Federal student loans don’t require a co-signer. Almost all private student loans will. However, there are a few lenders who offer non-co-signer loans, but the dollar-value you can borrow is very low. These are here: thecollegeinvestor.com/16435/how-to-get-a-private-student-loan-with-no-cosigner/
I quit my job as a teacher to go into nursing at 31 🥴 but have a small amount of savings. It is a private university and fafsa will not be enough to cover all 60k. They told me I could have tuition reimbursed through working with a hospital, get private loan or stride. What other options are there or what would you suggest? Help pls! 🙏🏻😭
The best student loans are always federal student loans (what is awarded via FAFSA). Beyond that, things like private loans do NOT have any loan forgiveness options. I would be very cautious borrowing to fund this move - nurses also don't get paid a lot unless you really specialize and do a LOT of education (like becoming a CRNA), and you're going to be stuck with repaying any debt you take on.
Is there a loan without needing a cosigner??for undergrads
Federal student loans don’t require a co-signer. Almost all private student loans will. However, there are a few lenders who offer non-co-signer loans, but the dollar-value you can borrow is very low. These are here: thecollegeinvestor.com/16435/how-to-get-a-private-student-loan-with-no-cosigner/
I quit my job as a teacher to go into nursing at 31 🥴 but have a small amount of savings. It is a private university and fafsa will not be enough to cover all 60k. They told me I could have tuition reimbursed through working with a hospital, get private loan or stride. What other options are there or what would you suggest? Help pls! 🙏🏻😭
The best student loans are always federal student loans (what is awarded via FAFSA). Beyond that, things like private loans do NOT have any loan forgiveness options. I would be very cautious borrowing to fund this move - nurses also don't get paid a lot unless you really specialize and do a LOT of education (like becoming a CRNA), and you're going to be stuck with repaying any debt you take on.
Approx how much time does it take for them to give the loan money when applied
About 7 days is the fastest turnaround
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First!? You tell us! We generally don't get a lot of comments on our videos.