Those superb masterpieces of heavy mineral color figure paintings by Chang dai chien created in his prime, with just a few available versions passed down, are rare, elegant, extremely valuable and precious.
In 1943,after Chang Dai-chien came back from Dunhuang where he stayed for nearly 3 years, his strokes and styles of characters changed greatly. His strokes of faces and hair are as fine as silk, and the clothing fold lines as defined as iron thread. His characters show grace and dignity; this is his prime period as he has reached his peak.
Master Chang's friend, a well known scholar and Chinese painter, Mr. Zhi-Liu Xie once praised him saying "Chang is so well-versed in Dunhuang painting style he is truly a disciple of the Tang!". Unfortunately, his eyesight was later affected by his diabetes so after 1957 he stopped the fine-line painting.
For authentication, in addition to the critical examination on the specifics like "the poems, calligraphy, painting and seals" as well as the formation of the brush, ink, line and touches borne in the paintings, Dr. Francis Yu even goes further to apply ultraviolet, as a supporting tool in forensic examination, to explore the bottom layer for the truth of the heavy-coloring mineral pigments, whose price goes higher than gold.
A friend of master Chang, a well known scholar and Chinese painter, Mr. Zhi-Liu Xie once praised him saying "Chang is so well-versed in Dunhuang painting style he is truly a disciple of the Tang!". Unfortunately, his eyesight was later affected by his diabetes so in 1957 when he accidentally injuried his eye while trying to lift a heavy stone during construction in Brazil, his eyesight vision was never healed and recovered which forced him to abandon his famously known fine-line style painting.
Many experts consider Chang’s “ Literary Gathering ” 〈文會圖〉a masterpiece and the most representative of Chang’s character paintings. Arguably there are no more than 7 known versions of “ Literary Gathering “ during his prime period (1943-1951). Among the handful versions of “ Literary Gathering “, the one gifted to Mr. Shi Hu 楊石湖 dated in June of 1944 is arguably the best.
"Free-Spirited Dance by Scholars Reminiscing the Battle of Red Cliffs", "Literary Gathering", and "Elegant Gathering scene in the West Garden" are representative of Chang Dai-chien's masterpiece figure paintings created at his prime period in the 40's , as they are majestic, grandiose, sophisticated, and refined. They are masterpieces because they represent the perfect balance between aesthetics and philosophy, visual art and study of art, as well as inward feelings and outward objects.
The renowned Modern Chinese painting artist, Xu Bei-Hong once said " Chang Dai-chien is strikingly talented and remarkably versatile ". Indeed master Chang is internationally known as the top artist in Modern Chinese painting just as Picasso is known as one of the top artist of Western painting.
" Tibetan Girls and Mastiff ", " Two Girls of Tibet and Mongolia " and " Indian Geisha " created in Chang's prime are very rare, exquisite and extraordinary beautiful and also considered a masterpiece.
In 1943, after Chang Dai-chien came back from Dunhuang where he stayed for nearly 3 years, his strokes and styles of characters changed greatly. His strokes of faces and hair are as fine as silk, and the clothing fold lines as defined as iron thread. His characters show grace and dignity; this is his prime period as he has reached his peak.
Many experts worldwide consider Chang's "Literary Gathering" the best representative of his figure paintings. Arguably there are no more than 7 known versions of "Literary Gathering" during his Prime period. The painting "Literary Gathering" in Zhong He Tang's collection was painted in 1944 and gifted to renowned financial scholar, Mr. Stonelake Y. P. Young is arguably the best.
"Free-Spirited Dance by Scholars Reminiscing the Battle of Red Cliffs", "Literary Gathering", and "Elegant Gathering scene in the West Garden" are representative of Chang Dai-chien's masterpiece figure paintings created at his prime period in the 40's , as they are majestic, grandiose, sophisticated, and refined. They are masterpieces because they represent the perfect balance between aesthetics and philosophy, visual art and study of art, as well as inward feelings and outward objects.
從研究石濤的画風去鑒判張大千的画作是不夠全面的,張大千二十年代師從曾、李二師,從中吸收了石濤画的精髓,故在三十年代效仿了許多石濤的山水花卉画作,而在四十年代敦煌礼佛歸蜀至八年抗战勝利回京城獲得大批唐宋宮庭舊藏后,他的山水丶花卉以及人物画更上一層樓,画风直追唐宋,人物花竹, 勾勒的线描勁如鐵绕,细如蠢絲,形態端莊高秀,堪稱一绝! 山水金璧輝煌,明丽華美,后期的潑墨潑彩,遂開拓了中国画的新境界,可以說脫胎換骨,全然一新,且沒留下半点石濤的画影。
@@bobwood2451 🙏😇🥳
No matter whether one likes him or not, no one can deny that Chang Dai-chien was not only a master of modern times but also a master of all times.
@@bobwood2451 🙏🥳🙂
@@alicetsang2742 🙏🥳🙂
難得可貴! 可敬可佩!
據于士傑考察:張大千從40年代敦煌禮佛歸蜀後至50年代遠洋遷移南美阿根廷曼多薩(Mendoza) 十餘年間(1943-1953), 可謂大師人物畫的高峰期。
Beauty and Beast? To be or not to be? 🤔 Seeing is Believing 🙄 I have seen these gorgeous paintings 🌺and they are timeless and masterpiece indeed 🥳
張大千曰: 吾畫一落筆可成,但題署必窮神盡氣為之,如題不稱,則畫毁也!
@Shawn 👏👏🏼👌🥳
@@bobwood2451 🙏🥳🎆
@@bobyang3045 🙏🥳🙏
张大千曰:「 要鉴定真画假画,不只要看笔触等,更重要的是看气韵。真画有一股真气,像是对你说话,当然,这是要对书画鉴赏达到某种程度后才能听见这种语言的。然而近现代的画,因为他用的纸和印章到现在都还有,所以只能去看它的气韵和神气,由作品的气韵和神气去鉴別其真假」。華夏电视台借以张大千仙逝35周年,播出中和堂精選珍藏的张大千《盛年期》高士人物重彩画作十六帧与世人一起聚焦欣赏,実为赞許慶贺!🧏🏻♀️🙏👏🏼
Those superb masterpieces of heavy mineral color figure paintings by Chang dai chien created in his prime, with just a few available versions passed down, are rare, elegant, extremely valuable and precious.
@@songsampark1939 🌺🌿👀👌
報導中有展示一幅八尺横幅六高士《赤壁賦醉舞通屏圖》是描述蘇東坡豁達超然的格性和瀟灑脱俗的內心世界,達到了「詩、書、畫、印」四絶完美结合神完氣足的意象表現,以及畫家自我要求的「大、亮、曲」藝術之最高境界, 可謂彌足
民國二十五年夏 徐悲鴻
@@meeiwei76 中國近現代畫家第一人也!👌
@@songsampark1939 ,👏🙆♂️👏🏻
@@meeiwei76 @張大千重彩工细的画作真美也 🥳!
@@meimeei1638 👏👏🏼👏🏻👌
@ 郭太英👌🏻😇👍
@@meimeei1638 🥳🙂🪙
據于士傑考察:張大千從40年代敦煌禮佛歸蜀後至50年代遠洋遷移南美阿根廷曼多薩(Mendoza) 十餘年間(1943-1953), 可謂大師人物畫的
@@henrywarden8680 👏👏🏼👏🏻👌🏽
@@henrywarden8680 🧚♂️👀🥳
@@henrywarden8680 😼😇👌
@Alice Tsang 👌 細節隱藏在人物的臉面裡!👀🌹😎
@@alicetsang2742 👌👁👁🤡🔬🤫
@@alicetsang2742 👏🏼👏🏿👏👀㊙️👁👁㊙️
@@alicetsang2742 👌👀👉🧝🏻♀️🙂
@@alicetsang2742 👌🏽👌🏿👌🥳
在台灣有一位記者曾與張大千一同去泡湯,親👀看到他身上一片片黑毛,活躍在浴室裡洗澡,活像個黑猿轉世之Ape man.
@@鳳大董 👏🦍🤭
@@鳳大董 👏👏👏😀
@@鳳大董 🤦♀️😀👏🏿👌🏽
In 1943,after Chang Dai-chien came back from Dunhuang where he stayed for nearly 3 years, his strokes and styles of characters changed greatly. His strokes of faces and hair are as fine as silk, and the clothing fold lines as defined as iron thread. His characters show grace and dignity; this is his prime period as he has reached his peak.
Master Chang's friend, a well known scholar and Chinese painter, Mr. Zhi-Liu Xie once praised him saying "Chang is so well-versed in Dunhuang painting style he is truly a disciple of the Tang!". Unfortunately, his eyesight was later affected by his diabetes so after 1957 he stopped the fine-line painting.
@@alvinyu9076 👏👏👏🙂
@@alvinyu9076 👏☺️👌
For authentication, in addition to the critical examination on the specifics like "the poems, calligraphy, painting and seals" as well as the formation of the brush, ink, line and touches borne in the paintings, Dr. Francis Yu even goes further to apply ultraviolet, as a supporting tool in forensic examination, to explore the bottom layer for the truth of the heavy-coloring mineral pigments, whose price goes higher than gold.
A friend of master Chang, a well known scholar and Chinese painter, Mr. Zhi-Liu Xie once praised him saying "Chang is so well-versed in Dunhuang painting style he is truly a disciple of the Tang!". Unfortunately, his eyesight was later affected by his diabetes so in 1957 when he accidentally injuried his eye while trying to lift a heavy stone during construction in Brazil, his eyesight vision was never healed and recovered which forced him to abandon his famously known fine-line style painting.
@@臧文英 👌🏻👏👏🏼👏🏻
@@臧文英 😇🤭👌
@@henrywarden8680 🎊🎉🎈
@@meimeei1638 👏👏🏼👏🏻👌
@@bobwood2451 👌🏽👌🏿👌😇
@@alicetsang2742 🤭🥳👏
@@henrywarden8680 👌😀👏
張大千盛年期白描人物、雙鉤花竹筆墨功力已可與吳道子、李公麟唐宋二大家相媲美, 足以證實張大千盛年期工细重彩的人物花鳥画美也!
@潘明文 👌🤙👏
@@shawnlin6596 👀🧸👶🧕💃👳♂️🤦♀️🙆
Many experts consider Chang’s “ Literary Gathering ” 〈文會圖〉a masterpiece and the most representative of Chang’s character paintings. Arguably there are no more than 7 known versions of “ Literary Gathering “ during his prime period (1943-1951). Among the handful versions of “ Literary Gathering “, the one gifted to Mr. Shi Hu 楊石湖 dated in June of 1944 is arguably the best.
"Free-Spirited Dance by Scholars Reminiscing the Battle of Red Cliffs", "Literary Gathering", and "Elegant Gathering scene in the West Garden" are representative of Chang Dai-chien's masterpiece figure paintings created at his prime period in the 40's , as they are majestic, grandiose, sophisticated, and refined. They are masterpieces because they represent the perfect balance between aesthetics and philosophy, visual art and study of art, as well as inward feelings and outward objects.
Chang dai-chien's re-creation Buddha paintings in his prime (1943-1948) are rare, precious and extremely impressive to observe.
The renowned Modern Chinese painting artist, Xu Bei-Hong once said " Chang Dai-chien is strikingly talented and remarkably versatile ". Indeed master Chang is internationally known as the top artist in Modern Chinese painting just as Picasso is known as one of the top artist of Western painting.
" Tibetan Girls and Mastiff ", " Two Girls of Tibet and Mongolia " and " Indian Geisha " created in Chang's prime are very rare, exquisite and extraordinary beautiful and also considered a masterpiece.
In 1943, after Chang Dai-chien came back from Dunhuang where he stayed for nearly 3 years, his strokes and styles of characters changed greatly. His strokes of faces and hair are as fine as silk, and the clothing fold lines as defined as iron thread. His characters show grace and dignity; this is his prime period as he has reached his peak.
@Alice Tsang 👌網路世界太多負面新聞!😪
@@meeiwei76 👌😢🍂
@@meeiwei76 👌fake news
@Alice Tsang😂
Many experts worldwide consider Chang's "Literary Gathering" the best representative of his figure paintings. Arguably there are no more than 7 known versions of "Literary Gathering" during his Prime period. The painting "Literary Gathering" in Zhong He Tang's collection was painted in 1944 and gifted to renowned financial scholar, Mr. Stonelake Y. P. Young is arguably the best.
@Sandy Wang👏👏👏🙂
@ Sandy Wang👍👳♂️🙂
@Sandy Wang👌😊👏
@Sandy Wang👌👏👏🏽
@ Sandy Wang👌🙂🎉
"Free-Spirited Dance by Scholars Reminiscing the Battle of Red Cliffs", "Literary Gathering", and "Elegant Gathering scene in the West Garden" are representative of Chang Dai-chien's masterpiece figure paintings created at his prime period in the 40's , as they are majestic, grandiose, sophisticated, and refined. They are masterpieces because they represent the perfect balance between aesthetics and philosophy, visual art and study of art, as well as inward feelings and outward objects.
@Sandy Wang 👌👏👍
@Sandy wang👀👌🙂
Indeed, Literacy Gathering and others painted in his 40's are truly masterpieces.🎉🥳👏
@Sandy Wang👏👏👏👌
@Shawn Lin👏👏🏽👏🏼👌
張大千談《畫人物》曰:古人畫人物,多數以漁、樵、耕、讀四種人為對象,這是象徵士大夫歸隱后的清高生活,不是以這四種 (職業) 為謀生道路。后人不知此意,多畫得愁眉苦臉,大有靠此為生,孜孜為利的樣子,全無精神寄托之意,豈不可笑!
@@henrywarden8680 👏👏🏼👏🏻👌🏽
@@henrywarden8680 🧚♂️👀👌🏽