At the beginning, the song kinda sounds like nine circles... Actually I just realised there's a nine circles of hell reference at 0:01 lmao. Great minds think alike ig
@@KokonutOil Me whenever I see a comment like yours try to bring down another comment bringing down another comment that is funny in your opinion but not so in mine
Whirl, you have come a long way. I've first known you for The Devourer and Brutal Calamity which got nominated for best bossfight levels. Then you won 5th place in the Discord Gauntlet with Sinless Ash, and now 6th place in the NCS Gauntlet with Slasher. Keep up the good work!
Congratulations on having a spot for the NCS gauntlet by showing HOW TERRIFYING DANTE’S HELL TRULLY WAS, the ending was SO GOOD THAT IT BECOME TRUE HELL. 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Went into this as blind as I could. The theming in this level is executed amazingly, super well-made and interesting. The gameplay is also super fun despite the precise swing around the start and the rotated Tower section. And then the ending hit and dear god is it MENTAL. Absolute highlight of the level, gonna be fun seeing people react to it blind >:)
That sequence at the end is sick lol
1:49 when you eat ice cream and it MILDLY touches your front teeth:
P A I N fr
Real 😭😭😭
the endscreen oh gosh
At the beginning, the song kinda sounds like nine circles...
Actually I just realised there's a nine circles of hell reference at 0:01 lmao. Great minds think alike ig
That endscreen genuinely caught me off guard. This could seriously end up being one of the ten winners!
That ending animation goes hard. Great job.
1:49 Me every time I see a “like if” comment
Me every time I see an annoying comment about annoying comments like yours
@@LukaTV939 Me whenever I see a comment like yours try to bring down another comment for actually being funny
@@KokonutOil Me whenever I see a comment like yours try to bring down another comment bringing down another comment that is funny in your opinion but not so in mine
Me when the..
when the..
I really like the interpretation of dante's inferno (like how the 9th layer is cold instead of on fire) The end screen is insane as well.
That end screen is phenomenal
Whirl, you have come a long way. I've first known you for The Devourer and Brutal Calamity which got nominated for best bossfight levels. Then you won 5th place in the Discord Gauntlet with Sinless Ash, and now 6th place in the NCS Gauntlet with Slasher. Keep up the good work!
This is my favorite nine circles level
That end animation is pretty wild 💀
fr tho
apparently that ending was ok with robtop
(or he didn't even see it lmao)
ngl well made af ig
but still
Congratulations on having a spot for the NCS gauntlet by showing HOW TERRIFYING DANTE’S HELL TRULLY WAS, the ending was SO GOOD THAT IT BECOME TRUE HELL.
Pepole are making some Crazy stuff, its amazing
Went into this as blind as I could. The theming in this level is executed amazingly, super well-made and interesting. The gameplay is also super fun despite the precise swing around the start and the rotated Tower section.
And then the ending hit and dear god is it MENTAL. Absolute highlight of the level, gonna be fun seeing people react to it blind >:)
the end is relatable
This is sooo good I hope this makes it into the gauntlets
This is fire
HOLY MOLY ITS THE 9 CIRCLES OF HELL (obligatory reference)
yooo this looks fantastic!!! I really love this song, and this level almost hits the vibe
Most unique ending to any level ive seen but I love it
Oh wait this is based on Dante’s Inferno? I just realized because of the first screen with the circles and someone’s comment, rlly cool
Damn this is so sick! Glad you got the motivation to make something awesome :)
Yay new WhirL level
1:04 Pro Tip: Rotate your phone
Love this man.
this is so sick
very good stuff yo
That ending animation looks like it's from Invader Zim
oh hey someone else thought that too
Funny thing is i never knew what invader zim was until people starting comparing it to this lmao
@@SandboxerSandy oh you're gonna love it
My Cube Was Burn Alive😢
What is that ending bro 😂😂😂
I came here just to see if it was that one specific song
The real nine circles
Beginning Reminds of the game solar ash
average whirl banger
I completed this level
We do not need more legendary levels now stop making bangers
Pop off whirl
do this level have a secret way why 100% but not end yet on that starting
Robbed of legendary
it hasnt even been rated yet??? 😭😭😭
Got legendary