat discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE; a chronic inflammatory condition of the skin) or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE; a chronic inflammatory condition of the body) and rheumatoid arthritis in patients whose symptoms have not improved with other treatments.
Been used for over 50 years and this a$$hat clown wants to confuse sheep for pharma wolves.
@@raycrow3718 Take as prescribed by a doctor. As Chubbyemu said this medicine is also made by pharmaceutical companies.
@@Catlily5 they'll prescribe you anti depressants for anything! Most are scared to prescribe ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine! They do so much off label bs for vacations! There are documentaries about it,. This is a drug that makes no money for stock holders! That's why this bs video is out
@@raycrow3718 I have taken a version of this for preventing malaria. That doesn't mean that I would go around chugging it because famous people say to.
these days I really have to wonder...
He was given it by his wife.
@@tsalvo9290 Incorrect. They heard that chloroquine phosphate can "cure" COVID-19, his wife read the bottle and saw that's what it said. They both took it knowingly.
@@Fattts we only have her word on it and she's very suspicious as she's known to be very anti-Trump.
@@NACAM42 k
@@Fattts not only is she extremely anti trump (twitter for proof) she also donated to the dnc and the hilary foundation.
Why would someone who HATES Trump take his advice?! Let alone the fact that she was campaign contributor for the most evil woman in history
"the dose makes the poison"
- Paracelsus, 600 years ago
That is the best quote
Did you know that dudes name is actually Theofrastus Bombastus? Nothing contributing but I just thought I should add this funny anecdote
@@Diabolicallaughter- Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim to be exact.
@@Diabolicallaughter- Yes well, it's where the word "bombastic" comes from. His loud and vehement way of conversing.
Well, that is interesting. Thanks!
"I don't think anything natural can be bad for you"
*laughs in uranium*
Meanwhile: the sun
@Tyler Smash Meanwhile: KILLERFROGS!
When you realize that literally everything in existence can be bad for you given the right circumstances
*laughs in covid-19*
DrZeldaGlitch lol
I hope you know how many people you've inspired to enter the healthcare field (myself included) from your videos! Thank you for what you do!
Chubbyemu: *uses lots of refined medical dialogue with appropriate anatomical and chemical terms*
Also Chubbyemu: "It's like if you didn't take a dump for 40 days"
Sixty days
You were so close with your comment... But you were twenty days off. Almost got the exact quote!
"mistakenly" ??? No he drank it on purpose. He was just stupid.
he made a mistake, no ?
Tom Servo Mistakenly implies that he thought it was something else though. He was stupid and drank it, it was a mistake but he didnt drink it mistakenly
@@deathstalkerx4415 Both patients thought it was safe. They didn't do their due diligence.
@@deathstalkerx4415 He drank it mistakenly not accidentally.
Tom Servo
The wife gave it to him intentionally and he drank it in good faith
a woman accidentally read chubbyemu’s tweet, this is how she was spoiled for the end of the video
it's turn's out she purposely killed her husband...she's a trump hater
Kay Could you people lay off of the conspiracy theories for ONE MINUTE
@@josiep1547 one minute is too long
I guess JD forgot everything he learned in college, med school, and work
“...not being able to take a dump....”
I need the etymological breakdown of this phrase please.
Mikol Fawcett Mikol Fawcett “Hyperpoopemia”. “Hyper”, meaning ‘high’; “emia”, meaning presence in blood. “Hyperpoopemia”. ‘High level of poop in presence of blood’.
@@markocska94 isn't it normally, "high level of blood in presence of poop"?
As the YT trolls examine his haircut, they find that he has hypertrichosis caputis anime`is. Hyper meaning excessive, trichosis caputis referring to the pathological hair growth on his head and animeis meaning an anime like appearance. Hypertrichosis caputis animeis or short morbus chubbyemu - looking like a freaking supersayan....
yo that killed me
Thats epic...
Max E nah he’s Phoenix Wright
you win the internet for the day lol
"I don't think anything natural can be bad for you"
Marie Curie joins the chat.
I agree. Rattlesnake venom is natural and rattlesnakes don't seem to mind it at all.
So true 😂 Everything is poisonous if you injest too much of it. Even water.
@Nospam Spamisham Tickling a dragon's tail is never a good idea.
The levels of frustration you expressed over the poorly done study were very clear. Thank you for taking the time to explain the study and where it went wrong.
As Isaac Asimov said, "Science is a set of rules to keep us from telling lies to each other. All scientists have is a reputation for telling the truth." But that doesn't keep some people from designing bad studies or drawing false conclusions (intentionally or accidentally) which is why peer review is so, so important. Never take the word of study that has not been peer-reviewed and independently replicated at least once people! Good science takes time.
Are we just going to talk about his hair???
Galactic I mean look at it, how could we not?!
As soon as he popped up I had a hard time taking him serious
he's a whole anime character
Eat your cereal
as a pre-nursing student, this just explained to me 4 chapters worth of material without even focusing on them. if only i found this channel sooner
Were you there?
Papa emu bless
I am a dunce wearhouse/ custodian worker who has an affinity for the Latin language. My family has lupis and rumatory arthritis. When looking into the language of chloroquine v hydroxychloroquine v chloroquine phosphate, lead to many an ill-informed argument with devout news pundit watchers. I just recently discovered you, and appreciate your break down and delivery on topics. Though the stories of near fatal incidents and tik tok fads send chills down my spine.
Salvē amīce meus
Latin is very important to understanding medicine and chemical compounds. You get a grasp for the elements, their relationships in solutions, and how not to kill yourself. Amicum tutum manere.
I’m just waiting for the man’s hair to turn gold … I say this with the highest respect though. You are an incredibly intelligent person.
Well that’s a shame. Because hair becomes golden by power, not by intelligence. 😢. Hey 👋 I don’t make the anime rules. I’m just letting you know. I am the middle man here, don’t get mad at me.
Doctor: *tells us important information about chloroquine and how we must be careful*
Everyone else: omg look at his hair
Yes no one actually watched the video. Or maybe no one is talking about the video.. because all you need to know about the video is... In the video.
Proven Zinc delivery module. Without Zinc Sulphate administration its obviously worthless as every halfway intelligent person understands. Degenerate doctors (the majority) won't inform you and most aren't bright enough to grasp the process or are swayed monetarily. Corrupt pharma needs addressing
@2 beans 1 cream and how do you know this?
Guess it could be a cure but like all medacine you shouldnt over do it ..Food can also apply including water ...Food some can give you plaque that can cause a heart attack ...To much water you can die also by drowning
@2 beans 1 cream he is a toxicologist..
"Brady, meaning slow"
Lol 😂
Shots fired 🤣🤣💀
Tom Brady indeed has one of the slowest 40 times for a QB
it’s amazing how a crisis can really show how stupid humanity really is
@H M That's called stupidity
@Vlad the Inhaler the woman is extremely anti trump and is a clinton donator. Was also trying to divorce her husband. Says it all right there.
Also, if they ate the same amount, how did a man (presumably heavier) die over the woman with (presumably) less body mass?
@Vlad the Inhaler orange man bad. thats all you need to know
It's important to have a bit of empathy and keep in mind that the victims here were in their 60s. The elderly are susceptible, especially in today's day, to a vastly different world than the world they were once young in. Phone scams, health insurance scams, constantly updating technological trends that are leaving them unable to cope. This is not just about human stupidity, but about how we are failing to care for the whole spectrum of society in a crisis. The young of today will be the old of tomorrow. Failing to address these problems today will only mean we will repeat them in the future.
anna -
too many morons; not enough lions, tigers, and bears.
AHHH dr. bernard you're just the best ever. i love your voice, and how easy you make these medical conditions to understand through a complete breakdown. much love! x
A man applied an excessive amount of ferrofluid to his hair and stuck a high-powered magnet to the ceiling...THIS, is what happened to him.
In all seriousness, thank you so much for clarifying common medical misconceptions. I originally started watching this channel because it was fun to learn about crazy stories, but accurate medical info is so important during these times. I really appreciate the good you are doing. ❤️
Yes thank you very much.
"Presenting to the emergency room...as a moron".
11:45 Wait, could the "people who *refused* the treatment" also include people who went on to get other treatments? Or even include people who did go on to take this treatment, but from a different source/clinic?? This study...oh my lord, thank you for including these screenshots of the text because I'm gobsmacked at the recklessness.
Shouldn't "the controls" have been only people who received *zero* treatment? Either way, that language "refused" communicates a lack of consent given by the "control" group, which makes me incredibly uncomfortable.
Shouldn't it be the other way around, anyways? The study leaders should have been the ones who *refused* to give any treatment to the control group. The people making up the control group should be the ones the study says NO to, not the other way around.
Instead, the control group is "made up" of the random people who chose to say NO to the study, by their own volition. So, quite _literally_ the group of people who took "control" *away* from the study leaders....
I may be wrong, please anyone correct me if you happen to read this comment and disagree.
But, even if I am wrong, then I still blame the study writer for terrible communication!
I mean, it's giving me a headache just thinking about coming onto this study midways and seeing how they cobbled together their control group. Wth! 🤦🤦🤦
Natural selection still working hard even in quarantine, I see.
Honestly though, as sad as this is, it's extremely fucking stupid and I'm surprised someone like this survived so long
Not goos enough, the top comments are a bit cancerous
@@Oscar_Armstrong That how people discover stuff that people don't know about though. And by that, I mean doing things that nobody does. The reality is in millions of cases, only a handful become "Innovated Invention". The rest became stupid, moronic.
@@ohlookitisacat7404 Yep. You climb a tricky mountain and reach the peak? You're a hero and an inspiration. You fall and die? You're stupid for doing something so risky.
@@Jugem16 The fact said that how it works in the history book. if you want a few quotes:
"There is a thin line Genius and Stupidity"
Or "This is stupid, but it work, so it is not stupid".
No one:
Dr's hair: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Sorry but it ain't looking good
Leave him alone. He's on a quest to collect all the Dragonballs.
@@ron072684 LMAO😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Doctors: "There's so much I do not know."
Non-Doctors: "I know everything. Give me that poison, I'm going to drink it."
I dare say that smart people know the limits of their knowledge.
I had it and chloroquine pushed it out of me in 2 days so I don’t know what your talking about .
Dunning-Kreuger Effect, or, in other words, the less you know, the more you think you do.
@@eggbeaters yeah it worked for me as well, my fish took it too, and my daughter, and my dog, and my grandma
Exactly this sums up so much!
Thanks Doc! I always find myself trying to self-diagnose and self-medicate and your videos always help to keep me sane. It’s disturbing how many people ended the same way this fella did because of biased media reports.