Czech vz.58 from Czech Small Arms Review by Your Arsenal Advisor

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 8

  • @markshechter8473
    @markshechter8473 Месяц назад +1

    Beautiful Rifle. The Czechs make some good stuff.

  • @robertscott9601
    @robertscott9601 6 месяцев назад

    Nice video! The beyos for these actually have no edge in general, kind of weird but that’s how they did it. You mentioned the safety selector moving backwards on some rifles, this is usually the case with parts kit builds. Full auto would have been added into the mix the way the safety originally works, but obviously the parts are fit with a semi auto trigger group. The Vz2008, which are parts kits built by CAI, actually have this weird backward position. Czech small arms modified new production semi auto rifles to push forward which is more ergonomic. Samopal USA also has a service you can send your rifle in and have him modify it to push forward, or include it into your build if he’s building it for you. Personally, I’d rather push it forward to fire and pull it back for safe, but I can see why some people would rather push it forward to put it back into safe (from the backward position)

    • @yourarsenaladvisor
      @yourarsenaladvisor  6 месяцев назад

      Thanks! And also for that info! I do like the lever how it works. A gun shop sales guy got me interested in the rifle a couple years ago and I think it sounded like he was saying the Czech Small Arms were more correct to the original rifle. The selector seemed to be done differently amongst the various semiautomatic versions out there. Like it had to do with using a new part or an original selector?? Can’t recall though which retained the original looking operation though. So I have been waiting to get one of these CSA/CzechPoints. I do like the older style trigger guard with the bent area behind the mag release but this one does not have it. I think it’s easier to access from more angles though with the thinner more basic guard. A good thing about the CSA rifle is the Lothar-Walther barrel and something else done to the fire control to make it operate more reliably in semi auto given that it only has safe and semi. That might be related to which selector part is used. Oh well. I’ve had this since April and have been itching to get some videos done on it and shoot it more but It’s been very busy at home and work. Also had a trip to Belgium where I took some short videos of things at various military museums.

  • @johnscreekmark
    @johnscreekmark 4 месяца назад +1

    The CSA VZ58’s are high quality. I’ve had a VZ2008 before, and there’s really no comparison. The early-on prices for the VZ2008’s were fantastic. But for what people want for them now, you’re better off just buying a CSA.

    • @yourarsenaladvisor
      @yourarsenaladvisor  4 месяца назад

      It’s great to hear that! A guy in my local gun store was schooling me on the Vz.58s a while back so when I was able to buy them, I went with the CSA. These have the mod to make the semi automatic triggers more reliable too. My next vz video will concern my fitting of the CSA muzzlebrake so that it has a snug fit. Thanks for watching!

    • @johnscreekmark
      @johnscreekmark 4 месяца назад

      @@yourarsenaladvisor I like the CSA version with the side mount. I bought a CSA mount as well…added Primary Arms 3x Prism sight. The thing shoots like a dream!

    • @yourarsenaladvisor
      @yourarsenaladvisor  4 месяца назад

      @johnscreekmark I put in a request to be alerted when the CSA mounts are back in stock, I hadn’t looked anywhere else. I was considering a Primary Arms scope too. I’ve been wanting a micro slx 5x for a while now. I’m also thinking for my M77 too.