Christ Wants His Bride to Feel Secure! | Andrew Farley

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 37

  • @mikeyhorton7797
    @mikeyhorton7797 3 месяца назад +10

    Thank you so much for this message, I have recently left a legalistic church that I attended for 14 years. I was so tired of not feeling saved and never feeling good enough.

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 3 месяца назад

      so you changed gods? that one didn't suit you, so pick a new god? religion is a joke, you just demonstrated that god is imaginary. you are dictating which god is real??

  • @renahuddleston4925
    @renahuddleston4925 Месяц назад

    Great message. ASSURANCE!

  • @robinl6659
    @robinl6659 3 месяца назад +1

    Awesome Grace and a chuckle as well! Andrew THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  • @theresselavapie5855
    @theresselavapie5855 3 месяца назад +2

    Àmén Praise God❤

  • @LLC3
    @LLC3 3 месяца назад +2

    Thank the Lord for this message.1 John 1:9 is one the most misquoted verses in the Bible!!!!

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 3 месяца назад

      any idea who wrote john, cos it wasn't anyone called john. got any idea how many books were left out of the bible? you do know it was edited, right?

  • @MargaretHeuer
    @MargaretHeuer 3 месяца назад +2

    I'm always troubled about doing wrong so how can I enjoy the Lord?😢

    • @robinl6659
      @robinl6659 3 месяца назад


    • @DosBlade
      @DosBlade 3 месяца назад

      Not against this man but we don't follow what some man believes. Follow Christ. One day I was reading and in the margin of the bible said something like if your heart convicts you you wont get anything from GOD. I got up and said "I quit. My heart convicts me 24-7 of sin." So reach for the door and and He asks me "what is righteousness?" I turn and say "ok ok righteousness is right standing with God". He then asked "how do you get righteousness?" I said by believing in Jesus". It was like being blind then you can see. I cried and cried.
      See the Father sees you through what Christ already did. You believe in Jesus you are in right standing with God. He sees you now through Christ. We put on that new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. That is who you are. As Paul said its no longer I that sin by sin that is in me. This flesh has not been changed it loves to sin.
      No we can not freely sin. So if I sin I confess my sin and He is faithful and just to forgive me of my sin and cleans me from all unrighteousness. YES I understand who John was talking to yet when some say "what that really means". So know that Christ said before He left He didn't come to condemn the world but to save it. Its also written there is now no condemnation to them in Christ Jesus.
      So if I miss it I just say sorry and get up dust off keep going. No guilt no shame no condemnation. If you asked Him about this.. He would tell you that's why He died. Forgive your self

    • @arcguardian
      @arcguardian 3 месяца назад

      Why do u have to enjoy God? He's worthy of you seeking Him in your troubles. If u "can't" enjoy Him, don't unless u find scripture saying you have to.
      Pray that God helps you understand your situation, and seek Him despite how you feel.

  • @MargaretHeuer
    @MargaretHeuer 3 месяца назад +1

    I'm having trouble praying and feeling fearful😢

    • @NewBornNickumz
      @NewBornNickumz 3 месяца назад +1

      God bless you sister , cast your cares upon Him for He cares for you ..💕🫶🏻🙏🏻🤗💐

    • @robinl6659
      @robinl6659 3 месяца назад

      Aren’t you listening to this message ?

    • @MargaretHeuer
      @MargaretHeuer 3 месяца назад

      @@robinl6659 thank you

    • @robinl6659
      @robinl6659 3 месяца назад

      @@MargaretHeuer you are so loved

    • @Mr.Faculty
      @Mr.Faculty 2 месяца назад +1

      Pray to God for help

  • @MakeRoomForGod
    @MakeRoomForGod 3 месяца назад +1

    Thus the fallacy of any eschatological view "apart" from pre-tribulation my friends (ie the rapture before God turns His eyes back to Israel and 7 years of hell on earth ensue).
    Ie., His bride isn't going to get beat up as His wrath rains down on this Christ rejecting world during that time soon to begin.

  • @gideonopyotuadebo2304
    @gideonopyotuadebo2304 3 месяца назад

    The people of the most high Yehovah the true God has Yehovah as their only husband.
    Any other husband is an idol god of adultery
    Isaiah 54:5 ASV
    For thy Maker is thy husband; Jehovah of hosts is his name: and the Holy One of Israel is thy Redeemer; the God of the whole earth shall he be called.
    Jeremiah 3:14-15 ASV
    Return, O backsliding children, saith Jehovah; for I am a husband unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion. [15] And I will give you shepherds according to my heart, who shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.
    Jeremiah 31:31-32 ASV
    Behold, the days come, saith Jehovah, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: [32] not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was a husband unto them, saith Jehovah.
    Hosea 2:16-17,19-20 ASV
    And it shall be at that day, saith Jehovah, that thou shalt call me Ishi (My Husband), and shalt call me no more Baali (My Lord/My Baal). [17] For I will take away the names of the Baalim (Lords/Baals) out of her mouth, and they shall no more be mentioned by their name.
    [19] And I will betroth thee unto me for ever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in justice, and in lovingkindness, and in mercies. [20] I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness; and thou shalt know Jehovah.

    • @DosBlade
      @DosBlade 3 месяца назад

      Yeap praise GOD glory to Jesus.. that God sent His only son that who so ever believes in Him will not die but have ever lasting life. Yes Jesus/Yeshua is the only way in. With out Him you do not get in

  • @HarryNicNicholas
    @HarryNicNicholas 3 месяца назад

    the trinity is the emperor's new clothes of religion, you have to pretend it makes sense or no heaven for you.
    even religists say the only way to make it work is to use "special logic" (michael jones / inspiring philosophy.
    it's just another bit of god stupidity apologists have to cover up.

  • @MargaretHeuer
    @MargaretHeuer 3 месяца назад +1

    Can a Christians have a beer?

    • @mikeyhorton7797
      @mikeyhorton7797 3 месяца назад +2

      @@MargaretHeuer yes but you can't be a drunkard

    • @MargaretHeuer
      @MargaretHeuer 3 месяца назад

      @@mikeyhorton7797 but would that be sowing to the flesh and loving the world?

    • @mikeyhorton7797
      @mikeyhorton7797 3 месяца назад +1

      @@MargaretHeuer Western Christians have to realize that when we tell people they can't drink one alcoholic beverage we need to tell them they can't have white sugar or white flour which are both more addictive than heroin.

    • @mikeyhorton7797
      @mikeyhorton7797 3 месяца назад +1

      @@MargaretHeuer Jesus did turn the water into wine for the celebration. If it was bad he would not have done so.

    • @LLC3
      @LLC3 3 месяца назад

      Since you’re asking the question,no because a beer can lead you from beer to whiskey. Why not ask the Holy Spirit?